'WMHf ? H - twnmin' 1 v "TWO MISSINGS" Copyright, IMS, by It. A. Jinks. 'Almost every day ono roads of tho "mj'Bterious disappearance" of n well known cltlr.011, but you hnvo only to follow the caso for a few dnyB to find Hint tliero were pood reasons why he should drop on, of night There Is no mystery where thq man Is an otnbea tier or defaulter or has becomo lnfatu nted with an ndveuturcss. Tho cnee of Mllo llnstln&u was ono which hundreds pf people pasted away In their scrnnuooks and which scores of sheriffs and directives havo reason to crowJ.ovcr. framings was n young man twenty threo years- oM, steady and temperate" and serious iiihiflclI.lTq wns-half own or In n foundry nt Jefferson City, Mo., nnd nt tho tltno of his dlsappcarauco was making lots of money nnd was en firipctl to n handsomo girl who would bring him n fortune. One day In June, 1SG7, ho called nt the bank and deposited fS.000 which had Just been paid to tho firm. lie had 11 private nccount'of over 9)2,000 In tho patiio bank, lie owed no man n dollar, had never had n quarrel with anybody, nud his heal fit was excellent. lie had left the bank at 2 o'clock with n smllo on his face, and up to this hour his case Is an unsolved mystery. He wont,' somewhere, but where? He did not go by boat or train. He did not drive or ride on horseback. Fifteen minutes aft er ho left the bank he was asked for nud could not be found. ; The first theory In Hastings' caso was that he was Involved financially. Tho next was that he wanted to evado marriage. The third that he had been decoyed to some place aud robbed nud inunjcrcil. The fourth that ho was a .victim of temporary insanity. Nono of the theories would bear in v 'ligation. It was proved that ho vas anxious for the marrlago to tnko 1 iv, that his tlnanclal situation was Al, that there were no particularly bad men in Jefferson City Just then and .that his mind was never clearer and stronger than on that day. "Why did he go?" was asked by thousands and "Whcro did ho go to?" !? other thousands, .but to this dato there has been no satisfactory answer. There were those who held that ho committed suicide by jumping into the river. For three weeks the stream was watched and patrolled for a distance of llfty miles. The search covered every acre of ground for miles around. Kvcry highway was traveled and in quiries made. Thousands of circulars having his photograph and description rere sent out, nnd the reward stood for n year nt $10,000. Tho best detectives In the country spent weeks on the caso nnd could not trnco him .beyond the doors of the bank. First nnd Jnst over fifty men wero arrested at different points nnd held for Identification, but none of them proved to bo tho missing man. You will say with others that ho must have gone somowhero nnd thnt 6omc trace ought to havo been discov ered, but the fact remains that nothing Las been learned. A reasonablo theory of the caso Is that ho left tho bank to go aboard a steamer on a business errand and that in crosslug the gangplank or while moving about aboard ho fell into tho river and was drowned. That his body was not discovered, only shows' that it might havo caught fast on a snng at tho bottom or floated past the watchers In the night. REWARD ForVYonveN Yii'.O CAfMOT BE CURED. Si uniformly successful has Dr. Pierce's I-a' Hte Prescription proven in all forras of 1 eraale Weakness, Prolapsus, or Palling of Vomb, and Leuo.rrbea, that, after over a third of a century'" experience in curing the worst cases of these distressing and debilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now feels fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash for any case of these diseases which be cannot cure. It Stands Alo.ve. The "Favorite Pre- (edition " ftanJs nloue, as the one aad 1 taon forms of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to irarram 11- msKera n proposing:, ana blr.diiiv themselves to forfeit, as we, the , rUefucfe in lcjral money of the United States in any cane 01 iuu auovc diseases in wuicii alter a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's pec-Hir ailments is backed by such a, remarkable guarantee; no other medicine for woman's ills is pos. nchscd of the unparalleled curative prop, 'erties that would warrant its manufacturers in making such an offer j no other remedy lias such a record of cures on which to base 6uch a remarkable offer. Therefore, instil on havlnv TJr. pirrn.'a Favorite Prescription and turn your hack on any unscrupulous dealer who would !...-tA t-. ,i( ... .. - , Sur'rZSInSXtf&fii a u.iuv. ut )iK4 iuuk 11 is jusi as Boon." Insist on !iavi:i? the article which has a record of a third of a century of cures and which is backed by those willing to forfeit $303 if they cannot cure you. In cases attended by a leucorrheal drain a solution of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets should be used conjointly with the use of 111c -ivvnic rreseription." Tuey are bold nyaii oruggists. or sent post-paid to any Send 31 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's Com.mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. .Weak 'and sick 'women 'arc invited to consult pr. Pierce, by ;ttter, frAf, Au correspondence Is held as tstrlctly private. Address Pr4 R. ' fierce, Buffalo. N. Y. DifPlercc'sTclleU cure biliousness. $500 k It la now about eighteen year Rinco tho "conductor mystery" occurred, and tho solution is as far nwny as over. A rnllrond conductor named CJeorpo Hopkins lived In Howling Green, Ky. At tho ago of twenty-lira ho was timr ricd to a girl of a good family and es tablished n home. Hopkins was a so ber, nteiuly man nnd woll liked by nil who knew him. As far ns any ono could Judge his homo llfo was all that could bo desired, while his position ns conductor was eccuro nud his salary liberal. Ho had been married nbout ten months when ho arranged to build a house. On a certain Tuesday after noon ho let tbo contract to n builder and entered Into certain other business agreements. Ho went out nt 0 o'clock that evening, and his wife accompa nied him to the depot. He spoke to iev oral people on tho train whom ho knew, nnd there was nothing whntcver In his looks or actions to attract nttcntlon. Tho train reached Nashville on time, nnd Hopkins reported nnd got his or ders as usual. It was half an hour aft er tho train had pulled out before ho was missed. A telegram was sent back, but no news of him could be had. Five different peoplo saw Hopkins three or four times before his train pulled out. but no one satJUn. board nny other train. After a couple of days the detec- lives were set to work, but they never t tho Bghteat trnco of the mlsslnj. man. Had he vanished into air like smoke his disappearance could not havo been more mysterious. Was Hopkins an embezzler? No. On the contrary, the railroad company wns in his debt. Had he left his wlfo for another womnu? That theory was worked on, but produced no proof. Wns hd "ofT' In Ids head? All those who had dene business with him that day scouted tho idea. Ho had about $5,000 In the tank nt home and not over $3 or $4 with him. He w.as.n man .without nu enemy. Nobody could find the slight- t t reason why he should plan to dls- pear, and nobody could see now no. After months of investigation It wna generally concluded that Hopkins be came suddenly insane nud started off into the country, but if so how wns St possible for him to conceal his identity? Even the farmers for n score of mile around had his description and would havo spotted him in an instant. M. QUAD. llovr to I)c(ror Motlia. Hake n mixture of gasoline nnd one fourth ns much wood alcohol, in which has been dissolved ns much corroslvu sublimate (bichloride of mercury) ns It will hold. Inject this with n syrlngo Into the cracks of a wall and lloors and spray "infested" furniture with it, be hind nnd under upholstered sents, etc. Take one room at a time, being careful to havo no fire or artificial light nbout, and shut the room up closely for eight hours. Tho process may have to bo re peated once a month for perhaps thrco mouths if the inlllctlon be grievous. but lt faithfully dono it Is sure death. to all vermin. Itoir to Clenn Eimuiclrd Shoe. Enameled shoes can be kept lis good condition by wnshlng them In Bwtut' milk. All dust nnd mud should first bo removed; then the shoes should be thoroughly washed with tho milk nud then wiped dry with a soft cloth. This Will give them a polish almost equal to new nnd will help them to retain their smart appearance for a long time. Hair lo Stesv I.olmterJi. For luncheon or for u late Bupyer Btewed lobster is a delicate dish. 1 1 la not dllllcult to prepare, and If tho iou diu .a uuiii-m 111 uutuiii;u n villi I': Ul ready In a fow minutes. rerruy 111 a row minutes, nrst extract tho meat from n boiled lobster, cut id ujj iuiu Hinuii int-'cfa iiuu put, m a maw pan. There should be Just enough wn'' ter to keep It from burning nnd t mnko the gravy. "Cool: it slowly for five min utes, uiid'add ono tnblespoouful.' of but ter,, n ,Httlo pepper nnd salt nml then heat to boiling. Pour it Into n dLsh and servo hot. ...... j ... . 1 How to 'Keep I'lutironw. Htnoolh. To nrovent lrnn from Rtipirim- rih i them with n piece of beeswax tied alp ! dirty in n lather made of one heaped In u bag of cheesecloth. This will make1 "Uiblespoonful of Honp Jelly, one ten thorn ivnfli uninTdi nnd !nrm (-. unoonful of Ildtlld ammonia nnd hnlf Bpron on pepper nnd tho iron rubber! ' of cleaning thorn. Hoir to Slake Ollvo Souno, . An olive snuco J r- excellent rollsh to Berva .with warmed over m entn. Urowuono itnblesiioonful of hotter, ' addtone henpingtablespoonf ul of flour nnd brown again. Add half a p'tnt of beef stock (thut mado from cxtr. ict of I beef may bu uwhI) nnd utlr until k mootli nnd thick. Seasort'Vo tasto. A( Id one TJiiiiPKrinnfirm nr irnrisuriruiiirn ennra .w.,. w.. . , w.,v.,.vl,,iw Ul...J " dozon Pllvc- chopped fi- ie and simmer five minutes. IIcav to StreiiKtliuii llio iSyol itovm, Vascllno will strengthen t! 10 cyrf brows If It Is gently rubbed ov or them onco or twice n week, nnd It nlso Im proves scanty eyelashes und c yebrows. Great care must be talwn jicr1, -to let It get ljfto the oyes themflelves., 1 Huwlo Make CcruulGrlIUJ lc quite. Cold, cooked cer9alu( make dellelduo grlddlecakes. Allow, ofce egg Jolt cup-, ful, bf the cereal and pnilk, fllour nud baking powder, to ro'ukom bal ief Jf usu ft! consistency for'gBddirccarfcs Professional Cards E. H. Walter, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGKON AND MK01IAN- IOAl. DENTIST. Ofllco Nnsburg HUlB. A, Bt., l'hono. 20 MAKSUF1ELI). OREGON. E. E. Straw, M. D. HIWSICIXN AND SUKOEON. bpcoinl attoutlon to discuses ot tho Kyo Knr, Noxo t.nd Throat, Ghissoa lltteu, Office in Songstncken & Smith lJuitding. C. A. CLARK ATTOKNEY AT LAW AND l'ROGTOU IN ADMIRALTY Ollico In Gnlden'n IinlldinR. IMiono in ofllce. MnrehQeld, Oregon. W. U. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. S. COMMISSIONER. Front street. Marshfield, Oregon. S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYER Will practice in nil courts. EMPIRE CITY OREGON J. W. Bennett, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. iwKiHHfc.LU OR11 John F. Hall, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office fn Eldorado block. Front street .Marshfield, Oregon. 13. St., MARSHFIELD, ORE O. F. McKnight. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office ill the LcntiC'f & Waller Ti;iri;nrr O MARSHFIELD. OREGON Dibble & Williams COOS DAY REAL ESTATE Marshfield, Oregon I am here ndvertislnir buvine nud selling real ojtato. I will try if you, Hat your property with J,R. Robertson, Office at Nor'h Rend, Oregon. Kaufman & Wegner, r Denlora in Fleal Estate i Office over Golden's DrugStoro. jLAItsnFIEL'I) - " ' T. IVHckleWrierht. ----,, rrartiral Watchmaker and Jeweler. All kinds of watches and clocks cleaned and repaired on short notice. All work guaranteed 12 months. RED CROSS DRUG STORE Marahfiold, : : : Oregon II (Mr to Wnnfi C'linmofa LciiIIht. Never rub Honp on chumom leather. Instead soak for ten minutes when -u gallon of hot water In which you can -comfortably bear your hands. .Then Hniioe.o nnd houho In thin Ktids, next In :n Hlinllnr suds prepared In tho sumo way nnd finally rlnso In warm wntcr of toned With n little nunnonW. Of course, if rnlnwutcr Jh nvnllablo no ut.unonla will bo needed. Dry In a wl ndy place, rubbing frequently to soften 'the 'Jonther. LVND yITIIDBAWN FROM SETTLEMENT rurtua at to an order from tho Cow mJieioner of the General Land Office, which wns received May let by tbo offic iala of tlio land oflico in IlQEObnrg, tboo wi'll be no bueiness trnueacted un til cerlalji lands which are lioroin iiamed aro wit! iawn from Bettlornent. When .jsoon in regard to tlio. closing of thepillce, tht oiTirialB.thero said: '' l4U'eiiro,not ln.n position to toll, Abo exact fuctj! In rrfeurd to the temporary Quaponaics of kcalnos at this offica, bi tho moiitiRo received from thi Commis sioner ot tho General Land OMco simply onlorcd ui to ausptind bunlnoen mill certain lands wcro withdrawn from en try, nnd to do this It Is nocmsary to cioia our doors. It 1b Ronernlly buliovod that tho land withdrawn will form n now forest ru f sorvo, ni Hint matter lino boon contom- tdnttd for boiuo time, It wns expcoUd that matters could bo nrnntiKud 10 that buelnota could bo continued Bnturdny snouting. Tho tract thus withdrawn includes tho following township, lying mostly in Josoplilnu und Curry countlon nnd extending from tli'u southern peti tions of Dougln and Coos countloa to tho atnto boundory lino, Tho now re servo extends into California n abort dlitnnco. Tho townships reserved In Oregon are: Township 31 eouth, ranges I) and 10 west, township !t2 south ranges I), 10 and It west; couth one-half of township 32 tottth, ranges 12 nnd LI wett; townships .1,1, ,1i, 35, .1(1 ond 37 west, ranges 8 to 12 west inclusive ; woit onri-hnlf of townihip SO south. rnngo 7 west; township 33 south, ranges 5, ll, 10, 11, and 12 west; townships 8l nnd 40 eouth, ranges ft, 0, 0, 10, 11 nud 12 wcit; south one-half of township -10 south, ranees 7 nnd 8 west; township -II eouth, rniiRDB 5 to 12 weat Inclusive. Tho to tal area of tho laud withdrawn In Or egon is 01 townships, or 1, 105,110 acres. Tho withdrawn! of this largo roa does not effect tho titles of eottlora now resid ing (heroin on claims heretofore regul arly filed in tho United Slates Land Ollko or other regular filings or proofs horetoforo undo. SAYS HARD THINGS ABOUT PORTLAND Roiobnrg l'lnlndoaler: Now thnt all opposition to tho Lowis and Clark exposition has fallen through want nf heitiK puthed, tho cloven hoof of Portland la fnlly econ. Tho money which was eubecrihed and promised to bo paid in had a string tied to it and tho money is to bo paid in to tho capital stock of n private corporation to contro the fair and all of its profit and tlm t20O,000 Tor'tland will pay in as tho cap ital stock will control nnd own the $500,000 appropriated by tho ttnto nnd nlso what ia donated by tho National ROvornment. Tho statu is to pay tho money to tho directors of tho fair and tho btato will havo nothing to show for it except tho fair. Tho property vnluo of Portland real estate will double in value and all the receipts of tho fair will go to the company nnd if tbo profltr amount to a million dollars or moro It will nil belong .0 tho fair company; 'also all tho building erected on the exposi tion silo. Tho atntc la not to hnvo one cent of tho profits, tho Portland grnftbr nro to have ovorytblnK, and tho next legislature will bo callod upon to appro priate nt lcaat $500,000 moro in ordor to mdko thp expenditure of tho first f $00, 000 of .benefit to tho atato. Important Land Decision An Important land dccialon from the Intorior Department Iiob been announced affecting aovoral thousand acrea of Uma tilla Indian Reeervation Umber land, nnd cntting off between 01 nnd 100 pur chascrH who availed thomeolvei of lliu reservation oponing act last yoar. Tho decision came ns tho result of a contest and as nl Who bought under the eamo conditions' aro equally affected, tho deci sion will cr'ditta riuito n stir. Under tho net of 1891 affecting the Umatilla reservation, purcliaso of 200 acrea was permitted, 100 of farming nnd 10 of timber lend.- Timber was of littlo value then, and moat ot the buyers simply took tho farming land. In 1002, when tho Eccond opening was ordered, timber had becomo vaiuablo, and tho purchasers of 1C0 acres of 1801 ruulied to get thpir 40 acrea of timber in 1002. Over 40 in that county alono yot this privilege, Ono of tho purchases was contostcd. Thocontestnnt has won, tho Department of Ul'o interior holding. that puroHnsers of 1801 hnvo rellhquleheo their 'fight, aud that tho act ot last year wee not n contlnuatian'bf ths cna 1L years fcsfore. .H-H-t-frfr-M 1 n 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 LUMBER Thnt is what wc have to jell ami vc can fill nil orders for nuy ntul all kinds. The quality is cuarnututl and the price s Right. Our Stock includes nuytliiiiR requited in Vir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. Miinoni! dimroun phone main i5i tHH..HH4-f4-H-4-fH4-t-H TIMI1KK LAND. ACT JUNB .1. 1878, NOTlt'r: FOR PUHLIUATIU. United HUlcs Ijuut Onkr.ltoicbiirK. Orrgon, Fcb.aO. t3 .'nii.. 1. Ii,.li nlvon ili.il In coinnluiiice vl!h Hie pruvljioni of die act of Congtrti of Jtinej, 1878. cnliiUM "Annct for the alo of tliuLcr unili in wie ruic ui .muiuih., vh, NVul.i nml U'nihlnrinn Tcirllorv."m clcnd- cd lo nil the Public Land Slate by act of Au- gin , "V?;.,-.,,.. 1 fovi)MO. of Manlifield. county of C001, iUt of Orrgon, Imi this day filed In this ollku lilt worn UI' ment .no. 44MJ. lor uie pnrcnaicoi nc NKt-4. NWiMof Nliiu, Src. 10, ami biu olhUi-4, ofS-c No 3. In Tp No, i Soiuh. Knnge No, 13 Vet und Mill oiler prooi lo iiOH that the Unit sought Is more vuluablc fur Its iiinlwr or -lone than for nKtlctiliuul purjwsei, nml 10 rttablnh Ms claim to said land ticforn vi' if niutiii tr. s. Coinmitiioncr for Orr j;on nt MnnhficM. Oregon, on Sitmdajr. llio 9111 My 01 iay, Krj. He names os itnese. Chas .Noble, W II Noble. I. M Nolle. D.1W1I Mustcn, all of Martli- field. Oirgon. Any and nil persons claiming adversely Ihc alxc-(Irscrllicd lands are requested 10 file their claims In this oihec on or More said nth day of nay, 1903. I. T. liMincKi, Kcglilcr. a j NOTICK FOR rUIJLIOATIO.N Deparlment of the Interior. Und OTIcc at Kovtwrg, Oregon, April, 8, 1903. Nolkc Is herehy glten that the following named selilcr lias filed notice of his Inienilon tc mnke final proof In support "f his claim. nc that said p'oof will bo made lcfoic W. u DougUs, L. S, Commissioner nt Marshfield, Oregon, on May. 33. iy.13, vu: t)IIN llKNDKK KSON, on lid. K. N09115. for the I-ot 11, Sec iB, lot . a, 3, a, Sec 19, Tp. 94 S., R. 10 West. Ilr names Ihc foll'jwlng witnesses lo prove liiscontiniiousrciiilencr uimjii and cultivation nf sold land v: Victor Cnilton, Dan Malison, L Jjirton, lovph Sch.ipDen, of Allegany, Oregon. I . T, llwitxjr.s, Register. 4-18, NOTICE Notice in hereby Riven that my wife, Juno K. HieMrum, linn Lift my bed and hoard without cnueo or provocation, nud I will not he rcnponrihlo for any dublH the mny contract. Notko ia nlro lv(tn that I nra willliiK to pay tho (are on any Btemnur for any of my children who may wloh to return to Cone iluy. C. K. A. filKHTHUKS! Abovo offer guaranteed hv. IIiiNxy bMxadrACKK.v. 4-1-Ot R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Tliofjvont packet ia enough for iieual occasionfl, Tim family hottlo (HO conte) contuina nuupply for a yoar. All drug t'istu null them, -Nnsal CatArrh quickly yielda to treat meat by Ely'a Cream Ilalm, which U nu.reo. ubly oromntlo. It U rocolved throunU tla noHtrilu, oleonaoa nnd honla tho whole mir faco over vhlch it dilTuBoa iUolf. Druueiata soil tho COo. sirot Trial tho by, mail, 10 cents. Tost it and you aro euro tojeoutinue tho treatment. " . " ' Announcement.. - , , To aocoinmodnto thoiio who aro partial to tho uso ot atomizers in applying llquldo Into tho nanal passages ior catarrhal irou Ijla. tho proprietors propart Cre-un llnlm in liquid form, yblch will ho known as Kly'o Ilifiuld Oroanj Halm. J'W to Jrjsludlng the sproyliiR tuhofls 7C ceifts. DpittgUts orljy mall. 'JL'ho liuuid form ombodlos tho mod. Iclnnl properUoa of tho solid prcparaUoa. m i ni i m iff i ttt c i n :; EitMnrn on Lumocn uu., NORTH BEND, OR 444i-44H44444:-f4Hr TIMIII'.K LAND M" JUNK a, 1H78 -NOTICH I'OK IMMILU'ATION. United Stales I jmdUflice.Koietmrg.Urrjcon, April -ij. vy Notice Is hereby given tint In rwiipluutv with the ninvitlonsof ihe ait of C'otgicss of i June j. 1U7H. .-itiitU?.l An Act for Ihr sale of I Timber I Jnd in Ihn Stales of Calllonwi. Or. I gon, Nevada, nml Washington Terrflory," at cslemlcil lu nil uie ruuuc unu outrs iy aci or August 4, ifyi. (JKANT IIAURV. of Cwiuillc, county of Coot, slate of Ore Lun, has this day filed In this ofticn his swum suirnicnl No. 5(139, for the tmnhaie of the l.olt 0, to, 11 und ia of botliori No, 35 In Tonnslup No, ajS, of Range 11 W ami Mill tttUt pro( 10 Miow tint the land sought is inoic vahuMe. for In timber or sl6ne" ttuin for iigilcullural purpoics, nnd lo eslnltllili hit claim to said land before W. U. DotigUi, U. S. CommlKlonerfur Orrgon, nt Marshfield, Ore gon, on 1'nd.iy, the 10th day of July, 1903. Ilr nainrs at Hllnrsws: Alvln hnillh, lslfr Snilih, IranW .Smith, of Maishficld, Oirjjun, 1! N Harry, of Dora, Oirgon. Any nnd all ersniit claiming adversely the above described lands nra requested In file their claims In this oibee on or before said 101I1 day of July, Ko. J. T. Hkiixji.i, Remitter. 53 TIMnKIl LAND ACT JUSK H. 1878, . NOTIUK tOIt I'L'HLKJATIUN. United Htnto Land Olllce. ltoijobtUR Oregon. April 10, lOO.'i Notice In horehy glvon that in rnni plianco with tlm provielnnj of the net of OongrfHK of Jtinu II. 1H7K, entitled "An net for tho unlo of timber luuda In tho HtntitHof Culllornla, Oregon, Nuvadn, nnd WnihlriKton Territory," iiamiondod to nil the I'ulillo Laud titates by act of AugUflU. 1802 OAL W. WHKIHT, nf Marsliflold, county of Coon, filnto of Oregon, han tbls dny filed In this oflico hlMworn tntimnnt No. 4l)o'J. for1 tho nitrclinia of tlm NWI-I Hec Ion No. '1J In Tmvmihip No. 27 Hotith, Itaugo No, 12 WoM, aud will ollur proof to hIiow that tho laud nought u morn valtinblu for Itn tlmlier or stouu Ihnn for ngrleultiiritl purpoimi nnd to uitahli'li hlHcUiin to ttnlil land huforo V. U. DntiglnB. U. U. Cominliiilnner for Oregon Ht.MnrahflHld Oregon, on Friday, tho .'Id day nf July, 1U03. lie names iih wltnenaoB: JoixnSinltli, A I Hmltli, Lostor Kiuitli, F It Taylor, of Marshfiuld, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming ndtorac ly tho ahovu-dufcrihed lauds nra re (inostcd to II In their clulms in this ollicu on or huforo enld .'Id day of July, HKJ. l-t!B- J. T. JJuinoun, Iteglster. TIMBKIt LAND, ACT JUNh n, 1878. NOTICH 1'Olt l'UIILICATION. United Sl.iiei laind office, Kosclmrg, Oregon, IVb. 3, 1903, Notice It hereby given thnt In compliance with tliu provisions of the net of d'ougrutt of Juno j, 1878, entitled "An iici for Ihn talu of Umber audi In thoSuitui of California, Oregon, Ne' vada. nnd Washington Territory," as, uxtended to nil the Public Uind htatcs by net of August 4, 189a. WILLIAM W PRiniILK, of 191 Monroe- St., Portland, county of Mullno mull, Statu of Oregon, tins this dny filed In this oflico his sworn matement No. .1,403, for llio pur chnso ol llio SlCi-4, of Sec, No. 1.1, Tp 36 S, R lawtst.nntl will oiler proof lo show thnt tho land sought It morn valuable for lis timlcr or rtonu thnnor agricultural purposes, nnd to estnbliili his clitlm to said land before tho Regiitcr nnd. Receiver of this oilier nt Roseburg, Oiegon,, on ,1oiiilny, t(ie 6 day of July, 1903. f Hd" untiles ns wltnusesi Oscnr Ltlwurdt, ofO.iklitntl.Oreiion, Georao Finley, Galen V Kump, of Crawfordsvllle, Oregon. K N Smith of Myrtle Point, (ficgon. yV Anuntl nil persona cl.ilmlnr: ndversely tlnj nliovuKk'tcrlbed binds are requestod to fio tliclc claims (11 this oflico on or before said 6 day of July,. 1903. , , j.al'.p l,T,nJniuaE, RcKlstcr.