. ii - W- r -f jfl-77 ,,,r'H-W-W.'WrV;... ..,- . ,.- J.,w -WWPt"M-in Ii "" IPWI ' " 1 '- UWV K) t . J j-. 'f.J T. 'm WwaM(i .tf' V .. . 1 -J t ; t COMEDYDF 'itf MMMft LOST NUMBERS lOrliilnnl, "01 , .Murln, I'm ruliuKll 0r wed- JIlIK tt'lll IlllVd (() pOHtH)IIO(l." "l-'or licavun'n mtv, GcorKo, whnt'ri llio iiml lor V" Tvo lorit twenty $100 blllw." . "Wlioror "Whom? Whnt iioiiboiiboI If I Unow whoro, wouldn't 1 ko mid fltitl thom7 l'vo helm robbed." "IttllllXMll" "Om of llio ciinloniQrx of tho Iioiiho rniiio Into io olllco hint (vcnliunvlicii I win nluiio mid liiHlntcd on pnylnj; mo $2,000. I (old him tlutt I would not iwolvo Hi tin dm nnfo wnx loclcod find 1 didn't Icnow llio combination. Then lu) nnal ho Iiml to tnlio a iiljrlit train for New Vorlc mid I miiKt rccclvu II, an lio wouldn't carry It wltli lilin. 1'car lnir hit would report mo lo llio firm mid thoy would lilaiuo mo, I coiiM-ntcd mid kiivo lilm a receipt. Af lor ho bail k'ono I put llio IiIIIm In my IiihIIo pock ot anil Hliirtnl for homo. I can rciiicin. her IhiivIiii; tho olllco ami unlldiitf a hhort dlntniico; then my memory Htopn. At tint mid of a hltink I whn lylni: on tlio iildnwnllc, with a crowd around mo. 'I'ho HiTit thins; I did wiih lo put my Imiul In my pocltot to fid for tho hlllx, Tlioy wrro ono," "(Jono? Oh, (Icowr "A coupluof pollcomi'ii toolc me ioin and molhor pemunded mo to jjci fr bed." "Hut what wan tho matlcr with you?" "Whjf, lh policemen nny that I wan tiiidouh'U'dly followed hy hoiiio person or pithoiik who miiidhnKKi'd mo and toolc tho money, Any ono could nee lulu tho olllco, for tho win wah on and tin mrtnlim not drawn. Thoy may linvo neon mo couutltiK tho hi I It mid maMm: a memorandum of tlntlr mini bent aflor tho ciiHtouier had itone. "Von havo iho memorandum?" "TliHt'M what trouhlcH mo. If I hud tlwit, tho hlllx could ho recovered. I mn' I r momher what I did with It." "Ion't illHlreHN yountelf, OcorKe, dour. Kluco you ruiiiem'.ter innklu It, wo iiimit llud It. Klmt tho olllco muxt ho raiiHiicKiil." Tim olllco linn been rniiHiicl:eI. I don't bullovo I left It there." "Nor I It would ho moru uaturni for you to (nice It with you, I bono you didn't put It In with tho note." "I don't Lnow whether I did or not. My head adieu yet, and I can't re member much of nnylhliiK." "Do they blame yon at the olllco?" "Oh. yen. They nay that 1 had no bunlnenH to ni'olvo Hie money." "And do thoy Intimate have, they iihuwu any dlitponltlou to uiiNpect you" They ilon't ay no, hut l hoy look It." "(Jeork'e, that memorandum imiHt bo found. Vou may have put It In hoiiio nnftr" place In the otllce ko tiuiiKiial that It vwlll bo very hard to llud II. You miiKt attend to that. I can't help you. If you put It In any of your pocket, I will llud II, for I will ko homo with you and turn them all limbic out." '.Mother hatt doiio that already. No, liotlilni: can be done. Thcru'ri no hopo of tnicliiK iioIoh the uumherH of which wo don't Unuw. Wo aro taken from n holKlit of happlnem and pluiiKed Into mi abyHrt of mlnery. Tomorrow ln ntead of helm; married I may bo bo hind bai-H." "Cheer up, Como; let iih ko to your home, and I will make u Hcurcu." QsvvmKmimmfKittp mvn ifcflOTMnnirMitf mim riDiiiKL, i ft AUUOVJIMftU . . .... - . -. '-- i n.JilIHIa. A millnur (Vmitilfivlmi. ilfvylnnii .... blllousiic-s nml a coated tongue aro common indications of liver and kidney diseiisei. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe na time nro. uivo imuiediato waruiug by pain, but liver and Icidnoy troubled, though less painful at tlio start, aro much hinder to cure. Thedford's Hliick-Drauuht never failn to bene fltdUeosod liver and weakened kid novfl. It stirs tm the tornid liver to throw off tho Hcrius of fever and ague. It Ih ii certain proventivo of cholera and Hriuht's discujo of tho kiducvg, With kidneys re inforced by Tliedford's lllnclc Draualit thousands or iK-raons buvo dwelt iinmuno in tho midat of yel low fover. Many famillej livo in perfect health and havo no other cUtor than Thedtord's lllnck Draught. It lsah.nis on hand for U90 in an emergoney and saes many cxrJensivo calls of a doctor. Mulllnj. S. C. March 10. 1001. I. have used Thedford'i OUckDratiaht for three yean and I have no) htcltoijo to a doctor since I have beta taking 'it. It Ii the best medicine for me that Is on the market for liver and kidney troubles, and dyspepsia and other complaints. Key, A. G. LEWIS. 9M BLAMAUGHT THE ORIGINAL $mMMmmm& ) ''rirai bIvo mo your cuT" "IlorO It In." "Not your vcHt nntl IrotiHoni." "lluro they are." "Your hut. You may linvo put tho money In tho lining, No: It In not lit any of your pocltotH nor your hut. Did you havo on bIovoh?" "No." "You wouldn't linvo put It in your hIioom. l'vo examined all your outer clothing. I don't KuppoHo you havo any pockotH In your tiudcrclotiilnu'V" "Not except lu my nllilnlilrl, In which I havo a pocket for my haudkor chief, but (contemptuously) I didn't havo on my ulKlitHhlrt on tho Hired." "Certainly not. Havo you i;ot on tho nlilrt you had on when you woro rob-iK-d?" "No. Mother kavo mo a clean one to put on thlii inornliKr." "What did iiho do with tho Hollcd ono V" "Oh, my dear, you nro.wourlng mo mil." "If you will ot mo tho soiled idilrt, I'll not trouble you any more." "Hero It Ik lu (ho cloxet. Hut I taunt my that It neonm very rldlculoim to overhaul n nhlrt lo llud a mcmorim iliiui. Hut father kiivo mo a Ioiik lee turo Ihu other iiIkIH to iiervo me, after being married, about Iho HhiKUlar wayM women havo of Kotllnj,' at HiIiiku, and It may bo (hut after all (very con teuiptuoiiHly) there Im hoiiio connection between $L000 and a Hotted uhlrU Hero It Ih." "Whero Ih tho collar?" "Oh, that'H lu tho cloHet too. I nop jkiko you want tho cuffa?" "Yen, I do." ' "Well, hcro'H tlw wholo tiling. ly tliuiidorl' "TIicho ninrkn lu pencil on tho cuff! What aro they?" "Tho numbers of tho noteo." Thank heaven!" "You mean 'thank vou I'a:hct' rlKliC Women do havo queer wnyn o( KetlliiK nt thliiKH. Olvo mo a klHU-au other, another, a thoiiKuud." Extract from nownpnper Item: A Quick Itrcovrry. A ninn nttemnllnn to clmiiHo n liutxlrwl ijiillnr bill yeatonliiy j on which wan u nutnbrr known lo the .hj- llc wnn nrre.iie(, nml nlnutwit other ln-, lUr noun Oiut IwO hecn niam uir ro tovcrl. OwirKc ltumlcll, from whm ihcy! wrre luktn. Is to Ims timrrlcHl lliU cvonlnir. Jlr. Itunilell'M winluyrr buvo kIvpii two' SomiTi.1"" l "" l,r,JO n" wcdJln,,rmlnrdlittict, a 'third a turpentine ANITA WALOII M'KNIOIIT. ANIMAL ODDITIES. Tho raven la nmoiiK birds whnt tho fox Is among animals, tho embodiment of fdirewdhcai. Tho eyea of nnt npprcclato tho ultra violet rnyH of lluht which are beyond human ratiKu of vlxlon. Thereforu the ant sees ja color of which wo can form no conception. Tho horned ray or Hkato Is 25 feet In leiiKth by 30 bi width. Off tho coast of Newfoundland l.s a species of cuttl llsh with arms KomellmcH 30 feet long, ao na to bo (x) feet from tip to tip. TALES OF CITIES. Tho dty of Cleveland is to set rid of Its 13 1 grudo croKsliiKS nt a cost of JIO.000,000. Half thin expense will bo Itorno uy the neVeii railroads Interest I'd and half by tho city. For fiovvrnJ years past suicides have been ItictvnKlnj; lu Chicago nt ii ratio rer fn excess of the Increase In popula tion. Threo hundred mid llfty-slx sui cides lu 1000 werv followed by 300 In 1001 ami -139 last year. COLLEGE Ario SCHOOL. Tho University of Cincinnati gradu ates this your Its first Chits of electrical englnccra. Dean James Uarr Ameii of tho Har vard ijiiw school has bern elected to tlio Dnno professorship of law at liar vnrd, tho chair mado vacant by the dentil of tho lato Trofcssou J. U. Thny cr. Chemistry Btudents In ' lleldelbera university la Germauy nro compelled by tho rules of that intuitu tloti to lu Hiiro their lives. Kven thoso who more ly attend tho lectures uud lo not, ex pcrliueut must Insure. . UPTON'S NEW YAOHT. Spcnk softly, Sir Thonina Ltpton. and carry u big stick lu youi yacht . Ohleo go xriuiino. Tho roporls of tlw performi mcos ol Shamrock III. sound very much like thoso from Slmmroclc I. mid , II. Us clmngc. Tho now Shamrock continues Its so ries.of trliiaiplutnt vlcitfrioa on t ho oth er sldo of tlio Atlantic. Hut t ho cup happens to Ni-on this sldo, No v Yorii World. r . , m t - Stack rnatmrajfiiAiiiliM. " To pepnnirb postjigo stiiinpfl thnt hnvo liecomo otuck together, dip t hem. In water for a few seconds, shako off tho water ;vnd boat tlujin with a mo tch as much t posslblo without burnt us. Tho bent expands tho water betwi 'en tho stamps', and thoy, nro easily pull ed apart. The 'i'oiihIUiIm jrm, Tho germ, which causos torusllltlo 1 1 tJjorrfuplcMciiBj., ,mi TO LESSEN DAM'AOE BY FOREST FIRES Bureau of Foreslry to Watch Th'm Burning and Study Pre ventive Means hast year within tiro ivctko over 1 1 2,000,000 wortli of timber and other property was destroyed by forent firei in Oregon nml WiiHblnnloii. This enor moiiH Iorh occurred upon n rcttrlclod nroa and roprutonla only a very email part of tho annual Ions from this p.ourco, Every timbered region ot tho United Statcii mifforn year after year from firo. Thu nnnunl Ion Ih oalimatod at from ?2o,000,000 lo JijO.OOO.pOO. Forcot nrcH havo biuu regarded no nlm6st Jnovilnblc nml fo Kyctenmllcnttompla havo been mado to prevent or control thorn except In tho Btntes of Now Ycrk, l'enniyl- vnnln, and Minnesota, whfcli havo efll- cicnt nystcma of lire protection, Tho Ilurcnu of Toreitry Jins this year undertaken n thorourh etudy of tho foroBt-flro problem in eevoral different reuionB. It bai placed tnon in forest districts tonttidy Urea whif'oin tlio proc cat of burning. Inttcnd of waiting until tho Area aro over and relying tor Infor mation on local reports, na baa been dono heretofore, tho fires aro now boinu obiervc-d by tlio Hurcau'a agenta and full data will bo obtained as to bow I hey were cauceil, haw fait thoy burn, what conditions favor or hinder them, und Just what damngo thoy do to tlio soil and to treo urowth. Kach njjent of tho ii.- ,- ion n,pnni5 in a dlclrict IJ,,rr,lu m Xv atMni 10 a u.firici UV $ nveatisatln all fires that occur , . thiii bis territory: For example, nnj . , , .. . ,... -i,. runn etndies n lumber tract, onothcr a orcban', etc. In connection with this dotailed study, tho aganta will obiorvo tha mctboda of firo protection prectUed by railroads and otbor owners of timber lands. Tho firo warden syetoma of tho htatca which hnvo forest-fire Ian a, and tho patrol ayatcm in uto on tho Federal forest re serves will ajeo bo obtorvod cloeoly. Ily such metpods tho Hurcau of For estry hopes to roplnco with carofully gathered'facla tho vauno rjeneral notions that now exbist about forest fires. When tho problem ii eolved for any particular roRion, tho Ilurcau will bo ready to rcc commond mothods of tiro prevention and control lor tho private land owner, and to eiiRccat forceWiro legislation for tho various states. Tho investigation Ib now In progress in northern Florida and eoutborn Alabama and UeorUi undor tho direction of KrnostA. dtorliuR. II. J. TompkinB with a email corpe ef nntlstonts, has bo gun tho work in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. I-ator in tho searon a 6tudy of foroet fires will bo mado on tlio Pacifio coast. Tim ntntcKTt.-n nt Ilrercntton. You'd nevtr susipcct tho londa of caw This carilcBt man has noen Cbulit you but -nee htm Rolilnp tbero 1 upon uc villLiie grrcn. Washington Star. CROSSMANN'S PA'i'BNT WRITING RING Tn most Important improvement, of the ago in tlio art of penmanship makes tht. noorofit writer a bnloiidid neumait in a ow weeks by tho iinoof this ring Knddrccd ly promtneni uoiicro rrosi iontii and Hoards bf Kducatiou in Uu ropo mill America. Sample dozen s uorted elbes sent post paid for $1,00, sin glo eamplo -ic. Whoji ordering a singUt ring, atato wbfltber for muu, woman or child. IlirN MFG., SUPPLY CO. No. lit) 6. Fourth St, Philadelphia inn CLUAXilXXf! AMI) UUAI.INQ cuitu rou CATARRH SATARRH Hly's Groam Balm TCitay mil j)lo.-unl to tii. Contilrji no lu- Jurlogs ilriig. i It U quloljy abiprbca. u iwa lteiuutuoi co. . AfflLiba- COLD (N HEAD l-vYdlllllfe-rt' ltvnli Ami lVOtueU tlio Altmbrune. rune, uettorca to ice sue, S' centt aI WfJteA?;?coiDW w vJF4 ufioiifeaor thu; Aim tiaicn. L&rce Que, so BASE BALL SETTLED AT LAST Four Teams to Comprise the League --First Came 24th Inst Mlko Fislior Short nnd Ionk Ilnrrfo Flanagan, took n trip over to Coqnlilo Friday to attend tho base-hall rneotinK callod in that city. Representatives from tho flvo towno wero prcionl Co rjulllo, Uandon, Myrtlo Point, Marsh flold mid North Bond, reprcnonled by Chas. Baxter, Itobt. Bodiliton, John Currcn, W. II. Short ami J. W. Flana- Tho question was cussed And dieensa- cd as to tho . Rdylaabllity of running a flvo team loaguo and the different dele gates catno to tho conclusion that it would bo noltbor practical nor possible from a financial atandpolnt. A four team leajjuo was formod and ono town, MyrticI'oiut,was dropped from tholiof. Of courto it is rather a hard tiling to drop any town when wo bavo audi a circuit to draw from but it was up to ono thing and owing to tho fact thnt Myrtlo I'oint waa tho hardest point to j;ct to, that it has never been n baEO ball town in tho past prompted tho del egates to vote for tho other four cities. Everything went off openly and abovo board and tliero Is no reason to bcliovo that Myrtlo Point will feol soro over tho result. Tho first Ramos of tho Ecaton will bo played on tho 2-1 inot betweon Marsbfield and Korth Bond at Marsh fisld, and Bandon and Coquillo at Co qnillo City. Dr. C. W. Tower Prtsident of tho leaguo f, pitch iho first ball over the plate at Marsbfield and K. J, dherwood secretary of tho lcanuo will perform the same offico at Coquillo. Wo have every reason to believo that batcball will have a thriving season in Coos county and wo wish it all tho suc cess possible. Follotving is tho schedule: c 3 O 5s 9 mm 2 B S O -1J T-JCQ M 'f -3 -fi- i; nci f-OC3 '5 o Cl 3 (0 tfl O C3 E 6J) a o O O (A " a m OJ . U V) i. 2 - M 5 oei MS 0 3 Of - z 1st I O S wo t,S ei o a s 3 3 u t) i ar ? 1 J: u 7-. a s v V. s r. TUB ntOOUST BKS8ATI0K -RVKntWHEllE L LIPUT Golapsnblo Pocket STEREOSCOPE APPARATUS Tho smallost Storeoscopo with tha stroncost optical effect. Highly finished in differont colors with rich gold and silver decorations (mountings), Includ ing V. F. Photographs, Viowa of art (Konro.). PRICE ONLY $100. Snot everywhere prmmid in lottOr foi v. AGBPTS WANTED. LIL1PUT STEREOSCOPE CO. FORREST BUILDING, Philadelphia THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. r. XJSLbOX, iirnsro. Will aSuUu ItoKuIar 'IVIpst -BETWEEN- COOS B.A.Y AND SAN EUANCISCQ OARRYING- PAGSENQEnS ANO FREIGHT -AT- -L.OWE3T RATES. Uiegou Coal & Navigation Co., Propriotoss. ' 'l ' , ' I F. S, DOW, AgontMarahflold, Orosoa 840. c6. Agent, limpffe City, OrosjoriV The Old Reliable Firm, fl 'Vn E.B.Dean&,Co. C. II. MERCHANT dggMM 0 In constantly adding to Us sloclc of Gnnoral Merchan dise, already tho largest In Marsbfield. When you buy nt tho Mill Storo you know tho goods aro first class and the price Is all rlg'jt. All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail. TUE YORK NEW WORLD TIIRIOB-A-WJBEK EDITION Read wherever tho English Laoauago is Spoken The Thricc-A-Weck World was n brilliant success in tho beginning and has bec:i steadily growing evor ainco. Timo is tho test of nil tbincs. and has 'set its eeiil of approval on tho Thrice-a- Week vorl'J, which ie widely circulated in overy Stalo and Territory of tho Un ion, and wbereovec there nro people who can read our mother toncue. This papir for tho coming winter and tho year l'J03, will make its news eer vico, if possible, more eztonsivo than over. All oventaot importance, no mat ter where thoy happen, are re ported accurately and promptly. Tho subscriber, for only one dollar a year, gets threo papers every week and moro nows and general reading than most great dailies can furnish it five or six times tho price. Tho Thricc-a-Week-Wcrld is abso lutely fair in itB political news. Par tiean bias is never allowed to affect its news columns, and Democrat and Re publican alike can obtain in ita puses truthful acconnta of nil tho great politi cal campaigns. - In addition to all tho news, the Thricc-a-Weok-World furnishes the beit aerial fiction, elaborate market reports and other features of interest. The Tbrice-a-Week-World'a rezular subscription prlco is only $1.00 per year and this pays for loG papers. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Weekly COAST MAIL together ono year for $2.00 Tho regular subscription price of the two papcrais 12.50 Coos Bay WMcsale Lianor HEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH. GRADE LIQUORS CHOICE WINES AND PURE BRANDIES. LOADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED DEER Family Orders ojtcitcd. SOLE' AGENT FOR THE CELE BRATED RAINIER BEER Family orders for Pops, pints ant quarts, delivered by tho case. Robert Marsden. n airaaaEEaiararaaaDmrasffia G!-BE FEB. H SI i. If n ta n M B m R B DEALER IN GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS, VEGE TA BLES PROVISIONS, FLOUR FEED, ETC., OF THE REST Q UALITY. PRICES REASONABLE. FROZEN OYb'TERS EVERYDAY. : : : U S B H a m B 09 n a H 91 IB g A Street, MarshGeW, Ore gj 2aEcatxr3E3atstSj5iiia3!iil , a R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription ror rnnKinui tiata Bull tliOii The 5 cant packot U 1 ouougtv,' JorvU8al occasions. yfho faiuilv bottlo (CO contu) con'talnnnannnlv for tt voar7ri All drufc- tdiberjjAnd aot .tune, a',' imf NOTIOH FOR PIIOLIOATfOM. I United Btatos Land Office, Itowbiirfc Oregon, April 10, 1303 x Notico is hereby given that In com-' pliancO with the provisions of tlm net of qongresaof Jane 3, 1878, entitled "An net for tho sale of timlKir lands in the Statos of California, Orc?nn, NevndaJ and Washington Territory," ns oxteudeil to all the Public Land Statoa by act of August -i. 1802 -f OAL W. WRIOHT, of Marslifiold, cotinty of Coos, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in thin olHe'u hie sworn statement No. 40), for the purchaso of tho NWl-t Bcciion No. 22 in Township No. 27 Sou ft, Rungfl. No. 12 West, and will offer proof to show that the laud sought H more valuablo for ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, nnd lo establish bis claim to said land before W. U.' Douglas. U. S. Commissioner for Oregon nt Marsbfield Oregon, on Friday, the 3d day of July, 1003. " He names as "Witnesses: JesseSmith, AI Smith, Lostor Smith, F R Taylor, of .Marsbfield, Oregon. Any nnd alt peisons claiming adverser ly tho abovc-de.'cribed lands are re qneetcd to file their claims in this office on or beforo said 3d day of July, 1003. '- 4-ST8- J. T. Piidoks, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' United Siatca Iind office, hosebiirp, Oregon, ' Feb. s, 1903. , Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the projfon of the net of 6'ongreis of June 3, 1673, entitled "An act for the sale of timber Ztndi In the States of, California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Wahlngton Territory," as extended to all the Public I-ar.d Stales by act of August., WILLIAM- W PRIBHLE. of t9t Monroe St., I'itlrd, county of Mtillno mah. Slate of Oregon, l ''tis day filed (n lhl$ , office his sworn statement So. 4403, for the pur chase ot the SEi-4, of Sec. No. 14, Tp a6 S. KL ta west. and will offer proof to show that the land sought U .niore valuable for Its timltcr or Mona than for agricultural puroses, nnd to cstablbti his claim to snid Und before the Register and Kcceircr 01 tins omce at KOteourg, uregon, on .ionday, the 6 day of July, r9e3. lit names as witnesses: Oscar Kdwnrdi. of Oakland, jOrccon, Georje Finley. G I'en V Kump, of (.'rawfordsville, (lreson. UN Smith, of Myrtle Point, Oregon. ' Any and all persons cLilniing adversely the nbove-described lands arc requested to file their claims In this office on for before said 6 day 01 juijr, 1503. 4-a8-p J. T. Bridges, Reqlster. NOTICE FOR PUDLTCATION ' Department of the Interior, Land OTicc at Roseburg, Oregon, Aprib 8, 1903. , Notice is hereby Riven that the following named setder has filed nHce of his intention t ) make' final proof in supp. ' f Ills claim, nml that said proof will be itiatta N-fore W. U. Douglas, U. S, Commissioner 4t Marsbfisld, Oregon, on lily. 33, 1003, viz: . OHN HENDKICKSON, on Hd. E. No i43. for the Lot tr,Secst3, loti 3, 3. 4. Sec 19. Tp. 34 S., R. 10 West. '- He names the following uimesses to prpve his continuou sresidence upon and cuHitat ton of said land vii: Victor Carlson. Dan stattson, t Larson, Joseph Scliappcn, of Alfc-'gany, OreRin.' J. T. UKIDGEb, Register. 4-18. TIMIJER LAND ACT, JUNE 3, 1873. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 37. 1503. , Notice Is hereby given 'h.it in complLinca with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junc3. 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale ot Timber Lands In the States of California, Oroy gon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," nf extended to all the Public Lund States by act ot August 4, 1893. v GRANT. "ARRY, .. ' of Coquille, county of C001, slats of-CJrer gon, has this day filed in this ollice hi-t sworn statement No, 5039, fpr the nurclvuo of the I-otso. 10, 11 and 13 of Ssction No. 3; in Tottnshlp No. 33 S. of Range it WS!'and wilt offer proof to show thnt the land toujht is mote valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land beforo YV. U. Douglas, U.S. Commissioner for Oregon, nt Matshtield, Ore gon, on Friday, the loth day of July, 1903. He names as witnesses: Alvin Smith, I-eJtcr Smith, Frank Snntb, of ManhlicldQrcQ, E N Harry, of Dora, Oregon. Anyandallpersojw chiniinfr.ad'fcrsKry.lhQ above drscnbcil hnds are requested to fil; their cbims in this ofi1a on or before said 101 1 day ol July, ioo J. T. Bxinuss, Register. 5-3 CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front nnd A street?, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JONH SNVDER. : : : : : Proprietor THIS WELL-KNOWN AND FA VORIJK HOTEL has lust been entirely refitted ard refurnished throughout and Is again open to the public for patronage, New beds and spring mattresses have been filaccd in almost every sleeping room of this lonseand neither, lMe norexnsnsi hoc been ared to put eierythlu,; m iirt-cuss order, tekms. ' Board and dglng, per v.eck 15.cn Uoard,p week ,, .j.co Single Mro' , ..' ., ,, ,, 35 GO 'KEARS' ' EXPERIENCE Trade OcsiaNa COPYRIfiHTB AC. Anyons iwiillni a ikttcb nJ dwerlptlon mar Oolrl.lT uscertnlu nnr opinion fre wutthtr an lur jutloii U prnbnblr patwutable. CommunlfA. tloniatrlctlreonnaantul. Iluiabookenl'aunts Bdnc. f taa. llMasl airanov for fteurlnir Datttnli. l'atent taki tbrouuU Munu ft ?-"w'" T": T-:" . .. - v . t&ielal notkt without clurio, , M. IVtT cinrio, la 109 SCKHtlllC iisrKait;: A.nodeIi)illotrle4 watklr. Ijj rat Jilt ituur ( Untr,Hont)u, U iold by all tiewidelTij. iiiiia Pi Trade Marks t i , ill jj- . l)rn(;nHhn)Nh mnli; Trial Hlw.Mp eouU hy I BWV -DUOK1UU8, 6 Wurreo 8&sl, K tnAll. Vorbi 1 'MiHiimmmnatiimmm XJ& iittwi 1 iiirnWfrpwfwap