fS&2$0rVZ? n vr i t f 4 Vf .if . ' m w ?'. V. ' . rt : n-' tri M.A.IL' 23JS JL r. ,- ;ivoL xxvi, MARSHFIELD,. COOS COUNTY, OREGON" May9, 1903. N0.20 3. . i P T - - T ? 't'WTIf "W SPJ3P !Bf mm. IM R m Eft 4& f "CANNOT EMPLOY CHINESE In British Columbia Coal Mines, Vlclorln, II. C May fi-Dcnemulr's announcement (lint ho will put China men to woik In taco of tlio striking con I minora Is r gainst tliu law netcnti'iJ to I) tlio Nontenant governor, which foiblde tlio wnploymrnt of Clilnoeo L wi der ground, SOME EXCELLENT IDEAS Culled from a Letter Received In Marshflold From n letter received by a young man In Marihflold (rum IiIn lather in tlio Knit, tlto Mail I permitted to make Ihu following extract, which convoy wtno excellent ideas (or goriorabconiiumpllon: I am glad you think bo well tlio Cooi liny country. I read with jntvrcit tlio piece In tho Pan Francisco tfnqulror concornlag tho Rockefeller, (lould combination to build tho rond (ram Halt Lake City to Cooa Hay and I think It n good deal (or a Ban Francisco paper toeny that tho Gould-Rnckfollor system will rnnko Coos bay tho best bar boromho Pacific cobbI thoSan Fronds coharhnrnbrBfllwaya been considered ono of tho hast bnrburfi In iho country. If tho Gould-Rockofoller company havo really a loptod tint Great Control routo 'and Intend to push tho road thronch to Coon Day, It means much (or that country. They will have a system reaching (rom tho Atlantic to thd Pacific with n network ol roada all through tho most thickly rottlod and wealthiest porta of tho United Htaten; a) that If th influence, tratlle and travel ol their ureal tyBtem ia turned to nn outlot (hoy will bftTO to tho Pacific coast on Cooa Hay, that end of tho road will bo kept hot (rum tho llmo tho road ia finished on, while tho country laete, and it will not be long until n groat city will bo built on tho ponitiBtilA formed by Cooa Hay. If you eUylth It jou will havo great opportuultloi. A man only hno two or Mirco opportunities during his llfo to mako a fortunoand eouio n'on, jes tlo nrcat majority of men, lot thorn pars without utHUIiiK thorn. Now my ftdvica to-.you would bo to get hold of tho beat locatod property you can, hold It until you crn get a good price, Ibon coll part nnd improvo tho other me ko it bring you an incomo ne soon as poealblo. Kcop n conatant lookout lor bargains it you bavo money to invoet, uovor buy moro than you can carty in caae of a paulc. Don't bo In too big a hurry; on tho other band donMall to net promptly in cnao you Imyo n good thing offorod you. ' Baptist Church Sunday School nt 10 n m. Froadbing fiirViCo at 11 a in; topic: ''Tho Man in the Gap." toxt Eiok.22-SO. B.Y. P. U. nt 7 iV ui. EVenlng bovIco at 8 pm, toplo : "Ye Muab1 bo Bom' Again," tt ,obu a 8, All aro cordially invited. TOWN BOARD MEETS Acts on Mayor Coko's Resignation and Olhor Matters The town board mot Wcdnouday oven' Inir, with a quorum prceciU, which wab hotter luck than they hnd tho ntitbt be (oro. Tho rci-lunatlon of Mayor John B.Coko wan accepted. Ko furthor action 'wai taken In tho mailer. Y, P. Norton na chair Jian of tho board is now acting mayor. A liquor llccnto was leiucd to 0. II. Dunjran. Tlio follonIni(blllH wore ordered paid: John Hear, (or coal f I.DO; H. BenKtack en, supplies 75 conta; C. K. Nicbolron, anrvoylnit etc. Haines St., ?2Q; Dr. Mln rub, attcndltiR smallpox potlonti, (uml Katlng etc,, Dec. 21, 1902,to Mar,, 25, IC02, 05. It was dec7d(xl to Improvo Haines street according to tho survey of C. 1". Nicholson. An allna warrant was ordered istned (or tho collection of unpaid atsoesmenta on Urondway Improvements. Tho bridge on A atreot near Dr. Mo Cormac's realdonco being In In danger ous condition, the clly Marshall was ordered to placo obstructions at each end of tbo brldgo. HELD . UP A GAIN Roseburg-MyrtlePoint Stage Passengers Relieved of Money Ilotoburg, May 0 Tho Rosoburg Myr tlo Point etau was held up nino miles east of Camas valley, at 0 o'clock last night by two tnnakoi mon, Tbo pas eongora, F. I.-'o ai d W. McGra'h, Wis consin timbor mon, and II, II. Scovel of tho Llcyd-Scovol Iron Co., ol Ban Fran cisco woro rolloved respectfully of flvo, eovon aud ono' hundrod and twonty dollars. Watches and the Inited IBUtea mall woro ubtouched. The atago was bold up noar tbo onmo epot last winter, Sheriff Pnrrott Is at the Bcono. SHAMROCK REPAIRS COMPLETED Gla'sgbw, May 7-Bhamrock III jolt .thabay Jtbls tnorajM for tKov flrat ttlal eplii'sirico the acrjld6rit la which una Cvas dlsmnBted ShalMtotk I 'followed. MAY NOT RATIFY ' TREATY Cuba Inclined Against Acquiescence - 9 Washington, May 0 Cuba's ocqules conco In tho treaty providing for recip rocity with tho United States, and coal Ing stations, is becoming exceedingly doubtful. Communications received (rom Minister Squires aro said to bo less op'timlatlc. INDIANS ." PETITION PRESIDENT To Prevent Eviction From Homes - .. .HSi '.?! Ban liernaruiuo, aiay 7 tont or 4no leading Captain Warnor Itanch Indians trrivod last night to potition President Hooscvelt this afternoon to Bavo tho old homo of the Indians. They dony the atatorocnt of Indian Agent Wright that tbo Indiana consent ed to tho romovjl. Last night tho captains receivod word from the ranch that ecrlous trouble was Impending becauto Agent Collier was onrouto to San Jaclato with a party to onforco the removal RUSSIA'S COUP DE ETAT Re-Occupies a Treaty Port r And is Re-Garrisoning Forts inp China is Prostrated and' Helpless ' London, May 8 A dispatch from Pe r king saya Ruesia is again taking an aggresslvo attitude, Now Ohwanga treaty port at the mouth of Liao Bay hua been rooccuplod by a largo forco ol tho Ciars(troopa and tho forts havo boon ned, r A Chang Yon, tho Chlncea; amba'Bsndor here, when shown the dispatch lays, if true, It comes nearer to foreahadowin? a vtar than any nows that has yot bscu received (rom tho (nr East. It laovldont a coupe do etat has vbcon accomplished, that has tho nllimate object of tho com plete Rusaianfxlng of M'anchnrfa. China la ao prostrated that alio won't offer-any resistance, but no doubt my (jovcrntnent will appeal to America, England and Japan, as theso powore which bare so much at stako mist com pel' tho ovacpation of New Ghwang,eren at tbo cost of hostilltie?. Washington, May 7 The State De partment today recelyed (rom China the official Information of the reoccupaticn ol NowChwang, by tho Russians. The greatest reticence is obsorved by 9 f' the.offlclals of the department but It ia plainly evident they are exceedingly surprised and much worriod over Rus sia's action. Thoy absolutely refneo to di'.cntetboir probablo action of this country, but it is generally believed that Ambaenador McCormfck. at St. Petersburg has bcon lirectcd to lodge a strong protest, on behalf of the United States. MEW mti & T" f -WITH ALARM Jim Hill's "Low "Wheat Freight Rate .Portland, May 0 Railroad mon aro .viewing' with considerable uneaainosa thoeffortaof James 7. Hill to dovelop tho eastern flour and wheat business (or the new oriental steamer line, by mak ing anunprecedemal low Hour rate (rom tho east. Northwestern xnillerr, waro house mon and wheat growers havo already been deprived ol tho salo of 40,0'0 tons of wheat tr la eeason, and are (ormnlal log plana for retaliation, A Whopper Michael Goldsmith caught a' Dolly Varden trout in tho WiBhkah river Tues day which welghB 15 pounds. Export fishormen pronounced it a genuine Dolly Varden, and say it is the largost of that .variety ever caught in tho Waters of this Btato. Mr.'Goldsmlth bad a struggle to land tho fish. It baa been' encased in ico and will be on exhibition during tbo state conventions of Red Men and For esters at Aberdeen, Waehington. next week. On A Serious Charge A ,,compla!ut was filed Thursday against P. G.Potoraon, of Haynca alought charging him with threatening to com mit aaurdor. Ho waabroug ht to town yesterday and it was understood hat ho woud waive examination and give bonds for hla appearance at the next term of circuit court, .a TEDDY ENTERS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA r '. Drives Over a Mile of Fresh Roses Redlandf, May 7 President Roose velt reached Redlands exactly on time. Rough riders from Los Angeles were at the station to greet him. ft' a On the way to Caeo Loma hotel where be was to speak, the President's parade pit! over a mile of rosos. One large fruit concern had, "Wclcomo to our President," lettered in oranges. Governor Pardco welcomed the Pros! dent to Casa Loma, and introducod him to the audience from a rose covered ver anda. Nev Railroads Coming SANTA FE BEHIND NEW COAST ROAD 'w. . t"lfs7iiiife-i TiT Fty. Clark's Deal with Harrlman Forces Gould-Rockefeller Line io Coos Bay A Grants Pass dispatch to the Oregon Ian cays: Advicca recently recolved from San Franchco would seem to prove that the Santa e ia behind the Oregon & Pacific Company in tbo building of a railroad lino (rom Grants Pasa to Cres cent City. It eeema tbo Southern Pac iQc and tho Santa Fo cannot get toother in tbo matter or handling tho extensive lumbor trallc of the Humboldt county region ot California and by reason of this there ia a fight on botween tbo rival eormHT not iy HBl A.B.IUKHtAUMCO. M ol 8PRI.NG SUITS you ever saw. Boll you a Bult as cheap ai $7.00, or highy as (23.50, or anywhere between. : : ; ,: : Our clothing is a. combination or Style, Sorvlce and Fconosay. Direct from the colobrated Klrschbaum, Philadelphia and L. Addle Br.a. & Co., Rochester Factorioa. iS MAGNES FITTERS companies for tble business. The South ern PaciQc is mailing the extension of the California & Northwestern and hopes by the completion ol tble line to have the lumber trrfflc well In hand by he end of the summer. In the naeapUfir the Santa Fe fa taking In hand ih'i building of the line (rorahereto Crescent City, with the extension of the road south to Eureka and Humboldt bay, T.k people here, however, are not wor' rylng about the railroad lights. AH" they want it the Hno, wi hout regatd to the builders. Supplementary to the above and in dicating that Major Kinney's prediction that Coos Bay Is likely to have -two transcontinental rotds within a few years, is the following extract from a Sari Francirco dispatch to the same pa per: The railroad magnates are particularly busy just at prece'nt. Mr. Ilarriman will go to Loa Anselee tonight to meet Senator Clark and close the deal by which the San Pedro line, Senator Clark'a new road to the Pacific Coast from Salt Lake, will obtain poeccseton of the 429 ml lea of track south of that city now operated by tho Oregon Short Line. Immediate- I ly after tho Loa Angeles meeting Clark nnd Harrlman will visit salt Lake, and the work of taming the Short Line and Icquip'ment over to Clark will begin. It is eaid by railroad -men that if Goald is barred (rom the San Pedro it will mako tho building of tho projected Gould I Rockefeller route to the Coast a cer- taimy. Coming on : Areata - San Franclscoo, Cal. May, 7 The Areata railed Wednesday afternoon at' 4 p. m, with 'the following paseengersf M Rosenberg, G (tulfre?, F Dow, B Mc Laughlin, Biles K Mcl-I -z'.:, Z Vilune,'. U Hirsch, Fred Hoylead and wife, B Mclutyre, Nine in eteerage;- - Presbyterian Church Sabbath School at 10 a m. Morning worship at 11 a m. Sermon aubject: "Where God Dwells." Endeavor meet ing at 7 p m. Evening worship at 8 p m. Subject of Sermon : "The gloiioui an J all Conquering Flag." It's n i nil m m A ' PLEASURE Ye?, il'a a cret pleasure to have your Spring Suit of the uewoet material, tho latest cut and perfect At, You admire yourself an,d feel aa though othtra admin d you, and they do, too. Do en't take such an awful lot of money to dresa well waen youlbuy here. We aro ready to show you the finest 11m & MATSON &, FURKISHR: j i i9tt - " V &- yC3W7?1