rrVW W 7 ' putorfH-ttwCIMtf I iWili-ofN"' ''"H? "S" : ... r ' - tfjkwyt w '! j- &, $ - - ' , 't$,v .. "r '-- ' r. .-- ' - v. mHPIHiii I iiWWi liillllU,.,!., Ii, .1 u i W'e-'Vw - Worn Qundcy'o Dally. Nolso Monsou U over from Tonmilo A real nrfumunt Is worth moro thnn thousand cliimr, A good tlmo to huttlo la when you liavo leisure tlmo to Improve. Mra. Dr. Tower will eta nt the Prts byterlan Cl.urch this evening. Dr. Ilonlsll If making moro improve ments at his placo on C Street. When vou want, n pleasant phync try Chamberlain, Stomach nnd Livtir Tub kl8. Thoy are easy to take rmd p'as ant In cllect. For sale by J no. Picuss M. K. Brown will go up Catching s cugu in a icw unys m iHinrei.K , , , ... ,,. construction of a house for m m. Bone- . . . .....ii,. urate. Noble Uroe. will drlvo in from the Coq 'lllo today SO head of hogs, CO hend of notion sheep and IS head of fiuebeef cattle. Alex Sndcrland, hooktonder for ox team in tho Pony slough logging camp, cut hia kneo yesterday while sniping a log, and will bo laid up awhilo. Tho Evergreen WhletCluh mot Satur day afternoon at tho home of Mrs. P. M. Wilbur. Kilna O'ConnclI took lirst honors and Mr. F. P. Norton received tho consolation prize. John Grant, who waa hurt by a tim ber falling upon him a abort time ago. has bo far recovered that ho went up Catching slougb Friday with hia family, to visit f i lends. Z. D. Brown and wife, returned over land yeeterday fromafiw weeks visit in California. He will cloio up hip real estate banners hero and leave for Seat tle where he will locate. Visitors to tho post office yesterday wcro ireated to a joint discussion he tweon Dr. Temple Duchesne, the visit lecturer on psychology and one of our resident preachers. It was a Joint dis cussion in every sense of tho word, as both talked at once, right through. Dr. Duchesne's delivery waa ou the rapid fire order, and as be could catch his breath quicker, waa more continious; bat the elowor and heavier booming of tho pre&chr r'a ordnanco was never en tirely silenced. Bound Over to Circuit Court P. G. Fetoreon, who waived examina tion in Justice court on a charge of threatening to commit murder, was pieced under $1500 bonds for hia appear ance at the next term of circuit court, He furnished the bonda easily, and wont back to hia work. The charge secme to have cronn cut of family difficulties. Lis eon being the omplainlnc witners. Travel by Sea Up to" last evening tho following per sons had purchased tickets for the Areata, which sails for San Francisco today: Mrs J A Luee, Miss Annin Anders, Jecob florins, Mrs Gorina, T JJ Way, Mra Way, Clido Way, Genevieve y'ay, J F James, R)v. F G Strange, Mrs Vm Grow. MrB K Dunlup, E Dunlnp. Otis Dunlap, D G Shaw, II Lorenz, B M, icklebrick, Jrio Proctor, Mra Proclor, iliss Wade, MifB Graham, E Gundlc linger, Julius Marvin. WANTED-SEVEIUL INDUSTRI OUS persons in.each state to travel for Doueo estttiiiisneu eleven yearu pr-u wltu a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for aucccesful and profitable) line, Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of 18aud(ollctravelJng ex peiieea and hotel bills advanced in cash each week. Experienco not eeaential. Mention referonco and ancloBoJ. eelf-ad-dree4 wIppe. THE NATIONAL, 83 i Dearborn St, Chicago. The RcstLiulmcut, ''I Jhavo derived qront benetlt from thoiisuof Ghambetrnln'n Pain lialnYfor rheumatism and lumbago," 8n'8 M Anna Hnk'elgnniV of Tuckahce; N, J. ".My husband used It lor a sprained back nnd wn nlo qnlekly relieved. In tact it ia the best family liniim-U 1 lmvo uver ut-ed. t would not think of being without It. 1 lmvo recommended it to mnny nnd iheynlwaja ipenkvery highly of It nnd declare its merhs aro wonder ful." For calo hy John Preius. New Losing Ditch (Coquillu Ihilluliu) Davo Drow, who has clmrgo ot the construction work on tho logging ditch at Jcnklna' camp near Biavor Slough, spent several days in town this week, Mr. Drew informs us that .1 gates lmvo been put in tho channel nnd another will bo jint in i mm ol lately. Thu dlteh a ill be completed by tho loth lust, and will have a capacity of 43 000 feet per day. Mr. Jenkins la at present putting his less in with a horeo team but vill soon have a larco donkey oust tic. Ho ia working rjuito a crew of men and put . " the unit URSin tho river tins season. A Britisher's View The Daily London Mail publUhea the tint of a series of letters from Perclval Landon, Its special correspondent at Manila, showing tho American failure in the Philippines. Mr. Landon declnrca that tho American campaign has made noimpretelou in tho hlands; that the tiring lino I) ro-cxtenaivo with tho coast line and a feeling of utter insecurity prevails at hcadtjuartcra. The oorrcipondcnt asserts that In a country depending entirely u;ont nsri culturc for ita prosperity tho lend ia be ing largely abandoned. He rays it is time for tho United States to decide whether thero might bo a tccoiisidera lion of its policy cf tho past four yeara. Eoseburj: Heroes In Danger (PInindeaUr) Uobion waa a hero, also Dewey and mnny others. These men wero heroes, becauto they did eomo act in which their Uvea wcro endangered. People praised and landed them to the skies because they ware not afraid to die. Thero arc heroes walking on the streets of Rose burg every day who are parsed by un heeded, heroes from the fact that tboy take their lives ia their hand when walking along some of the sidewalks in Roreburg, at any moment they inako a falso step, and fall in one of tho holes which aro in tho sidewalks, or by step ping on ibo end of a looso sidewalk plank and having tho other end fly up and hit you on .the chin. Another New Sawmill Company. (Eugeue Guard) The Coast Lumber Company today filed articles of incorporation with Coun ty Clerk E. U. Lee. The principal office and place of busi ness is Eugene and the capital stool is $10,000, divided into 100 shares of flOO each. , The objects and purpoeoa of tho cor poration aro to engage in a general lum ber business, to erect, maintain and operate sawmills, planing mills, lath mills shingle mills etc. W. H.Ruteell, onoof tho Incorpora tors of tho ner company, ia a capitalist, until recently residing near Irving and formerly of tho east. Tho Guard has not been ablo (o rind bim today to learn of the plana of the new corpora, tion, Painful Accident (Myrtle Poiat Enterprise) Will Bargor met with a painful but not Borioua injury while out hunting on the East Fork last Saturday, Ho at tempted to put a shell into tho rifle ho was carrying butjt refused to go.. Ho then took his hand and waa trying to shove the shell in when in soma manner tho cartridge was exploded. A piece of the shall struck Mr. Barger on tho right hand, cutting quite a gash and a piece also struck him on tho breast- Ilig.eyo brows were .badly singed hut hiaeyej were not injured; Dr. Loop dressed the wounds and tho young man will bo able to bo out agaiu in a few days, Prom Tuecdny'o Dally. liana Krugor had tho misfortune last Saturbay to brenk a rib whllo nt play. Dr. Printela ami family wont up to Allogariy Sunday and returned yester day. Tho four mast schooner Ghahnlls, In about to call from North Bond. She Ih loading eomo ship timbera. William Kick worth and family and tho Holland family took a trip up Coos river Sunday for a little pleaeuro trip, Tbocost of taking F.A. lngels and Carl Nuwhall from Coqulllo City to tho peuitcntlery at Salem waa $10S.70 A homo remedy : "Do you think coal oil ia good for uioniulloos?" "I think a hard slup la hottur." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Jack Farley ami Davo Talbott brought up a raft of logs yesterday frotnCowan'ja camp, on South slough to tho C. B. M. & L. Co. Tho logsing dam nt tho Cowan camp on South slough broko out yesterday and opcratlonc will bo delayed until it ia repaired. Fred Baikor, who was recently oper ated upon for appendicitis, wont to Co tiuille City yesterday ou hia way to hia borno r.t Fairvlew Ralph Green, foreman of tho Bell Lino eurvcyine party waa In yoatorday nfter supplier. Ho aud 13 others aro station ad at the Aldera on South slough. Tho North Bend band ia having hnrd luck with ita picnic, being obliged to postpono it again Sunday on account of rain in the morning, Bill "Eryanism ia tho cloud which hovers over tho Democratic camp." Jill "Yea; and the tronblo is it bus a silver lining." Yonkcrs Statesman. Curry County Recorder: Tho iteam tug Katie Cook towing the schooner Del Norte, arrived from Smith rlvor Tuesday bringing the largo sawmill of Mr, Humo which he intends to put up at Indian creek. , , Atd Is a dead one: Hewitt "Bryan says that a principle not great pnough to die for ia not great enoush to llvo for." Jewitt " Well he haa died twlco for hia." Brooklyn Lifo. Mrs. G, A. Bennetleft Sundap morn jng via Drain for Portland whither Ehe goes to attend tho RebekahAssembly be- in: tho delogate froraWcEtern Star lodge No 27, of Marshfield. The session of Assembly takes place M?y 10 to 21 in clusive. Dr. Temple Duchesne, the lecturer on physcbology and kindred subjects, who has been In Marshfield for two weokp, and has arouBed considerable interest in his subject, goea to t ho Ccqnillo this morning. Ho will return tho last of tho week, and will letcuro next Sunday in Odd Fellows' hall, taking as hia sub ject ''The Bible and who m'ado it." ii p m " Curry County Recorders Tho bodies of Antone Walker's two sons who wero drowned laet week, havo not been re covered eo far although searching parties have been activo ever ainco tho sad occurrenco. Tho parents are dis tracted with grief. They havo tho sym pathy of the entire community, Mr.Jo'onh Pominvilte, of Stillwater. Minn,, after having spent 12,000 with ttie mn doctors lor stomacu irounic, without rellof, was advised by tho drug gist, Mr. Alex Richard to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Ho did so and ia a well man todav. If troubled with indieestion. had tacto in tho mouth, lack of nppotlto constipation, give these Tablets a trial, and you aro certain to be moro than pleased with tho result. For sale at 25 cents per box by Jno. Preuss. .Curry County Record While going to Port Orford on tho Copper QueonMon- day evening Thomas ,0'Toole, fclo on .gincor, had quite a close call, Tho Bea being rough all the hatches and port huloa wcro ;ncccosearlly cloaed and Thomua betiiu down In tho engine room lay ilowit on tho hunk, and was almost nsphyxinlcd with gan from tho otiplnu and whh uncomclouu when dltcnvotnd by Cnpt. lturua and Qvmsturmantcr Ro hltlnid who gavo htm their Immediate attention and rcaucoltatcd him after much difficulty. Met After 51 Years Two bruthefK separated for 61 yearp, lmvo bton reunited in H.ilior City, J. R. or, Reel, of Oklahoma, joined hia broth Colonol J. W. Reel, Snlurrday, from whom ho separated In Wcatcrn Iowa in 18 tt. Colonol Renl catuj west in tho gold on year, crossing tho plains to Culltorula. Lntcn ho joined thu ttduof Argonauts who owopt north to tho then new illggingo of Oro Kino in Idaho, tho Cocur d'Aleuor, In tho north ern pant, mul Ffaiur River In British Columbia. Ilia Mother drifted to the great Soulhwejt In IfOI, nnd haa won dered over thu cactus laud tine that bloody civil war year. Colonel Reel ia 7U yeara old, yet every day ho walks many miles from bourn to, house, sel ling a face lo'.iou and a p.ituut tiro lighter, .A New Survey Reports from Ro'cburg bring tho in formation that a crow of surveyors are at work going event new iluu which wit go farther South thnn thoorh-innl sur veys. Tho crew is now working in tho neighborhood of Conuillo City and sur veying a route that will tnoko nearly a half circle between Murshtleld pnd Rose burg. Plans have not bcon slven out as to just "hen actlvo work will bo begun, hut indications aiu fovorablo to on early be ginning. Jutt why thu now survey Is being mnde ia not known a present, but it is understood that by golug south thorc is practically lea heavy construction. Portland Telegram. Hew Industry W, II. Chapin, a rosldea'.ol flillco croak diatrict.SJojophina Co., has launch ed into tho gituocg buiinoss with every promise of success. Ho has secured a largo amount of ginaot.g roots from tho Kastaml planted n largo be J of them in tils Galicc creek garden. Ibo roots hav ttkon hold with a vim, nnd Mr. Chapiu believ ed that the rich loam and balmy climate of Gnllco will bo as conductive to the porfect growth of the plant as ita native country, China, Ginseng is a very valuable plant, especially among tho Chinese, who havo used it since time began, or at leait as far hick aa hirtory reveals. Tho Chinoso value it to such a degrco that they will pay its weight in gold for tho plant if in diro need of it. They ueoU for medicinal purposes, nnd believo it to bo pojeees;d of almost mar aculous powers. It is a difficult plant to grow, and docs not begin to produce roots of any sizo till the fourth or fifth year. Should Mr. Chapin meet succass In tho growing of the plant a number of others will likewise attsmpt it, and the growing of ginseng may become quite an industry. American Boy Excursion The American Boy Excursion which took placo Sunday was well attended and a pleasant affair. The p'.culc was be result of an arrangomont with EjiII Peterson, ho having secured 40 subscrib ers to that mBgazino, ccch subscriber being entitled to tho pleasures of the excursion, Tho Mayflowor" carried tho parly. Following aro thoeo who wont: Chester Boar, Madao Gulovson, Oicar Gulovson, Jno Longstaff, Bob Lang, R Y Naoburg, Iris Elrod, Jrfmos Mer chant, Wm Curtis, Jamoa Cowon, Oa- goodJShoup, Albert Hanson, Jno Wilsou, Alex Wilson, Rob Wilson, Alfred Mat son, Jno Brown, Goorgo Manning, Rob Huffechmidt Jack Davis. Jay Tower, Edgar Campbell, Sam Marsdcn, Tom Neilson. Earl Savage, Chester Waleott, Ered Hofer, Albort Sleep1, Emll Potor ECU, ). J . V . ' iliasea Myrtjo Penpock, Delia Chap aifan, Vivian Taylor, Lottio LaVaon, Eva 06ko, (lento Itrtll, jMjr jlfnll, For oiico Ptitoiaon. Not lie. ,.Savage, Kiully ltrown, Mra Thoi Cokey MnrJiXIIofor. Goorge, Wqlora.got,hflllrt rihrolfo yes terday In thn NorthMlrudmill, Ho wan rolling u log with u cant dog) when by sumo tuttchnuco tho log rolliid back ou hia leg, breaking both bouca Imlow the kneo, Tho Injured man wna nttouilcd by Dr. Lawlor, institute and liaskct Social. A loent liisltlulo mid bntket rgclal for tho liay City mid thu Flag-stuff schools will ho helil nt tho Hng.sinft roliool. houoo ou thu uvouliig of tho 111 lust. A program hnH'heutt arranged hy thu cIiooIh which will begin nt eight o'clock. All aro nof'llnlly Invited to at loud. (Hrla dont forget to bring Imnkiilv. Tho proceed of thla rochtl will to uci'd for the purposo of purchasing nn organ lor tho rehonl. I. - - New nniiie For Daniels "(Tree!; Rend L. J, Simpion reiolve! ou thu S :iint ftom b'au Fnuidno n now monr tor mountain climbing engiuo, (or tho Daatels Creek ro.ul. This engine weljlij .IMons and ia ot tho latest model for climbing mount ains. This will iiitp thu Paulols Creek road better thnn any other road iu tho camp. Tho Simpson I.uinhor Co. havo not lost lalth in Uuoi By territory but with tho zeal and demeanor of nn ablo gener al nro forging ahead lii.k by link to I achicvo greater vtctorlea in tho battle of commercial auprvmacy, North Bend pretcntna truly auluintnil nppvartuce. licginuing nt thu oldNorth Hend mill up tho hay to Porter mill Is n continuous re vile tion of what uunrgy, progroiannd money can tlo. From Wednesday' Ually. Tho Shakespearean club will meet this evening with Miea tfcamta. B. F, Ross returned yesterday ftom n visit (o the Ccqulllo country, o In Chicago: "Will you marry mo?" "What!ngainl"-Judco: Potor Robcrtcon of Tcnmllo camo in yeeterday with hia spring clip of wool, Tho best bargains aro in tho stores of thu merchanta who know how to adver tise them Ad Art. John ),. Bounds : again about hav ing so far nj covered to bo nblo to eomo down town. A dozen Japs arrived on tho Allianco to work on tho C. B. R. k E. It. R. where a now cutis being made at thu Summit. Sinco all womon lova a bargain all morchanta should satisfy tho woman's desire by furnishing that whlck sho will appreciate. The trust principle: It is enaiar to rob a million men ol a dollar, oapli, than to rob one man of n million. Life. Rehoarsal eearpn : Piay wrlght "M play is a clean play." Manngor " Well I'll try It. but I don't know how tho public will Btaud It," Brooklyn Lifo. Tho remains of Ernoat Ktauff, whoeo death occurred at Snlom, arrived y en tor- day on the Allianco and will bo teken to tho Ccqulllo for burial today, a .. Tho Allianco arrived from Portland yostorday afternoon loaded down with freight and passengers, Sho will sail south at 11 am today. Wm. Bremor nnd Potor Micholbrink of Allegany camo to town Tuosdoy on buslno'sa. . Mr. lillchelbrlnlc brought down his wool clip. H. Songstackon bought tho clip for 14 lT2l contn. Sheep aro ovidanlly i good proporty. intjoos county. Two clips ia his lot woighe'd over 12 Iba each, A now eontion of ooiitbliiiitlun look boxofyhns Imnn p'laCetl In tho poatnlllco, nn liuprovuinuiit mitilo uecuaiary by to liiorunslug piitromtgu of tho oflluu. C. F. MuKiilght, J. W. lloiuiuti anil W. K, IlulneM riititrnml ynnterdny frnin u wiok'a outing lit thu Mnzo, on Coos rivo'r. They report some trout caught, hut tho fishing luaeon prnullutilly Iu over, J. T. Coltvnr, thu Catching slough farmer nml dairyman wan In town on buatiuira ycflerdny. Mr, Collvor ro conlly lost a cow from polnonoua weeda and na M usually ttio-catu It waa thu beat cow in hU herd, Kxcuio: Fniniur "Wlufi do you nnjMi, you rascal, up there In my npplo tree? Tho young ratical-Tliu apples on tho ground nro all wuriny."' lloslon Tnin script. . o I Inato necessary: tAsblntniit (In mc nngcrlo)-"Slr, jt ralnn!" Keepm "Good heavens I Don't wnJto a mlnutr," but tnku In that rubra. 1J Is color'runr." -Tld-lllts. If tho peop!o(who cnn'l write had (ho bralnn of thoiu who can, nnd thoiu who can had thn ."kill ol llioso who can't, what a glorlouo literuturo wo would noon havo. Ex. -yl- Indlffornnco sometimes gels pooplo to thinking that tho merchant really would prefer that people didn't dlttrub him. Tho only wny to hn sum that tlm people do not gut thin Impression Is to keep on ussuriug ihum they ato uantid at thu itoro. '"O For every ninn who has found adver tising did not pay thero nru many who lmvo found It waa a good thing for thulr Illiniums. Tho strange thing ia that any ahnulil doubt tlm value of advertising when thuy k'liow how muiiyhuvu proven (to worth. No. 4 of Vol. 3, of tho Quarterly of tho Oregon Historical Society has reached our tablo. It contains a chapter on tho early Itullroud History of Oregon by Joseph Gaston, an old uowspaper man and ct one time, editor of thu Oregou Statesman ; History of tho pruts of Ore gon from IbfW to I6V), hy George II. HitiMi; anartlclo on "Tho Archivon of Oregon" by Prof. F. 0. Young, editor of tho Quurtcily; Dociimunta relating to Organizntlotrcf Early Immigration Par ties; Rnvlflw ot "Tho Conquest" thu Truo Story of I.awiu and Clnrk ; and a sketch of tho "Historians of tho North west," by William A. Morris. Every nrticlo has a distict historical vnluo, and tho Quarterly deserves a placo in every library iu thu slate. Q.-. i Travel by Sea Arrivals from tho north hy Alliance, Moy 12: J. McCluro, Mn Muy E U Tichocor, Loalio Tichuuor, John Mor den, Chas Hnzellon', Mra Hazoltor, Frank Hazellon, R 0 Williams, (J 0 Clovor, S E Jolinsoii nml wife, T il McNntnoo, 1 I'otoridti, .Mrs Hinr.a Potorson, Ciiurlio I'otorson, W II B Hocso, J D Dickerson and wife, Catpcr Didkorson, H" D Von Iloulbn and wife, 8 r) Barrows, J W Davis, J R Naldwlu, M Wallace, II D Smook, K (lorda, J B Hprbor, Frank Pamcrton, Mra I F Kauf man, Mro Kaufjiiau, Karl Kaufman, T Hazard, Mra E ThomoB, John T.iomaa Allco Thomas, B Rasmusson, 8 C Ramsdell, 0 M I.nmmoy, Mabol Sooly, 0 B Farloy, Y A FUlmlrigor, L A Mur phy nnd family, A G Clotty, II W Tcol lo, J A Robortsf E L Roborlo, Guy Par umntor, Dank Morrison, Mrs J J.Suai gle, AV T Latnmory, A K Oatos to d wifef A Ilotland, W A Jones, Alu'r J Harbor, ' To I'irmpm. I Ho! farmers, plow your'fallow fields And ptynt your corn today.. You'll ne(.d ucurccrow pretty soon To keep tho bird. away. ' s aHW "t,."?.lXiK'.r.;rw-