Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 23, 1903, Image 8

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Absolutely Pure
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From Thursday' Dully.
J. P. Wilson, o! Sumner was doing
business In town yesterday.
Miss Annie Hetty?, of Falrview, is
visiting her fitter, Mrs K. J. Coko.
A now sidewalk is vciug laid in front
ol.the Teale propsrty on Front stret.
Mrs. L. 15. Kjberlom U visiting rein
ti.es in Portland, expecting to bo gone a
cxuplo of months.
All the business can not bo cornered
by ono man, but the oae who advertises
beit will come nearer than tho other
Mat Matson brought down a lot of
very fine mcple ami apple blossom
honey from his Catching slough dairy
Tbo pupils in the Eighth-grade of the
Marsbfield echool commenced to take
the etato examination ycEteti'ay end
will finish up Friday, .
It is easier to talk to a thousand peo
ple through the colums of tho newspaper
than it is to got the undivided atten
tion of a dozen in o store.
Deuuty Sheriff E. M. Gallier ie in
to'wn, harin bgrou jjbt over some of the
ballot boxes for tho use of the Bay
precints in the coming election.
Sengslackeu's Pjny slouch camp yes
terday under Hupt. Geo. Nay, broke the
record recently established by the eame
camp under Wm. Tnomae, patting in
fe3 !oe'f.
John Porter, of Allegany, was in town
yesterday, having brought down a scow
load of live hogs to tl c Coos Bay cream.
ery, for which he received 5 cmte a
pound live weight.
The stora with a reputation will have
to spend money for i dvrrtising to keep
tin, reputation intact. It v. ill have to
cpend more money to increase tho busi
ness of the establishment. 7 here is no
etanding still in the bueioees, aud tho
merchant who win a to have business
will have to tU hat he wants and
rna'te some eptcial imlucMaoats to ohow
hoTf badly he wants Mt.
Will Improve Sclml Ground
The Alumni Society met lait evening
nt tho Blexco Hotel Parlor, with Mrs
II. Short. The j rincipal business
of the evening was thu determination ol
the society to immediatly proceed to
improvo the school grounds. They will
be nodded aud otherwise made more
The Alleged Humorists
As they reckon tirao: f'How long hat
uhe been on tho stage?" "Only about
three divorcee," Chicago Becord
', Some one has named a cigar after
Mary MacLane. It emits a blue flame
Mud sulphurous stnoke.-r-St Paul Globe.
! '
Father "Well ray eon, what did you J
loarn 1 1 echool today 1" 'UWo Procter
'Not to SasjTotntny McNtitt." Chicago
Dally Ncwr.
Nath m Unla li ro ort;d to hyo inUl:
"I urn sorry that I nm not n cat, so 1
could glvo nino lire to my country."
Citizen of North Bend has an Ad
venture. Tho first tea-serpent atory of tho sea
eon, tor tl h section comes from Frul
LUieuthal of North Bond. Wo know
tho story io nuthentic because wc hnvo
In this otllco a picture of ll.o Serpent,
dr.iwn by Mr. Lllientlial himiolt.
It seems that he (Mr. l.llienthal) vis
ited tho government works nt tho en
trance of the bay, recently, nud milked
out to tho end of tho jetty in company
with Arthur Bridges nud auother young
There his attention was attracted by
the seaserpent in quoition which wns
disporting itself in tho water a thort
distance further ont toward the bar.
It had a hfad resembling that of n
senl and a sleuder taieriug neck about
three feet Ions. Just back of tho nock
and on top of tho body a largo fore-and-aft
fin projected upward aud n little for
ward, The body was aboot fcur feet
in diameter. The creaturo would raise
its head high nud look around, inspect
ing the scenery, then dive throwing
its tail oat of water, so that tho specta
tors could get n good view of its shape
and 'dimensions.
In hope of securing the creature as n
contribution to the science of natural .
history, Mr. Lilienthal took n shot at it
with a 30-30 rifle, and Bridges, who wns
watching with n powerful glass, says
hat the shot took effect in the neck.
The serpent went under water at once
and did not reappear.
From Friday's Dal.,
Thee. Hirst is etill confined to the
house by illness.
Tho Areata nrrived yestorday, and will
sail at 0 a. m. today.
C. W. Paterson was down town yes
terday, for tho first time in soveral deys
Hoy Twombly is now employed at n
Doty, Washington, in the office of thu
Doty Lumber Co.
Miss Dell Fox, who has held a case
in the Coast Mail office for thu past
six months, returned yesterday to her
home at Ccquillo City.
Jno Telsfsan, millwright at Porter i
will remove his family from North Bend
to his home in Bay City Thursday.
Noble Brothers receive 1 from tho
creamery yesterday 11 flno fat hog
weighing liObO pounds. The largest oiu
weighed ever 00.
Remember tha u lion G. A. It.
Memorial services at tiieliabtiut Church
Sundty nigl t tho 21th. Sp'c'.al music
for the occatiot.
Itev. Peck, of thoMedothlat Church,
h is baun invitod by tho W. 0. T. U. of
Co-jnillft to glvu thoir j -.artarly Urn
paranoe ltcture on Lunfiay night May
Tho Womans Club will meet at th
homo of Mrs John Bear tomorrow nt
3 p. in. Subject will coniUt of current
Topics. A ppecial W. C. T. I), meotiri"
will be held at the eaire place tit 2 'JO.
Muking Lovo: "Aa a moro matter of
curiosity, nit, I Bhould like to.know liow
long you have been making lovo to my
wife?" "I began, sir, when you left
After reading Bev. F. G. Strange 'h
account of his trip down on tho Areata,
Agent F. 8. Dow eays that a preacher
is always n hoodoo on shipboard. That's
tho reaaon the steamer didn't make a
quick trip, as ho prophesied.-
New Coal Mine Opened
Tho lunuol which li bolus put In by
Andrew O'Connor on tho Marshllold
ter Co'a land, west of Marshfleld hns
now been driven 200 feet and is now In
good coal, Ills bolng clonnrd out nud
fixed, preparatory to digging coal (or
usonttho Water Go's pumping station
on Pony olough.
Wm. F.ickworth is now engaged in
building n track from tho tnlttu to tho
works, n distance nt lots than n mite,
over wh'ch to transport tho coal.
Praters Celebrate
Notwithstanding a stormy evening
tho members of Altior Lodge, F. U. A.
obceurve.1 tho Fourth nnulvomry Wed
nesday ult;ht with nplcsaul social all Ir,
After tho regular session of thu ledge
tho Praters and their Invltid tjnests
turned the lodge rooms into a play-room,
and enjoyed themselves w ith social in
tercourse, old-fashioned games etc. At
11 o'clock tho party repaired to tho
Broiler where n modest banquet of
gocd things was enjoyed.
Tillamook in Hard Luck
Thorarific Furniture & Lumbor Com
pany of Los Angeles which wns figur
ing on getting 2,600 000 Icot of lumber
from Tillamook every month," has!
bought the Lyons saw mill, nt Ccquillu
City in Coos county, and this will prob.i
VMJ VW3 iuuiii;Uiiw tmu niiiMUU- j
bly kneck Tillamook out of disposing of ,
tho above amount to lumber to one
company, bocauso wo had no facility
tnr Immlltno Inm1iir irlinonnrM If flisv .
cams hero is the cry set up by tho Html
light. This is hard luck, but must te
endured until wo wake up to tho fact
that fortune favors thoio who got in
and help themselvdB. This applies to
cities as well as individuals. But when
conditions aro practically prohibitory,
no one need wonder that prospective
investors turn away in disgust when wo
fail to grasp tho situation ourselves nud
do nothing to overcame the difficulties
which prevent Tillamook from becom
ing a lumbenug center, consequently
this county is not enjoying tho era of
prosperity it Hhould iu comparison with
other paitsof Oregon.
Complains of the Apathy of the Out
lying Counties
Isaiah! Buckman, of Portland, writes
to (his brother Thomas Backtnin, of
Hast Marshfield, as follows:
"I visited tho Oregon Information
Bureau yesterday and tho parties hav
ing it in charge eecm inclined to com-
plain of tho outlying Counties of our
state for not having tent ,in exhibits of
their products and ttntisticts of their
county resources. Tho enclosed list of
names aro supporting tho Bureau and J
we ft el when wo put up all thu finances
that the counties bhould turn! on their
exhibits and fctatiktice whun it code
them nothing to do eo. Thuro U but1
littht exhibit from Coo oounty. Pluaso
see your board of trade aud Lurry them
Title id a mat tor that should certainly
be attends! to. A small Investment in
tho way of sonding un exhibit would
Hurely bring rich returns by bringing
tho rosourewof Coo Bay to thu atten
tion of KftStern viiitom and immigrant!;.
Tho opitortunily fcffor-led khwuld ,o
takuri ndvantegtt o'.
From Baturday'o Dally.
Commissioner I). Mel ntosh returned
yestorday from tho county neat.
" ' 'O
Alex Stauff, of Aiago, who linn been
in town ti fow days, went to fimpiro
Tho gaeolino schooner, Nollio and
Cresfiio recently built on tho Coqulllo,
has been making a visit to tho bay.
Tho Alliance arrived lust evening,
from San Francisco, and was to sail at
six oclock this morning for Portland,
J, D. Cllnkonbonrd, of Coos Rlvor
was in town over night. Ho says that
22 years ago last night thuro was n
heavy (roet thnt cooked nearly all tho
garden sats on tho rlvor.
Methodist Church
Sunday School At 10 oolock, pleaching
nt 1 1. No services ut night on account
of thu Union Memorial lorvlvus ul thu
llabtisl Church.
Presbyterian Church
Hr.bb.ith School 10 a, in. Public wor
ship II a. in. Buv. It. V. Loo will pieach
Tho 0. F., matting 7 p. in. Union
Momorlnt services nt Baptist church at
S p. m.
B. Y. P. U. Meeting
Tho Young People's Society of tho
Baptist church meets' tomorrow evening
at 0:!!U. The meeting will bo led by
Mrc, C. II. Marih. Come out aud help
these tnsetlngH nlong, you are cordially
Invited to attend.
Ilaptist Church
Sunday school ut 10 a. m. Preaching
service at II n. in. Topic "Living P.pli-
,tles. Text-'J Cor. 3:2,1. II. V. P. U.
nt 7 p. in, F.vonlng Memoilnl Horyico nt
s p. m. Brief addresses' by Bev. Peck
n1 l"'lne. pcclul music by tho sevorrl
d'nlro conducted by Professor Ajro
Ml btf tvadttvd. All aro cordially in-
Memorial Services
Arrangements have bun mailo for a
Union G. A, It. Memorial wrv.Vo to be
held at tho Baptist Church on Sunday
night May 21, In which tho Presbyterian,
Methodist, Babtiit and Lutheran have
ngrethl to join, and in which nil othurs
aru invited to participate. Music wilt
be furnished by tho choice of thu differ
ent churches uuder thu director ol Prol.
Ayru. Addresses will bo tundo by thu
Buvs. Peck and It vine. Kvnry body in
vited to join iu tho service to tho honor
of tho Old Soldiers who have gone
before and tho .'ow that remain.
Grand Encampment Officers
Following officers were elected for the
Grand F.ucampmcnt I. 0. 0. F. : Grand
patriarch, 1. F. Howard, ol Pendleton;
grand high priest, Vf. M. Greon, of
Kugono; grand seuior warden, Claud
Gatch, of Salum; grand scribe, li. ,K.
Sharon, of Portland (r eleclitl 10th
time); grand treasurer, W. W. Francis,
of Ilnlsoy; grond Junior warden, W.I.
Vawter, of Medfoid; grand representa
tive, P. W. Stewart, of Portland,
The South Slough Bridge
County Commissioner Mcintosh In
forms thu Mail that tho roport that the
1 county court had 'turned down" thu
' proposed now bridge across South slough
was tin error. Ho inya tnu Uritlgo was
not before thu county court at its last
session. Tho matter of relocating thu
road to cross thu (dough nt tho tito of
tho proposed bridge was acted upon
favorably, and tho old road crossing the
other bridge was vacated, ro that the
matter teomfl to bo progressing favora
bly, so far, for thu "onbtiuutiou of the
Travel by Sea
Doparttiros for San FrandHCo on
Areata May 22; Sflelecli.J Boseberr;,
T P Caf.eidy, J Cassldy, W J Mahoney,
B II McLnup.hlln, Mm Worlhliigton
and .'J children, Mumlo Donovnn, Mih
Snyder, Geo Snyder, Miss M Manon,
Mra I) V Iloldon, Mra Lvach, UW
Wood, M Nolan, II Carrie, L Barr, J
Brown, T J Smith, It Dinuugan, Mrs
Forsytho, .1 Foroythe, Agnes DoMnro
Mirny Vassal B second class,
Following ih tho full list of paesongore
tirriving from tho south on the Alliance
May 22-S It DavIh, T A Birtcli,.MrB
TA Birch, F II Hall, Mra FII Hall,
Marshall Hall, Victorlno Hall, A S
Williams, John Sutton, Mr MoKeown,
G II Clary, Til Curry, A 1' Campbell,
P II Hayii, F 6 Bassett, 0 Josephson,
II Helghtnuillnr, Fred Vlncont, J II
Htbbnrd, Adalthil Illbbnrcl, Miss Ktta
Wntcott, Mra Kioto OgiUm nud 2 children
Mro f F Krusoii, Goo Williams, Ban
ICauson, M Madten, Mrs M Mndson, li
Madooii, John Trigg, Miss Union Lamar,
Bay Gliamborlalii, P H Weaver, 0 Mc
ILiulty, K Boldortunti, L Drake, J (J
Vnlo, F W McNttinarn, 8 Meyor.
Attendance and
estlnjj Projjram
Tho local institute held at thePlag Staff
school house Saturday nigh'. May lUth
was n very enjoyable nffnlr,
Tho crowd, though taxing tho capa
city of tho.houso would doubtless havo
been much larger had tho wtnthcr been
moro favorable.
Thu thrco gasollups by which thn peo
ple wcro convoyed to and from "local"
provented much discomfort from the
rain aud contributed to tho uvculng't
Thu teachers of tho King-Staff and thu
Bay City schools Mies Huglioi, of thu
former aud Miss Gamblo of tho latter
nmdo extenslvo preparations for tlo
enturtaiumeut, aud if any present fnlhtl
In any sensuto enjoy himself or herself
., , , , , n i . i
through no lack of effort of teach-
It wns
era or pupils,
These ladies aro excellent cntnructora
and aro conicteutiotuly training thu
pupils intrusted to their care, A pro
gram oousidtingol II numbors vnring
fro m rcliml ithool work to tho mutely
entertaining occupied thu first half of
the night. It was Indeed a long pro
gram but it took in to wiJoa rangu of
work and entertainment and vailed
eo often as to hold thu nudiancu re
markably well. Thu fact that thoso
present remained orderly nud nltentlvu
till ucarlv 1 a. m. with scarcely any
appearanco of wearitiosi is sulllcent
evidence of tho excellence of thu exer-1
Only when tho numbers lollowed ono
another too slowly was thulr apparent
It would bo nn Injustice to many of
those contributing to thu enjoymonti of
thu evening for mu to specially mention
some parts which to my mind aro worthy
of moro than passing at'ontion, but
sufilco It to say that thu pupils to
tho smallest displayed composure and
ability, two essentials to sucass (n any
Number forty-four an addross by
thu County Superintendent was called
at 112.15. This Mr Hunch char attired
as hi first midnight nddresr. It was do
voted to different phrases of public
school work, setting forth the ndvautng
es of modern school house with com
fortable furniture and suitable appara
tus. Much of thu apparatus hu finds in
thu school houses of tho comity la of but
little practlal ndrautago to thu school',
and suggested that iu future these alJa
bo purchased nt tho uugirestioii of thu
teachers or County Suptcrlntandontf.
and not at tho importunity of an nguut
whoio Interuit in tho mattor ii purely
mercenary Mr Bunch is very enlhuul.
antic over thu new law providing for tho
coDHolidntlons of run 1 dlstrlcta nud Iho
free trnnHpoitation of pupils, this ho
thli.kH will soon ho taken ml vantage of
in this country, especially where tlo
cullureii can ou transported in ooais.
A baekct-toclul cloauJ thu nights
pleasures. Mr Duiraud nctul us auc
tioneer and proved himeolf nn adept
ul the calling.
Thu bidding rvaH spirited nud nt tlmo
laughable I was not accurately In
formed us to thu amount roall.'id but
think as waa something near ?!().
jSIuy tho instructions tie thu enjoy
ments And ti permanent homo iu our
memories aud ovory foaturu that would
auggeet regrot bo forgotten,
A Vieltlng Teacher,
- To ndd to a cancolcd check tho word
i?G.(jUL.2?-fi8--nl to..dato,'J.;w4Uj la
iiuil in niter ita orroct nn n recoipt, u
hold In Gordon voi-Htin Coin. (V,), DT
L. It. A. 71 1, to coiiHtltuJo forgery.
Tho title to uccrotloiw In held in Do
Lunmih voi'Mint l''iiheity (Mo.), r.8 U. It.
A. Hill, not to bo loHt by tho fact Hint
n Ntrtmiit change Itx coiii'no nud furo
lim Km way through thu mnvly formed
hind etitn tin portion In controvuiny oft
front tho intilii hind. (
Tho owner of hind adjoining a high
way hi hold In Kriinltlln vurmm Durgoo
(N, 1L), ns L. It. 'A, 112, to havo no
right to till ilepivHxIniiM In bin hitiil
which nro niiturnl mitlotii to tlruln thu
witter from tho highway If thu otfect
will bo to cant tho witter bade on to thu
highway and Injuro it.
Tho Prlnco mill Prlncoai of Wttlon
nro tho poiNCHHorH of nluuteeti phtuo,
overy ono of which wnit u .weddlut;
Prlnco Ludwlir Ferdlnniid of Bavn
rin, it coiinIii of King Otto, who hit
panned hli oxtiiiitimtlon iih n doctor
nud who wnrkrt In thu Women' hos
pital at .Munich, ha tliua found nu
outlet for hi euorglt'ri.
Thu German mprcH hit thu most
magnificent diamond, which Him
wear on great occiihIoiih at court.
They aro valued at a quarter of n mil
lion Hterllng. but moHt of them nro
heirloom of tho PrttMlati crown.
The!! Jowel can bo worn only by a
reigning queen, and a dowager In un
ublo to Itutko uhu of them.
HUlnrr ItrtirnlliiK.
Mr. Blnkw-I don't llku thn look of
thnt young mnii who coll to nw
Chmt. ',
Mr. Blnk-Mo look oxncuy na yo
' did when ymi tirt eniin' to eo me.
""' ', iy MK. f(Ml n- tlmir
v.. ini were, nud 'ut I inorrleil
you In plt of nil my parent cottttt
Mty, nud 1 nm afraid that In plt' of nil
we ran ay our riant will now bo Just
n bit: rool o I wa."
MABBIKD-At Kniplni Ollv. May 21,
lUO.'l, nt tho roHdetico of Mrp. Jen
kins, J. L, Pickuring to Miss Alice Jn
kitn. It. C. Le: otllclallng.
Tho groom inn business man of Port
land. The bride, has lived Iu Coos coun
ty all her life, and Is wtdl and favor
ably known on thn Coqullln nud on thu
Bay, nnd Is on o of thu bright and popu
lar you n k ladlon of tho county.
Many lcntitful and tiMifol presents
were received, Thorn present ut tho
coromotiy, besldJs thu mother and sis
ters' of thn brldu were: Air. it ml Mra.
John Snyder, Mr. and Mr. F. P, Not
ton, Mrs. Jus. Hnye, Miss Westlaw
Miss Georglnn Huyes, Gcorgo Snyder.
Thu nuwly married pair will 30 roith
on thu Alliance to thulr (uturo hjino In
FLANAGAN-IiiMnrshflold, Or, May
10, 1103, to the wifu of K. G. Flanagan
a daughter.
From Inflammatory
Would Havo Killed
Our Son.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
Saved Him.
"Wc began to use Dr. Mllcn' Nerve nnd
Liver Pills six years nco. My wife I1.11I liver
trouble nnd a neighbor gave her 'hoiiiq of
your liver pills to try, nftcr which we bought
n botlluof them and my wifu used them tin
til cured. Since then I have unit tlicin and
1 must say tlml I have never used any pill.i
tlint gave mc the sntlif.tctlou thete have.
We alio use Dr. Mllcn' Antil'nln Pills with
greatest sntUfaction. Three yearn ago our
ion nurry nan uiiiammatory riicuiiiaiiHiii,
lie had suffered so much thnt I hellevo If wo
had not given hiht Dr. Milch' Anti-Pain Pill
which relieved him almost hutuntlyliu would
have died. I am nlwny L'lad of the oppor
tunity for praising Dr. Allies' Remedies."
James Kvcrtt, Alton, Ills.
"I was olHlcted with neuralgia foryenrt
and never found any permanent relief till I
began using Dr. Miles' Antl-Palii Tills.
lhy are a sure cure for henduchc and neu
ralgic pains. Only this morning I recom
mended them to a friend with a novere head
ache and In a half hour he came Into tha
store smiling. The headache wns gone. Wo
use them in the family nnd find them excel
lent for the women folk. This high altitude
makes them very nervous. Grandma kays I
should tell Dr. Miles she could not live here
were It not for the Antl-I'aln Pills that she
takes occasionally." L. B, Morris, Helena,
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Head for free book
ton Nervous and Heart Diseases, - Addles
Dr. MUf 1 Medical Co.) Elkbarti InL
TiTTijjiiidf r,frr''"'
,.. .,
,i. ., , 4, .