BLhfVi ,w. -:.; v"f -"" I . LJXZsJmtS&W -tfv !.- . WEEKLY COAST MAIL TELEPHONE, MAIN .y. Entered In Uia rwtofflco at Marskflold, as Sseanil Class Hatter. MAIL rUBLISHINO CO., Proprictots. P. C, LEVAR, F. X. HOFER, Edltori And Managers. G. W. WOODWARD, Foremn, IssukI kl Hcry Saturday. 1, 5t.5 9J, 91 Term: In Ad ,o Six Montis. vane DAILY: n? tuait. fr advance paymoat ..I.. - .M mam mAntk fa TrVo. When UlM P'toT a price is so ewts )er uk, sudigM. issued every inoretng eept XfMday. THK BIGFOUU (Astorlan) Mitchell, Falton, Williamson and Hermann ! What mote can OrcRtn want in the way of xepreientation? It fhinsa do not como onr way it will not be beciuso we have uot lon cooi to ourselves in tbe matter of chooiin? nbte inon to lojfc attar' the interest of our state at the- national' capital. If the knockers will Veep their hands off, or potsibly in epite of them, thitetate should is the next ten years eojy tvery buo idal results from having these tvue and efficient leaders where they can do the most good. In such matters as river and harbor improvements, artificial propagation of fish, forest preservation, irrigation and doieua of other import ant questions relating to this state, and in all tbe groat affairs ot other states and o( tlto country at larce the iufluenco cf tho Oregon legislators will be potent. llat able lvuiilatom ulone cannot make a good wUte. It is high time a lot of Oreaoafana woko up to the fact that if this neck of the woods is to take her rightful plcc in the front rank It must be because of tho tterlioc qualitiee, the lively enterprise and tbe manly and womanly virtues of her citizens as much as by reason oi her great natural re EOurcns. Real Estate Transfers John W Koon to Chas Webb 20 acres pi tee 2 t 23 r 13. tCOO, Robert Uean to Reubau Quartermase e2 of ew4 noi of 6w4 sec 2S t 27 r 13, 120 scree. 909. J 0 Fullerton and wf to Reuben Quartarmass nwlof sw4 sec 2S ne4 of eel e2 of nel tec L"J t 27 r 13, 160 acres. fll20. B R Banniuff and wl to C D Price, nw4 of nel ne4 of nw4 e2 of nwi see 10 t30r 11, 100 acres, f COO. Ohas N Norrls to L J Simpson t2 of nw4 w2 of ne-1 sac 20 t 2J r 12 $1000. Coos Bay Land Co by Sberifl to Anth ony Werley Kast Marthfleld, $7000 Wm Galliir and wf to J L Thompson tract in Coquillo City, $140J. Marie L Brown and bus to Josephine Jones lot 10, blk 20 North Bend 350. M J McDonald and wf to BurtSoalJIots 0 ond 10 block 2 Elliotts add, Coquillo City H0. Ohas S Nosier and wf to O A Kelly lotfl 3 4 and C Riverton, $100. Choe A Wheeler and wf to Will F Smith lots 3 and 4 e2 of sw4 see 30 t 20 r 10, $020. JasTGuerln to Dora IMgelow lot 2 Mock C, J H Robert's add Myrtle Point $90. Jas T Guerin to Ella B Guerin lot 3 block 5 J H Koborte add Myrtle Point Ole Evorson to Minnio Tovrer Lots 1 2 0 0 7 block 14 lots 23 4 6 0 7 8 9 and 10 blocka 813 lots 1 23 45 and 0 block 3a NaBburg'a add Marehfield $10. Wm Ohas Lund w to B Timmerman John F Hall and J "VY Bennett trusteo, lots 13 ,13 16 and 10 block 40 Marshfleld 11 h J filupsoa j Simpson; arid wf to O W Oalef lots S block -13 North llend $5 J S Coke to Julia Getty and Otto Solicitor 1-2 Interest of tide land from in; P II Manle Donation ckitns $10 Wtn McCnllocl: to Martha MiCullook n of not of aw-t and 10 acres in lots 3 afc.11 tsa It 11 10 Win W Gipo end wft o K R I)(nu nml Co o 1 (it sw I fee 32 '20 ! of te-t mo 90 nrl of nel oe 81 nw-l of nM sec fiV t 21 r II to!) acres fttXW. 1. II Chrktoiiguii to W T Ksrr lots 1 2 3 nnd-t bleAK 4 Noilot'd add Crquiilo J City tlO. Sat ah Hacker assignee ol David Mono Jrto llonrrSi'CRStckn lot Stand 7 bltvk ft? KmpltoClty hUSuvt4 t4 of s4 sc IS V r VI rS of s I ec 19 t8rl3 swl of sc4 kt 6m-3 et ttt-4 r 14 HM. Kvpr Tfcoma U Uaboila Ttmnnh kts S ami 4 ftrt of ew I se 1$ lot 1 Jiv 19 l S3 rlilU. Uoirs of V Thomas to Jens Hansen 34 sec 17 t 2G r 13 ICO ace t&0. CORNELL OARSMEN . VICTORIOUS Carry Off Honors' in Four-Oared Race Poughkeepiie, N. Y , June 24 All ar rangements fot the intercolljgiate nseo ciation shell races which took place here tbii afternoon had been completed by tbe regatta committee at 11 o'clock this morning. The morning trains and boats from New YorK brought thousands of visitors and elaborate arrangements for their convenience wero made. The raco today re-Echeduled to becin nt 4 o'clock, tbe Indications baying been that tbero would be a good ibb tide At that time. Tbe program laid out was as follows: At 4 o'clock University four-oared sheila. Distance, two miles. Entries, Columbia. Cornell and tbe University of Pennsylvania. At4:15p. ra. Freshman elf-ht-oared shells. Distance two miles. Entries, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Syracuse University and the University of Wisconsin. At 5 p. m. University eight-oared shells, Distanco, four miles, Entries, Columbia, Cornell.Georgetown, Univer sity of Pennsylvania, Syracueo and University of Wieconein. There was little delay, and at 4:10 tho varsity fours wero eff with tho Pennsyl vania crew leading Tho great strugglo of the race waa be tween Pennsylvaina and Cornell, and at tljequnrter they were nip and tuck. At tho half, all were together, when the strongest teams drew ahead, Cor nell croeelnjj tho lino first, with Ponn sylvania a close second, Wisconsin third, end Columbia, of which better things bad been expected, brining up tbe rear. BATTLE GROUND MONUMENT Buffalo, N. Y, Juno 20 AtLewIstown today there was nnvelled with interest ing ceremonies a tablet orcctod to mark theeito where Genoral WInfleld 8cott planted a battery at tho opening of the battle of Queonatown, October 13, 1812. The tablet waa erected by tbe Niagara Frontier Landmarks' association and tho unveiling was performed by tho decendanta of Major Benjamin Barton, who owned tho land on which tho battle waa fought JUDGE MAKES . SNEAK Flees For His Life From Feudists St. LomU. Juno MtVithcloihi torn, peuniktt, without railwuy ticket or be $, Jttdpi Ttaiun Marcuui, of Mueco cw 1. S., rpnt ltt uittht in tho unit uti room of the Union depot hero, lie kid t rive from Lciiugtoti to savo hit life. Mitrcum taj g he had ronton to tear au attempt to assaiiuutc him, and tied from tie Phoenix hotel. Ltlnton, to avoid the friends ot Jott and Whito churged with rnurderin;i his brother. Ho did not daro to return to the hotel to git hit ba;gago. llo thinks ho lost his rutin ty ticket as he ran for tho drpot ut LexiiiK ton. Ho spent tlo tnornim: searching for j Senator Stone who it n friend of his. It is presumed he ddsires Stone to an Viet him in cashing a bank chock. Mar- cum is fairly wealthy. Smith to Blaine It ex-Pottmaster-Generul Fmlth aad not been so much for n "party" man, vraftin in the Portal Department would have been stopped in Uia administration. Founh Assistant Tiristow at that time suspectod Chelf Machcn, ol the free de livery servfees, of mal-administration, and after mnuh urging tho Pottmoster General ordered au investigation of tliut burrau. Tho work was done In a hap hazard way, and as n fitting ending Postmaster-General Smith whitewashed Machen, Perry Heath, rx.Fjrst Axiletant Post-matter-Uenorul, who is being placed in an unenviable portion in the fraud in vestigation, gave no orders which did not have the approval of his chief. The name of AbnerMcKlnley bobs up in every fraud being unearthed, but it is believed it he is guilty he has covered his tracks well to escape, and will ewcape. Orogoulai:. PRESIDENT READY FOR VACATION Business Wound up for a Season Washington, D. 0 Juno: 20 Tho President was busy t? Jay getting official busineeB in tship? so that ho can leave Washington tomorrow for his eummer vocation. There wore a number of cal lers during the day, but tho most ot them merely desired to pay their re spects to tho President before liia de parture. Tho members of tho diploma tic corps have ecattored for tho a-immer andfofflclal business at tho capital has reached tbo stagnant Btago which char acterizer it dnrtng tho eummer months. ABide from tbe post office Investigation now in progress and the Panamacnal treaty, about which nothing can bo dono for tho present, thoroare no public questions of great importance to occupy tho attention of Mr Boosovelt nnd be Ib left freo to enjoy bis vacation with bla family in tho simple fashion that has become his custom, According to prea- curt inrnngenientnho will leave Vinli IhhIoii early tomriow morning rtntl rmch hfn home it Oynter Bay about fl o'clock tomorrow alUiriioon, LIPTON AT WHITE 'HOUSE Wacliinpton, Juno .fl Sir Tlwmii Llplou in n gtiujt e! lin(r at tlm White lluueu houM ,trlrtly iaformul Hwp. tion.wnn tuudiuid. l.tptou hihI Fiji? otii)eunoliiintiouhly. McHidy, H.ukm, Sanger, K RtuUirtrndor W Mtn, Corhlu and 1'eikliiH of Now Yolk wete alio prrsent. Provident KooiWit and Lip ton nro old nciinintunc;3. l.iptou invited Uooevolt tonltuotn th)ncbt rarut) (rum the Jock ot bin private yauht Erin, v.hich the PruviUent conditionally accepted. MAY HAVE BEEN A MAN OVERBOARD ,,,... ... , .. ,, Captain. Norman Nelrou. of the Cnoe ' -rngo i.iiraviui; binimn inimina Man. that wlieu the Alliance vent out! . ji..i) ... Yi- i... i ... I.... . . .1 i ., u. ,.. n ciinuur, uuruii; a leg the wan Hen by the man on lovkuttt to stop just outside tho bar and lower n Itffboiit ULd nppMtuftlly Kinrch for a .imn o'.er board. Captain NnUon iiumchwl the surf -boat ea quickly as pcwiblo nnd startud for tlm Hemic, but whn he hrriv.d t!. Alliancw h.tJ pr (need ml North n ithout giving uny signals ot uuy kind, and It is hopd thitt no accident hnd butatlvn any one on board, Ioii-rtor r;nrrnt nf lit- Army, (ononil Geortri1 II. Ilurtoti, who U.n Just liwi comuilNnlomd Innpector gen eral of the L'nlti'.l HtHtvn army to nue-i ceed Genera I Breckinridge, retire, Una been n member of Hint department' of Dulawaro and wan graduated from West Point In tho clnss of '(5.", Junt too Into to nee service In tho civil war. He' hnu Kaon much flghtlng on the frontier. ) SIRES AND SONS. Dr. K. N. D. North linn riwtumed the dlrcctornhlp of tho cciihuh bureau nt It diplomatic treatment of territorial Washington, to eucctud Wllllum ll.1 denlgnH. St. Ixiiiln Globe-IJernocrat. Merrlam. j Whatever may bo tho Immediate out- Chester I. Long, tho new senator, como of tho Mnnchiirlnu agitation, It from KanwiH, I nu eritlitinlnntlc duller. neoijiH altogother probable that eventu man and belongs to it trout luring club ally tho Ulaclc nea eplnodo will bo re in Colorado. peuted. At n convenient Hennon. in ProfoHsor Wnlkhoff of Munich, who has given much time to tho ntudy of prehlntorlc mnn, lina como to tho con clunlon that our oldest male uncus tors could not talk. Commodoru Vnndcrbllt, tho first of tho Vunderbllt family and founder of its fortune, ubed to nay thin: "Never tell anybody what you arc going to do till you do It." A. W. Longfellow of Boston, n ncph ow of the poet Longfellow, la tho arch itect engaged for tho building of n 11 brnry on tlto old WadHwotth-LoiiKfel- How estate, nt Portland, Me. To Professor Angelo Hcllprln has boon uwnrded by tho Geographical so ciety of Philadelphia tho F.lliiha Kent Knno incdnl, only conferred on two Hclentlsta before. Ho has also been re elected president of tho noclety. Lord WemysH Is the only man who over Htruck King Edward. When Trlnco of Wnlcs tho king sat directly in front of Wemyss, who crushed the prlnco's high hat when bringing bin hand down to forcibly Illustrate un nr gumcut. Tho vcncrablo Parko Godwin baa been celebrating his cJgbty-soventh birthday, nnd ho nppenre to bo In n Bufflclently vigorous and healthy ututo at JSifiLfi53 JJOlojonAlldja.ttt juv J I'Utto! the cougrntulatlotii. Hour TnieUH, otitnldo tho live civi lised tribe ot the Indian Territory, lit the only Indian leKUIulor In the world, lie I n member of the leglnluture of Houth Diihotn und iimtdeit ut Hot Spring), llimr TiitekH In tin Ognllitlu Klotix and Ih an expert Imrber by truile. ! Judge John J. JiicKnon of I ho mirth orn dlwtrlet of Went Virginia hiu nerv wl the United Htuten In n Judicial ca pacity longer (linn any other Judge In the country, lie wan appointed to hi, printout ulllce mi Aug. It, 18(11, ami will noon have nerved forty-two yean. Thin record ha no wpjnl. THINGS THEATRICAL. AiiRttitun Tlmtnns has nailed for n tour of three mniithn nhnmd. Frnnl; O. Itontwleli'n animal exhibi tion linn opened at Coney Inland fur n Ktiiiiiiier nm. Mlii Minna (JIniiMeiiullti), known on the Htago n Mlm Jane Field, linn re tired from the cunt uf thu "ISnrI of Fawtucket." ArraugetnentH hnvo been coacludcil by which Marie Wnlnwrkht will ntar next nwirtoii In n nninlivr of Khake apeintiu n'vlvaln. On of the tnoxt numptiioui of tlm theaters which nrw to Im built in Un-) dou'H now iHtinre. Aldwycli, U to be, named the Waldorf. j After IihvIhk miccccdcd both In the Unite 1 Hiati-M and KitKhiiid Jiintla lluntly Mcl'urtliy'M play, "If I Were, King." ban Jtut been given In Turin. Mr. Stanley 11. Forde. Imiko. Imn I Ik,,.,, (.tiattuiHl for (he role of (!k Mar- ihjii umnni ioi uu rou u iw.w i nil it Inuir n "Tie (leu in." i en tin - Stewart Opern wmipwny In to prinlueo. Lionel Itnrryniire Imn coiillrmod the rMtuirf tkt lila . nifii.'i.iii..ft I., Mtui All. '."."". """."".::". "". ." ."" Ki Ajcvnuu, u ou-'Kiio'r oi iiir mm' Colonel ol John A. MeCaull, a former comic otKrrn inaiMttr. CHURCH AND CLERGY. The nw ItotnluWii hoiwe of ntudlor: to to 'ik iinmcoittit'iy Imkuii in u and lugtou iwnr the Catholic university. When Iliiinhed It will lie thu lurnenl Gothic inuiiuntery in America. DurliiK the Itfteeu yeari that Itov. IJr. Charlctf Herald wan txtator of Ok ItethttMla Cougregntlonnl chureli of ltrooklyn inoto than l.ixn) memU-rri won; added to the coiiKrexntiou. There are exactly 150 rellgloiii bod let In l'roteHtnnt und Itoiimn ("ntliollc America, 115 from I'ruteNtnut and live from Unman Cuthollu origin, and (hey i lucrouko at the rate of nhout one a yr. Hev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke nay the American churt-li In Merlin In a ont of ftrent liiiKirt.ine,.' and cull for a gen erotiM nupiHirt from the AmeilcMii peo ple. IJr. Vnu Iiyke'n flrnt iittemptH nt regular prenrlilnw were mude In tlto Dorvlces of llmt church. ANIMAL ODDITIES. An eagle can live twenty dnyn with out food and h condor forty dyn. Tho Interval iMHwevn the inttU of I Inrpj KncMtt llko (be uiincoiidu or bou vnrj from twenty to IKxi daya. Flying llh do not imnnlly rliw more 1 thuu three feet above the Koa, hut they hno lKen known to fall on n leck ns much nn twenty feet above tho water. I Sheep have no twth In tho tipper j jaw. In bo rue part of (ho world thvro uro Hheep that have moat of their fat , In their tnlln. Tho fat of the tall In Jcr' hofl "ml ,K winetlnioH used an MANCHURIA. " "i iiuwnn wihhh in uiunn ih nn VTVi...a. i. ..a.. .. y.t . ('lion uuor uiai ouiy uunnia can get through. Now York l'retw. Tho bear that walk like a man linn tho trend of n cat In edging along In "'Pitoof treaties, the formal aciiulnltlon f tho territory will bo announced. ' IOtusns City Star. J t The Hpbtuz. I'ntionco wiiut om no menu rry, iipeaklng of her uphlnxllko cxpres- Blo,,? , , ijumer lier niouy Kmre, i uuDiwayj,. Yonkeni Htiiteuumn. t H 'i'urnlnw tlio HcnlcM. Tho flHh are nmallcr than they were When father pulled tho lino with vigor, Bonichow our utatcinentu don't compuro; Our fluli uru inimllcr utoricH IiIkit. . C'iilciijfo itLcord-llcrold. ' AlllMl Bomo of tho coldcat receptions wo rccelvo In llfo aro nt home, whero tho word "Wclcotno" In woven Into tho door mut. New York Times. A I'nnillliir "Wnrnlnir. When Onbrlcl oa tho final dny Doth net tho cchocH hurnrntnir, ThoH hear tho horn and clear tho way And thlnlc an nuto'a comlnir. (Jic-vilnud l'lula Dealer. "A HunnIuu IliiKler. Itussla's ovldont Intention to main tain her foothold Jn Manchuria, China, with tho consequent probability of con flict with Japan, gives cepedal interest Joy tlto fcMlvltlPH mid to nppreo fT.wk. to the military iitrength of the cznr. (he "irlniit of the north " UiihiHi hn an army of l,Ki." Imttalloim of Infantry, i,vi wUHlroim of cnvnlry nud :i.77f cannon. There are itliuoit an ninny rneen In the ltUBHlan army u i In the EugllHh, ... . : ; 7. "., -. , Ui-rk nl thn (turnKn1. iit. The njK'nltor'H right hand mail In cnll- " ""!- Ic nt (he npeak.T'M denk" and Is i ,,IM' ,,r ,,M' ",,Hl ("fill men In ll ......., ,.. ,. , ., ,....,. 1 ","'"1"" " !"'"""""" " "" "-' in to know thliiK". all Hilngn; In fc(. everything wnnevtcd with Ii-kH-In I Ion. He inunt know parliamentary I Inw. iirtHiilvntH of tlw hoimo nod limit , , ; ., , "nVp "'p r" ", " T. . " ' " y that they may tx cttml by tbe Hnk cr or the etinlriiiau of the fonimlltet of tho whole hout whenever a xtut of tnler In rn!d or a pHrllamentnr l'lnt In to Ih derldwl. lie uiimt know nil the tDMiibern of tlo- ImiiHc und from wltnt i Lain they come In order to tell thu ijM-aker or (he ebalrmaii how to rc oKulM them when (hev nddrean tho iroldliig otllrer. He taunt kitow all (he WH-relnrlen of (he pmhleut nnl clerk of the HemWo, ho an to (ell tlte presiding olfleer when (hen In a men nnge from the prealdeut or tho nennlM to Im received by the holimi. Ho l.eejrrt the Una1 on men who am aitdroitalug the lumne, nud (he "hnniiner" filla when ho nnyn tbat a man Imn coiwoim wl Ulu nllottitl time. Of nil t!iro innn-t me Krentimt in in no wen in. formed upon imrllamenlnry law. Thcro In no Imltfx' to imrllniiieulnry riilliu, ami many (totntH are fooiMl by I ho man who will delve and dig and ndtdy (he nubjevt all thu time. Waalilng ton 1'otit. George (Hiluilrliigly) There In MUa Mnwl. Hho In n Hrfect picture. Oaru (with n Hui Ve. u work eJ nrt. -Norrlatown (l'n.) Time. JINGLES AND JESTS. " Our llrlpluu If nml. Wo urn illly Krov.1nc l-ttfr , And our vlrtorn do not MtH-pi i "7)ir one iiaothi-r'n tiurdonn" ' In tlm trxt wo Mrlu to kci. S'nr wrVn dflyn nro ilnrlc nnd illmnal And n i)tit of rain dwicwwlu, tVllli nlnnrlty w cmry Tho loubiellnn of our frltnd.i. Otclnidtjuruti VIUon In New York TtUMV Anltnnin. you ashamed "Aront I rap?" to nhoot "Vannlr," mmwurwl Plclcnnlnny Jim. '7Jut I Imnn' jrot money 'miff to npecu- f-,, ... tlf..ll ..4- M lit l.. "" " nurai. - onnuiiijaoii """ i:inul to tli fjportnnttr. 'Rn viil ,'nnntitftr tni. n nnA,if..V "Indeed I do; If you got hold of n centlped ho wouldn't get nwny with n iilnglo leg uupullcd." Pbllndn)phla IiCdgej. A Und Him-II. A typewriter innld, (julto nrrtlqun, I'or lor yunu u hunlmnd did klQUoj Uuld iiliu, "A nlcu Ih-ihi If I find, don't you know, flfialJ Llmro my r4x dollnrn a wlouo. Clnr.lnimtt Kn'julrnr. Honpoolfxl Krimd. Irfnk Nowrocko Why, thouo nro gen- yj, jti(jiuH. ' Mu Nowrockfl-Aro thoy7 They look to too llko iiecondhand Bturf.-Plttn- burc Dlapatch. vuuvzcxa ...-,. A Conrthoiuio Cnnrtaliip. ' PIrnt Lftwyer Tho Judgo Booms quite) i.wcot on tho widow. Second lawyer What you might call "legal tender." Princeton Tiger. , A rnrnflox. I rrom tho world'a Krcut enmo of poltcr 'i'titii punulox I choooei ', It often tueniH tho nuyent mnn'o , Tlio oao that huu tho hluru. r -Cornell Widow. ' A Coiiiiuoii Kalllncr. Hho Do you llnd It dililcult to real ize your Ideals? Author I llnd It moro difficult to realize on them. New York Times. Ill I.iiek, Tho horsso race tlpntcr ofton brlnira Temptation and dismay) Tliu tlpu thut win aro always thoso .Which you ucelcot to ulny. J., --Urooldyn Bola,