pjk 1 J r"J tf iff .' r-'r" -" 'j-v,v'T.,iiyaw'r' MHBBnpiHJlpjMpjBppHpjpUWa -' si 1 19 iTi'i 11 ..... ..... . .. . . ... n I B r -- w ,.". -. t rr-rr-nimi- it nrw irhi iimbti iia"i,amin nM i ! a. a -""v 1 p m 11 hi i'"'wnMiui iHI i .. 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ' ' 'i " " ' 11 y mm ., 1 i.i ' 1 11 ! I'' '1' 1 in 1 1 I ' ' ' " UBiB 8 Official Cuiitily Court Proceedings Itt ponies fu vacation nltur April 1003 lortu Mrtrbm $)B0 OB 'Indian soldiers' Fund .'I2 10 Telephone bill Bt KB Indigent :i3!l 00 Circuit Court 07 00 Regular July, lOO.'l Turin Juttko Courts, HtnUruf Oregon va K K Korrcy W 11 H II) do, J Pfixia I .1 V Curler, Count " Nicholas Itulchurt, Juror 1 11 M It Brown Win Nniburgi 1 A Hall. Alfred Mutton, " W I, Oiiulun. " Htulu of Oregon vi A' Abbott V 1 1 B lydu,.l P $ J V Curler, Count Ohnn Imvlnv, wlliieni U MIiiik, " lister Kiiilth, " K W Knidell, Chns Gilbert, tftnlu v P fi Peterson W II B llydi., J P $ J W Carter, Count John Kilintincla, nltnoti Annie ltlui, " Kinll IVUmoii, " August IVtuttou " HtatuVs Pat Nnglu tnl W II S HyJo.J P $ J V Carter. Count ' Clint Di'iiKiunii, wltltii;i (iit.i Drngiunii, " 11 Wold, Ch.w Jolitiron, " lltiKh Mcl.nln, " John Notion, " Coo lluuli. ' l:lrctIoi Kxpcnroi 0 A Bennett, 11,100 ImllottM. Mr. WJckinnii, 18 meals Geo I' Topping, rent lor election Geo (iiii rin, mortis lor election board 1 Schneider, uluatlon bnll;ff, VI M, runt, M l'l (2.60 Htntloiury and Printing Cixiullle IIumUI, Court Proceed- 0 00 10 no 1 60 1 m 1 70 I CO 1 70 1 IV 7 GO 4 00 4 00 4 OJ 4 00 0 in 7 10 2 30 2 30 'J 30 2 30 I 60 1! 30 1 CO t Til 30 3 00 2 60 'J 60 6 00 iiiKi $ 45 20 Dyking petition 10 10 I 65 00 Uullillii, Court Pioceitilliigs -16 20 Itojiortf, fl.:t.'i, Potttfon, (10.40 II 75 Sheriff's notice 'J 40 $ 01 35 R Oalllcr, postage etc, rli'jrllt'a olllco 0 23 L II Hazard, postngo (rt Clerk's olllco 17 70 T J Thrift, poitngo frt Aaceeaor'n olllco 4 00 TO GWMR'S CEffiST In well expanded. He uu-ii his lungs to their fullwt cijxiclty. People 111 orilln ry do not tim muih aver hnlf their lung jwwer. The timiM-d lung surface be come inert, mid offers n prepared ground for the attack of lite genua of coiikimm Hon. There is no need to warn jcopie 01 tue Hunger ot cotinuiuptioti, hut warning is con stant!) needed not to neglect the first syiiiptomn of dis eased lungs. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Mcdii'nl IjIbcov ery cures olwtiunte coughs, bronchitis, bleeding lung, nnd other condi tions which, if neglected or un skilfully treated, find a fatal tcrntt unt(ou in consump tion. It is entire ly free from opl ntcu nnd narcotics. "Alioiil three ytur Hf I WIIK Inl I'll w till n Ixiil coiitli. v mitiiiK nnl tJtiliiir IiUkhI," wrllt Mr ll, J Kob. Inton, of Rlirliik' (Inr- lira. U. Vu. I till (I limny leiurdliaj notli- tnrM ff MA film m i Mil Kif, ns:ri'. mi r commenced ntlng Medial I I)lc(jMry, iiili: M-enuxt to liclii rue ncicc'H IjOKlril Dr. Alter tiitne leu t)ttlc nnd four vluUof lilt ' rlciuunt l'clli It,' I coiiuui'iiccd la liiiiniive. Mv cako leemcd to be nliiKml n iiopcloit one, Iioctxn niniinuuccd It nicer of Mm Iiiiikk, I wiu lcV. uuirly two)tnt-ixitt of the time ledfuit. W'iu ;1mmi iiji to illo by nil, I thought It would tie liiiixnslMe foi me to llv over iilnht nt one time I haven't unit miy blood now for more than twelve mouths, ami worked nil the rami nit laid hummer It wum Dr. Tierce' medicine Hint cured me." r. Accept noBtihstituto for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "jtibt ns good" for diseabes of the stomach. The "Medical Adviser." in imner cov ers. 1b sent free on receipt of a I one-cent taUipa to puy for mulling 0n(y, Addrnu .,.. I r- j ft . IMM4(' J 11 Dtillny, pnitar.0 frtTrcnitiiroi'a olllco 7 00 Mall Puhllnhlnit Co, notice o( mlo 0 08 C O IJryilon, Job printing for of flcos 7 (A) It L 1'olU nnd Co, copy of Usr.otrcr 7 00 Hone K Mooro b Co, Jllatiku for Clurk t 05 Pnyott UpliHin A Co, BtipplioH for olork 10 10 lIuahoiiK fi Co, auppliua (6r clork 7 10 Indldont nnd friinno Win JetikliiR A Hon, mippllita for Mralhxlnon $ 40 17 It W llullnrd, atippllca for Polly nnd Mnry (Inillnnc) 7 76 Jon Ferry, nujipllua for V P Win tor 10 M K U FlnnnKnn, auppllca for Jooh Nulnou 1 12 I)r W Culln, Mtnllcnl ntlaiidnnee, prleoiivry and nuariuitlnu rl W) I)r J T McCorninc, examine Htaiil Imann h 00 1 W 11 8 Hyde, examine InennupT- toua 15 00 I)r C W Towor, cxBtnlno imano puriona G 00 Kcport of Haporintondaot of Poor Farm accepted nnd tho following ordered pnld: C M Hkeela, intlio ict ( (17 ft) K l-orenr., indiooct 01 15 CII Fry, Haluiy f H3,75, lllnckamithlnif, ( 2.0(1 145 61 Ilullola of the North (kind election for Inrorporatlon and for the officer of the lucorporntcd Kovcriiinent canvnntml, nnd It wns found that L J Ritnpron M elected an mayor, Chna Kckhoff, Auuit Tyherjf, Victor Andernon, O M Hyler. Polor 1-okk!", nnd C T Fnrrla olecUnl an alderman of cald Corporation, K M KliMiicr na tnarehnl nnd L V Falkciislein an treaatiro. ChaH StAtiff, nnppllos for Joah Nelion I Francis McIxkxI, taking tcbtl- rnony, Slate va Abbott Itoadannd Hrldgca. Levi ItDbertB, 1.2 day nreint Ing nurvityor O rover Drown, 1-2 day ateint inp etirveyor It W Dullard, VIowor, J A Hnnihlock, J A Morriron, " WTojlor, Chalnman W Halm a ' W E Prowolt, nxmnn, J H Fox, cxatnlnidg bridgo J T Noilor, team hlru for Court C 1' Hnuion, nalnry as super visor, It I) 2 0 O I.igcctt. inboa K I) 2 Axolltuth, labor It D2 J P DavIb, " " " W I.indktrom, making fill It V I, nnd 25 dnya labor 83 00 John Hear bal duo na aupvr rd4 171 85 Dean Lumber Company, lum ber 40 15 Alfred Mnttcon, acowing r d 4 0 00 J W Catching, labor by eolf nnd otloin, r d 10 30 00 3 CO 1 10 1 10 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 CO 2 00 2 00 0 00 7 00 65 50 8 00 800 C CO Walter Lttlrd, labor r ii d 11 12 Pifita II It) d 10 1 11 11 10 Chna Howe, .1 H Fllnn, '' Win Abornnthy " nurtCatnpbutl, " J M Portor, M O Miller, " T II Mold & Co hwdr 21, 10 Lynna Kstnto, litmbor A 12 Mutbowe, labor r PelorMnthowea, " " Peter Johneon, " and making fills John Wnltormior, labor W Wheeler, labor t d Martin AluxBon, labor r d 10 Putor Johueon, labor r d 10 C II Dunning, labor r d 10 epvr J T Noslor, labor r d 10 Johnson nnd Noeler contract rd 10 11 K Noslor, labor r d O II Hunch, labor r A Flandors, B It Banning K W Holm, J P Bright, J II Boliroedo'r, 11 r d 10 101 00 12 25 11 25 8 00 3 00 7 65 12 00 00 00 C5 21 !l 57 2375 12 CO 140 00 8 50 1 40 1 50 114 00 103 25 101 00 1(1 ii ii d 11 10 I 30 00 '40 25 SO 00 51-E0 67 CO 48 CO 2 60 2 CO G W Wittier, " " CO 75 II A JolniKon, " ' " 20 00 21 7 00 IIP Hunt, lnbor' d 24 33 GO J P Uunl, ' " " 2J 25 J K Morrlo, ' " 31 CO V K Miller, . " " "II 25 PHtimmera, " " 21 00 FLUridgon, " 6 50 Petition of J W Ihinnett and othcrr for tint oriianlzntlou of a diking district t'ounldercd. ' T H!K!ln( F P Norton mid 11 Lotkhiut up pointed viuwera nnd I) 11 Cnthcnrt, auvnyor In raid matter ri:l ordered to meot nt tomo convenient placu Inanld dlntrlct on Aug 4, 1003. And nil persona interested cited to ap pear before tho County Court at Co Itilllo 011 fiept. 2, 1003. 1! M Clayton, lumber for r d 21 33 15 A McKuIr, hdwru foi r d 21 20 25 Klbert Dyer, lumber for r d Ordered that petition of J 1) Bennett mid grading of County Itoad between (travel Ford Creamery nnd J I) Ilrfght place, bo coutlnueJ for tho term. Ordered that U J) Cathcart, county (Surveyor, F P Norton nnd C M Ilcrulaun ho appointed as county board of load viuwera. i'etllloii for relocation of Strongmen Fleg Boad conaidered, end board of county road viewers ordered to meet at Ccxiiilllw City on July 28, 1003, nnd after iUAll(ying, they proceed to view out and relooilo raid road according to law. View era report on relocation of portion ol ror.il from Parkerbburg to Bcnr creek, approved, and road inpr ordered toopon raid road (or travel. iliihhong A Co. Index of deeds ( 10 60 UK Hampton, brlnglngPS Wil- aou, intanc, to CofiiIllu W B tobiton, Kobiton, brinxing Wilson, Ineanu, to Ccxiulllo II MIiikub, atlonllng cao of Miiall poxnt Fishtrap Chad nick Iodfje, hall rent for election W P Ilolrnan, labor rd 10 S B CatliCArt, establishing nnd recoxling 37 corners and field notes 0 0 Hrown, lint ot deeded Ktato lauds for nsscator J P Tupper, meala for jurora John Pt-nrt, 5 tons of coal for court huueu W II Mnnaoll, 0 tona coal for rourt house and haul freight IMu Johnsou, 0 loadp wood fur court hotiro T J Little, team hiro to poor farm J G Fieh, map holder for etirveyor Mrs Whotetonc, washing for court houee nnd jail Coq Klver Klecttlc lighta, etc. for court houeo It B Knowlton, etntionary etc. J II Wnndllnz, 14 dnya nursing small pox patient L Ilnrlncku, faro (or 'Lnngdon, indigent, to Miuehfiold Btuphen Gallier, board of prin- oners V N Perry, 3 moB eal ob Janitor W II Bunch, 3 moa salary as ecliool Btiiit and postage, otc U.'iO 00 T .1 Thrift, 3 moa salary na Aa- toseor J S Lnwruneo 72 daya work na dop nnsesDor Buy Collier, 3 moa work In ne- eoetor'a olllco . 8 Gnllier, paid for extra deputy hira J J Btanloy, aBBlBtiug at tax said Lonove and Mathison, painting - in bneuinont of court houro Stephen G.tllier, I moa aMary aa Bherilt E M Gnlltor, 1 mos salary ns dep sheriff ju ti iinzarti, 1 mos eniary as county cleric II II Mast,l moa eniary aa dep clork J B Dulley, 1 moa salary ns country traitBuro Win Barkna, VIowor, Beavor elouh diking matter 11 F Iloap, viowor Beovor slqugh diking mattor 1 . W Bonobrake, Viewer, Bcrfyor lough dyklog matter- 3 20 P S 3 2Q 20 00 2 60 102 00 65 50 2 00 y 76 15 GO 18 74 7 50 2 60 6 00 20 35 30 L0 2J 0J 40 QO 75 0G 43 120 GO 250 O'J 212 00 180 00 60 00 3 00 " " " 121 16 2 norea In eel mo 13 1 28 r 18, ft. Bl J Kreweon and wl to J Q risk lot 9 , fij block 21, Elliotts add. Coqallle City ' i fl flOOO. J 'I i 1 i M 1 fc 1 m . ,13 A K Mathewa, labor r il IS $ 16 00 Pacific Lumber Co lumbor rdlO 43 22 J A Lamb & Co, hwdro r d 16 A II Dean, liaulinglumber rd 10 J I) Unrklow, lnbor Jftnif Hall, J L Crosby, Win Smith, K L Lamb, J V Bmlth, J JS Clinton, , Geo Morehouto J VBhucIc, 0 Morehoneo, tftn Llchty, W T Urady. BKLurhbaugh T Knight, W Pierce, p 11 i ii 11 11 .11 ii 11 18 11 it r d ti 11 18 11 Dan Crlhblna, " G Bryant, labor V G Garney, " It W Herrlngton, JLashbugb, " " BfiKndicott, " " " TBookard, " " J Itookard, " " L D Belleu, " " " M Vocum, " '" " i A Cribbina T S Kvernden, " Lunhbnsgh & Thomas, lumbor for r d 18 Btr Favorite, towing for r d 1, , l, Elbert Dyer. lumber for r d 10 J A Lamb ii Co, hdw for r d 21 II B Kribba, 3 shovels for r d 21 labor 1 21 85 33 55 300 7 50 0 00 3 00 000 0 75 10 60 3 60 000 000 17 00 85 CO 41 00 33 60 61 00 40 00 12 00 3 00 12 00 IS 60 2 00 10 00 18 00 31 03 3 00 1100 72 00 62 00 28 00 13 C5 10 25 2 26 63 40 28 00 20 40 37 40 62 00 27 00 4 00 17 60 21 00 10 00 10 00 3 26 7 OS 72 00 15 87 120 00 llfo 00 20 25 36 00 143 0 111 CO 28 00 61 00 45 00 33 00 47 00 42 50 57 00 30 00 82 00 71 67 30 00 11 75 6 0J Petition for nid on rond Myrtio Folut to North Fork bridgo, with subscription considered, and the amount ot 000.00 appropriated to bo npplied after sub. rcriiiiion shall have'been used. Petition fqr relocation of portion of North Fork Bridgo and Gravel Ford road, continued for tho term. Petitiou for aid to cut luuubor on O. B. W. road from Falrviow to Dora, granted. Petition for aid to build bridge across Cunningham creek bottom botwoen Wateou's and Paxsons, granted Potitiou of J B Dyo for open road J W Williams, J A Kec.Ec, " JTHaytcr, " " GWWllliame, " ' HONettleton, ' ' A M Simmon, " ' OC Gregory, ' " Geo Derby, " ' W II Williams, " " (J W Boon, " John Meddowa " " 3 S McAdnms it Co, 1 bar of eteel for r d 21 Kirerton Lumber Co, Ium rd21 Lynn1 Estate, lumber r d 23 W K Racltff ' " S R Lushbiugh, Geo Mtillea, Hitliri, Lundy & Son?, hdwrrd 17, 23, 27 11 436 85 3 76 30 01 8 76 42 26 105 CO 412 48 30 20 20 00 46 00 000 15 35 20 00 01 25 01 26 20 00 30 70 33 00 43 00 22 00 L J ItobeitB, Lloyd Spires, B F Barklow, J O Brown, 8.6 Adams, M Hflrklow, S G Braden. J O Oflburn, Thoa Barklow, John Ncal, Oliver Noal, T C Fawcott, J P Barkdoll, P Schrooder, Jolin Allen, J Mftddox, labor r d 11 23 Cli as Angel, Andrew Olsen, to pay labor bills In rd 1 E O'Connell, r d 1 BIrnpaon Lumber Co lumber ect rd 1 John Boat, labor with team r d 6 FP Norton, anpr rd 0 E A Uowoy, labor r d 10 Smith & Pago, lumber for rd 10 22 and 27 Chaa Adams, blacksmith rd 17 and 23 , Geo Farrier, labor rd 10 GCHaaa, " ' 20 P M Dixon, " " W H Schroo.lei', nails cct r d 22 Huling, Lundy it Boqb, road scraper and powdor for r d 22 W F Kellor. labor rd 22 A O West, " OltoMuetzel, " " " 8 B Cathcart, surveyor; Beaver slough dyking matter W P Fox, labor 'rd 9 John Roes, " " " F Gumming, " R C Dement, 0 daya as connty conimiialonerand 30 miles D Mcintosh, 11 days county commissioner and 132 miles L liarlocker, 3 mo's alary as county judge Petition for Beaver slough dyking dist rict dismissed. x Resignation of Wm Horafall as coroner accepted, and Dr E Mingus appointed to fill vacancy. Petition of A D Moro, recorder of tbe town of Bnndon, for refund of money paid for care of smallpox patient, in tho sum of 283 not allowed as the court wero not of tho opinion that said patient, (one Flandcrs)waa not a realdent of Coos county. Warrants ordofed IsBued (or tho collec tion of delinquent taxes. , Whoreupon the court adjournod for tbe term. State of Oregon, County of Coos I, L. U. Hazatd, Connty Clerk of Coos County, Slato of Oregon, and ex-officio Clerk ol tho County Court ot Eaid Stato and County, hereby certify that the foregoing Is a tiuu ond corrccl extract of tho proceedings of said Court at the July 1C03 term thoreof, aa tho same ap pear upon tho journal of Bald Court in my offlco and cuttody. Witnesa my hand end tho seal of the County Court tbla 8th day of July, 1003, L. H ILizAhd, County Clerk ai aforesaid. 48 00 08 20 260 00 Tlic MItlsuMmer Fashions Sun-plaits are (he smsos's Hovelty and characteriaa both walking aad trail ing skirts. Many of the smartest afternoon gowns are made of voilo. There are voltes in checked, striped, plaldsd and dotted weaves, and a novelty shows Bllky white hairs, pver tho surface. Next to the tkirtflnd-coat costume there ia none so popular as the shirt waist costume, and ovory woman con siders at least one shirt-waist gown of light-weight wool or silk a necemry addition to her ordinary atreot frocks. Tho smartest of theie (rocka are made of iinena and linen canvaa, with braid and buttons for ornamentation. The long, loose coat baa proved itself so desirable a garment that it la includ ed In every well-nppoinfed outfit, being made of thin French cloth, linen, canvas brilliantine and eatin. Coarse linen canvas coats are worn not only with skirts to match but afford the desired protection to thin Summer dresses. There are beautiful stocks of heavy wash materials, with medallions of lace let In, embroidered designs and fancy stitching for ornamentation j others are relieved from plainness by a line of nar row piping in color about' the edge. Pearl buttons or studs are used to fasten some ot these. Long scarfs of silk crepe or linon gauze pre the prevailing fashion, and their success Ilea in tho manner in which they are tied, From the Deline ator for Augaat. : . , i ?"5i 'I J-E8. 8.) hdwr labor 20 Professional Gards. R H Walter, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON AND ME0HAN IO A L DENTIST. Office Nasburg BIdg. A. St., Fhcme. 361 MARSUFIELD. OREGON E. E. Straw, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. bpecinl attention to diseases ol tho Kyo Ear, Nose untl Throat. Glnssea fitted. Office in Seugstackeu & Smith Building. B Dyo I through Poor Farm, not allowed, 44 60 j Olnfiu of S R Loshlmugh for damages to horso on public bridgo, not allowed, Potition of Honry Grudy and 'others for ohango of tho Coquillo City mid North Fork Bridgo road near Grady crook, conaidorod and thoro bolug a greator number ci remonatrators than petitioners, tho mattor was dismissed. 1(111 07 GO 00 125 00 75 00 Bert MoOloakey, labor r d 27 f 84 20 ii Radabaugh, ' ISO 83 00 07 Leo Strong. ' ' 28 30 " A J Radabaugh, ' ' 170 5 10 00 Geo Bird, " " . 82 80 P Sehroederi " " 47 07 16 5O R Epporson, ' 53 10 John Eppflsron, " " ? 03 OS 10 41 0b4 llk, " eg 0 Real Estate Tfansfers . L J Simpson and wf to A F Cook lots 2 and 3 blk 17 North Bond, $5. Adam Pershbaker and wl to O E Sud den and Edwin Axo Chrlstonaen c2 of sec 16 selof nw4 see 10 t 23 r 14 800 acres 11 100 of an aero sw4 sec 10 t 23 r 14 100 acres lot 8 eec 17 t 23 r 14 ex cepting 5 acres, $100. Adam Pershbaker and wf to O E Sud den unit E A Christeneen, tide land fronting lot 8, Seo 17 t 23 r li, $1. O E Sudden and wf, E A Ohrietensen and wf to Prosper mill Co e2 ee I of nw4" sn4 and 11-100 acroa iu eec 10 1 28 r 14 lot 8 sec 17 t 28 r 14, except 5 acres, $00. G E Sudden' nnd wf, E A Chrhtoneen nnd wf to Profpor Mill Co tido land routing lot 8 eco 17 t 23 r 1 1 $50. 11 Lowellon to W U Wnlkor lota 5 and 0 blk 7 Border & Bender add Myrtio Point, $000. I. .1 Simpson and wf to Chna Eckoff lota 2 and 27 blk 15, Yarrow, J120O. L. J. SimpBon and wf to John Eckhoff lot S2 block 20 Ynr.ow. $100. L J Simpson nnd wf to Clias Eckhoff Jr lot 8 und 0 block 21 Yarrow, $300. L J Simpson and wf to Mariotta Pain ter lot 21 12 and 23 hlock 21, Yarrow $300. Emma J Btowart and bus to G P Stewart lot 4 blk 23, Brown's add Myr tle Point, $200. S M OIbou and wf to E E LaBrlo 6 12 acres of lot 3 seo 3 1 38 r 13, $350. E N SaJth and w to Daiay B Short 2 77-100 acres in eoo 17 1 29 r 12, $660. O W Btowart to Julia R Stewart lot 5 blk 6 Myrtle Point, $50. MUi ef ftf IS I kail? Wa Sklllf 1 W. U. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. S, COMMISSIONER. Front street, Manhfield, Oregon. S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYER Will practice in all courtajt EMPIRE CITY OREGON J. W. Bennett, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. MARSUFIELD ORE John F. Hall, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Eldorado block, Front street Oarslilield, Oregon. B. St., MARSUFIELD, ORE C F. McKnight. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in the Lcuue & Walter Building. I. S. Kaufman &C6 Dealers in Real Estate Ofllco oyer Golden'a Drug Store Mnrehfleld, Oregon f ! j JIF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPER! f. AMVWMMUi AT ANVtMW X CmM am n WrtU S iKCDAKE'SADTUTISlMMOa! X 44 & Am MMmgM MM i 1 1 11 tt j A M I1 V 'I i 'J lj..MM-NtAHJMaMailMSMAl.vif , . , ii 1 1 1, V-- .. . .. .. .. .. p g-ggg.,,, i... oy ---' 1 1in"l"-t MMMajajajajpjpjpj .iv.'j .., in n... """'" "' ' " 1 'i 11 nmfjii ii miiiiiiiiiii n ruairT 1 -f ' &i rzr