& f . t9"im irz Mnrshflold In lOOq p Prophoqy THIRTY SIX 'LIVES LOST Wreck on Chicago, ' Marshfield& Cen tral R, R. (Special vilro from lhaeconc, At 4:30 yoetnrdny afternoon tliu over land (pecinl, which left (JhlcaKo Monday ovomIiik unci wsa ilim lioro atG:30 lbt oroiilnif, wliltu rounding a sharp ctirvu near Itemolu station, (truck n Inritoroclc which must havo (alien from thoduollvi y above not more tlmn rt Imlf hour bo foro, nt tliu roctlon patrol had passed ovor tho track not lonuor thnu that. Tho englno and train o( eight coaches containing alout 100 passenccra plunged down tho BO foot declivity Into Coqulllo river. Fortunately tho rlvor la low at tlili time or rcoroa would linvo been drowned llku rata In n trap. Aa it latM people are known to bo dead and at least 100 seriously injured und it la fuarrd this estimato may bo increased. As aoon aa tho horrlblu news vraa wired horo Mr. McCorrnick, matter of trans portation n( tho Chlca(0-Marahlleld Central, mado up a train, summonsing tho corp of physicians and nureee from tho Marshflold Naval hospital and many othor city phytlciana, proceeding at onco to tho icano of horror. Thoy nro do Ins everything posalblu (or tho sufferers. Kuvofal ol tliu bodlva and many ol the Injured arrived in tho Union depot about u.idiiicht. Hundreds ol grief strlckon Irionda throng tho nro.it train sheds frautlcly appoaliiiK for Informn tion. 1 1 BAD FIRE NEAR BATTERY JETTY v a, Causes Stoppage of In- terurban Morning Trains rnzzwi About two o'clock this morning an alarm from tho 7th. war 1 was turned Into cnglno houtoG, which jromptly reapoiidsd, giving chief Nanaon nn op portunlty to teat tliu spood and practl blllty of Ills now nutombllo, both prov ing equal to tho occasion. The flro was found to bo in tho waro liouaoof Uio San Francisco, Marahllold and Portland railroad' having iproid already to the cold-storage of tho Marhfleld, Hong Kong and Capo Tdwn Ship Company. Tho plpo linos mado It neceaaary to atop the Interurban mo ruing tralne, causing a pack of pcoplo which tho platoon of mounted potioco BUimnonseil by chief Nanaon had dltllculty in oloarlng (or tbo flrsmon, On going to prosa the flro ia undor control, flro tuga Qoyaer and Hummlt aro assisting, Tho loos will bo heavy, but tho flro will not renuh tho fifteenth infantry barracka on tho tor raco aa was first foarcd. Tho asphalt of this boautllul boulovard lu, this vicinity ia considerably damaged by outward falltug walls, Startling developments aro expected in tho Bskor City postofllco robborios which woro reported Friday, when two postal Inapootora began an inVoatigatlon into tho mysterious dlsapoaranco of a roglsterd lottor aont b.v tho First Nation al .Sauk of Baker City to Brown k Turn, er ol Oornucopi. Tho letter contained $300 I- currency. The Graves Decorated EMPflESSIV CEREMONIES OBSERVED AT MARSHFIEL'D OHWPSBaMVO tarfje Assembly of Ptoplo Romem bor Those Who Have Passed Away, Tlio G. A. It. Memorial tcrvlcos, wl . ii wero held horo Irr tho I. 0. 0. F. ha ostenlay woro well attondrdj tho liouto being filled to Its utmost capacity, tthllo many wero scarcely ab!o even to And t.tanding room. Tho room was voty riicly nnd fanc' fully decora toil with Hags, flowora, and olhornleo making tho econo not only pleasant but alio improsslvo. Tliu old soldlurs woro allor:cd places In (rout near tho platform and. marched In in n body. Tho program was prccedod by a nico selection of muslohy tho orchestra, af ter which tho liouie was called to ordor by Judgo W. II. H. Hyde, who acted aa President of tliu Day in a highly satir. factory and commcndablo manner. The invocation was next given by Rev Thof. Irvlno, who. In a most eloquent prayer, earnestly thanked God for giv ing us Lincoln and the hero sons of the Civil war, who by their acts made It possible far us to cnny as an heritage, (as wo now enjoy,) tho mort wonderful (rultago (our present grand Uopublican government.) Hov. Irvlno was followed by the read ing of tho "Gettysburg address" by Mrs. K. I., C. Farrln, who did woll, and who so well brought out tho thoughts of that Imperishable document that one could almost roallto tho conditions and grandeur of tho occasion under which Lincoln delivered it, Tho hearty ap- planso by tho audience gavn evldcnco of its appreciation. Mrs. 0, W. Towor next lavored the audience with a Very beutlful, though solemn vocal solo, which added greatly to the roverenco duo to tho occasion. Tho principle address was given by Mr. Hob't K. Lee, who took for a basis In his talk "Sowing and Heaping", and liandloJ his subject creditably. Tho Ochostra from North HonJ do oorvo special commendation for tholrlex- cellcrtt music and wo bollove wo oxprota tho sontlmont of the people ofMnrshfiold in thanking them. On tho whole tho coromoniei woro grand ana wo no liovo that there is not ono person who was prosent that docs not feel ho ii a bettor American cltizon aa a result of having gone. Alter tho services thoy formod in pro cession (or tho comotory. The proces sion was headoJ by Major Towor who war followed by a few of tho remaining veterans not aa many as marched last year. Not as dtlcls of atop aa in CO, not ao yoUng and strong but Just a fow of tho grand old Votorana who wero going out to atrow flowers on tbe praves of tho boys who used to march with thorn. A few moro morchaaonly, and a grateful people will havo to atrow thoso liovtora alono. In tho procession after tho G. A. It. cntno about 200 Woodmen lod by Mr. Korn. Thoto boys thomsolvea wouldn't mnko bad aoldlors, Woodman of tho World woro followed fn procession by tho Women of Wood craft, who woro lod by Mrs. Taylor, Tho Captain of J ho Quarda, Tho ontlro pro cocelon weio equlppod with beautiful regalia suitable to tho occasion, bhlch added much to tho appearance After ropalrlng to tho cerao'.ery, tho Monuments of Mra. Alico Grimes, Mr, W. M. IUohardo, and F. A, Snnlord wero unveiled with opproprlnto ceromonios by tho Woodmen of Ihe World and the Woman of Woodcraft. Tho graves woro handsomely decorated with, an abundance of beautiful Uowore, which seemed to bo asking us not to bo Bolotnn although it woro a solemn occasion. Doing a very 'beautiful day the town was well crowdod with people from Empire City, North Bond, Coot KUar and oilier point), After tho ceremonies thoy marched homo, tho hand playing "Columbia the Gun of llio Ocean' and qlhor plccca toL'iillvcn Uio way, l ' THE DAY WIDELY; OBSERVED Reports From All Ov er the Nation. Manila, May .19 Decoration Day was observed in tho 1'liilipplno rapliai by bolh tho military forces and thoclllxcrie. In tho American Cemotcry, whore the bodies of a consldorablo number of sol dlurs have been burled during tho past year, thoro woro impretslrn services hold undor the auspices of tho official and of tho American Club of Manila. jiku nt.lL hay t.v ctncAao Chicago, III, May 'M Memorial day wbb generally obsarved In Chicago todoy In tho forenoon tho votorans visited the various cemeteries, where memorial oxorciios wero held and tlio graves of departed comrades decoruted with tings and flowers. This afternoon thero wot a monster parado with 10,000 veterans In lino. A pretty ceremony was held for tho first time in Chicago under the d roclion ol the Illinois Association of Naval Veterans. From an auxiliary duller slowly ateamt.ig about tho harbor tho verorahs cast rosea upon tbo Water In remombranco of tho naval hcroo:. who roat in unknown grnvos. TOMU or h'kINLCV pKCOUATTO Canton, 0., May 30 Veterans of the Grand Army, tho Spanish War, and the citizons of Canton generally united today in paying tribute to tl.o memory of President McKiulrv. Manr beautiful floral offerings to be placed on tha tomb of tho latu President wero received hero last nletit ami today, Including wreatba from Washington. Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg Hiid Eastern points, Mrs McKinley took tho on flora to Wustlawn and had them arranged about tho tomb. Memorial services wero held at the cemetery this afternoon tinder the aus pices of tho votoronj' organizitionf. BttCnUAK STATUE UNVELLKD.' Now York, May 30 One of tho chief features of today's observance of Memo rial l).iy in thn metropolis was the nn vulling of St. Gaudons' etatue o! Gen. Sherman at tho Plaza entrance to Cen tral Park. Secretary of war Root de livered tbo oration and Grand Army veterans, ueguiars irom uovornors is land and detachments of militia took part. AT LINCOLN'S TOM11. Springfield, III., May 30: A gen oral obsorvancu of Decoration day was held In Springfield today. Tho cero monios at tho tomb of Lincoln in Oak Itidgo Cemetry were more than usually impressive. In tho forenoon tho graves of tho eoldiers wero strewn with flowers, and on tho aurfaca of the Sangamon River flowers woro cast in honor of tho memory of tho dead naval vetorans. UNVEIL STATU OF m'KINLEY Adttms, Mass., May 30: Tho horolc cast bronso statuoof Prosidont McKin ley was unveiled today with impressivo cxorclBCs and in the presence of a large crowd that included many persons of promlnonco, Tho statuo represents the Proudeut In tho attltudo of delivering an address. It Is mounted on A pedes tal of granite on a triangular plot of land In front of tho library, of which Prosldent McKlnloy laid tho cornor stono on hie visit to Adams n few years ngo. as tho guost of his friend, William B, Plunkolt. TORNADO -VISITS GEORGIA Atlanta, Juno I Tolophonea say that a terriffiu tornado visited Gainesville Bhortly after noon today and probably 100 potaona wore killed. Eight viotlma are hurried boneath the cotton mills, and eighteen wero killed in the center of the town, where they had Bought refuge lb a ator6. The worer 500 fn tholmlllalwhon tho Btorm came. Tho list of injured ia very great, bat the actual Hat cannot be known until the debrlaol tho millis Roared aw,, i '.., t.; , , . rztrr. Emineut Actor Coming ArranecmontB haVoat last been con mm mated lor the appearanco of James Keano and his company of uniform cv cellenco in a repertoire o( Now York successes. Mr. Keano Is well known here and his success in the Knstorn pro diibtloris has long been known by hia many ctbso friends. James lino long had a doilro to vhdt hivfriouda and relatives in this part of llio country, but he did hot feol that ho could rparo liie time It would lako. Js his rervlcos aro bo much in demand hv IiIb profession. Conre quentlynn effort was made to get )iirn to bring his company to our city ami filace business with pleasure, thus glr ng him a chance o renew old acquaint anccs and to glvo theater patrons nn opportunity of seeing his work. Mr. Keano is one of the moat prominent young actors in tho world and linn been Identified with nothing but the Very beet attractiona Ho has rnKagid a very clever leaning lady In tho person of Miss Lillian Albortaou, who slanda high in her lino of work, and who has Won noticeablo in many eastern hits. Other members of tbo company compriro art ists of raro ability with unequalled rep utation, Jamoa C'Niel, who has a record of brilliant eucceea In New York City bo, introno of them. Tho engagemonl will opotf next Mon day. June 8th, with tho play of Monte Clirieto. Seati will bo on ale tomorrow. Thunday. at W. J. Butler's. DECORATION DAY AT SUMNER SCHOOL Decoration Day was celebrated in the Sumner school, of which M'eh Gibbr ia teacher, Friday afternoon, Many visit ors woro present, and tbo following pro gram wai ably can led ont: "Battle Uymn of the Republic" School. "Memorial Day," Alta Archibald. "Cover them over with flowera" May Selander. "The Starsond stripes" Six boya. "Tenting on tbo old camp grounds" School. "Character of Grant" George Belan doh "Grant aa a soldier" Fred Stock. "Life of Gen. Grant" George Catch log "Lifo ")f Gen. Leo" Nettlo Byers. 'Gettysburg" Winnie Selander. One in blue and one in gray" Myr tle Boon. "The bine tod the gray" Agnes MatUod. "Flag drill" School, "America" School. "Tribute to the dead" Six girls. The following took part ia the flat; drill: .llia neianuor, amy oeianacr, ucorgv Selander, Edith Solandor, Winnio Selan ' der, Jiaamie Stock. Frankie Stock. Beth- Ul oiuv, .. uivv., .'... .a u...,y, C'n.1 C.o C.vl, Hr..tl TT.r.I. ' Rath Harris, Alta Archibald, ChasBoone Myrtlo Boone, EfDo Oatthing, George Catching, Bertha Catching, Rudolph MattBon, Agnea Mattson, Medford Les ter. Stella Grant, Nottie Byore, Miaa Glbbs, tbachtr. After the exorcises, they repaired to cemetery abundantly laden with flow ers. Mies Ides. M. Snyder, TrtMBNr o( tfc Brooklyn Ksit End Art Clab. " If wotntn wouM psy mors atUatlea to thtlr health w wouls hsvt mors happy wlvw. mothers and oWhtsr. sad If they would obitrve rtsttlte they weald (lad thst Mm doctors' pnscrlaVjoai de not perform the msay stsres Uvsy arc jlvea credit for. " la eeruolUflj wWt my druW he sd vised McElres's WkM el Csrtfuisad Thsa ford's Blsck0rMifM, sad so I took It sad have every resseN to thank Mm fer a new life opened up to me wHh restored health, and It only took three months to curs me." Wine of Cardial Is a regulator of the menstrual fuaatloas aa4 M a most as tonishing tonic for woaaett. It cures scanty, sippraseed, toofreausnt, irref ulaxsMjUnMenstruatioo, faUlajr of the yfcBb. whites aii icdir4f . It is, Bflpful whset ftpttfehMul woaum- Suentiy brings a dear baby to homes ist hive basa Wes lor yart. All druffglsts havo J .00 bottlM of Wiae WlNE-CARDUl m A V I -af V I I f aaMBaaa W - M XEAKLY HEALTHJ)AY Provisions of a Novel Mcasuro In- 9 troduCed in Utah Legislature. JMnbDM a JLnl Holii1nrof ft e First Iloudr of October AVhn Ererr Ilalldlnfr In tiim ttnt Mt Uo Cltnned and I)InlueotU. ' "Health day" fs the name of a new legal holiday created by a bill Intro duced in the Utah legislature. By its provision! the firat Monday in October I to be the .algiml for a general clean ing up. On thU day every person In the state mmit clean and disinfect thoroughly dwulllng houses, stores, theaters, public halls of all kinds, nnd, In fnct, every building frequented by people. City councils, town boards and commissioner ni4' Ih'Atn'ictcd to en force the law, and there is a penalty of $50 for failure on the part of any person to clean upnnd disinfect as pro vided. It is made t.Se duty of the tat board of health to prescribe the ill. Infectnnts to be u td, and the local authorities mutmnl inspections and proKecute any perao "J who fails to make a thorough Job t if it. The sponsor for 1;he measure ia ItepresentntiTe WHUam E. White, a former Colorado man. The bill has met with considerable favor among the legiclatora and ft iv said to stand a good show of bcconiLag a law. "I believe such a measure a this will be a great help toward preventing ds," declared ltepresentotiv White. "It will also educate the people nlong sanitary lines." SERUM CURE FOR PlfEUMONIA. Said o dare Ilcan tHaetTrd bjr u ItaUUiB S-rBta A. Nw Tnicr- h cnloals Svroia. Profs. Fanicht and Tizzoni hyc In foriru'd the Academy of Sciences of Bologna that they hare discovered te bacillus of pneumonja, -.vhich, they aay, multiplies in a most extraordinary manner. They further say that they have successfully experimented in de stroying the bacilli with n rabbit ncrum In persona suffering with pneu monia. ' l The Vienna Tageblatt credit Dr. Margorck, a young Viennese bac teriologist, attached to the Pasteur in stitute in rarii, with.the invention of a new tuberculosis aerum, which ha been successful in a n amber of cases at various dates since Prof. Koch's tuberculin failed 12 years ago. Prof. Schroettcr, laryngologist, and Prof. Wefchselbaum, bacteriologist at the Vienna university, testify that" Dr. Margorek is a serious scientist. Iney nunnt, tne possibility of the ,arvai I achieving what ia claimed for I tile (llscoverr of mirh a itrun . . .. merely a question of tia. xJUtOBU AfxgR FQiKT ( Bodle of Bfaa'"WIC. mm Xathr Aro UMCoverra M ma Meaaa Af1r I 'in " "" , . I f, A remarkable funeral haa taken place at Colyton, Devon, England. The em bsJmed bodies of Mrs. Jenny Kingdon, who died 40 years ago, and of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Barah Jane Gibbs Kingdon, who pasnd away IS yeara since, wore inUrred adde by aide In the presence of a large number of townspeople. Mr. llarry de Spencer Kingdon, a' man of very eccentric habits, has Just died. After his death the embalmed body of his mother was found in one of the rooms of his house, and that of his wife, also embalmed, waa dis covered in the greenhouse. Some years ogo Mr. Kingdon built a mausolsum with three sarcophagi for the reception of the bodies of himself, nis wire ana mother, ills own body ' was not laid to rest with tho other two. . , - ...i NEW FACTS ABOUT MOON. I . Aumiatmnt Profaaaor or Aatroaoaar at llarratrd riKouraa Oat tbo Altttado j of Cratara on hc SatellUa. William Henry Pickering, assistant professor of astronomy nt Harvard, has made a discovery Interesting to astronomers. Dr. Franz, the German astronomer, publiihed two years ago . an exhaustive treatise on "The Moun tains and Craters of the Moon," in WUICII uic inuiuue unu longliuao Ol each fountain and crater were care fully worked out. , Prof. Pickering has been at work recently on a new atlas of the moon, and he has discovered that no account has been taken heretofore of the alti tude of the craters. He has discovered that the latitudinal and longitudinal measure of each are greatly affected by the height. . Student' Coatlr Ktasoa. A young student at Oberlin col lego has paid ut the rate of $37.50 apiece for two kisses which he stole from a fair coed. The student had accompanied the girl to a college en tertainment. When he returned her safely to the door of her boarding IS rtlttotfc no M lf (Wl ItAaO f lftaa Ik L 1 Ajm J MaBBBBVl .ISIfif-' ffmMOi p Vjlgg"' Iior twine. Tlio voiinar wntnnn rrf. nnrted the nftnlr to tho denn of tin. (woman's department, who effected jthe rcrnll of a $75 scholarship which thoyoung man preriouaiy enjoyed. 4 Maachaarta Itomolr Mna'a llefflK. ''A Minnesota man committed aui Icldo a few days ago because ho was liomcly. He should havo gono to MaHftehuertt, say a tha Chicago Ilea-(ird-IIcrald. There are iwilmcn down thoro who don't' m$$ )lttla thla uko-tbat. .: ; ,fc., , .. I J " irc'sr froposUtpu. s tyenrgus sot nbput the "eforrrinUorj nhd alteration of the itntB of Hpaxta 'nnd wa.8 advteed, P7 one Individual to redueo everything to an absoluto pof ular equality, ' JWt ycurgns astonlrrli. cd bim by saying, "Sir, supposo yon begin the, reform In your own bousefJi CMnid,aolAUhh. Ono of tbo rarest and most expos. irlvc of Chlnesoigoldflshefl ia tlio brush talL a pair of, which sella for $1,000. probably thcr,oMa no othor living thing -of Its sUo,adVlght that is worth .M xoachfjoooy L.u Nasal CATARRH U til Its stacos taers fbaui ok cltaBllnoM. 'Elra Creas Bain JeaBMa,eoothMaadhtIs ihi'Sittuti roeabrtoa. lit earts caUoa and drlraa Ikwafacotd..t&elMsd ,'m ii EJM2W WTr'n'MWjFM Y ,Wi 'm&2ifvK ISfeHWo Croom BabjB.tsjl jcad aato tas BoatrlU, spr4X " arer tha Esaabnaa s4 J aUorbed, Bailtf la bo mvSUU tad a earajfoUowt. It Is 'sot &cjlt-&6 AotprfxlaeaasMztse. LvgaSlxa,SeeatftbTUt fUtiorbymiU; TrUtSUt,leaakirlBll. X1.T BRC)THJtW,HWoraWotvir.'rToik, HK YEARS' 1 TtXFKRieNCl? Dvatojaai " Ccmmmrn 4. An in aa MBStna a akatak and daaarieUao.au inkaqr aaoartain oar opinion fMOJtbaUior ao ,liiTnfloo l probably oalaoulila. COMialeo. tloMatrloUTOOBSdtatUl. Baadboab, aaa kP.tnf- V"S" Mor for aaaieoloao 1'iiiati Ukaa Urooch Maoa ScoTrae l I'ausu usaa tbroocB Maoa S15. raoalTo lWcWnotU4,wllboatkirmm,lmlm ,T Scienfific HmtrkM. ' AkiadaoaialrlUaitraioSfrMr. J Jfnoit ate. ealatloa of anr aetanUSa Mirad. Tarni. at sowrt foarsontai,Si. Sold bif aewtdaalarj. WmWii I I a(SBIaMbJB IUUt IIMMU Our Xonthly Publlcatioa will, keep you posted on our work And methods. Hailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN of any responsible hous. HHaflllBVsfllsPHaKJ aft laVmiarvll it IllkDl tl 111 I I l'j twna moaei. iceloa or photo ol 1&tcqUoi tor .VViViM USA tSBfcCUUHUlU. VOT ITM DOOsXo adTRIDE-IIIIKS 2T JpMiltt) U. I. Paten ol WASHINGTON D.a vi.it DR. JORDAN'S shwat! MUSEUM OF AW1T0MY' wiimnn.,uinmsifs,aia. I TTm Uuji.t Awuwkl Mwuaiai wwta. WukwM. t ( iMowt 4Imm MlUtrir re? inw M. aWttW-OIIUbtCfW )KN iraiLin ttwMtji nSbMOii r, ' CoMrJMltoa n ud nrtctJyDttnML TmmmmmA i y t.W'- 4 A tSKift " l ud,ikkM Vitt w Soik. rani.oaoi' j ' iiiii.n. UA.U.MM aaaM. IX. ,kiim CaHaari ML MWMN ft tfu IMI StaMSS um. l I V L J yjnra.v ; -,1 ., 1 -.'! r""