mmmmrm mmmwm!mwm9wvmmim .Vjy.- '5i'y.wv,pp-,X''p?f9si 'fyTOSWKyr,j - iV, i;,,.nflKH,iipif" w- ''. i 'na 4t , . .. . IL, m I k ii fl ft- BIG MUDDY RAGING. Kansas, Qity Suffering .ft Heavily 14 mm. LIS? VEhY LARGE AND THOUSANDS. DESTITUTE :i Bridges go Out and Big Buildings Qrum- Me-Towns are Wiped off the Map Kansas Citr, Juno 1 The river was if feet above low water this morning, having risen lour feet five inchei during the night. A cold driuling rain con tinues. At Hannibal and Milwaukee tho bridges, the last two connecting us with I,' ; cntiltk world, aro standing. r.o known death Hat tbia morning was 20, and 22 olhrra are believed to be drowned. Fires in the flooded lection aro all out, and there are no care, light or water. Thousands of industrial concerns are tucpended on account of having no water, for their boilers. -Newspapers are Issued as usual, but the editors say they may have to suspend, on account, of hav ing no paper. Heat and vegetable sup plies aro atmost txhauttod. Tuo.ealoont aro closed by police orders to kqep, tho city orderly. Forty thousand, are homeless in Ar gentine Armourdalo and Kansas City, Kansas, and destitution extreme. Wa goni loaded nh cupplea bao reached Armourdale. Buildings in the west bottoms, the manufacturing and wholesale district, re continually collatping and Armour dale is pifcctically wiped off tho map, "Vhol blocks of three story buildings have tumbled away. The liver has cut a new channel whore the toyn was. Only tho tops of, the great packing pouecs remain and they show, signs of crumbling. Hai lam is. goco. Is is impossiola to estimate the dam ago or loss life with accurancy at this JMapshfield Victorious time. At 10 oclock the Third regiment was still guarding abandoned property. Orders have been issued to-shoot thoives on eight. There is imminent danger of all tele graphic communications being cut off within a few hours. Systematic re'scue work began this morning, of those penned In tops of tho big buildings on the bottoms. .A nar row neck of land to the couth is now all jthat prevents the city from being an r island. A portion of the Hannibal bridgo has just gone out. Last of 100 men imprisoned in tho Scbowari-Child packing house have been lauded at tho bluffs. The steamer Colombia started at 0 oclock to endeav or to reach Parville, where 200 people are on the roof and in trees, according to information brought hero by men in row boats. Topeka.June 1 Threa steam launches did excellent rescne work today and at 9 o'clock this morning ail thoso who hai beon clinging to the tops of trees were removed safely. Some of those seen in the trees when darkeness settled last night are believed to have fallen off from exhauaton. Many others were rescued during the night. Conservative estimate of property loss this moraine make a total of 12,170. 000 and tbe list is continualy increasing. Two thieves caugbt looting a store noith of Topeka with boats were riddled with bullets. A Vigilance committee has been formed, Those Buffering from contagious diseases are located in tem porary hospitals around which a line ol soldiers and epecUl policemen was placed this morning to ccforco the quarantine Tho Cbiel ot Po'.tco places the loss ol life at 175, bat admits that it may be either half or three times that number. Early estimates .of the number ef homeless were not ovrordrawn. Be tween 8 and 10 thousand aro destitute. It is probable thatGov.Baily will bo ink ed to appeal for help. Neighboring towns have been appealed to hurry forward,, provieious as famine threatesn. Heavy rains fell last night, and the rivers aaain gives signs of rising even higher. Col J north wind aida to the misery of the refugees. Atopf. i v . Wo woro unfortunate in not noolng tho man after tho -game, Thoro was ribbons mid ennea to spare; Vrhljo long hurrnha for Marsliflold wore heard from every quarter. About 100 of N,orth Bond's good and' jolly people who wore enrouto to Ban don, joined ust the depot, The Blue an JYcllow boys had.woll neigh worn'out thoir cuaalng department boforo poach ing Marshfleld, but woro little eao priotod thanwhon going up, Tfhe acoro of thoMnrebfield-Coqulllo gnrno is given bilow. Marahflold Lob Sb Bjynton 2b Wright p Jacobs 0 Ferry 1 b Ktnguolf Iborg o f Bhort i AB D 3 5 5 G S 3 4 Yfickman r f 4 R 1 O 04 1 0 o M 0 1 0 0 BII 1 1 2 0 t 3 0 BB I O M 3 1 0 1 vo o i 1 12 0 0 1 1 0 A 3 B X o- o U l o 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 AB It C 12 10 27 W -; I i (.- DEGEATS COQy.LLE IN LQW GAME " 'North Bend Meefs Defeat at B,andon . BD tw Sea Tho-.Mariliflold baBeball'.crm scored another victory in their game with Cc q-WIe Sunday. 'The gamo was played at tbe base bull paik, and was witnessed by a crowd f iicorly flvo hutdroJ peoble, about two hundred or whom came from Marsh field. The attendanco was some what small- er on account of the threatening condi tio.i of tho weather during a. m ii proved, however, to bo a model base ball . diyi the afternoon being clear ftt-d o '.;:w..e favorable. T to grounds wcro In fair condition but the bos played poorly and there wam't touch to tho came, Nefzger pltchod a fine g tme and that Ccquillo lost was pot hia fult; Ev3Sithfl Jmd he eld fth) poor support which he 'arshljlyW W to ? . Ccquillo Johnson Benham Johnston Lor en i Gage Prey Smith Howell Ntfxjer 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 BU a 1 1 o 1 0 1 1 0 BB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rc it 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 o u A 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 tered hits and struck out at bat 10. He gave tickets to first base butout slde'ol this pitched a good game. John son landed well at bat and made 3 bits during game. The Marebfleld boys played ball in their old way and no great errors wore made by any of them; yet they did not play swift ball owing possibly to the reason that they didn't have to. Hi Wright pitched excellently strik ing out at hot 12 men and allowing onlj 9 bits. Jacobs behind the bat aleo did good work, Tbe cheering was immense, there was uo rude or uncomfortable features connected with It, every body, rooters and players alike seemed to be in good humor. Af tor 'the garao the MarBhfi old boys gave three cheers for the Coquille and three cheers for the Umpire T. E.Lyons, MrLvoni umpired the game In a highly satisfactory manner to both eldos. Tho trip was a characteristic AmpiJ can basoball excursion, Going up there was wide speculation, while such expresions re "If we win I tike a now hat," I tale a pair of new shoes," etc were quite common ; andone man was so modest as to only demand 40 gallons (a gentle and reasonable do-4 mand indeed,) . Totals 33 2 0 0 20 0 4 SONS XHD HITS 11 Y INNl.tdS 1 U .1 4 5 0 7 8 9 Total Marsh field 0 110 4 0 10 07 Coquille 0 0 0 0 0 110 0-2 SUMMARY Two base hits, Short, Boynton, Loh. Earned runs, Marshfleld. 4 Coqulllo 1. Struck out by Wright 12, Neither 10. Double play, Wrltcht to 'Boynton to Forrey. Umplro Lyons, Timo of game 1 :35. NORTH DaXD V&IUNIIOX North-Bend 3; Bandon 4. That was the score ot Sunday's game at Bandon. Tho garao was hotly conteraed and the aroused the wildest enthusiasm on tho part ot the spectators, but unfortunately tho best of feeling did not prevail and the North Bend boys returned home In decidedly bad humor. Bearing in mind the graceful wy in which they took their defeat here a week beforo. it seems that the Bandon team muBt havo done some very offensive work to arouse the feeling which was manifested. One of tho North Bend boys says: "Baum is easily tho best pitcher In the league, but there their ncord stops. Tho game they put up was anything but gentlemanly, and Bedillion will cer tainly havo to mako Streib play de cent ball, else tho animosity will run high between Bandon and the other teams." The North Benders also say that they got the worst of it in the decisions. Tho features of tho gamo wcro Beaton' threo bagger and Saunders' catch in right field. Graham pitched good ball and was ably caught by Bliss, , Following Is the ffcoro: LIGHT VOTE CAST IN COOS Returns From Larg est Precincts With Table of Election, Last Election day passed off very quietly in MnrJiflold. In fret" thai e was nn un comfortfcbjn apathy on tho part ot tho voters, and the voti fell fur short of tho cast in tho last election. Returns from tho county, asfnr as heard from up to 12 o'clock last nlk'ht aro glvon bolow, a table of the vote "cast for Toiiruo and Wcathorford in tho last election for comparison, t tf J a! 2 Precincts ? i g gcr - ' ' I i- W IS 30 Utirton Prairio Bandon Coaletto Coos Cllr Coquille North Coos River Coos River Dora Empire Enchanted Fourmllo Lake North Marshfiold .'outh MarshQeld .Misiouri Myrtle Point Newport Norway Parkersburg Prosper Rlvcrton Roland South Slough 8 u mn or Tenmilu Dter Prak 14 IKK 7 i fin' 3S 65! i ml 23! 14" 20 ir. 3i h1 ir, i is; r! 15 rr n ii Ml i i'l I i 33 'i m f.V 21 177 31 31 3V "! i 10V no 35 tot no 131 ao 2.t 17 li 104 4 1(1 15 21 54 0.1 15 27 10 15 20 10 North Bend AB R lill VO A E McKeown2b 4 12 5 0 0 Heltmullerlb4 0 10 0 0 McGinnis ss 3 0 0 i 2 0 Bliss c 4 115 0 0 Beaton 3b 4 0 1 2 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 Saunders 1 f 3 1 2 2 1 0 Clary if 2 U 0 0 0 1 Graham p 4 0 2 0 2 0 Totals 31 3 0 21 0 "U Bandon AB It ,'JH PO A E McKune 2d 4 0 0 5 10 Westerborg ss3 0 0 2 5 2 Streib lb 4 0 0 7 0 0 Adamina 3b 4 3 3 Oil Pelland If 3 1 0 2 0 0 Oawoll c 3 0 0 8 0 0 Schofieldrf 4 0 2 0 0 0 W Oswell c f 3 0 1 0 0 0 Baums p 4 0 0 2 4 0 Titals 32 4 6 20 0 "Jj 1WS AND HITH 11Y INNI.VOB 12 3 450780 Tot J North Btnd 10 0 0 0 0 11 0-8 Hits 2 10 10 0 3 2 0-0 Bandoa 0 10 10 0 0 2 4 Hltt 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 -0 BOHlUnY Stolen bases, McKune, McKoown, Three bast hits, Adamina, Beaton. Two bee hltH,,Adanino 2. let base on balls, off Baum 3. off Graham 3, Loft on basos Bandon 8, North Bend 7. Struck out by Uai so 8, by Graham 3, Umpire, Hutch a sou, HERMANN BY 2,000 SalerrTune I. --Douglas county gives Hermann 600, Washington county 500, Mar- jion county 1 25. Clackam a s county gives Reames300,Polk county 25. Oth er counties not heard from Her mann is probably elected by 2000 majority The abovo covers tho situation up to 12 o'clock, Tho estimate given tallios with that of tho Oregonlan, recoivod in a private message jN SUNNY CALIFORNIA Marsiificld Minister Enjoying Ills Trip DieAn 'Coast Mail: I loft "Wrttsonvlllo nnd tho Pnjon valt ley, tnndo famous by its marvelous ntriuvborrloo and applet, May lUth and was soon whlrlo4 thro tho Immense wheat Holds ol tlioRallnns valley, Then wo oxpurloncod tho only really warm weather I Iiayo felt slnco leaving homo, hut boforo night wo woro running down tho uoashoro nlontf tho far famed Snntn Barbara channol, which body ol wntor reaching some 80 inllos north and south, was as smootn as a mill pond, bulug protected from tho ocean swoll by n serlos of Islands, Whou I roachud Santa Barbara, n hentitful city, of 10,000 peo ple and n favorlto wintor resorts for tho Rockololloro nnd othor rich people, Mr, Frank Smith, a former Mnrshfloldian, mot mo and took mo to his houeo for tho night. Uo hni bought property thcro and is well pleased with his new homo. I spent a hvppy night thoro and thott camo on to Los Angoles the next day and so had a most delightful rldo (or a full half day thro California's groves of (walnuts, apricots, lemons, oranges and grapes Tho General Assombly of tho Prosby torlan Church, of which 1 havo the I honor to bo a member for the fourth timo, Is n magnificent body, half minis ters and half laymen, CCO of them In , this meeting, gathered from around tho world, Tho first popular mooting I at tended was uddressod by mlsslonaricn from Persia, Syria, India, Slam and China and was presided over by a grand, nil round American, who has been round tho globo. Tho opening sormon was preached by a Professor In Princeton University, distinguished as a preacher, teacher, author aud poet. The sermon was as simplo aa (tho Gospol Itself and yet 11 was deep and strong, rich and !n spiring, Tho presiding olllcer for thU assembly was elected as a representative of tho Pacific Coast and the middle west. Ho Is tho Rev. R. F. Coylo, I). I), now of Uenvor but formerly of Oakland Cal, a man of commanding presonce and power both as a man and as a pas tor arid preachor. For some years the Presbyterian Church has been agitated by tho ques tion of crocd revision hut happily this question is sottlod with groat unanimity nnd tho only thing for this assembly to to do la to declaro tho now atatement of doctrine adopted and in force. Su Business moil nro prominent In thin Asspmbly, -and no one Is more uo than Mr. J. 11, Converse, of Phllndulphln, president ol tho groat Baldwin Locomo tive works of thnt city. Tho a very busy nnd n vdry rich man ho gives n great deal of timo ns wall ns money to Christian work, As n rulo tho most nctlvo tnon in tho work of bottnrug tho condition of humanity nro the most not tlyo In business. Men lllo (Jouyerso nml Wnnnmnkor not only give thoir money hut nlso them solves to Gospel work. They should havo many Imttnn tors. Tho mtislool tho Assembly Is grand nnd uplifting. Tho choir of tho I in. mnnnel Church Is snperb. A lady plays tho great plpo organ. Tho Teunesseo qunrtet, young men Irom Tenn, nro vory popular, Then when 1500 people, 1000 of them men, sing "Nsnrer my flod toThoo"or "Coronation" ono can scarcely rcA,llxn thnt hit Is on earth. Tho effect le tungl cal. Tho Los Anglos pcoplo aro dolngovory thing (or our comfort. Thty not only entertain tin but gavo us an excursion to Long Beach Saturday nnd a lovely lunch wlnlu there. It Is a beautiful city o I'fOOO people on thesoa Isandgrowlng rap Idly. A friend of mine took mejln hi buggy and wo did tho city In fine stylo. Somo wont surf bathing and others on Joyed tho rink. We also have free tickets to Mt. Lowe, ono of tho grenttst attractions to tourists, and thoro are hundreds of slht seers hero. Thoro Is not timo to con It all. This Ii -Indeed a wondorful placo to visit. F. 0. Sthakuc. Los Angeles, May 25th, Xruul Catarrh quickly yield- to treat rntut by lily's Cream Halm, which is ni;rco ably arcnatlo. It I rocolred through th noitrlU, cleames and heals tho whou nur. faco over which II dlfroies lUolf. Druggltt toll tho 50o. b1ij Trial size by mall, 10 cont. Tct it and you are sure to coutlnus tho treatiuont . H Announcement. , . To accomtsodAto thois who are partial to tho uto of aloiuixrt Jti applying liquid Into tho naal pasiagos for Mtarrnal Irou Uti, tho proprietors propari CroarnBalm in liquid farm, which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cro.ini Balm. Prho Including tho spraying tubo is 75 cents. Druggist or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho mod. lclual propertiM of tho solid proparatloo ' J ! SI If IUU ni5N IU AUVtII5t 9 ;; IN ntWUPAPERS 1 1 ANYWMBRB AT ANYT1MB CU o or Wflt ; ;E.C.DAKE'S ADYERTISIRQ AGEHCY J X A A. Jt mm ft .a Sr-t Sk V ""5 merenwu' uxeswags) BAN PBANC15C. CAU T fsjssnaif ! tm 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m h t LUMBER WANTED-8RVEKAL INDUSTRI OUS persons in each state to travel for houso established eleven years and with a large capital, to call uron merchants and agent) or succesuful f nd profltable line, Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of f 18 and all traveling ex penees and hotel hills advanced ' in cask ench week, Experlenco not essential. Mention reference uud encloso' self-ad-drBod 'envolopo. THE NATIONAL, 331 Dearborn Bt,, Chicago, That Is what we huvc to,5qll and wq cnu Till nljjordqrs fpr, any and al), kinds, e The quality is gunrantcd aijd the price, is Right. Our Stock includcsjmything required in Fir, Spfttce, Red aud White Cedar, , SIMPSON LUMBER CO., 'phone main i5i NORTH BEND, OR nil 1 1 1 nii iVitii imV 1 1 1 hi 1 1 1 1 n in 1 1 1 1 4k it 1 1 1 1 unt A .. 'v IMJlH). 1 'fssi WW OMMMWriMMaMMaMbll tpawwji MMMhtUi1 m BK