T -, TrmWW't' WP1" W;i hPFraMpiuBMnir"1 u TJi'WU aifc5-&. w airt&ep 8 ' '" VV'V. .f?' (I V fTi '?' & J. CRUISERS SEIZED FOR DEBT w.ri . TwoBulIding Concerns in UncleSamMayHaveto Step in Washington Juno IO-8ecrotary Moody wan olllciaily Informcil this morning that Ilia crulnor Chaltonooga, nearly completed by tho United Mates tilt I p hulldlng Company linn bctn taken oe octiloti of by tlio sheriff uf Klltabatlilport, Now Jersey, awaiting tho decision ol the etnto court na to whether tlio ship Is nn t meet of the shipbuilding trust, This Information, coining with tho trouble about thu cruiser (Salvoaton, which tltu Virginia court has ordered tsod at thu Trigg shipyards, IMahinond, la catmint: concern at tho Navy Depart ment. Today's cablnant meeting was dovot od to tko dtfcixilna of tho Qjlvoitvn wio. Ally, (leit'l. Knox pnuontcd an opinion In which ho itatol that ho be lieves that tho Hecrotary of tho Treat ury will bo oblo to enter Into a etlpula tlou which will result in tho discharge of tho crulter from tho custody ol the VtrKinla courts and tho conllniianco of tho work, and tho prompt payment of all contractor' and lnharar's clulms, Tito Attorney General closes with tho proposition to ilczo tho ships by fed. rral force saying, "I am loath to boliuvo thu occailan for such exertion of fodcral power will nrlo, being confldont that any claim that 'woul.d interfere with national rights undot tho judicial au thority of thu etato of Virginia will he promptly dlrpoaed of or denied by tho chancery court, For this reason I shall defer answering question"." It It emphatically denied that tho Navy Department has any Intention of lending a gunboat up tho James river to eulzo thoUalvoston nnd prevent tho work being stopped. Pronounced My Case Incurable, Said I Would Die Of Heart Disease. ' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Brought Good Health. "I liavo every rcaion to recommend the Dr. Miles Ilcmedlei at the I Icatt Cure saved my life. I am a large man, considerably over six. feet in height, we lull nearly three hundred pounds, home years ago my heart was so seriously affected that 1 never expec ted to net well. Doctors pronounced my caic Incurable. I noticed your advertisement in some paper, and bought six bottles of the Heart Cure. I felt great relief and improved so I continued until 1 bad taken twelve bot tles. My trouble wns organic and I never expected to be permanently cured, but thanks to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, 1 have kept in good health and have been able to follow my profession continually since hrst taking the remedies eight years ago, 1 am a musi cian, teacher of instrumental and vocal music, inunicul conductor, etc. I have taught nil over the state of Michigan and have recommended Dr. Miles' Heart Cure to thousands of persons In all parts of the state and have heard nothing but nod re ports of it, 1 have Induced dozens of persons In my own county to take Dr. Miles' Heatt Cure as my word is never doubted by thuso who know ine."-C. 11. .Smith, Flint, Mich. "I.nin u druugltt and have sold and iceom mended )x, Miles' Heart Cure, for I know what it has done for me, mid I wish 1 could tale more clearly the splendid good liealtn am cnjoylngnow. Your Kustorallvc Ncrv. ne- gives excellent saUUactlon.iJr. l.il. Watts, Druggist, J tot Springs, S. D. All rlni(TiiTi(l fit-ll miif mlirititft ( All druggists sell nnd guarantee first hot- 'to Dr. Miles' Remedies, fcend for free book )n Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address pr,UUc4 Medical. Co., Ulkuwt, lad, Doctor CRUISE ' TO THE AZORES -1 Battleships Practice Maneuver Now York, Juno 10 To attain pro ficiency In ocean cruising tho battleships Kenrtargo, Illinois, Alabama and Mat Mchueolls, nccompnnled by tho colliers Lebanon, Htorllng nntl Oaoftnr, will Jcavo tho Tompklusvlllo anchorage within n fow days for tho Azoros.'tTho lelaudu, nro not in any loneo to bo tho object of mimic attack, tho main purpose betas to find out tho highest speed nt which all tho ships, which nro of varying spends, can bo kept together, and the colliers kept cloco enough at hand to provldo fresh supplies when ncoded. It is estimated that enough coal will bo carried tocnablo tho ships to make tho Amos without having to coal on the way. They will rrcoal thoro nnd tho tactical drill will bo ropcatod on tho way back. Then tho ships will get ready for tho' tummor manouvros on tho Maino coast. Tbo trip to tho Azores will bo made under Uo command of Hear Ad miral Uarkor, commander-in-chief o. tho North Atlantic fleet. VISIT VALLEY FORGE Patriotic Societies Cel ebrate 'jvruTUi " t. Anniversary Evac- uation ii Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 10 Itcproeon tntiven of patriotic soclotlos of a dozen atatoi gathorod at Valley Forgo tcay and eolobrated tho 125th anniversary of tho evacuation of tho famous Involution ary camp ground by Washington nndhts troops. Tlio program concisted of n parado in tho forenoon nnd commemor ation exercises in tho afternoon, tho chief oration being dollvarod by Henry Cabot Lodgo of Massachusetts. The historic structuro that sorvod as Wash ington's headquarters won tho rondct voub of tho day nndj lioro gathered tho many visitors to listen to tho talcs of suffering, and privation endured by tho brave Continental troopson tho hallowed ground on tho banks of tho Schuylkill. Tho headquarters appears today al most prcclsoly as it did when tho Fathor of his Country was domiciled within it, From collar to nttio it : in n stato of good preservation. Tito doors, with bolts and locks, aro tho very samo his hands movod, Tho floors aro those over which the Croat chieftain walked in many a weary hour. Tho window tinea nnd eneh aro unchanged Linco tho days when his anxious oyos lookod (through them at tho soldiers' huts upon tho hills, All this has beon mndo possible through tho efforta ol tho Yalloy Forgo Anniversary association, under whoso .auspices today's colobratlou was hold and who through their persistent efforts bnvu saved tho historic" old Bpot, a fitting memorial ot tho scones it commem orate. ..... -. GRANT I FOR VICE PRESIDENT Thinks He Will Not be a Candidate Han Diego Juno 10 Tho Hun today published tho following letter from U.H, Grant, Jr.: "I have novor announced nor authorized tho announcement of myself as a candidate for the vlco prce tdcritla! nomination, but I liavo known that some of my friends ontertalued 'a fooling that the position ought to come to this coait and that I van probably ns avallablo a caudldato xny other citi zen pf tho section. "Mr, Itoosuvolt can -carry tho kto West wllhoul tho nBsIitnnco oi n West ern man, and I think I will favor tomo Kastcro man. PROHIBITS SELLING CIGAR ETTS St. Louis. Mo., Juno 10. Tho nnli cljarotto law which becomes effective in M'raouri this week will make It exceed ingly difficult for tho email boy to get h!f ctvatcd "pIpe-Btlck." Tho taw prohibits the selling or giving away to minors under 10 years of ago any clga tcttop, clgaictto wrappers or papors under a penalty of a fino of 10O for each offenso. THROUGH ,. ., LINE OF SHIPMENT Omaha, Neb Jnuo 10. Railroad odlclals hero confirm Iho report tbat the Uurlington Ilailroad, in coujuction with tho Great Northern, is about to open Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, and ad- Jocont territory to lako aud rail ehip-' monts. Tho plana provldo for tho building of a branch lino from Sargent, Nob., on tho main Hue, to O'Neill, on thotiioux City branch of tho Great Northern. This will L'lvo a through lino from territory covered by the Dur Ington to Duluth, and, permit shippers aud merchants ot tho Mlddlo West to got tho benefit of tho lake aud rail tarifls. which aro 2 conts per 103 pouuds lower than tho all-rcll rates. GREAT 1 ' IMMI GRATION Washington, D. O., Juno 10 The im migration to tho United States,. Includ ing Porto lllco, (or tho year ending to day, is just a ittlo abo'vo tbo vol u mo of immigration in 18S2, which was tho lop year in thu history of this country. Al though tho exact flgnroa will not bo forthcoming for sovoral days, it is roll- ably estimated that tho total number, ot Immigrants arriving at tho eovontcon cntry ports of this country during tho twolvo months amounts to nearly 705,- 000, or about 5,000 tnoro than iu 1E82. In tbo month of May thero landod iu Now York nlono nearly 100,000 aliens. All Absent Marslifhldcr Tho following extracts from a lettor received from Frank WJckman, In Ban Francljco, will bo of interest to tho many friends on tko Kay who aro In terested In his cultivation of his unusual muelc.ll talent, for which purpose ho wont to tho city. Jlowrlloi: I nm feeling fine, and havo a good position with tho 1'ommor-KIIor Music Co. I am studying tho piano undor n very fino toAchorand am doing very woll. 1 have a groat many advantages down bcro In a musical lino that I would never have in Marshfleld, I hear flomo vory fino concerto. I do get anxious for my littlo daily though, when somotimes it fails to arrive I couldn't get along without it now. Just liko getting a lottor from home, overy day. Oh I for a good mcsfl'of Coos Bay clamo. Would glvo a good doal for them. Mot Will Nasburgon tho stroot the other day, and a few uilnutos afterwards It rained. He must have brought it from Oregon witn him as it rained good and hard, and it hadn't rained hero for a long timo. Will just arrived tho night before also. Thursday mornlkg wo had qulto fan earthquake shock down bore. If Marr-h Celd would got a shaking up like it, I am afraid that its pcoplo would jump nut of bed, even eoouer than when tho, old Czorlnn starts down the bay and turns her siren loose. Meet a great many Coos Boyitca down here. A coast lumderman recently got a little beady and aoserted that Washing ton cats moro lumber than Michigan overdid. Ho simply allowed bis local prido to lead him away from facts. One year Michigan cut nearly sis blllbn feet. In 1890, Its output was valued at 183, 000,000. and Washington's $17,450,300. In 1900 Michigan's output was valued at W-WW444W-M-M-H i I I S XSIIS COMING MARGARITA IN A REPERTOIRE OF LATE AND STANDARrf SUCCESSES I Opening Bill, s This well balanced company carries 20 people including their- own i uniformed band and orchestra, giving street parade and funny specialties between acts. Change of seats on sale at W. J. t OPE1 f One Week Commencing Monday, Tune 29th. f 11 1 ni 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (51,000,000 and Washingtnn' 130,580,280 In tho noxt census Washington should be at tho head of tho lumber producing states and Oregon second. Paget Bound Lumberman. Yo Ballad of Yc Oldest One St. Louis Globe-Democrat It was an flnoioot rivorman, It sat upon tho lovco, Tho river it was swollen and Tho rain was fierce and heavy. It was an ancient rivorman, And It refused to budge, To warnings and entreaties it Just simply answered "Fudge J'1 It was an ancient rivorman, Its mission to derldo Tho claims of any modern flood ; It spat upon the ttdo. It sat there with a whimsical Kxpreselon on its phiz, And still it scoffed and etlll It Jeered, Tho more tho river riz. Tho water climbed tho leyco and It wet his ancient shoo; Ho said it was a paltry flood Like that of nluty-two, The river roeo still higher. Tho old man would not run, He said it could not equal The flood of elghty-ono And though tho water rose amain, Ho said it would abato, Ho eat upon tho water-mark Of eighteen fifty-eight. "Como back! como back!" the pcoplo cried, Or you will suroly drown I" Ho bent his overhanging brow In a potentous Irown, "Why should I fly?" hothnndcrod loud rTtm f !ili hail reached Ida neck) "From such a measly flood as-taie? It baa begun to cheek. "Call this a flood?" ho sneering aiked, "A freshet, nothing moro; "Why darn Its picturo, I wuz hero In eighteen forty 'four 1" It was an ancient rlvcrman, It eat upon the levee, Tbo river it was swollon and Tho rain was fierce and heavy. Ml 1 1 1 8 H H 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI 8 1 1 1 M WAIT FOR US WITHABAND THE FISCHER "The Butler's, 3A H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 ' ' . '( .' . J" I It was nn anclonwjvr.rmau, no must no very wni, For in all probability IIo's sitting down thoro yet, A CJilnnmitn'H amok?. In Pcrela and In .typnn pipes about tlio nlzo of a baby's thlmblo nns Used., providing two drawn, n, great wiato of, llmo. It Is tbo Chinaman, howcvcrl y?bo in smoking gct cndlesa wok out of practically nothing at nil. Ho carries a littlo box about twice tbo wlzo of an ordinary silver rfjcarottf case. Tlijk 1 half illletl with vator. In one end is a rcmovnblo tiny tube tci nerve na pipe. At the othec end la the, plpcrtcm. First of nil, bo removes tlio tube nnd blown through It fo re move nil blockade. Then ho fumbles through ula. awkward clothes, search ing for tobacco and produces a bit oC rnK In which It la wrapped. Carefully ho extracts a wad of tobac co, puts nwny his rng and olowly plug tho tube, which holdji perhaps tlio tenth part of an ordinary cigarette. But ho never has any matches. Bo ho has to borrow or hunt out a brown paper stem and light it It glows for n long lliuc nnd enn bo puff ed Into flamo again bo gives a long draw; idowly, appreciatively, thu smoke oozcfl from between his Celes tial lips; he Bpltn; bo draws ngaln ami gets Hmnll result Tbo emoke Is over, Uo removes the tube, blows through It, and tbo proceeding begins nil ovee Arain. -. A Letter to Motlicr. "Ton promised mother n letter. Wrlto It now," Is ono of tlio mottoes on tho walls of tlio Nagasaki llomo For Sea men, a motto that, It is asserted, has restrained moro men from going wrong thnu almost any other lefiucuco of thu place. Wanderers over tho globo nro not tho only ones who need such a re minder. Indeed they might bo able to glvo lessons In filial duty to many who have novcr realized how fortunate they aro that homo and mother arc not far away, but near at band. Youth's Com pnnlon. . "A woman will buy a thing Juat oe causo it's cheap." "Perhaps. But she doesn't make se lections on that principle when a man Is footing tho blll."-Chlcago Tost A MUhIbr; Irmrrdtcnt. The Roniana had great circuses, Historians declare. It's bard to mo How thU could be. Tbcv hud no cconutu there. Tjntr?txn. - HH - W - W - M 1 1 1 H ! COMPANY saxsa Country Girl" and concert daily. New 5 bill Nightly. Reserved J ..&' A ' ' " " ' ' ' y l"'"l"",T 1 J'- I . . X v .,' ' 'r" n 1 II i t 1 !.l f i a n J r ... t V 1 iaaiMirfiff""'" " iimimjm&miiiimamit-i i iii 'ii immintZn. ,, , . . - ,..... 4,4,