Ens7?l! PHM. .p".1.,, y 4 1 M . - i f r r - -'' A V tf 4- ""'''' ' j" " V J .' - ;;,' i;:-is:rCHutf,$$fe! nr y t. I! r f STATU AHUOnKERAL NDWS.) iM.iii i. mi. mill . '- -1- t UiiIoiikOrpon, has n Louis nnd Olmk ' I'nlr Woiiinn's'Olub. Hmnllpox lino been entirely stnnipod out nt rllinnllio, Or Another now run of salmon on the (Jolutupla Id reported. A travelling (ivniiKflliit In holding etrcut incullugi In Alhnny. Knlum linn n Clvlo Ulenn-up I,cnuo who nro doing good turvfeo, tiennlur Fulton )ropoit0f9 to make ouv ornl rpeoches for Hermann. Kclimioreteln A Armltagu'a bakery in Itoeoburg vnn burned Hominy. W. V. Kldur Is no a- In full clurito of tlio Holdlur'a Homo nt Itosubunr. Tho Houthorn 1'aclllo will brldgu tlio Wlllainultu rlvur nt Auivcgo, Oru. 'Jlio Wlllamotto vulloy is bilng visited hy Nurrln A llowo's Llic ntiltnnl show. Tlio Mny festival nt Kuguun will oc cur Tuesday, Weduusdiiy nnd Thursday. A Kurck.t partv In being organized to explore tliu cavui of Joj'iphluo County. Tlio Ural election under tlio now charter will bu held Junu lot nt Mil nnukle. Tlio Annual enmp meeting of tlio Christian church will ho hold nt Tumor beginning Juno Id. Tlicro It no chanxo in thn striko ellua tlon nt CrcHunt City nnd tlio tlo-up may Init nil summer. Tlio niiassabta voluntion of O'lnckn iiiriH county is Indus: ltnot;doublcd this year by llio assessor. Jojoph J. Hiiryof Denver, Col. has purr.liUMod tlio Balom I.luht nnd Trnctlon Co'd. plant, nnd will upunttu it, J).nu Paling of Dallas College won tlio Rtnlo prohibition orntorlcal contest last Friday. Subject: "My Natlou'w Dceflnv," Tlio S, I. It. K. la reducing Ita crows nil over Oregon. Manager ICohlor says tlu company la only gutting rid of un nocossrry help. Hurmnor hna Jumped into tliu Inp of spring. Albany Domocrat, Itlsnquoa. tlon whether alio will hold tho old boy long or not. Tho 0. A. C. alhIocs defeated tho McMinnvillo boys hot Saturday nt Cor vnllli nt tho nnuunl fluid ineotby ascoro of l'-'3K t -J. Tho barber and bartendora nt Snloin hno baso ball clubs nnd tho cjiitist for honora In tlio ilrstgamoof n aorius wunt to tlio lemon iquiczorii. Tli ore nro now 1207 paltonts in tho Oregon Iiumio Arlyuin 002 mnlo and I'M f jmnlo. Tho colt to tho ntntu for tho month of April was 1 0,0 10.00, Tillamook ia to hnvo u condenaod milk factory. Articles of inrorporatlon havo been Mod in Clntnop county. Tliu machinery for tho factory hna already boen ordered. John T. McHomnrn, waa arrested nt Hllliboro Monday for having throAtcm-d to kill II. 1'. Foard, tx-ehorlff of Wash Inglon county. M. Nccdham, nn omployc of the Cur ties Lumber Campnny, of Mill City, hnd lila log badly mashed Monday. Nud hain wah working Jn n loRKlug camp nnd waa struck by tho cnblo, Jna. Nolll tho famous notor who got mad in Gpoknno because ho waa hit with n atuffod club by tho Klks hns einco jolnod tho Mnaoua, Engloj and Wood mon nnd oviduntly likes tho fuu of Initi ation nltor nil. Tho motnbora of tho Kimono huso ball to urn havo been arretted for playlnu baso ball In thnt city on last Sunday, under an ordinancu prohibiting tho oponiug ol places of nmuBcmout on Sun Cay. Statu llfo diplomas woro granted by thoStato Hoard of Education Monday ns follows: Hobo K. Hntflold, Clacka anas; Mary de L, Vlucont, Portland; llelon Zumwnit, Tulo Lake; William F, Camoron, Ashland, Tho Marlon County Bar Association hold its nnnual uicotlnj,' Monday morn ns npd elected tho following odkera: rrcsldcnti F, T, WrlglitmanJ vlco-brojl- dont, Carey F, Mart n seo ery, W. 15. Itlclinrdsonj tronturor, W,M, Knloor, Tho City Council of Astoria on Mon day evening voted to pay John L. Dock 12000 In full of his JudKomunt nKnlnat tliu city for fj!M)0, virdlut rendered by a Jury In n suit to recover damages for ln Jtirluii received by IhIIIiik throuuh n hole lu Dunuo street. MrA. Finch, wlfooftho rranria ucr of tho Jordan Laundry, nt I'cndlc turif nlll suffer tho loss of hotlihor hands near tho wrist as n result of kuIIIiik them cauxlit bolwcon tho rollers of tho matiKlo Monday. 'J ho toucn and flesh of tho hands wore maahed to n Jelly. W. B. Arnnt, tuperlutondoutof Crater Lsku National I'nr.'r, ruports that ho will havo tho now road leading to tliu Inku ready for mo by August I. It will bu shorter and havo fewer bumps and ttcep (trades than tho old ouu. It will enable o Juurncy from Fort Klauinlh to tho lake, 20 miles, In 2J hours if your tunm is fnat onouyli. Contrnctors F. F. Fattcrson and Dnn Fluhur narrowly urcaped fnlnl Injury in KoHoburg Sunday nt tliu rnllrond crois Iiik oil Lauo street. Tho yurd was full ol cars nnd n "llyiui; switch" of a cabooao was boliiK made. Ao no ciikIiio was heard appronchlriK, nnd no wnlch man was prcfieut tolvo wornltiK, tho car was nlmoet upon them before It was acen. Tliu vehicle was demolished nnd tho lioreo killed, tho men mnrvouely ea caplnic without torioui injury. Following appointments woro madu n (Jrniita I'nts Ulatrlcl of tho Free Methodist Conferenco held at Itoecburf Mny'Jd: II. Wollnrhlde, district elder; Urant's l'n:e and Ccntcnulnl School houto, C. AV. Myuri. eupply; Applc Knto, Willlama Creek and Wildervlllo, Mary Hickman, tuyply; Golden, Glen dale nnd I I'laccr, ipD. Wilton; Ash ooulx f Medford, W. E. laud, I'lioenl Goodo; Francia Smith, eupply; Eagle Point, II. V. Couutrymitn, subply. All nlcklo.ln'tVc-filot innchinee, cigar machluea alone) boing excepted, hao been nniii removed from tho (htoona nnd citsar atoa of Oregon City. Tho removal of theao mnchinoa waa mado on tho order of Mayor O. U. Dlmick. Tho operation of machines that pay tnonuy has been prohibited frequently in this city, but after nlnpio of a fow ucikg tboy aroiacnln InatalloJ until public eontlmeat again domands their eupprea tlon. ! Artletis in poratiny tho Callpooln ny with n inpltnl stock lllod with tlio Secretary Lumber Conl! of IX), wt of Statu ritttufdny. The incorporators nro lttHjurt J.ut.M. and Sumuol Thurs ton. TlioTh'sMQtons mo from Dallas, whero they et'ernted a Inro lumber rontpany and saw mill under tho namo of the ThuretW Lumber Company, to a, fow months ago, when thoy sold this property nndcamo to Linn County to odrbro in the lumber buainein. The lo cation of the company's new mill Is nenr Crawfordavlllo. Logn will bo floated down tho Callpooln to tho mill, work upon which has already commenced. Morrill k Ring, tho well-known lod ging firm of Uoqui.im, Washington, Imvo bought n half interest in tho firm of I'olton Bros. & Co. This ealo, tho do tails ol which aro 'about crrnplotod, is tho largest transaction of Its kind thnt haa over tnkon ptneo in Chehnlia County. The 1'oUon Uroa. Company la tho second largest logging compnn'in thoStnto of Washington, It comprises at proseut 12 miles of railway nnd four camps. Thoy employ 210 mon nnd put iu 260,000 feet of logs n dny, An addition of 20 now logging enrs and two , locomotives wns made recently. It is estimated thnt yenrly 'profits of n concern o( this magnitude will be, nt present prices (or logs and labor, about $100,000. WANTHD-SEVEHAL INDUSTRI ouh pernonB in each etato t travel for hmiBO established eleven yearn ami with n lnrnn capital, to call upon niorchnnta nnd agonts for ouccesHful nud profitable line, l'ornianentvnrrneemont. Weekly nRti Rnlnrv (if 1H unit nil Irnvelini! ex- poiificu nud hnti-1 bills advanced in enrh each week. Kxporienco not eBBPn'ial. Mouttonroieronnittnu onrtioso; rtfii-nu-ilrnR-ml nvlono. THE NATIONAL. U3iDoarlorn St,, Chicago; 0f ! i i W Tho lumber hauler at Horopter Iiryo struck for lilghor wages. Yamhill county will havo nn exhibit nt tho stklo fair this season. And now tho hack drlvcro nnd dray .ion nro about to striko In Portland, Tho taxpayers' ticket in the munici pal election nt Slherton won out Tues day. Flehcrmon In tho Columbia rny this in the best eiilmon cennon ort record sluco 1877. Tlicro hna boon 427 gill not l.'ccntos Issued thus far so says Fish Warden Yen Ousau. Tho annual conclave of Odd Fellows' will meet in Portland on May 10th, 20th and 21st. Joseph fitnlborg who Is 70 years of ne was pardoned from the Penitentiary Wednesday.; 'Jhoro has been somo smallpox nt . .... ..... . ...1. .n ..t. uranis rain uuv iien.w. umcun uv, 1 U ig ninmi'tu uui. i Mrs M. Munkers, of Albany, who will bo tried f or arton has retained Tour of nregon'a beat nttornoy'fl. J This will bo a grond.Mth July, cele bration year in OrcgoiJ, all tho good towns aro up and doing, A boiler explosion Wednesday nt the Oregon Lumber Co' a.- mill at Vinlo, Oregon, injured 5. two fatal, Tho Japanese-wood cutttcis at Bump ier havo nearly- all left. Owing to tho striko and domands of Americans. Tho receipts In tho oflico of tho collect or of customs at Portland for tho mouth of April amounted to fr,201,C2. A halfbrccd Indian of Pendleton m med Pnrr and incidentally a lioreo th!e by profession waa captured in I'.rllonj, John Enlvcly, a robuet arrival from Iiir.rlvanta, hnd his pockets picked ol $20 in .cash and n draft for f 100 at the Albany depot. Pr.ciidunt WIso of lho State Board of Jlarber Examiners has itsucda ppcclnl order for nil bathers to rigidly obey the laws of tho craft as tot forth in tho state law. Ho will hereafter proeccuto any offenders. Tbo echool board nt Eugona which had bonds on tulo undor tho homo loan plan havo hnd offered over $11,000 more than wcro required. All eold to citizons nnd henceforth uo more interest will so abroad. Tho United Statcj grand Jury. hlch adjourned Tuesday after a 14 days' tes slon, examined into 20 case?, out of which 20 truo bills wero returned. During its invcetigat'oos of various charges a total of 109 wltncfecs were ex amined. ' Tho gold mednl offered for tbo boet shot of the Chinook dun Clubot Aetorin has boon won by F. O, Oalthor for mak ing the highest score at 25 clay pigeons. Twelvo members of tho club contested and the averngo of tbeeo was 18K, that of Mr Gntthcr being 22. Senator Fulton has written tbo Secre tory of tho Navy requesting thnt ho eond a portion of tho Pacific rqundron to Astoria during regatta week, nnd bo tcols confident that tho request will bo granted. An tffort will bo mado to have Included in tho nunbar ono of tho cub. rnarino torpedo-boats which wcro recently built at San Francisco. Tho (tilt of tho Oregon Water Powor A Railway Company against Henry Nachand for tho condemnation of about half an aoro of land near Oreiton City, Is on trial before Judge McDrido and n Jury. An effort wns mado by tho com pany to purchase tlio property nnd wuo Ineffectual. Nncbnnd considers that ho is damaged in lho sum of over f 10CO. Tho City Council oi Astoria has- do cidod to accept tho tender ol f 2C0O mado by Gcorgo Nelson in lull, cettloment of tho city's claim against tho bondsmen of tho lato Auditor tu.d Polico Judgo, which dotes up tho affair, The , actual loss sustained by tho city will be nboul f23M). If tho full amount for which tho bondsmen woro linblo had been col lootnd.thu loss would havo .boon about 075 less, but tho Council estimated that tho cost of c!leclon;.would'be fullyithat much. Tlio full amount of tho Auditor's shortage wae710O.31, arising from Mis Ins of wnrrnntr, and f I1D0 for fines and forfeitures, Methodist Church Sunday May 10. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, preaching at II, subject: "Tbo Mind of Christ tho Christians io possess,""- Epworth League at 7 p m, preaching at 8, subject: "Jesus Christ IhoCdniplcto Savior." At tho night service llev. Peck will answer, torno ol tho statements mado last Wednesday night at tbo Odd-lollowt' hall. Good and Intctesting rnutic will bo a special feature in both services, Mr Carter's Reply EniTor. CDA$T.1fil.: In- tile Issne of theVCoAST iUih of tho 7th fnft., In an article over tho signature of F. A. Ingcls ho makes among other 8taloinc.ntB( lho following: "Mr. Carter (Cpmo to mo and admitted In tho presence of four witnesses after hnylng given his swortt' testimony thnt.I cover made tho following icmark to him, viz.: That I had,, told him (Carter) that Thomas Uarker. deceased, had run away with my wife nnd money." Tho above assertion I wish to say is a faltehocd puro and simple, i nover mado any such admlssioji lo Mr. Ingcls whatsoever. Rcspcctfujly, , J. W. CAinxn. A Rare Opperlunfty Tho Mail ia alU wed a special rato on thoKew York Tribuno Farmer until May 15th. Tho Tribuno Farmor is one of tho best, if not tho best farm paper published In thla country, It is a 20 page weekly paper, full if information for tho farmer, written by the best specialists in their several lines. Jts subscription prico is $1 a year. Any subscriber, old or new, to the dally or weekly Coist Maiu who wants to get this paper at a merely nominnl piico will do well to attend to it beforo the 10th. Inst, For advance paymont we will givo tho Daily Coast Mail 4 months and the Tribune Farmer ono year for $1.25; or tbo Weekly Coast Mail and tho Tribune Farmer both one year for? 1 50. This offer la good only until the night of May 14th. Don't neglect to tnko advantago of It and to tell your farmer friends about it. USED GENTLE FORCE TO FIRE THE LADY E. E. Ferrey Cleared of the Charge ' of Assault and Battery, JTi'tlico of tho Peace Hyde's court was busy nil yesterday nlteruoon with the caco of the Etato o! Oregon vs E E. Furry, charged with assault and bnttory, tho act consliiluting tho alleged offeree being tho forciblo ejectment of Mrs. Goorgia Nelson, from his taloon, tho Blanco Bar, on Thursday evening. The defeudant whs given a jury trial, result ing In a verdict of "not guilty." Tbo jury was as follows: I. A. Hall, foreman, Nicholas Reicbert , Marvin R, Rrown, Wm. Nnsburg, Alfred Matsoa Und W. L. Condron. Deputy District attorney Farrin conducted the prosecu tion! 'AV. U. Douglas and O. A. Clark tho delcneo. .' The prosecuting witness, Mrs. Georgia Nelson, told hor Etorp substantially a? follows: Hor husband, Frank' NoUon, had been in tho habit of going iuto tho snlcon, drinking nnd gambling, nud she had been trying to Uqephim from doiug so, nnd to koop him auny from "those meu," who fho thought had a b.td In fluence over him. On thla occasion the met her husband nt tho back doorof tho aaloou as ho was uolng in. She laid her linud on his nrm and tried to pursunde him uot to go in, but ho insisted nud fibo walked in through tho card room anil into tho bnnoom with htm and trlod td get Lltn to go out. Ho told her tolteop nwny fsom hliti or ho would i "land on" her. ir Wd oXvedX from behind the bu out of the saloon. She told him the would golf her husband would go with her, Forrey took hold of her and throw hor through tho swinging doors loading into the office of the hotel, minga groat dofll of violence and creating so much disturbance that W. II. Short, proprie tor of tho hotel, came running in to see what tho racket was about, As she was boing roughly handled by Fcrrey sho called on Lcr husband to protect her, but he made soma reply indicating approval of Ferrey's action. She also teitlficd to a conversation with Win. Creascn, handy mpu about the hotel, yesterday morning, in which ho agreed with her that she had been thrown out in a ''horribly violent" manner, and said ho would to testify, Wm. Crcajon was placed on tho stand by the prosecution and said there had been nothing rough or voiient about the way she was put out. This was a facer for Farrin, but bo was not allowed to impeach his own witness. E. E. Fcrrey, defendant, garo his version of tho affair. Said the lady had beon 'making it unpleasant for every some of lho now wh braids aro tuflkl ono about the house and had brokon ently soft ncd pliablo to bo shaped in up games in the ealoonr"-ive1m 'Waa fanciful patterns, ftultona are the prln standios in front of the bar when tho cipa! source o(cmbelliehmcnt this sea Indycnriioin and asked bim logo out eon, and jewelled ornamets area fedture which ho refused to do, and threatened of lho smartest rukup, From tdc Do to strike her. Witness came around . Hneator for Juno, tho bsr and asked lysr tp go out, but sho refuted to go unlses her husband did.' QT7 A TTT'I F"0 Ho then put her out ah gently as possl-. ble, using as little force as necessary. Mr. Ferrey said Nelson bad not been iu the habit of drinking in tho saloon, and had never gambled there. Witness was not a partner in the hotel. Had loaned somo money to W. II. fhort tbe proprietor. Frank Nelson corroborated his wife up to tho point whero Ferry toot hold ol her-to Are her out, then ebe tried to catch hold of bim and ho started away and did not see the rest of it. Heard no sound ol violence. He bad not done any gambling In the taloon, and bad not drank anything except when nag ged iuto desparation by hi a wile. Had been drtmk twice lately under such cir cumstances. D. Griffith testified that Ferry put tbo lady out gently. Watt Short testified tbat bo over heard lho conversation betwecu Crea sou nnd Mrs. Nelson, but did not hear tho former eay tbe words attributed to him by the prosocuting witness. Thoro was much testimony brought out as to troublo between the lady and her husband and much that was entire ly irrelevant to thucace. On tho main point, as to wbotbtfi the lady was creat ing such a disturbance'in tbe saloon as would justify the proprietor in throwing her out, that seemed to bo embodied in hor husband'a threat to strike her. As to tbe manner, gentle or otherwiso in which sho. wns put out' it was the lady's' word against tho held, and too jury seoms to havo been ungillant enough to tako ho field. As &n addenda to tho cace, it may be mentioned that Nelson spent part of Thursday night in iail after ginning up to tbe point of kicking down the door of tho room orcupsed by Ida wife, nt tbo Blanco. The Early Summer fashions Tho key noto ol the Summer fashions is plcturcequeuoss. Tho gown of the sea son is unlined and mado to fall in linos that are Kracel&rnndedsity adapted to: YOUR BLOOD ENRICHED The dobllltv so common In tho Serine io olmrv tho sign of poisonous, elements n tho fcJodcJ that tho system Is tinhblo to throw, off. Hsjp , Is nooded and health will be better all tho yir . 11 a little holp Is given now. The remedy tHafc is apt to help most is SENGSTAQKEN'S ACTJVK BlfOOD PURIFIER. It purifies and enriches ttVJT", blood, stimulates all tho organs, io ronowcJr, activity andJncreaoos strongth and onorsy. I This preparation Is put up n botli.-,.; holding one-third m.6re than the, regular, cJc-lStfr blooa. remodios. .You can-got no betteV toir.ody at any price, ,88.00 per botuo, I SENOSTAGKEH'S pharmacy. .V I irHfefet different figures. Lfntn drestes, made cither In simple shirt-blouse style os laVisbfy trimmed with embroidery and t antique lace, ar.e the ultra-fasbioriabta modes of the season. Tuchs are used more than tircr. All-oror lace waists aro.R.tylish, nnd ono of lho charms of Hie Summer bodice Is the docp cape collar trfaJb cjthor ol tiny tucka and Insertion or all-over lace, One of the most popular fnhricc.Is ajlle voile, yelling, dotted, checked and figured In a ccoro of wayr, and catH'ae , ... . ... '. f t nuutca mo uicu cb.cuii.jr ivr Jiuiiufetiit dresses. The ombre oribadcd iff!cla',fn ' tho silks make them wonderfully effec tive. Hand-work gives tho smart .touch to tho frock of tho ecvon, and tne iiowcst fency in cmbroibcry is tho rope fltlcll on heavy, courss llnon. Among (ho most elaborate trimming devices are lho "Art Nouveau" appliques, artistic designcs iu cut-out cloth sppiiquctd velvet or silk, , or vico versa. Tho popular pendent ornamentB are now mado of braids end cords that will withstand washing, and i 1 n H I I jULj Or V MIDWAY : WRECKED Dynamite Used on No torious Cfib ' f The Worst of its Kind on the Coast V Seattle, May 8 Au attempt tree niado ' this morning to blow up tho notorious midway crib house with dynamite; Three charges wero exploded and the building was partially wrttfccd, but none of tho inmates were- eericutly' " injured, though sixty women wcro in1 the house at tho time, Tho midway ia a large, . tuildlcg, recently built by oue.vf Sualtle'a prprii inent citizen?, for tlio purpose for wbict), it ia used. It is tbo worst don' of lea kind 'on ' tbot Pacific ccast. It is believed it will be destroyed tho better clement of the ci'7 ' by A Supurstttlom. v "Wbntl Did you let tho examinations' go by njinJii, Curl?" ' ,. : v "111 till you. fntber. On tbo way to tho collego t mot nti old woiunii. at'U,. then I turned back uguln." Fliugvi; Wattcr. ' ThlnR move n!on long sorupldly uowu wl:o vy "It can't bo dnya thnt pcopli vi:o tny "It can't bo I tlono" nro uhvny 1IK nii,rrupUrt,.l;y; I Eomebody dolus It.-'JasliyV Mns,'::r.IurJ Matrmxrwin'SMVi f 1- ? T. i t X t IViaroltf U, ' : 2 I OYorron. -..: . . 4hsr.iimj l v wl 4 yy y'rV" ' . m If n 'ffT gF I I fStf v J u . : 1 . . " .Isr - " ., . ..;.-;:r-t, ' , h4 mfr lwaWWtit4KasU mwm- witi. k&jmji "FT"