Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 20, 1903, Image 6

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From Oum'ay'e Dally.
Mr. Burn : the Norlh Bend ro.id con;
tractor, wn to town ycstordny.
0. W. P.Vorron'a mnny Irlonda will bo
sorry to learn that he is repotted worse.
Mr. U.K. P . of
Catching Slough,
wsb transact..:: fculsarts in
to am Snt-
J. B. Davis brought in n ton of wool,
his tencon's cmi, yeMcrday, which ho
diBpensdofto 11. Son.-ticken.
Sturdovaut and Orano have delivered
230 logo to tho CeJar Tolnt boom, for
Iho FInpson Lumber Co., and they ara
boiog hculed over.
F. B. Taylor and Jesso Smith brought
in a band of mutton sheep which they
lisdbinght on'tho south fork of the
A bniidin;: it Mag constructed at
the corner of 0 and Front street for
M. F. Stewart, the -Coquilto marble
was, bo will soon open a shop hero
Tho new gasoline launch, which has
beon built by Max Tinmermau at the
placo o F. Timmernmn. has beon moved
to tho And of Must Marshfield wharf in
preparation for launching.
Ghambet loin's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are ust what yon need when
you have no nppotite, feel dull after
eating nnd naki up with; a bad tast in
vour mouth, lhey will improve your
appetite, clenn - and lnh;oroto your
stomach and g ve you a relish fcr your
food. For sale by Jobn Preuse.
Geo and Aunie Clinkenbcard of Coos
river, came down to witness tho gradu
ating exercises ol tho MarshQold High
Echoo!, of which, they were Etudonts
lost winter.
The Prentiss, which waa enroute to
Coos Bay with the Keone Theatrlca
Troupe, becamo disabled and waa com
pelled to return to San Francisco. The
Theatrical Company will now arrive on
tho Ruth, and aro expected here about
Toesday ; the play will bavo to bo post
poned to a latcj, date.
Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Dow, Mr. and Mrs
F. S. Dow, Mrs. Dan Williams of Man
tin nml Mra. P 0 Lcvar took a launch
ilde to Dauiola creok yesterday and vis
ited Hi King's camp, spending h very
pleasant day. Thellttlo excursion wa?
In honor of Mra. Williams, who ib vhit
log her fUr and brother here, expect
log to start on hsr return to the I hilip
pfolfl on tbo next Areata.
I hsvt tud ocuilon to utt youri
?Bl.ch-Urau4ht Stock nd Poultry Medl.
ciw and am pleued to tay that I never
used anything for stock that gave half ts
I good satisfaction. I heartily reconv
mend It to ail owners oi itocK.
J. B. BELSIIER, St Loult, Mo.
Sick stock or poultry should not
cat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons bhould expect to be
cured by food. When your stock
and poultry are sick givo them med
icine, won i stuir tnem wiui wortn
le sa stock foods. Unload tho bowels
and Ftir ud tho tomid liver and the
animal will bo cured, if it bo po3si
bio to euro It. Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads tho
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures overy malady or stock if
taken in timo. Securo a 25-cent can
of JJlack-Drauaht Stock and Poultry
Medicine mid it i 111 pay for itself ten
tiinoaover. Hqnos work better. Cowa
give more luiur. liogs cata llcah.
And herui lay mo'ro eoas. It solves tlio
problem of making as much blood,
I JUeh 4 jwwrfy as possiblo out of
tha tmaiMK MDOunt of food con-
tmd. Buy cnfrom.youc dealer.
0 &4h
I fell nioro ol Ohamborlatn's Couch
Homrolv thnu n nil similar preparations
put toother and it Rtvea tho brat fa tin -urtiou
of any medicine I over sold. I
cttarsntro nvrv buttle of IU F- y.
Jauuith, Inland, .Mich. Thin remedy
Ii for rale by John Proues.
Off His Course
Sonic excitement wns ccuied on tho
waterfront bsok of Flanagan's market
yestordny evening, by cries for help
coming from under tho wharf, Alter
bouio search, n man waa found perched
ou a water pipe a few foet holow the
plankioR with his head at an opening
in tho wharf largo enough for a man to
crawl through. When n email crowd
collected tho follow was inoliu'ed to re-
scut the interest ho had 'aroused, ami
elatuod tr know exactly what ht was
about. Later bt was helped out of his
uncomfortfiblo position by Pull Wilbur.
Tho man waa n stranger, said to be a
Bailor. He was well dres&cd, tlmt hail
eridontly looked upon something whou
it was red, and probably crawled dorn
through the opening in tho wharf under
the irapreeelon that ha waa go:nj?down
into tho forecastle to turn in.
Annual Reumion
One of tho mot enjoyab't- occasions
of the season was the annuel reunion of
tho Alumni Society, which took plnco
in the dlninc room of the Blanco Hotel,
Friday evening, immediately cfter tho
gMdoaJfcrl exercise in the Hall. When
the cxerclsa were over in the ball tho
mombers of the society adjourned to the
Blanco, whoro they commouced "to oat,
driuk anJ S merry."
Tho occasion waa made merry by eonga
and toa9ts. All know that tho Marsh-
field school iujoyed an enviablo reputa
tion at ono timo In regard to its singing,
and WR8 sufTering from" a vory severe
cold, and was unnblo to do that jaetico
to her answer which she would liavo
done under woro favorablo circum
stances. Miss Evarda Erickson representing
tho class of '00 by adding her toast to
tho occasion, Etamped moro firmly on the
minds of all present Jtho ever pressing
needs of a firmer Friendship.
Tho last but not least wan a toast "To
the occasion" by Miss Jottlc Watson,
Those present were: Mr and Mrs
F a Golden, Mi and Mra P M Wilbur,
Mr end Mra E L Farrln, Mr and Mra
W H Snort, Mr and Mrs Wm Lawlor.
Misses Annie Dieson, Ellen X Bamls,
Mary FoEbay, Gortrudo Engle, Maggie
Anderson, Evarda Erickson, Jottie Wat
son, Agnes ilutcheson. Eva Anderson,
Stella O'Connell, Grace McCormac,
Esther Ogren, Clara W JohnEon, Allco
Hagelelein, Maud Brown, Mamie Ms
honey, Josephine Cordes, Tollie Cordes,
Alleo McCormac, Clara A Johnson, Mil
lie Johneou.LettieLarEen, Kuby Wieder,
Oeuevievo Sengstacken. Mwers Kobt.
Kay Watson, Henry Hcgolstein, Jay
Towor, Claude Knsburg, Dan Keatiag,
Fred Hofer, Emile Ii Peterson, Walter
Butler, JarVa Cowaa Jr, Pvuss Tower,
XhomaB Bennett.
Prom Tuosday'e Dally.
E. II Beyers, of Sumner, waa in town
last night.
German Dill Salt
Pickles, Chow Chow,
and Oliyes in Eulk at
Captain Andrew Oleaon waa in from
Tcmploton Sunday.
Tbo Alumni Society will meet at 2:20
p m today at tho residence ot Dr, J, T.
J, W, Flanagan haa the thanks of tho
Mail for courteelea nxtondodln con
nection with Sunday's ball game.
0. J. Eaton, a eon of Dr. Eaton, the
Optlcan, arrlvodfrom tho, East oyor
laud, Saturday and ia well pleased with
the Bay,
T Coleman, Mrs Km II (jgrou, Miss
Liiu For, Victor Andcrauttj 0 S Jor
den, Q 8 Dolnmero, Andy Lund, Walter
Uuntorson, Ed Wall and, wife, Mrs
Folkeuatlnc, Mrs Tyrrell.
K, J. Goko is taking vacation from
his duties iu II. ik'ngstaokoti'fl store,
and wilt visit his placu ou tho Uooo Bay
wagon road,
Lost on .Steamer Cruiser, package
addressed to Win. Lawlor, Norlh Bond,
containing a pair of ehooa. Finder
ploaeo return to Win Xnsburg'a ttoro.
H;ggins Li vo rpool
Salt 50 lbs. Sacks S5c
at Flanagans.
Quite a number of tho Bay f porletnen
visited tho Teumlte lakes Jajt week and
tried the Ashing with good success
irtwoug them being Claude Naaburg of
this placti and Fred Lillincthnl nud
olhors of North Bend.
F. K. Morrltt, of tho Morritt Mercan
tile Co., Euroka.-roturna to that point on
tho Alliance attorn wsek in Cooa county
making arrangemonte to Introduce the
Phoonix brand ol flour. This Is an old
and woll known brand In Cnllforuto, but
has nover beon introducd horo. Mr. Mer
ritt visited tho Coqullle, where ho mat
with good eucoees, ns well aa on the lky.
Some wanderer from thooutaido world
tried the brakubcam act on thu C. B. It.
E. last Saturday. He jumped a work
tralu coming over with a light load of
logs and only touching the high places,
and by the timo ho had reached tho
landing at Eagle point ho was ready to
walk tho rest of the way into town,
having accumulated enough thrills to
ast him Eovoral years.
"I havo been troubled for Eome timo
with indigestion and sour stomach."
Mrs Sarah W. Curtis, of Lee, Mass.,
"and have been taking ChamDorlaln a
Stomach and Liver Tnbletn which havo
helped mo very much eo that now I can
cat many things thathaforo I coufd noh
eat." 11 you havo any trouble wlt
your stomach why not uko those Tabt
Tela aud get well? For tale by John
Pre u sa.
The California Ladies Magazime
Tho Mail ia in receipt of tho Juno
number of the California Ladies Maga
zine, and i! this is n fair samplo of tho
pabllcat'.cr, It '2 on-i of tho flnet In tho
country, east or west. It is profusely
illustratod, and the preeswork la ex
tremely good, rankicg tho handsomest
publication that haa como to our table
in a long timo. Tho table of contents
Include a great variety of aattorof high
Tenmilc Will Celebrate
Tho people of Tenmile held a meeting
in the Terapleton opera house Saturday
to make arrangements for celebrating
the coming Fourth of July.
It was determined to hold a celebra
tton that will eclipse all previous offoits
in that Bectlon. The exorcises will bo
held on Broadway in Tcmploton, and
eongs, sports etc. Firomork ond a
grand ball in tho evening will wind up
tho affair.
Abo Boborta was appointed a com
mitteo of ono, to gather in the shekels to
meet tho nccoseary expenses,
Travel by Sea
Arrivals from Portland by Alliance
Juno 14: J A Kranick, N Itoblnott,
J E Robinett, B Marsden, Mra Koea
Blngaman, Fred G Foster and wife,
Bello Btoarns, Buth Koolo, 0 Timmons,
F F Winter, Mra E L Rathburn, A A
Bowers and wife, Wa'ltor Colin, Goo T
Lorenz, Julia Walcott, A J Paul, B
John, John Piorco, D W Colllna nnd
wife, F A Keea and wifo, F Wcninger,
E A Perry, John Weatman, Frank
Anderson, Otto Bchmidt, David Weat
man, F Pederson, L Wilaon, W A JoneB
end wife, J B Jones, 0 K Reiner, A Lee
andwlf9, ODemmlc, Miss Briell, DO
lYau HouUa, W X DodioD, ME Erettt
and wife, Mrs J It Clark, Mm Bertha
Clark, ChArloa Uoftnlor, Mrj Hohor-
I....1.... VI. .1 i.'nlirntunhn!'. P 111111)1(1.-
dorf, a c body, f a Modinu, 0uit will
Ruliorte. MIm J.lllyOllo, K 11 TJlton,
Mm Cnpt Bprt-nlo nnd fwinily, Cnrl
Boimtgen, M Wallace, K Alvlck, V
Hick, J Morrltf. '
IKptrture Uoutb by Alllaiice Juno 10 1
Mrs Florence Kllerby, MIm Ohrlslluiv
Hutlt. Mlsa Neva Cuipboll, MTd F A.
Cook, Mta M A Lnudrlth, Mrs Sharkey,
J M Uogor,J L Jenou, Jeooheon, Gio
Cokeu, 11 Both, P W McLowl and wife,
y M Godtroy, W Caituinn, 0 ryo
Wn,TK Merrtt, K 8 lUbror, M
oun iHirwine i" wh stato to tmyel tor
house ewMihl lovnyir8 and with
n lnrg cpl, to call tipoei merthenU
and hkmiiI 'r rocmkInI nnd prj'ttH',
lli.e. Pornian-t ongARumuiit. Wiekly
cash salary .! 118 and nil traveling .v-
DCtlSOS UlUl 1IW '" TIIOWI 111 c
.'...-i. wnnk. lCuripneo not utetiMtl.
V.U.H ..-. ---.-, , ..J
331 Dearborn bt Chiwgo.
rrom Vcdneeday'a Dally.
The tug Uobarte oawo in from tiiet SUt
alaw Monday awl pimod down Hw y
again ycewday.
Thu gAtuHue, Xetli and Crevsy, from
the CquilUi waa eliding along th water
frout yoatorddv.
Soliloquy: "This le a hnl worW.'
sold Deeeon Flapp, ae he ettpptHl of the
backward. Chicago Dally Nuwt.
F Timmcrman'a new launch lies at
Odd Fellows' whsit wltero she le r
celviog her finishing touches.
Mra. J. T. McCormac nnd son Fred
aro passongora on tho Buth, to make
visit to frhnds in Astoria.
Standard Tomatoes
3 cans for 25c at Flan
W.J. Butler rotttrnedyyeetorday from
a trip to Portland, ccnilng by wy oJ
Mrs. Grant Harry, of Brewitcr Val
ley, is in town to soe her little daughter
who Ja hero under medical troatment.
Oao good thing about Mt Peke Is that
Major Pond can't put it on lectum plat
form. Chicago Becord-Horald. '
In tho way: "What's the matter
with Walker?" ''Run down." Over
work?" "No, under automobile,"
Philadelphia Press.
A Jewel: JWzer "Whydoyow have
iron bars iu fiout of your kitchen, win
dows sml door? 8cli twister To proven
tho eKapfl of the cook." Brooklyn Life
Tho Sumnor peopea arc making ar
rangements for a quiet little celebration
of their own on thu Fourth, inclttdlug
a basket picnic in the day tlsfe and a
dauc at Miight.
At a meeting of engine-drivers the
following totut was offered: "To our
mothoro the only faithful tenders who
never misplaced a ewitch," TIt.Jiito.
Tho Bnouncomont of tho Margnritti
Fisher Company appears in today's issue.
During ita titay horo last Bummor thia
(xcellent troupo gave good satisfaction
nnd made many frlenda, who will lu
glad that thoy are to appear horo again,
Tho News learnos from Jao. Wall Mr
Burko, ownor of u initio on Cripplo
Creekt Colorado, has bargained for tho
tnlno at Maxwell, and that hlu suporln
tondont, Mr. Jones, who has had much
ezporionco in coal minjng, is duo horo
now to take chargo imd to commonco nc
tivo operations. Tho 'driving of a elope,
to tap the big vein, is to be commonced
at once, and three shifts will bo kept
steadily at work, Gome of tho employes
have already arrived, and others will
follow. It is tho intent'on to commence
ihlpplng coal by next wioUr.aB devol-
opmunt work will then bo wnll under
1 wny.
Lively, Dill Harmless Hnnnwny.
One of FT 1 Nortun'o work toanm,
which had been loft utaiulltig nt tho
corner of Front and 0 stroots yoaturduy,
took fright nt n tttoamor whlstlo nud
rati away. Uolng up C streot they run
into ntiothor jmir of Norton'o horses,
lmrneeod hut not hltohod to u wngon,
nud then Joined the procession, whlcU
prooeatled at u lively pco out Into tho
Fourth etiuct liridgu. lliuu tho hero ol
the occasion apprariHt on tbu rceno in
the pereou of Edgar Mausey, who Jump
il InU) the weo.i nnd etoppml the one
teara, whllw the loose pair kept onto
Norton' barn, near thu race trnok.
fortuuiituly no tnatorial daruago wns
Fnit) His Fine
I.. (1, MneUrt, of Catching t'lough
p!oadel ettilty to a charge of nttMilt aud
brttUry In Judge Ilydu'n court Tuesday,
nud wss fltied nbotit Mevtn dollars,
which ho paid.
The charge waa brought by Andrew
Hongell, who Uvea mt Cntehlng nlough.
It seems thnt Honeell ami tho Mnatera
boys got into r. cnit rover sy at Hougell'e
landing, which ealmlnnteil in L. G.
Maetare hitting him n swipa on the aide
of the head knocking him into tho
One ttory is that thi Maslorn boys
then heljil Ilongell out, and nnothor
etory ie that tber kept shoving him
Iwok In. Any way he got. out nnd came
to town ami swore out a warrant, which
Marehal Carter turvod Mondny morning,
when Maatora eatno down nud paid tin
'Elects a Director and Employs
Tim annual tchool meeting waa hold
at the school house iu thu overling on
June 15. J. W. Bennett was olectod
Director to suocoetl 0. A. Johnson,
whoea term had explrod, John F. Hall
waa re-elected clerk.
The following U taken from Clerks'
report: Number of children of school
uge in District MS, Number unrolled
on echoo! register 136.
Number vf level rotors for school pur
poeea eetituHted 890. Books purchased
Oath on hand nt Umc of making
hut report a U27.T
Direct Tax from Co. Treat.
County school fond from County
Stale school fnud
Bale bills and tuition
DiaiNi raiments
Paid Teachers
For fuel and flupplloa
Clerks ealary
For other purpoaoa
Cash balance ou hand 1 107.-18
The Board of Directors hold n mooting
and employed teachers for coming year.
They voted that F. A. Golden bo em
ployed at (lot) por year j for 7th and 8th
gradoo," Misa Ellen Bcamis; Oth grado,
E, II. Maogiliry 6th grado, Altn Kchnl-der;-lth
grade, Anriji Holms :.3id.grado
Mattlo Potro; 2nd grado, Margaret
Andoreon; Primary, Mrs. L, Wilbur,
Tho school la to boglu on Sept. 21, llHKJ.
Thero 1b n petition ponding boforo tho
Board to chango boundary of District.
If carried it will throw (J9 pupils to North
Bend district.
Sealed proposals will be received at tho
ofllco of R. 0, Leo, Secretary Blanco
Lodgo, No, 48, A, F, & A, M,, Marsh
field, Oregon, up to eight o'clock p, m
July 4th, 1003, for tho construction of
fho Masonic Tomplo on tho Lodgo's lots
at the corner of 4th & 0 fltroota In no-
Icordanco with, tho plans and epeclflca-
llmH.f (lltr.1 t Im1IiI"j
IImI in Hit. vtoilit. Will
not rr'. A" it Kf
Hi.kr ).'K 'uf 't1"!"
iimrV. (Mini ol ilrnlvt'l
11 1 f"r i-nlili'ilii".
II.K K. It'' K ..lUUMlM.
rII.Ml.lU.. Ml...
tlonn to bo nhlalucJ nt tho ofllco of Pi
I'lmppol Brown, l'"i Mittijuitm Blilg..
Portland, Origin, or from tho under
clgued of tho building coiumlttoe of aald
Lodgu nt :diirshlhld, OrcKon.
Kach bidder will Htatohinhld for the
coAtofthe biillillng t'oiupleto nnd also
ntatu Ihw iuiicIi Ioh tho coat will ho by
untitling (urnsei's and thu pipe coiihou
tlutin iu the liMnieut, nil other connec
tion and rml'utors to Im put In,
And uitcli I'Mditr must iiImi ntato how
much loss than l,i bid ho will Imwlllluii
to connttunt tliH htiiidliig SOxfiiJ iiistoad
of. KKIxlUO hi culled fur In tho plans mi
Knelt proposal must bo accompnnl'Ml
by n certified chtrk on rotno rellnblo
Imnk In th eum n( live hundred tlnllnra
pnynblo to th order nf It. Walter W..M.
(d Blanco Lolieo, aellxml and lliitiiJatml
tl UnngM that the Muet'vspful bidder will
mtr Into n contract iu niTordnnco with
lu trmii of thu fiKwIllcntions, nnd
within thirty dan nftorthn contrnot ii
awarded to him Iim will glvw nbond with
snrtli'n nppiftwl liy (hit (.'ashiur ol thu
Mrat Nittional lUnk of Portnttd. Oregon,
or if n lrlillM bl.h! . . by tho
I oiUeor the W. M. tliornof, which bond
hnll be In the tiit of ttut thousand
dollars, nnd condition! thnt the uc
ce(ul bidder will fulfill ii torma ui
IiIm oontntct, l'rlmte of luiiihor with
arrhlttx-t nod at iftlo of underslguotl.
The Itdr rterveu the rluht to re
ject nny and all bldi. Proposnl, should
m endort!d ae fnlloj t
"l'roKNial for huftdlitg Masonic Tem
ple" nnd Nnd by renisUiriil loiter or
tUdlvurtwl to H. C. Lee, Hey . Blnnco Iidge,
MnrahHeld, Oregon before eight o'clock
p. in, Saturday July' Uh, 1WXI.
By urddr of Blnttoo Inlgo.
Building Committee,
Natnl Cntnrrh qttlokly yield to trer.u
racnt ly BIv Cruim Halni, which I ngrre
uhly Aru'iinifc. It In roceiroit through tlm
tHMtriU, olrAiHMA and lieaU tint whole mir
fneo orsr which it dllTruou lUolf. Druggist
toll tho T)0c. klso 'trial nlzo by limll, 10
hiU. Teit It nud ; yu 1x10 euro to coutinus
the treatment. -
Ait'tounCRinorit. i
To noeoiur ll.i tluxw who nro pitrtial
to tho hm uf aioinir.erit in npplying liquids
into tho imu1 iMa)tit fur oiUirrnal irou.
Utt, th proprietor priinr) C'romu Ilnlni in
llijuld fonn, which will lxt known na YJfn
SJUuiA Cream Halm, l'rdn itiluding tin
jrvig tube I 7&cnU. DniggUU or by
rnatl. T1m lluubl fnrtn inhodioa Uie mod.
lcinal prejcrtMJ of Iho uohd prcparaUouw"
)st,-&,$rxi, n 'n.yssci-asib'a
vitiT C'. JORDAN'S anrATl
'im$3cc;iL nr: nMATnuv
UUVhln Wl t4Jt1fl WlllO
rut KltVltoXi Hmui U f
i t
IU.. f.'l
tn.l ,
DIStWtUOf ffitlH
tl' i,U.. Hkl Ik. M4 llu..rK t
1iiiwm(II.UM ITibar Bl.
H-t-rt aw. li Vila-. WlMt Ml
PlfetMU... If lit. Ill. "- -'1 iuJ
14 fcf-.l&
CHtMi fit. hiI iriHr Mut-k Tr.ttnmHMr
Mty lrlH A tWM tVr. I Tftrr It
fUMNIl.UK, Hkll-ll) KUIW l ttlbXUUCt! ii
miom &n m-A n 1 k k'-m mr imm .j - a ti wir .
() OH. tOnvAN h 09..IOSI Utn,T(irt-,fl.r.
Copvhiqhtb Ac
Anronn eii'llrg n ikotfJi wid c1crlrtlii mar
lllfKlf luiiriniii 'ir uininu iren wnntnir nu
liivontum It T ilinl j rat.nlMilit. Commintca.
11 in.inciri
unl fri. OMt.t nuturr for .ooiirllw palonU.
l.tet.U t.k.n tlroutrli Mulill A Cu. rouolt
liiHai ntl(4, nlllioul clinruu, In tto
Scientific fllfincricait '
A lianilionittr lllatrMKl we.ktr. J.ruct Dr.
cmtntluu of unj .d.nllun lourntl. Torim, II a
tuiirt roar iuuiiiuj, u numumi niir.u.Aion.
UriUHU oeicii, e if B, wuouwtuu. v.
In ell Hi staged there
thoalJ Mi cleacuooii.
Eiy'o Crcniu Ilalui
tle4incB,iootliMr.ivl hernia
tlia illcnfcd luemtrane.
It caret c&lnrrh on J drives
Avray n cold Iu tbo head
Cream Halm la placed Into tho noetrlli, spreads
DTor tbo tuembreno and It ubiorbed. Itoll.f li Ira,
oiodlato and 0 cor follovrn. It Is not dryloir dou
not prodacu ueetlng. Ijrgo Hlie, so oeoU at D;ug.
ttU or by mall ; Trial GUe, 10 cent by mall
S.UX 11UOXUJU19. CO Wwrsa 8trnV T Yorkt
vyrj.uf ty&tfa
: sk - -