Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 25, 1903, Image 6

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    f. ""ft . TSLI T; T. "?"! TOtTOMlLBUMl JB
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From Sunday's Dolly.
Merchants In town rupoitud n buy
J. I. VlrkUni! ol Umpire was lu town
yiltmlny on bueinoes.
MtH Kva Mattcon of Allegany vlehcd
ttiuiid in town jestcnUy.
Mm. Krnnk Hore, ol South Coo?
rivor was thopplnp in ton yesterday.
V. Doylo n Cooa rher rancher was a
l.'4Infis ikl!or In MarehScld yesterday
The Nelly and Czetty bronchi in n
cn;o of thlnles torm Ccqullle yostcr-
d"v- jgek
Gcorgin Ilurrcn Iilt tolay for Arjzonw
wlinro he wil vlt.li Irltinda and rehtivi"'
for a few t k
linn ltobMRf Toiiniile was in town
yrKftdrtT He reports considerable liny
cut.n thatteetion.
V'it Ury liver try Chatnlerlni '
S:rtiaoh and Liver Tahiti. Tlmj in
vitrorute the liver, aid the drxp-th n
reflate thelK)wela and prevent bilhouh
attacks. For eale by Jn'j I'ltuss.
J 0. Mally baa been addinc n fine re
fr iterator and other improvemeuta to
il.o bar of the Owl saloon. -
Ira Chapman ia now driving the kun
dry waiiou the extra laundry work ujd
ire Mr. Ilibbard's attention.
Mus Blanche and liar.-.! McNair of
Portland stopped over in MarbGold
today on their way to Ctkjtjille.
Mrs. M. J. Pilmsr of Oakland, Cal .
wbobs bv-eu visiting rlecda at Iiandon
Is a jxieeeniier on the Alliance.
T. II. Patten employed at the Stave
mill had bit hand ceverly cut on thu
turning lathe at that mill, yesterday.
Cbas. Georuo met with a painful oc
cjdent yesterday by pettini; his fool
juiurned by a piono he was helping to
(Joo. 1". 0?tooby returned from Port
land on the Alliance, bringing Mrs. Os
good by with him, aud will locate on the
Yertenlay was pay day of the
fcitnpiou Lumber Co., at North Bend,
and on bis p&seeuger boats, Cruiser
Fljer and Iilanco.
K, .V.Kruse, ma3ter ihip builder, at
thu etae m 11 hu junt recuivtd a r neu
matic drilling machine greatly facilitat
ing in the work of the Ehip yard.
Emil Ogren formerly employed at
Flanagan's meet market left on the
Alliance for Sun Francit-co having ru-
eiRucd hiH position with tbat firm.
Mrs. AvIiih and daughter Annie and
son Jack left on the Alliance bound for
Uuouae Ayres, South America, where
thoy expect to make their future borne.
Cholera Infantum
This has beon long regarded ne one of
the most dangerous and fatal dieeaect
to which infante are subject. It can be
cured, however, when preperly treated.
All that ie necessary is to givo Chamber
lain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Kemedy and Castor oil, as directed with
bach'bottlo. find a cure je certain, "For
....In l. fnt.Vi D.,... " I
wmtv uf vuHtivumi
A rovcrcicti nod alrarwt infallible remedy
for Cramps, Diarrboej, Dyscntry. Cholera Morbus,
Cholera lufantnni.aiiJ Cholera. It acta almost immediately.
Mr. uinl Mr. Sol lurtn and crand
daukhtcr MIm Mmln)liu Wnlkur i! S,
leui Htrivtid tolny vi.t Drain to visit
their datu-hter aud eon-in-lnw Mr,' ulid
Mis Kolio.
Tho Prt'tbyU'rlan people hyo rvcmwl
somu new nnttum mutic. Thu cltulr
a ill pivQ two (elections tonight. Come
and hear thutu and the sermon oiiJChurcli
Sotno people expect a newspaper man
to bo n clairvoyant, n tnludreador nnd
whatever else id necessary to supply
whatever it left out of tho items supplied
by his (riende.
Mr. Upton of Yarrow whllo unhitch
ing his team, yesterday, in Borne way
cough t bis tinner in n roo nnd the
hortes jerkinc, pnlled the middlo linger
of hid left band off. His injury v,m
attended to by Dr. Horsfall.
Jcfe Farrhi received on tho Alliance
part of an outfit fur his barber shop, the
laas w.im biokeniu trantet nnd ho would
not accept it to uniortunately is without
tiia chairs aud the largo mirror which
wilt arrive on thu next steamer. Winn
this outfit arrives be will have the finest
equipped shop in Southern Oregon,
f hoee who have not bad the oppor
tunity of Iniviut! their eyes tested Ireo of
charge by Dr. T. A, Iiirtch at the Cen
trul hotel, thh city, will no doubt b
dttlightud to kt.ow that be bus d.ciltd
Vt spend another mouth In Maruhiicld.
Tne toatlmony of tnauy people who huve
been so wonderfully benefited in Marfh
field the pan two months are thu ren,t
of years of icluitltk study and reeareh
on the pi.rt of Dr. lllrtcli, who h ever
willing to tort your eyes without charge.
A Deserved Compliment
Mr. C. C. Pyle, who has been butine;
manager of tho Margarita Fischer Com
pany Ieft;yesterda on Alliance on roate
fort he east for recreation and business
Mr. Pyle has been with the Firche
Company for some time and deserves
this well earned respite from active
work. Mr. Pyle will return in two
months bringing with him three or four
actors of repute, thus augmenting the
Fitcber Company nnd making it the
foremost aggregation travelling on the
Pacific Coaet.
Friday evening after tbeentortafnment
the members of the company presented
Mr. Pylo with a beautiful watch fob
mounted with a euperb arnatbyst as a
token of their appreciation of bis faith
ful and efficient services. The band also
eurrended him as tho steamer loft the
Fischer Company
Tho Margarita Fecber Company
closed their engagement at Marebfleld
last night with tho beautiful rural
drama, "A Homespun Heari." The
house last eveuing was a fair one, and
the company as usual acquitted them
eolves with credit to tho profession.
Tho Fischer Company are one and all
excellent people nnd make friends overy
place they go, and are always welcome
to return as a troup and ijf.rsonally each
and every member ol the company are
ladiea and gentlemen of tho "first wa
ter." This company will always meet with
a hearty welcome in Mursbfleld and
Bhould they return again in tho futnro,
when tho field has not been so thotough-"
ly "worked out" as this tlma- wo be-'
speak for them a most successful term
financially, Tho company promise to
return again next season when they will
probably have an opportunity to open
Murshtli'ld'e now opera houio. Tho
company oxprct ti bo aumnnti'd by
several strotie. netora and eomediana
from the Hast, when thld troupo will
be Roennd to none on tho road. Tho
Company expect lb play ni Myrtlu Point
and Hnndon dm cumin;: week nud will
return to MarslillolJ nv.t Friday nud
awnlt tho aU'tiinur's return when thoy
Wtll till an entitlement at Astoria for one
Travel by Sea
Departures by Alliance July IS: K A
Nicholas J A Sweet, C T Kiddle, H
Thomas, H II Charlton, George Wood-
riili.ii. f I. f 'In mi .Tun Wutllmtiir Mlitul
... r . . imunv a man hat lt hii ccmmI ninnev liy
Maude Hrowu, MIjs Laura Dimmlek,!
Mrt II Thoman, Ms Nicholas, Mary
r. n. M.rlt... -l. ,.,!... V Vtl..... i
(irant Wilcox, Mrs II K Wilcox, J Snow, ' "
A J Frost, E Oren, Otto Sarin. E Pen- rrom Wednesday Dally.
Ilrcd, H E L Berkley, K A Wheeler, Dr. K. L. Humphry of Ceqitlllu wata bun
A Wertholm, Mrs A Ains, Miss Frost, ne)s visitor in Marsbfleld yesterday.
Mibd Howell, A T Kauren, Koht Koborta) -
Mr Muuroe, J Morgan, F A Wilkio, E' K. L, Kobinsnn of Empire wan a busi
lJolaeman, J H liyan, A TnompBou. pegs visitor in Marsbfleld eBtc'rday.
Jsomanor woman In the state will , Marpdon Sr. has his new olllw
hesitate to epenk well of Chamberlain's i ... ... ,
Momachand Liver Tablets after incolcol,,,,B'041 ftU,, !t xmka a VClt' ,,ont
'ryinj: them. They always pnxluie a Utile olllco.
3a.tnt mnveinentot the bowels, im-' ,
.row t appxtiiu nud Mrencthen tho
li'cition. For sale by Jno. Prunes.
From Tuesday's Dally.
(.! o. Jackson of Empire was in town
Sunday to tee thu ball game.
J. H. Snder of Myrtlu Point scnt
Sunday in Marsh field.
Win. Thompson, ol Empire, had bu.il
nuts tn town yesterday.
t-choul Stiperintendnnt W. H. Hunch
wai i.i town Saturday, on nu official
Mrs. Olliu Walter of Coquille came in
on tho train yesterday and left this
morning via the stage for Eugene.
A pleasure party composed of Mrs
Jerrati, Capt. and Mrs. Mageo and Mrs.
Wlckman of Empire and A. Wick nun
the grocorymau ofMarfllifieldare camped
at Fairvlew.
The ba-e balllsta ol Libby have or
ganized a nine, with A. Jumper as
munacor. This new team is open to I
a challango from any team in the county i h hocn ''"' w vlcaii up Ca'rhing
except one of the leauno teams. p,0"h rotnrnr-d yesterday to Coquillo.
J. D. Morgan, head clerk in Wm. A. E. Seam-in hns irlvnn both hl
Nesbung'a store, went to San Francisco , cottages, corner of Hroadway nnd C
on the Alliance, whero ho will spend rtreoU a now coat of paint, adding inn
ubout.thtre weeks and will select a large torially to their appearances,
lot of new goods for the more. '
The Margarita Fischer Co., will bo in
Marthfield next Friday and Saturday
night for their two last perfotmanres on
thin trip to Coos, to this will he the last
opportunity to hear this excellent little
Bay City School Closes
The Hay City school closed Friday
July 17th for a vacation of five weeks,
Following are tho names of tho pupils
who averaged 00 per cent and over In the
final examinations, Flosslo Jennings
03; Lizzie Tellefson, 97 7-12; William
Andorson, 05 3-6; Jay Richards, 05 1-5;
Gilbert Steckel, 05, Edith Anderson,
01 5-6; Blanch Tellefson, 01; Susio
Richards, 01; Johnny Tellfeon, 01; Alva
Oramby, 03 18; Emil West, 03; Katio
Thurman, 02 ; Jennie Tellefton 01 7-tf ;
Maggie Roborteou 01 2 5; Robert Rich
ards 03 1-0 Ollle Richards, 01 ; Victor
West, 01; IIIda West, 01; Martin
Steckel, W; Oscar Pedertoa, 00.
Coming en Areata
San Francisco, .Idly i!0-Tho Areata.
tolled for Co'.s Hay hi fi p. tn. with tho
I (.11. ...I.,.. ................ IImI . 11.. M'All. -
' -:"' "
niut cltintrc", .Vitrt 1 Miflimtn, , Much'
...r, w u i.iihAiT, w a wiim... w a
Wad. Wm (3liiut:i and M Ulfjil'oru,
John llldl.nii, C! c Uulnlilnn, Vh- M
IttnhteH, Mies S tlmlstw, MitfH'l. Uupt
Imrt, 1'e'er U'llhelln and wl(, nnd eiyhl
in stoeracti,
Several I'ortlnml busohnll pluyern
liavo been obllinwl to jnlt,' fhu real r- j
eon uo plu-n the Detiurut mull by man j
frum P.irllikml li.itm. tti ,ini.(li iltMl.ia
v """. " -,
tion of mimefouit kindf. W hUky uud
cUarelts. and koo1 harebnll plnyinc are
enemies. Put ft heavy club iu'hIiih!
that. Albany L'nui. The Ixoibnll
player of tli" fuluro will Ik tho until
who enrt lay down all them habitp.
Many a '! umnu of 111 has boon for
feited nn account of dlrrlpation, nnd
bettlnc it nn his frlrudc, on whom he
! liml tint tnLiin tiild mvotinl iliMlniilliin.
Morton Towit will leave tomorrow for
Omllnor where he will survey thu hrtr
at that linrlxir.
The strainer Siurml of San Pr.inchrn
sullt! for that port jesterday with n
; cargo of lumber.
Alfred Johnson, Mtrr. of .Tohesnn'H
Mill ntCrtiuillo, had business In Marfch
field yesterday.
A, W Nal hai n fornoof men at work
cnnitrucl!ni'1th" Fir-it street bridge nnd
walk over Mill slouch.
J. 0. Lingworthy nnd son Win are on
a huntlm: and prospecting trip in Curry
county, for about ton dnys.
Arthur Hriifccn of tho government
worka moved from there tdny and now
intends to live in Marehfl-ild.
Thofchoonor Webfnotof S.m Francisco
iratno Into North Hend yesterday morn
Ing after a cargo of lumber.
v. A. II. Mulkey, of Coqnillo, who
It was reported hero yesterday that
work had commenced on )ho now rail
road bridge at Myrtle Point, hut no
Information nn that point could ho ex
tracted from the jieoplo nt tho railroad
The now light house tondor Hether of
San Franslsco, which was hunched in
May is on Its mnidon trip to tho Capo
Arago light house. It is a beautiful
6toel steamor of (ho regulation tendei
longth and is moro up-to-date than any
which has evor tended this light.
The North Bend Hotel Bar Open
ing Last Night
Tho grand opening of tho North Bend
hotel bar took place latt evening. Tho
event was enjoyed by many from Marsh
field, Empire and tho surrounding
county. The announcement by Mr,
Turpln was Bufflcont guaranteo that the
miu GHOTmno
Itl. . ill
HSV -SIKIJt,l?,1,i W I-i U tt C U
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I .(Ml
llrtt J.KH,lllU
u. .n, HiMini x imi,
tul tuikilW. B
VHt T I r.
"- H-2
ft ., .
opouiiiK wonltl b- ui.i'l hi ami the bai.
titi4rittiil fe.it; (urntivono (i mftii wet
treutud hi till molt ho pltitblo mnifinr
and eeiili uud all wri tnaJe ptiaurihl
eomfortable. KtilloAlnp wh the menu
nit the bauiiii)t. Ilakd Stlunui, "lllwh
Hall Suucu;" llaktil CUiih, "Uettkwt'.
Pride;" Uot Yhni.g Pig, . U Turpli.;
Moiled Ham, . i la Sotniny It iilHulilldn;
Chirk. in S ilail, a U H irry Euller. (Ijed
hongs by llie foleiwing quattetie: Kuier
urn Ferry, Jaok O'Malhy, (Jims, Diiii
gttnl aud MlquM FUir. P'tyr'leUri-ln-C'liarge,
Deo lleekhi, Tu.t Mmtei,
Hon. Clay Moore, lute iiinrlil of the
'lUrlenden' lUif) Ita.l Club. Sariniiit
ul-rtn, J, U. lvaliUIn, purvor to lln
'lloor.'-FifjhtoM." Jn WIKwx will tie
liver a leetiuer on "The Advantages of
IIS drinks tn l,"u l. llrau
It is mtdltMs to nay thnt the oviMitug
was gloroully enjoyeil and all departed
wishing Mine HnMoTurplu.ma:iy snob
oeca'ilouB to come.
From Thursday's Dally.
Another Bearer Hill Ron Results
The preliminary fxumlnutluu of Ktrh
ur.l ublioon chnrgvuf anull with Intent
to kill, ceiumiiti on .I.M'im Dvldui
ai P.euer Hit! July 'Jd, as held in th
Ccqullle City Justice court WinlneMlH),
and iiIiIki wan held over to tho n.-xl
circuit court, wiihotit bail, Deputy
Pfixe-iUlng Att'yFnrrln apptmrd for the
statu aud K perry V CIiium (or dulondant.
It seems '.hat the parties bad uu alt
ercathin In which DuviiLioii drew a gun
iiihI made Abbo wulk down the track
About half an hour later, whilu David
son was sitting by a pile of mitts logging
Abbo slipped up Iwhmd him aud h.'.
him three tlmvs with a large club,
fracturing hi skull nt thu bairj. DaviI-
wiii'b conililkjn In very crlil laud hw
injutius aro likely to ptovu (ulal.
New Steel Schooner
(Drain Nonpareil)
The (jaidinur Mill Co. of (ii.rdiner aie
having a now steel steam Hchronnr
built In San Frnuclaco Ahlch will ply J
between Han Pedro, Humboldt Hay nnd
tho Umpqua river in the lumber trade.
Her capacity is to Ix-foui 150 -to GO'
tliouHind feet. Shu will burn crude ol
from the Snulhtrn California oil wolls
and will have compartments' for storing
that fuel in her bottom; thus thu (net
will suivu the purpose of ballast on l.cr
.,.,,, n . .
up trips, Hie oil compurtiuunta aro to
bo r arrangeil ne to be ll.led with wntar
MthuolliiiuwHl thus keying tho "et
of lalla-it" cornpltto. Thu uchoor.er is
tO bo f.eCOIld lO llOtlU aX fur III) ntroiietll
.ml ttjiilpuiont are concerned nud tho
latest marine, machinery will drive Unit
tiie rate ol ntioiit ten knots per hour.
Captain Ilnmilton, who wnrf for many
years tho master of the steamnoner fch
"Paesadenn," w'ill be muster. Tho
Gardiner Mill Company is to bo con
gratulated on their enterprise) und pro
greefdon. It will be only u matter of
time when ntlenHt thu minllor class of
sailing vessels will give way to ntemn
tchoorrs. Tho qnes'tion of carrying
part of Orogon,
, Tffl EXGE..S10R
W QJgJ G,01
tent and the eavlng of time and "'jfc&!J
extra trips a year will more than pay llwrfwthmw
tho expeneo o( machinery, fuel and, UAWnW
billed labor. The Umpqua harbor will ' -1 J Vt rU?Vl Mil Uw
no doubt Bomo day-pohsibly hot far U)$ &.$$$
distant-figure as tho front dcor for this ihy!mM&i
Off Tor Tcmnllj
Tuemla Mr, and Mrn, I! O'Ciitiflll
uinl ilunJiU'M Edna and Sleda, uucuiii
pmltd by Mt. mil Mm. E. K, Joiioaiid
Mr. M unit, ti e MUnvs Hutting, HitKiio,
I'imII and Mlimt and Master Tom
MlnoM, went to'liiimiUll('Wot awcek'it
nuHi g 'I be party went up the lieauh In
thriei'tu vjrt c nnd will return mix1.
!i unity thu l'i mi In l k are he--oin
ug tioin popular every year its a
ll-hiug and hunting resurt, Fur real
refrt and ricreatloii thu Teiiiulle country
In ta rt U U- an Ideal pint o.
Hou.e of the m rldoutn on the lakes aro
uoiituinplHlli g iktennlve plain (or uccc
iiiiMUtluiis at iiomltial prlcuv t otttlt g
nartlea. Aluoiix th t U to be a bout
mirwce, u tt Ifphono uirciimlereuco of the
UkN (or the convenience of crmpem,
and that conncotel with Marshtlold.
A 'o seviral line lioua-bo,th (or parties
aiidfouimiinlralloti by Kusulinn l.MiiicItu-.
Il laetp.cted wlirp this Isluslnlled thnt
a convenient m nle o( tranrportatluii to
the hike (rom 'he bv-aeh ni well as via
liny net, tlouh will be put In opuratlon.
II there is an Ideal place where tin
outing can ! hail IiiChm county, com
iiln'iiur l.iuh pleasure, rent, hiiutjug. uud
nslitng, Mi. O'Coniiell Is as good a judge
ol thai pot mm can be found,
rriw-n "tfc'-a. -Uk.ti--ov-'i'"5 2
vioit DR. JORDAN'S oneari
ffl:JSEa OF AHflTGcW"
ini nisva it., ui riucuco, tit.
Tk I ..! A.l-mll MwmmHiU ,
l rf .lll.lr .M..I . ,lt(4M
On. JOftDU - DISIAHit C7 f,UII '
Vrnif l tttiMr .tW4iyi ,
TrsM.ftiu. Vfr4-rvl Um4t ,
mii tr hmHmn Mikf '
C l fV Mm w 1 (4WHp(4ti( Tf--fnM pr j
v -' i
M'itAi fM 9 n riiiiuaurtfv
" l(ll. 4K. kilLltii riMI. tJL llxALJ 1
9 Oil tOUOAM h CO. 1001 Mvr.vrm.su
ft Aaja.aa ai. m A mu
-i,'VV4 ti
lr$ iiitf nrcpnrittloiii "Imply dare
op dry ca.iti i It ; tlioy dry up the soerstioni,
wlistflt nillier) to tho rnfmbmit nud docoui
pn, rn using s. fa woro i-ruiiH t ronblo Ui tn
th unllu try form ef catHrrh. Arold ull dry
ing Inlmlantv, (iiiuos, rimAe nnd niuifs
nud tu tktl wUleh eInniiMrti, roothoi nnd
heal. Kly'n Cram Holm n trh n remedy
nud will ourn enlarrh or oolilintlio hu
muly Mel ttlar.ntly. A triu xlro will txt
ninllci'l fcr l'i r ntn. All drng(ritfi soil th
tkc.m.-e. Klyllrothfrs.riOWnrrenKt ,N Y.
The Itnlnt ciircn vltliout au, dos not
IrnlAto or rntmo iu'extnr. Jt sprrmt Uf !,
?"', "n lnittodn.Hl angry ..u,fnnrt, r.lo.
ing ImtunilirtUly th pnluful hitlamtnnllon.
J With 1 ly'a Cnum Halm you nro nnuoJ
ngnliiil AtuJl taturru uud liny J urcr.
Ueie inilly oMaIii t
H nrut Foreign
K'-k lu daiekl r ilutoUlnr
n -'t '! w.tr: tdlluty yllttr
nUon (cr
lr Uxik,
Traoc Manna
Anrons lending npktrlinililMor1rtlor
ei!uir mmuih our opinion rr wlmth
liiviMatlmi It iiruhnljlr t.tilmtnhla. Comtnn
Anrnns lunrtlna n ikilf li anil ilMorlrtlon roar
opinion ir wnvtnvr ao
j.tilMitRhlo. Cormnnnlrav
lal. IlniullMVikdii -uiiU
SlnniXSit '
ijjf(; jFJlttCICll
A hni1innilrllluitrAlii1 wixiklr. I .uracil rtr.
niUilnn of any s(4nuUo InuriuU. Isnni, 3
iiri iurnoiitia, si. uoiabnii nw(iwiif.
MM & C0.88,nrom,,wlr' UBW YOrfl
Our Monthly Publication
vJU keep you posted on our
work nud method3. Mailed
Freo to the
f, of ny rcpponoibJo house.
j; Opposlto TjTs. Patent tDffloa ;
LJASHiyviGjOND, o. i
I m. SKVBHflssViaBBl.Sal UIJ I I1MMB
. aV snitCsMsTsI Wf r t A BE) El
"ra?'! .a
MR lW fiOTOfft.
".JWL, kw v . q m s 3m.
iJitWw-M.";; t
mtBmmmb sTsvlsffBiHHHsW