KhmanraHPffi yt u . J. )tr y '"V w '. r y t -( yyyr !; '" i- t.rHV1K-Ml"'MHN t 'f ? '"; K ;V. ,, ' ,. 4 r w i tV.!'',i ysv , ;t i 1 ' ' ..VS. hf T IHff" vf ' i Wt . MAIL i- XHlr f W LmeS JELmtl JRt iSmaJSt I IV VOL XXVI. CRUISER BROOKLYN IN COMMISSION Now York, Juno 0 Al tliu Hrooklyn navy yard today, tlio arrn,orod 'crultcr IJrooklyn wan placad In commission lu pursuance of onion received from Wash- ington. Tlio Brooklyn, it la understood, trill 1)0 tlio fbgahlp of Itiar Admiral Cotton, commanding tlio European naval station. Who will relievo tlio ciuUcr Chicago, which will return homo for1 rojiulro. WIFE KILLER HANGS Micnlgon City, Ind., Bums 10- Unless Uovonor Durbln Intorvtncr, tlio execu tion of Ora Copenhavor, who has bcon under sentence of death for nearly n year, well tuku placo in tlio slnto prle on l.oro tomorro-.r. Coponhavcti, who ia tcaicoly mora than of legal ngo, was a resident of Ind LrfMffiTO ianapolis and. murder ofTifo yours k wlfo September 7th laet frhorlfy atlor their dinner hour, on tho day of tho taKcdy, Copcnhaverj works as tho prcdnctlon for tbo tlx callod his wlfo to tho door nnd without montha it J.COO locomotive, which ia n wnrniiiKor irivlnBhor un IiiUHpr of his 'equivalent to two thlrda of tho total cut Intent, drow n largo revolver from his ' put for 1002, when moro than 1.G9Q on pooket and flrod four ahota al hor, thrco uine wcro turned out, hroAkinc all for- o( which took effect. Tho woman died ' i nt tho hoepital without calnliiR con eclousncia. Coponhavor, after falt,oot ing bin wife, candy walked to a neigh boring etoro and telephoned to tho po ilco elation, informing tho dock qorgoant that a murdor had beon commit ted, Ho then nwallnd tho coming of tho po lico and ourrendorcd himself. Jealousy was itBcrlbod ns the mollvo for tho deod. Coponhavor was cpoodllv tried nnd con victed of. murdor In tho Jlrat desroo. Anoppra'.'o the tuprcmo court nffordod no relief to tlio condemned man no that tribunal upho Id tho verdict of tho low er court. CHURCH FESTIVAL .. OBSERVED 'Vienna, Juno lis Cor pua Ohriet Day was colobratod today with tho cits- tomary mognlflccnt cccloolaotlcnl enrc- mony. Kmporor Frnnoio Joaoph, tho Archdukes, tho principal officers of TBtato,aud tlio municipal nuthorltloa tferb present at high mass in the cathedral at 7 o'clock in the morning. Subsequently tho whole body paraded tho principal stroote, headed by the clergy and ban nora'ofevorjr ftatlshMn the clty.V Tho 'Venerable Emppron walked. bareheaded, carrying lltfhUd candloj behind the host, IN HONOR OF GALU SHA GROW Montrose, I'a., Juno 0 I'romincn cltizena of lb le and adjoining counties, without regard to political afllllnllorio, united today in giving n monster reccp- Hon In honor of formor Congrocifinnn Ciluthu A. Grow. Tito Affair uao n testimonial to the public ecrvlccs of Mr. Crow, who, for mom than half n century roprpM-iiltd tlio district in Congrcei. Hpctchus eulogizing tbo pergonal nnd public chancier of tho vcncrabloctatce mriMVcro delivered, ntid tlio nitinlc for tho occallon was furnished by n church cioir of WW voices. " THOUSAND ENGINES IN SIX MONTHS Philadelphia, I'a., Juno 0 If they uto noLdUsapuhitotl in their expecta tion, tho Ualdwln Locomotivo Works will by tho first of next month have turned out tho K'patet number of fln IihcdcdnosmBnylBlx".nionths'In,lIlB- tory. Tlio mark flsod by onclnlaof tho mcr records. Of tho 1,000 locomotives the grout majirlly ore on orders placed last your. Tho number taken thia year will koop tho works buoy well Into 15)01. COAL B'ARONS CONVENE Indiana polls, Ind., Juno 10 Mich Ignn and Indiana retail coal dealers con. vened in Indlauapolia today in ninth annual oceeion. Mayor Jiookwaltor wol- corned tho vlsltora and tho rosponbo was embcdlcdln tho annual address .of il.. prb.ld.nt of ihenmoefaillon, Itobort Lalco, of Jackocn, Mich. Tim ned of n fixed rnto to both wholesaler and retailor was tho principal subject dlBCuesed. Tho convention will end tomtrtorrow. DRUGGISTS ANNUAL . MEETING llloomlngton, III., June 0:-Tlo mom Jbora of tho lllluolu Pharmaceutical asso. elation nstomblod In Bloomlngton today for thoir annual meeting. Thoattltudo to be adopted toward tho combines and tho cut-rate mjombora of tho Jratornity, and moiuiren of loulelatTdrV particularly. raitectinK the drug trade, are amdhg the Subjects to receive auenuon uunng iu sesBTons,' which are to continue through Thursday, MARSHFIELD, COOS COUNTY, OREGON June .12. 1903. EAST SlJlOUIS UNB -evee in the Flood FIFTY THOUSAND MAY BE RENDE8ED" HOMELESS WMMMMHMMMMM Ten Thousand Lives Imperiled Real Es tate Men Bitterlu Blamed-8hirkr ing Negroes Shot Bt. Louie, Juno 10 After a deiperato but futllu blrngslo against the greater flood it was over forced to combat, Kist St. Lonio is this morning in woeinl ton- v t dltion. T.m thoutanil liomelcsi Jbtb , .. . ,, thrcateaidkWbsIafamUlM are penned up in their garrots end on tho roofs, nnd 2,000 havo rought rcfugo in school nnd church hnlldtngs andaro now priconors. Tho city has appealed to St, Louie for boats. Many must bo roecuod this morning. Tho water otanda threo to thirty feet all over the Eastern half of tho city and houses nroconotantly weak ening and falling, At 8 this morning the flood swept eloar through to tho river in a swirling whirlpool of contending currants. At 0 o'clock it was cutting its way under tho ov.t Broadway ombnakment thrcatzning tno northern half of tho city. The de struction of Droadway embankment will cutoff Ml mcana oicscapo. Coneorvatlvo catlmatca placo tho drowneJ, whon thu embankment gave way at midnight, at 80, aud other esti mates aro as high as 100. A thousand ninn worn worklncr on the dikes wllOH break came. Forty wcro swept ' a n n mhac ond half 9 nmn? WOr0 I ............ .111 i. ..!. Iamah itnnfn tvlinvA "HiipuHua tu owiui .uo uuu, ..... many vomon and children wore filling sand bags, Tlio Torrlblo confuolou en sued whon tho broal: camo, makes nil eatfmatoa of Iho Iocs of llfo very uncor tnin. ' ' It nppoara that tho ontlro city of Easl St Louie ia doomed. Boforo night ovory portion will bo under tho torrent and fiO.OOO peoplo will bo rendorod honiolcBB. Appeals from thoro thia afternoon say that not leas than 10,000 Uvea aro Im periled, and) boats, tklffa and every available floating thing ia bolng rushed across the river, It is just learned that two Hegroee were shot ami- kJlUdujust before e break last night. One' had been, worx log Boveral daya and atWnda !. ERWAT CD En Brg&ks Letting: ale par, and threatened to break the dike it it was not forthcoming. Seven men fired nt him at once. Another Ne-gio on the Illinois Central levee ra- i,; . -t ,..-. ,. .', fused to work and was shot by thcgurail, iVwark'mtra'rtJpVtheMTfisodWo Days, anothor Negro drove hie horea into tho flood repeatedly rescuing people tVhilo making further attompts, both horso and driver woro swept away. At 10 oclock thero was four feet o! water iu tho residence portion of East rit. Louis, andhuu-lreds of famslios hero fleeing for tticlr Uvea. Two hundred and fifty militia men havo arrived and others wilt be cent East Broad way has been declared un safo, and mllltamen havo thrown around tho danger zone, keoping crowds of homeless peoplo from attempting to return along the embankments in order to save their belonging. Tho wator- ia rising rapidly and the river atago in now over 39 feet. Tho United Stales District Attorney Dyer, in tho namo of tho government telephoned today to tho Wijrgins Ferry Company, ordering that they ecizo all vailablo yawls and boats, rogardlosg of owners and rush them to tho strlckon city. Groat indignation la ibtt over tho dis aster, as people had amplo warnln g bur were ignorant of tho truo situation, bolng lulled falsa security by a cotorio of bnBlnoss and real estata 'men, who Issued vigorous denials of danger; as they wero fearful of the effoot it wquld have on property values They ovon went so far as to assault a St Louis news paper man sent to dospribe the floou and broko all cameras, ' 4 The pressure of tho flood forced va passage through tho Illinois Central railroad embankment in the south east era portion of East, St Louis, shortly before '1. o'clock this morning. The to brtak speedily widened nntU torrent . ,:' j .u.'.,. one nunarea ieewi,ua i feet deep Po-l' -gb wd tbmtwlnfj Prscantionary Jcveea had hadliecn rented for Just such an emer gency, but were swept through m tho flood pawed onward. The had carcelyVlept owing to the flood tension and whwi the rash of water cama eoon afterwaraa wore not caught fn their bflde,'ro through the ttreets shouting a waruintr, and eoon the peo ple, half mid mith fright, were fleeing for their lives. About 2,000 people live in that part of tho city which Is in the flood's path, I and it is believed that fully half the number will ha rendered homeless. Just what the exact condition ia cannot ba learned. Thnre ia no way to roach East Bt. Louie from here except by boats frofen the east entrance of the Efds bridge, aa the viaduct over what was CipnVa creek partial) sank yesterday noon and no one can cross it. Liltio can be learned from the stricken dictrict by telrpone. MARTIN VS ARMSTRONG TO MEET TlU M'n. Tn..fl MTVi... VA t w '. Slartis and Bob Armttrrtfae two bi cblcriMli'lie7we4Ji(iiievt,el4(Ji,tBt night In a 10-ronnd boat,-before fee Tammany Athictie club. Followers of ring sports, basing their calculations on the showing made by the two big fight ers in tholr previous occountere, are looking forward to a hammer-acd-tongs affair from gong to gong. . The last time Martin and Armstrong camo together was in a six-round boat in Philadelphia. Tho fight was oco of the most vicious over witnessed be tween big men. Knockdowns were ecored by both men, and when the bou terminated they could hardly walk to their corners. Contcrvllle STS dBfP -SBSJgx-Jtf tm t aSJTBP TBy -';iMi .SBJJJJJJJJJHSJr MAGNES & MATSON HEADQUARTERS FOR UNION N0.24- BOTHNER -PARKER ', TOMEET T New.York, June 6 Davotees of sport are dirplaylng considerable Interest I:t the wrestling boat to trtko piece tonight between Ha?vey Parker and GeorffJ Bothner for the lightweight champion ship of tho, world. The gold mounted" belt' which Is emblematic .of the light weight championship, and which at present is held by Bothner, will, with' the stakes, go to the winner. Both men haye bees training falthfolly nnd an interesting centeet is expected to be the result. .STUDENJS .- , DAY OF' '-. . ' GLORY Greencastle, Ind., JncelO The an naal commencement exercises at De ' Faow University were held today In the presence of a larpe crowd of visitors. The address to tbegrathMtisg !( delivwedbrJajWlliai T, ;Ily.e!tle 1-UniveMii rxmimBKiiB ': . W st Point, N. Y.,Juno 10: Mem bers of tho class of 1033, of the United r t States military academy rucuived their diplomas from the hands of Colonal Albert L. Mills, superintendeat of the academy, this morning. Oa the plat form were gathered prominent officers of the armp, members of congress and many oher distingoishee people ia military and civil life. The first man of tho class this year is Donglas MacArthur son of General Arthur MacArthajr, U. R. A. rnw.ii'V' e i - ''-. WK:irr i ' . " MADlE OOOflSH r U. i" , -'l ,l - : -vtt- -tw-w ? . Ai v, Jrf - "