wvamw H &&to&re$im&a c ' i PJ . i H, . . , , . if - k ' ' ' A f WE&ftL Y M CO ASf MAI t it ( - h, WWIWW-""" II"- II" .11 - I . - ' ............. VOLXXf. EASTERN FOREST ' FIRES ttolngGreat Damage to TimWr er esideitts Fighting b w .j Fop Lives Ulta Fjrili,June 4-H'treit Arts con tinuaers, but conditions 'ro tliiititly 'iwprovedowlng to the favorable direction of tht wind, which is atajsUnf tlie flrp fighters. Several of the jmrrqeudlng towns art itill ID Immediate danger . , New York, Jute 6: A fogllte hum ciuhiI by smoke of (orcit flrei eonttnuta very den tod aeylgatloa) It alflloqll... e & Bangor, Jus Jllleatloa In qrth- eastern Melee ia. terrible. najdrtde- oi tne nonet, tooutaiiat or aert a 01 jum fear, ud many mlla and factories. liaVo V bean deitroyed. The Iom will roach into mlllloai, v raf ytli,Jof 5A tawaof 60 bouses and etaree art wiped oat and JJiany real ' dtuti art tarroufd'ed by ataiflghtlng for 1 their Uvm. Tin town of JEliswoorlli is In tho same situation. ( 1 Tklrty fine residences of XUploUm ars burned, tad the; residence portion of Danforth la bnrned, and the Inhabitant! are fighting tp save the.buainess section, Tho town of Guitar la alio doomed. 8t Albans, Vt. Jnne 0 Eisx county .forests art ab)ate, and handreda aro fighting between Ilarton and Uciko. Tht daa U'enormoua. r, ..-I . SOUND i rift'rli?' ! (''Win . . i .V r: A-feRecent'Actidn--of ')? W Navy '"Department" ':"'ri hi.i' Saattle, June fl iut, Chambar of boaawjarct propoeoa to talf a up tht navy Uepartnlppts, robarge oa Drorkeni' and tho Puget Bounq navy- yara for trie J purpose of forcing tho issue. If no oat . Iifaotloa it obtained fiom the .df part,' ( tnent thty will tppal to the PrWldeutj and ftUnx thire will make aa ayptal o the 'tori CO;fagres. v " . It la bollerea 'that'.thw'a'ioitlle tteHJ wtt IwfJ bji!tAllf6rnl? ia . in. Ittiof Mareishuni. TOET vinvmn. I I ll I V J rare FILING ' IMPORT . . FREIGHTS Hal'nidn of Interest Desired. By Competing 'Carry- ing Lines Now Vork, Juno 4 Prollmlnory tlcpa townrd a renjuatment of luiport freight raUi, which will liavo for ita object tbo atlahliohcnontof a world wldo "harmony of iptorot," nro to ho taken at a mcotlnt; of frame representatives boun In this city today. Tho confcrcnco cinbrneos rapreeentativeB of tho tratllcdepnrtrnont of Western lines aod tho Import Com mittee of tho Kastorn Trunk lines. Tho chief aim at protent Is to whip into line certain delinquents who have caused some trpble.At Miwpurl rlyor points by not ptotorvlnc tho alnhlllty of import rales by way of Gulf portc aa compared with tho import rates to the sntno points by way of Atlactlc porta. The probable o!tab!ihtnont ot an Import committee for tbo Gtllf portey and a better rate situation in conee qnenco, w'll bo merely preliminary to a rcfljmtment of import rates,, which will b of more wldo roaohlng cigLlflcanca and whloh ib bolna much dlecusael' anions; trnfllc' men. This will bo the establithment of or.e rato from-anyifor- V., ' .,. ,.,. r..,.., viUii pori 10 nuy poini miiuu uiiivu CUtes and w.lllinvolvo tho co-oporatior of tho steamship lines, At proicut there aro two rates tho etearuslilp and ratlrodwh!ch nro nddcrl. tocothor tc make the through Import rtto. , 'This. nrraiiKcmnnt hns resbltod In eoy crol instoc:a in ft rato fro n foreign porUo an inland point lq':s than tho Tftllratoi from tho points of manufacture 1 the. ITrtited Stateo t.0 tho inlaud, dittin nation. This tended to nullify tho. ii vj iiiu tiuiiiuaiiu iimiilMiiuintcr oi nil1 protective tnrrin and was! criticised It t ! jVfeftaAtI iHAhii.i" jLk .hral-..l by the Interstate Qquitntco.tloVm at a recent Icqulsltloa.' . x lmiseion '. rft. . is oldest Tvyirfr ; fe ?& . t .:.'i.:-v LIVING IN Olfl ' ' NEW ENGLAND Winsted, Conu., June 3 Joel and Jonas Hungerford ot Wattown, wh'o are' the eldest twlm living fn New Kog land and perhaps in the United States, celebrate their eighty-seventh bjrtuda ;todty and toaiorroSv, Jool having beta burn June B and Jonas June 4, I8i(y. Both ars, farmers, hale and harty, and thali- nelgriWra ete& AtV pukjiYed to til wii'lSrli whteb.' 'they look m much is 7 far.- v(i- ' & alike.; 'jteuy natens cd)N on MW twins tihJr.y and etened ccugraHitations, " MARSHF.IELD, COO Sc2Tu ".r ENDORSED. 4 WITHOUT RESERVi - ( OhioCori vention Backs Roosevelt ,- Hanna Comes in. For e Re-election Columbus, June 4 Honna called, the nomlnction eoajlon of tbo State Kep ublican Ponvontlon to order at 10:30 this morning. Foraker was namod for permapent chnlrman, and tho harmony arrange monts in ado last night proved effective, Hanna and Foraker appeared aide by side on tho platform and were wldly cheered, Foinker in bis apeech com plimented Hanna, and predicted hit re election teTlfo'eenat, and paid "al long tribVto'foKoOBcrclt. Nt 'i pick presented the to port from the, commltfca on resolutions, unqualiflcdiy endorsing Rootcvolt for tho presidency in 1001, anil promising the. support of tho party for Hanna for the senate. Tko platlorm concluded by uaring t that nionopolloj aro dlrqctly amenablo to the penalties provided by Republican legislation, their vigorous enforcement in concreei. No worthy Intoreit ia 1m poriled, but whatever will work public harm ia restrained, and that too with nut recourse to tho Democratic plan of destroying all Amorican Industries through tariff provUione, v Myron Hcrrick was nominated tor governor, and Warren Harding tor lioutcnant govorcor acclamation. VICE PRESIDENT ; ftoBART'S STATUE IN NEW JERSEY 1 . raltcrson, N, J. June 3 A etatue of bone-iGrretA. Hobart, the lata Vice - Pros! A.& dont of tho Unltod States, wca unveiled ''I hero today with IntereatlnR coremonies and in tho presence, of n largo crowd. The.atatue stands In front of tho City Hall,. UUso( bronxe, lifo-uied, and la tbo work of Sculptor Martini .of New York, CONSUL GENERAL1 GO0DNOYfLEAYE! N Shanghai for Kome Washington, D. 0., June 3 Tut State Departtaaat iaadvlied that Vnittd States CoBHl-Oeaeral Goodnow al Dhangkal aad Wong-Kal-Kah will leave Shanghai odaV J roate to Amsricat , . -.i The tHHHll ebjtot el their mission h.nl) i toaasents M the CJu'aW eahlbVat ttio Louiaional f " ' ' V ' I I'ureliftefiipotltlo, NT Y,r OREGON Junb .ROOSEVELT'S f . '; 'LAST PAY. -, . OF TRAVEL I Speeches and Dedica tions galore Mil be in Washing ton Tonight, DIoomingtQD, III. ,June 4 freaideut Roosevelt was astir early tBIslmprnlng, prepared to begin the last tpeh-Qiak lag day of his record-breaking traosees. tloental trip. After breakfast at theUotel Illinois Uie President revied the big military parade. The soldiers gara a rousing greeting to the President, who repeatedly bowed Maackuowledgemetita as the troops marched by the reylewiSf BtSBd. Immediately a her the aWeu waeover tho Pmhttat aad'klt parry boarded their tpeftl train and departed for Lintolo and SpringOcld, Lincoln, III , June 1 A crowd of Mr- era! thousand people congregated sboet the station this morning and' welcomed President Roorevelt during Ills ten min utes stop here tnroute to Springfield, From the rear platform of the train the Presidont delivered a brief speech, - Springfield, III., June t President Roosevelt spent foor hours in the cap ital city of Illinois today and the wal- 'come he received waa one of the most mthualastlc ho has encountered oa hla ong trip acrcss tho continent. The chief event-p( tho day waa dedication of the magnificent new armory building. Ten thousand persons occupied seats in 1 tho auditorium and many more were crowded into the alnlcs and other placet whero standing room cou Id be lied while ihoy' listened to thePresi dent's eddrets. Tliough th dime was' cxeedlingly lim ited in view of tho long program of pub lic functions the President found time f for a hurried vls'tHo Lincoln's tomb, whero he deposited a bandeome wreath on tbo sarcophagus ot the martyred President. - At M orlock tho journey was returned. Stops at Decatur and Donvllle late this - afternoon are the laat scheduled foi the i longett trip ever uadertaken by a Pres idont of the United 'States, Tomorrow mora Ing thoFreaident will speed'aMost Indiana and Ohio and sometime abcAit nightfall ho expects to bo back In Wash ington, 1 'Coming on Areata ' San Francisco, California Juae, 4. The Areata sailed at nooa (Wednet '.'. day with the following passengers!; Mrs D Williams, Mrs '0 Pickett, J McKee, . , G Rogersi R Jones, RUurfewa, W Alas IfVI., I0 uuuua, j vu! -w h, I and two steefags. i ,, t ' kiaaii m. icirina ifvna m u -mwmwwmMTm 0. 1903. soYth . - 4me!rican rit : TORNADO Spreads Havoc Among Shipping. . 'Many Vessels Wreck- 4d an'd Liyes t&l ' i-( i. Loadoa, Jaee 9:.LlByds today re- Keved a diipatehfronl Valpariaio re Vdritag'tEie'Ieeeef toe Vaclfic Steamer fotttefa& Cseapany't steeaaer Ara- L . "i ajwit)) jtt W t)rteas aboard i&eluiag 'vmAt4h ajstoerew. '.' , C " ' '5Tbeettpl I pkaialet etha X oral large and aeagt.Hale war wresueoS la the v - . ttt karkr daHhg Um tie of tke Utt twe days. t TkeyM'a4aa-. eittltrsM eW tUjhreMe dcaiMK. C.pUla Taal ot tka Arcqaebi etWtvftiito run out lassie'' lull, batwM HaerV'Pait broadside o end fonder i H( i Otkeablpe ware wrecked, laclad- ing the JBrltleti ship Foydtle; Ue Gtr mak b'arl: Pereimaeen and Cbiieaa eark Kwiulto. (The Toydele atrd)c the breakwater. Six ot the crew eai "the eiptaia'a. Vllt ahd bob ware' drovatU. '. the' Ferkirn mon'acrew wertall savei.but the Js ijulto lost two d! fcer crew. V Seven teen tarVirora from the wreck of the Arqniah have beeb rescued. aaLZ!ra.BF-Tsr .i ataaT!aaLaj tM JJlsfgFt3iBWPtaw I I aVJB3aflBBmmBmmmmTC lzBatlv'Jsts'BBB K fggflgB' JsraaBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IdAfiNES I MATel ' UNION MADE GOODS NO 23 mm .. WIDE PriBsnt, Size of Rlyer at Burlington . Rises tvypFeet More H & Louis t ;iX BarNNfltoa, Jaeaf;-! The flood sllua tloa hfiryi WHs'.fTlw lave aeetb of V4rat; 111., broke teifa'y eattln OCDki'raktisk eerviee Haareda o . . . ' . . . i. tmt vMMt Mier, Aad crept are da- atroyed. the) rlva kete is sew' elgrJt mi'.M wldi: Te lalliDittataVra aband eslaff the lew laadH ft. Le-aftv. Jaae -rTbe rSyer reee sweety a Ia4 tcapVtV'aalUiib" e'etoek thie afS)iit TWB htj4te4 weftSflv - ' 4 rt. tka - I es f!tbeJr 'oaaet la tke Venlea bop- Vbya1- ' . s. another nlvV TENJHOWAIttTOK.'. . v AtrANtlw'LmM ")JoVenhagtl, Jaae 8 The new lO.OOtf. Voa twin acrew'atlMmpMp United Statee of the VaaViM-'AsaefieaB liaSs parted oaaw'sMidM trip aeroee the Atla'a'tlt'tay'. The United Slates is tkir'aaw stmiUlp of the SMndisai- I .i- a r 'laa-Amerlcaa Una Vt into cemmiHioc during tke last twtlVe months. w vl '1 h a. T - rf - rJat-r-nK.-2uiKaisjeLsjnBfMw