Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 20, 1903, Image 8

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Absolutely Puro
From Thursday's Dolly.
Captain Harris was in Empire on
business yesterday. ?.I1
E. P. Brilo?, of Hoya23 slocch, vae
in town ycstordAj.
. Jens Hansen 'returned yesterday
from a few days vacation on Uaynee
Th j Schooner Western Uomo arrived
yesterday and landed at Dean & Co'e
The mall fromRureburg arrived about
three hoars lato yesterday on account of
n stage break down.
A party of young people, chaperoned
by Fred 'Wilson, carao down from Snm
ncr to ece Monte Crieto.
A Dora correspondent reports a
thunderstorm at that point Tuesday and
eays the rain will do the crops good.
Don't forget that Wickman & Wick
man nro carrying a nice fresh stock of
groceries in tho North Star building.
Give them a call.
The ball bays report the ball grounds
in such poo; condition, on account of
recent rains, that they ere unable to
practice upon thou.
Father Donnelly will go to Ban Jon on
Friday and will hold cervices there Sun
day, returning Monday, and holding the
mud services hero'the Sunday following.
Gwrjo Martin, of Qoquillo City came
qror yssterday accompanied by his wife,
to ded medical treatmtnt for a bad
obeess on his knee.
Travel by Sea
Departures north by Steamer Ruth.
Jr.ne 10: A Leo and wife, Mrs Dr Mc
Cormnc and eon Fred and F F Winten
Oregon' Fiour vsSperry
: Of l&to thero has been considerab!
competition betwo:n the California flor
represented by F. S. Dow, and the Or'
gon flour represented by Martin Wallac
Heretofore, it has been confined to th
merlin of the Hour clone, but resident
ot Brcadway waro given an illustratio
of active competition yesterday mornir '
when the two representatives of tho di.
ferent localities met.
Portland iod off and rtnehed Spery
thonldor, evidently in an unexpecte
maimer, as for tho timo being Sporr;
.was slightly rattled, but soon recovers '
and, delivered a body blow, which le'
tbo honors about even ; Portland leavln
wIUi the remaru tuat he hadn't tlm
o finish ; Spurry having an engagemea
nt'thesother eud of town. '
Owing to the competition being uc
expected, neither elda had beon ii ;
training, and Portland ' suffered some
from being out.of condition !
From Friday's
Mrs. J. L, Simpson
town yesterday.
WM yieitisg in
Tho street work ncnr Iho school house
is bolng puihod forward rapidly.
MaudKoin, of Flag Staff, returned
from Sau Francisco on lost Areata.
Do uot miss tho communication under
the head of "Editorials of tho People."
Jno. S. Coko Jr. ami brldo returned
homo by way of Drain yesterday.
Goo. Wulff brought In a load of doep
een fish yesterday, halibut ami rod snap
Tho Areata will ko other trips to
S in Francisco for a time as sho is going
on tho dry dock for repairs.
Mist Emma Bear, who has beou visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Dr. Walter, returned
to hor homo on Coos river yesterday.
Manager Robertson was repairing tho
telephone cable yesterday which lies
across tho Bay nud up Ccoa River.
Au interesting Musical program with
recitations at the Methodist Church
Sunday night. Don't, forget to como.
The Swedish Temperance Society is to
have a picnic at the Souml Society
grounds op south Coos river next Sun
day. The boyB went out to practic trap
shooting yesterday. They are getting
ready lor contests with Coqaille on July
Tho Marshfleld bate ball team went
down to North Bend to practico for Sun
day's game. Their ground being in
very poor condition.
Devereaux & Tripp, timber locaters
from Eugene, were in town yesterday,
they nro to go down tho Coast in search
of timber land.
Alex Lund is to fill in his lot 1 1-2't.
and raiEe building about 7ft and put a
basement under it, paiut it and other
wise improve it.
The Cb.iB. Sclander building has been
moved to coraer of B and 2nd street by
Jno Coko who is to conetrnct a larger
and moro magnificent building on tho
old eilo in its stead.
Her charity: Jack "Was tho church
garden-party a success?" Jclia "Well,
I worked hard enough. I ato Ice crenra
with every young man on the grounds. "
Derroit Freo Press.
Ain,t it a sbarno that any oue thonld
como Into Marshfleld and start any
thing that will competo with any body
who has been doing any business in any
line for any length of time before?
There are always two political parties;
not so much because there two fides to
every public question, an because thoro
nro two sides to every ofilce, viz., the
ineide and tho outside. Life,
Noblo BroB. havo been hunting for
three days without success for 10 bead of
beep which wore driven away from their
slaughter home by doge, and some one
is likely to bo minus a dog or two some
Dr. Toyo yesterday went out to try
bis luck at hunting wild Pigeons. It
iccms ho was too tendti- hearted to kill
tho poor birds; and was compelled to
return not badly loaded.
Ala3: WH'y (ovor his natural his-j
ory) "Papa, what species of animals
In this country are becoming rapidly ex-
tlnct?" Papa-"Buffaloes and naval
aoroes, my fcon."-Puc't.
Mrs. Dan Williams was a patsonger
for San Francisco on tho Areata, after a
visit with her father and, brother T.
and F, S. Dow, 8ho oxpects to leavo
She oxpects
San Francisco about July lot on the
transport Sherman for ber homo in
Who1; is the hero of this piece?"
asked tho mnu who was coming out of
tho theatre And tho matingor thought
fully replied : "The man who is putting
up tho money." Washington Star.
MitsVe-vA Cr.mpbt.ll, who 1ms been
staying with her Auut Mrs. Clifton
Campbell for past two years, left ou tho
Alliance, where she goes to visit
her father, A. P. Campbell, City Engi
neer of Riverside California.
Noble Brothers received from C. I,
Orecn, of Lampoy creek, 25 head offrtt
beef cattle and 73 head of mutton sheep.
They also expect 25 hc.nl of beef cMtle
over today, and 17 dor. chickens from
J. L. Sweeten, of Coquillo, nbout the
latter part of this week.
Hor system: Ho "Mrs. WIso scorns
to understand how to manngo her hus
band pretty well." She "Yen. She
lots him havo hor own way in overy-thing."-Llfe.
Coquillo Herald, C. Tlmminp, tho
Astoria cannery man, arrived in town
ye9terday. Ho informs us that the
Alaska tlsh canning combine has about
destroyed tho canning busiuessnt other
points on the coast, and that ho is enn
vftsicg the idea of turning his attention
to tho canning of fruits nnd vegetables,
and might make this valley his location,
which wo surely bopo he may. Thero is
no qncstiou but this would bo a good
placo to carry on a busincssof that kind.
Coquillo Herald: Pr. Miogus, of
Beaver Hill, vaa ovor to Fishtrap last
week to S. M. Rowan, and finds that ho
b suffering from smallpox. It seems
that John Landers, who is Buttering from
tho disease at Bandon, whom wo men
tion last week, has been visiting in that
neighborhood, and that Mr. Rowan
contracted the malady from him. Mr.
Rowan's caso scorns to bo in mild form.
Wm. Nasburg and wifo returned today
from their trip to San Francisco and
Portland. While in Sau Francisco Mr.
Nasburg purchased vory largely ol
leather goods embroideries, ribbons and
laces. Tbcse goods, aro now for salo.
He also purchased his fall lino of Fior
ehlom slices and n swell Una ot fitein
Block Co', clothing. Mrs Nasburg
while in Portland was elected member
of tho Grand Lodgo of tho Easotrn Star
Pcget Sound Lumberman: If thero is
anything tho Lozsio Brothers aro espec
ially proud of it is their big draft team.
This team recently weighed, with bar-
nese on, 4.WJJ pounds, i'ernapa tbls ie
one of the finest teams oi draft horses in
tbo stato of Washington, No one knows
thoir pulling capacity, ue even the big
track scaleu will not register what tboy
cm haul, One load was run onto the
scales, and as tho load ran over flvotons,
tho scales vtonld not record tbo weight,
Cheek Done Broken
Henry Korn and Frank Saunders of
North Bond had a vory Ecrious collission
whilo playing ball yesterday. They wore
both playing in the field, and ran to
gether while endeavoring to field a high
fly knocked midway between them,
baundcr's head struck Kern's check und
both were knocked to- unconsciousness.
Mr, Saunders being unconeclous for
nearly a half an hour after wards. Mr.
Kern bocn recovered consciousness but
was badly hurt. Ms cheek bono bolng
badly Einnehed in and broken. Mr,
Saunders received no serious injury.
Dr. Hortfall was immediately called out
and cared for them.
From Baturday'e Dally.
I ,,. .,,vn MntBnn. n. PIorB,, nfnn.
I , Mari,fl0d vestordav.
Miss Boone, of Sumner is visiting hor
, . M , R d ,.
Wilson Peterson, o North olough,
brought in a load, of spuds yesterday. '
Emmet Pierce, of the north fork of.O
qullle, was over on business yesterdf.y,
Row Duncan MoRucr will proach nt
North Bund next Sunday At 11 a. m, and
nt Empire nt 8 p. m,
C, II, Merclmut has
Portland where ho lino
work lit Masonry.
returned from
beou receiving
Miss Elizabeth Kaufman nud mother,
took nti excursion trip up Coos river
The Blauco io laying off for repairs at
North Bond, where nhu In having work
douo on hor rails and bulworka.
A Shollleld boot'inaker displays this
notice lu hlo window: "Don't you wish
you were in my shoos?" 1ltBlts.
Sir. Gard, ol UoEoburg, was In vicinity
for u few days this week, looking for a
business local'on. Ho was favorably
iuiprudsod with this locality.
",So you are in society?" "Yce,"
"Wayup society?"
"Yoj." "Does society kuow it7"
Chicago Post.
Thn family of Capt. Sptoul,of tho
Cruiser, nrrlved at North Bond' from
South Bend, Washington, their former
home, a few days go. TUoy nro to
make North Bond' their iiomo in tho
In confidence: Customer "Walter,
hero's a quarter. Suggest a good din
ner for me." Walter (In a whiJpor
Go to somo other restaurant." Smart
C, A. Clark, tho attorney who has so
journed in Marshfleld for several
months, will tsko passago (or San Fran
clsco on tho Areata, He will watch
Coos Bay's development, however, nud
may return at n foturo time.
It'e queer that pcoplo who aro always
railing at the world aro nevertheless will
ing to pay tho dostor n fortune to keep
them from leaving it in a hurry. At
lauta Constitution.
Poor Mike: Doctor ''How nbout
that muatnrd-platter I proscribed for
your husband?" Mrc Grognn "Suro
doctor, I couldn't make Mike ato more
nor th' half av it.
L. D. Scott has so far recovered from
his rccont accident as to be out of bod,
and expects to bo nblo to go to work in
n couple weeks.
An excursion train w ill run to Cnqnillo
tomorow, at 8 o. m, with a (I fare for
tho round trip.
Tho Areata has chan;ol hor mind
about going on the dry dock, and wil
sail from San Francisco Monday after
iioon. Tho thanks of thin ofllco nro coming
to tho Broiler for a feed of its full-fledged
18 caret ice cream, and it was nil right,
Ed Kontuck, whilo working in King's
camp yesterday, cunk on uxq iuto his
right leg below tho kneo, needing four
stitches to closo tho wound, which woro
put In by Di. Horsfall.
Rev. B, F. Bengtson, of tho Luthoran
Church returned Thuredny, via Drain,
from n trip to Illinois and Minnesota.
He will hold services Sunday morning
and evening.
Tho echooncrfl Emma Utter and San
(Buena Ventura anived yestorduyj both
from San Pedro for lumber, the former
loading at Donn & Co'e mill and tho
latter at tho railroad wharf.
Presbyterian Church
Sabbath School at 10 a. in. O. E. meet
ing at 7 p. ui. Ptiblio worohip at 11 a. m,
and 8 p, m, Sermonij by pastor, Sub
jects : "The GeneralAssembly and what
was dono at Los Apgolos" and "Waiting
for a Crown in a Dungeon "
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 10 n. tn. Toplo "In
dwotlliig ofltho rfoly Spirit." Bom. 8i0.
11. Y. P. U, nt 7 p. in. Evening service
nt 8 p. m. Topic "Bin". Tho popular
estimate of it. Thursdays prayer meet
ing 8 p. m. All nro cordially invited.
Bad Sign
"Ma poowors aro fallln'," moans tho
famous writer ot Scotch dialect utorios,
"Hoot, laddlol" says his friond in chour
fill tones yo'ro ayo uiucklo better, than
uno wool cut except frao yo," "I dlnna
kou," sighs Ihu author, ntbult ho bright
ena somewhat ut tho kindly words;
"I dliiiia ken, It was but thodnv I writ
soinu dvenlect whilk 1 somelike felt 1
ouneratood umiol'."
Shaking his head dourly, ho endeavors
todevlson now way to misspell tlilno
Another Small Blaze
Auothor little flro scare was glvon to
our city yesterday afternoon, but no
grontdnmago was done. Thuflruoccurrcd
iti the hoiiru on the corner of B and Ho
cond stroot, owned by Mr. Brown and
occupied by Mr. nud Mrs. W. II, Sam'
inona as n residvneo and lodging
home. Tho bhizo started in a room oc
cupiod by Honry Hlgglns which he hnd
rented about two weeks ago under thn
namo of Olemmens. Thero was no stove
In tho room nnd it is supposed that
tho lire caught from a match orcigarrotte
or n lamp.
Tho lira department turned out with
Its usual surprising qnlcknoss, nud was
ou tho ground before tho fir') had gained
headway, putting It out without tho use
of the hoeo.
Tho dhmngo to Mr. Sammons la nbout
f 25, uninsured, nnd to thn owner of the
Iioueo somewhat more, covered by in
isurauce. ,
North Bend Improvement Notes
Lumber for tho bank building is bo
ng placed on tbo ground.
Tho grading is about finUhed for L.
M. Noble's new building.
Mr. James, the tinsmith, who will
open a shop, has arrived from Portland
with his tcola and material. His build
ing is enclosed and tho frout is being
put in.
The roof is on the building which J.
A, BarnoB Is erecting on Sherman ave
nue, for n saloon, nnd ho is gutting
lumber on tho grouud for n boarding
house 28 by GO feet.
J, It, Robertson has tho front In his
building on Shorman nveniio, nt.d it is
about complete Ho Is getting mterinl
for another alongside, and also lumbor
for n rohidonco.
Tho I'otcreon restaurant is nearly
Tho work will commonca on tho sti
porstrocturu of tho sash and door factory
the fir nt of tho week,
Tho Porter mill has been shut down
(or a dny nud n half, for lack of logs.
The fiirct floor of tho woolen mill In
in Hhnpo for the reception of machinery
which is expected soon.
Methodist Church
Tho services nt tho Methodist Church
for Sunday aro as follows: Sunday
School at 10 o'clock; preaching at 11;
Class Meeting at 12. Tho night sorvlcos
will boChildniB Day Exorcises, wluoli
will oonslst ol recitations and Hinging.
Thero will bo duetts, choruses, solos nnd
general congrogntional singing. Miss
Witte of North Bend, who is a flino Solo
ist, will glvo sevoral soloctions wlilcq
the pcoplo of Marshfiold wlllnpprcclato
Mr. Sncchl will olng a solo, and also will
sing in two duets. Tho program bids
fnlr to'.bo an excellent ono. If tho r0
turnH como by that timo, thoro will bo
n mortgago burning at tho sloso of tho
worvlco, which has removed tho last ves
Uk of debt on the M. K. Church, for
which tho public and tbono who hnvo so
ucnorouslv ulded, havo tho Insting grat
nude of tiio congregation und friondp.
All arocordially invited to como and
join In thlssorvlco,
Base Ball Schedule
May21 Mandiflold vb North Bond,
Won by Marshfiold 4 to 8.
Juflo 7 Marshfleld va Bandon,
Won by Bandon, 14 to 2,
Juno 28 Marsliflold vo Coquillo.
July n-Mnrshlluld vs North Bond,
July 10 Marshfleld vs lUndon,
Aug. 0 Marshfleld vs Ooqulllu,
Aug, 1(1 Marshfleld vo North Bond,
Aug. ,10 Marshfleld vs llnmlou,
Sopt. 0-Marrhlleld vs Coquillo.
May 21 Co(ulllo vs Baiulon.
Won by 11311(1011,0 to 1.
May 31 Coquillo va Mnrshflold.
Won by Murshlltetd, 7 to 2.
June 21 Coquillo vs North Bond,
July 5 Coquillo yn Banditti.
July 12 Coquillo vn Mnrshr.uld,
Aug. 2 Coquillo va North Bond,
Aug. 10 Coquillo v lliuulon.
Aug. 23 Coqulllii vs Miirshtluld,
Btqit. 1'1-Coqulltu vn North Bend.
Juno" North Bend vsCoiullle,
Won by North Bund 10 to i.
Juno 11 North Bund vs Mnrshllold,
Won by MarshHold, 7 to Ii.
Juno 23- North Bond vn Bandou,
July Ill-North Bond va Coquillo.
July 20 .North Bsud yn Mnrhi!o!d,
Aug. 0 North Bend vs Baudot),
Aug. :i0 North Bond vs Coquillo.
Sept. U North Bund vs Mnruhflold.
Sept. 20 North Bund vs Baudot).
May SI Ilandon vs North Bond,
Won by Bandon -1 to 3.
June II Ilandon vo Coquillo.
Won by Bandon, 12 to 2.
Juuo2i llnudon vs Mnrehllold.
July 12 Bandon vs North Bond.
July 20 Bandon vs Coquillo.
Aug, 2 Bandon va Morchfleld,
Aug. 23 Bandon vs North Band.
Sept. 0-Bandon vs Coquillo.
Sopt. 13 Ilandon vs MarHbflcld,
srANUisu or thh cu'uu
tVott Loot
3 I
1 , a
0 t
4 0
North Bund
For the New Cruiser
Citimlon, N.; J Juno 18: Tho keel
blocks of tho cruiser Washington has
bseu laid at tho New York Shipyard,
this city, and tho keel will bo laid dur
ing tho cnrly'part of next month, Work
on tho cruller will bo carried forward
as rapidly as possible. It was tho in
tontlon of tho lata Prosldout Morse to
make a record as to timo In building tho
Wuuhington that would eorvoas an
advorllFcmcnt for tho ship company.
His wishes in this tospoct aro to bo
carriod out.
top Mast
New York, Juno 18,-Tho now top
rnn&t for tliu Rolianco arrived this morn
ing and will bo ready to bo eet on ond
today. P.iggera aro ready to go to work
and Iselln announces that tho sloop will
bo ready for tomorrow's raco,
DOUGLAS In Marahfluld, Or, Juno 14,
to tho wifo of W. U, Douglas a daugh
ter. HARRY-In Marshfiold, Or., Jnno 13,
1003, to tho wifo of E. N.,ilorry a son,. ' ?
BUNCH At Dora, on June 10tb to the
wife of S, O. Banon a daughter.