Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 27, 1903, Image 5

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How Tree Cool (hn Air.
Wo dilute tf it tree, iih it cooling agent
bouaumi JIh tdiadit protecta tin twin Hid
bout of tho huh, hut it cooln tlm nlr In
iinotlutr wu (lint hi not generally
Iciiowii; In fact. It cools tlio nlr around
It an u lump of Jcp cool n vomhuI of
Tim tree linn a body (omporfttiiru of
iiliout 15 degroni, Just m wo Iiiivii
u body tiMiiiinnitiirii of KM iIclti-cm.
which Im not affected by oiiihIiIo Influ-l
uiicon. ii im nut tree niool heat, t.
to rpenk, H tlial tint air aroimil It I
cooled by tlio trcu Itself iih well iih by
tllU Klllldo It hUlkl.
When a (nut In full Imtf U ii I ruck by
n strong wind wo wonder Unit It Im not
lorn all to pieces. And so It would bo
but ror tlio way tint llmlm and twlga
iiim urrangwl by nature. Tliat arrange
incut Im Midi Unit tlio effect of tlio
wind U broken, for tbo limbs sway and
i novo In a hundred dlnrlloun Instead
of one. and tint force of Die blunt Im ro
wattercd Dint It Ii comparatively
If tin IIuiIih all moved at once In tint
mm direction no tico could escape
being torn apart. '
Within Colllim Write of m Tlllr.
Church Mill Outage, Broadntnlni,
Auk. in, i wo.
My Iwr WIIN -1 Mend you Inclosed
(ttiul roglMoied- for I uliould go dls
Irui'ted If It wiim hrtt) my first number.
riiuiMit let mo Imvo duplicate proofs
tin noon iih possible, for I want to ceo
wmiothlng in connection with tlio wtory
wlilt'li U init a miUH of nuifiiHlou. It
Ii mi awfully limit nuiubor--botwi-tii
oliht and nine pat,; but I iniittt stag
gr the public Into attention, If pos
sible, Mt the outwt. They shan't drop
M ttlilnlHT wlioii I begin r I run belli It.
I have bit on a new title In tlio
omtnw of h night walk to I lie North
KnrvlftUd, which mems to me welr)
mwI Mtrtklnr-'TlMi Woman In White"
My kivt in lilckeim. ow do be
do? When will he write' llnvo ou
a Iwhm' t let? I mil at mortal eiimlly
with my Inidoii landlord hihI mid i
Mulrnd to leave hlm. Wbr I am to
UO IHMCt "Cod, hv knows." Tu-ta.
W. 0.
Chamber' Journal.
A Dntiuc run Imiiim nlloii,
Imicoii Carter could remember the
ilxyH wbti the minister llmd out the
hymn nud the cotigrcitttUou Hsiig ll.
Although be bad long bevii too Jeebbt
to to church. IiU opinion Mtllt found
tlwlr wy to the iH-ople.
I "'p mIimII hM Mm gootl orpin
jiiajuut i in nuuiiuer, ' hii unwary vi
itur rviiiarkrd to the deacou'H daughter
In tho old niHU'rt bunrijg. "Tbat
ticbr from llowtou In going to play
rvry Huudny while A mile Trumbull
In o.T tMkbiK a Micntlon."
Tfte deciiii mlMnl IiIm stick and bin
ijuawriiiK xolce at tbo name time,
"You hoimI for tho mlulMtcr to como
herv and et mo, 1 laughter Maty," Im
aahl mt cbmrly as be could, "I won't
hftV hiicli gntngM on! A iiiUNlclaii
playing on thai orgnu! Let 'em go
r1ttioul till Annie 'Initnbull geta home
A Ifi'ltiloir llniid,
"Oracloui!" e.xelHliiied tho stranger
In th wont. "What a cruul country
tliU Is!"
"1 low's thot, ntrntiftcr?'' aKkud thy
tough citizen.
"Why, I Jut hoard that n follow was
nhot down bero yiwterdny for lending
a helping hniid to a follow mortal!"
"Lending a helping hand, did yoh
iwyV" queried tho cowlxiy. "Why, I
totiifinber the ."
"!Jow wiim It?"
"Alkali llio wuh a-playln' a poker
game un' he Hllppcd tlinni nros V bl.i
jmrtner under th' table. Of couroe,
tMiiHolHxly sliot 'Im f'r leudln' Uiot soht
of a helplu' IiiiiiiI!" ltaltlnioro 11 era Id.
Tho Cmmry'N riiom,
If you Imvo a canary or other cage
bird look to Km claws from time to time,
for lit a Ntato of cnpthlty tho bird's
mills grow so long tbat they need cut
ting. If this bo neglected the bird Is In
danger of getting Km nails caught In tlio
laxami muiging mere tin u .lies, use
n Hbart) pair of nail HclHim and tako
care not to cut, more than Just the i
Ips of the italls. If you bold tho bird
In a good light you will nee a little red
"tliroad" In each null. This you inunt
avoid or you will draw blood and hurt
your little pet.
"And now) mild Professor Img
hunter na ho greeted Henry Pock,
"what Bhull wo tnako of your llttlo loy
a lecturer? XJu baa a bIucci-o taste
for It."
"I know ho Iiiih," renllol tho male
parent. "Ilo Inherit:! It from Ida moth
er." Schoolmaster.
JHiuI!m1 IIIn llonuinoo.
floorgo I hco nothing for un lint to.
e)oKt, Do you think your father would
forgive usV
L'lhel I'm huio ho would.
(Jeorgo-llow can you bo mire?
lJthel 1 felt n llttlo nervous on that
An Insinuation,
Hoss Young MlllkltiB Is daffy on tho
BUbJect of matrimony, He asks ovory
girl ho moots to marry him,
Nell Well, why don't you got Boino
ouo to Introduce you? Clavclund Pluln
Dealer, ............ ..
Th ttpjiliiK habit In bad enotmli or
ervwlnire, and Im wuwo In IJuropo than
bore. In tbo t'ljihteoiith century It wan
n ttrenler ovll thiiu It hi now, A writer
In tbo t'ornhlll MiikiixIiio tullrt iiomo
ntiirleM to llliiNtratu tbo old condition
0( tlllllftM.
In IMIiiburKh In 17li tbo Kocloty of
CIcikH enacted thai all ncrviinlH Nhoiild
bu forbidden to take tlpM and incuiborn
bo tot bidden to lve them. TIiIh cxttiil I
ldo wiim followed by other clulm mid
MtclelleM, Today thero In tlio rule In'
inoxt t'liilm iikiiIimI fueltiK tbo HorvtuitM.
An oceentrlu Irbdi Kcutlcmau, 1jrd
Tualfe, lined (o attend IiIh kUohIh to tbo
door, and If they offered any money to
the fiervailUi wbo were lined up with
the i;uomIm' Ikikpikc, tbo boflt would
May, "If you lve, Klvo ll mc, for It wan
1 that did buy the dinner,"
A well known colonel whllo idltlriK
at dinner Inquired tbo milium of tbo
hont'a Morvaiibi. "For," Miild he, "1 can
not pay them for mrIi a hhI dlriuor,
but I Mhotlld llko to luinuinlHtr them In
my will."
Another eccentric ccntluman, after
iMitlenlly nileeinliik' IiIk hat, fiword, '
cano ami cloak, to the t-ry bottom of
IiIh purMe, tiiruiil to tbo two reiniiln
Inc hervnntH wbo wero waltlni; oI)m.
culoimly, curb with a clove, and Mild
affably. "Keep thoHc. I will not troti-
bio In, buy thvMi back. 'J'lmy uru old
and not worth a Hbllllur;."
I'.Mvrr ut n iitlllll'a V.'lliU,
"Kwiuiri," mild an oillclal of tho zoo,
"havii ureal NtreiiKth of win. It Im
hold that with a blow of Iim wlnj,' a
muiiii uin break a iiuiii'm leu, arid I
hate no doubt (IiIh Ih mo. A doctor told
ine ouo dny, an wo hIikmI tenet her by
the ui lake, that ouo of IiIh tlm; cnno
had been that of a man whom arm
a mwmii Imil broken wllh Itn wIhk.
"Tho MCfldetit occurred In ArkHitmiM,
on Hhhii lake, a Unly of water whr
blnlM M.iuid. A liiinmuwii wnn
'nr bunting,' uhcii a mm an, nmklng
for the light, Hew straight Mt bin bind.
1I put uj bU arm to Mhlold IiU face,
and the powerful wing of tho big while
bird HtrucL him Ilko a club. Itoth
lHnwt In the foroarm were broketi; It
wmm a compound fracture.
"If a Mwnn accblentally chii bmik lu
thU way a inairs urm. tlwn Is, In mj
opinion, no room to doubt that It could,
If ll diwlrt-d, break with a wHI dlriK-t-cd
blow a man's leg."-Philadelphia
Wlinl n Tom! IZiiJii).
There are few things more ainuntng
tlmn In wntch a toud Mubmltllng to the
operation of a tMtek fcrntchtnic. Ilo
will at Ilrnt look Mtmewbat HUsplclotiH
ly at tho twig which you are advancing
toward hlm. Hut after two or throe
pnnxort down IiIh back his manner mi-ib-rgiHtM
n marked change, hi ejim
cIom with an expreMnlou of Infinite raji
ture, he pliinlM Ids feet wider apart and
his Ixxly mwuIIm out to nearly double
Km ordinary size, as If to obtain by
theu iiieniiH moro room for enjoyment.
'J'htm hu will remain tinttl you make
Nome nuddon uiovemeiit which start leu
hlm, or until ho lm bud iim much let
ting km ho wants, when, with h puff of
I egret fill delight, bo will reduce him
self to his initial dlmeiiMlons and liop
away, bent once moro on the plcnsurofi
of the chase.
Tho lliimt PliOfiJ.
(loneral CtiMter Ixdleved In having
martial music on all Hstblo oecaalous.
Ho uotiltl have the baud out at '
o'clock lu tho morning and the Inst
thing In tho evening. One day when a
teglmeut bad Just come Into enmp (lon
eral Custer ordered tlm band out. The
men were tired and reported that they
bad lost the mouthpieces of tholr In
trumeuts. "Very well." wild the general, "you
may take plcbiucii and tdiovohi and
help repair the roads. You may llud
tho missing mouthpieces while you are
vorklng." It Is unnecessary to atata
thut the band played mhiu after.
Tliriioiili the OneKx.
When tho celebrated dllno, Hdward
In-liit enM it n nriiiililni four In
Btf0lnil tWl, nuinfrlos men of decided
C,l(lll, Wllll , hcnr ,,,,, Wll,.n
,lrt ho ,, 00 HallI (0 ,,, otll,,r.
..w wuile. what do you tl.lnkV"
..01l(o ull, U ot,,or COIlU.,IU,tuoualy,
..m,., 1i.v ,.i-,i,.ir..,ie.
The flint speuker laid a quiet hand
on his Rhoti.'dcr.
"Will," tmld bo, "you'll often hco u
light peeping through a crack."
ItutliiT tluvo Hlm Atvnjr.
Pond leather (showlug ott his oft
spring's intelligence) Now, Klslo dear,
what bt a cat?
Lisle Diiiino.
Tond Father Well, whnt'u that fun
ny llttlo nulum! that comes ciccplux
up the Btatra when cgery one's lu bed?
JJlsle (promptly) Papa.
The Oiunr of IIokkhvIIIv,
I soinotlmva think, when by tho titovo I
My lict-lB an' alt to thlnlcln' nf tho host
Of frlcmlH I know, thut them that
Can't uliitt a-tall'o tlio ones thnt slntt the
Tndlnnapolla Sun.
Nlio l'rovcil It,
"I cannot shnr tho olit sonaiil"
Bho warbled; all were ninvrrt,
And one rudo person roao and yollodn
"Sit down I Your cobo Ih proved "
, Chicago Tribune
Old Tlmn TIITfiiwT
Mr, W. IC. Vnnflnrftilt,
Mr. W. K. Vandorbllt, wlfo of tho
bond of tlio Vandorbllt family, who
wiim wed recently In Indon, waa twlco
boforo ii lirldo. She wn married In 1800
to Mr. h. M. Hutherfurd, the nuptial
bolng a loading event of tbo time. Bho
wart Uifii tbo widow of Samuel S,
I , ...
1 "'S4V C3i vfy
Bnridn, Jr., a weallby Now Yorker.
Mrn. Vandorbllt, who In tho dntiKltUx
of Oliver II. Harrlman. Br., of New
Vork, hnti two rhlldrcn by her marring
with Mr. HnndM. Bho Is a jwrfoct
blond, with an oval fnct, regulnr fen
turoii, brlfiht bluo eycH and Kolden hair.
"W'nalPrt limn.
"Vou want that book bound, Blr? Yes,
dr. It will com 3 marks. Hut thcro
nro picture In It That will innko It G
inarltH. nlr."
"Hut why In It moro with pictures?
"CA yon Hee, nlr, tny helper will
rnnto nt tnncli lliiu IrxiVtnt- nt tliritnl"
i"jieKunu0 matter.
' rrKeifni I'niin-r.in.innr.
..j.vc Jmj nnothor quarrel with my
,s0n-Jn-law, Count I'uscuds," eald Mr.
Cumrox gloomily.
"Havoyoti rofuiicd hlm money'"
-Cortalnly noL Hut I forgot to tako
Iny int or, , n,jjreM him by his UUo
,vj1(, mnjed him tho check." Wash.
iugton Star.
Ill Ilxprrlrncr.
Tn," said tho boy, looking up from
his 1kk)1:, "what doos n man's "better
' iair mean?"
"Usually, my son," replied his father
from behind tbo evening paper, "alio
means exactly what sho says." Phila
delphia Pres.
Tlinnil) Itlimn In (Jurrjj Annr'a Tine.
Ill the days of Queen Anne the femi
nine thumb ring was tho badge of
widowhood, and women tired of hlngle
ble"HNln-)H were wont to don It and at
"Jolly widows" achieve conquest!) de
nied to them aa Hplnstcrs.
Our I'lrat Locomotive.
The llrst locomotive built In this
country waa placed on the .South Caro
lina railroad In IPSO. Tho use of loco-
motlven, however, was not firmly ea
tabllsbotl unUl IbS!!.
Nnlnrnl Icplioiinrn,
The cold lu n cavern lu Franco is fo
groat, no matter how warm tho exter
nal ntmohphere may be, tho visitor can
not proloug his stay without Incon
venience unless wrapped lu winter
clothing. There are not less than a
Rcoro of thoho natural icehouses in
Franco and probably half aa many in
(IriMtNonin Clinriim.
Prople'a lingers, cut from the hands
of the dead, aro fomotlmcs carried as
nmulcta by the Ignorant and supersti
tious. Dried lizards sewed up in
leather servo the name purpose.
I'lfvriitlnn nf Corn.
There are suggestions without num
ber for the euro of corns. Any reputa
ble chiropodist nnd some who are not
reputable can furnish an unfailing
remedy. Hut there Is one sure way to
prevent them. Don't wear the biuuo
pair of shoes two days lu succession.
Corns are caused by friction on tho
toes, and the most expert bootmaker
cannot make two palra of bIioch which
will rub tbo feet lu the same ulace. I
Tho change of tdiocs givj the feet a !
chance to rest. It Is also good for tho
shoes, ami footwear which is treated,
m thifl fllrtfllntl will 1'iaf tvtt.ntt I.-....M.M .
In this fashion will last much longer
man it put to dully use.
The Crocodile,
Pliny Bald tho crocodllo'a Bkln "will
abide any injury and not Ijo pierced."
That may have been true In his day.
but It is not tnio now. Tho bullet of a
heavy modem iltlo will pierce tho MUiii
nnywhere unless it BtrlUes lu a slant-,
lug direction. Tho crocodllo Is not iib
n rule hard to kill, provided ono can
get a good i-liot at it, but that is Just
tho trouble. It lias not the marvelous
vitality of tho Hhark, which will borne
times strugglo furiously for an hour,
although covered with apparently mor
tal wou.uds.-Cblcago News.
Poor Hlinlle.
"I novor Baw any 6no bo timid as
nenpeclc Is," remarked WIgger. "Why,
be'B Ilko a mouso In his own houso."
0118011801" exclaimed Wagger. "Ill
wife isn't the least hit afraid of htm.
Stray Stories.
Mark Trfaln in n Voft,
Mark Twuln'u former lecture mnn
TRcr told thin atory of an entertain
rnptit idvcn by tho humorist In London
durhiK n heavy fo: "One nlRht tho
quccri'M concert rwnnM were Ilko a
flrnokohoiiw, ami I aw from my chair
In llio royal xtx n uliadowy drc coat,
Mupported by a fmlr of ulmdowy lrou
ner, j.drdled by tho faint hnlo of tho
ineffectual fnolllghtH. A voice wan la
Uio nlr, but It wa dlnictilt to locale It
with any degree of certainty. Tbo ap
parently licfldli'Kii trunk of tho lecturer
told what he knew of our fellow av
ft'M, tho BandwJrb Wanders, and at
hitervalH out of the depths ascended,
the mutlled murmur of an atidlenco in.'
vhlble to the naked eye. Mark lwau
his lecture on UiIm occaHlon with n del
icate allusion to tho weather and said,
I'crhaps you can't nee me, but I nm
here.' "
IiilirfivlnK on IlorHf I'nwpr,
In Vencuola timiiy years ago n
wealthy aKriculttirlst was appointed
Minister of marine. HoIiir n hard
worker, ho asked at once for partleu
hiM of the fleet. The secretary brought
hlm partlctilaw about the only war
'hip. Tho dctalla gave length, tonnage
ana name powi-r. At this last tho mln
Ister Hloiiped tho secretary and bado
luin wrlto down riulckly an order to
the chief of cuitomi, "Take out theto
1U0 horn-H at once, and I will send von
gwwl milieu In their places." cxiduliilm.'
that mulori were much more econom
ical, both us regard food and ability
to withstand frttlgue.
Cnrlc Cii(nin.
Many qucwr customs and usages nro
prevalent among the Cossacks. No man
chances hlx clutluM no i. mii,iv. n
Thurwlay no fat or flesh moot must be t,",0fl- T,IC ccli(Cii reporbi from twen
plckhil or wjnud. Wool is not spuii xonc to thlrty-thrce are always loud
on a holiday. A hen Is nlwaya given ' cr t,mn tho report of tho shot Itself.
an uneven number of eggs to hatch, I
never an even number. Hones left from ! atermchimm i-ipr.
a dinner att funeral are thrown Into ' TJj0 Practice sometimes Indulged in
the river, awl at the wmo moal no ,,r wmoker- of soaking a meerschaum
one dare cut breed; It munt always be in ,lot water, milk or steaming It is al
Apollo favorite Instrument.
AtKillo was the old god of music, nnd
nlu favorite Inhtrument. the lyre, wan ' A snake's gullet Is fo distensible
Invented by Mercury. When tho latter that one scarcely twenty inches long
was four hours old he found the shell ' can nwallow a hen's egg without did
vt n tortoise and made It into a lyre culty.
with nine Htrlngs In honor of the nlno j
musfi. This Instrument Mercury gavo i Scotfn Methoti oi nxrrciiilns;.
to Ajvillo. who became a wonderfn! s,r Wnltcr Scott's chief pursuit
player ujwn It. The lyre was used by worc riding and coursing. Ills dog-
the Gnt'ks In old en times, and from It nnd " nP!'Cir ln tno 8aIn0 P,cccs ot
was fubhioued the harp. . fculptua. teaUfylng to bis habits.
Mntrltnnnlnt I)-prpln.
"Well, how do jou like married llfor
Inquired the friend.
"Not nt all." roplled the man who
Imd married money and was suffering
for It. "I'm u case of matrimonial tiys
pepsla." "Matrimonial dyspepsia?"
"Vim. She never agrees with m;
tbo'a too rich." Philadelphia Ledger.
Ilrnil nf Cortrrul Stnff of the Army.
Major General Samuel H. M. Young,
head of tho new general staff of tho
United States urmy, who by virtue of
his olllco becomes chief of start to the
president and adviser to tho secretary
I of war. is also head of tho recontlv cro-
nted war college. General Young has
n nrtiihmr nvmi .. n Rni.ur. w ,,.
tcrod tho service iib n private In a
Pennsylvania regiment during tho civil
wnr. Uo ronchcd tll0 o maJor
. . -
general In 1001.
Ttir Solar I'lexua lllnvr.
Tho pugilist speaks of knockout
blown nver tho solnr Dloxns. but It In
th Htoiuaeh that receives tho Bhock.
and from it the norvous disturbance
Wllit JlorNM.
Tho wild liorses of Arabia will not
ndnilt n tamo horso among them, white
tho wild horsea of South America en
flcavor to decoy domesticated horses
from their musters and seem eager to
welcomo them.
Sage Tea.
It is Bald that good old ordinary sage
tea is tho very host thing yet discov
ered to prevont Uq falling out of th
Mr. It should bo rubbed into the
wm, vu.vv) w iuui uujvsu nw
CnrrrInK Onr'n Own Ontflf.
IJefore tlio revolution In Prance It
was cJiMtomary when a gentleman lind
been Invited out to dinner to send his
eervant In advance with his knife, fork
and Hpoon. If ho had no servant ho
carried them with hlm In his pocket.
iVronKlit Iron,
Tho Brltlflh museum poiscsscn what
Ii probably the oldest known piece of
wrought Iron. It was found In the pyr
Minld of Cheops and rnunt bo -1,000
f can old.
flpoefl or DaclM,
UuelM fly at an avcrago rate of
ninety miles en hour. WlUi a fair
wind It Iwllevcd that Uiey can make
150 miles in tho same time.
TJi Cfilnroe mill Htoiic Floor.
In China Uio dining rooms are usu
ally floored with Ulca or stono slabs.
Thhr Is becauso tho bottHohold nnlninU,
dogs and cats, are allowed In tho room
at mealtime to receive whatever food I
the diners do not wfrth.
A R!.trnUiiKPI ClnJi.
In IJerlln a club of the "disengaged"
has been formed by young men who,
having broken with their sweeUicarts,
I "-'Sard marriage as fated to bo n fall-
T,TO Town.
HammcrfMt, In Nonvay, Is tho most
northern town of any Importance in
the world and I'ontns Arenas, in Pata
gonla, the fattiicst south.
A IlPinnrhnliln I'rlio.
At the castle of Slmonetta, Italy,
there Is 'r.n angle in tbo building
. hlch rcH'choes a plitol shot sixty-one
together wrong, it spoils me mccr
Hchaum nnd ruins the color.
A Snnkc'n Gullet.
i.aicr in uro no pairomzcu gnrucmng.
Title I'ncfu.
It was not until 1470 thnt n tltla
page was Introduced to books and In
England not till shortly before 1100,
when W. De Machllno issued one to
his little book on the pestilence. CaX'
ton never used Uicm, but Wynkyn Do
Wordo employed them lu nearly all his
Holr Trlultr Ilrldse.
The bridge of the Holy Triuity, Flor
ence, was built In loG9. It Is 322 feet
long, of white marble and is even now
reckoned 113 being without n rival as a
specimen of the bridge building art
The Tate or Hannibal.
nannlbul's life and fate wcro su
premely great and Bad. Ho was a pa
triot who had only tho best interests
of his country nt heart In tho wars
of Carthage against Homo ho carried
his armies across tho btrnlt of Gi
braltar, over tho Alps nnd into Italy
I to tho very gates of Home. For moro
I than a score of years he remained
I there, supporting his forces upon the
enemy nnd proving himself to bo
Mich a literal and lasting scourgo,
that the Houmn mothers would nulet
j their children with the Bound of hlsl
dreaded name. Finally, when old in
years and ho was driven forth and
defeated, he had made a record In it"
if..,, ...'.. ..t,-ii.u uiiuuuuu. luu uui
lials of ntieleilt Warfare, J DUcoverer or Smnllpox ucrm,
Yet in his old ago he becamo al Dr- William O. Councilman of Bos
fugltlve, wandering from ono country i tn' WUoso discovery of the germ of
to tho other and finding no rest, owing smallpox is considered ono of tho most
to tho vlntllcuve persecutions of tho
Itomans, who were then all powerful.
At last, discovering no spot on earth
open to him as u refuge, deserted by
his former frleuds, his country en
slaved and his once Imperial uaUvo
city In ruins, he gavo way to despair
nud ended his life with pobiou.
Crafty 31. lllnne.
Blanc, tho founder of the Monto Carlo
gambling resort, ivas well aware of Uie
desperate character of ninny of his
customers. Knowing that Uiev Includ
ed the scum and riffraff of the world,
ho took precautious against them. He
nover carried imy mouey, which fact
ho announced so frequently and pub
licly that It was known, everywhere
along tho Hlvlera that tho millionaire
Blanc nover had a penny on his per
son. Hut ho carried in a pocketbook a
draft on red paper for soveral hundred
Uiousaud fraucs, payable to the In
dorsee. Ho feared kidnaping as much
ns robbery, and in case of nbducUon
ho intended to ransom himself with
this draft. But tho InstrucUons at his
oillco were not to cubIi n red draft with
his signature unless a telegram was
received from him ordering It to be
Hsptirt In rAbotrfbUy,
Profesflor Charles P. Stclnmet, ele
Weal oxpert at tho works of tho Gen
eral nicctrlc company nt Schenectady,
who ban Just been appointed one of a
commission to consider tho establish
ment of an electrical laboratory for
tho stato of New York, ranks an ono
of Uio thrco nb!c3t electricians in tho
world. Professor Stcinmcts camo tp
this country fourteen years ago and
began work at f 12 n week. Ho readily
learned tho English languago and ad
'ancel rapidly In fame and position
unUl ho now receives $-10,000 a-year.
Tho queen of Portugal scents her
hair, nnd her beauty Is greatly act off
by this act She uses carnation pjnk, '
nnd her hair is brilliantly lovely with
gloss and attractive with scent 4
Tho king of Slam npparentiy po9
ocssos n sense of dlptomnUc humor. "I
know," ho said, "that I shall' bo ono
day eaten with English or French
sauce. The latter is too tasteless. 1
prefer tho English sauce, mixed with
tho famous Japanese Baucc."
A few days ago King Qtlo of. Ba
varia completed his flty-flf th year. As
a young man he served In tbo wars ot
1SC0 and 1870, and it was very soon
after the 'latter that his mind gave
way. His elder brother. King Ludwlg
II., had to be put under restraint, and
the present regent was appointed on
June 10, 1SS0. Thrco days later King
Ludwlg managed to drown himself
and his medical attendant and the
empty reign of Otto began.
Artcmlcy, n Russian electrician, has
Invented n pllablo coat of mall -which
Affectively protects ugaimit currents of
An electric search light of 100,000
candlopower will render prjnt visible
at n cXataneo of twenty miles. Tho
experiment has been tried from tho
top of Mount Washington, in New
A transmission system invented by
Profeseor Bedell furnishes 'electricity,
for both light and power simultaneous
ly over the same wire in spite of tho
fact Uiat lighting requires nhlgh and
power a low frequency of vlbraUons.
For tho ono tho system Is single and
for tho other polyphase.
That fat man," complained tha
scales, "simply knocked mo all out ot
"Well," replied the candy machine
near by, "now you- can Ho in weight
for the next ono that comes along."
Philadelphia Press.
,i Love,
'When a man ceases to lovo lie is lost.
Love implies a hope ot higher, mora
.Tcrcrcnd thing?. Baseness despises
lovefor love is good and is incompa4!-
DIo with grossness.
Tho way of tho transgressor is soft;
but tho desUnaUon is hard.--Schoolmaster.
lmportant In tlio history of medicine,
V"18 l)Cea canKd for two years in tho
search for tho causo of tho .dread dis
ease. Dr. Councilman is a,bout forty
flvo years old and is already well
known in his profession through ids
treatises on pathology. Ho bf Shattuck
professor of pathological Anatomy Id U
tho Harvard Medical schooVln BotM. '
.jttLy xSTT ill
ii i&j - .. ,
t. JL '