. . . n, , Bvl. r, . . v - . -r--- --. lb,s,tyln'"t1Jb'"tilk-'ll'i-b-itf r V 757Jw' AH JV rat H - '-, P A 1 .AJSTX) LOCAL From Sunday's Dally. Paiutera aro at work on Farley's bar ber shop, repainting it. Buildings aro being rushed rapidly to completion at North Bend. II. Holveratott of FolrrIor make! Marsbfield a business visit. Attorney E. L. C. Farrin will go out tomorrow to his farm on tho Coquille. Dr. Watson and Mr Monroe mado a pleasure trip up tho South fork of Coos river, Simpson's mill at North Bend was shut down yesterday on account of scar city of logs. Wm. T. Wilson of Myrilo Toint was one of Marsbfleld'a business visitors yesterday. Xorth Bend gradually takes on tho appearance of a city, as its streets aro being graded. Captain Hard wick .is again on the bridge of the Alliance, and every ono is glad to see him there. Motes Levar goes to Portland on the (AUianco and becomes an inmate of the Odd Fellows Home. Mm A. M. To-nmlilv nnd danehter , . A ., , ., ..if .Tossie, went to Portland on tho Allianco where they will spend tho summer. j , ileo. Seeley is a passenger north on ,the Alliance on his way to his old home in Ireland, where he intends to stay. Thos. Buckman, ot East Marshfield, to town yesterday for tha first .was over time in several i , quite sick. months, having been If the harkantine Chehalia is loaded with 200,000 ft of lumber, for San Francisco it is probable that she won't make Coos bay on hor down trip. Miss Hague and Miss Peddle, of Vic toria, B. O. arrived Friday via Drain, they will visit Eeveral weeka with friendB .and relatives, Mra Minot, O'Connell and others. C. S. Jordan returned on (ho Allianco from San Francisco after an absence of about throe weeks visiting with friends and relatives. He will reeumc his old i Iotltion in tho Potthuff Bakery. The annual camn meetint; ot tho Soventh Day Adventists will be held at Myrtle Polut, beginning July 30 and lasting ton daya or more. Elder Bun?, president of tho Oregon Conference and others prominent in tho church will bo iu atteudenco. Mies Annlo Beison left on tho alliance yesterday for Salem Iwhore eho has ac cepted a position as teacher in tho pub lic schools. MIeb Pelsen was ono of Marshfleld'B most popular young ladieB and hor IiobI of friends Jioro wiuh her euccess in her now field of educational work, Cholera Infantum Tbie has been long regarded aa ono of tho most dangerous and fatal diseases to which inianta aro eubjeet. It cau bo cured, however, when preporly treated. All that 1b necessary ie to give Chamber lain'a Colic, Cholera and Dinrrjioia Remedy and CuBtor oil, aa directed vith each bottle, tnd a euro is certain. 'For Sale by John Preuss. Summer ComDldinfs Cholera Cure sovereign and almost infallible remedy for Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dyscatry, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. and Cholera. II acta almost immediately. (iettinjf Economical Tho Eupremo Judges oro using only halt of tho appropriation allowed them by tho last Legislature for 'clerical as sistance. Tho appropriation is f7200 for each two years, or $3000 a year, Daring tho flm half of 1003 tho expenditure for clorical assistance was but fPOO. In 1001 tho expenditure on this account was J'2425 ; in 1002 it was $ 2100, or about two thirds of tho appropriation. At tho present rate the expenditures for 1003 aud 1001 will be ouly one-halt of the .PPwprlation. Travel by Sea Departures North by Allianco, July 11: Frank Tandefl, Sullivon, P. C. Ra'tieburg, A. B. Hillis, R. E. Pruott, DII McCiure, Miss Mabel Seely, Mrs Thomas, O J Martin, Moses Levar, Roy Mills, Miss Alberta Mills. Mrs I A Mill Maud Allen, Mr? Freoman, II Judge, J Q Wright, H Leslie, Roy Leslie, C II Merchant, Mrs Leslie, Miss FTwombly, Mrs Twombly, Miss A W Btesen, L St Dennis, E G Rose, J II Beanian, .1 O Brnman, J I Wright, Robt M Clay, 2f Bis. Hon, F S Toelle, Alice Thomas, Mrs J E Rich, Warren Rich, W Vaug hn. O M Sanford, Geo M Sealey, G Os good, L S Ross, O C Roes. For lazy liver Stomach and Liver vigorato the liver. try Chamberlain's Tablets. They in- J rAt'fllatA tll tvMimln anil hruvanl litlllntm ' niu luu uiKecuiu. i attacks. For sale by Jno Pieucs. Fourth of July Accident Disfigurement, death and fire were .the grim companions of the Fourth of ' I , . . . conccd, i uciuiu, ui vjihcbvu, kvo u mini 01 oo . i . . . I tilled anu 3U Killed ana ll3 injured, as a result of the day'a , . , . celebration. The number of fatalities exceeded last year, when 21 gave up their during tho observance of the day, and J 212 were reported injured. Tho list of lujuicu, uunuci, mis jnur, IB lur Hum 1-nmnlnt.l anrt mat? liavn nvi.AAilc.il tlia ! large total recorded in 1002, Land Decision Tho decision of the Secretary of tiie i Interior, that affidavits taken by Deputy County Clerks, away form county eeate, is invalid, affect b fillings mado in the J Chetco country, by residence of Crescent CMy, who filed before Deputy Clerk Mc Cutchen, at Harbor, Oregon. Th'j pa- pera wero made out and Bworn to before . j,eaeilnt movement of tho' towels, 1m McCutchen, and then forwarded to Gold I prove the appetite and htrengthun the noaiTi tr tioi'A flm Car rn f fliA einl f I AJBa.ll S,W 1JM1U .4W Wlbin 'Uk niu rjtui bl bis ofllco upon thl-in. Tho Secretary ln tho deoUIoD on Euch fll,ng8 ,nRtlo,n tho Fall Itivor country, allowed tho ell mants 20 daya in which to correct their filings, by going before tho proper ofiicir. I" Dul Nortu "ocord. School Fund Apportionment Thu semi-annual statement of statu i Treasurer C. S, Moore, which lias jiut hjBon icEued thows that the annual ap- I portioument of uchool funds on August 1st will be tl:e iurge-t in the history of tho i tato. Tho apportionment Inst year exceeded that of any previous yeare, but' R. B. Shine, of Umpire, nM a bli the inonoy to be distributed this year ness visitor in MarfchUeldyMtorday. will bo fully it per cent greater, The ...., total amount of money In tho state Dr. I. A. Uurch, of Marshflold, la on treasury on July I was ,1,278,130,12. of irayiu.B Bloilj,,, ajd TfHm0 on pfofo3. which $717,095,33 w;aa in the irreduciblo ' clonal buBineaa. school fund and 1107,000,01 was in tho! J , common school interest fund. This lat- tor sum iu mado up cf the iutereet upon Martiudalo.of (Jamas valley, ahot hin fiou. tho common echool fund. A year self accidently Saturday evening while ao tiie Interest fund obtained ?li0,J14,- 8l During July largo payments of Iih tore9t will be wade, thufc Bwellinp th'o imount to be apportioned on August 1, The Quick, Sure jaynes CARMINATIVE BALSAM Avoids Making Will John Rlckard, an old rosldont of Cor- Vallis, Wednesday deeded a largo farm each, to his two eons, Bay nnd Roy Rlck ard. Ono farm, known as tho Hill farm, contains 1000 acres and tho other, known as tho prairie farm, is also vxtoualro. Tho first (arm is valued at about $ 25,000 and tho pruirio fnim, which goes to Roy, at about $20,000. To mako Roy's ahtro of the division of tho proporty c;ual, hi; father gavo him fSOOO cash, Mr. Kick ard also deeded his wifo a farm of 1G0 acres nesr Coryallis, and a half a block land in the town of Corvallls. A fine residence is to bo erected on tho latter place, work upon which lias nlready been begun. Mr. Rfckard is "0 years of ago, and concludod to dispose of his property boforo his death. SUICIDE OR FOUL PLAY Body of Fred Weaver Found Float ing In Coos River Tho drowned body of Fred Weaver, a logger.was found at Richmond's landing iu tho north fork of Coos river, yester day. Coroner Horsfall was summoned, but being unable to go, Dr. Mingus went. The body was brought to town last night by tlngaeglmo launch Dixie. The drowned man had evidently been in tho water for some time, as the body was decomposed almost beyond recognition. Ho woro a pair of overalls and a dark l colored coat, and on hia feet npaircf , , , . nnlaced river boots, heavily eoled and , , , There was a long gash under his left - "J", UUU U IUI UI.IU3U UIU HUB.. ' . , , . i mo oouy was muy ueniiueu as mat !nf Kri'il Wpnvnr. nlthnncli nt llrnt l irn ttinnt.lif tiv Hnmn In tin flannp tviiln 8cen rB ; work. He loft there after tiie Fourth. and at that timo his fellow workmen had noticed that ho acted as though hia rnind wero unbalanced, bo that it is likely that it. is n case of sucule. The coronor'a inquest waa to bo hold laet evening, but too late for this issue. From 'Tuesday's Daily. No man or woman in the statu will heeitatf to tpeak well of ChamborlainV Stomach nnd Liver Tablets alter ono trtrlnr, tlir.m Tltoi. itli.niu .ivuti.ii u in rMNiinn r rr Ba n rir inn I'rmua " Orvillo Lucab of Coquillelepeiit Sunday fn MarshQtld. A, II Mulkey of Coquille waa a busi ness visitor in Marshflold yesterday. Tho Marehfiold ball team will take short vacation this week at Tonmile. P. G. Peterson, of Tonmile, was III town yesterday on a bueinexa sojourn. F. M. Friedburg ia having tho of the electric light plant painted. roof Newa hai reached hero that Hank putting a revolver ,in its ho6tor. Tliu nail outerod IiIb rlht eido and pasted 'downward through the body, It'licting a serious wound. Tho steam freighter Czarina landod in Mnrahfleld Sunday with n enrjio of luitht. . ll.'o. Uiurou was an Hiring invrrly uat night from blooding at tho none, .vhlelj thorn was great dllllcullv In topping. Mm. J. O. M Ciilloeh, f ll.tynon SI nigh, ntarted for Heaver Hill thin tuorntug wheru shu will visit fi lends and rolativuH. A pleasure party composed of Mr. and Mrs, McPhursou, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nicholson and Miss Alice Shutter aud fr.end, spoilt Sunday at Charleston. Robert Ahr, the tinsmith aud repair er, has gone to Kmplro and tho lower biynmlits tributaries to mend the houau-wlvob' pots and kettles. A New Iialln g House Messm P.mmoreou & Jones hnvoopon oil up n tint-class Cafo and Restaurant in the Garfield hotel. Tho place has been thoroughly renovated and tilted to do a general restaurant business. Tho gi-utlu ion camo to Marshlluld highly recommended and expect to remain huiu permanently. They wish it diitlnrtly understood that their builness is in no way connected with tho Coffee club, such rcportB having go no cutront oil tho atrtots. Mersrs Kmiiierson and Jones' are here to stay ami consider Murnhtltld a good point for tho business venture. and they will do their busluojs in such manuer asto merit a fair share of Marsh lleld's restaurant business. Jlasoms Will Build a Temple- I. net evening Bianco Lodgo mot in HpecUl session to corslder tho matter of building a temple on their property. Ti e building is to he built two story. the upper to be used aa a lodge rocrn anJ tho lower story for an opera home. Tho successful bidder being Pettr C!auseti. The building will bo strictly modern, nnd up to date as n Masonic temple and un auditorium capable of accomodating over 1000 peoplo. In tills mutter the Maeona aro taking a step that will be a credit to Mhrshduld as well as the Matonlc fraternity. Campimj Parly The following gentlemen go to Big Creek today for a Summer vacation. They iinvu boon very attentive to tho thirsty subject who vIhIKmI us on tho Fourth, and tho rest wo nre Bure will bo' of benefit to them. Fred Johnuon, Brewery; Andy Ileckla, Always Wel come, Nick Richard, on the sick list; Carl Goodman, occupation unknown; Alex Kventff, Caterer for certain u'oods. Tlif.tr it ir f Itimiin nrt ..nil ti..i.i t ' ... w .....v.iii... ...w nun niiimii in MarNhfield, and the rest will do tin nil go,d. ArrangemuntB have been made for tho opening of tho cannery as theio gentlemen carry plenty of bait, anil tl o (y'.urinn has been chnrted to bring in tho catch. For hsbIhUiicu in cunning ! tl o proceeds of tho fishing party see Clnj Moore. MAYOR OP IIEPPNER RECEIVES TIIE MONEY Mayor V. P. Norton Ih in recopt ot thu following acknowledgement of tho r ' iptof the money sent to Hoppnor for thu relief n( thu sufferers thorn, Hoppnor', Oregon, July 7, Iti03 .Mr. F. P. Norton, Marahfiuhl Ore. IX-nrSir: Wo aro in receipt of yourlottor of 2nd InK unclosing draft on Portland for tiie film of $-107.75 proceeds of hannl.itn ifiiino, Performance of Jamoa Kfano riiuatrlrul (Jo. nnd doi atlon from Long ulioremau Unl on, given for tho Linofit f Jleppnor suffororB. Pleufiu accept' for youraslf and convoy to your fellow townsman nnd other part- ich wno nasiBteti in raialng thla t mount ur bfiicoro thanks for their kindnoea and L'Wicroilty to our aillictod people, . Very respectfully ,' -Fran,k Gillian, Maydr Por 0. ti. Wdodeonj Bts, iWfcather Iff ItnaliMntnFOtoltM ' M tliltir Mrliii ' tlilor wliii writ SAWYER'S EXCELSIOR BRAND POMMEL SUCKERS Man or imMIciii not not wet. EXCELSIOR fNTAIVfl OILED CLOTHING 'or nil klmlt of nolle. wmroiitnl wirprwr. . luok for ttil nmiK. i It uult ilmlt n writs II. n. ? t k , twl. f r. It.t l'U4. BAY TEAMS THE VICTORS Sunday' gamo botwoou Marshflold , and Coquille as another defeat for Co- itiillo. l"ie score stood tlvo to three In Minefield's favor, The gamu was closely contested and tho hoys say that Coquille played her best nnd that bettor than over before this soason. Stroub was Bubstitutud as Wickman Mas unable to play. Wright phiyed Hold, and Btroub play ed first In Wtight'd place. Features ot the gamo were Wright's catch and baco throw in tho field and Lob's pitching in tho last live innings, striking out eleven turn. Score by tunings. Marshtleld 12 14 5 0 7 8 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 1-5 tot i o o o o o -:i Coquille u AN DON neruATkii Handon was again defeated Sunday, by North Demi at Handon the scoiu stood three to four. This makes tho second kefeat for the heretofore victori ous Handon at tho hands of North Ilrnd. The boys down tho bay are noting a C-fiit move on themselves. From Wednesday'! Dally. The Areata arrived last evening. The strawberry season is about at its finish. Augoet Farley aud Dr. Toye are taking a few days vacation at Tun Milo. Sjveral camping parties are reported on tho North fork of Cood River. Ed Gulllbr of Coquille was seen oil the streets of Manhfleld yesterday. Mrs. II. H. Reassof Myrtle Pjlnt was n vUltor to Marshfiuld yesterday. A great many camping parties nre reported to be camping near thu Jetty. A. I). Farrier of CVtiille was one of M.irblillold'd business visitors yesterday, f " Johnson and O, it. Cousin ot t,runt 1hs, had biieliioan in MarahtlulJ vnaturday. Mra'. H. 11. Cathcart ha.i tho thanka of thiii olllco tor n boquet of beautiful llowera. Hay did you hear about that .big flab tliut Sam Magnes caught out ut Ten miloV Mra. J, I.onnon aud Mra, David .Moreo, of Umpire, were visiting frlondu iu town yesterday. Tito steam freighter Czarina left tho c ml bunkers yebterday with u cargo ol coal for San Francisco. 1 Tho three-masted tchoonor James A Garfield left thio morning for San Fran cUco with a cargo of lumber from the Coquille millu. Thu North Bend hall team have gone on u pleat uru and recreation trip to tho Ten milu lake where thoy will remain until F.iday. K, G. Flauagau'a delivery liorao was severely cut up by barb wiro yesterday while at work. A now homo ie now 011 tho delivery toagon for a low days, mWTtt' w mm LJ'h m MFS' Tho frntniMvork of the largo railroad Itolglit shed' on tlm'depot dock li com pleteil, uml, tho work ot puttlti'X nn tint rooting and aiding will noon coihiiiuiich. Uharles I) Ctapp, r prtHtihtlug II. H, IhiukliMi ACo., of I'liU'itg't, IntprvlumSl tho driiKKlfttii of Marshtleld yeoliinliy uiul will go to the C(qiiilli) on thu haimi err;uul, Tho -Minion Tort h and Ittthy Grllla will leave on Hid Arcat.i for H m Fruti nlsco to visit tlielr folka for a month. Their slater, Mary Murphy will go with ilium to take a short trip to tho City, A pleasont party computed of, Mra Mluott, Minn Mlnntt,Tom Mluolt.'I.oho Davidson, Frank llagtiuand Mlsa llagiiu went up tho Coou Ithn to visit thu camp of Mr. aud Mrs. O'Connell, 8. II. Cathcart and T. M. Dlmmlck are dolegativt to tho Ore nl I.olgoA, O. U. W. which intotH In Portland on the 1!1 it. Mrs. S. II. Cntlunrt attends thu Dcgreo of Honor as dulogatu fiom (lie Marshtleld lodgo. , The next duty wi havo to perforin In behalf of thu Tenuis club is to give the gontli'iiiuu'a club a name. Thu Lndlns call themselves the Jolly Hatchelor Glrl'd Tenuis Club, now it enutnn from our standpoint Unit no must call tho gentlemen, The Jolly Old Maid's Tounls Club. Cut His Foot Willi an Ax J, M'Cahoy of Dauieln creek while chopping yultorday had thu misfortune of severely catting his foot with thn ax It caught 011 a limb, which caused it to strike hi foot, lie will belaid uphr ei'ioml weeks. Dwelling House Runied liui house Iralonglngto Shurru Cntllp, on Daniels Creek was destroyed by tl r yesterday at noon. , The house was occupied by J. S. P.lliott. Tho flro was discovered while the family weru at diutiur. Everything of much value was raved. It caught lire from a defective fine. 'Thero was no insurance on tho hiiildiug. it was im pisclhln to save the building as the (lie had too much headway. Charitable Work on Hie Water Front Homo of thu n'tililuiitn on lower Front Kt. a low days ago found 11 young mon iu a room of an old dilapidated houre, Buffering from a bally Hwoolen knee which promised to make a crlpplo of him if ho remained iu thu filthy s.ur roundliigs. On Tuesday afternoon Mr'. Holland nnd Mrs, Dow diluted tho help ol the Hollontl hrothera and with thu nasUtance ol John Ktauff liu was tc moved to more comfortable qu triers in thu home of Mrs. Mcl.uod who will jive him the euro ho needs. Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea About hix ycira ago for the llrit t tun In my life I had 11 mi Men mid mi vurn nttact of diarrhoea" saya MrH Alice .Miller, of Moa'iiu, Toxad. "I uot turn norHry relief, hut it niiiiu hack ugnlu and iiiiiii, ami lor Bix Ioiu years I haw "iiffured 111010 iniJiory mid agony than 1 can tell. It was worse than death, My liiilmiid Hpciit liundreila of dolhirH for pliyMrliin'H jiretcrlptiona and treatment without avail, Finally wo moved to Ho que county, our present homo, unit ono day I liappimi'd to xeo uti itdverthe-in-ill of CIniiiilmrliilit'H Colic. Cholera and Dmrrehncu ilemixly wllh 11 I (tilt-m-iiiiil of a mini who had been euro I by It, Tim ii hi wua hi flmllar to my nun that I concluded to try tho comedy. I lie re ult wan womlurful. Ic iiili'tiiinl Iv reiil'xti tnnt I wan well again, or he llevH it coulil be no after having auffere.l 10 long, hut the ono hottlo of inmllciiio ' illig but a few rent a, cured mo." For ' -alo by John Pruiiia KIMPALL CHICKERINO 'WEBER PIANOS -artTstic DURABLE POPULAR SUCCESSFUL Clias. Grisscn Music Company ALL M UKl.UA h INHTltUMprH . ..wwnmn-y-. ... - -- - - MtyjajjjjyaiwUiMsw- ,-rm. -"mmtu