Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 25, 1903, Image 2

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' r
& ''iMfffm
Tells a
True Story
of Her
Ed. Mail:
Well you eco it was this way my
namo in Mrs. Soar, ntul though I don't
mean to boast of my lineage, I am very
proud ot the namo, (or I can count my
grand mothers clear back to Noahs Ark.
1 live on top of Huckleberry Hill, nmt
Mr. Dear being away from homo w much
1 hno grown fond of eolitude, being of
a retiring disposition any way, (or I
usually retiro about the first week in
November, and stay that way a Rood
lone while. It just depends on the
weather, what time I get up. I look
out ot tho window about the middto of
April, and if the spring styles are out, I
co to the opening, it not, I juet turn over
and teke Another nap.
I bate men and I halo dog though I
dielike most of all the ones called Mills
Short, Frank Rogers and Floyd Coffelt
(or they keep about seventeen old, lean,
hungry looking Hounds just to Anoy me,
for every time I have ventured out this
Summer, here thoy come, just spankity
spat through the brush, breaking up my
rut tic furniture, and making a noiso that
works terribly on my system.
I don't mind the base ball team though
1 had eo much (un with them, You see
they challenged me to a little game, and
they camo np here in a nicotine launch,
with n big assortment ot guns and dogs
and an immense big lunch basket. They
Mrs. Bear.
stayed right with the basket o! lunch,
and turned the dogs Iooeo juet when I
was taking my morning walk. Well I
didn't wait to get better acquainted
for there are people I dont care to ne
eo:iato with any way, and besides I
Miss IdbL M. Snyder,
Trcahurer of ttio
Brooklyn Euiit End Art Club.
" If woiT.cn would pay more atUntion to
their health we woula have more happy
wlvcj. mothers snd daughters, nd if they
would obttrve rtiulU thty would find
that the doctor' prescriptions do not
perform ih many cures they are given
credit (or.
" In consulting with my druiglst he ad
vised McElree's Wine of Carduland Thed.
ford's Black-Draught, end so I tooh it end
have every reason to thank him for a new
life opened up (o me with restored health.
and it only took three months to cure me." J
Wiiio of Cardui is r regulator of tho j
menstrual functions and is a most as-
tomsbuig tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppresbed, too frequent, irreg
ular aad nftlufulmenatrunfion, failine '
of the womb, whites and flooding. ii
is helpful when approaching: woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in opaoge ot life. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. -All
druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wiaet
of Cart
1 Ttf St I
wanted to gut homo iu time (or dinner,
(or nothing in this world makes Mr.
Dear more provoked than (or mo to bo
bo hind hand witli meals. Ho growls
just like n man, whoa over I am tho
least bit Into, eo I put out, nhd mndu n
homo ruu on tho first inning.
Hut I wanted most of all to tell you
about the josh I played on Floyd Cotfelt
nna Frank Rodgers. They came up hero
with some blankets and tin things, an
old coffco pot nnd a ten cent novel, and
set up houpo keeping in a big hollow
tree, that has belonged to our family
for generations, just ns cool as yaa please
aud hung their coats up on a knot like it
w as a first-class hotel. 1 was mad but
I didn't say anything. M voice would
never have bceu heard nuovo tho noise
made by those old, lean, hungry looking
hounds nny way, so I just prowled
around, taking notes until I got a chance
to call when they wnsent in, jnst like
the folks do i l town. I wanted to let
them know I had been there, and I had
left my card case at home, so 1 just
hauled everything cut of tho house,
the first thing I did.
Some of tho blankets I toro into litllo
pieces, then I curried some of the pieces
up on tho top of the hill and scattered
through the ealal brush, then I put the
rust nndor a log. One I just wokcd a
lace border all around with my teeth,
they aro wearing lace a good deal this
Summer, and it looks fine when it was all
spread out on the hill. Then I used my
teeth for a can opener, and I ate every
thing they had. Sotno of the things I
liked and some things I didn't, but I
wanted to get rid of everything. I got
hold of a can of pepor, and it came
mighty near burning mo up, I toll ynu
it was warm as love in August, but I ate
a roll of buttir and that relieved that
terrible burning sensation that porvnded
my entire being. I tried tho pickleB
too, but they gaye mo such a pquint it
changed the wbc'o expression of my
features, eo I dug a hole and bur.ed
them down by a snlmonberry bush.
Then I thought I'd make some coffee
like I bad seen them do and I took the
the coffco pot about 60 yards from the
houEe, for I didn't want it to burn down
and no insurance; cause Mr. Seugetack
en conldn't climb tho hill through tho
huckleberry brush with life stood clothes
on, to sec to it; besides, I thought it
might come in handy some time when
I wanted to take a nap. I tried to stJtke
a match on the teat of my pants iuHt
like they did but they must navo been
damp (or they wouldn't go. I didn't cure
(or coffee is mighty bad for the nerves,
any way; cause when anybody's sick
Dr. McCormac Eaye its coffee, but. Dr.
Straw eays its their imagination, hut
Frank Rogers eays that coffee's all right,
only you must take an antidote for he's
tried it aud it works fine. He cot tho
ormula down to tho teachers institute,
D) I reckon it must he ell right, Tim
man seems to dlv'de hie time between the
teachers institute and me for lis is half
the timo on my trail but I always tret
the laugh on him.
I nearly forgot to tell you about that
novel, I jutt tore every leaf out, and
scattered them all over creation, I was
so disgusted to think any body in this
enlightened age would read Euoh etuff,
when they could just ai well read tho
Coast Mall, I just nearly crlol fur the
K litor over euch a lack of appreciation
of really good and "mighty intercstin
Last spring two of my friends and
myself thought wu would herd Mr.
Roger's ebeop andjroats for him just like
those yellow collies 'do, but ho took
their out sides homo.
But I got wise (or when old Rose and
Ranger comes howling aftor'mo I jit
run to tho haunt v. hero ir.y old friend,
Dier Buck HveE end toll him to givo
them a chute (or I am tired, I gg,n little
ways with him, Inert I climb up a trco,
and when those howling hounds go rftr
rhe' deer buck and that mnn Rogrr&"
goes running by with the probjtorhn
streaming down his face, I just sit up
tbcto in a a natural formation Feat, as
cool as a cunumher, graciously waving
my tail while I ponder on tho muta
bility of human affairs.
That man's a queer specimen any
way, if ho only had n little more ofu
boar cast ot features and n little deeper
gro-'vl I shouldn't know him from one ol
my own family, I Just bet Icould do a little
side stroku with him all right. That
old yellow bound with red eyes ttioy call
Snyder, ho camo up horo ono day, and
stuck his cold blnck uoto right in tho
door of our hollow log, but Mr. Hear
gave him such a box on tin) side of tho
jaw, with .lis paddy paw, that ho hns
had n gentlemanly mono with us
folks over since Hut Ranger he's not
so distant, ho'd associate with ns If we
lot him, but wodont want him in our sot,
and I only wish utter this Rogers, ColTelt
nnd Short with nicotine, launch f .ill ot
base ball team, aud those 1? old yipping
and howling, lean and hungry looking
old houndB would stay iu thier own
back yard.
Mns. 11k ah.
Big Creek.
The elders aro uow conducting a camp
meeting on the creuk. Thesenson being
now open to slay tho sportive deur, nnd
on the first evening ot arrival n vol
ley ot shot from the entirn crew brought
down a buck with horns wasted awnv
from old ogo, aud too helpless to retreat.
The next morning, whim a deer full of
youth and vigor appeared on the scone
and Fred Johnson was in lino gathering
slippery elm nnd chittem bark to send
homu to his uncle that hns an estate,
tlm balance of the crew began to tiro nt
thu one deur in sight. FreJ yelled to
thorn, 'Dou'tJ shoot, I'm no buck,"
when the refrain came back, "Well
they consider you an old buck, around
Marehfield," Tho combiusd forces
tired tweuty-eeven shots t thu deer
with uo effect, then they hold a council
ot war and decided tho failure was da
to deftcelve eights on their guns. The
(net Mas that there was a difference next'
day from the'r own optic lookout.!
Nick Relchart, who had been down
drinking salt water to keep him quiet,
appeared aud told them that he wt s
disgusted witli such shots from eoldier
ns they claimed to be, and said he would
show them a few German shote that he
learned in the old country under NY
Hani. He let aix of theso shots Iocs-
and the crew havo never seen th
deer since. Tho principal huutini:
I-red Johnson and Citl Good in an
'done was thu hunting of a shady
spot to He down aud droam of
eyes of blue and eyes ot brown and
hired the noted scotch highlnmler Mc
Duff us guard, eo that no deur or dear
would run over them while thy dream
ed, Mr. Elliott tho only marksman of
the crowd was short on cartridges, but
told them ho could take his two dogs .11 d
uun and kill moro doer in a day than
they could in ten years.
Pope May Live Until
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Rome. July IS-Au official bulletin say
the I'.ipo passod n eleeplutti night, hu
since tho first hoard of the mnruiuu lud
e quiet rtiK)e. Respiration is iiuim and
not Eiiperfioifil, hcrauiw tho level of ihel
pleuru fluid had rank. Rdtpirallm 'JU,
puis weak H8, turn parnlurc 34.2, gwicrnl
condition unchanged.
Physicians sorm dolightod with the
Improvement. An operation is not
present nocwusry. Tho doctors say thiv
morning it ie pottjihlc the Pop may live
until tho first o( September. At 4
o'clock tho Vatican reports continue
cheerful. Tho Pontiff hud some r.t.
during !the day, The nrr.elieratlon of
his condition hsu baor. maintained;
Re-Establishes her Su
periority Morris Cove, July 18-A thirty mile
thrush to windward is tho courau ol
thu Reliance. Couslitution and the
Columbia. Thu Conatltutloti'tf showing
yesterday renews thu speculation ns to
tho Reliance's superiority. Tho wind
this morning was light from tho south
sit, t'lcsagliig n long battlu against
head wind?.
Uuotllcinl finish of tho yachts h ns
follow e, Reliance ItiMtol. Constitution
1:42:00, Columbia 1:51:47.
LEO 13
Passed Away at 4; 1 0
p, m- Today
Pres Roosevelt Sends
Special to the Mad.
Washington, July 20 The United
States Chnrge D'Afhtirs has received a
dispatch (rum Cardinal Gibbous, at
Rom?, saying "Tho I'upo died a 4:10
p. m., July 20."
Thu following dispatch was s"nt to
Cardinal Rampollo nt Homu by Presi
dent Roosevelt's order ut 1:16 this af
ternoon :
"Tho President desires mo to 6xpros
the profound fense ot loss tho Christian
world sustuine in tho death of His Holi
ness. Ry his lofty chaructor, great
learning and comprehensive chanty, he
adorned his exalted station, and ma.!u
his reign one of tho most Illustrations,
ah it has hoeu ono of tho longest, in thu
history ot tho Catholic church."
KignuJ, Hay.
' Rome, July 20-2:10 p. m. Mazoui
arrived and hurried to the Vatican .
Hu ennsidurod tho Popes death emin
ent. Tho final stare it ie understood
'a as entered upon nt 1 o'clock this
n'ternoon, this expected to last into tho
Tim I'nvnrnmnnt nnnounrjul thnt 11
tolHgraph polo had fnllun, which will
bo a great delay to all incaenges. This
means that thu authorities aro guUinp,
rouly toplrco nn embargo on all mm.
eftgoe, and that the ofllelals hsvo reason
to iMHoTtt tho Popos dUtolution is clo'o
at Imnd.
12:10 p. m. the Cardinals ot Rome
hnvo been enmmoued to thu Vatican
wlilnh is n vury Dtrorr indication that
tho end is approaching. Cardinal Kora
rtna Vuiiuutuili, Grand J'oiiltctiliari,
entered thu tfm! chumbur (or tlio pur-J
potcof e,ivug His Holi .ess absolution
in artlculo mortis.
Tho Holy 'riacramont was osposod nt
St Petersburg thlu morning Ua a 'sign
that thu llulal agony had commenced.
An olllclnl hiillutlu by thu physicians,
very Incoulo, reads! "Last nhjht Ills
llulluotts slopl only nt short Intervals.
H'b general condition remains constant
ly gravo. Pulsation HI, respiration 32,
temperature :it),i veutlgrnilus."
At t p. m. the following soml-olllclnl
medical Hlnteineiit was mndei Vatican
Thu Pope Ih In n state of fever, which
ven the ph)s!c!uus aro tiunblu to dolluu
London, July 20 Tho clnlms of the
Catholic Church am so lolly, Its organlxn
lion ro peculiar, there being no othur ec
clesiastical monarchy In ChlHteudom,
and Its history has been so npiondid,
that the npprochiug election to its throne
ennnot bo otherwise than n subject of
thu highest intellectual interest through
out tho civilized world. This Is espeo
hltv the case nt tho present vacancy
for tho p.pnry clearlv stands at tho
puling of thu ways, and tho successor
of l.eo XIII. will probubly decide
whether tho Church shall bo world
wide, or !hnll become practlcilly tho
Church ol thu l.nlin races alone, race
which, If they nru not decaying, aru be
ing nu'strlpped in thu great contuse. If
hu is a man in whom thu npirtunl Hie
i slroug, hu may infiigo thu luviOrto
the veins ot the Church, w hiln It hu is n
men) diplomatist, or a hunter nttt-r tem
poral power, he may extlngulth the
rovtireucu ot his olllcu among thu pro
gressiva rares.
tt ic most improbable, next to im
possible, thut a non-Itn'iau Cardinal
should bo elected. Not only Is tin1
nujorlty In the conclave competed of
Italians lorn, but there, nru gravu rea
sons, iilmout overwhelming ronsous, why
no ouu not of that nation should Ih elect
ed. Thu old reason thnt the Church Is
centralized iu Rome, nnd that the Con
grcgHtloiiH or Committees which govern
it, would fuel themselves out of toucli
with a foreign Pope, Is stilt operative,
and rather Ntrouxer than weaker because
the uuw Dogna bus complied them nil
to exalt their chief's spiritual rights.
International enmities havo becouiu
more bitter; and no German or English
mnn could hu elected becaueo French
men and Spaniards would belluvu him
hostile, whtlo thu choice of n French
man wruld roiiso suspicion in all who
think iu German or possibly in Magyar.
The death ot Cardinal Lodochowskl has
luft but ono Slav Cardinal Missla who
might hu included among thu papabill,
and though hu would bo a worthy ciuidl
data, ho would bo disliked both in Russia
aud (.iormnuy, ns euro to keep up the
SHiitluiunt, purtly rollgloas and partly
I national, which prevents Potus from
; being politically forgotten. An Amerl
, nnCnrdUd-miglit no doubt bo elected
without exciting much international
fooling though Hpnnish- America, it
' .1 imt j( li.t ii..i...rt Iwip.ul lu n it.ni4 .it.
IV ll3fr wu 1JIIIUIluuf;w, ,q I, tut.v u.
Hlou of thu Catholic world, and both du
testH and .dreads tho North American
hut the election of Cardinal Gibbouo
wool 1 seem to tho congregation!) a rovol-
utionnr) proceeding, an 1 one, moreover,
forb,ali ,,y tho grand obstacles of all,
Iftvould bo fatal to tho lunt chance of
Uj0 roBtomtIon oI lho tmnporol pQJffU
That restoration, it accomplished at all,
must he accomplished by tho sword, and
to modarn ideas tho' imposition by force
of a foreign sovoroign rojoctul by a
who'o pcoplo is painfully repugnant.
Kvon tho moderate Cardinals cannot
bring themeolvea to'eurronder nil hopo
of onco more becoming IVlncosa, nnd
showing, tho world how dutato ought to
ho governed (or tho promotion n
Christian llfo, nnd thoy ctirta'nly will
not add to thu dlflluultlos Iu thu way
of their dream by nuleutlng ns thiitr
chlof any (orelgtier whatsoovor, whethur
(ieriuau, Hlav, halln or American,
.Thoy will choosu nn Ititllluu, an J
auioiig Italians they strlvu to rind a
man of ability nnd spotless character
who will hu strictly rmisorvntlvu lu his
policy, especially iih relates to thu king
dom of Italy. They uro far too well
meaning, nn well ns worldly wise, to
elect a man about whose churnctur thuro
In any shndu of doubt, and too well nwn'u
of modern ucccsNltlus to choosu nny mnn
wIioki abilities nru manifestly uununl to
his lofty nnd uulquo position, At tho
snme time they will dusuu n "safu"
man, certain not to shock tho world
w It It novelties, or to ttnvel on a llnu
which his siibordlnnti) coadjutors do not
understand, Theso conditions will ho
found to thlu tho numbers greatly, thoy
striking uiit Cardinal Oregllo, wlo
would tie dangurously (muitic; Ctrdlun
Cnpecelatru, who Is toonld-tuvunty-ult o
Cardinal Svnuipn, wholi ton young;
Cardinal Parrcchl, who is plebeian and
corpulent on outward npearaiicu;
Curd in Hi dl Pielro, hecuunu hulsdllikid
at llorlln; and, ultvvu all, Cardinal R.m.
polln, thn tecrutnry of otnte, who has
prolMhly offuinlud hull thu b'acred Col
h'Ke by his ImperiouMioai, and nil thu
Koverumeuti of Ruroiit, Vpirlally thu
French. Thin leaves iu tho front rank
of thu Pupil! only two men: Cardinal
(i,t II, whom l.eo XIII Imllo.Ud ill his
eucruiMor, nnd Cardiuul Vnutitelll. Tlio
first-named is n nwerwid man, n Uurine
I to monk, who Ih greatly favored by
Cnrdiunl Itaiiipolla, but whoso puriioh'1
tuny hu kupt secrut uviiu from him.
Cardinal Vanutulli is n mnn of acoomp
llshmuuts, who han conciliated thu
foreign vote, nnd who tuny yet succeed
in soothing away tlm opposition of thu
Jesuits. It would scnill thereforu that
unless thu choice fell upon some com
paritively. unknown Italian, It would
rust upon either ot theso two. Tho
chnncui ol the unknown, it should ha
remembered, nro greatly Impaired by a
certain necessity (or speed, thu ConcUvo
desiring not to leavu time to tho govern
ments to Interfere, or to exert pleasure
on K'bull ot a favorite with their
A Sad Incident
Tlm llttlo five-year-old daughter ol Mr
H'nrnur, was accidentally Icitlled near
fiumptur Oru. U'ednemUy evening. Tho
family wuru euroiitu from thu P.ilotieo
muntry to thu Rouo River Valley, aud
wuru camped about 5 uiHot hulow huru
when thu fatal uccldout occurrixl. Home
iiedding was being lifted from tho front
if thu wagon when n pistol full out,
mil, striking the tongue, was exploded,
hu bullet passing through thu little
lrl's body, Hliu was playing witli hor
minll brother just lu (rout of tho wagon,
ud immediately alter being shot begged
her father to throw tho revolver nwny eo
hat uo one oho might hu kllloil witli It.
ilr. Waripir Is an Oddfellow and Knight
I I'ythias, aud thu funeral was co iduct
d under thu uusplceu of tho two ordeis
J, I), Hnwos, ofiu time principal of
iliu .Mariibfiviid School, is in MurshlleM,
ariiviug on thu Alllrnce from Portland,
n company with bin wife, formerly Miss
Florence fhnith. After visiting Mrr,
(uueV parents for about threu wcukr
hey will go to O.lllfornia, whoro Mr,
(hi wo has nrcOjitud n xiosltloa in a school
iioar Frcnuo,
Miso Idn Gamble, who has just closed
a Hiiccouriful turm ot school at Ray CUi
will tnVottn outing ot about u Oionth on
.UilJtBKfciMy -