Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 16, 1903, Image 5

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    flCBSBBRCWJ..,.., ,J,tU 'HHSHHSW
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Mum Who AriMunit Knlsitr WUhnlm.
Professor Krodorlck DoIIUhcIi, whoso
utiiluinont (lint "many of tlin inytlin
ii ml IphjoiiiIn or tlio Old Testament"
woro (if IJiibylonliin origin aroused
Knlnor Wllliolm of (Joriniuiy (o mnko
lit dorln 11(116)1 of fiillh In tliu Illblo tin
mi Jiiiplrcd book, Ik probably tlio foro-
most IItIiik scholar In Ilaliylouliiu mid
Amo'iIiiii Inscriptions nnd lilntory. Hu
1m ii riatlvo of ICrlaiigon mid I pro
fessor of Assyrology In tlio University
of Merlin. lVrHoiilly ProfcsKor Do
lltm'li In n Nliorl, UtorUy, heavy net
inn ti, cntliiiHliiNtlc a nd bright yed.
III reputation reals innlnly on work
In tlio Assyrian littiifiutKu.
: limy to Clrmi Mrorarlinnm I'lr,
Oiin who ban n Iii'IovimI inocrnclinuin
pipe inuy ho glad to lenrn Just how to
rleniiso It In u very nlmplo way with
out Injuring tlio beautiful coloring,
which nin only ho produced hy fiilthful
attention to my Ijtdy Nicotine. IMncc
tho.plpo In it dim How pun and rover It
with cold, Mwcet milk. Let tlio milk
roino nlowly to tlio boiling point over n
coal (lie and then let It I toll gently fot
ii few mouieutn. ThU Ih wild to ho tilt
only method of cleansing u nicerm-hauii
pipe which will not at tlio tuiiuo Unit,
liijtiro tlio coloring.
Ilntr (o ('urn Catarrh.
Knit will euro ratnrrh If used per
patently. Mnko n Holutlon nn strong n
can ho easily bortio and snuff It up Into
olio nostril at n time, retaining It thero
ti second or two. It Hhould lw used
three timed n day, and tlio water niUHt
he Mlghtly warmed.
' llnwr (n Kraati Nlnlna,
' Spot will often yield to chlorofonn
when If gasoline wcro lined a mark
would bo left on tlio good, nn In often
the enno with delicate nllkn and aatlns.
Wood stains will disappear If ilrst
dipped III keroiwno lieforo washing In
ttonp and water. Muriatic ncld will
tnko out Iron runt. Where n fabric that
In too dellcato to bo put In tho wash
tub receive blood Htaliin wetting woll
with lukewarm wnter and rubbing
llnnly with a clean cloth will dlsajpata
tbu Htnliui If pcndHtcd In.
! llovr (o Clrun llurenu Drawer.
In sponging out bureau drawer and
thona of HldcboardH use tepid water
containing n 1 per cent nolutlon of car
bolic ncld or, If preferred, una n small
(liiuutlty of thymeiio In Uio tepid wa-
am Inutnitil t llui nfll ' t
IV IHHVW -ft " .,
Itorr (o Make Waterproof Gluo Mid
Olttfir Cement.
r Kor mending broken crockery there
Is nothing bettor than whlto lead. It
In ono of tho fow ccmonta that rentst
both wnter and heat Smear In thinly
on tho edges of the article, press tbcm
together and Bet it nnldo to dry.
A waterproof gluo for repairing mar
bio or porcelain may bo made by mix
im. ninln white uluo and milk, nnyntho
JloBton Tont. Into two quart of
tkltii milk pyt half a pound of tho
bent whlto gluo. Tut tho basin con
taining thlH Into another bnnln of hot
water. Cook until Uio milk boa ovapo
ru(ed to nuch an extent that tho mix
ture Is IIUo ordinary gluo or even thick
er. When dry, this cement 1b ono of
tho ImrdcHt.wltb tho clearness of Ivory.
. Unslaked lluio mixed with tho white
nf nn egg 1 a simple and a good c
'rnent. Itdrlon very quickly, even hav
ing n tendency to dry before tlio bro
ken odgcn of tho artlclo can bo brought
together. If quickly mixed nnd op
p'Jlcd, tho mended dUh will bo trong
nnd ready for uno within a" fow hour.
Many othor cotnentH need to bo left
(o their work for days and weoks be
foro tlio dish can bo used. A very good
cheap cement that may bo used In
many wnya In patching crockory wnro
and mending leakH may bo mado with
rilnstor of pads. Mix this with tho
.whlto of an egg to a cream nnd Bmear
it on tho artlclo. Ah In nil cements,
thlH must bo loft to dry thoroughly bo
foro using. A bent and molsturo proof
Cement Is n handy thing to have.
Hero is ono that Is warranted to fill
cracfcti In lcottles, closo Beams In panfl
BiuUmond all Boris of things, romaln
1ng perfoctly Indifferent to HUbuequent
trials by boat or water: OotBomopow
'derail llthargo nnd mix It with glycorln
till thick nnd soft iih putty. After
theso two cloinoiits havo thoroughly
blendod, tho cement la ready td bo upt
McCnrthyM "If I Wcro King" lins
boon trnnnlatod Into Ocnnnn.
"A Chlneno Honeymoon" hits panned
Kit nix hundrodth pcrfonnnncv In Lon
don. Klrko La Hhollo has arranged to pro
duce "Arizona" nnd "Tho llonnlo Ilrlcr
DuhIi" In Auntralln Uiln summer.
Knnny Horrlng ft noted nrlrcns of
tho sixties nnd noventloo, rocently ccb
obialed her seventy-second birthday.
Hlcphen IMiHIlns' "UlyHnos" will bo
produced nt tho Gordon theater, Now
York, by Charles Vrohiniui on Bept. 28.
A now musical comedy, "Wlnnomo
Wlnnlo," by JCdward rniillon nnd Jn
kobowsky, linn boon secured by tho
A lotlor recently received from Mmo.
Du no Indicates that sho linn given up
tho Idea of forcing D'Annunzlo's plays
on tho public.
Tlio mnrrlago of Minn Mario Dorrlck
ron, who recently renlghcd from John
Drew's compnny, to Francis O'Nolll of
Now York will occur In Wllkesbnrro,
Pa., In Juno.
Tho Church of tho Latter Day Bnlnti
(Mormon), now In lUt seventieth year,
has Homo -100,000 ndhercnts.
Cardinal Vaugliau's now bishop aux
iliary, tlio Hon. nud Itlght Itcv. Alger
non Htnnley, Is oven more prominently
connected with old Kngllsh families
than tho cardinal hlmsolf.
Tho Itov. II. H. McICenzle, reclor of
Bt. James' nplxcopal church In Macon,
Mo., seems to havo settled tho empty
pew problem. I'or six mouths laymen
from tho local congregations havo oc
cupied the pulpit at Kunduy evening
services, and tlio church has been
On tho subject of his preaching tho
lato Dean Fnrrnr used to quolo with
much amunemeut tho Judgment of ono
of his critics that ho was "a poor mlr
turu of Hpurgeoti and Dr. Cumiuluc.
without tho robustious humor of Uif
ono and without tlio ttcotch accent of
Uo other."
A Ducconfal Writer.
Jodcphlno Dodge Daskam, tlio clever
story writer, Is said to havo the unique
distinction among authors of never
limine tod a mauusciipt rcjoctcd.
Miss Spcltz Of courso, no ono could
truthfully speak of her as pretty.
Mr. Lovctt Woll cr pcrhapo nqt,
but sho baa such n qulot, unaffected
Miss Bpcite Yes, but It has taken
her Bovcral years to ncqulro It Phila
delphia Press.
Aaktn m Oood Dcnl.
"How about tho rent of this houio ol
yours, Flitter? Doesn't tho landlord
nsk n good deal for UV
Flitter Yes; ho often asks flvo and
six times a month for It Now Yorker.
Proof Poal(lr.
Miss Charcoal I tell yo', MU' John
sing, desa hcah patent medicines hnlu't
no 'count at all. I'zo been usln dU
Illy balm faco bleach fo' a yeah now,
au' Jt 'fected mo nono. Exchaugo.
Not Settled.
Jones Docb ho lovo hor still 7
Johnson No; her father keeps htm
n tho jump all tho time. Kansas City
Independent -en ,jOwir-j.' jj
Miss ncflslo Johnson, daughter oi
Mayor Tom Johnson of Clovoland, hai
been appointed probntlon otllcer of tht
chlldron's court of her city.
Mrs. Julia Want nowo hns hor proud
nf innmont kIiico sho wroto lior "Bat
tlo Hymn of tho Republic." Sho la o
grcat-grandmothor for tho first tlino.
Wjien Mlus Ellon M. Stono Unlabel
hor lecturo courso thla Bprlng, beguu
lost October. Bho will lmvo Bpokou bo
foro 140 audiences about her experi
ences In Macedonia.
Mre, SAtftUK,.J)oltQi R(J3JeYjlaiia
u., will nnortly ;nnko n tour of tin
largo cities to plead tho cnuno of the
waif cat and tramp dog, Alio has es
tablished a homo for such four footed
outcnsiA in lipr city,
Aulcln ltlii7,lnska( tho last oi the
iraiidclilldren of Napoleon Ilonnpnrlo,
.ocontly died at Warsaw. Bho was
born on tho day hor illustrious grand
father passed through Warsaw wlillo
on tho retreat from Moscow.
ymy rr
"' Got HI Tfambere Rlatii,
'A! cortnln lawyer, who l now a very
nblo Judge, wns, whon ho first enmo to.
tho bnr, n very blundering speaker,
imyn Youth. On ono occasion, when ho
was trying n case of replevin, involving
n right of property to n lot of hogs, ho
mild, "Gentlemen of tho Jury, tlioro
wero Just twenty-four hogs in Unit
drove Just twenty-four, gentlemen
oxnetly twice as many an aro in that
Jury box!" Tho effect can bo imag
ined. i
Itlilnoeerone With Two Kornn,
Bovoral species of rhinoceroses, now
extinct and only found In a fossil state,
used to exist which had no horns nt
all. Tho name, meaning as It does
"horned nose," is rather n misnomer In
their case. Bovcral kitidn of rhinoceroses
In Africa havo two horns, ono behind
tho other, but tho extinct rhinoceros,
known as tho dyecrathcrium, hud a
pair of horns on Its noso stdo by eldo.
i norr KuKlrtnd Drrnn4"ini2."""'
' Tills Is how our forefathers managed
In a tlmo when tea and coffee were
unknown and beer was tho common
boverngo of tho Englishman. In the
Northumberland Household Hook, com
menced In 1511!, wo have nn exhaustive
account of tho domestic economy of the
great Percy family, nnd from It w
'arn Unit at breakfast, which was
nerved at 7 o'clock In tho morning, the
carl nnd countess had n quart of beer
and a quart of wlno bVtwcon them;
two sons, ".My Lordo Percy and Mals
ter Percy." a pottlo (two quarts) of
beer, nnd two children In tho "Nurcy"
(nursery) n quart of beer. For dinner,
rtt 10 o'clock, my lord and lady had a
g.llon of beer nnd n pottlo of wine, the
i o boys ii quart of beer nnd tho youn
ger children n pottlo of beer. At sup-p-f,
nt -1 o'clock, tho cnrl and counteM
r' ared n pottle of beer and n pottlo of
wine; tho children also hnd their nl
Jo.vnuce. Tor "livery," which wni
nerved In tho hedroom bctwcnyi 8 and
0 o'clock in tho evening, tho pnrents
wcro BiippllcdNvlth a gallon of beer
nnd n quart of wlno nnd each pair of
children with h pottlo of beer. Surely
there could In this cane havo been no
"drinking between tncals." Loudon
nalffnrlan Weddlnsf Ctintonn.
A curious wedding custom which ex.
Jsts In Ilulgarin Is tho shaving of Uio
bridegroom on Uio wedding day.
Whllo tho barber Is engaged upon hfi
faco n dancing crowd of boys and girls
surround tho bridegroom. When bis
hair has been cut, the pieces are care
fully collected by somo of tho girls, to
bo preserved In ono of Uio bride's
After tho barber has finished his
work ho receives a smnll whlto linen
cloth as a present, nnd each person
give him n trifling sum of money.
Then tho bridegroom kisses tho hand of
each ,'lrl, washes his faco and dons hli
wedding dress, which must bo first ac
curately weighed thrco times by a lad.
Theso strnngo customs arc said to
dato back to pro-Christian days, but
Uiey nro atlll strlcUy observed,, espe
cially in country districts.
lion to Clrnu urn Ueam,
To clean brass beds and chaudcllerfl
quo tho following reclpo: Powder and
sift rotten stone; then mix somo soft
Bonp and oil of turpentlno until It U
llko Btlff putty; Uien dry. When U9lng,
first waBh with hot water; then rub
with tho above, dampened with water;
Uien rub with a rag and polish with
leather, and your brass beds will look
exactly llko now.
ChUt Cleric In Kvr Utparlment.
Kntnk II. Hitchcock, chief clerk of
Uio now department of commerce and
labor, for tht past ten or twelve years
has held Important poslUons under tho
government. After his graduation from
Harvard In 1801 ho was appointed
chlof clerk to tho superintendent of
construction In tho post oltlco depart
ment. Later ho weit to tho depart
mont of agriculture, and Blnco 1807 ho
hns been chief of the division of for
eign warkutB,
Professional Cards
E. H. Walter, D. D. S.I
Office Nnnburg JDldg. A, Bt,, Phono, 20
E. E. Straw, M. D. '
Special attention to discancH of tlio Eye
Ksr, Xoo i-iid Throat, fllawscu fitted.
Office in Sctigstackcn & .Smith
Oftlco In Goldon's Rullding. Phono In
ofHce. Marehfleld, Oregon.
W. U. Douglas,
"Tront treet, Marthfield, Oregon.
S.A. D. Eaton,
pructico in all courts.
J. W. Bennett,
John F. Hall,
Office In Eldorado block, Front ilreet
ManliSekl, Oregon.
O. F. McKnight.
Office iti the Leuue4 & Walter
Dibble & Williams
Marshfield, JOregon
I am hero advertising buying' and
selling real citate. I will try if you list
your property with
J. R. Robertson,
Office at Norlh Bend, Oregon.
Kaufman & Wegner,
Dealers In
Real Estate
n Ofllco orer Goldon'a Drugstore.
t ,
, T. Micklewright.
All kinds ol watchos and clocks cleaned 1
.i --n.l.n.l nit clinrt nnllrfl. f
nn,l ranatrod nil fillOrt nOtlCO.
All wort guaranteed 12 months.
Marshflold, : : : Oregon
Our Best Asset Is ::
tiivlna our friends Ibc very :
hcitMtUfacllon. Cbcmore ;;
4. we raifpjy cwomcr (be ::
T i..v. '....... rh In-
Ibn lMnJcr QUT . -"; ,n
strurmnts me rry nave ; ;
been $eleeed mllb Ibe great- ::
ct Care. In Ibis age of : :
up-to-dateness it mould be : :
fatal to do anything else, :
J I D.O.FJIds, Alarslineld. ;;
4 1 1 1 '1 1 1 ii" 1 1 i i - - -
Despondent oyor domestio troubles,
a Gorman farnior named Doete, living
two miles east of Damascus, hanged
himself Sunday night iu a canyon half
a milo from his hoiuo. His body was
found at 10 o'clock hanging to a pole on
a (once. Ifo had been dead for some
tlmo. Gabriel Norrla found tho body
Doate was about 60 years ol age, and
had a wilo and a married eon at Damns
us, i
Desires His Election
Says There Has Been no Quarrel
and Their Relations are
Dr. T. W. Harris, chairman of ho
Republican Congressional Comtnitco of
tho First district, has received trom
Senator John H. Mitchell a copy of a
letter which the Sonator has received
from Hon, Thomas II. Carter, president
of the National Louisiana Purchase Ex
position Commlsflon, which proves
conclusively that President Roosevelt is
favorab!o to Binger Hermann is election
to Congress. The letter is as folio we:
"Bt. Louis, Mo., May 2. Hon, John
JJ. Mitchell, Washington, J). O. My
dear Senator: Plcieo pardon delay in
answering your esteomeel favor oi recent
date from New York. I had hoped to
ceo mora of you and to be able to give
an answer to a portion of your letter
through a personal interview before
your doparturo from St, Louis, but I
learned tonight that yon had loft the
city and, therefore, tho privilege of a
mooting was denied.
"I am gratified to know that your
health is improving, and it is needlcts
to say that, in common with' those who
know you the best, I indulgo the hope
that yon msyere long be restored to tho
robust physical condition which was the
envy oi all many years ago.
"In regard to the candidacy for Con
gress oi Hon. Binger Hermann,'to which
you refer, permit mo to say, that I made
it a special po'nt to ask President Roose
velt direct what his attitudo was in
regard to Mr. Hermann. I had no
doubt, to begin with, as to his reply, but
since, according to your suggestion,
persons resisting the election of Mr.
Hermann bad suggested that his candi
dacy was regarded with disfavor by tho
President, I felt constrained to secure
for you, as Mr. Hermann's friend,
direct information from headquarters.
In his uiunl frank and foicefnl manner,
the President PBod, as near as I can
recall tho following language, to-wit:
" 'Thero is not ono word of truth in
the rumor that I am opposed to Mr.
Hermann'a election; I heartily and
earnestly deiiro his election, I hope
that every yoter who believes in the
piinciplos ol the party, and wishes well
for tho abministration will cast his vote
ior Mr. Hermann. The rumored quar
rel between Mr. Hermann and myself is
without foundation. Our relations are
and always have been cordial.'
The foregoing is substantially, if not
actually, the language of the President.
1 do uot apprehend, my dear Senator,
.t t ni.Vi:..n llt !, .1-..!!..i u..
that any Republican will bo deceived by
designing rumors set afloat by the oppo
sition to tho administration for the pur
pose of bringing about the defeat of our
party candidate. Hon. Binger Hermann
is too well known to the people of Ore
gon as an earnest, honest, faltbfnl pub
lic sorvant to warrant the belief that
any Idle campaign rumor could encom
pass his defeat by Republican votes.
"My understanding ia that a distinct
issue arose between Mr. Hermann and
Socrotary Hitchcock involving the policy
of the General Land Office, as adminis
tered by Mr Hermann. Mr. Hermann
took the broad, liberal Western idea of
tho administration of the land laws as
his guide, while Mr. Hitchcock, with
equal honesty, adopted a moro rigid
policy than that which baa heretofore
obtained in tho administration of the
land laws under Republican Administra
tions. As Commissioner of the General
Land Office, Mr. Hermann could not
yield his convictions to tho Secretary,
and therefore, in a manly faehlon, re
signed his position. This course of con
duct was creditable to Mr. Hermann,
and the tenacious adherence of the Sec-
rotary of" the Interior to his own views
of Republic land policy must be regard-
ed as crsditablo to him.
"With kind regards, einzereJy yonrs,
"ThomaiH. CAirriR'
: $i
Another New Saw Mill Wafer .
Works and Street Improver
ments Going
' -J." so
The North Bend baioball andi amuie- -,
ment grounds are being finished off anffjV
smoothed down and will bo rolled toil
hard-pan finish and the area is alio
being enlarged. This work Is expectei
b3 finished by tho first of next week'.
Tho entlio grounds will bo enclosed by
10-foot board fonco uith a suitable
grand stand with seating capacity to
accommodato a. thousand people or
more. This work will be hastened pa '
fait as possible nnd when completad
North Bon i will have Uio best sporting
grounds for all kinds of athletic, sports
la Coos county.
J. J. Burns, who has done'all the
grading work of any contequence at
North Bend, has tho contract for clear
log, digging and trestling for the water
pipe to North Bend from Marshfield.
The right of way for the pipe lino will
be down the Bay front from Marihfleld,
A now 8 inch' steel ma'n will bo laid
from Marshflold to North Bend? which
will supply the water for that town un
til a hotter system can bo installed. '
Tho mains are expected to be laid before
July 1st.
J. J. Burns' grading outfit will be
transferred to the foot of Washington
Street as soon as the ball grounds are
completed and the apppoachos to the
public dock will bo graded and pnt in
shape eo that street will be accosrablo
from the dock) thus making it more
convenient for the sash and door factory
and its warehouse.
It is understood that all plans aid
fully matured and specifications are
completed for a largo new warehouse
just east of fhe saib and door factory.
The warehouse will be for storing all
kinds of commodit'o.1,
A sew saw mill will be built jaat .
south of the sash and door factory,
equipped with the most modern im- .
proved machinery nnd every conven
ience. The new mill will havo a caplci
ty of 75,000 feet per day. This new pro;
ject is made a necessity from, the present
fast progreea at Nortl. Bond and its in
dustries. Mr. Simpion is bound to
keep up with Itho procession, in fact
lead it. Just at precent North Bend ia
leading the procession and the two mills
are unable to furnich lumber enough to
supply the demand.
Tho improvements at the sew town
continue to be rushed along as foBt at it
ia possible to do to. All things taksa"
into conBlderaUoa at tho present pace
of Improvement North Bend will, bq
second town to nono in Coos county
within a year, railroad or no railroad.
Alliance's 01; Load
(Portland Tejegram)
With tho heaviest paseenger and com
bination, freight list Bho ever carried
from this port, the dtcamer Alliance,,ot
tho California & Orcein Coat Steaum
ship Company's fleet, Balled last night
for San Francisco and way points. She
bad listed 80 first class passengers and
30 second-class, in addition to 800 tona
of freight.
The steamer Fulton, of the sane line,
Is expected today and by the end of the
week five of be fjeet will be in the bar
bor. The -Aberdeen is due Tuesday and
tho Rutb,'Prentis and Despatch should
havo their hawsers fast by Friday or
baturday at the latest. The three latter.
will como with general cargoes and load
out with lumber. They will go from the,
company 'a wharf to tbo Eastern mllla
to load, ,
rs. Cliff Ralla, of Monroe is In a
critical condition from the effects of her
team running away and a heavy roller
anil harrow passing over her.
" t
'-jcsamn mm n lUf'r nrti-nrvwn
pSwK, nil'
. m-ntnr ,w 'jay