ytew . ! V "Hi 3 rwrvL iw-- i" 'i t HIGHGRADE t BASEBALL PLAYING Bandon vs Marsh' field North Bend Scores Another Game Probably the hunt gamo of bull Hint wai uvur wllnerniid In Coos County wan pulled off In tliu MamliiiiiM hill paik Huiiln)',lHtt(Ntn MarMifli'lduud Handon, Ilandon coming mil iiIiumI by llvn littnl earned acorns. Tho uttumlHtico wn Vnry imo nml thu crowd nn tiiithtiahtR tlr, nml while thn Mnrahlleld ronturr worn nnliimily In n large majority, there, unit iu Jtick of open appreciation of llnudrn's piod wor' Tint gaum una not marred by nny unmmnly wrangling hut good feeling prevailed hrotif(litjut. Tho ili'clnloii of tlm umpire mm Mcupt isl with l"h1 grunt by ImiIi flrt, nml MHtmuil to Jvn MitUf.icllon nil mound Tint ground wan In line inntJItlnii tuil tin uonthcr wn g"d for tlm name, lin ing cloudy enough mi that n lilrfli fly could bit stun from nny illtimMun. Thu nrutil protest wnn ltupt by lledll Hon, lint jirott (IhiuI, hut the gmtitt we not iiinrritl by I but, And hImUnI afntr u low initiate rug (.Liming, 'Jl.e lin.iic team hint bi!ii MriiDglhituod by turr iidv, plnyerit, nud tltry uoruinly ft U uroditto.Mttrbhlletd, Arritli.utek u pttrhr dlil excellent work nud though Jtondoti I got a low toiittotinu' blti off him e think thitt hu will show them up tint uuxt time. Nealou uh catcher win error lc nti'l crttinct when It cornea to catching nml hie throwing to tccond ir nbovu reproach. Ktrubu in utintnr Mulder, another now mnn, did coniu grand Mauds in tho garden, Ltwldes rouii wood throws to eeverul of thu bao. Kerrey ns rlg'it fielder una another mnn with thu gondii nud IiiiiiIimI rt vrt gold brick ratchet off fioui Handon, hetldrp tapping mute good Hies for thu ISaihIoii HuMum; ho nleo mndii n good run for iccond hut was thrown out by omicf the Ilandon Ihtldora. Ho received ruvnral ovations from thu grand stand. In fncl. up to the olghth Inning it -un nobody'ii game, nud it was plnluly up turnnt tbnt tlicru miiht bo n breakdown or n plecu ol bad luck eomu whi'ra huforii n ororu could bo inn do. Uiifortunntoly for Murslifluld'n ntiibltton, thu brenk cainuon our nldo, nud Ilnndon not in two runH in thu ciKhth did u littlo bottur in tho ninth. Tlinro ia no blinking tho fact that tho lianilon ti'iun la a hard comhiiiatlou to fto up ni-iiliiHt, nud if MarMiflold k'ntfi a KHinu from them it will tr.lco icrfiutt work to do it. If other ohnni'B cru found to bo iiucoarnry in tho Man-lillcld tunm, it is to bo hoped tbnt tho iiinnun inont will liavo no hueitotlun in innklni; tliqm. Tho ecoro of Sundaya gnmu ia as fob low a: Marahfleli! AH It III I Hit I'O A K Hoynlon a h I 0 0 0 2 fi 0 Hlruhu ei a 0 0 0 2 1 0 Nmller.'lb 1 0 1 () 2 1 0 .himitt Pi 4 0 II 0 (i 0 I I. oil 2b a 0 0 0 . 1 1 WrlKht If .1 0 ' l 0 0 0 0 Kerry rf t 0 2 0. I I) 0 Nculnuu S 0 0 0 h I ,0 Arrellamtu a 0 1 0 l a 0 Totals HO 0 4 0 27 12 1 i llamlon AH It nil HM I'O A K MeKuno 2h fi 2 1 0 2 4 0 WeBterboruMD 0 10 2 4 0 'Strolb lb 5 1 2 0 lit. 0 0 ' Adiunlim ah 10 10 0 2 0 rolliiml If 4 o a 0 2 0 0 OOawell o 3 0.1 1 7 0 0 Oohpflold rf 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 Will Wo I 4 'l 1 '0 'l 0 ''0 0 J 0 4 Tu'iih fl fi 12 I 27 15 hUXH anii turn nr INMNOH Miirnlifbilil Jttitm Ifltfi llimilon Hun lllu i n 3 4 5 0 7 8 U-TotnlB o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 o o t o oooi o ; I 2 HI G ft 7 8 Tolnln ?o o o o 0 0 0 2 :i f o i o i i i i a i-m KU)IMAIIV Two Imno hits, IVllnml 2, rJeoflehl I, WeeliiibiirK I.Kadlur I; atruck nut, by llnum 7, by Arrollanoo 7j hit by pitcher, Oiwu) tmo on bitlli, Sirubej Tiinuof irame, 1:2)0 1 umptro Morritou. NOKTII ItKNI) ve COQUII.M3 The K'luin ul Norlli Iiend In tho fore nmir between tlm )iotno tcnin and Co ijtillliiilimv a pood nttendmico nml wni a uood clean vninn, nllhniiKh pomowlmt oiiiihIiIkI, Tho fluid wna in fine condi tion. 'I he North HoMil tenm huuehed heir hits well. A (enturo of tho. unuio wa llenlon'ii 'buttlnic nud McICeov.n'H fl'ddliiK. Oornrd pitched n !o il unme nml was ably cnuxht by JIHra. North itoml Ik unlni; to do her butt to bent Murhlleld next futility, nud it will un-1 dntihtedly bo ono of tho hnt ftnutvfl of tho pfDKin. M.r bnVd hn beaten North llrml ttoth time find now tho U-ndlMtjnrH poln to try and turn' tho table;. The Koro of Hnnday'r gnrno was as fkllluWH. 0ltilllo .I'hiiMuiu' MorHu, ij ah i: 4 I UH I'O 2 I 2 10 A o 1 .1 I 0 0 0 a 4 1 n i 4 K 4 Hwlili Hi lAJtimxlth llnWell uf HiihAiii rf Jobnt-on lb It niwm.1 If Nri.;i p Totala North IJonil .Mclvoown 2 b M((jIiiii1s si lloituiuller lb 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 I 0 0 0 'Jl I 0 24 12 & Ait it nu I'O i o 0 1 12 1 1 0 0 A 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i l 0 o i i o .I .. o l 0 1 0 0 0 : i Htiuuduru I f DIImc' Genlmiii rf Kulp 3b ItllhtOll I'f (ilrnrd p Totrtla I I ;i i i a Hi C 8 27 0 I IIU.N'H AM ItlTrt 11V INM.S'IIS Coiiuillo Untie HIM North Uond Ituna lilts 1 2 a 4 fi 0 7 8 U Total 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0-1 1 I I 2 1 I i 1 01 . 1 f SI I fi (1 7 8 It Totnl o i o o i a o i - I 10 0 2 2 0 2 -8 HDMMAUV Stolen bius, Couillu 4, North Ilond 2; two bate lilt h, Johnatntio, Heulou (2); duiiblo playe, llliai t" Kulp; pneed balls, CixUllle 8, North Hcud ljlmpo&on crvll- ed hulls, i'fl Nof r 2, ol G'rtml 1 ; struck outby Nfr.ttr 0. by (ilrnrd 12; bit by )ftched bull, I.oronz I, Johnson; loft on b.isoM, Cquilh 7, North Hund 0; umpire Wright; Scorer, Koroluud; tlmu of Raino I hour b0 miumei, Rcal Estate Transfers Htnma Nnahurt: tn John (irnnt, Lot 2. block 3!l, Niislmty'ti add, Mil. f00. - ltobrrt.1 Clinton nnd w to A O Suhi erlln uoola . ecc 11 t 28 r 12. 300. U 6 to Jus W Hyora, a 1-2 of e o Xf, b o Ui of s w U lot 7 eeo 0 t 28 r 11 152 10 UCIUP. W II Wnlkor nnd w to A M I)odolota 1 nnd 2, block 1 Uoidor & Hcnder'a add Mil I. ?225. A HEROIC DEED Injured Logger Carried 24 Miles by Comrades and Exples Tho Btronuous lifo of tho wooda has i '. Just (urrilsu'od another story o! courage, lUttm.p. I. KliiKOtH'ip, lip thu WliihlMh, WMcniiKht anil pluluni'd by a Unto loir, nud his left 0 m,y ,,,,, Mr Kjll) t onctJ o'nrtfil on horm-bnek for town, 28 tnlic dlftont, nml 1 1 of tho in;i luiprovbi'd n Htrttcliiir and In rHoys carried th woundid jibii 21 mlb'S to tlm honm vflicro ho was mot by Dr. Smith, nnd taken bv I cwt tho romiiludor of tho any and put u iho Aburdcen ftnucrnl Ilop., nhoro all Unit modicRl .cImico could do itiis dono. Tho patient was bravo nud rourngronrt, but thetunture of tho injiiriofl nud thu khock proved fntnl, at lit dlfd early In tho tuorning of Thor nny,' Tho'lody will ho Milpped to bin homo In Wisconsin, Tho men, who brought him to tho boom were nearly exhausted upon reaching there, fea thoy had travoled ns fast as poiaiblo vrithon food, water or reel, but they woru not onrclotiH of dolnn anythiiiB unusual. BaSC Hall ScllCdlllC at maiwhi'Iclo. May 21 Mnrtbfiold vn North I!ond. Won by Marsbflold 4 to 8. """ 7 Munhfleld vs lUndon. -Won by Iliimlon, 1 1 to 2, ! 28 MnrMlitluld vr Coqnlllo, Won by MArehlleld :t to 2. J"l.v 1 Jlarnhilelil vu North Hcnd. w PbIk;iiwI. J"'y 1' MnrhllfW va Iltiudon Woh by Ilandon T, to 0 An. H Jdnrhhllelil vs CfHpjille. Auu. 14 Mnmhflcld va Nor t li Hcnd. Auk, .10 Morrdifleld vs linndon. Spt. 20 Marahflold vs C'oUillo. at com r i n. i: env Mn; St C'rxjiilJlo va Itjndon. Won by Itandou, 0 ti 1. iiny 8l-Coullli! va Mnrthfleld. Won by Murthllleld, 7 to 2. June 21 CcuIIIh v North Ilond. Won by North llend, 13 to 8. Jul) f Cujiillle s r.Hudftii. Won by liunilon 7 to 5. July. V Ciuillu vs MnrtbCeld. Won by Mnrah(leld& to 3. Auu. 2-C(KUlllo va 'North Ik-nd. Auk. 10 ChuIIIovp linndon. Aujr 21-C(Vulllo .Marehlleld. Fept. 13 Cwjulllu ve North Ucnd. AT NOttTH 1WNI) June 7 North Hend va Coqulllo. Won by North llend 10 to 4. June II North llend vs Mnrshfleld. Won by Marab field, 7 to 5. i June 23- North Bond vb Randon, Won by North bund 0 to 4 July HI North Hund va Coqulllo. Won by North Hund 0 to 1. July 2d .North llend ys Mnrehflold. Auk. 0 North Hcnd vs Ilandon, A Hi:. 30 Noith llond vu Coqulllo. Sopt. li North Hund vs Marshflold. Sept. 20 North Hcnd va Hanilon. AT IHNDO.V May 31 H.indon vh North Bond. Won by Handoi) 4 to 3. June It Handon va'Coulllo. Won by Handon, 12 to 2. Juno 2l Hnnitou vs Marehfiold. Won by Handon, 4 to 0. July 12 Handon vs North llend. WonlyNoithHend 4 to 3. .July 20 llamlon va Coqulllo. Auk. 2 lleudon va Marshflold. 0 iinronclom lioroloin noil drMtli In a ! vVmhlniMnn 1irfnic curnp, A!br 0 Imiiv,, n yoiimmioy at Kelb'i Jo- Auk. 23 Handon vs NorthJBahd. Sopt. G-tllamlon va Coqulllo. Sept. 13 H.indon va Mnrshflold. bTAsnixu or tub cmua ,. Won Lost Mnrthfleld C 4 North Ilond fi 3 ' Coqulllo 0 O Handon 7 2 THE WHEAT CROP IN WASHINGTON (Special to trie Coast Mall.) Tacornn, Wash, July 22 Grain ox:ort. oraiestiinnto thifl yenr'a wheat crop at 20,000,000 to 22.000,000 buahola-nbout tho production of last yoar. Bad woatbor nud lack of ralu haj decroased tho yenld in eomo districts, but this is largely componsatod for by Incrotaod ftcorngo. HEAD OF THE CHURCH Cardinal OregliaHolds Authority Until Leo's Successor is Elected (Cpectal to the Coast Mall.) Koine, July 21 While tho Kunrds arc watching, monks nt being stationed erouiuT'tho dead 1'opo, nnd events of momentucus importnnco to C.itliollc Ohrlitondom nro occurring. Tho ilcath of I'opo I-o rnean- iho pnaalngof supreme power into thu hands of tho Sacred College of cardinals as temporary cuslodan during tho inter regnum. Urn perfect administrative machinery ol the chnroli hci provided agalngt the sllfchlent interruption in tho uovernin? authority. DAe senior member of tho SBcred col Kvc, Cardinal Oroglia to whom tho Pope solemnly confided the interest of the church has nor brco nc tlu expon ent of Cardinals until Tope Leo's succes sor ban oeon elected. This brought forth C-trdinal Oreglia an tho striking personality of tho hour. Tho Cirdlnai is theoxict anti thcals of Pope Iax, hnvlng none ol tho Into Pontiff's sympathy and bcnovelunt cbaraster Utics. (Jo comes from noble Piedmontcs clock. His nobilitv ia shown in hie haughty and austoro bearing. Ho is not popular among his colleagues or tho Romans, and his brutquo mannor has flamed him -tho tittle of "Tho Pled montoao Ronr." Ho ia tall and robnst, nnd hia 74 yoars is shown by the whlto ness or his hair. His faco has tho law ny lino of old parchment and Is deeply lined. Despitohls austerity tho cardinal's learning nnd piety nro untforeally ro cognlzed. This is the man who for the tlmo belug is practically Popo.. It was he who issued orders to clear tho Vati can of intrudors and brought tranquil, lity out of confusion immediately fol lowing Popo Leo's death. The congregation of Cardinals at tholr session today olsctod Mgr, Merri Del Val eecrotary of the conclave. This Is sup posed to bo a victory for Orcglio. AFTER FOUR YEARS (Special to the Coast Mall.) . Chicago, 111., July 21 Tho fourth nnnl veredry of tho death ol Col. Robert G. ngorsoll wna observed today by the holdlug of memorial services under the ausplcea of tho Ingoreoll Memorial Aseo elation of Chicago. The association is behind a movomont having for its object ho orection of an imposing luouument to Colonol Ingorsoll, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Koltoa nnd family and Mr. and Mrs. bol Darbin and grand daughter, Madalino Walkor who are hero from Salem vioitlng their dough' tor aud Bon-in-Ia'w drove to 'Rock'y Pohit yaitarday, Hrecieves. THEIfi MAJESTIES Edward and Alexan dria Dublin in Attire. (Special to the Coatt Mall.) Diblln, July 21 The mival of their mitjetlies at Klngstovin today and their tubwqrient state i ntry into Dublin was made the occaion for brilliant ceremony. Particularly interesting was the core- mony at thecity limits, wberean ancio'jt sato nnd C2stle toners had been repro duced. On tbo city Bido of tho gate wero tho Lord Mayor and council in .heir rcarlet robes, the mno bearera in blue and t!!ver and several hundreds of representative citizens of Dublin, who were provided with scats on stands. Peroral crack regiments lined tho road ae r. guard of honor, wbllo behind them weio rordons of police and militia. Thousands of ep?ctators eagerly awaited tho coming of tho king and quenn. Always personally popular with the Irish, King Edward was to receive a waini welcomo on this, hie' first visit to the Emerald Isle since he ascended the throne. Shortly before the arrival of tho royal party the persulvanl-at-arme, wearing a gorgeous capo of royal her aldry, galloped up to the Lord Mayor and naked permission for tbo cutrance of the king and queon. Gravely and in quaintly worded terraa ol courtesy the lord mayor granted tho request. Back galloped tho poreuivant-at-nrmc, tho guto clangipg behind him, tho whole tceno being a counterpart of a sixteenth century play. Then from tho ramparts of the gate came a lnnlaro of trumpets. The royal party was in sight. Oat upon a scarlet cloth stepped Lord Mayor Harrington and the members of tho Municipal Cor poration, tho same who had refused to voto the King an address of wolcomo. Their robes glowed in tho sunshine and tboir wands and maces flashed brilliant- ly, Tho gato wai swung open and in rodo tbo advance guard of tho royal cortege. A squad of LHe 'Gnarda pre ceeded tho royal carriages and their brilliant uniforms evoked loud applause from tho spectators. Tho first carriage contained tho homo secretary and other members of tho king's party, accompani ed by members of the court and attend ed by mounted equerries. Fiually, timid almost perfect silence, savo for tho echo of cheers and cries of "God savo tbo king," from outside tho city limitB camo tho royal couplo. During tho five inlnutos when tho king was oc cupied with tho ceromonlos at tho gate tboro way scarcolv n lull in tho loud cheering ol tbo crowds. Frequently his Mnjosty nodded. In fact, ho scarcely ceaetd nod'dlng during tho ontire nine milo drivo through the streets of Dublin to tho Custlo. What might have beou a serious aud costly accident was narrowly nyorted yesterday attornoon ns tho ateainer Flyer was lonviug tbo dock at Mnrthfleld. The Flyor had juat started to turn in her course wbou tho gasoline launch, Onward triod to crosB hor bow. Tho Flyer's on giuds wero reversed and the Onward'a Btartod ahead at full speed, tho bow of tho Flyer juat Bcramping tn'o stern of tho small gaeoilnb launch) -f. RUSSA -r -.-w ff. . FOMENTING v ' IL JA VbU. s&.t X '-TV !-( "1' , '(Special to tha Cca:t f,,rt!) Loudon ; July 21: A story is uurretit horn that the Kuasinn government I) distributing money in Imdon for the pnrpoee of fomenting demonstrations against the Jows, as an cxcupss for thd recent outrage at Kial Ineff. Tbo idea is that it may bo laid, You res wtnt A turbulent pebplo thoy hro; can you wonder that wo havo taken strong incasurd9 with thorn?" ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE Julius Brandt, of Empire, Makes a Heroic Climb On Monday whl'.n Julius Brandt, of Empire, was on his way to MarsbftV Id he had an experience which he will re member tor many years to como, also ho was taught a lesson, to bo over leary of horned stock when he meets it in the public highway all by his lonely. On tbo road noar Pony slough he was met by Tour inoffensive looking crittord, who at first wero inclined to step asldo but boforo doing so one of them shook his head and gave a littlo snort this ecmed to be the key-note for generct doviitry. At this signal it see Jied that hell had been let loose and Julias irat not long taking tbo cne and mado ft grand sachay for the nearest sapling and he surprised himself . and the other fellows too how quickly ho skinned to the first limb, ho fairly flew up. It was a close sbavo, bat a miss is as good as k mile in such cases. Julius considers: himself very fortunate in eecaping. He serenely viewed tbo situation from his forced put. Tho eteers gamboled abont the treo for a while and made severe! feints or make-beliovea at going away. They went oat of sight once and came back from another direction and seem ingly laughed n't the prank. Julius exys the "old boy" in tho gang, who was a small scrawny looking littlo follow, but full of ginger, was the ringleader. Hn says tho littlo general seemed to have a perpetual smile aud a curl on lit ufpor lip which indicated that he fully en joyed the prank and almost said that "we wont hurt you, but we aro out lor a lark," but this Braudt could hardly swohow and resolved to keop his peti tion. The hilarious littlo. band mado a do- f tour nt0 the brUBb no doubtt for Bome other kind of a sortlo and would prob ably havo returned to continue their sport, but Julius gavo them tho slip at this jancture. 'He suddenly rotnombor od that he had business in Murehfisld snd he made tolerablo good time fortown. Tho ownors of these steers should bo x mado to tako them cp beforo they do some bodily Injkry. Ladluft and chil dren should bo on tho lookout for them while out blackborryiug. YAGHTS ; STILL PRACTICE jfKJrvtttfi'fii (Special to. the Coast Mali.) Highlands, July 22- Tho two Bbam. rocks put to sea at 0:30 for another turn Ing spin in a very light breoze. Sham rock III started at 11:01:45, tho old boat 45 seconds lator over a 30 milo course The' Challenger kept tho load easily, oatfootlng and outpointing tho old boat. r Pnsqno Island, July 22-Tho Reliance passed here at 11:30 this morning oh, tho race to New Fort, the Colombia l" Ing a mlaU.te bihlnd Ur 'm M ' I i fn fl ! wl L ., Kgff4ttltf.a.lvmjyg;i uaosrsissi? mmmmmm