'S f I to f . $r. i r ? '' . r t r H m 4, ;ti T . F 4. I i a 1 TO .U, ; I A M. ile: J 6 A' i $kf- J THEOLB itajAtffjL pMl AKlH POWDER . Absolutely Purs ' , . THEM IS NO SUBSTITUTE I JlJSTJD local From Thursday's Dally. R. J, Coko is laid up with a lame foot. ""Major Tower was op from EJmplroyea-onlay?- tf Saleaiitc.i aro ehlppfntf in slab wood from Eugens. -w 3L rce delivery of mill began in M'ny on Juno 7i b. S The Salem Journal' pat oat an S page two color Carnival edition Monday. Mr. and .Mr a. . T. CoSelt, of north Coos river, were in town yesterpar t gCg,Ptain Andrew Olsen, of Tenailo, .was in town yesterday on buiineta. Mica Stella Elrod haa accepted a posi tion aa bookkeeper in F. A, Sacchi'a 'store. .1,be Alliance is billed (o leave Ban at 6 p. m. tcday, and is due toeail for Portland Sunday. ,' Mrs. T. G. Tolly committed aulcida Monday in the Oregon insane aiylnm by letting fire tober clothing. ( G. W. Claxton, ol Claxton & Fardy, has about finished pecking, and Trill go north on the next Alliance, to make hi: headquartore in Portland, , , . J. II. Flanagan, .II. Sengstac&.n and E. L, C. Farrin west to Korth Dend lest evening to attend & special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, , The Marshfield b'cseball , team are practicing faithfully, and are mIo making great prepsrationa for their ball Saturday night, which will undoubtedly be f great sacteia. lite. J). M. Hook, c this place, who i visiting in Salem, has donated 25 iotf.in Depotlidditlou to thai city to" the debt fond of Willaitetto University, icom pleting the amount necessary to cover the indebtedness oybat institution, -. Lawsuit 100 Years lid,' . A lawsuit which may probab'ly be .claimed as the oldest in the world is reported from tha Trentina. Inotwo communes ol Gallle audFoza have been for four centuries in litigation for the possesion of an extensive tract of Wood land, which has assumed the character of a virgin forest, with trees of colossal efztj, which no nun darea to touch. Spots aro still pointed out whore 200 years rgo, the two communes fought pitched buttles for the disputed wood. Apparently the Homeric struggle is as -jyfarf rpm cloning as ever... a . .. , i. :"J".r?,H Dally. ,' .. , vThe, Marsbfleld Shakespearian Club i (set Weduesday evening at the home of f ,ErT. U, FfrrJn. J. .Nobje BfelMv,rlyed yesterday - from Henry Hermftnp, o Myrtle Point 75 head of fat mctton sheep. th1 A. 0. U. Y. wtih to annaance that everybody Js luvltevl.jlo attend the cxceriloa to Goquille oa May Mb. Mr, and Mrs. 0. J. Btelimon will tako pa'sMRe North oa tho Alliance on route to their old home In Wisconsin to visit iriendt aid relatives. Geo. Sihroeder, batter maker at tho Coos Ray Creamery, is suffering from a, torero sprain of tho knee, but is able to bs on dnty. 9. C. Brown Is moving tho two build. ing from John 8. Coke's property on Cedar street, and will place them on Mr. Coke's lots ou tho corner of Second and B afreets. E A, Anderson is having blscoal shed oxeavated to he can ran a scow load of coal op to the street and back a truck right onto the icow, thus making his facllitlM for handling coal much better. Ralph Green was in town yesterday, and sent supplies to tha Belt Lineior veyora by gasoline launch p Iathaaaa slough, they having worked froaa Soujb sloagh over to this side of the divide John Grant and family returned yes terday to their home la South Marsh field after apeading three weeks with Mte. Grant's parents on Catching slough. Mr. Grant has' about recovered from hit recent injuries. Three of Miss Beatnii' seventh grade pupils gained honorary promotion this terra, vit; Katheea Bennett, Maud Coke and Myra Campbell. This means that in each of tbejr.j atodiea, . for nino months they have averaged 90 per cent or over. . Coqullle Herald.-J. K. McLe6d is at our water tont with his pile-driver, putting ia the piles preparing .to" eosn plete Job ri repairing that portion of the wharf .sor badly disarranged by last winter's high water. , , 6oiffl a delegation will start oat.tbis t V - 4 EjaprciBg orer the Drain route, Jo attend the grand lodge of Mstsons, Boya!l Arch Chapter and Rebckahs,' including R, Walters, H. Ickhart, 0. H. Merchant Y J, Batler C. F. McKalgbt and K. C. Lee; Vtesdames Chasy Du'ngan, Jas. Forty, Wm. Nasburg and J. W. Lenetf. Coqullle Herald. John landers, who, recently came in from DoogUa county has developed n ttandardgge ease of small-pox. Abb matter of Coarse the patieqt haf been Isolated, slnd it Is to be hoped no one has been exposed, and, it ia alo to be hoped that tbe people will use the good judgtaent to thorough' ly vaccinate. . T,he hospitalities ol Kittyvillo wero extended to the iadios of Uie A. N..W. Clnb on Thursday afternoon by Miss O'Connelf, who entertkined the Clpb In, honor of hor sister, Mrs. MaboJ Jones, QfSan Frapiieco. Th'o afternoon was pleasantly spent and (be ladies highly enjoyed thft outing to theO'Connolte'oJs- urban home. , Luscious refreshments were served and the day was boautlial for tho ride too and from Kittyville. Theiadiea congregated at Mra. J. II. Taylors and wcro taken to tho U'C'onnell home and return by John Bear wljo ten dered the ladles his tally-ho coach, and they all agree that Mr. Bear is tlie most generous and thoughtful man In towft. , Japs as Domestic Servants (Now Yord Preas) - The thrifty Japaneteare crowding In .apldly, picking up aome of the BBOSt deable places. They generally seek positions aa bntlere.etowards, yalets, coolis or handy men'Tho influx is due to,;our navy. Landdmen visiting men i fo'war are delighted with the serviced tho littlo Japs, wliodS all that men can do and are excellent maid as well, As a rule they are e'oibpetjenfijotwttcapg. tble-and industrious. ' A Japanese-took on a yacht gets $50 a month and la ton, ivuina. yiv.i Terlniute Carrier (Mamlllee, 111., Plain Dealer) ' J. M. Carr. carrier en rouie No 04. .out yf gfcariden, has recently been, pip- euioa uy pauone with, the iniiowwg: Four thorobgbrod chickens, three sucks ol'oAtS two Rational)! kraut, twobnthe.s ol oats, nud ii 1-3 doson of eggs. VfObLEN MILL BUILDING ABOUT COMPLIED 0, T. Farris, the Superlalent of con struction, at the North Bend woolsu mill was In towu Thursday and reports everything progressing finely. The structure is'now complete arid ready to rccolve tho new machinery, The boiler tor the engine will arrive on the Signal, which is duo now, and the same will be pat in place, the cnglnt being on dock. When the motive power for the factory Is et tip, then the crectiou of that part of the mill will bs a short Job. Mr. Farris in more than pleased with Uje new building and feels proud to say that it Is the most substantial woolen mill In Oregon. ' He like North Bond and eavs he it' pleated with the change. The stiactnre was completed and ready for (fee machinery according to lila aggre nint. A.caolignsient of new machra cry is soon expected. The new machin ery is to he ttie latest improved textile machines. From Saturday Dally. The Caarina was to sail from San Francisco at 5'p, ra. yesterday. t TfiOs.,Tlboti ttlpsrjtltor of he Booth slough district, was jn tows yesterday, lie reports the femplra- Bandon road now ia good condition as far aj Five mile. - " a Mrs Was. Lawhorn, was in town yes terday, oti her way to her homo alSum, aer froea a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A Stemmeuaann, on Coos River. Road supervisor Xorton hae been at work on the road ftom East Marehficld to aamser for several days, and reports the road bow In good shape for six aailes oat. it O.Carontte. of Bfojfrnavjllo tu struck oa the head with a fhatti! rock Sunday night while stepping from an excarsion train. Who threw tho rock Is a mys tery. The rock split the scalp for a length of several inches. Noa3 vaulting can be mado eo good ai to overcome badness In the store stself. All tile good things that can be said of a basinets wiUfu'll qn. bjajreb groand un' lees the appearance of the store indicate, the ability oi the merchant to serve good things to customers, ' ' A telegram received yestorday from James Keane notifies his friends here that he will not b6 here on this trip of tha Alliance, aq mtonded, but wll come later. It is surmised that his theatrical scenery was ilflt completed tn time by the contractors. ',, v i i 0 i , i G. A. Gould was out nsarAllcgany one day this week with his young huntjng dog and Introduced him to a large boir, which the dog promptly treed. ; Mr. Gonld had nd firearm but n largo navy revolvor with wbioh he pumped Bruin so fa.ll of lead that hegave np.theghdsi. Mr, Gould jays lt vraB,th,o,larBest bear he has eVen In the coaaty. FP.'Horton visited the brickyard 'fa Ca'dhlng slough Friday, ind exprescos, himself as surprised at tho amount ot wcjrk that ls,,: being .'dope theie, Nine matt are employed Ih connection with tire sew brlckmaklng mfchliery, wblcil (forking In a highly saWae to ry mani erandtu.t(inR out.arrtslf .qaaUty 61 brick, 4t '"'S" 1? ;;y. rrebyuriad CHirck .. Pi'achlnjr rfiornln-and evefiinl' ky ItW; faith, S. 8. tflsilonary of Boktliaro QrefW 'HnBy Sch'xjl at 10 n m. 5wrpiiwnJ6nMiTpr- 1W , sDon't Worry 1'eqplo have boon wondorlug what wo'UJ.bccoth'b of thoau Itoboknh o whom' wo slajtod out ycslordny to attend tho Masotilo grnud lodge. 'o don't bclluvo anything very bad will happen to thorn, for thoy wcro not really lleboknhs you know; thoy woro Kastorn Stars. ri - Methodist Church Thore will bo tCRUlar sorvlcos nt tho Methodist Church Sunday: Sunday school at 10 oclobk preaching nt 11 n. in. Also preaching nt S p. in. Tho subject (or tho night la, "Tho Pluamres of Ho lltf! on." All Invited to attend. Baptist Church. Sun, lay School at 10 a. in. Preaching Services at 11 a. in. Topic, Mankind's rllnboaror. TextJohn l:2l. Behold tho J-amb of God B, Y.P.U. nt 7 p. in. Kvuulng Sor vices at 6 p. in. Topic, The Grandeur of Christian Character. Text Heb.1'9. Prayer Mooting, Thurtdny evening at 8 p. iu.' All are cordially Invited. Brush Fires at North Bend The people at Portor and now North Bond had qulto an exciting' tlmo yoster da'y fighting fire. Fires ret to burn up tho brush and trash at somo of tho clear Ing at tho new town woro fanned by tho unusually strong wind into a conflagra tion .that seriously threatened qulto a number ol house). Tho whole population, including the mill crewa turnod out to combat tho (lames, and so far as heard from no tori- .i ous tlamsgo was done, Lots of Grading J, J. Burns, Jho North Bind grading contractor, was In town yesterday. He has ten teams stllf at work on tho ball grounds. Mr. Simpadn having enlarg ed his plana for tho grounds. Thoy will bo all ready for tho game lommorrow. The ditch for tbo water main to North Bond la now complotcd to, a point "00 bolow tho stavo mill, besides a largo part of the trestle work for tho pipo. This 3 Inch steel water main will fur nlsh a water system for the wholo bay front from Mirshficld to old North Bend. ANOTHER SHAH FIRE Department Again Gets Out in a Hurry. , The flro boys again mado a quick run yestorday forenoon, when a 11 ro started in tho roof of one of JohnGoldon's houeos on A street, occupied by T Hall. The blaze, which started from a defective fluo, was extlngushed without tho ueo of the hose, ,' Tho fire boys sro certainly entitled to groat credit for the quickness with which they get out nnd bring their ap paratus to tho acono of tho flro. Conoid, oring that each hat to como from whore oyer he may happen to be, it is surpriz ing to see tho hook and ladder truck and hocu carte in full carter up tho street beforo the ordinary citizen has, time to get out to tho edgo of tho Aide walk and wonder whore tho flro is. Now that tho fire eeacon is coming on, wouldn't it bo an excellent idea for the city council to pu t in forco more stringent regulations in regard to chimneys ' and flues? Ii seems like a Bpcclal provi dence that there are -not more flrep, Whon there aro so many old flrotraps which are a constant- menace to them selves and all adjacent proporty,; MISS WARiJ ARRESTED ffr' 5. McKInl'ey and tho Ex-commissioners on Trial at Portlarid A Portland disnatch eavs:' "Miss V.;I Marie VtyM, cx-comnllisf of the lattd officii at Eugene, wai aussiea ima jtaoralrig en h charge 'of fraud ia oflce -ma . . on a wnrniB8nod in tno federal court HoracomMCInley, her close friend,, who Is goutMlly believed to have pros pered over iMapeculntlons, was arres ted also, Ttey havo boon released on "bonds o! frokL.. McKitiloy was released upon furnlsh tug 920(X) boilds. lie claimed that tho whole thing was a put up job and a con spiracy against him, at the bottom of which was Clyde i.loyd, who la at pres ent tho dotemlaut In a suit for 120,000 brought by MoKltiloy. Llpyd and Mo Klnlov haro boon nt swords points for months and It Is known that tho fonuor hasnldod tho government officials to obtain all lhb Information pesslblo against Miss Ware am) McKlnloy. The government otil'cere who aro run ning down land fraud In this statu are of tho oplnon that Miss Ware has sur rendered herself to the Inllueuco of do- e signing speculators, who have found her a rcudv tool. Uovermnont officers do not dcslro to prosecute hof, If she will become n wltnoss for tho government. Thoy bulleyu that speculators who kavo used hor to further their designs should rather bo brought to justice, Tho charges aro such that thoy might frighten a woman who was lurs gifted with temerity, qr was not sup ported in hor courauo by othois. If any of tho charges against hor can bo substantiated, It will probably bu mar.--Ifost that alio has not mado herself liable by acts of hor own Initiative, but by the promptings of perrons who havo found her plastic in their handr, r lloraco McKlnloy was arrostud Tues day afternoon Iu Portland on a charge of perjury, forgery and conspiracy to defraud tho United States by fictitious and fraudulent entry papers, The specific chargcH against McKlnUy aro that ho "filed fatso affidavit papers In tho office of tho register of ho land of fice of tho United Stales In Kugone." Special Agent Green, who discovered irregularities enough to. force Blnger Hermann nt of tiie office of commis sioner In Vashlngton, has worked up this caao and it is supposed that ho has many others and Is now roady to make thti arrests of tho offondlng parlies. Thene arrests aro supposed to havo com menced with tho arrest ol McKlnloy. SIREQ-f fib NO' SONS. M ' Senator Cuauncny M. Ucihw now woIkIh over -00 pounds, hut ho la iiwiltliler looklnir ttuin over. rnngrvaiiinnu Jnmcn I). Richardson, former Dniiuiomtlc lender of tho hoiiiM, nsxyn lu hax dccldiil to quit1 Milltk and dovoto hliunt'lf tu thu work of Scottlali Htt( Mnxoury. i Mown Aahby, n Peconoc (Conn,) m-oo1 chopper, n-lohrntrd tho Hcvvnty-cltchtli nnnlvoranry of bin birth the other dny by buying his firaf, lint In twmty-llvo ytmrx and IiIm llrtit suit of clothca in foly years. Pi-rHoim cIoro to Htephon It. Rllclns, United StntoH wnator from Went Vlr pluln, miy that out of hlx ninny and vriricjL Jutrn-Ntti ho clcniied up between 7)f)0,(W nnd $8,0OO,(K() Inat year, nnd hi ontlro fortuMu 1 put nt about $50, 000,000. , ' It l noted by tho British pitH tiirtt Mr. Itltflile, who will bo thu mull of tlie hour when parliament renHsoinblcH, nlthoiiKh bi'loiigliiK to n nntlon famed ffr thrift nnd, llnuiice, Ih, oddly enough, tun Unit HcolL'Iminn to hold tho pout of dintKvlIor of tho uxchequpr. W. K. Htiruey, nn export nlnno tunor pf Jniievlllc, WIh., hnB been blind hom hlri Infniicy. Ho Ih ono of tho boat jiidgen of ;u piano Iu tho went nnd ia, beHldcH, an accomplished niutilclnti. Ifo hnH tiflight intiHlc to thu blind lp ItiHtl tutPH In Ohio and WlBcdiialn. ( Kverj'body known tlint Admlmipow oy U iih fino a nnllor (iijfqver paced the weather plank, butijot ninny lire nwnro 'that tho hero o.Mnnlln Is alao a clever whip. Thoailinlral owiih a pair of tho moat npfrltcd horsca In Wnahlngton, nnd ho hiljidlea them with tho Bkljl of n voternn fitngo driver, A gtjod ninny Frcnchhien think thnt Paul 'Dwchnnol, ox-D(rildont of the chamber of deputleH, 1b n coming preal dent of tho republic. It Is anlil thnt ho entortalns thnt oplnloii himself. Ho la young, rich, - clover, tho moat woll groomed politician of Ills party, n fa vorlto In Bodcty, a member of the academy and high In tho favor of tho ttaP. . , .- . ' T Akd nnd jiiwereA Dlgge Cruuklelgh acta like ma r p)jWf How docs a marrieel woman aou Digge-Like ono typMaaMgV Ml WCWciat) TT jiNdLp'ANb JEjJter. f t' nilinatt Tronl.l. , Ifowdy, Mtitah Trouble ...Coinlii Irr itfulroyi . X)U Uo plitra yini lookln' fort Tnko u jfal will Joyl ttunit wua inlHlily weary I.OlH'HOIMO win ilr nUlit Come Iu tcr ito lniiarhlri l.uno yniiK'l In llxhtl Think u wiirl' ! l(mrnmT 'Illcuo lr IhKh jfu rhancel TIi'iiw (litl ino'nln' iirnntl oft Kit Jlno u In iln ilancel -Atlanta Constitution. McrHr n Oucn. 7 Tcnchor-Ciin yon tell me why thn pliieo whom n river uilds la called lt iniuith? ' ' l.lttlo Johnny I dtinno, utilosa It' bt'cmiHo their inouthH Ih yrwm no many peoplo aeeui to go but of huslnorte. I'.hln.iun lliMvint.IlurnliL ,' i , LAW POINT8. . Thb nttorney for plaintiff In the wrl U hull! In DoughiNM ,viTHUa lllnunt lTi). C8 Ii. 11. A. 1)00, to have tho right to purchnso nt tho execution anlii with thu ctmaciit of hU client. A liuhifitnd'N common law liability for hlx wlfo'H torta la held In Henley, vorinw Wllaoii (Col.), BHti. It. A. Wl. not to bo. changed, by atntutca ptvacrv lug to liur her Hepurnto citato and essi powerlifg bur to ninnogo it. An employee U held In Montelth TIsT l ui Kokiimo Wood Knamellng com pttity (hiil.), H8 L. It. A. 044, to have i right of notion for lujurlea caused by, IiIm ninntcr'a fulluru to comply wllfc hlsi atntutory duty to gunrd a drcaVsrw' although the defect wan obvlvua, I ' ' . i Ryea aro nomntlinra intlkmti tf1 be Ing held too itenr tho hea( of'a larnpj nud relief may bo obtain fry ahadtntf uio pyca wiui any om paper. MMU Of 0TMII ArmcHlun KUtd A atrnngo pnlRbmont Is eadurrd by Armmilaii maidens when they have at tained their aovpiltecnth year and art? not engaged to lx married. They ant forceil to fnat Ihrun dnya; then foe twuiity.fotir lioum their foed t eelf flnh and they nru not pcfsaltccl to quench Uielr thlrat. Wonm nd Mail. .. Yew women havo attained any dis tinction as oimpoiorn, nnd yet In muala hnlU or at thcopprn tlw women excenl fhe mint In number anil at? yareut ap IVMIUVM v iiiuetv Hkabavb. ntinbnrh la mnde more'atfeeable tb tho uyn by prworvlng thJ crtsaeda ce4o of thu rnw atnlka. (.'fiooait fhe reddrft; Btntsrn and eook without polling, txt not Nwrvtou until it Is taken frosn M tiro. A tnblciqnonful of o,ranfe JSMco Of frante jshco Piiel. ', luiprovcii tho tluvor of amuim.inf ?nnflorr I'll In rttmatii Miinllmver atulka srathetWI from tho lleldu nud dried In pi lea bavd ontlroly replaced Hrefcood. In factij IIicmo vtnlkn nro preferred even to pine j wood, producing n quid: ami uoi nnmir tire. About 2,000 pounds of aucb w wood aro gathered from nn aero of Innd, thiiN milling n great boon to a dis trict whvru wowl 1m scarce. Sunilowct hIicIIh aru also used for licntiug pur pom not only In prlvnto houaee, bn( In Inrgu fnctorlea as woll. Tbey aro burneil In oven Hpvclnlly prepared fM their consumption. , ; t A To it n Cnder Onn Ttf, Whnt wpuld (lio ordlnnry wosbsus aajr, (o a fumily that used ovury day 20,000 napkins, 12,000 towels, fl,8M aheets. 20,000 platurt nud 18,000 knlres and forkN? Thin la what la required by one of tho Inrgo hotels In Ninv York, at wlrlch n iniiii cannot llvo for reuch lead than $8 a dny. Tho hotel will accomroo Jnto 21,000 m'oplo, bcaldoH 1.C00 Borvauta to wait od them. Vouth'u Cofbpaaion. ' RURAL FREE DELIVERY."" u Sfi IU rulurn ,l)oiniid n tlie totoUaiti of by Hod I'rulilam. t Thn renin rknblo growth of the"wa$ friit mall delfvcry aystcni and the will Ingneait of congronH to npproprlats? money for cxtouMloua fanter than tn uxtmiHlona can bn inndo hnve boon aur prlMlug even to tho moat cntbuelaatic filcmlH of, tho Byatom, Ho far tho.Bya-i torn hnn milled on amixlth and open reus with favftrnblu wlfida. Hut owi It Ih nipldly rtpprdaehliig a region q roclca nnd anagH a,nd HtorniH. Tho great obatnelo to thp geherul spread of tkff rural f reo dollVcry ByMtenf Is tho toleerj nblo'fondB of the, coujiry. , t'A Ho' fur tho ByBUuii ,hne 'only bocn ex tendfcd to cominunltloH'hlcaecd with good rondu. Among tlio.HHiny cowsM: DIED ROBERTS At Allegany, Oregon, Jane 1, 1003, Mrs. 1). Roborts, at,e 13 years, 0 months and 2 daya. Deceased has bion failing fee aome tlmej and hor death was HQtfitespect cdN Alio passed awy nt the tssme "f llefjeon-ln law, Oapt. 0. K. Edward' Ihd'rBttalna were Ofoullt'ito MiTsk itllid'yoHtorday and will be taken to liyf tie Point today for interment. . -- ! .,' t . .y A xkt1" r Sr m&fanmzM&(mwi -H-fc,, V r j '' ' M.. iA -