V sc HISTORICAL BATTLE CELEBRATED Where Mollie Pitcher Won Fame Freehold, N. J Juno 'i7: Tl.o ltl. anniversary of lltolilitorlo botllocf Mori month, In which "Moll Pitcher" pcr (ormuil tho deed whlcli linn handtd her name down to ponlorlly, was cele brated hcrtt today on n largii Hcolo. (iov crnor Murphy end numerous other dlgultarlra participated In the rxurclrei, which began at stinrUn wlh tho firing of thn nntlmiAt ealttto from Monument P.k. Later in tho morning there was n largo parndu of the tttto uillltU find numerous civic fand patriotic bodice which worn rovlowod by tho Governor nJ otlur notables from lo front of tho Court Homo. At noon tho cowmoinoMllvocoramon in began at tho battln monument. Ilioy conilstod ol nn invocation by llhhop HrarlKiroiigh, an nddnoin by Thoodoro V. Morrl, proiidantof thn Monmouth Untile Monument Commit) stun, and tho reading ol a (omri written or tho occanlon by Will Carlton. Orv ornor Murp'jy vpolo briefly and Ihui introduced Bonntor Fairbanks ,of In tlUna, who dnllvorrd thn clitef orallon ofthndny. Patriotic iob 'i worn sung f nl oxiirc'roi! concluded with prayer by Bishop MeFatil of Trenton. EXPERT ADVISOR SAILS i Knn Fanclo, Cal., Juno 27Among thn pnnengera nailing lor .Manila today Aru Profenor K. Ivommcrr, ol Pur duo Uidvwrdty, Lafcyotte, Ind., Ami hie wlo. l'rol. Kummorrr lina been ap pointed by tho government to net no expert advlr-er to tho commission ol fvdornl olllcut which ia UAtahllihcd n mw monetary system in tho Philip pines, WORLD'S RAILWAY CONGRESS Hrutcols, June 27 Tho Iiiteriintloual ItnlUvay Congress met today and wnt formally orgnulml. Tho delegntes were formally received by M. Mobunrt, Min ister of Hallways, Posts and TVlographe. Tho btinlnoHH ruisious wil eouinieticn Monday and continued through tho week. Tho dlfrutelon will cover n wide tnngoof mtijente relating to Improve ments nni) developments In ntllwny trnflic and management. Tlnrteon government aru represented at tho present congress and in addition tlioro am repreeeiitnltvcs from leudlng rnllwoy companies throughout tho world, 'I ho railways of tlio Unllod Ktntea nro oHIcIjIIv represented by William F, Al len of New Joreoy. The Invitiitiun to hold tho next meeting of the congroes in Washington luiu been ncceptod rind Mr. Alen will uvo his buht ondonvora among tho deleeatce horo to uecuro n u laro uttendunro. ' " ( Tht Awful Consequences , Dltcueeiug tho aubecribur vho yoto wad find slops lili. paper, tho Qardlner Osteite says We once had 11 subscriber get on bin ear and top hti paper because we fulled to publlnh an eight column article on the marriage of hit "beautiful and ac toinplliheil daughter," and for three yeart to our knowledge tho world never made A.complolo revolution on It'i nxl In leu than twenty-four honri. Ho enmo into the olllco and otopped iiln paper on tho afternoon of Decoriiber, )Ut and wo nevor got out another iatuc until tlio following year, Tho cotton market in Now Orient) dropped off Z 'l point a )h vary next autumn and though ronio people attribute that to on ovor production of wool, v?u hnvu ninny c had our suspicion nhout It, as Hint wr tho same year tlio tick wore 10 bad, Jul two years to n day after tbio subscriber ordered hi paper dlecnutinucd, a lor rihlo blluurd switpt acroa tho northern dates and suvornl people wro frozen to death in Montana where thoy lind never tiled beforo. It won thui for three ytnrn dlraitor followed dhmttcr In quick ruc ceejijju, .until tho eruption of Mt. 1'olee, Then all at onco our hot headed eub kcrlbor ceornod to hnvo boen fully avenged, Ho came in and rone wed bin tubicrlptlon and in let than three month. ranp.o beef Advanced 'i. centa a pound. No, we can't take tho riek of having anyone atop their paper, and hould there be anything about the Gftxetto that in not exactly to tho tndto of a tubcciihtir uli witaik U that lie drop ua a enrd (tiding I1I1 grievance and wo promle that tho da el red reform ahull be fortlfcomlng, If it tnkca tho last button from Oalm's coat, and the entire good will of tho other threu hundred and nliiotv-riluo subr""lborr SENDING CHILDREN TO CANADA lwdon Juno 20 A conference of varl oui boards of guardians was held today for thn purpoeo of dircns'lng the advis ability of eondlnK a large number of tho children under their enro to Canada. Mr. V.fi. It. Preston, tho Dominion immigration ugent, addn'nsrd tho meet ing and explained tho advantages ofTorc-J by tho Dominion to immigrant of a good cine?. NAVAL RACES ATKEIL American Boat's Crew the Winners Ko.l, Germany, Juno 2l. This morn ing the Kniror in a steam launch ex perimonted with thn minoi in the bay aud nltorwarda wituctsod eevoral tor lmlo oxporlmantB, and thnn vlaltol the chip yards. Tlio rnco botwoon the war ships' plnnacos was won by tho Amorl car. crulsur Chicago's boat amid groat euthunlnsm. Tho Knltor tookchargoof tho Ilobensollorn's bont In tho raco of tho ahlpa' boats and handlod it in tho oamo fiklllful inauuurnaniarked tho Bull ing p.f tho Meteor. Tonight tho KnUor, Admiral Cotton, Ambassndcr Towoi and othora attend n boer ovonlng on tho yneht club groundp. WANTKD-SKVKlt A I- INDUSTIU oiip percoii8 in enith Htato to travel (or houfiO ef tnbllHhed eleven yours and uith n largo capital, to call upon loercliunla and agonls for uuccehsfu) and profitable line, Permanent engagement, Weekly cash salary of f 18 nml all trareliug ex penees and hotel billti advanced in rnult each week, Kxperleucu not bBsnnMal Mention referonco and onoloeo nelf-nd-droBRed envelope. T1,1E NATIONAL, 331 Dunrbom St,, Clilcugo, KING . OSCAR VISITS IJ'harejgavo evldonco that there was 'something unusual the master and, NOrthemmOSt Part 0fJ?ccorJI"ftdl,' eBllmonyoftl.oe in Dominions Ktockholm, Juno 27 Much interest is manifested throughout Sweden tn tho visit of King Orcir to Norrland, the largest and most northern province of his dominions. His Majesty, accom panied by a largo eulfo, will leave tbe capital tomorrow for Bobon, where he will Inspect tho defenses and then pre ceed toNnrvlk. Thn elaborate coremony of opening the Ofoten railway will take place during tho coming wtek, following which tt(e King will embark on tbe ship IIclmoM, EASTERN RAILROAD PROJECTS Piltbburg, Pa , 20: Tho stockholders of tlio Pittsburg A Lako Krlo IUIlrrisd aro In f tirlc n 1 ere today for thn purpre of voting on tlio proposition of the di rectors to increreo tho capital stock from (8.000,000 to flO.000,000. The proceeds nro need to piy tho exponse of recent purchase of new equl pment and of improvomenta to the roadbed. , Hirmiughnm, Ala., June 26: Pre liminary plans of tho propos d Binning haiii'IIunlevlllo railroad wero discueacd toilny at a meeting of those inter oftod in '.ho proloct. Tho plan Ih to build witli Oirmington and Hnntsvillo rr-pitnl a read connecting tho two cities, giving Huntsville tho benefit of cboap iron nml coal, and alto opening up tho rich field of fruits and market products of that icction. FEMALE MURDERER TRIED New Jersey Lady Who Poisoned Husband1 Mount Holly, N. J., Juno 20 The ciieo of Mrs. Annie E. Phnro?, cbargod with the poisoning of hor husband, was called for trial in tho county court today. Tho defendant appeared in court look ing much bettor thai, at tho time of hor arrest. During hor etny in jail alio has guiiird several pounds In wolght, eho is bright of cyo, and tho marks of worry uud anxiety whlclrllnod bor round face at tho early ctagos of her caeoJjnvo al together disappeared. Tho prosecution appears confident 0! if curing tho woman's conviction and it in not expected that thja trial will last more than tbreo or four days. Tho attorneys for tho etato declares that there could not bo n clearer caeo against the defendant, while tho defense main tains n discreet fiilenao as to ite Unoof b'attlu for hor llfo. The proeocutlon eu.rBt will show that oveiy Byroptom bt strjglinjno poison was very, pronounced in Pharos' doath end that Mrs) Fharea ijiwebaawd 0 grain of thla polnon, ort the morning before her hasband riled, Witness are prepared to testify, the prosecution declares, that Mrs, Pharca gave her husband entno powders upon returning from her trip. Almost im tncdlitely aftor thoto powders werr. taken the houso, his movements were watched closely and suflkiently lo add damaging evidence to the caee of the prosecution. One important card upon which the prosecution dponds is the tcstlmoney of Oai field Tn)'. tho young man for whose iovo hlta. Pharos in ellrgcd to havo klllal her husband. Taylor, it is laid, will tell freely all he knows of the case. Tho attorneys for the defense, on the other hand, appear not to be appalled by outlook and declare that the stato will bo totally unable to establish a sufficient motlvo for tho nllegod crime, McCURDY AGAIN IN , TROUBLE Los Angeles, Cal, Juno 20 Walto McCorday, tho young Amorlcan attor ney whom powerful influence from the United States saved from penal servitude in tho Mexican soli mines, is again in jail at Hermosillo. On Saturday be got on ft big drunk and began shooting up tho town. Ho was previously in jail for forccry. BtfNNER O'BRIEN FIGHT Much Chunk, Pa., Juno 29: Jack O'Brian of Phlledclnnla and Jock Bon nor of Summit Hilr aro scheduled to icpcI in thn ring here tonight bofore tho Ccrbon County Athleticclnb and tho re sult is,awaittd wltb considerallo inter est in sporting circles. Tbo condition ol tho boot aro ten rounJs at tho middle weight limit. HITCH IN RAILROAD TRANSFER Salt Lako, Juno 20. Owing to a hitch in the negotiations Letweon W. A. Clark aud the Hf.rrhnnn representative in Now York, tbo transfer to the Oregon Short Lino of Salt Lake-Los Angeloe ronto on July 1st rqay bo delayed. No monoy lm8 yet been paid over. Tbe difficulty arises from the transfer of rolling stock accompany Ingv the deal. Another Railroad lo use Oil (Pacific Oil Reporter) Another railroad is about to begin tho uso of oil as a fuol on its system instead of coal. President Murphy of tho 8unta Fe, Prcscott and Phoenix railroad baa announced that Ills company is about to take this otop. Tho road extends from a junction with tlio banta to at A8U.thoprotMt la uot worri.iDg North Bend. tori:, Arizona, eoum to rroscou ana (Pheonix, For storage facilities it now has a largo tank of 20,000 barrels capa city at Prcecott, aud ono of 87,000 barrels capacity to be UBod jointly with tho Santa Fo nt Aah Fork. The latter com pany ia also about to extend the uso of oil ovor ita entire syetom iti Aritona, It is oatlmatod that (ho daily consumption of oil will bo about 10,000 gallons and ,wlll necessarily boms Iron! the California Holds, ' -i 1 H A & I I CARNIVAL OPENS Holiday Crowd Fills The City Balcm, Ore., Juno 20 Already tbe cipllal city Is filling np with carnival visitors, every incoming train bringing it strangers. Hotels and boarding houses are going to be crowded to their (all capacity throngout tbe week. Today Salem is crowded as it has not bees in years, and it Is strictly a holiday crowd. The stores and building a long tbe principal streets are gayly decorated wltb bunting and flags, ajd colored lights aru to add to tho brilliancy of the eceno at night. Everybody In the city la im bued with tbe carnival spirit, an J daring the week the city will give itself op to a whirl of pure pleasure. At the formal opening tonight Mayor Bishop la to par ticipate in the installation of tbe Car nival Qneen end Governor Chamberlain is expected to deliver the inaugural ad dress. NORTH BEND VICTOR Defeats the Supposed Invincibles Sunday'fl cme between North Bend and Bandon was a complete surprise to all tbe local fans ol the neighboring towns. Tho victory for North Bend places her on the same average in the standing of the league as Marshfield. Tbe gamo throughout was a fast one on both sides and marked with plenty of grandstands, whilo the rooters went wild as they saw Bandon going to pieces under tho steedy and efficient work of tho North Bend players. Pitcher Huit miller of North Bend simply showed ttrickoutu'to tho ecorc-keeper, nntil tbe filth inning, when Bandon commenced to find him, bnt oven then tbe good work taken up by tho garden teudere who did admirable work In catching and throwing out Bandon'a base runners. McGinnis, North Bend's short stop, and Rulph on third base, were simply there with tbe goods Partiality cf praise con not bo shown to anyone of tbo players as they were all Btara at their aespect ive positions. Bandon'a battery didn't seem to ma terialize tho strikeout's that wero ex pected by all who heard of MarabQeld'e defeat at tbe hands of tho Bandon glantB, yet it cannot bo denied aside from that, that Baum played a steady, head worked gamo. First baseman Etrelf and third basoroan Adomina wero exceptionally good players, and masters of the stick, as well; placing some work for the Norlh Bend fielders. The attoudanqo was the largest oyer Been at tbo North Bond ball park. The groud was in tho beet of condition. Tbo Marehfleld rooters did moro work for North Bend than the home rootors. Bandon protested tho game on tho ground that the third baseman playing .i.i. x.i. !)...' ....... i..n.l l... lylth North Bontr Wft9 not B,gnwl but SALEM A Following ia the score: North Bond A.B R BH PO A E MoKeown2b C I 2 3 2 0 McGinnisis 5 10 0 10 Heitmuller p .4 1 1( 0 1 0 Saundoralf ' 4) 0 1 '0 0 Kulp8b 3 0 10 10 Blleao .j ,3 1 1 17 0 0 Durryofr ,.4 1 1 0 '0 0 Beaton $b.&ci V l & , K' Graham lb -4 ju fl 5,,;0 .0 Joneert 0 0 0 0 '-a 6 i 80, &arr ( jy,inz. Bandon .- 1 MiKnn,c 1 WeiterwrgM Btrb'ib AdamitiA 3b IVlland V. COdwelllf ;3 Oarklow eTf r '-LA Ihuin p ", UoSman r f Totals BCXS'AMD KITS Br IKKINUfl 1 2 34 6" Hi b1 t) Total North Bad IIIU Band n lilt 0 6 0000,0 0 q d 0 4 i4ai 001 2-id 000 2 20000 i 0003100004 summary: . Stolen Bates, Bandon 4 North Bend 2, Three base hits, Strelb. Two base hits, Heitmuller, Beaton. Double plays, Weuterborg to Fellana to Strelb. Bdses on called balls, Bandon 4, North Bead 1. Left on bates, Bandon C, North Bend 8 Struck ont by Haitaaller 17, by Baum 0, Hit by pitched ball, Holruan, 0 Oflwell.Kulp. Umpire, Nadler. The ball game on tbe Harthfield groun-s Sunday between the home team and the Coqailte players resulted in a victory for the home team by a score of 3 to 2, tbe last balfot .be ninth inning not being played. This game did not arouse mncb inter est, It was a. foregon conclusion that the visiters would be defeated, and they were not expected to bold tbe score eo even. The grounds were in bad shape the recent rata having softened them to a state that made fast work impoesible. This game was gulled off early, being called as soon as possible after the ar rival of tbe train from the Coqallh), eo that the crowd could also take in the game at North Bend, which was held back for that purpose. Immediately after the clow of the game tbe crowd was takes oa the Flyer,4 Cruiser and some gaaollae branches which wero in waiting at the.' depot wharf and transferred direct to North Bend. Thn result of thia program was that a beautiful Sunday calm prevailed along Front Street throughout nearly the entire day, am those who bad con tributed to the ball fund with tho self ish intention of getting soma of their money back out of tbo visitors who would bo attracted to Marehfleld by the game bad. plenty of time to think of tUn matter calmly, atthougb'lt Is to be (oared that some of them dhUnot maintain that serenity which maika the unrr fif ed spirit. Q" mtmig-pfl IfflEDTOHD'sl LACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE! y .. A SLAlifttar Mmnlarn!n rliiMnai biliousness and a coated tongue ore common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach paid bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, ut liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, aro much harder to cure. Thedford's Black-Draught never fails to bene fit diseased liver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to uirow off tho gernia of fever and ague, it is a certain preventive of cholera and Brioht's disease of tbo kidneys. With kidneys re inforced by Thedford's Black' Draught thousands of persons havo dwelt immune in4ho midst ol yel low fever. Many iatnilioj live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black Draught., It is always on hand for use In an emergency and saves many expaasive calls of a dootor. I hve HMd ThcaVerd'sdNask-Drwikt for three years aadlkavc net kadtoae toadocierslftef I havc,hiitMNt1t It is the kat msaXila fer iaa that b oa th market fersr aad htyMy laiwwwwwsj tavav JVm fM JWfWar I ceabMs, Iv. A. 0, LtWIS. ..Totals wm ro a i w a uiwmo .1 1 ' 1 v 1 if 5 0 1 - 2 , 0 0 2 id - 1 '01111 a0 , 0 1 00 ;:mo .0 .1 1 rf s i 1 n. n it '"'tJ , U WU 21 7 7 , 1 M fi tmiiiim!ig2H&qTXlmXsw. ?i9 n "i""frvjAi'iaJtg, j , il-Jl a