Ut f . F RESTRAINED OF THEIR LIBERTY West Virginia Coal Miners Kept in Condition of , Slavery Indianapolie, May 19 Editor Soxton, or the Jlincn Journal, the official organ of tlio mtnorr, at noon says that a con dition of slavery cxisisdn tLo mines of tbo Loup district of West Virsiua, and the men aro rci trained of their liberty. If ho can Ret names ho commences action in the courts at once. He says that if given an opportunity tbo mine woikers will eliow that the United Stales marshals and also judges of United States coutts law that these conditions of slavery but have taken no steps to t d them, lit says tbo principles in- e tho biggest fifcht the mine workers have yet oneountcroJ but will bo fought to the end, .And Pftferiil "Kitrftn." "iUy I print a klw on yur lips?" I aW, Aad ah nodded hr wot rermlswlfln: Bo we wft to prM. cad I rather cue Wc printed a lull edition. Tit-Bit. Harder Tlian Flint. , Dashnway You don't mean to say cbe Jilted you? r "Cleverton-She did, old man. That girl has the heart of n motorman. Lire. ., Don't. if? fct. Younrclves do thus. Takc&ro!c lour lime lips were nover uiuuu To hold your street car farr. 4 Chicago Triouat Uevotrrt. Bhe Yon say you are devoted to art. "What is the particular art that you love best? . lie TUou art. Kansas City Times. P ft Sometime Can't. The sonpstcr with a sons to sine Can't always ct to sing it; The poet with an ode to prlnjr Can't always get to spring it. Llpplncott'. ' Do Style Did ho marry her for her A 1 I ... money? Gunbusta Yes, and then Bhe divorced hlin for his. Philadelphia Ledger. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS, Of Oalvttktoii, Texu. "Wine of Ccrdul Is Indtc'd a blessing to tirtd womtn. Hiving suffered for seven yews with weakn:. rnd btr. inj.dowa pilns, end having tritd tv erl doctors and different remedies wltlt no juccesi, your Wine of Cardul was the only thlnt; which helped me, and eventually cured me It itemed lo build up the' weak parti, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams "means nervous women who havo disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can euro yourseM at home with thiscreat women's remedy, Wino of Cardui. Wine of Cardul has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. "Why not begin to get well today? All dnixrriats havo 81.00 boltloa. For i any stomach, llver'or bowel disor I der Thodford's Black-Draught I should be used. I ForadHMaad addreu. rlvlni STinpUimi, TU) LAaitr Aanwrjr iii-pnri. went. TIM unaiianooga uciuuna v;u, OiAtiaoooga, Ttnn. WINEo'CARDUl ! p--.M - "J ' II If wmwA 1 . 1 IrmWW', I 1 v &jK r ' 0 ' STATU AND GENERAL NEWS. Volume Ono, No Ono of tbo Jackson villo Sentinel enmo to our oxcliange tablo. U is edited by Clin?. Mcservo and ia a brlpht mil ejutkliupG papo pa per. Tho Daily Mail sends greeting nnd wishes, tho Sentinel vvery success. Aihland io to havo n ciwnivtl. Tho Kugeno club won first Rftuio in tho valley Lcaguo betweon tho Eugene team and Salem. The score was 14 toll), Tho first application in I.nno county for rrgitttatlou o! title to property un der tho new law ptovlding a modified Torroua sjetem or tcRlstiatiou of land titles has teen made with tho County Clerk by J. W. Williams. Kx-Governor Ocor is itumpiag the destrict for llermnnti. Several eases of diphtheria and scarlot fever are repotted iu Eugene. Governor Chamberlain will deliver a momorial Addicts at Astoria beforo tho Lodw of Eagles on Sunday evening. As delegate to tho annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of tho Diocoso of Oregon, to be held in Portland on JuuoCo, tho vestry of Gract Episcopal Church of Astoria has elect AI the following: J. W. McCormac, E. Z. Fercus'on and Frank Spittle ; alternates, W, F. Gratko, B. Van Dusen and 0. 1. Peterson. T.iey were Instructed to vote "Ko" on tho questions of changing the name of the church organization from tho Protestant Episcopal Church of America to tho American Catholic Church. The track team of PaclQc University was" defeated Saturday by tho Washing ton Agricultural College by a scoro ol SO to 40. reterson, tbo sprinter ol Pacific, did the feature work ol the day when he tied the official Pacific Northwest athletic record for the 220-ynrd dash. cOTcrfn the distance in 23 1 5 seconds. Eugene is raising a library for tho county jail. The state convention ol Lewie A Clark Clubs will ho held in Portlaud. A couple of young ladies at Eugene hired a livery horso to make a drivo into the country. The liveryman told thorn the horfo was all rijht if they kept tho rein away from his tail. On their re turn they were at-ked by tho liveryman if they had any trouble, "Oh, no," said one, "there was ono little shower, but we held the umbrella so that not a drop touched tho horses tail." ThA Eritiih steamshin Oakley sailed from Coronel May 11 for Portland. She Is coming under consignment to Ktrr, Gifford & Co,, with WOO tons of eteel rails for tho Eouthern Taciflc Railroad Company, Tho cargo will bo unloaded and distribvtcd along tho lines of the 1 company in Oregon. Miss Catherine Herfrick of Prinevllle succmbed to black emallpox on Thurs day, A-rich atriko in Eastern Oregon 1ib 'ciuscda Etempcd to Whito Swan creek in Baker county. TbeJcckson counly Dairyman's As sociation will meet on Saturday, May 23. A emajl piece of meat lodged in the throat of the ll-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wtn, Aroon at BrownBville last Thursday evening and St choked to death. The dead Lcdy of an 8 months old rlilld w!i found in tho bay at Seattle Thursday, Seventeen cases of smallpox are re ported to bo mingling among tho citizens I of Felma, Josophino county. No rjuar- 1 antine having been placed upon thorn Tho sugar bent belt in Union county needs rain badly. Dr. E. T. Anderson.' a uliyelclan of Cottage Grove shot his wifo Thursday night, supposing some ono was trying to burglarize their heuso. Tho ball struck one of her left ribs and glanced off. Mre. Andorson had gone' iuto an adjoining 0 j room to look after her children, Andor eou thought his wife was still in bad, and hearing some ono walking in tho other room, mistook his wifo for i rob- J her. Tho wound is a slight ono, and tho patient will recover in n low dayo. Tho big May festival of nutsio lino doted at Kugouo. It wna n islorkuis auccwr. Tho Union Iron Worka of San Fran clsco havo tho contract to put iu n $100, 000 olcctrlo power plant on tho McKln zlo river for tho Lucky Hay Mining Co. Banton county is now on a cash bases and hna mocey In tho treasury, The city Dank at Uakor City has bcon made n National Dank. Word was received at Grants Pass Wednesday that a Hock of IS homing pigeons that woro released iu this city J a few days ago, toadied their destina tion at Viealia. Cal., a distance of 7.0 miles, In 30 hours.- Tho plgoona were sent by tho Visalia Homing Pigeon Club and woro released by C. C, Presley at 6 o'clock In tho morning. The bird circled about town for a short time, then getting their bearings, started oft in n straight coureo for California on thoir loug journey home, reaching Visalia nt noon the following day. Yaquina is to havo a Halt halchory. Tho silo Is located on, Big Elk creek. Del Norto Record. Tho vocation ol tho timborland locators la nearly at an end In theso parts sinco so much land has been thrown into a forest reserve. Tho publishers will bo spared from soma of tho locator soliciting for halt rato publishing, "just;to help tho claim ant along," whllo tho locator charges $100 for furnishing numbers to land, alleged to bo timbered, thogieater part nt uOiMi lmnn't timber enonzh on it to build a cabin and furnish t tenant with wood over winter. E. X. P.axtor, agod OS, who walked from Tlultu to Baker Citv to visit his children, waB taken to tho Salem asy lum this morninc by Sheriff Brown after an examination and order to com mit bv tho countv authorities. Ilia son at North Powder and hid daughter at Alamo are in comfortable eircutnslnncrr , but havo refused to caro for tho aged paront.who is feeble-minded rom senili ty. Roy 8, Hold, 6pedal ac.ant of tho United States Treasury Department, has been nt Baker City examining the sev eral sites offored for sale to the Govern ment for a public building site. Small pox has broken out among Hip Indiana on Klamath river and the authorities at Crescent City arc a: r king an effort to quarantine roada leading in and out from that quarter. Tho Del Norte County Record ia now Vol, 23. Tiling!! will not bo as they woro, as to tho appearanco at Crescent City when tho next 25 aro added to the volume No of the paper. Two bodies wore picked up and are now at Rainer, ono about a mile above St. Helens and ono on the Rainer drift at Mmckel's mill. Tho bediea havo not been identified boicg tco much decom posed. v Ilarver Copeland, U yoars old, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Copeland, of Eu gene, norrowly escaped fatal injury Wednesday by being kicked by a horse, lie was trying to catch tho horeo in a corral when tho animal kickeli, striking him fairly on tho'sido of tho head. His right ear was almost severed and a bad gash cut, requiring several stitchee. James G. Leo of Patlon Valley, is in jail at Hilleboro. charged with tho larceny of a calf. Ho ehonld havo stol en a band of cattle, then he would have a show for acqultal. Edward Kebabian, whom I, 0. Negus shot one week ago at Seattle Wash , be cause Kebabian had demand of Negus an apology for insulting Kolablan'e eister, ia dead from his wounds, Skobaysbi, a Japanese cook in a boarding car ouTacomaEastorn forjstab hlng to death a fellow countyman. Tho cool: was drunk. Therd Is a shortage of water at tho Oregon Agricultural College, The source of supply is a large well, which formerly afforded euflicientj water; hut tile, growth of the college and tho largely increased amount of' water requiaed renders the output of the well insufficient to meat the needs. THE NEW YOKK WOULD Til K101?-A-VKKK EDITION Bead wherever tho" English Language io Spoken Tho Tin lco A Week World was n brilliant succusH In tho beginning and linn been steadily growing ever nlneo. Tltnln tho tostol all thine, nud has set ha mpaI of approval on tho Thrlcn-ft-Week World, which iu widoly circulated in every Stnto and Territory of tho Un ion, ami whoroovorthcro aro people who can rend our mother tongue, Thin paper (or tho coining winter nud the year UHX', will make ltd iidwh nor vicn, if jioftttlhlu, niorit exttuislvo than ever. All events of Importance, no mat ter whoro Jhoy happen, are re ported accurately nnd promptly. Thu tuhpurlbcr, for only onu dollar a year, gets lluco paprra ovcry week and more mux!) and gonural reading than most great dailies can furnish nt live or six times tho price. Tho Thrkea-Woek-World In nbno- lutcly fair In Its political iimvst. far than hlAH ia nover allowed to affect It niwn columns, and Democrat nnd Bo- publican nllKo can omatn in its pngos truthful accounta of all the great pollll iaI I'AfiitiftfiMin. In addition to all tho nown, tho Turlco-B-Wcck- World fiirniohon tho belt i ral fiction, elaborate markttt letxjrtn ami other (onturea ol interest. The Thricc-a-Wevk-Vorld'a regular Mibrerintion nrlce in only $1.00 per year and this paya lor lot" paperH. Wo offer this nnciiimioil newspaper nnu cuki.v COAST MAIL together ono year for t'1,00 Tho regular subscription prlco of the two papers is t-'.50 TIMBEU LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1873.- ' MiTltr; l'Uii I'uiw.it.iYiiu.'M. UnitiliJt.l4 LindUllke. Kowstmrir.OfKKon. April a;, nwj. .Nonce U hrrtby g'" tlwl '" wiiplMnc wilh the pitononhc iwt of CoigteM cl trj. 171. ofllilWAn Act fo ih wle ol TimU-r Unit iu the SMte of California. Vtt i'8. Svvmlii. and W'MliliiKlun lerhlorv." m (utend'-tl to all the Public 1-ifvd SUM by avt 01 AW ,. .RAST ARRV of Couill. county of Cocj, mate of Ore cfiti. lu tin ily nli m thi utfice tut orn vuiriwnt No. 509. for the pwvtMie of the 1a)U.,. to. it and u of Section No. a", in Tonhip No. $ S. oi lUnjee it V. and will olfi-r prool 10 how thil the Umt woicht 1 inoitjiMt4eforlUtiwlMf or lon Uan fvr uaticuliuul tittrpotei, and to rt.itwlr In ck:m to sum! land 1-etofe W. f. IowU. U. S CtnmiiM toner for OrrKOii. at M.rhfiekl, Ore con. on Friday, the 10th &xy f July. iv3- lie names iuilnee. Alvin Smith. Jater Smith, Hank Smith, of .tarbfeld, Ofrgoa. K N Marry, of Dow. thrgon. Any and till persons tUmtiivt aOly llxf alove deKritwd ltnd aie reuctel to file tretr tuiina in m wiit uu i iw tftvcl Jul), ioi. J. T. Mumattf, Re?Uc'. 5- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION' Dentitlnxnt of lb Interior, land OH'k at Koseburg. Orncon. April 8. 1903. Notice u hfly Ki"i ifi "' f"w"iS naiiMd settler hat filed oolite of his Intentwn to mak (iiul proof in support "f li claim, and 1h.1l said proof will be made liefore . U l)ougU. L S. CuronusMiMMr at Marshfield, rjioison, on suy. aj. lyij. vie. k inns' iikXlJviuKSON'. on Hd. K. No 9115. for the Ut it, he. it, lots 3, 3. 4, nee 19. ip. 34 ;., n. iu .... fi iiu. (..IL.uintf ulllirautt tu nrovc his eontmnou arwdence uiton ami cultivation ol mm kind t Victor (JflrUoc. Dan Mattson, I. 1-irson, Jovpli Scli.ippr., of Allegany, OreRon. J. T, IJKiWiLs, Kerjistw. 4-18. TIMBER LaNI), ACT JUNE 3, 1873 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United State I-ind office, Roseburg, Oregon, I'M). S. "53- , Notice Is hereby e'ven that in compliance wllh the provisions of the net of tVonBres of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for th sale ol tlrnlier .rids in tlie.Sutto of Oihfomla. Oregon, No vailn. nnd Washington Territory, ' as intended to all the Public I .and btuies by act of August 4, lt3' WILLIAM W I'KIIIIILIJ, of 191 Monroe St., Portland, county of Hultno. nun, nunc 01 iregon, na un u.17 111c .. ' r.-.-.. I... ..... UNliiinnl Vn IM fnr tilt ntlr. cImucoI theSKiM. of Sec, No. m, IpaOh, l 13 wrl,nn(I will oner proi w mu nu ,,. n sought It more valuable for Its timber or Mone than for agricultural purpoios, nnd to establish l.is clrfim to said land beftre the Kegislrr and Ueceber of this office at Rwcbtirs, Oregon, on lomiay, the 6 day of July, 1903- , Hi names as vtllnetses: Oscar Kuvt.iriW, of Oakland, Oregon, CieorRc I'lnley, Cia'en V Kump, of CrattlordsviTle, drcgon. K N Sinlth, of Myrtle Point, Oregon. ... Any and nil persons claiming ndvcncly the nbovc-dcscribccl lands are requested to file their claims in this cfTicc on or beforo said 6 day of July. i(3- . , , . 4-23-p T. T, niuncr.s, Hcshter. TIMBEU LAND ACT JUNE II. 1878, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Statos Land Ofllco. Itoseburg Oreon. April 10, lOO.'l Notice Is hereby given that In com pliance with tlio provisions of tho act of Congress of Juno II, 1S78, entitled "An net for tho sale ol timber lands in tho Statosof California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Torrltory," as extended to all tho Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1802 b CAL W. WRIOiIT, of Marshfleld, county of Coos, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllco his sworn statement No, '1039, for the purchaBO of thoNWl-l Section No. 2li In Township No. 27 So'itb, Range No, 12 WoBt, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is mora valuablo for its timber or etouo than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to Bald land beforo W. U. Douglas. U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marshfleld Oregon, on Friday, tho 3d day of July, lOOII. He names as witnesses: Jorro Smith, Al Smith, Lester Smith, P B Taylor, of Marshfleld, Oregon. t I , Apy and all pemons claiinjng adverse ly tho abovo-dorcrlbed land.H aro re quested to filo their claims in thlB ofllco on or before said .'Id day of July, HJOU, 4-29- J. T, B.'tmciKH, Register, 1 Nooul Oiilnrrli qulokly ylohln lo treat moill by Ely'n Oroam Balm, which In iiro. ably amqiatlo. It U reeolvcd throtiidi tho uoiitrlls, clcnunon and lieiila tho wliolo nur fnoo ovor which It dlfnmcM llsolf. Drtiimliitii soil tho r0o. Rlroj Trial ulxo by mail, 10 cents. Tout It and you aru ouro to continue tbotrontinont. 4 Aimounccinont. . To aeconunodnto thotio who aro partial to tho uo of ntotulxorii iu npl'lyl'UI Hijnldu lutn Mm ,innl lvnruniMix fnr tilttWI'ndt IfOU Ik 1, tlio proprlotoro prepan Cream Balm In f liquid form, which will bo known rw Ely'n iilqtlld Uromu JlAUit. I'll in iuciuuiiik uio eprnyliiR tubo is 75ceiiln. DniggUU or by mail. Tho liquid form cmbodloit tbo mud Iclnal prepcrtlcu of tho solid proparntlou .t Wo imm'lly olilnlu ItAi. and riirelnti ivjna iniKtolitkotoli or phew or InvmUnn rox (tor renin iui tm fiitmiiiiii KuwltiHocuru I'atoiiUaiul Onnnnll It. 2 Palunf (Jfflna , -r-rw t Mrt aivii 'w WASHINGTON D. O. Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to tho ADVERTISING MAN of nnv rcnnonlhlu house. J5ATJW1 tl A- TIIK nlMtiEMT nKNHATIO.S LVtlirWIIUilU L U PUT G o 1 a p 11 I) I o P o c Ic c t STCIIUOSCOPIl APPARATUS- Tl... a..fillnkl Inri.naitnnn t&'llli IIia trniitii.tff nnltrnl i.ffi.nl. Illflilv llnUlwi.1 1 in diifnrent colora with rich gold nud dilvnr decorations (mounting"). Includ ing 20 V. F. I'liotographs. Views of art (genre.). BBICE ONLY (I 00. Swil every wnere priipaiu 111 luttur 101 in AdLM.S WANTED. LILIPIT STEBIiOSCOPC CO. rOBBE"T BUILDING, Philadelphia CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front and A slrcels, MAItHIIFIKLD, OREGON, jONHSrJYDER, : : : : : :Proprletar rBllilS WKI.L-KNOWN ANDFAVORI'II! J! IIOTKI. lias Imt Ivccii entirely rcfittrd and refurnished throuchoiitand is ae.ilnoen to the public for mtronagu. New beds and spring mattrcate have ber. placed In almost every sleeping room of this liotiv: and neither trouble nor cp:nit hoc been iarcd to put cvorything In lint-class order. TfiHMS. I'oaidand dfng, per week Jj.co ikjiitd.p kVuck .co Sincle.Mer' .. .,.- aj I xvaxsssxvsnataxxsscsrTSJK IGROSGMANN'8 PATKNT WRITING RING Tho mokl Important improvement of tlio ugu iu tlio art of penmaiitlilp makos the poorust writer a splendid poiimau in a few ucukH by tlio uso ol this ring Endorsud by prominent College Prnab dents nnd lloardii of Education in Eu rope nud America. Samplu dozen as sorted sizus sent post paid for f LOO. din gle samplo 2'n When ordering a single riny, statu whether for man, womun or child. ' PENN MFG. SUPPLY CO. No. Ml) 6, Fourth 6t, Phllndclpliln Fast and 'Commodious Steamship fZZlffl$E HARDW1CK, Master. Mukes regular trips betweon San Fran cisco nnd Portland via Humboldt and Coos Bay, calling at above ports each way. Tho ALLIANCE is a first-class pnsoon ger bout, uud lias ull tho mod ern conveniences, nnd is ono of the fastest steamers of hor clues Fo'r'fr'dlgh't and' passenger rates or sail ing dates, apply to f f C.H. MERCHANT, Agt MARBUFIELD, ij; OREdON I-, ror rrto kxik, TRADE-MARKS wr 55?AOTr?r?7VJ3lrOT-TH MAi '.-JlliJVTLWUJ U1.V-UL, J.IW3 AJvM IIM.'I JlN:irlV '41 mI' Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIltEGTOUH! T. U.RIioii .lun,,l. W. IliMiuoit; I'BEM.: mtil, II, Fluniigaii, VIOE rKKS. 1 It. F. Wlllliunii, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. - MAUSIiriKLl), OREGON Tho Old Roliablo Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT 3BSBZE2 Is coiinlnntly milling to its hIock of Oimorul Morehau Jiso, nlreatly tho largest in MurMiilulcl. When you buy nt tho Mill Hloro you know tile goodit uro fir nt class anil tho price is nil right. All kinds of lumbor nnd building material, food and sup plies at wliolosalo and ro tail. Coos Bay Wliolosalo Liior HEADQUAUTEUS FOB II I C! II ('BADE LIQUORS CHOICE WINKS AND PURE BRANDIES. LRADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER pamily Ordcrj fSollcilcd. SOLE AUhNT FOR THE CELE BRATED RAINIERJEER Family orders for Fops, jiints anrj quarts, deli vcrctl by thocaso. Robert Marsdeo. a tardus taasHnnn ,! IG'BE fee. : fl DEALER IN VflROCERIES FRESH FRUITS, VEC1E TA BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE BEST QUALITY. I'BIOES REASONABLE. H F R 0 , E N 0 V S T 15 Hfi EVERY l'UY. : : "A Street, MarshficUl, On n u H&KUH1IIIIIMHMRI1I THE STEAMSR ARCATA. ir. P. NEl.fiON, Mama . Will ITIulcn KcKHlnr TrJiN -BETWEEN- COOS BAY AND SAN FltANCISCO -OARRYING- PASQEHGERS AND FREIGHT -LOWEST RATES.'! Otogon Coal &. Navigation Co,, ic' ' - Froprietosa, P. S, DOW, Agent, Marshflold Orogon S,0, CO. Ageni, Einpiro City) Orogoa