Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 27, 1903, Image 6

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From Oundry'o DaHy.
Postmntto Ben Roberts, otTempteton,
was In town ut night.
Gaptata N roion
tho Gape Ai .R" :.',
Nolcon was up froui
: rsvijg station yes-
I. D. llerron is doing eomo dtnelop
xnent work on his land near tlio pouth
Ooob rlvor rock quarry.
Tho four masted, bald headed wh Don
er Salvator arrived yostcnlay nud went
to tho Roy City mill (or lumbor.
"It jy8 hero, Samanthy the! Rever
end To. yod was a saloon passenger on
tho MnjtTtic. Beats all how them
proacbora 1A0 cut up when thoy git away
front hunj."- TndBe.
Gbr.mbcrlaln Stomach nnd Liver
Tables are jnst what yon nee when
you huve no appetite, feel dull after
eati in and wakn up with a bad tast in
vour month, They trill improve your
nprftite, cleaneo and" Invicorato your
atoraarh and give you n reluh fcr your
Iced, for sale by John. Preuss.
LcoklnK blue for milkman: "I more
U.an suspect our milkman." "Of what
do yoa suspect him?" "Of trying to
work tho Filipino water-enro on us.
Look at the color or that milk !"-CIeve-land
Plain Doalor.
Mr?. Chap. Sneddon, Parted by stage
"Wednesday, to Rowland, B. C, having
received word fhii her son Walter was
elck with typhoid fever there. At last
account his pbynician roported the fevor
under control.
The ommutnr at home : Suburban
"This is nhainef ul I I'll not eland that
cook's Insolence a moment longer. As
ioon as I &st to New York I'll ring her
up on the telephone and discharge her."
"Doesn't it.wry you to havo peoplo
intimate that you aro a political boss?"
"No," answered S cnator Borghum, "tfot
nearly eo much as to havo them Intimate
that 1 bare ceased to be a political no3."
Washington 8tar.
Convincing- proof: May "I bad no
idea before last night that Mr. Pilcher
was a man of such lofty ambitions and
exalted idea's." Mend "How did you
cone to And it oat?" May-"IIe pro
posed to mo." Bazar.
Bandon Record er. Tho Dispatch ha
been takea off tho run botween BsL'don
and Coquille and will be dismantled.
Tne machinery will be placed in the
"Where the camel's head goes his
body follows," says an Oriental proverb.
It's the same W3V with disease. A small
opening will give it an entrance and
when disease once has a place in the
body a large number of ills may follow It.
IS Ojl'.ll JOUU 1 I nsr
etomach. When the
stomach is "weak" the
body also becomes weak
r. ll. - n ..-. 1II .
ened by laclc ot
nutrition, and
ditcise attacks
the heart, liver,
lungs, kidneys
audother organs.
Dr. r e r : e's
Golden Medical Discov
ery makes the weak
stomach strong. It cures
diseases of the stomach
and other organs of di
gestiou and nutrition,
and co enables the body
to resist or throw off other diseases.
Men and women who are sick are in
vited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free,
and co obtain without charge the opinion
of a specialist on their ailments. All cor
respondence strictly confidential. Ad
dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
... "l'or the paBt two years I have been a very
sick woman." vrites Mrs. Chesley, of o3 Wood
laud Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. I tried medicines
from doctor and to no avail. At last I decided
to try Dr. iHcrcc't Golden Medical Discover.
Wheu I started I xras oil run-down and had a
very unpleasant taste In my mouth. Was
choked up, aud at times It was very hard for me
to breathe. I had severe headaches and cutting
pains in my kntu joint. Was so weak I could
not attend to my work nor walk up or down
stairs without the assistance of my brother or
tome friend. I am npw taking: the fourth bottle,
and am happy .to say I feel like myself again.
I can go up and down stairs and perform my
duties as weU as any one, UverythinK seems to
be brighter, ana I can assure you inai me u
worth llvlntr."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med;
ical Discovery," There is nothing just
M rood for dyspepsia or debility.
u?U t iUoftsnaM is cured, by the use of Dr.
Fktwut PeUtts.
company's now boat, nud n imrgTi win
bo inmlo ot thu bull. Sho made hor Inst
run Inst Monday. Tho Favorite has
tnkon bor place, while tho llntn took the '
rim of tlio Favorite,
Bandon Recorder. C. II. Paterson la
.recruiting from n tueeel tilth Frank !
Barrow' bull. Ho was pnstlug tho an!
mal which bad bet b lot loom. It had
Its head down nnd ho struck It with n
rope, lightly, nnd was surprised by bo-
log fcnooked down and rolled ovori s. 0. B:own lml his arm qullo badly
several tlmn. IIo had ono rib broken bruised whllo working on a building
aud was eoruswhat bruised. l!o might jyestorday. It (corns tho accident was
have teen hurt worro but for Clyde canted by tho Jack bar uuoxpeclodly
Barrowa rho caucht tho rope which was i a9 turning nroand by hwivy prcassuro
lajtocw to the aatmal and slopped hiru. 1
A Night Off
Tho Keano Company played to r. full
hoitso airaln last night, including a
largo part of
leaving this
tlio Coast Mail force,
paper tin umaliy shy
of new moitor. Tho largrt audience
was highly pleated with tin presenta
tion of "A Night Off", which is ono of
tho fanniefit tilings on tho American
stage. Tho Koano Company are artists
nnd should meet a warm reception wher
ever thoy go. They will appear in
MarEhfieldacalu, of which duo an
ncunceraont will bo made.
A coast lumdermnn recently got a
I'ttlo heady and asserted that "Washing
ton cuts more lumbor than Michigan
ever did. Ho simply allowed his local
priJa to lead him a--ay from facts. One
year Michigan cut noarly six billion feet.
In 1SW, its output was valuo-1 at ?S3,
OOO.COO. nnd Washington's 17,-150,3C0.
In 1000 Michigan's output was valiml at
5l,W0,0COcnd Washington $30,5Sn,2S0
In the next census Washington ahould
be at the hetd of tho Inrubor prod uclng
states and Oregon second. Paget Sound
From Tueeday's Daily. '
Tho Areata lea703 tha city at C p. m
A patent for a bicycle balanco has
beon granted to M. L. Edmund?, of
J. N. Ehaban, of the Great Central,
was up from Empire on business yes
terday. Mr, and Mrs. T. A. King camo over
(ron.Coqullle yesterday, to Btay till Wed-
needs y.
Noble Bros, placed n new refrigerator
in tholr meat market ut North Bend yes
terday. It was built by E. S. Fairchllee,
and ia a very nico piece of work.
Ed Noah has sold his sub-contract to
Jimmy Lafxd from Coos City to Empire,
a change having been, mado in the
John Mariineon
broken below tho
shipyard yesterday
heavy timber with
lost his hold.
had. his left arm
elbow at Kruee's
while carrying a
another mao who
Bwen & Kelly, who hayo boon con
ducting a furnlturo store in the Garfield
building, have sold their stock to 0. A.
Johnson, of the Union Furnituro storo,
and will turn their attention to some
thing eleo.
Mrs. L, W. Mauzey took suddenly ill
while at church Sunday evening nnd
was very sick for a while. Dr. Horefall
was called In and eho is Bald to be im
proving. Cy Goodman was over from Coquillo
with a team Saturday after a piledrlvor
hammer from Empire, which he hauled
over to tho river for use there' in driv
ing piles for J, T, McCormac's boom at
Eaglo Point,
The Second base ball team of Marsh
field and North Bend played a game
Sunday at .North Bend, Tho gamo re
sulted in a victory for Marebfield, the
score being 22 to 0.
Gaplatn Alien, ot the Eaima Utter
reports oxcooillngly cold weather on bis
trip up from Ban Pedro.
"I have boon troubled for Bomo tliun
with indigestion and eour BtoumCh."
Mrs Sarah W. Curtis, of Leo, Muse.,
"and have Iwon taking Chatnborlalit'a
i VJIrt.V lMlt lltl s.WIVti IMIIVII UHV
Btomttch and Liver Tablets which bavo
helped mo very much eo that now lean
oat many things that boforu I coufd nob
tat." It you havo any troubto wlt
your stomach whr not tako tltofco T.ibt
Iota and got well? For sale by John
0f bulldln'.', Dr. Horiull nttuudvd tho
Tho Temperance. Society which held
forth at tho Soumi plculc grounds last
Sunday, furnished, it Is said, a highly
pleasing and untortainlug program, 'coii
elttlngof music, recitations ami speaking.
Everybody reports a very enjpyablo
In this iesuo'tho barksopors challonge
tho clerks nnd barbers to n gamo of base
ball for tho beneSt ol tho lleppuer suf
ferers. Mnrshilold can well afford to do
something for tho unfortunate Ictims
of tho Hcppnor disaster, nnd this move
of tho bartenders is a highly commend
able one.
A now use for citric acid haj been dis
covered. Added to tea water It precipi
tates tho salt and makes tho liquid pala
table and usable. ovon ounces of citric
acid will be eu'Uiclont to supply it hlp
wn'cked sailor with enough purified tea
water to mest his icq ulremonta for a
J. C. Laird, mall contractor on tho
Coob Bay wagon road, was in town last
nlcbt. Hfl Informs tho Mail that tho
stagos will bo taken off tho roulo be
tween Snmnerand Mar3hfiold, and pss
sengors and Mall will bo carried bo
tween thoso two points by gasoline
launches, tho new servico commencing
this morning.
Mrs Olive Passes Away
Tljo sad sows rcschod Marshflelo Sun
day, bya dispatch to A. (i. Aiken, of tho
death of Mrs. C. W. OHvo at San I'cdro,
Cal., at 1 :30p. m. that day.Thls-was not
entiroly unexpected, as word had been
rocelred that the lady was very low, bat
a very large circle of friends in Coos
county, whbrii Mr. end Mrs. Olive lived
for over a quarter of u century, will grieve
to hear of tho fatal termination of thb
malady, to seek relief from which they
moved to Ban Pedro something over two
years ago.
From Wednesdays Dally.
Henry Lacrosse was down from his
Coos Itiyer farm yesterday.
A. D. Wright, ono of Sumner's old
guard, was in town yceterday on buelncss
Mrs. Jas. Itooko went up Coos river
yesterday, to spend a few weeks with
hor relatives.
Tho schooner Ivy arrived yeBtorday,
and landed at Dean A t'o'e. dock, bring
ing freight for MarsliQeld partieB.
F. W, Soarlo division auditor for tho
Pacific State s T, AT Co. arrived here
yOBterday op hie regular inspection trip,
Tho Flanagan A Bounett Bank build
ing is receiving n new coat of paint at
tho hands of J. R. Kochon.
Tho Belt Line surveyors have com
pleted tho line thoy weroj working on,
to tho Coquille river.
, i
Wm.Robortson, of Allegany, was in
town yceterday on crutches, tho result
of an accident to his foot,
Miss Oricque, of North Bond, has beon
spending a fow days with tho Misses
Tho Alllaneo sailed from Eureka yes
terday, and is duo to sail from hero for
J Portland this evening.
B. 1). Mngtioo, ot tho ilrm ol Mni;uos
& Mutton, arrlxod yostorday overland,
to spend it short time on tho Bay. IIo
was accompanied by Mrs. Maguos.
At tho tvhool election hold In Myrtle
Point last week It was voted lo add tho
ninth hi ado to tho Bcbool, which has
borototoro stopped tth tho vlglilh.
J. W. Uonrtott and son Tom, V. A.
Uoldon and Kuss Towor relumed Mon
day (win a weeks ojtlni; on the Tsu
inilo lakes. Thoy report lino riwrt
with tho. trout, and I'rofupsor flolden
has some ihio photographs lo prove their
Hon, Blngor Hermann In n loiter to
tho Coos H.tV Cbambur of Comtnorut)
oxpressos hid Intention ot visiting thu
bay (hit ituminur. for tho purpose of
looking fully in the a owls of coumierto
Injunction Dissolved
E. B. llurnes Informed J.T. Hall, by
phnu from ltoreburg yottorday, that
Jutho Hamilton tmd dlstolvwl the In
junction obtained by it. ). lJuraol
against his tithing In ctrtniu parts of
BoRiia river. The case was fought hard.
and Mr. Burns was naturally jubulant
at his victory.
I sell more nf Chanibcrlnlu'i! Couch
Hemedy than of all elniilar preparations
put together and it ivij thu beat haIId
faction of nuy meiliciue I ever sold. I
gtinmntuo ovory little of It. K. C.
J.miUITII, Inlfttu), Mich. This remeily
is (or talo by John I'rettH.
Improved Facilities
A now range has been install! at the
Coffee Club, and the kitchen has been
othorwisa extensively improved, nnd
tho mantcemant Is now proprntd to
feed all that come. LVsidcj iiif iTUlar'
six-course dluuer, rII inch eet.. '!) J
delicacies r.s strawberry short i.ske,
strawberries and cream, ico cream etc
aro provided. With the improved
equipment tho institution Is prepared
to terve Its patrona bettor than over-
Killin? Birds
comoof tho bovsaro makinea nrc -
tlco of shooting wild cauaiies and other ! 5k,,t' ,JO-Norlh JJend V8 nnndoiir
harmless birds with nirsuns. If t.MayJl-llandon v North Ilond.
natural cruelty of the younger gensralbn . ,jy n a ., , 3
Is such that thoy dollght In indicting
Buffering and death on tho helpless, aud
if pnrcntal authority is not Btifliclont to
deter thorn, they should bo given a taste
of the law or of a four-year-old club.
Change Your Ads
What would you think of your news,
paper if it camo to you with tho sumo
nowa and editorials it hod a month ugo?
Would you not bo Justified in thinking
that tho editor was n failure if ho had
nothing now to tay or toll? What must
your customers think of your advertise
ments and of you when thoy find you
have nothing now to tell them for
months at u time? Ilotailor and Ad
vortlsor. Will Canvass Town
Tho Coos Bay Chambor of Commorco
met last uvenlng and transacted some
Importunt business. Tiio commltU-u
having In charge tho matter of a etcam-
ship to bo built on tho bay and ply bc
tweon tblB port. San Franeleco nml
Portland will commonco today to cat'.
vass tho town for subscriptions to Block
in tho new boat, and tho project ahould
receive tho hartlest stpport from
Marebfield busluesa men and capitalists.
Mill Man's Tale of Woe
(Pugot Sound Lumberman)
Dad bang it man you don't know
what troublo is," said n weary looking,
well fed nppooriug mill man from a
small town in Western Washington,
and he dropped with n perfunctory drop
Into a comfortable chair in this ofllco.
Ho hadjuet twisted a four inch shaft off
and bad como to town to get it fixed up,
But that was not what worried j. i, he
expeotsd shafts to break, ho expeotod
pulleys to fly to ploces, he expected bull
chains to pull npatt nud bu oxpectod
Boineatlmo his bollor would blow the
wliolo crow ncrocu tho Cascades, but
thoso were uiuro luulduiitnln In saw mill
I lift, which might bu called logltliuate.
What be was groaning ftbsut was the
in tumor In vhlch tmtii quit thulr jobs
without cause or warning. "Every
morning whim 1 go down to start up tho
mill," ho said, "from to five inou bavo
passed down thu pll:e, and I havo no
Hitrplus to till from. Ilkuep!! mo all In
a commotion, with n fooUnu that llicro
It (ctiiothiug luoio insldo my vest. It
la woarlng mu out, but what can 1 do.
all I know In bow to run a saw mill,
Why I couldn't or en gf t a pulpit In
Buckley." Andlhvii MHrsJiall Cham
bers went down to the oliop to roe II hie
shaft was ilxtd.
Bftsc Ball Scficdtile
May Sl-Marthflu'.d vs No'lh Hand.
Won by MarhrifL! I to !t.
Jucu 7 MsrihrieM vs Kamlon.
Won by Bandon, 1 1 to t!.
Juno Mnrshtluld vs Oiulllo.
July r-Mrshlle!d vs North Bund.
July in lUrjlirteld vs Uaiiduu.
Aur. 0 Marshflild vs Ctsiiille.
Auu'. HI Mnrshilold vs North Bond.
A tic. W) Marshlleld vs Bandon.
Sept. 2) Marthfiold vs Coquille.
May 21 Ooii!lu vs Bandon.
Won by Iliiiulou, t) to 1.
May 31 Cooulllo vs M.uihaebt,
Won by Murihilluld, 7 to 2.
Juno 21 Coquille vs North Band.
Won by North Ikwl, W to 8.
July 6 Coquille vk Baudnn.
July r.'-Coquill vs Marthr.eld.
An:. 2-Coquillii vs North Build,
Aug. 10 Coqtiillu vs Bandon.
Aug. 23-Coquillo vs Marshlleld.
Spt. 18 Coqui;a.J vs North Bend.
June 7 North Bend vs Coqulllt,
Won by North Bund 10 to 1.
- J juu j
North Bond vs Marshfiuld.
j )Vo, ,,y Murlhjiol,f 7 t0 6,
jJuno2S. Nofth eml Vb ,jandon(
j Juy 10NorUl i,Hnd r4 Coquillo.
j Juy 39AorUl nd rg Mnrshilold.
Aug. I- North Urnd vs Bandon,
Ar. 51 North Bond vs Coquille.
I Ba .ft 11 -.ftl. f,...l ... f ...nl.rt..t.l
1 av' l'"" """ " .
Juno ,,Handon vs Coquillo.
Won by Bandon, 12 to 2.
Juno 2l Bandon vs Marthtlcld,
Won by Bandon, 1 toO.
July 12 Bandon vs North Bend.
July 26 Bandon ys Coquillo.
Aug. 2 Bandon vs Mnrshfleld.
Aug. 23 Bandon vs North Band.
Kupt. G-sUandon vs Coquille.
."opt. 13 Bandon vs Marnhflold,
fiTA.vniNO or TIIU cu'nn
North Bond 2
Coquillo 0
Baudot! 6
From tho Sontiuul, Uebo, Mont.
In tho Autopolling of Oklahoma to
sottlors in ISSd, tho editor of this papur
was among tho many nookera aftnr for
tune who mado tho big racu ono duo day
in April. Duiug l.ui camping about
and afterwardn hio camping upon hie
claim, ho uncounturod much had watur,
which. toKOthor with thu rovuro heat,
2avb him a very severe diarrhoea which
It Boomed almost iiupossiblo to check,
nnd along in .Juno tho uano hecatno bo
bad ho expected to die. Ono day ono
of his neighbors brought him ono small
bottlu of Chnmborlaln'ri Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Ucmuily nw n last hope.
A bit; doco wim glvou him while ho
was rolling about on thu ground In great
ngony, nnd In ii few minutes tho doeo
was repHatod. Tha good effect of tho
modiclntt wua soou noticed hiid within
an hour thu nationt wbh taking his first
sound sleep for a fortnight. That one
little bottle worked n complotu euro,
and lift cannot help feeling grateful,
The season for bowel dlsordorn bolng
at hand euggeutu this itom, For sale by
John Preueu.
OUS porsonB in each statu to travel for
houso ostahlished eleven years and with
a largo capital, to call upon merchants
nud agonts for succeesful and profitable,
line, Permanent engagement. Weekly
cash salary of fit and nil traveling ex
penses and hotel bills ndvanced in cash
each week. Experience not essontlal.
Mention reforonoo and enoloso self-ad-drcssod
envelope. THE NATIONAL,
331 Dearborn til,, Chicago,
niwsh li no lilnitrAnr I
' m niirr nitu nrnri
Mmi or '1i1l rnii not not t,
excelsior Mtnmi
nt nil kltnl of woik
mutnl Vttr trMir.
fur Irmli'liiBtlt
nolnlitalM Will"
bitJ,i Him.
I'H'fi-lilltiu ot nnm.
There nro iiugKi'Htlons without num
bor for th ruro of eorim. Any rcputit
bin fblropodlMt nnd mmio who are not
re)Utuble can fttnilHh mi iitifnlllug
rtiincily. Hut therii In one nun way to
prevent thi'in. Don't wear tho Maniti
iwilr of nliiMti two dnyii In nucciiialtiiL
Conm are vuuned liy frictloij tin tho
tiHM, nnd the moxt expert ttootmnkor
catinol innltii two pulrn cdf-alu which
will rub the imt lit tho mtiiiu place.
Tho cluttigu of Hhoe given tho feet it
chance lo rout. It In ulito i;(hh1 for tlm
howi, nnd footwear wbtch h trt'uttil
In this fHiihliui will htt-iuuch lougvr.
than if put to dally una.
Tim CrntMiillte.
rilny itnhl tho crocodllo'ti skin "will
nbldo nny Injury nnd not bo plercitl."
That nny have liven trti In bin tiny,
but It Ih nut trtio now. Tlu bullet of it
hwi.vy niodorn rlllo will pierce tho nklit
anywhere iinliwrt It iitrllie In ii Hliiut
lug dlrtictlon. Tho crocodile In not an
n rutti lianl to kill, pnvldeI one can
Itot it phhI uhot at It, but '" Juut
the trouhli. It haa not tlio iinin'eloiiii
rltMllty of thu HhnrlJ, which will wiino
tlttti'H utruKitlo furlouidy for nit hour,
although covorvd with nppuu-ntly. mor-
tnl wountlu. Culcugo Nuwu.
Profoasional Cards
H. H. Walter, D. D. S.
Ofllco Nnibnrg Bldg. A. bt., Phone, t
E. E. Straw, M. D.
b'lucbil Mtumtlidi to dlMnisiM of tin Eve
Kr, Nt und Thnwtt. (ilajwen UtttO.
dlna; in Suni'.stad-CH & Smith
W. U. Douglas,
U. 8.
l'rot UimI, MmtiflekJ, Oiccon.
S.A. D. Eaton,
Will prncllco In nil court i.
:t , , . "
J. V. Bounott,
John F. Hftll,
Often In Htilorado Ij!xV, Front ttrect
O. F. McKnigJit.
Ofilce in thu haiuC-J
& Walter
Dibble & Williams
MrshfiGldf Oregon
Kaufman & Wegnor
Dcaloru In
Real Estate
Ofllco over Ooldeu'a Drug Storo
Marehflold, Orogon
T. Micklewrlght.
Practical Watohmakor and Jowelor.
All kinds of wotchos and clocks cloaued
and repaired on short notico,
All work guaranteed 12 months,''
MarehUold, Orogon