Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 04, 1903, Image 2

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'SirThomas Loses Some
flight Accident Dis
- ables Shamrock
Highlands , Juno 30 The Shamrocks
raco began at 11 o'clock orer a SO mite
At 1:25 both ero teen returning, ap
parently having met with tomo mishap.
The Yacht Erin was betide the challen-
started ont. It included the North
Bond band 'and the band ot tha Mar
garita Fisher company, the two ball
teams, in uniform, the bartenders am
bulanca corps, constating of Hcckely mr
geon, John Bnydet, Kmerson Ferry, Jack
Maredtn, Fred Johnson, J, O'Malla and
Chas. Hubbard. Clay Moore, armed to
the teeth acted qs Marshal ot the day,
in a calico coat.
The Marshfleld team had drawn on
the tnintstrol company (or their makeup
while the bartenders wero garbed uni
formly in snwed-ofl blue ovoralla and j
other thinss. Yinco Pratt wan on hand
with his uusal fund ot comedy.
The crowd strung out to tho gmuuds,
andjwero all cotntortably inside when
the came was called, at 3 o'clock sharp,
with tho calico tearors at tho bat and
Magnca and Osgood by actina as um
pire ,
W. U, Short and Or. Toyo acted as
ttcketeellcrs and gatekeeper, making
oven tho nevspaper men dig up for
sweet charity.
For tho first few innings both sides
gar. I got In and played some ball. Then the
Linton this morning expressed snr-burletqno spirit took possessoln for
prleo at the showing trade by the
Koliancj, and is not' bow so confident of
victory. lie says the challenger Is the
best boat Great Britain can produce, if
she does not lilt tho cup there will bo
nothing to do but try with a tcbooner
which is allowable under the deed of
gift. .
Tho Shamrock's damage proved trif
ling. An iron bar holding the main sheet
Newport, June 30 Unanimous frel-
log among yachtsmen in view of the
L'Siciltot showing made by tho Reliance
yesterday is that she will be chosen to
defend thejeup. Yesterday's record is
14) minutes lower than any previous
cup racer recant, proving the Reliance's
adapliblllty to heavy weathir.
The yachti go over a triansuhr course
today, ten miles each leg. Thero ia a
moderate breeze and a good sea running
this morning
, A, shift of the wind caused a change of
the ccune to 13 mR.es oat and back,
ThoyacLts got 3 in tho filming
order: Reliance ll:-)5, Columbia 12
seconds later, Constitution 10 seconds
plater. The Columbia by excellent ma.
ncuvpring obtaioed a boatitiftjl start
vwhen the starting gnn was fired. The
Columbia, like yesterday, kept the Re-
.Sancdon the defensive, znd 'he rice
was nry closo, finishing only a few sec
onde apart. Tie Constitution was left
in the rear. The ItVliance won by
seven minutes. The Columbia was
ftfcond over the Constitution by the
time limp only, as the latter was two
(seconds n toss line in the lead.
awhile. Tho game came to a standstill
(or qnite a wbilo In tho fourth inning,
when W. . Dungan got run over by a
baby carrage which ho was trundling
over tho diamond, and the well trained
hofpital corps came running upon the
field with a stretcher and removed him
to tho ambnlance.
land selection, which lay on tho desk ot
tin state land agent today, shows tho
wholesale manner in whloh tho genoral
land office and tha department ot tho
Interior are turning down Oregon lieu
lands. Thousands of ncroa whtoh hnvo
been selected by tho statu and sold attor
approval by local lard offices bavo beon
rejected by tho general land office, and
tho end is not yet. Appeals are being
taken to tho secretary ot tho interior,
but If that official adheres to his present
policy thero is small banco ot a change
in tho decision. Royond quostlon tho
stato land department is involved in the
worst tangle ovor known !n its history,
and it will bo a long timo boloro tho
kinks nro straightened out.
Tho llou land eolt-otlon which aro now
bolng disapproved nro tboso mado upon
mineral baso in Kas'.orn Oregon. By
proving to the satisfaction ot local laud
office authorities that cortalu school sec
ttons in that part ot tho stato wero min
ural lands Uio stato win oraViliil to ro
linquished them to tho general govern
mont, and to tako other and tnoro vain
nbto lauds in liou thereof. Many of
these sections which wero thus re-
llnqulshed to tho government had
already boon sold by the stato to private
parties. Tho lieu land was also aold
beforo the validity of tho base finally
determined, and now that tho selections
aro being disapproved, on tho ground
, that tho mineral charactor ot tho land
was no tproperly shown all the pur
chasers ot such school Inndsor lien lands
Hot RuKlaad'r. Crown Print) la
BlMitit -With Ctttldron.
Tho Drltifilv, succession la not oiidatv
uerod by "rnco aulcldc," for tha -yrlnci
of Wales mid tho Princess of Wales,
although still young, bavo already beon
blosscd with numerous progeny. Tho
present king was so long Princo of
Walea that oven yet pooplo And It hnrd
to think of nuutber.
Tho sailor princo, howovcr, nhvnys
stood high In tho honrta of tho people,
nud now thnt four Bona nnd i daughter
hnvo como to tho roynl couple Uio Brit
lull public has taken tho family to Its
Princo Edward, tho heir presumptive
to the throne, Is now n lad of nine, llo
la u mauly UtUo follow nnd Is very
...--- - ... ..1
M 1 1 HI! i 1 1 H I M II I II 1 1 U I H H M 1 1 H s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M I
It took tho umpires quite a time to I ro lu Joubt l0 t'bo j,,, tho,r
t the game to running again. Taken ',;,..
'PiayedBall For Charity
as a whole, the game was an entertain
ing exhibition.
Much credit ia duo to L, J. Simpson,
lie not only furnished a free boat to
bring the crowd, but shut down both :
of tho mills, sent the band, and helped
the success in every way possible.
The gate receipts footed up f'255, and
many tickets wero sold down tonj
just how many, was not known last
evening, but it was estimated that over
f 100 had been taken in that way, so
that the game will net at least $350
for the Ileppner people. The expenses
wore practedy nothing, and tho players
paid their own expenses.
A settlement for tickets sold and all
flnlcial, matters connected with tho
gamo will bo made today oefore Mayor
F. P, Norton, and the money will bo
t-irncd OTur to hirn In bo forwarded to
tho Relief Committee at Ileppner.
To the proceed of tho game will Le
added $43 from thebenoQt performances
given b tho Keane compapy Monday
evening, so that MOO or mere w ill go
from Mnrshfleld to the deserving bene
ticiarlc.. The greatest credit is dun to
thoft who conceived thii plan of raiding
monej for tho fuad and carried it out so
Tho line-op was as follows:
Dotr Pushers
sBssaRL' B W " ''$ fflkBI
bsbsbsbH w. T5W' ' . -rslH '
HI'i -tv.K-f- ;-v' iJB
iM-'-M ::
HssuHsVsssBMiyBHI 1
Tlmt is whnt wc liuvc to sc and wc can
fill all orders for any and all kinds.
The quality i.s gunrnutcil and the price
is Right.
Onr Stock includes anything required in
l?ir, Spruce, Ketl and White Cedar.
Counter Jumpers
2nd b
,,. Valcott
In the Test For the
Cup Defender
raocE edwahd. tub nn rnsMUMmva,
uolulvo mixes osonou.
fond of hU youngest brother, Prince
Oevrgv, who won born only last Decem
ber. The other children of the Princo
of WnleH nro Princo Albert, now In hU
eighth yenr; Prlnccaa Victoria, who has
Jost pasucd her sixth birthday, nnd
Prince Henry, who wns thrw yenra old
last March.
e main i5i KORTH BEND, OR
nHUHtlll tit IHH I mi H-rH-H-H4t-H- llllll t-f-H-t-4-
Sube for Beer P.uberB, Wright, John-
i son, Dungan,
Game Great In Some' Ways HantJBaallerl
some Sum realized for
123 150780 Totals
S 0 0 0 3 0 1 3 2-12
10 110002 5-11
Heppner Sufferers
The ball game yesterday afternoon
between the Marshfiold Clerks and Bar
tenders, for the benefit of tho Ileppner
(relief fund resulted in a v'ctoiy for the
former by tcore of 12 to 11.
It;", was truly a great gamo, and the
ciowd enjoyed It for several homn and
then began to thin out, The nttviidam-p j
wno largo and tho gate reieiptu netlod
a nent sum .for tho Ileppner nuffdreri".
, At 2 p.m. tho Cruder arrived fiou.
downjlu) bey, fairly biilck with people,
. and'ith tho North Dund bund playing
ont'hotupjierdeck., -
Shortly ufterwttidtt'ti street 'pirado
Kldl, JuneSO The Auicrlo'stuquadion
tailed thij aftornoon, the. Gormun flig
j Hying by the uidu of tho srata t;nd
strips''. Tho Gumuns gayo tin d' jmrt
Int. Amerirajia.il huarly et-nd off."
a Seaway
New Port Juno 29 The Rolionco
meets the Columbia and Constitution
today in tho first of the six races which
will decide the choice of the cup de
fender. So far tho Reliacco has r.evor had n
trial in a seaway. The Columbia hae
been given a thorough overhauling.
Tho limit is livo hall hours.
A drizzlirg rain thin r.ficrnoon was
followed by n pipiug 15 knot breozo with
a good jump on the sea, Yachtsmen
eay if tho RHinnco shows as wl form
as in smooth water ebo will prove n
Tl ii rnmmltUe'3 yacht reached tho
SIourIi, Or., Juno 27, 1003, Kqburt It.
McDonald nud Miss I.izxie C. Peterson,
Rev. F. (J. Strango ofllciatlnjf.
Tho inarrlaKo took plnco at tho rcsl
doncoof the brldo's paronte, Mr. ami
Mrs. P. Peterson on fialnes slough, In
tho prrtonco of a larpo company. Tho
youncouplo nro two of Coos county's
most estinablo youni: people. ,MIea
Florencu Peterson and ficrtiu Hal! hon
brldeaiunidi and Mirsrs Kmil R. Pctur
nn and Uordie Simp'oti acted as
groomsmen. Ihore wero about ouo
huudred relatives and friends present.
The parlor was artistically decorated
with the learyt flowers of tho season.
The brldo was exquisitely nttlred lu u
dainty ronui of Cn-o de Chine trimmed
with whitu filk Iiict, wltii a yoke all
over Inco with a drop effect. Kho wore
a shirred skirt trimmed with medallions
and n !oni white, veil with a wreath of
ornnRO blosms, Tho Rroom woh bund,
somely dressed in tho usual stylo.
Tho presents reccing wero as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Johu Peterson, arfi; Mr.
and Mrs. J, II. Miluur, a jardiniere;
Mrs. F, II. Lock wood and Mrs, Kinil L
Nelson, a carpnt sweeper j Mrs. Dr.
WooUny, a mustard IkiwI; Mr. nnd Mri.
l U, PotorROi), a cTitr tahlo; Kmil
Charles nnd IVro l'eterson, a cfnti.T
tabl ; Herman I.nen, n set of mush
bo.vl;Mr end Mrs S i'eturson, it bed
light blip at 11 o'clor): and dociJed that
today'.! coursu should be a 15 mile boat "P3'1 nmJ Im,r ',,llow fc,in'"; Mnbol
cuhtward and return.
Buiford a fruit dish; Ray fioldon nnd
, Stale Land Office Muddle -
A Salem spiciSI o Portland ayu:
A large ttack of disBp:ovaU of jrku tholtullaac-j I'ladiiiL'i'poliiiubiu noxt.
i ' t
1 lio yi-.:litfl ttartt'd ct 12:15, with tho
Columbia firet across tie line, Uio, Ro-
liutico next. Two ity minutes later the
Constitution turned toward uhoro ns
though Ehebad met with nn accident,
but lator sho joined ttio roco, ,Tlio rc.'
between thuCouatitntioa and Columbia
was exciting up till tho Coi'iraitutioii
feUcff. (
Ao ono timo battle v.ac botweon t w
Coliuii'iin ami Reliauco nnd thu old Do.
fondar ot ll.ur in n pocket nnd kept
him thero until thu lrct-Z'i Iriui drop
pin;;' when tho Columbia lost cronnd.
With (ho Constitution well in thu
roar, tho race (Inithfd in u heavy midt,
lint weathor dleeases nro largely germ dlixntn. Tim honllli of tho
hem.) can beet bo unaided by liberal uiu of dUlufoctunte during thu eiim
luur mouths. '
Precaution should bo tnkon to koop
nil drnlnu, cinka, clooots, otc, roo
from Infoctlon.
Poor dlftlnfrctants ant worm than nono biCamo they (rive n snnro of
sreutity without the renllly. Wu aro prepared to (iirnl'li illniiifcctAUt
that you can depend oil ; can tell you what is brat for encli purpoau and
how to use It. Thu coat will bo very little,
Marshfield, Oregon
tablecloth; Mr and Mrs Win H Nashua
sofa cushion; Lottie Mntson, cako dih;
MrondMrsJR Robertson, nhvd'tit;
Ida Gamble, cbocolato rot; Mrs dipt
PenderKrass, sut ot napkins; A V Wick,
man, silver berry spoon; Mr and Mri
M M Matson. stiver set of knives, forktfl
spoons anil rnvy spoon; (JeorKlu l.von,
two vases; Juntilo Jnnes, two vasm;
Mny l'eterson, etatuo; Mr and Mrs Al
fred Matson, tablo linen; Kdith Roburts
Bet pits plates; MukkIo Hanford, h'irry
set; llormau Snnford, cream tot; Mln
nio Peterson, berry Bet; Ague Ruth,
set cups nnd inucers; Lydfa Johnson,
wash bowl and pitcher; Mr nud Mrn
Sncchi, picture;.! K Peterson, Iwd room
ent; Charles Putcrson, cocoa wit; Mies
Charles Kdrnan, silver crumb trnyr
Mre Charlea Coleman, sola cushion;
YVilh, May nnd Gertie Hall, rkiiiK
chair; Alblna Coleman, water set nnd
tray; U Hanson nud daughter Florence,
tablo cloth ami sot of napkins. Mabel
Wcybrixh!, plcklo dlhh; Mm Wm Wlor,
nut dish; II O iionebraku, set of nnp-
Naial Cnlnrrh pilckly yield to trftU
mont by Kly'n Cream Halm, which Ii sreo
nbly aroiintle. It l rocolrcd throucU tb
tiottrilii, clooimcn and houla tho who) aur
fnco ovor whiclk It illtTuica lUolf. DmcRUts
Mill tho COo. U; Trial alio by mall, 10
conti. Tuat It and you are suro to coutinuo
tho treatment.
Aiinotinccrucnt. ....
To eccomtuodato thoao who aro partial
to tho tino of atomizers in applying iloulds
liquid form, which will bo kuown as Kly'a
Into Uio noaol imcangei fur Mtnrrhtl trou
blti, tho proprietors prermr. Cream ltalm in
IJmild Croftiu ltalm. Prho Including th
sprnyluK tubo Is 7G cents. DrugiaU or by
mail. Tho lluuld form embodies Uio moo.
iclnal properties of tho solid propaiaUou.
Ralph iMat;o:i, cutIaf crenmor and kino.
9iiarbowl; Pearl Rle, a hulf dozon I Tho woddliiR occurred at 0 o'clock p,
wino lRt'B; Mrs Oleeon, two silver rn, Tho nipper wag Immento and elo-
dollar; Jlr r-wl JIr Julius Nelton, n j;aiit inovery sense, It was u wuddinK
water tot jl.irry Win nor, larRO mirror; loiij; to bo romctiibered.
Jlrs 11 F Roen, u fiult dish and card j
tray; Clnudo Naeburgu tablo cloth;' '
Mibh Julia Lnrtuti u Kt o! plo pluU.'u;
.Mils Nottiu Huvuo jirdiiiloro; James
Robert1 ui'il Jncl: Wurner, uutlml nut;
Maiyiil ami (Jonlit) Binipion, rulad tct;
Fred Lart-en, aind ;ot; Mr nnd Mrs
Albert M.Ufon, tablo cloth nnd Hut ol
ii;ip!iiii-, Mr nnd Mm WhI'zjI, do.un
nla.etc; Mr Nowland, tablu clpth; Mrs
ThomiH fli.ll, (ruit diali; Leonard
Luck wood, f; tilt dmh; Mrs J W ItiKlPt
rone Luv.1 and card tray; Mrs Lyons,
hulf duziM doilifu: Vi'rl Ilonf brake,
pluElw disliikMr and MwW P( Murphy,
otu ciijid uud Bucor; Chonor riauford,
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Hailed
Free to tbo
of any rcaponblblo house.
',riviXt ' ii i I J Mil M ii4 i . NTiVv7ct
5(5rT ftt i Til ! I 7 1 1 if i TTpMah ip ? -
visit DFJ. JORDAN'S Qatar
10(1 llBEOTST..IlirCUCUtO,ClL.
1M IJUttt aiimJcI Huwa la lb, ,
W.iul. fakniaa m lt kiiium4'
UllMlff HIVI'MV4lrbbM,
rtVrmi.14 lt,ut,lr an)ltil,
him ,imi whkmi U. m, ltttutf,
TrWMliKllfUl!iit ta4t
I m (m Uuplxr. quUfc.fi
ridUol COI (or IIm VlMtwra
Imi malLudft.
ContulUllon (n. tuij ffricDf priMt. TtMni pv i
oullv M by IttfM. A lt(lt4 IWl In vnr mi V
I und.Mlh., Will, fof O-ioll. PHIILUNUfllV 1 1
lUnHll.aK, MAILHO riJU. ( Ty.tl UAk P
umra. ('.Hot 'ill t
J0RDAH& O0. t01
Tlir- 1'iilloiit Mnn,
tVo all mlinlri! thu patient man
Anil vow hlu iiiuthudd aro tho licst,
Dut 'While we priilnu wo oftcntlmcii
Jmi'OHo on him Ilho all tho rent.
AVntihlnuton Star,
Tlio Uiioxiic(tit,
"ITnn Mrn. Joiiok heard from
mliiiilii; hiiHbaiiU?"
"Oli, ycH; ho'inyHtorlnuNly itppcurcd.1
ChlciiKO Record-IIoriild.
In tlio Hivlm,
ThouBh motlm linvoopotlea my plcnlo null
My, oxford lies not up to par;
PH'otlll rr-iiiafn u kuv ualoot:
I liavo my luut yeai'inianumn. .
' Now York Times.
I, Wl" '
1. .1. ,.
n .ti'jaMti'lMiltaMSrtaStjtiTrilrllillltf ( ' '
0. .1- , ..