Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 04, 1903, Image 3

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- Y Mr f V J" ..? (HC''y.'4'V,'V' " '" ,'"W7,1. f"J """
--- Jf-rv ', l ,
Ti v
' ' .,
- Mf-''',;
From Buntfay'a Dally.
T. II. Hj-ny, .f KiiijiWu Ully una In
low k on In'iiliiijDi' jTiti'nlny.
W. W. (nro hits down (toid lilt (,'uul
ilo k'UUlup t'i'l' l"nl ovitiilntf.
.Ijko M'AllrfiMi line Jn.it ali'iiil (!utnploU
tliu raising of tint Lund rfiilih ncu.
Coijulllti IJuJUtin Work on tlio law
creamery nonr tlio wharf la proKruinliitf
very rapidly.
A, A. Blmpson, tlio Laricii n!ough
farmer and dairyman, was in town
The next annual district conference ol
the U. Z. church will bo livid on tint
Ituv. L, H. CUrk wits appointed nt lint
IJ. I). Conferuiicit, to aiicct'cd Ituv. J. II.
Crooks In thin flold.
The proronlro oojln ol tlio North
I fork of Coot rlyor nro contrtnplntlnir
putting In a (armors' toli'plionollno.
Allen MuLcod has boun appointed to
till the vacancy caused by tint roiluun
tloo of J. W. Carter its city irinrhnl.
Tho iclioouur Han lliiiinna Ventura
paued down the liny justardny with o
icnd of lumhvr from (ho liny City mill.
W. I'. Dow roti In In from Triunllo,
and report!! that coiiio of tbo farmers
io IIiaI section havo commenced Inylnc,
to their sorrow.
The meloocboly days Iikva cotno
The sultriest of the year
When mortals turn from gin and ruin
To Umonade and beer.
Ditidon Recordrr Tho nurso was dis
pensed with at the town hospital a weok
Ko today, and the patient will bo dis
charged this week, as all dangor ol con
taglou will be passed,
0. R. Ingle, a recent arrival from
Kansas, omploytd on the Mail for
several weeka, has made arrangements
to start a week Icy paporat North Bond
In the near future. Mr. Ingle la a
young man of sterling qualities, and the
Matt, withes him Hucceos la lila venture.
I)luc Ribbon Stale Fair
The premium list of Oregon's "Illuu
ltlbbou" itntu fair is now out and being
A WOM'S proper
It is notable that In the despondency
cnuscd by woinnnly distntei, there r.cctns
to tunny a MifTerinjr. wotimn no way of
enenpo from piiu except ut the price of
lift lUclf. It would be sad to record
such n rtory of article and suffering ex
cept lor me met
thnt insuchdiru
tliatrvsi utuny n
w o m n n h n a
found n way
buck to hi'fdth
and hnppinew
by the um of Dr.
ncrce'n l'nvor
itc Prescription.
The one nttd
only remedy for
fem tile weak
ncss, prolapsus,
or fulling ol the
womb, so abto-
lutcly specific nud mire in curing these
common nllmcnU of women, as to wur
ratrt its makers in offering to pay, ns
they hereby do, the sum of jtooo reward
for n cusc of the above maladies which
they cannot cure.
"Yout. timllclne atinott rnlil me from the
(trail," write Mr, ltdwtii II. Unrdncr,oritey)t,
I'lymouth Co., Mnu,. Ilux 14. "My mine wn
like lirlck iliut, and I nml tmtii nil over me. and
mch a iliOKKitiff ftclliiK it Mtmcd I could not
ilu my houic vurk. One day I foil ml n little
lxx)k, I tcud It and wrote to Ur. I'ltrcr, nud lu
n few tiny received an autwer, I decided to try
iiU midlclue, and to-day 1 am a well woiuuii, 1
linvc no backache, no headache, no )nln nt all.
1 11 ed nlwny to hnve headuche trvvlotuly to
thu monthly period and uch pain thnl I would
roll on the lloor In nroiiy. I took three tiottlca
Of Dr, Pierce' I'avortlc PreKriptloii mid three
of '(loldcu Mtillcnl Dltcovery ' nnd three vlnli
of Ur, Pierce' Plcataut Pellet, nud wa com
pletely cured, "
Acccjit no Bubatltutc for " Favorite Pre
scription," There is nothing just as good.
Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical
'Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps
to cover expense of mailing only. Send
91 one-cent stamps for the book in paper
covers ; or 31 stamps for the cloth bound
volume. Address Dr. H. V. Tierce, BuJf
falo, N. Y.
illatrlbtitoil tliroualiout thoslntf. '(ho
priitiiitunn offured nuurAto (17,000 In
cit(li, nml nro for ovcrytiiln row on
lliu (inn. Including llvo dock, jxnillry,
.Jit Ir y product, nrlciiltrtrnl ur.d horll
rulltiriil products, doinitMlc nml hbiii.il
fl, He. Kvoryotn) I lnvlld tolling
i' inHliliiKto Hut fulrlliU ycnr, mid I ul
tiivi'rlliiit tlio kliilo'n resoim;, II you
Imvu not N'cclvt'i! one ofi tint premium
IMiiyi't, Willi) M. I). Wlraam, pircrLtury,
Portland, Ore, for one.
New York Bridges
Interesting (sets about the bridges of
Now York are poluted out by Commis
sioner Llndentbal and the magoltde of
the work ol the Drldge I)aVrtment Is
surprising. There are bow around New
York thlrtyMven complete bridges,
which represents an outlay of about
(.'(0,000,000 by the city. Sevon bridges,
Including the three additional giant
bridges over tlio Ksst rivor are In the
course of construction nnd their total
coal, when completod, will roprrsontan
additional oxpotidlturo of about (CO, 000,
Including land.
from Tuesday' Dalty,
Diphtheria Is roportcd to bo prevalent
In Oiulllu City.
Tho tug Ilnntor caina in from tho
Umpqua yesterday.
O. W. I'atorton Is resting somewhat
easier than nt last report.
I). A. Curry has lind his harbor thop
wired for electric lights.
John 6, Coke rnd bride- bavo moved
In tho H. V7. Dean residents.
O. F. DillmanaLd K, IJ. Dean liayo
arrived overland, for a abort stay,
Ihore is a case of dlpththorla in town,
but it is strictly puarantined,
Chat, ritebford, of Itosoburg, Is visit
ing friends lu town for a few days.
P. L, rholan has purchatod an in
teroot in the saw mill at Myrlto l'olnt.
Karnest Wlttlck of North ilend mado
a business trip to Marihflold, yesterday.
Ohas. W.Uitckox is putting the roof
on his new residence in West Marsh
Owing to tho shortage of hands at the
depot, Manager Chandler end Thos.
Coko arc running tlio olllco.
Tlio Alliance left Astoria nt 0 o'clock
Monday morning and te duu horo this
11. in. and will sail nouth today.
Wheeler's gaeolinu launch ran nehoro
near tho mouth of tho Coos river on t'-o
mud llatu soon after 12 o'clock Sunday
Tho llaptlst church was loft In tbo
durl; Sunday evening by break in tho
wlree, which waaflxod Monday morn
ing. .
Tho mumtotB ol tho Uuptlut church
will hold a cottngo prayer mooting nl
Joehtia Noleon'n rosldencu at 8 o'clock
this evening.
Attontlon is called to tho matter ap
posing in Qeorgu's apaco on the flrat
pago, Mr. George can bo depended on
to holp along a good caiihe.
Mrs. A. 0. Aikeu nud daughter Flor
ence returned yesterday from a short
visit On tho Coqullle, Uioy were accom
panied by Miss Franklo Dean, who will
maku them a visit. ,
Game on the Fourth.
Tlioro will bo n gnmo of buBobnll at
North Hond on tho Fourth, bulwoou tho
homo team uml tho Porlhuid Stars, (aid
to bo tho host amatuur team in Portland,
The vlellore aro coming dottu ovorlund,
Tlio North Ilotul team la doffifi cood
woik and a most iutorcsting game Is
Benefit Performance.
Only a irnull lioneo turned out last
evening to the huuuilt performance given
by lliu ICniiiii! compuuy for tho lit-ppner
liiiul. Whytbli whs to Is a mystery
too di.'i for the Mail to fatlioin, unlcea
bi-csituu tho play, "liHtneralds" Ifs
Ill-oil tilvou liuro ivthilu lliu pint Keek,
Mr. Kmim 11 nd lire company went
through tlioporforiimnco, howvrr, in a
manner ubovo criticlrm. 'Shay will pn
sint the Kamu play at NorUt Build this
This Is tho last porformanco, hero by
this excellent company until their re
turn from Kureka, whither thoy go oa
the Alliance,
When Greek Meets Greek on the
The gamo this afternoon betweou tho
dorks nnd bartenders, tho proceeds from
which will goto tholloppnor rellyf fund,
promises to bo ono of tlio greatest things
thnt ever happened. Auy ono who
misses ecning it will miss a whole lot ol
Will to tho (act that tho gamo Is played
on a week day may prevent tho attend
ance nt sumo whoeo business will not
permit them to como, yet it removes an
objection which keeps otbert nway from
Monday gamus, und tho attendance Ir
expected to bo very large.
As for the probable winnore, tho Mail
will make no prediction. Doth teams
are gritty and will play ball for all thoy
aro worth.
There will bo a big street parade at
two o'clock, with a band and all the
et cetera, including Vinco Prat as Side
walk comedian. Don't miss it'
All the business houtee are expected
to close, to that all can attend the game.
i in
Third Mate Falls Into the Breakers
while Sounding and Is
As foreshadowed dn the Mail, a man
was lost overboard from tho. Alliance
when alio crossed out ovor tho bar on
her last trip to Portland. Tho particu
lars aro given in the following dispatch
from Aatorla, in Friday's Orogonlan:
"Tho steam ichoonor Allfanco, which
arrived in this afternoon from San FrinJ
cIsco nnd Coaot points, reports the 1o?b
of n man overboard during tho trip.
Whilo crossing out from Coos 11 ly yes
terday, Third JMato Swenwn, who wns
taking round'ngi on tho bar, lost his
balinct' and fell into tho breakers. Al
though the alarm was quickly given and
ovory tffort mado to eavo tho drowning
man, ho could not be reached.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Sam Marsdon took paisagoon tbo Al
liance for Frisco on a pleasuro trip.
Ihthora aro qulto thick iu tho uYper
part ol Mill dough even ladies uud
Mm. C. Mills returned to Daniola
croek yostorday after visiting fricuds in
The Eloctric light compauy havo sent
their coal scow to Reed's shipyard to be
Tho Alliance arrlvod yesterday morn.
ing from Portland and waa scheduled to
sail at 4:30 this morning,
Iho gnsoliuo lauuch "Teddy" hat)
been purchased from R. Maredon Sr. by
John Joeophson. Consideration 1300,00,
Some of tho ro'aldenta of West Marsh
Hold contemplate an excurslou and
picnic to Ghailoston ou tho Fourth, nnd
haver charted tho gasoline Dixie,
Barn Ott, llin brm donkey engineer of
Hhaffer'flcarop was in town yoitordxy
to witness tho ball game butween tho
Beer Pushers and Calico 'fearers.
Monday morning whlht Frnuk Din
ning was dumping logoff a curat Simp-,
sou's camps he broke a bjuu w( one of his '
left hand fiugnrs. '
Captain Hot'erg, of the ichoonor
SMvator, will deliver a freo lecture at
the tidptltt church Thursday evening
on "The Plan of the Ages," illuutrated
by flna chart.
Mrs L. 0. Oarrlgusaad MiHQarrlgus,
mother and sisttr of Mrs F. A, Golden,
arrived on the Alliance, having bees
amaaonod on account of tha serious
illness of little Ruth Golden. The child
wi reported better yesterday
Letter List
List of unclaimed tellers remaining in
the Marshfleld Oregon Post Offlcfl July
1st 1803. Persons calling for the same
will please say advorllsed and pay one
cont for each advertleement called for.
Akin J. C, Akins ll., Cossidy Frank
Daniils W. It., Dovlgo Jim, Farbeneth
Eugenic, forest E. B Hazelton Chas,
Jorvienen Ansholm, JobreonG. II.
Lauren Wm, Maisaer Jno, Maddor Miss
Labra, Manrs W. Clabo, Nieml John,
Noah W. E. Koss W. H., Ross W. C,
Holes E. Frank, Sweat J. A., Landers
Mrs Minnie, Smith A. L. Sonotal Hal
iver II, Latham John 2, Thomaflon
Thomas. .
W. B. Cubtis, Y. M,
- Steye-Baily in Alaska
(Alaska Dispatch)
Steve Dailey, the well known hotel
and dialog nan, It the latest heavy
operator attracted toward the Kyak oil
fields. Borne months ago Ur. Bailey
acquired several hundred acres of oil
land on tha Cbllkat river. Recently
desidaJ to visit the district in person
and accordingly left Seattle for the north
passenger on the steamer Bertha. He
is accompanied by a competent oil dril
ler, wbjDse mission it ia to select a place
in which to sink a well. On the Excel
latnv'a nivi vnvairn lift will ahlD ODE laTS
i w.w- m -r r m
(quantity of oil drilling machinery.
Other Kyak operators accompanying
Mr. JBalloy are JJ. R. Yonng and F. W.
Knupp. Young goes to direct the de
yolopmenta of the oil properties of E. D
Kilbourno and associates.
Jolly Datclielors Tenuis Club
Among tho recent noteworthy oruani
xatione of Mauhfleld, ie Iho "Jolly
Bitchelor Tennis Olub." recently organ
ized wlthn membership of fifteen ladies,
compoBod of'Miaaea Margaret and Eve
lyn Audereon, Agnes Hutchinson, Grit-
en, Geno McCluro, Elsio Bennett, Mrs.
Sojbrook, Allco Butler, Beth Crlqui,
Alico and Grace McCormak, Edna nnd
Stella O'Counoll and Genevievo Sing
Tho racquets have already arrived,
coming in on the Alliance this morning,
and tho grounds, which nro to bo in the
vacant lots cast oL tbo M E church, aro
being rapidly propared for tbo court. It
is oxpectod that the club will havo tholr
oponlng game about tho first of next
wcok, The ladles want tvory ono to
know that tbo club wai Btarted and di
rected pntlroly by jhemselveB, and In no
way connected with tha gentleasan'i
club which will be organitod in the near
future. The Mail, hopes that it will be
able to pabllsh mora in regard to tho
club soon,
Notice to Mariners
The following, is an extract from t
"Notice to Mariners No 25 :" On May
1003, tha master of the coasting steamer
Ruth reports that at S.15 . m, hie vea
boI, drawing 13 feet of water, strnok a
sunken rock which lies aoutheastward
of and noar tho entrance to Coqullle
fver, on the following bearings:
Coquillo River lighthouse, N, 71 E.
true (NE. i E mag.), distant about W
Wash rock, B. 51 W. true (BSW. K
MfUti t Ims in
err, TB Mt viwrprtw
Mtnia m u warn. u
Mlf ! HIUH-M
M4 MM ' RHI,
pMl M t.t liUtj. All
Im, .11 ttjUl, tut M
tif r wm.
ir Ml M Utf, vtHt t
n. s. siwrsa sv
W. ag.)
Vessels are cautioned that It Is dan
geroas to venture among the numerous
out laying rocks and reefs which make
out from Coquillo point and should pass
westward of Coqullle bony when mak
ing a passage either northward or south
Fisher Company Opens.
The Margarita Fiteber company arriv
ed on the Alliance, and opened. their en
gagernent here last evening ia the come
dy of A Country Girl. The attendance
was not so largo as it would have been"
but for the fact that the last two weeks
bas been pretty woll filled with theatri
cal exhibitions, and the benefit engage
ment the evening before and the ball-
ganTb yesterday had given the public an
unusual surfeit of amusements.
Tho audience, howeyor, were well en
tertained by the comedy,and the Fiicher
company made new friends. The com
pany has been strengthened since its
former visit, when it placed it Bell in the
good graces of the tbeator-golng public
here, and is even belter than at that
Margarita Fischer the phenomenally
talented young actress, the star of the
coasblnatloB, who made herself a favor
ite oa her former .visit, la as pretty ud
perfect in her part aa ever, and will un
doubtedly repeat her triumph.
The new members of the eompasy
gave evidence laat evening of their abili
ty to enlertala and amuse, amd all stay
rest assared that they- will make no
mistake by liberally patroaltisg this
excellent company dariegltsesgageaeBt
Travel by Su
Arrivals from Portland by Alliance
June 80 L. 8. Ross, V Leonard, R W
Leonard, Mrs E J Versteeg, Miss K
Crana, I A Farrin, B W LaShiro, Mr
Rummell, Mrs Rummell, Mrs W Stock
ton, Mrs Stockton, E C Allen, Mrs E O
Allen, Clara O Allen, Carl Meier, Mrs
W H Uawcs, II Landrith, Mra Rich
mond, J Richmond, P landrith, T. J.
Goodyear, II Kumatnato, E Watson,
Mrs E Watson, Mrs Fortv, B Andortou
Mrs E P W enter, EP1 anzor, Irving
Chandler, Mrs YV D Howard, W D How
ard, Margarita Fisher, Dot Fisher, John
Fischer Mrs Kato Fiehor, Mies R Fran
cisco, Ohas E P.vlo, Wm M McBride,
Wm MoConnell, Wm Wlnterhofi, E
Eyer, Frank Mountrot b, W II Fisher, S
E Crowford. CM Robiueou.M Edwards
Uliss Brume!!, Chastreid, M Athene,
H Duproy, D II McClure, Mrs O II Dun
gan, Mte 11 M Roork, John Dimmitt.
Edith E Ninis, Annette GarricuB. Mat
tie Garrigue, Chas R Spencer, K 3 Roee,
Frank Van DM,
roparture's Bouth by Alliance, July 1 :
TJappico, II Karra, Ray Knueen, Mrs
WT Kauseo, Mies Bertha Tyrell, Mrs
Mary Uemsly, Mrs D T Smith, Mrs J
Bagley, E A Williams, George Williams.
Geo J Gtken, Miss Simmons, Sam Mars
den, O O Morgan, F B Wade, Mrs J W
Breeiee, Dwighi Wa'cott. WT Wiede,
H 8 Delomern, Mre Miller, Mrs Albert,
Miss Johnson, Miss Stancliff, E H Stan
cliff, Mrs Butler, Mrs Porry, Mrs Bafier
ty. Passengers to San Francisco on Areata
June 27: J Pay eon, DCole, CO Clark
and wife, Louis Cohen, J Levy, O Chap
nan, R Deyoe and wifo, O L Williams,
Miss Judd, Geo Earl, J D Reagan, Mra.
Rtngue, Alice R!ngue, L Ringue, D
Ringtte, A II Cole, D McKee, R Wade,
1) Johnson, Copt D Roberts and Bon, T
W Thomason; Thos Boots, II Ton, 8 2nd
J. H. Waiter, V. D. 0.
TflAt.nmKTisT. JOfflee Nabrg Bldg. A, St., fhoa. 361
MAR8HfIJ5LD, ; : ORieOWj
E. & Straw, M. D.
bpcclal attention to AlKtme of tbg lye
Ear, Noee uHd Throat, Glajwa fitted.
Office ia rSngttackcn & Smith
.. if s t
W U. Douglas,
COMMioaiurusM. - ,
Froet street, MarsbfieW,. Or jgoa.
S.A. D. Eaton, "
practice in nil courtev v
J. W. Bennett,
LAW. 'Jo'
i -
Jphn F. Hall,
Office In Eldorado "b!ocJc, Front street, .
Mantifield, Oregon. ' ."
O. F. MbKnight.
Office in the Bcuue & Walter
Dibble & Williams
Marshfield. Oregon
Kaufman & Wegner
Dealers la
Real Estate
Office over GoWen's Drug Store
Marshfield, Oregon
T. Micjclewrlght.
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler.
All kinds of watrjheaand clocks cleanod
and repaired on short notice.
All work guaranteed 12 months.
Marehileld, Oregon
In all 1U aUcta that
tboald w deuianftM.
Elv's Cream Bala
clunM, too the and hoala
tio dUed membrane.
It care catarrh and (litres
way a cold ia tto head
Croam Balm U placed tato iU rwtrtrll, spriad
OTer tho membrane, and l alojbed. RU(Uta
tieJUte and a can follows. It Is ot drjlog Joe
not product cneezlnc. Larg SUe, 6'chu at Dws
UU or by mall; Trial SUe, 10 ctnt'i by mall.
CI.T BKOTUBOa. M Warrta BuU Kw York.
nl rrt OldMt a7 tor artBC patset.
ir rnnnnnwui wniiTTTTB ii r r
rtais uu vurowfB biui w .wv..
tfttiol nottu, wtthaat ewe e. la tha
SckKtiflc Mmtim.
A haa doir UlaU w Ur. Lnr4r-
CaM m r Wrtia
; M4 6Mcea'EseMg
LfHar TruDc Mank
1 ffff1 ' CovmHTaAa.
Qnleklr Mocrtata our optakm fr wrBr an
rnTintlom U probablr nH Cc-miO.
Inn mMrtl
- . iU
.r. . t w. U
wfMywpy a