-Hi 1 ' - - n i -'i 1 1 T M 11 i in i pftl .- -. M V 2 vvett. , 4 -V v. AM - v. . A' ' I I I 1 ' till II .VV 5 I l?4 THE OLD RELIABLE fjjGflgl &AKIMG POWDER , AbtoIuteJyiPure thkxzjk.no substitute tSMMBMSagWPSWMMWMWlfWPW"'1 YiE:Eo:isr-A.jLi 1 .A-ICTID LOCAL From Thursday's Dally. Tho schooner, Western Home arrived yesterday, for a load of lumber. In her lover's arms a woman weighs but a feather; in her husband's, a ton. -Life. .Quarterly Conference services at tho Methodist Church next Sunday, May 17th, morning end night". Tho A N U V? Clnb will bo en tertained this afternoon by Mrs. 0. J, Seeley at the resldenco of Mrs. J. T. McCorinac. The steam schooner Aberdeen, of the .California A Oiegon Coast Steamship Co.'s fleet arrived yesterday from San Francisco on her way to Portland. . Grant Harry has brought his little girl to Marshfield for medical relief from inflammatory rheumatism, from which she has been suffering eoveieily. Tlii) Alumni association will hold a meeting nt the school house at 3:30 p. m. Friday. Important business it to be, transacted. There will be an excursion by steamer Alert on b'unday, May 17, to tho Life Eavins Station. Steamer will- be at station about three hours, and will leave Marshfield at 9:30 a. m. . An operation was preformed yosterday on Lawrence Johnton, who was injured a few days ago by a fall at Porter in which his tkul! was fractured. . His con dition has become serious, and the skull was opened ii hope of affording relief. Another satisfied customer of the Coabt Mail Want ad column writes: "Please discontinue my ad in your paper, as I got hslf a dozen applications from the first iwuc." The little want a J gats there, where all elee fails. The Copper Queen camo-in Tuesday tyonlng from Rogue river, bringing a load of salt salmon and some freeb sal mon to bo shipped in cold' storage. She will call today on her re '.urn with a load ol freight bronght from Portland on the Alliance, Indifference sometimes geti'people to thinking that the merchant really would prefer that people didn't disturb him. The only way to u& Buro that the people do not get this impression Is to keep on aieuring them they aro wanted at the store. Coqulllo Herald: Coquille will not havo a new bank but the new firm haB concluded to Join forces, capital strength and influences with Mr. White and therefore have one of greater poweirand bu-lncss capacity instead of organizing a eeporato ins'stution, There is no doubt but t'oquille will havo a banking institution of which a town of much greater proportions might well feel proud. Coqulllo Herald : Mrs, IiUh llackor, of this city nrrirotl from licr extended vlatt iu southern Callforala vrhllhcr alio hail been with ltttlo Austin HatMd for hit health, and which wo nro glad to slate is much improved. Travel by Sea Departures South by Alliance May 1 1 : G R Henderson. P S Weaver, I H Parr, Mrs E Williams, Miss Daisy KB Reedy, 0 W Boko, Mrs Lchmionsky, Mies An nie Lohmlonsky, Mrs Minnie Launders and child, Mr. nud Mrs Laniareux and 2 children, Lewis Saunders, II M Mercil James Icaulor, Capt. C H Ackerman, T J and G K Porleo, Chas Christie, May Simmons, J C Lloyd, W. Harris, Mrs.W FSIengsby, Miss Mary Davon- psrt, Mies Ida Rooney, Wm Kasnor, Mr and Mrs J M Myo, Frank T Ken nedy, R S Tyrill. J H Hibbard, J A Lin derman. From Friday's Dai;, Call a bargain a bargain, only when It is a bargain. Mayor Tower, of Empire, was seon on our streets yesterday. Havo pood goods ol which good things mav be said. Then say 'em. J, W. Catching, of Sumner, was doing business in town yesterday. Jako Matson commenced yosterday to raise Chas. Snedden's house on Second street. J. W. Bonnett is having grass sods cut and hauled for the lawn at his new residence on A street. W. U. Thomas was down from Seeley & Thomas logging camp Coaledo yesterday. the at II. Sengstacken took a trip to Bangor with Ralph Green, of the Belt Line, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. G. T. Coleman has chargo of the Coffee Club temporarily, until other ar rangements are made. Martin Uolleran, of South Marshfield, who has been dangerously sick for the past two weeks is still quite low. Wm. Baike bought a blooded bull of E. G. Flanagan for bis dairy farm on Coos Rivor, and sent him up on tho Alert yesterday. Teacher "Tell me. Bobby, what aro tho two things necessary for baptism?" Bobbie "Water and a baby, ma'am." Tit-Bite. Well connected: De Style "You say she has good family connections." Guabusta "Yes; eheoperatea t Nob Hill switchboard. Ex. The Shakespearian club met Wednes day with Miss Beamis at thu residence of R. J. Coke. A most profitablo timo was had. The BlaLco has been laid up Binco Wednesday, with a bent piston rod, but it was expected that she would be on her run again this morning. Tho Flyer has been doing double duty. C. II. Winner of the Ice Cream par lors follows tto good example set by bin predcessor, J. W, Tibb.ita,jnd remein berB tho printer every once in a while. Hard linos: "What did your old undo leave? "A lot of disgusted reia- tlveB, and a jubilant young widow we'd never heard Press, of bolore." Philadelphia Mrs. Stylo: "I want a hat, but it must bo in tho latest style." Shopman "Kindly take a chair, madam, and wait a few minutes; tho fashion is jueti changing," Tit-Bits. W. EyBalnes and Herbert Lockhart yesterday completed theAleal for- tho purclmocr of tho 1000 acre Flanagan ranch on the upper Coq uille. The price paid is given aB 15,000 Altior Lodgo, F. U. A, is xnnklug pre parations to obsorvo Us fourth nnnlrer snry uoxt Woduesday evening, with a program Iri (ho hall and n banquot at I tho Broiler. A. J. Davis has just eout. for n now liiiu of Gents and ladies underwear which will arrive on tho next steamer. A full lino of tho luteal patterns of dress goods aro also on tho way uml when in stalled will make n complete dry goods Block iu his North Bend storo. Tho A. N. W. Club mot with Mrs. 0. "J. Seeley Thursday afternoon ami elect ed tho followlug ollicors for tho ensuing torm Mrs. E. O'Connell,, president; Mrs. J. R. Kochon, vice president; Mrs. Is Lando, secretary; Mrs. F. X. llofor, treasurer. Tho next meeting will bo with Mrs, Jno. Hear. Goo. K. Walker, the real estate rustler yesterday sold h flno lot in North Bond toW. A. Jones of Portland, a practical tinsmith who will build on it and go Into tlnwaro and hardware. Mr. Walker is paying strict attention to tho real ostato business at present and has some choico property for salo at present nt excellent bargains. From Saturday's Dally. Mrs. M. D, Cutllp, of ' Soiilh Coos river was shopping In towm yesterday. W. D. L. F. Smith Is Suffering from n sevcro attack of Rheumatism. o Tho Areata will sail from San Fran cisco at 4 p. m. today, and tho Empire at 10 a. m. Tuesday. The Coos Rlyer took a scow load of lumber and a logging donkoy up to Daniels creek yesterday for tho Simpson logging camp. A steamer will run from Kbrth Bond this evening to accommodate theso who wish to attend tho Alumni entertain ment. R. F. Garrett, of Myrtle Point, was in town last night. Mr. Garrett, with two astistants, is gathering 'a band of 600 stock cattle for tho outsido market. School Supt. Bunch came over from the Coqulllo yesterday, to remain until Monday. Father JDonnelly returned ycritorday and will hold eorvices in lite Catholic church at tho usual hour tomorrov. Natural failure: "Yes, poor fellow, he was once very prosperous, but he failed in business." "How so?" "Tried to establish a 'quick lunch' restaurant in Philadelphia." Baltimore Herald, Tho Yankee peril: Europe Is really In dread of J. P. Morgan." "No won der, First thing she knows, Europe will find herself incorporated under tho laws of New Jersoy." Puck. Fame: "Why do you think your town is entitled to distinction?" asked tho tourist, "Becauso stranger," re sponded the native, "wo barred out automobiles and refueed n Carnegie IU brary." Chicago Daily Nowh. o Mrs. Johu Naeburg has takon her house on Cedar street formerly occupied by J. W. Tibbotts, and will conduct tho eamo as a private boarding houso. Tho tables will b oTable d'Hote and Southern atylo of cooking. Barquoting and lunch baskets a specialty. Mrs, Nasburg had many yearB of experience in tho culin ary lino, and Jtho cooking being under her supervision it is safo to say that ( everything will bo first-class. Single Comb While Leghorn Farm 'Hatch!ngegB8?1.00fprl3,$2.50for40. Choice cockerels antiVullots fl.OO, trio t2C0. Fresh !. broilers, fryers. Family trade solicited Ordtrr.flrst of week J)ollvery -days, Fridays and Saturday, W. 0. Weaver, Marshfield, Or. d-A.w6lltn Baptist Church Sunday sohoo) nt 10 a. in., preaching at 11 a.m. Topic Tho Church unjust Criticism, Text-1 Cor 1V:22 Dcoplso yotho Church of God. Leo 11:8. Ho that Touchuth you Touoholli tho' Applo of his Eye. B Y P U at 7 p. m., even ing sorvlcunt 8 p. in, Topic Lief is a voyogu over the Son. Text Acta 27:111 And when thu South Wind blow Softly. Thuiaday Prayer meutlug at 8 p. m, All aro cordially Invited. MAUZKY-In Marshlluld, Or, May 13, 11)03, tu tho wife ol Edgar Mauroy, a son. PORSKI.l.-At North Bond. Or., May U, tPOIl.to the wltoof Arvld Foreull. n daughter. DIED JOHNSON-In Marsbllold. Or, May 14. 1IXKI, Lawrence Johnson, aged 10 years. Deceased was born In Sweden In 1S03. He camo to Coos Bay 10 years ago and has boon here ever since' Hu was married on July 4, lbll", to Mary Ann Wior, at tho Episcopal church iu Marsh field, Rev. Wm. Horsfall performing thu coremony. Ho followed thu trado of carpenter, and for many years ho work, ed nt Newport. Ho lived in Marshfield for the past three or four years. Mr. Johnton was a man of sterling qualltler. and was universal!) liked and respected. He was a member of thu Foresters and the Knights of Pythias lodges. Hu also recently took out a J 2000 policy in one of thoold-timo companies. Ho leaves n wifoaudono child, a girl about four years old. Tho funoral services will bo conductod at 2 p. in, Saturday by Rev. B. F. Peck at tho realdonco on C street between Thlrdaud Fourth, tho Knights of Pythias having chargo ot th) funeral, and the Foresters also taking part. THINK ROSSOW THE MAN Who Tried to Blow 'up the Umbria Police Looking for the Noted Anarchist Now York, May 16 A new theory is now being worked by tho polico and do tectives hero, in their search for tho man who last week attempted to dyne mito tho Atlantic liner Umbria. It fa now bolioved that tho man who wont under tho namu ol G. Roisoau here Is nono other than John Roesow, who con st meted tho lead pipe bombs that were used with such disastrous effect in tho Chicago Haymarkot riots In 1830. He is alio suspected of manufacturing tho bombs' thrown Into tho Chamber of Deputies of Franco in 1091, Rosoow escaped from Chicago immed iately after tho Haymarket riots and hoH novor been apprehended, Ho returned to America somo years ago, and tho polico traced him to Port land and Seattle from which point ho started east n fow months j ago with an unknown man, Hero all trace was loat, unless ho is this man who made tho Umbria attompt. Tho Chicago descrip tions as well as tho description hero tally Tliia jnorniug's Investigations load to 'the belief thoVaftor coming from tho far northyoat ho inado tho mncbluo in Chicago and brought U to Ills bonrdlng place on Thlrtv-llrst alront, whurtt ho charged It with dyuamllu and sent it on Its deadly errand, An Hossow was a groat anarchist load er nil tho haunts of anarchy nrn today being searched. Inspoctor McLusky belleres that ho la still In hiding hero. OLDEST . MAN IN OREGON DiesAgedOne Hundred Fifteen Was One of Naolpeon's Soldiers : Sidney, Or., May 15-Jojoph Bashaw who, s miar as can bo figured, was at least UC ycara old, was found dead In bed by hit stepiou nt his homo near Sidney Wednesday. Hu was probably tho oldest man in Oregon, He was n Frenchman by birth, served in the French wars of 1800-1& un der Napoleon. Hu drove an ox team to Oregon in 1847 and was then a gray haired man. Bashaw married near this city nnd settled upon a donation laud claim upon which ho died. His stepson George Martlett is thu only relative living. An Ocean Pastime IOrlKlnnl.1 Two men were sitting in tho smok ing room of mi ocean liner. "There should bo detectives," rnld one to tho other, "nbonrd theso steam ers to protect Innocent people. That lean country Jnko Ih being tleeced at uirdH by thorn) Hlmrph-n." "Why don't you wnrn him?" "I'd only got myaelf Into trouble. Tho' other fcllow'N would tetl 1dm that ( vnn tryltiK to pilii Ida conlldeuco to llcew him myself." "I'll tell you whnt to do. You nro tho tieHt poker player In America, nnd I llntter mytielf I'm not far behind you. Wu'll get the fellow to sit down to u private gnuto with us, win hU money nud return It to lilt ti when w Kot to Southampton. It 'II mirvu to amiiHc us, nud wo will be doing thu man a irrcut favor." "That's n good Iden." Tho next day the two men, Mr. Grn hnm and Mr. Tldhnll, met tin; green horn On dock. They hnd concluded to carry out n veritable bunko giimc, uo they suddenly turneU nnd ntnred nt him; then (irahain runhed up to him, gruHpod IiIh hand anil Ha Id: "Why, Kltlnnor, I didn't know you wero aboard!" Tldball camo up nnd flolr-ed tho other hnid. "Kklunur, how nro you, old man?" "My nnmo hain't Hklnnor," said tho man, looking at them with oyea full of aurprlxe, almoHt fear. "Do you mean to tell me," snld flra Iiiiiii, Ntiindlug off nud looking nt tho countryman from henil to foot, "that you'ro not Amou Skinner of I'awtuck ct?" "Why, no; I'm Jim Robinson of Slid hyvlllo, Tenn." "Well, now," Bnld Tldball, "you'd lunko n better IlkenuHH of Hklnnor than bin own photograph. Tho wlno'H on ua. Como along." It wasn't long after tho wlno wan opened thn tho two kindly dtBpoHed men had Mr. lloblnuon' seated nt tublo, with cnrdH boforo them. "Shall It bo poker?" naked Ornhnm. 'Not much I" Bald tho victim. "I'm not n-goln' to win tho money of two gentlemen that baa treated mo no fine nlmoHt llko n brother. Why, I'm con Hldorcd tho beat poker player In Sbcl byvlllo." .Tho confederated looked ut each oth er. Thoy ndmltted tbnt they wero In different poker playore, but lnulHted on tho game, nnd tho stranger nt laHt con wmtod to piny wlth'a low limit But he declared that nB Boon ns ho had won $20 tho gamo must Mop and ho would spend his winnings In wlno. Thoy played In tho1 stntoroom of thu confodorrtioB, 'vthoi Ml$.,vory sure that 'tiioy could win nt u. fulr gnmo, and, If caught nt nny Irregular proceedings' It mbzht tret them In ta. trouble. . BeuidM. It would "bo mora 'fun to win fairly. Thoy found tho countryman wuy proy, nnd soon won all IiIh loono cnnli. Then ho wont for IiIh gripsack nnd produced n Jnrgo number of crlxp twonty dollar bills, 'J'huy played regulnrly every day for thtiH) dayx, nud when tho ship wiiu Hearing port thu countryman confessed that ho was "dead broke." Then thorn was n scone, lloblnuon hmmmni'd his fate, whllu the two bun knots enjoyed his dlsooiiillttiro, Tlum when hu seemed utterly cnished they guvo him u lecture mi trusting stran gers mid told him or their sohomo to vulu him for his own good. Thorn was a ghul light In his eyu ns ho grasped both their hands, tears streaming down his cheeks, nnd declared that they wero the finest men on tho ocean, tho llnost men In America, tho finest men In tho whole world. Graham and Tldball emptied tholr porktits of tho money they had won and wero about to baud It back to tho loser when hu stopped them. "You gentlemen," hu snld, "havo shown inu what a galoot 1 am and how llttlo I'm fitted to take keer of money, But thlM Is only onu way of glttln' It out of me. In a week somo feller 'II git It In some other way. Now, I wnut you to do mo a favor, Keep nil ex. cept enough to tnku mo to Iomloii. You'ro goln' there; so am I. When wc git there, I got a friend, and I'm n-goln' to put It In his bnnk. I'll nover trust myself ag'ln with moro 'n unough to pay expenses." Tho friends reluctantly consented, and with tears of thankfulness the farmer depnited. The uoxt morning the ship was in port. Mr. Itobliisou did not appear, and the two friends hunted for him high mid low; then, lenvlng their IiOH don address for him with tho purser, they nturlod to tf' nahorw. (Jroham, while on tho gangplank, turning, saw onu of thu men from whom they had saved ItoblliHOti pointing to himself and his friend. The next moment two inim clapped hands on their shoulders, then uuudcurfed them. "What's this?" they both cried, nghast. There was no reply. Thoy woro tak en to n police station, their band bag gage opened nud found to contain sev eral thousand dollars of counterfeit money. Thev had scnrcolv '"ft Um dork bf roru tho grniorui rnriuer, pumng u ionn drjir, left tho steamer. Ho lost no tlmu In Jumping Into a carringo and was nover afterward heard of iu either Europe or America. Messrs. (Irnhnm nnd Tldball wore a week convincing tho polico that they hud been tho victims of a gang of counterfeiters, who, In order to get tholr goods Into the country, had turn ed smplelon from themselves by load ing a largo quantity of thu stuff upon their dupes. Tho dupes endeavored to Iteep thu matter quiet, but It leukod out. MARTIN II. OICOTT. Ilntr in fur !' .. . . Reef marrow taken from the soup bones nnd round steuk is excellent for cooking purposes. Cut It In suinll bits, put It In a covered small Jar, set In a pan of water and place over tho llro to simmer gently. When all melted, strain through n thin cloth Into a clean pan, let settle for a few minutes, thou pruss Into small Jars una tie securely. It will keep for months. A kl r rj A Ilrnt flncoriT. At Koukn, Iu central Afrlcn, tho nv erngu annual temperature Is 83.fi do. grees !'. This iu thu world's record for bent. ? Inilliui Monti llrllefs. By tho Huron Indians tho moon M called tho creator of thu earth and 'ho grandmother of tho sun. In tho myths of thu Ottawas It Is an old won. mi with n pleasant whlto faco, tho eisloc of tho day star. . 1.1. 3; Somo rolaonoim IVuoil. Mountain laurel wood Is used In mak ing combs. Tho leaves nro polsoiMin to Homo animals. Black wild cl.ir tlmlsjr Is much valued Iu cabni.t work. Tho baric Is highly modlc'uul. Tho leaves when wilted aro poison - to cattle. Of dogwood, weavers' hj.oo and handles of carpenter's tools tiro mn,' j,u... A Oreftt tlliitlon. Tho greatest glutton of antiquity was AlblmiH, tho Roman, who nt ono break fast ato BOO figs, 100 poaches, 10 mel ons, 100 Binull birds and 100 oystors. ' ' J Tho llMitmtcr. Tho hamster, n rutllko animal of nu- ropo nnd northern Asia, stores up grain for winter nso in uubtorrniiean cells. In Bummer its pulso boats nt thb rate of 1C0 a mlnuto, but In cold woathur, whon tho crenturo hibernates, tho pulso boats avcrago only fifteen a minute. ,. , Colleen Women. , But half tho girls who graduate from collego marry, and those that do pro duce only ono and n half children npleco, jffl. Kttnct of Qalnln oa Inljorera, Workmen occupied In Uto manufac ture of qulnlno uto said to suffoi- from n peculiar cutaneous eruption, which Bomo -.claim Is oauBod by tho yapor from bqlllng Boliitions, and tho ntato raent Is mado tbnt JibbuJ 00 pc cpht of fhouo engaged 'v.h moro or lejil nf tvclad- - ! i m