Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 25, 1903, Image 4

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    MffilllgHifriaftiftfJfrf-, liliiaVti --- ' ' 3 ""- '' ' WTO'
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IMM MMMIiamiM l ali , 1 Im I ..Mi 1' .... m- .. ,.
. '"""'"WHBpPWPIIlHI
EstttcC In the Postoffice at Marshfield,
tu Sftd Class Matter.
M :Xi pr.'ELI3ElWG CO., Proprietors.
Editors and Managers.
G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman,
I -ticdSvtiy SstutdAy. Terms: In Ad
v.ve, I: 50 a Ytar, $r 00 Six Months.
DAILY: By until, for advance payment
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for
Sj 00. When not paid in advance the
price is 50 cenU per month, straight
lisucd every morning except Monday
Goos County's Sth Grade Graduates
Year Ending June 21 1903.
'Dirt. No. 1, Arnco Henry Schroder,
Jr., May Stauff, Uoa Lillic.
DUt. No. 4. Lanipcy Crek Pearl
D:t. No. rt, Empirr Pnve Morcan,
Frank Britl-or, Iinel Jns!ir.-, Luh:
'.kn'rduf, Amu Br-rry, Aunt-. W.ckntnn.
Ids Wtrkman.
l)u. N S, Coqiiili lta'pfc Lnkhi
lrn Lam. Frwl Ktfii, 'Phoob
yirnmooi, Clare SB-rawd, Ethel John-
wn,iViic Mtturj, Ktta Jutnrs, Hull.
Tod-L Ne'lfe Krr'gr. L-Ufd;icw-y,
Nina Hu-',.fc, L-iura Fx, Gmee Lrfie
Gttetie Hamilton. Kl-ie H- -.. G -or?
White, I-M'8 H oleum 1, C r.i IViras
Aiobie Cottar, Atiftin White, Clyde
Dlst. No. P, Mrbti.d. War-cr O.'
ren, HlldiStenu-iltn, Ntdlttt Towvr, M.vb
Unniii-lt. AlWrl Slor, Ad- C lapuinn,
EtJdit Junnoii, K.iytCe htrr.n-e,
Fraiice Twomlily.
9 DiiJ. No, 12, Catirg iioBjli-Ma
DItU aN'o. 21, Urrt?J Fold Annie
U'reLljr. .
Out. No. 20, Two Mile R G McKcn
zie, Mrtie Oavion.
Dwt. N-. SI, IUndr4.b E;Sa 'l
etroin, Ctrl Carlion, hlmer Walttroa.
UiBt. No. 41, Myrtle I'olut EiU
iittytiie, CMud Ui'.te, Jack Mdlor. Maude
(irov, Enia Dryan, Florenc McCracktu,
WhiuU Sidret. ISrneet echrouder, Wrn.
l)a Nj. 4o. Allegany EtRd RoJinc,
Lucie Gridu.
Di9t. No. 51, Bandon Ethol Dyer,
Cord la Porter. Tom Denit-leon, Kate
Rota, Bertha .SK'phentoD, I.'flh Bosk,
Muude Durns, Hoy McNalr, KUie Steph
enson. Brtlia Wllcins, Francos Carton,
Errun IIntt, Albert, tinley, Win, E.Jt
ott, Arthur Kiley.
No better evidence of the efiicoti'sy of
the pubii school work taOoos county
can reawinnbly bo required ' than lht
above lit of -vutj-flvs c'duate from
the Co.-rirnon School CVurie for jirocti
ufdly tliH second year of our pietentor
cauized effort.
Our county school School tyttom
fhoelJ immbdiaty include a frts hiL
toliooi course for tlifcbw youui; pcoplf, re
that tiny umbititioullhwy u,ay euturUin
fitft''tor lurilier knowlodge ruav bo w.conrt
ed by piecing tha ntct-Kiarv facilitlte
within thttir reach.
The county eliould either ektnbJieh a
t'oontyhigh Echool or arrnnce v.itli tl:o
diutilcta now maintaining hih fcchoi.lt
to teach 8(h'crado liraduatea hh piovid
ed for in Title II of the Oreuon fcclio-il
Law. W. II. Buxcii,
Co. Kuj-t.
no If I Btolo a kiss would It be petty
lnreonv? '
'"filio I thinlf it would bo grand. busy In this ollico that you ought to bo glvo him. Ho Bcemed to bo as raven
Smart Set very tlmnkf hi that wo took the Umd to ons for tho last pleco uh for tho QrsL
I nlro rnn n nmmlcn I ITnw nnn nlinrlf Pnnlll hnlll fill tluit:
Her Way.
All summer sho la cultivating tan
At tennis games and coif;
1 All winter long sho buys all aorta of
1 things
' To try to get Jt off. Judge.
NowReady for Regular
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Now Yoik, July 24 Announcement
was mm! today that tint Coinmrcil
t'jcltlc edde would he opened fur btui
nosa to tho I'hilippii.e, China, Japan
ami Corca tomorrow.
RBtes from San Kranciico to Coren
1.05, Ilcue Kong 11.10, Japan fLU.
Honolulu 35ct, word.
(Special to the Ccast Mail.)
Dublin, July 21: Tho festivities in
cniiHcrioit a it, the visit of the Kii-p
asd Qut-'jii in Ih.blin ctdiuinate toolpht
villi r icl. iMirfornnnco at the Thtt.it te
Hcyal. For the purforoiance of tbt
U Mr.Tre und his eutle comiM-iy,
topt her with tceucry and all aocitfor
ie, have been bronchi froui Locodu by
rjt(iat train end tcauier.
Shamrock 111 Holds Her
(Special to the Ccast Mall.)
ilifblandB, July 21 Weather cond
tlocauore psrfe.'t for the Shamrocks
race today, with a 10 knot breeze,
Tliij BU-tmer Meigs arrived at 0' o'clock
and put General Corbin aboard the
etcarn yacht Erin.
The Challenger was firt norofs- th
elartiu; Hue, at 11:17 :4u, and was in the
Uad by 200 yard. By 13 :50 the hwl ii,
creaeod her lead to half a milo. Third,
in the 1C mile to leeward run, beat Firtt
three mhiutoe.
tilxliiH Hurt t.
Yotine Witt 1 want to buy n
for my hunbuud.
Hatter What size doea bo woar?
Young Wife I deelaro I forgot to
find out! I know the size of tho collnrn
be wears, though. It's 15. Ho'd want
about sizo IS or '-'0 for a bet, wouldn't
Looking? Ahenil.
A llttlo girl uged threo n6l:ed ber
father for more candy, but was told to
t -alt until tomorrow. Looking out of
the window for 11 fow momenta, she
Riiddenly called out, "Papa, It looks
like tomorrow now,"
ll'n Ilnny nny.
Customer (to printer) You promlsod
to hnvo my work dono yesterday," und
you haven't touched It yet
Printer My donr sir, we've been bo
ruitr Exi.valncu.
Say, pa."
"What'a a favorite Bon"f"
tnfa generally a dead one after tlio
first ballot," Chicago lUcord-norald.
" -
(0-e:l.l to tho Coast Mall.)
OwmIimi, N. J., Jk 'JI".rmiBn
mettts hiivu boon e-iropljled at the yards '
of ilia New York Slilrtitfilldlnu; Comi.lty
(or tli Imiiu-liliiw ontly in the loiulue.
week c( tin- tuaiiitiiotli Mnishlp .Mau
The vet-fell or.ouf two being built
for tin lVuific M.iil Stnm -litp C-muny.
Sh it- Dirt (cot Ions mid in oil of th
UrceH il'ult -ver built in tbl- country.
Il-r -Mer tli'p. the Mongolia, bt-tm,
huiU at the chip ysrd, nlll be ready 1
for laurelling in n ft w month.
In tho year 1S70 I shipped aboard
the English brig Uuby for n voyngo
from London to Ceylon, culling at tho
Island of Mauritius, off tho eaat conat
of Madugnscnr. From Londou to tho
l.ilnnd not n single shnrk was tdghted.
Thirty miles oft tho lrfland, tin tho voy
jlgc was resumed, u shark, Judged to
lie twenty feet long, suddenly tippenrod
on the port rjunrtcr not over fifteen
fvt from the side of tho ckm1.
We tempted him with nil kinds of
bait, but he refused overythlng. Flrat4
we gave him n pleco of pork on n hook,
lie paid no attention to It. Wo chang-,
cil to iHvf, then to chicken, but bo
would touch neither. !
It was noon next day before wo tried
the shark again, but we nnd no better
luck-. Ho simply Igiiorctl tho halt. Tho
wen logan to whisper about accident
nnd tlrntli. mid the captain brought I
up blundorbtis loaded with Hlugt nnd ,
took n fair shot at the fellow. lie wna
only ntout 11 foot below tho purfneo, '
ami the heavy charge Htntck him nt
tbe base of the domnl fin nnd nearly ,
tore It away. The sliark made n aud.
den riwh, but only for a few feet The
Ftnoke hud not et blown away when
he ro.Humcd bin old position. I III start
wnn one of Ktiriirlso luKtend of jmln.
He lind lenrntnl aiutlon. however, nnd
ho sank down until he had two feet of
water over him. Some of tho men
dropjwl object) over the Ikw with n
great splashing, but tho nhnrk paid no
attention to tho nobto.
For nlno long days nnd nlglita ho
kept the placo whore wo had drst w-en
him, nnd during thl time wo bad two
or tltreo (vntnlW nnd two days of henry
weather. So long ns n man leaned
oror the rail to wntch blm ho kept his
wicked eyes fastened on that man, nnd
when nny ono was nloft nnd laying
out on n yunl tbu bnito"H Jaws could
I bo soon working as If ho had tho tnsto
- of n Bailor on hLs tongue.
01 n huuor on um tongrie. tin rnignt
hnvo followed us to the end of tho voy
ngc but for n curious Incident.
On tho morning of the ninth day wo
npproached a large nwordflsh sleeping
on the dunelng wnves. Wo were with
in n hundred feet of blm when the
crenklng of tho yards or tho voices of
the men disturbed him nnd he catnc
tearing down on the port side and ran
right over the filmrl; nnd nwny out of
night. If the Bhark was not struck he
was nt least badly frightened, for ho
made off mid wc did not net eyes on
him ngaui. '
While tho American bnrk Itockot,
from Now York to Santos, wits lying
lxiCfllmod on the equator, n shark twenty-four
foot long suddenly appeared
.on her stnrboard side nmldshliui ami
only n fow yards nwny. Ho lay heud
nnd tall with tlio ship, nnd tho cur
pouter got bin length to mi Inch by
moasurements along the rail. Tho ;
spread of tho monster's Jnwa wbb such '
.!.. tm ..tl .ic.lf. tii.c Inlinn Imm '
vuub itu vuum uunii iiiitv lutvuu u iiiut
I ,'"rf5 ,nt0 hta nou'
There wns no nhnrk hook nbonnl,
but the captnln, being wUling to divert
tho crew, gave them leave to throw I
over u lot of pork which had becoina '
unlit for outing. There wore four full ,
barrels of this pork, nnd It woh fed out
! pleco by pleco to 'that shark till the i
last pound wuh gone. It was bo Htatcd I
, by olllcerH and num. mid there Is no
rcnRon to doubt their veracity.
When tho pork wus finished, n pleco
of beef wns thrown over tho port mil.
, and the shark dived under tho Hliln
and adzed It. How much longer ho
! would Imve gono on eating no ono
could say, na there wna no- more to
I meat nnd another go eight dayn wltlv-
out eating a thing 1b yet another (juca-
tlon for dlscusHlou.
I Whllo off tho Boutheaflt coast of
Java in tho New Bedford wlmler
Joshua Lro wo ono day came upon a
native craft floating 611 bbr beam ends,
Mlif.Jtoa R StW.Qt K . tUoatiL
huh ini'.v i'iv triKUtMtoii iimr noitmnw.
Tho wrnft hud no ciivho lttlior mid luid
tnkrn t-otiHldorablo water tliiittiKli Iht i
aliiRio Imtebwny, wldclrlmd been left ,
open. I
We acnt n btmt mid cut nwny hir
tUHtH mid righted licr, mid then n
Htnuute d!svcry wuh inttdi'. Tliero
wits three feet of witter In her hold,
mid dnshlu nbout In tho witter wait it
nhnrk fotirteoit fivt lonu. Ho lind come
nlinml with n Hon, mid liiHteiul of belnc
left oitdoctc hud nono down tho hutch
wny. The imtlve rtb'.t'td.mcd thowfclc
for the wlmler. mid tlirvu weokx btt.r
she wnt drlftcl nhon on the Nmtdiil
wuml t.ilntul with the HhnrU attll ul vo
uttd ruikliti; nbout. ultliniiirli hu hud
hud bothitiit to cat nnd tho water wuh
very foul.
On that xmuo cm I so the whaler run
Into the iHirt of Hurting. Jnvn, to in:tke
reiMilm. Koine lUliermeii had cmii;ttt
u Hhnrk nine foot Ioiik lit their urti, mul
he had hwn lyltiK on the bench three
bourn when I mtw hint. Mount of our
men went to the ship and cot n porlt
barrel, knocked out IniUi heads nnd
HllptK-tl the nhell over the ahnrk nntl
drove It down to Id bnljje. lie was
then rolled Into the witter, nnd the tide
lloated hint out. In 11 iuarter of tut
hour ho was Hwltuuilnc ubout mid
hiiitdetl for the open koji. I
Hl.tivti days Inter, when lE-'O miles to
the loutb tljnt mdfMunic altrl: citme
nlfiitHJitlO. 'ritbre could bo no ttoiibt 01
hla Identity Iwentnte he tlll wore hU
Wooilen Jacket. The barrel Ititil tdintttl:
to him no tlRlitly Hint no effort of bis
could remove It. It must have bet.'ier
rd blui about keeping under water, but
It did not seem to affect htm otherwise.
In the course of it year we heard of
him no less than live times. He w-ut
tip as fnr ns the strait of Ktiudtt. came
back to Darling, rnn over to the couit
of Australia mid when Inst ruportul
tvua to tbu south of tho Coco Islandr.
A Dnrnrlan tinnu-d Wegmnnit has In-!
rented nn apparatus which cooks f.wd
nnd keeps It warm for from teti to
fifteen hours.
A German genius has Invented mi
embroidering machine "by which,"
pnj's tho American Inventor, "It Is km
clblo to tnbroider nlmost any dtMlgn
on Hhe Burfaco whllo weaving thu
A Norwegian captain named Dorwlg
has constructed it new life sitvltig up
puruttis. It Is In the shnio of it globe,
made of Iron, nnd U six mid one-bulf
feet high und eight mid one-half In di
ameter. There Is room In It for six
teen persons mid for provisions for
twenty days. A sail can lw ratstd, und
there Li a rudder.
Mnrconl Is stated to bo working nt u
portable wlreloss telephone.
Tho uso of electricity In everyday
n da Irs Is developing onormoiwly In
Great Britain. Tho usunl prlcu Is 24
cenb per unit
It Is said by tho Electrician that low
tension electrical currents, nay under
120 volts, are more deadly than those
uirtng,ten times tho voltago. Dr.
Bert tell I nnd Trofessor I'revost hnvo
made tho rcmurknblo discovery timt
high tension currents nro capable of
restoring tho ttctlon of n Itenrt that
has been arrested by u low tension
The nrbltmtlon genn Is doing well.
conaldcrlng tho backward PciiBon. but
13 still- a pygmy coniparo-l with tin
trtrlko mlcrolK;. Wushlnglon Post.
While In many dlrectlomt new farm
lng lands are being bpt-ii'd, tbe lut-r
supply w-ems steadily to coiitnit'L cre
ating a problem which must become o(
tlio most Kcrlous nuture. Uuffnlu Cou
Cor" In" Ijiifitiid, r
In iJiplund tho crime which, nfter
munler, In punished with tho greatest
ooverlty is that of marrying 11 girl
ngalnst tho wishes of her parents.
When n miltor makes his nppearnnco
ho nayH nothing to tho midden, who
often doos not know who bo In, but ber
parent1- Inform her Unit ho Ih sought
lu mnrringe, Shortly nftorward, on 11
day nppolnted, tho girl, her parent,
frirndft and suitor nil moot together nt
a feast, nnd the young man nnd miildun
tsco placed opposite, m that they can
look nt each other freely and win talk
with comfort After tho moiil Is over
tin company repair to 11 11 open space,
whore "tho niCH for it wife" bt rum The
UHUal distance is nbout a quarter of a
mile, mul tho girl Is placed a third of
tlio dbttnnco from tho starting point.
If alio bo ileot of foot sho can easily :
reach tlio goul before her Htiltor, mid J,
In tlwt enso ho may never trotiblo her T
nguln. If, however, ho has found fa
vor In her eyes, nil Hho ban to do Is to
Jag Bomowhat In her lllght, ho that ho Lt
mny ovcrtnko hor. If Hho desires to(T
intlmnto to him that ids lovo for her X
is returned ho nay run n llttlo way
nnd then turn with open itrms to ac
cept him. ,
ISiikII!' For French TonRiirH.
PorBons who hnvo worried through '"
a "I'ronch Manual" may got romo wit- . .
tefnctlon from' tlio thought that with ; ;
thalr own language tboy nro rovemrnii . ,
upon the I'uHnIiui. "MolhodR Avoo
l'roiioitchttloit" 'Ih 11 Utile book which,
nmkc.-t ttlrnlcht the way bf tho Eiik
llsh htiiKtiiiKe for li'reneh toiiKuea.
Dooh one wUh to miy, "How Ih It, inlrm)
one no chiirtitluK mid jtrotty witlkltur
nlone?" (which, of eourne, would bo
one of tho llrnt runiarhn 11 I'tvitcli truv
oler wotihl hiivo occnlon to innko) It
Ih only uewHMm-y to coitHtilt the "Noti
vellea .Method));" "Ami llte, iiiIhh;
otietiuo no tchiiriuluiiKUii mindo pretll
otntklitiimie nliiunof" If tho traveler
Keen to tho theater the tnmi at tho box
otllco nitty Hity, "Oul hiivo mill orvheM.
tro Htnllrt htlfte, beitto allow nto ton
rliiinniuo mtt ho are o beat atteo for
Bliitii;etile d;eentluuieiie," Evidently
"th" U Klvon ti hh it bud Job, mid "J"
Ih iih dllllctill for tho Freiieliiumi iih for
the Ceriiimt, though it Ueruimi uitiiiuitl
Klvejt John Mull iih "Dftchunn llool,"
(Irritt .thinliroiiiu inrit-ii In t'rnnoi'.
The HtrmiKet of the tinderKrouud
worldH In Franco which I vhdtcd wini
one devotetl to the rntltij,' of iiiiimIi.
rootim. ItH lliutt.t iumctl unboiiiiili'd.
nl Indeetl they were, for It pierced the
htllHlilea In every direction. Wo entered
tlirouu.li mi opeuliiK under an orchnnl
of cherry tn'tw. DurliiK "litiVvest tline''
n crop Ih withered every twenty, four
bourn. Three men, with tln-lr wreat
biiHketti, nulla) the rottudi of IIiIh tiuiler
Krotiud farm evtiry iiiornluu, nnd every
duy In the year cull count 011 nn Im
tueiiKe crop, which they nhlp to the
liirjro cities near by mid oven Heverul
I "die nwny. The dlncolored mid Infer!
or mtHhroom-4 are soul to the cnum-rlei,
but for Ids bent Krowtli the irodtior
rc'vlvett on 'JtO cent. 11 pound. Hcrlb
uer'ri MngitKlue.
IMniiiliiKiN' Tiiiiir-irx.
The bwstly Vllell!un, us Cibbou r.ill"
hlm, spent Ht least sl.x ntllllotiH of
money on table In ns many mouths. He
Invented, or Ids iw.k Invented for him,
a dish which he ditdgnated "the Shield
of Minerva." Oite of Its principal lu
crcdlentH wa llatnlniro' tn-ii'ti-t). of
which Im.Ui Fltny and Martial ii'tiU In
eneoutbtstie terms. Daitiphr says that
the llamlujrofs lmr '"large tonguen,
nnd itenr tin root It 11 Wie of fat
which Is Mti-otiii'-il h gtnnt dslnty.",
When Captnln ()w-tt Ha surreylng
the oflst eoHit of Africa Id4 NMllnrs slmt
down htitMlriHls of ti'w-fw lc.itittfnl blnU'
In onler, with mi extrarngance wortiiy
of YlttdUtiH, to nmku a dUh of the
tongues alone.
Illhtorln Allxttiln.
AlbAUtu Ilex ISO uilk-s on the Adriatic
sea und Is fifty to it hundred intli
u-li1i. t! u-uii fiimiMl fii-trltmlli- wv
William Jnekmin Armmreng In his "lie-.
j . . . .. j - .. ..
rov or licrent," rrom part or uyris, all
of F.plriis nntl part of Macedonia lit tbe
cleveutli century. From this territory
spning I'yrrbtH, who tWeatrd the Ro
man Invadsr; I'htllp hihI Alexamler of
Mnccdon. the conqiwrorM; I'ersetiH,
wIumc famo ns 11 soMler corered the
world hlxty years fur Christ, nnd
Skanderlog. who for'fwty ywtrs d
feated nnules wnt a go Inst blm by the
Turk. Ancient Albania lay In Asia, Just
east of the Caucasus.
Hio V,'lioJr Ttilllir.
"Tl-.ua you'vo been to XlaxumV"
44W-W-WI4tK4-ir-l4'4-H-H. ', r- H-Sfr
That is what wc lu.ve lo it'll niul'vc can
fill nil orders for any and all kiwis.
Thu quality is ynarantetl and the price
is Right.
Our Slock includes anything required in
I?it, Spruce, R'id nud While Cedar.
jt'"i a5iw wwgyM"m
I'llONf: MAIN 151
Km M l'i 1 1 l I'l'H liifll
"tort, t wns cjuiotiy mitrrleu ntnt
Ttiendny week, nnd the next tiny wo
rcnclimi Nlngitrn, Soon n wo got tbero
I Htartetl nut to neo tho falls with my
"MngiillltMint. idi?"
"You betl( You should hnvo seen nil
tbu other iiimt turning nniiiud to look
nt her its alio punted." Philadelphia
riuti iicii"it(.
"D'H n slinnu) tho way Hume Bqunllop
rhlldreit ure growing up without any
pnrentnl re.itrnlnt whatever."
"Yen; when their mother Joined the
Woman's Literary society and Isi-tnii
nttondlug nil the mcollugM Mr. HijuM
lop got sort or reckless mid Joined 11
Don't Worry club."-Exchange.
Mr.. Mnry '' l :,v,,' F-A000
to the new library fund at I'aterson,
N. J.
Mies (Iwendoilnu fitownrl of Cnllfor.
nla ts lecturing In Loudon 011 American
wiiyu of Itoitsekeeplug.
Mm. Wtllhtm T. fiiiiiipMon. widow of
Ib-iir AdudiMl W, T. Hmnpson, with
her son Ha mid, hits tutlh-d for (ler
mitny, where sho will remain for some
Mrs. r.llr.11 It. IJuniz, it pioneer nmong
those advocating spelling reform mid
the creator of tho Burnt system of
iitenography, hint Just tiled nt Wnltcx'rt
I'lttk. Pit.
Mis 1 Marlon Homers West, tho high'
est salaried woman employee of tho
District of Columbia govenitnont nnd
for sixteen yeitnt In tho engineer tie
piirtmeiit. bits Just died at Washington.
Miss Helen E. Snow of Chicago will
pay for replacing the largo rellectlng
teleneope that wus destroyed by lire at
tho Yerkes obmin'titoo' btst winter.
She dos this ns u memorbil to her
f ii titer, (iixirp) W. Snow. t
The Prlue-tv Brmicncclo, wis) was a
Mli-s Field of New York city, has Ik-oii
entertaining the dowager Queen Mar
gberita of Itnly at her mngnlilctint
iHtnie tn-nr Rome. The American prln.
ces mid the dowager tjueen are on
terms of Intimacy.
Ida I'rlin'HilT, n twelveyenrold Ittr-s-nbtn
girl, wrote "The Kong of New
York." which was Indorsed by the his.
lory club to be snug by Now York
hcImkiI children to cvlcbrnto the two
hundred and fiftieth nnulversnry of tbo
fouudluK of the city.
Mrs. KrunecH A. Joseph, n colonil
H-ammi of culture mul rellnemenl. Is
prominent In the growing iovonifiit
for educating nntl elevating her nice.
She Ik founder of tbe colored Indtutrtnl
..!....! ..ft Ki. flidiiiKtii t1ilti tlttlC
ncktxil nt New Orlentm which wits
orenwl n year ago ami works wlnng the
Mime lines ns tho Tuskegwo institute.
Tho rnllrlrliwH blouse has revived nn
oIIht old fnsbbin, that of narrow I nro
collars to lie licit around tho throat.
Veil nrw ample In alzo nnd ntther
expensive. Some of them ure loco lior
dcred nud Imvu embroldon-d nnd hem
stitched lieiiiH,
rvyf yur1 '
ln-l III WM t4k In
.r- "
' ! t"
", 'r"it .rvfc,