Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 09, 1903, Image 8

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t h -
Absolutely: Pure
1 jisriD LOCAL
From Thursday's Dally.
C. W;'Sonford of Haines slough was
in town on buiiness yesterday.
Sirs J. Leo Brown returned from
Francisco on tho Alliance.
'Mrs. J. K. Rocbcn is a passonger
north, to Visit her mother at Portland.
Miss Dell Fox went to Coquille City
yesterday for a week's visit with her
Tho Presbyterian ladies Aid Society
met yeilerday at the homo of Mrs.
Williams. .
'Every good advertisement will do
Eomeling to win the friendship of the
baying public.
Mrs B. M. Roork Is a pa'ssenger North
on the Alliance, on her way to Salem for
& short visit.
James and Jap Stock will commence
in a few dayB to rebuild tbo dyke around
H. Sengstvcken's large marsh at East
Mrs. 0. J. Sceley and Mrs. E. Min
gus, her daughter, returned on the
Alliance from a short vieit to San
Tbo picnic which was to havo been
given last Sunday to the lower bay, by
tbo North Bend Band will come off next
Sunday. Dun't mios It.
.The Alliance is under the command
of, Captain Hansen, whilolCaptain Hard
wick is aboard as a passenger, on a
ehort vacation.
.ThemanyfriendBof Thos. Hirst will
lo glad to know that he was feeling
much better yesterday than for Eeveral
dayB, baying been quite seriously ill.
Mjtt deslrabla exemption: She "I
wish I were a bird." Ho "8o you
could fly to my arm?" She No; so I
couldn't'hEVO tho toothache." Chicago
"Many women," said the philosopher,
"can make their own clothes, but it is
tho exalted few who can mako them so
that th3 others will not suspect it."
Indianapolis News,
The Coquille Herald says that Sheriff
El, Galllerand two assistants Etarted
for Salem Tuesday morning with F. A.
Ingels ond Carl Nowball, who wili
spend 10 and 1 years respectfully in the
Tour lota were sold at North Bend
Wednesday and lumber has bpen order
ed for resldonc es for each. The new
houses will go up in tho vicinity of
Lincoln square. Tire parties who will
build are John Ellerby, James LyonB,
O.' T. Farisa and Andrew F ah oil, Thrf
fohreottflgea will' be gcod substantial
' Ugasaud will l3 flnishod right up
sil quickly m possible! ,
A Good Description
A llltlo ll.ycar-old girl in wrltllug to
hor nuntlo describes tho bugo whalo
which is stranded on North Beach at
Bandon, na follows:
I weut to sco tho whalo it is the blu
est thing I ever saw (-.1 feet -t inches.
I went in its mouth, wo got somo whalo
bono out of its mouth, its tall Is twelve
feet across and its mouth niuo. I went
back uino feet in its mouth. 1 beliovo
it is as big around na it is long, ami its
eyes isn't any larger than a horso'r ojo,
but its tongue was larger arouud than 1
am around my waist, that's nil about
tho whale.
Old Landmark Gone
Ouo of tho historic landmarks of Coos
Bav has had to Llvo way bcfoio tho
spirit of progress, and Dewey rock is
no more. At least tho wholo top line
been blown off it and tho solid remaind
er will bo used ns a foundation for the
engines of tho North Bend Saeh and
Door factory.
Dewey rock uted to bo one of the main
landmarks of tho bay, ami appears often
in tho tales sf tho early settlers, in tho
way of locating tho scenes of their early
adventures. Many of them will givo
the tributo of a sigh to tho obliteration
of tho old landmark,
' Tho rock was shattored into a
pieces by four blasts of about 15
dynamite each. Tho work was
lbs of
vised by Carl Albrecht.
Tile Base Ball League
Tho Mail is informed that Myrtlo
Point is not satisfhd with tho arrange
ment that leaves her team out of tho
Coos county League for this season, and
is endeavoring to bring about a recout id
oration, It seems that at a meeting a short
time ago it was agreed, at the sugges
tion of tho representative from Myrtlo
Point, that unles tho matter were satis
actorily arranged before, each tram
should send in to Dr. Tower, president
of tho league, on Tuesday, May Gth, its
vote on tho four teams to constitute tho
league. Coquillo City and Myrtlo Point
vceie not heard from but tbo votes of
Marshfleld, North Bend and Bandon
were received on that day and counted,
tboresul't.as announced in yesterday's
paper, naming tho teams of Marshfleld,
North Bend, Ccanlllo City and Bandon
to constitute the league.
Travel By Sea
Arrivals from South by Alliance May
C : Mrs Sh Brown, Mrs E MtogUB, .Mrs That I had told him, (Carter) that Thos.
0 J Seeley, G G Lawler, A Holmes, R II Barker, deceased, had run away with
Jacobs, Mrs C S Kaiser, Mrs W M Law- my wife and money. And I was sworn
lor, Mrs I Hacker, Mrs E Nasbnrg, Mrs ( at my own, requoU to the above.
K T Yoshida, Frank Kennedy, lira Louj (Jentlemon your account, Is aubstau
Earle, Miss Lily Hastings, Miss Maude Itlally correct (with tho one exception)
Davis, Miss Fanny Morrell Miss Sophia ' for which except my thank, and best
Ward, William Erickeon, Oscar Bunk,
Alex Sturdevant, Mrs F W Kronenburg,
Mrs James Blakeley, K V Kruse, Otto
Borquist, Mark Wesse, S Llliue, S Ro
san, C Burnham, Henry Rhoner, Eeom
Walker, btephen Walker, G H Wool
dridge, E Kay, Chas Chisin, Mrs 0
Sieetrecra, Miss J Siestrcein, E SleE-
treem, F Clegg, Ada Lafferty, Pauline
Custer, W F Kausen C E Bedine, Bortha
Tyrrell, Lucilo Woodward, II M Mer
cer, Mies L R Sicstreem, C Harrigan. E
Departures north by Alliance, May G;
Mrs R 31 Roork, Rev.B F Beagt'eon,
Alfred G Gross, M D, Mrs Davis, I N
Wilson, Mies Alice Bur.oh, TW Jenkins,
II 0 Hunter, R Geeho, II N Ingalla,
Mrs J R Rochon, Thoa Lovell, J E
Lyons, Chris Olson, F M Sharer, L W
HImpBon, W 0 Schaffner, Geo w Wake,
R P Clarke T T Smith, Mary Loomis,
J M Wlgton, Mr. and Mrs W D Marsh-
all, Geo Ayers, J WLeuthioion and wife,
Miss Myrtle Spencer, Mrs Grace and
Miss Maude Neil, Ohaa. ErrJckaou, Mrs
Cora Cowan", A A Bowers, Fieher,
King, 14 2dclase.
A Washington dispatch' ot; MaY(4th
Bay a; The Supreme Court of the United
States decided the caEO of the Orogon &
California Railway Company vs. tho
United States In n caso involving cnrtaln
lands in Oregon which woro claimed by
tho railroad company under patents is
sued in 1871 under tho Oregon donation
oct. Tho decision was favorable to (ho
company. Uio contention in beholi of
thu United States was that tho patent
had been issued by mistake, an tho laud
in ilispulo had been located as early as
curly as 1So3, but tho court hold that, as
tho laud had not boon reclaimed n ro-
qulred b law, thu sottloment of 1853
was not vniui.
Al Coats of Aberdeen and It, F. Lytlo
of Hoquinnvhavo made nrrnngemunts
to buy tno great tract of timber owned
by tbo Popo, Talbot YVolker Company.
It Is commonly known as tho Puget
Mill Company's property, and tho prlco
to bo paid Is 2.C0 per thousand feet,
This property was bought nt prlvato
cash entry about 20 years ago for $1.25
an acre, tbo presont prlco being twico as
much per 1000 feet as it thou cost per
aero. This would brine tho snlo pries to
about 70 dollars an aero, or 55 tltneu tho
tho amount of tho original purchase
price, showing n fairly good profit.
Thu land lips between thu Hcqulain
ond Wishka rivers, and up to tho pres
ent time tho Pope, Talbot ,A Walkor
Company has rafuscd absolutely to tell.
It is what is down as "tidewater soow"
tho logs all being within easp hauling
distanco of tho rivers mentioned, and
especially valuable on that nccouut.
Qm Mistake Found In Account ol
Ingels' Trial
I just received, for tho first timo your
valuablo paper, "Tho Coast Mail." and
havo read tho account of my, trial ns
published by you, April 30,"
I don't know whero you got yonr in
formation that I now refer to, vU: I
claim that Mr. Carter did not swear that
I mado tho assertion to him, that if I
bad onother eun I would havo got
Rack. If 1 am wrong, I beg pardon;
If you havo misquoted pleaso correct.
Unreasonuble; Back and I werorIonds
Mr. Carter come to rnc, an J admited in
presence of four witnesses, after having
given his sworn testimony that I novur
mado the following remark to him viz:
wishes for your futuro success.
Yours Truly,
Coquille City, Or, May 4, 1033.
We stand corrected as to tho point in
Marshal Carter'a testimony. It was a
caE6 of misunderstanding Mr, Carter's
words, and tho notes o( Mrs. Frauds
McLeod, tho stenographer, chow that
what ho eaid was: "if t had had
another gun I would have got that other
B-of-a-b that abused rno tho nfght bo
fore in tho Clitjmoore saloon," TIiIb
uiu not navo reierenco 10 jir. hock. ,
Mrs. Frank Jackson Carried off by
Heart Trouble
Mrs. F. B, Jackaon was found lying
dead on tbo floor in the kitchen of tho
family resldenco nn Cedar atreot about
half past tkreo o'clock yobtordny after
noon, the probable cause of hor death
being heart trouble Tho body was dis
covered by Mra, R, M. Welder and Mro.
Cal. Wright, two closo friends of tho
deceased, who called, and finding tho
door opon walked in and found tholr
frieijdcold in -death, Drv Tower, who
waVcallcd in, thought death had oc
curred at least fivo or siz houra before.
A neighbor, Mrs. O'Connor saw Mrs.
Jackson at her back steps about 0 n, in.,'
and so far as has boon roportod this was
tho last tlmo sho wob seen nllvo.
Mr. Jackson was nboont from tho city
having boon nt North slough on nn out
ing trip for soyornt dnya. A gaiolluo
launch was scut for him nt onco.
Mrs, Jackson was n lady of tho most
pleasing personality, highly respected
by nil who know hor, and with a largo
mini bur of warm friends. Hor suddon
aud untimely death will ho groatly de
plored, mid tho bereaved husband lino
tho sympathy ot nil.
From Friday's Dal.'j
It takes Bonco to mako good ndvortlc
lug. North Bend has raised
tho base ball league.
about "00 for
Sheriff Stovo Ualllor camo over yos
torday uu otllclal business.
0. 11. Merchant, tho South Murshllold
gardener, was out booing ps yesterday.
Somo now planks, which wore badly
needed, arc being put lu tho 4th street
Truth is as important iri advertising
na in any other depnrtmont of tho busl
nors life.
Ouo bargain in an ndvertlsomont is
moro valuablo than n doiou on a rem
tiant counter.
Tke Marjhilchl high ichool Alumni
society will n.iet today nt 3: JO pin.
Important business will bo transacted.
Tho schooner Emma Utter was towed
down tho bay yesterday morning with a
load of Inmbor from Dean k Co's. mill.
K. V. Kruse, tho shipbuilder has n
contract to build tevoral mud tcowa nud
will begin at onco at tho yard at tho
stavo mill,
Tho fnnernl of Mrs. Frank Jackson
will tako place at 2:30 p. m. today from
the family resldenco undor tho auspices
of tho I. 0. 0. F.
No man can put into an advertisomoDt
what is not in himself. If ho is busi
nessliko hla advcrtUcmontB will bo
Bubbi "BJones EcomB to think nil tho
world is against him." Slobbs-"No
wonder. Ho baa been a book agent, a
bill collector aud a bast-ball umpire."
Chicago Journal.
Ccqulllo Herald Our old frlondf, Mr
and Mrs. T. A. King, formerly ofMarsh
field, nro now residents of this city hav
ing moved into their nico' homo last
which they recently purcbasod from
Mrs. Elliot.
Tho HumboldtTimesetatca that East
ern lumbermen havo under consider
ation tho building of n large sawmill
nt Salmon creek. Also that nnother
mill wll nrobably bo built at Fresh
J. J. Burns, tho grading contractor nt
North Iknd superintended tho planing
of tho llaBts for demolition of Dewoy
rock, and the result shows him to bo nn
export in that lino.
First boy (contomtuouBly) "Huh I
Your mother takoB in washin'," Sec
ond boy "0' courto; ycu didn't a'poao
alo'd leavo it hangin' out ovornight,
unless your father waa in prison, did
ye?" Tid.Bits,
The lumber bills for 41 now housos
are now in tho handy of tho Simpeon
Lumber Company, and all aro to bo
built as fast na the material laroady,'
Theso aro notbnlldinga which aro under
way of construction but now contracts
end havo not boon begun yot but wili bo
ao soon na the lumbor can bo gotten
out,- ' '
,,i i , i .
Mr, Marcdon started, on Thursday to
build n 30xft0 building at North Bond on
Virginia stroot. It vrtU bo two story
high, tho lower to bo uaod for n saloon
and tho upper story for ofllcos. Tho
now building will bo built as fast no inon
and material can do It, Harry I.ocUwood
hns tho contract. It is oxpectod that
the now plncu will ho open for buslnoeo
on May 23,
Dr. Tomplo Dnchusno Will lecturn
Saturday evening in I, 0, 0, F. hall
on Sour Grapes, or thu Law ol Hormllty
aud Marriage. An admission (co of CO
cents will bo charged. At tho closo of
tho lecture, n class will bo organized for
tho study of phychology, l)r,' Duchesne
has lectured twice thin week to largq
audleucca and all speak highly of hla
addresses. .
Money is the Magnet
Somo men excel In talking much,
Aud soimi hi talking loud,
But tho man who letn his money talk
la tho ouo who leads thu crowd,
Washington Star.
North Bend Band Iixcursioit
Tho excursion to tho lower bay to bo
given next Sunday by tho North Ilomlj
band will bo nn uent which should not
bo missed by any ono who enjoys a day's
outing near thu ocean. All points ol
Interest on tho lowor bay will bo vMed
Thu baud will discourse enipirltlng
music, aud n program ol out'itoor sports
will bo carried out, Freo coffee and n
free cbmbako will bo provided mid
theru won't bo a dull or hungry moment
during tho day. Steamer will lenvo
Marshfleld at 8:30, calling at way ports.
From Edge of Wharf to
Steamer Rail
Lnwronco Johnson waa sovorely hurt
yostorday afternoon by a fall which
bruised his shoulder and tho sldo of h(s
head. Ho was n passenger -down thu
bay on thu Flyer on her first trip after
dinner. At the Porter wharf hu step
pvd nshoro to help somo ladles and
children up tho gang plank. As ho
stepped upon tho gang plank to go
aboard tho boat a&n'u, tho end slipped
off .tho wharf uud Mr, Johnson full somo
eight feet, striking tbo rail of tho steam
er and fulling Into thu bay. Ho was
pulled out of tho water In a few seconds,
in nn uncorissoua state.
Tho Flyer immediately put back to
Marihilcld, whero tho Injured man was
taken to Dr. McCortnnc'a oOlco, whero
his Injuries woro nttonded to. Two bad
brulsea were found on thu sldo of his
head, and thoro woro somo indications
of a fracture of tho skull.
From Qnturday'o Dally,
No mhortlsor cin afford to overlook
tho whima of hla people.
Tho B. Y. T. U. meeting will bo led
tomorrow evonlng by Mlaa Mabel
Tbo prosont customor la a bird in tho
hand, and it is well not to lot him get
'A short prico makos a long wand with
which to touch bargain hunters on tho
Anyono finding tho bottom joint to n
hahlng rod pleaso return camo to tho
family liquor storo nnd he rewarded;
No man can afford to neglect an oppor
tutity to Bay a good word for hla storo
to ono who may at somo timo bo interes
ted in what ho haa to Bell,
Roy. W. B, Smith, of Oakland, Oregon
tho Babbdih School missionary of tho
Prosbytory of Southorn Oregon, will bo
horo to work for ttnonth around the
'Ibay, Ho will preach tomorrow at 11 a.
in, nt North Bend and at Empire nt
nhjliU ,.
Etninot Plorco is ovor from his logging
camp on tho north fork of tho Ooqulllo,
to uoohls fallior J, 0.
still on tho slok Hat.
Plorco, who Is
W, W. flago, thu hosu loggor ol
lloavor Hill was In town yot onlay, Ho
Is putting lu logs nt a lively rnt, Imv
lug three donkeys In opornllou,
Thoro'n no mo trying to do all tbo
buslnonn; hut ihtiro'n no more uso in
fitting nilll and letting tho other Mtmv
creep Into tho Imsluoia that rually bo
long to you.
T. 0. Nowlln has rnlumod from tho
MoKlnloy neighborhood whero ho lma,
located n homestead. Ho Is loud In his
prnlso as to tho quality ol tho timber In
that part of tho country,
J, 1). Johnson In leveling up and put
ting new underpinning utu'er duo'.
Boalo'a building occupied by S. I.iinlo'd
storo. And now planking will nlno bo
put on tho wharf nt thu back.
Whllo tho valley papers aro all brar,
ging about their good looking poitmast
em, hello girls, and school inarms,
wo wish It distinctly understood that
Marshfleld bar tho finest looking lot ol
ministers in Oregon
Lftwrenco Johnson, who was severely
Injured Thursday nt thu Porter wharf,
was reported as In n very satisfactory
condition yesterday, though it will bo
several daya before ho Is entirely out of
danger. Dr. M.Cormnc aayn thnre Is n
fracture of tho skull hut no Indication
of pressure on tho brain thurcfrotn.
All talk and no bargains will not at
tract many leoplo. Neither will nil
bargnlnn and no talk make many under
stand to what extent tbono who want
good thliigfl'ciu bo satisfied. It tako n
man with bargain judgement to run n
storo and n man with advertising judg
ment to push tho goods alter they nro in
tho store.
Tho funeral of Mrs. F. H. Jackson took
place Friday afternoon from tho homo
on Codnr street. Rev. B. F, Peck con
ducted n short service after which n largo
concourse ol sympathizing fIendn fol
lowed tho casket that held the remains
of this much loved nnd most estimable
wouyin to its last reitlng place In I, 0.
0. F. ccmotory In a beautiful spot slop
ing to tho East. An thu sot rowing ones
turned homeward nil that wmt to bo
neon waa n newly mmlo mound, com
pletelcy covered with tho cholccBt of
flowers. Thus ono more hns pANscd
away of whom it may truly bo snld the
woild Is better for her having lived hi
BWAN In Marshfleld, Or., May 4, 1033
to tho wl'eiof R. Swan, n daughter.
XRUtE-At)his homo in West Mareh
field Friday evening, May 1, lt03,
John W. KriiBu, aged 8H years 7
months nud'ono day.
The deceased twaH born in San Fran
cisco. 11(1 parents removed to North
Bond when ho was ono yenr old, About
flvo montha lator hla mother dioi nnd
ho was taken by his grandparents to
Scottslturg and llvod with thorn until he ,
waa 1 1 yearo of ago, when ho returnod
to his father nt North Bond. Ho went
to school In Mnrahflold, also in Ban
F rancisco and later nt Eugono. For a
nuinbor of years ho wm a trusted em
ployo in Simpson Bros.' store nt North
Bond. He wob last in buslneeoin Marsh
field as a member of the grocery firm of
Kruso & Btauff, telling out Me interest
a low weekn ago. For eovoral veara hla
health haB been failing and though ho
has visited tho larger cities of tho
coast ho could not find relief, Ton
voarnco Mr. Kruso wafl marriod to
Mlsa GhrlBtlno Rolandson, wiio aurvivoa
him with two children n boy and a girl,
He wob n mombor of Coos Hay Camp w.
0. W;, under whofiVMBprcbiftyio funoraf
will bo conducted frdm tho residence at
2 . m. I today, Rov. Wm. Horsfall
conducting the sstvlccs nt tbo residency,