if ,iA r j K if . i - -r- f-W' T T T . WEEKLY 'rf ,. CJt'W W 11 J. MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNT)?, OREGON July 4. 1903 ffik A tarn, mm Mi wb ok m. iR yKK ' BT BfA.F'A1 .xfffiA W ft' ? NO 27 ', ' VQIf XXV . RELIANCE KEEPS HER ADVANTAGE Again Runs Away in Third Race Now Tort, July I--TI10 Kollanca fin ished In today'd rncn nt n considerable distance ithund of tho Columbia. It looked no though tho Hollitico had foru roach til tho Constitution mid beaten huron tho first luw hltchon to weather. Tho boats wore jumping And It won n live ly, racu batworn the Constitution and Colutnbla, close and exciting BARRETT . SUCCEEDS WM. P. LORD Washington, July 1 'in appoint ment was Issued today to John Barrett, ol Oregon, former Minister to 61am, to bo minister .to tho Argentine republic, - r vice William Lord, who retires on sc count of old age. 'HOLDUPS AND BURGLARS Bandon-by-uie-Sea Badly Infested by Invaders (naudon Recorder) IlAiidiin hnt heretofore had Immunity from tho hold-up gonlry and has not bru i bothered with houto robbing to any extent for some time, but it seams Mint thu sneak thiol nnd tho highwayman have both struck tho town nt tho enuio timo, or perhaps both pcrtonngoB nro represented in thu uanio individual. Tho 11 rot indication of highwaymen being a factor in lianduu. budded into lifu luit Sunday night, n week ogo, whou Union Hoak wns retiirnlrg homo from tho upper end of town, nbout 10 o'clock Ht night. IIu wnH on tho plank road nnd nbout op pool to Dr. Klmo'sJoMIco, when n limn stepped out of tho Uark iuh9 of tho cypruti hedgo that grows in front of ltoburt Walker's yard, nnd ordered hliu to throw up bin lands, Well thuetrnngnrprocnuded togp through bin pockets and relloved hiiu of what cauh hu had about him which amounted to about 9. Tho next hour.1 from wiie N, K, Hark Iow'h plnco. Mr. II, llvus in West llan dou and tho sneak hivil boon in tho houso during tho family's abeouco, turn od pockota Itlslde out, rummaged through ovcrythlng nud got away wjth nbout throe dollars that ,waa loft in the house. t On Frida of last wcok tho houne of Uoorgo F, Williams received tho atten tion of tho thetf who tried to unlock n door but broko hie key off in the lock. Ho thou broko in n largo glass in thu door, entored and, trjndo n search of tho , house, turning pockotn, rummaging, nnd leaving general diHory behind. How ie vor ho failod to Untniy monoy anda air, Wllllatna bad a gold watch (bain hanging In right which was not bother ed It is evident that tho Until was niter money nnd would not take anything eUfl, nt Irast Mr. Wllllamn snd fumily misled nothing from tho house On Inst Sunday tho residonco of Dr. Klnio rrculvcd lh attention of tho tllf vrlillo tho family wnro away from home. On this Occasion ho found somo money belonging to Dr. Klmo and family, also llvi dpll.ua belonging to Mrs. J, II. (Jrois in all fll,76whluh disappeared with tho thulf. Monday night ho visited Joo Young's plucj, Mr, Young on arriving homo seems to havo met him at tho fence be twHin hip hotiro and barn or at hit barn door and hud r-omekind of acquaintance with him, but wo are uot ndvlsml as to J nut whn but understand that Mr. Young flri-d his gun In the air a couple of Units as a warning that he had bet ter makq hlmtelf scarce in that locality. Thuea depredations an becoming far too frequent and a proper effort should bo made to apprehend tho party or part l who are trying to llvn at tho ex pense nl other people wlte out Riving propor consideration. In return, ALLEN GOES TO EUROPE New York, July 3 Tho United Btatea commissioner of patonts, Frederick I. Allen, sailed for h'uropo today on tho steamship Bt Paul and will spend flvo weeks abroad investigating the methods employed in the patent ofllccs of Groat Britain, Germany nnd Franco with a view to learning If possible anything that might profitably bo adopted in tho thu United Btates patont olllce. Mr. Allen will also tnko the opportunity to go to Switzerland and inspect tho inter national bureau for tho protection of Industrial property located nt Berne GETTYSBURG THREE DAYS 0 PROGRAM i Gettysburg, li., July 1 aovcrnl thousand veterans nnd their families, representing both North nnd South, gathered today and began a threa day's rclebratlou of tho fortieth nnnlvorsary of tho buttlo ol Gettysburg. Tho chief features of today's program, which was carried out at Itoynolds' Grovo, wore1 ..i , historic addrcssQB by General O, 0. Howard and Gonortl II, b. Huldekopor, followed by tho unvolling of a bronzo statue at John Burns, tho aged Gottys buru mail who was wounded throe timea in tho historic battle. Cholera Infantum This has boon long rogardod as ono of the inoHt dangerous nnd fatal dleeasos to which Infants nro subject. It can bo cured, hnwovor, whou proporly treated. All that Is necessary Is to givo Chamber Iain's Collu, Oholora and Diarrhoea Hemedy and Castor ojlj as directed with each bottlo, end a qurO is cortalbi "For sale by John Proust, IOWA IDEA ' ALIVE Cummins Controls the Convention 4 Makes no Concessions To Opposition ' Drs Moines, July 1 The caucuses proceeding the Ilepuhllcan'i convention this morning emphasized tho fact t hat Cummins had complete control and dictated tho formation of each committee, doiplto the vigorous opposition of the congressional delegation which' begged vainly for a modification of the tariff re form plank, for the appointment - of Hepburn as permanant chairman, for appearance' sake if nothing else, and have foar congressmen on thn resolutions committee. Cummins was angered by tho stories that the Iowa idea was dead, VrVd refuted and to make even the itpftl llsit conceeslon, brought about the selec tion of Kendal of Albla as permanent chairman. '' MONEY ORDER EXCHANGE Washington, D. C, July 3 By virtuo of conventions which became oporatlvo today by a diroco exebango of money orders botweon tho United Statoa and s and Coeta Rica, Liberia and tho Trans vnr.l Colony ii now possible. Heretofore it has beon impossible to exchange monoy-orders with these countries, FEATHER 'WEIGHTS FIGHT Lively Battle Ends in a Draw San Francisco, July 2 The Uanlon i Yangtr go at Mechanics Pavllllon, laat night endod in a draw at tho 20th round. Rofreo Eddio Smith was unable to chooso the winnor betweon the gnmo llttlo foather. weights. Tho fight waa ono of tho fiercost ever eoen in this city, Both mon fought with vim from the tap of the bell of tho first round until tho refreb gavo the docWBlotu Bo hot waa the ilgntlng during first stages -that the lV I'fM 0 ,. ,, battle aeoBatd to forotell a quick victory for one or the other of the contestants, Neither was able to seriously injure the other, nnd tho contest lasted tho limit.' In Kddlo Unnlon, Yanger rnft one of the gretteit little fighters ho has i " been let go against. In Yanger, Uanlon doubtless met tho strongest little man tho feather weight has ever mot with in thorlag. r Tlie Fischer Company A tmt house turned out to see the Margarita Ficcher Company in the harder,. play of T'rlss. The play is a mixture of melodrama and comedy, and was well handled. Miss Fischer, nj the unconventional Western girl was in her clement, and her support was all that could Le asked. The specialties area notable feature of the Fisher company's entertainment and are highly apprcciat ad. The bill this evening in cludes "My Uncle from Swedon," a dialect play, full of fun, followed by an afterpifce, an Irish skit, written by W. II. McBride, and enacted by McBrlde and McCowell. doming on Areata Ate Francisco, Cul., July 1, Folio w- 3! Ing persons purchased tickets ou the incominsr Areata, which left San Fraielsco at 10 p. to.-Wednesday. Hugh Braspet, FreL nlbjfcW..Q Crow, It Uauio. A, Stora, Mrs A Stora, Miss L Carlton, Mrs V Daley, Miss Straborn, Miss 31 Donavan. Mrs A Freud, Mire A Freud, D Emmcrson, Louis Halrauk, J 'Lennan, II Bailor, F M Parsons, Mrs St John & child, Miss St John. Mrs N Smith, Irono Satline, Mr J Engloman and wife, 12 stecrago passengers. KAISER GREATLY ANNOYED At Insinuation Touch . - ing His Honor Berlin July 2 Thu Kaiser is groatly annoyed at tho insinuations !n a dis patch from Washington a few daya ago that ho had ulterior motives in inspect ing tho Kcnreagc. Ho thinks it retlects on his personal honor, and tho imputa tion is regarded throughout Germany no an outrage. It is reported that Ambassador Tower will apologize to thu Knieor for tho iueult offered him, as ho tvas a guoBt of the Amorican nayy while aboordi tho Kear sage. GOOS BAY WAGON ROAD Gooda Stage Service-More Work Badly Needed Wo had tho pleasuro of.dropplnc into Coos Bay on our return from a fow wooks vacation lu tho Kaat, via the Coos Bay wagon road. The service is good and the stock used to carry 'tho moil ia in better i-hnpo than ever before; all fat nnd husky. Mr. Barnard certainly de serves great credit for carrying tho mail from Sumner via launch. Also for tho new arrangement of carrying passengers both ways, via Myrtlo Point and Coos Bay wngon road, connecting at Dora,' which arrangement is now in iffect. The mountain this side of Falrview ie now at its worst condition as the mud on the Falrview tide ii beginning to dry and makes wheeling very heavy, though in n few dsyn with fair wether 'oiiig will be good. Jack Williams (he driver from Roseburg to Lairds says for n fimnll sain of money the I) iUab county end coald be put in tho finest condition nnd enable blm to make the run at least an hour shorter. Ho says he has a standing of fer to carry tho Douglas commissioners over the route free of cnargo nnd feolo almnot certain that the trip would result in an appropriation to improve the bad spots, He says ho could make the trip as interesting to them as the famous ride which Greely took. There is a lot of reason In this theory and II would be a godsend If Coos' commissioners were compelled to make a like trip over their end of the same road. No doubt any of tho drivers would enjoy the trip and it would bo a high life from start to finish. If a few thousand dollars were legiti mately spent in catting oat some of the timber nd brush which keeps the sun from striking it the road would bo pas sable with vehicles the yca'r around Coos and Douglas counties can not afford to allow this fa .scenic road to be abandoned, and it certainly will be if the aaatl rout is changed to the Myrtle Point road . RELIANCE SLIGHTLY DAMAGED (Special to the Coast Mall.) Bristol, July 3 Inspcctsor of tholhull tho of Kclinnco this morning ehowed an indentation five feet long. Tho injury is serious nor an indication of weakness. liMammfwmWmmm IbssbbbbbVSsbbbbbbbbbsbbH P-a-HssaBBJBBHsjassVtimiH BBBBBBlBBBBSBBBaBSSSBBBBJSBBBBSBBaBBBBSSlBBBBBBBBBlBBBBSlSBBlllllSBllSlllllllllllH MAGNES & MATSON HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION MADE GOODS MAKING PRETTY .ii-hVi.. Columbia and Re" fiance Alone. (Special to the Coast Mall.) Nt-w Port, July 2. Yachts started at 12:30 only a few seconds apart, the Colt urnbia leading, the Reliance next; There waa an IS knot breeze. The Constotion, 10 minutes after the start, suffered accident. The pc&k hat- yards partod and tho gall sprung. The tender Satelite took her in tow and start ed for Bristol where she will be taken t6 Herreeboffs for repairs. The Colombia and Reliance are -male Ing a pretty tiaht. INITIATIVE . ENDUM Decided as Not Con stitutional (Special to the Coast Mail.) Portland, Ogn. July 3 Circuit court for Multnomah County has pronounced tho intitiativo and referendum not a law. The opinion waa renderrd by Judge Oleland andconcured. in by Judgo Frazer, 8oars and Georgo. M wgwWfmw wr wnwif. ti-A-i v MbSkbK - -anaii jfri -p i i lyw'-ajy; y-" t nMag ana-i- 'At. mizy ,& iji'jj , fa'L. "ttW WIW"