i . ., if-. Ilk, r ishv icjlSg wm&m Nsv ! if n. ZEE s ill ! 1 I" r-vfth m t t A. ' . jk'tf t fay - MANSLAUGHTER Successful Fight ForDoc Ingels' Neck THE JURY OUT FROM' FIVE TO Penalty May Be One prison ment-.---Synopsis of the. Testis mony Case, Will Be Appealed The trial of Frauk A. ("Doc") Ingcls for the killing of Thomas linker in the Claymore saloon in Marshfieldon the nijjht of Dec 6th a, 122, took pjace before Judge Hamilton in the circuit court at Co quille City Tuesday aud Wednesday, aud resulted in a verdict of manslaughter, for which the penalty is imprisonment ftou one to fifteen years, or a fine of 5000 or both. The state's caee was conducted by District Attorney Biown, assisted by his deputy, E. L. C. Farrln. E. B. Sj:a brook and C. F. McKnigbt were at torneys for the defense. Tbo jury was as follows: A J Hamlin, Geo. Mullen, .Kay B Dcmcmt. Fred Perkint, A G Aiken, J T Dunlap, L D. Smith, C Iorenz. W M Yandecar, Lawson Lnw horn, H J Unnington nnd P G, Beae. This jury was eccqred after a special veniro had been summoned, and the Jr'ial commenced about 1 ;30 p. a Tues day. At 5 o'clo:k adjournment was taken until 7, when an evening session was held, lasting nutil nearly 9, when the arm of the court stenographer (Mrs. Franpls McCloud) gave out. The trial was resumed at 'J a. m. Wednesday and the last witness had been examined at 10:30, when h,o arguments of the at torucys were ccmnienced. Great Interest bs. taljen in this trial and many interested listeners worn pros put in the court room at all times dur ing its progress. Tuesday evening tbo Urge room was crowded far beyend ita seating capacity. TI10 trial waa conducted smoothly and expeditiously. There "was practically no dickering between the attorneys, and the cross-examinations, though search ing, were 1 ot severe, It may bo snid that Judgo Hamilton sits down very quickly op tiio tort of foolithnoss which takes up valuable time In so many courts. Ilia ruliags were prompt and seemed in Hca;es fair. Tbo tcitimony produced by the prose .cutiou, "so far as it covered same ground wab practically the same as that brought out in tho preliminary examination in tlioJubtico court, and reported in the Ma:l, at the time. The defense was not set up at the pre liminary examination, and it was prac tically new matter, containing, perhaps, i-o:ne eurpriees for tho prosecution. 'I )m majority 0! tho witnesses for the tUltmu weieallo to testify only to the good reputation ol the defendant or tho had repui&tibi., cf the man he killed, and it may be eaid that on the Jattor j)oint ijuito n tUnu thowiug waa made. Dr. Ilorsf&ll was tho first, witnoes called, lie to d ot tho condition in v. i.'.dx he feu lid tho body of Barker when he wae cdied, also produced two ' ffifli?5 bullets found in tho body. 14 vjir.ij.Dr;MrCornj4.c was rung up by tole iNMWjjn0Vj,j;0'uj .jon o'clock, Hastened .down to G'ayuiore saloon. Found Bar ker sitting ou.a chulr, Jeanlug hia head THE VERDICT EIGHT O'CLOCK to Fifteen Years Im on hia arm, which rested on the tablo. Barker gasped onco. Took off anil found two bullet holea in his coat his arm and ono in tbo chest.Wound in the chest canted death. Arrived about 10 minutes after the shooting. Dr. Gross told of the wounds found on Barkers body. Illnstratcd the conrso of the bullet, on the person of District At torney Brown. J..C. Wilcox Dad known Thos. Bar ker about two months and Ingle about a yoar. Was in tha room when the shooting occurod. Barker waa sitting behind the table, Defendant camo in spoko to witness, then tpoko to another man, and walked over to tho table and went to shooting. After bring shot Barker sot up, walked around the table and into the closet. Ingeli backed out of tho room into the reading room. Wit nets asked Ingels what he was doing, and, he said he was ''smoking 'em up". Did not hegr Inge Is say anything to Barker. Crosc-ex. : Witness was a barkeeper. Was looking out for the house. Witness could not remember whether be testifi ed In Justice court that tho defendant backed out without saying anything. When shooting took place, witness was standing just inside the door. Was about 20 feet from Ingles, Barker wbb dealing stud poker. Didn't know wheth er he ft as dealing for inonoy or not. Barker was employed by the houee. Witnets illustrated to tho jury on a diagram the arrangement Jof the room. J. Hack Was acquainted Tilth Barkor and Ingels, Was in Clay Mooro's saloon on the night of Dec. Gth. Haw Ingels in the bar-room, and abou' 5mlnntea later saw him in the rcom where Barkor was. Defendant camo in, walked over to tho table, looked around a minute, shifted hi umbrella from his right hand to his left, drew his gun and commenced shoot ing. Fired four or fivo shots in rapid succession. At tho momeut he com menced shooting, Barker waa engaged in dealiug the cards. Barker got up and walked around into the toilet room. Witness did not think Barker had any weapon on him. Ingels did not speak to Barker nor Barker to IngelH. Wit ness illustrated at a table the position of the men, Saw Ingels earlier in tho day, Between 11 and 12 o'clock. At that timo witness took a drink with defend tint and he said "I'm med, and I'm going to kill u man beforo sundown, and' I think I am justified in doing it"' Witness said: "Oh, you wouldn't do c ' ?&-'..vVi that." Defendant repeated thAt he would, and Mid that It didn't make npy difference, ho had only a few years to livo anyway. Offerod to bet two to ouo that ho woujd do as ho said. .Oross-Mnmlnatton: Did not Know woollier Barker was dealing (or money. Did not employ Barker. Felt no ani mosity toward defendant. Was stand ing At Ingots' rfcht sido wlion tho shots wero flred. Snw tho gun, bur did not try to reach It. After Ingels emptied his revolver, ho backed nwny, still click ing his revolver. Barker started to got up beforo tho ahootlug waa all over. About 8 or 10 peoplo woro standing ami sitting around tho table. Witnets did not think ho told any one ol IinrePa threats, pid not think ho would carry them out. Witnets was asked If ho did not make tho statement nbcut Feb. loth that II the defendant was cleared ho would leava the country. Ho aniworod, yes, and that ho had heard the defend ant, alter his arrest, had said that ho would get him too, Witness didn't re member ol oior hearing the expression "smoko 'em up" used beforo that day. Charley Gee, Chinaman: Knew Barker aid Ingcls. Was in Clay Moor's saloon when Ingcls shot Barkor. Illustrated on diagram where ho sat and tho position of Barkor and Ingels, flred five shots, quick Barker and Ingels did not speak to each olhor. Cross-ex Witness was fl&ld.Darkorgot up Iogela after Ingels flred all his shots and went to water closet. 'I' J. W. Cartor: saw Iugols in thojoll next morning after tho homicide, Ing els asked !( ho had killed two men. Witnets told bim no he had kiltod old Tom. Defendant said he could go to bed and nlerp sound after, killing that old a- of a b-. On Monday, deleodant told witnets how be killed old Tom. Said Tom was shuffling tho cards and reached them over to a rn.au to cut, and as Barker reached his arm out to take tho cards again, ho commenced shoot ing. Said ho if had another gun he would havo got Rack. Defendant told Witness of his troublo' with Barkor. Said be bad helped Barker out, and in timated that tho tatter ha'd been con cerned in tbo attempt to hire tho Cent ral gambling room away from him. On Sunday morning Inglca told witnets there was an old grudgo betweon him and Barker for what bapponed in Seat tle about 20 years ago, when Barker had got away with his wife and his money. Fred Johnson, barkeeper ct the brew ery: Saw Ingles about 2 o'clock on tho day of tho shooting. Siid to witness, "You nevorecen mo mad be(oro,butIam pretty med now." After' some more conversation he said: "I am going ,'up the street to smoko up." Had heard the defendant uso tho tame expression a great maoy times before. Saw de fendant have a revolver in the Pioneer saloon that day. Ben Schuyler: Was tending baj f6r Clay Mcore the night Barjcer eras shot. Ingels came in and came up to tho bar and treated, said "I'm going to smoko 'em up tonight smoko 'em up good,1' Walked into back ropm, and iu a fow moments witnets heard ah'ote. Thought it waa fire crackers then that it was holdup. Started into 'tyack room and saw Ingels going ouof"thb door, putting something in his pocket. 'Had olten heard defendant uso the expecssion, "smoko 'em up." Frank Denniiigi-On tho day of the killing defendant told him that somopf the gun players of Marshfleld had mado their threats to lay him ou a slab, bjit he would lay thom on a Blab before the eun went down. In tho evening witness saw him in tho Blanco bar and ho said ho was going down to Clay Moore's to smoke 'em up, nnd aekod witnots to go along and eco the fun, Witnees did nut hear him eay that ho was going to Clay 31 oore's to see Tube Cox, who owed him eorno money, Croes en: Had often heard defend ant uso the expression, "umoku "om up.' O.J, Tibbetts: On the morning of Dec. Gth, in the Broiler roetaurant, hoard defendant say that "Old Tom" was knocking and ho would liko to kill Jilm. , Defendant wbb talking to Frank Farrin, ' A''' tf" L. McCullochi Saw Ingcls cm tho .. morning of Dec 7th. Inglci than had a rovolver which he tamed oyer to Bert MeCulloch. J. W. Carter recnllod, and produced the pistol takon from Ingles, Revolver ndmilcd In evidence. Barkor'n tea. vroduced nnd admitted over objection of defense. Frank llnguo: Sold Ingels n 33 cali bre rovolver. Said to di'fondautt "Doo you nro not going to kill any one, aro you?" Defendant mado eorno reply In dicating that ho wnuted it lor self-do- (enso. J. A Armttttgo: Wn In OlnyMooro's saloon. Saw dofendnu't in tho card room between 10 and 11 o'clock, Bark or was derdlng stud pokor. This witness told substantially tho tome story of tho shooting as tho other wltnosi nnd druw a diagram with which to il lustrate it. When tho first shot was fired Barker had his hand out and rest ing on )ho deck of cards, Witucss didn't romembor hearing tho de fendant tay anything abeut-emoklng 'cm up. Horo tho stato retted. Tho dofoudant, Frank A. Ingols was the first witness placed upon tho stand by tho dulenee. He first told tho story of tho shooting. Ho went Into Clay Mooro's ealoon looking for ono TobeCox, who owed him eorno money. Ho walked back Into the gambling room and over to tho table whero Barker was dealing a game. Ho stood there a few seconds looking around at tho players, of whom thore were flro or ilx, but not seeing the man ho was looking for. Barker was dealing, with hia lint pulled over his eyes, Presently Barker pushed tho deck over to somo one to cut and as ho did to raised his eyes and tnw defendant for tho first time. He jumped up quickly, threw his band to his right hip pocket. Defendant then shot him, and continu ed to shoot until his rovolvcr.was emp ty, backing away at tho samo time, whilo Barker started around the tah'o toward him. He then walked out to theatreot and proceeded up on tho hill intending to apply for shelter at Kd Dean's hooeo, as it was raining, and havo Dean sond for an officer to take him bto custody. He rung tho bolt at tho house ho supposa 0 to bo Dean's but no one replied. About an hour later ha rung tho bell again but though there was a light in tho house, no ono mado a movement. Ho then went into tho wood shed and stayed until morning, whon ho walked down town intending to givo himself up, but met tho nigh I watch and assistant at Nasburg's corner and was takon Into custody. Witness had been Informed by Wm, Kerry tha day of, tho shooting, that Barkor had threatened bis life. Hebad met Barker In tho Palace chop house early that morning, whon tha latter had threaten ed to put him on n slab, Had known Barker since 1876, and knew ho had a rpputation as a very bad roan.Barkerhad shot at him in 1880 In Tacoma, shootiug out of an alley as 'defendant passed, af ter defendant bad failed to comply with his request for n loan. The reason he did not prosecute was tho fear 0! causing the closing of tbo gambling houtcs. Had not scon Barkor sluto then until ho saw him in Morshfield. He shot Barker be cause he thought from tho lattor's mo tions that ho was alTout to eltpot him. Barkor had worked for him a yhllo alter, coming to Marrhfleld, and at ono timo in tho gambling room of tho Cbiitrol ho tel had rajted a chair and threatened to to etriko him with it. Ingels was on tho stand an hour. Ho told hia story in a very doliborato and positive manner, and no doubt helped hia case. Ho appeared to ho in good health and spirits. Wm, Ferry. Ho had a converoatlon with Barkor and ho said he didn't liko Ingslo, nnd had told him ho would put him ovor tho divide. Witnoss told Ingels about this about & o'clock in tho afternoon of the homicide, IIad bfton heard Ingels Uflo the expression, "smoko om up." Met defendant Jn tho Blanco bar room tb'atbveqi'.pefondant told them to wnt A'jfoJfttjJttffji a ljo .wfts, going to get'fl'omVlildiJoy'ahd,.wflUld bo baok. JIa(rwP)e.aipBeycomifi8 to klmlft and wap going to leave la a few days. Saw fugles have a pistol, Barker's repu tation was that of a very bid mnn. Imputation of defendant wno that ot a pcacohhlu good nntured Itioffoiielvo tnnn; was good, About March 10th, heard John llnck say In nnswor to a prt)dle(loti thnt tho dofondnnt wouldn't ho hntiKod"you liAVQiHiothur guoia com ing, Cross txt Frank Donulnn wnB not in tho Blanco bar wlion Ingles tuft, a fow mlnmen hoforo tho shooting. Wltuon nnd tho bnrkoopor woro tho only por tions thnt IngloB talked with there, Bnrkor hntl told witness tho town was, not big enough to hold hltn nnd Ingot s nnd ho should put htm on'n slab. It. It. llrntnnrdt was prosont In tho Pa I co chop house on tho morning of Doo 0th. Baiker nud Ingols woro thoro. Tliay wore sitting thoro, nnd Barkor got off his stool nnd wout over to Ingols aud threatened to put him on a stab. Chas. StMliain: Was cook in tho Palaco chop homo in December, row Ingols nnd Barker thuro. Hrnrd Baiker say to Ingols I'M put you on tho shelf hoforo night." Ingots said: "I'll tnko your word (or It," Barker sold: Don't say too much about it or I'll knock you off that stool." l)ldn,t boar any previous qunrtol. Baikor had como In first. Krnorson Ferry: Was tending bar at tho Blanco on tho night ol Drc. Gth. Saw Frank Ingels thoro botweon 10 and 11 o'clock In company with Win Forry. No ono olio present. Four meu In back room, Frank Denning wa not prrient. When defendant wont out ho told Win. Forry to waltn tart mlttutea.ai ho woutd be right back. Ho was going to collect somo money. Defendant had been drinking but was not drunh. Thos, Barker's reputation at that of a bad character In gonernt. .Reputation of the defendant was unknown to tho witnets. Cross-ex: Defendant was in tho taloon about & minutes. Kd Gould: Was clerk and bartender at tho Central. Haw a difficulty bo tweon Barker nnd Ingel, when Uniker threatened to brain Ingel with a chair. Witucss was with defendant on Dec. 0th, Didn't hoar him mako any throats ac-uliiBt any ono. Had often heard Ingols uio tho expression, smoko 'eiu up, 1 Ingel's roputatlon was thnt of a peacea ble, inoffontlvo man. Witnoss did not know Btrkor'a reputation. A. P. Owen: Day beforo tjio troublo lawBorker and Ingols talking in front of tho Blanco bar. Couldn't hoar what they raid, until Barkor drew away say ing "you can't give mo any guff, or I'll smash you. Ingal s steppod up to him ngalu and in a momuut Barkor npoatod tho samo expression, and toon walked down the street, saying to tho witness that that old dough-face couldn't give bim any guff, and ho would have bim on tho run, or words to that effect. W H Noble. Wm Ward, V N Porry. W J Butlor and Jas 1 Ferry testified to tho gool roputatlon of Ingols and tho bad roputatlon of Barkor, John Snyder and Levi Smith testified that Ingot's reputation was good. L M Noblo nnd John Bear toMlflod to Barkor's bad reputation whon ho was on tho Bay before, Capt. Jai. Magoo had loon brought over from Empire to testify .that, ho dlun't know whotBarkor'o general repu tation was, Dr. Ilorsfull: Kxplnlnod couree ot hnllet that inflicted tho fatal wound, pnd it wa slightly dow nwnrd. As an oxport tho pltntBs thought tho woapon must hnvo beeniioarty onu lovel wUh tho wound, Watt Short: Did not remember of being in tho Broilor on tho morning o Dec 0th when Ingolo was thoro, ob re lated by O. L. Tlbbotts. Goo, Hughos: Often heard Ingels uso tho oxprosslon, "smoko om up." It was a by-word with him, The finished tho testimony for the defense. In rebuttal the protecutlon called two wltnossos. John Rack: Iu tho Claymoro saloon on thoovonlng.of Dec Oth Wm. Ferry told witness that Inaola htjd a gun and was going to hurt somo ono that ho had Maroollus Irslandt was with freak Donning on the evening of Doc fib Donning wont Into tho Blanco bar, itay ed a fow minutes tlion oatita out and wonlwitli witness to tho chop honso. This was a short time be foro'thc shooting, Tho tttorney's for tha dofonso mado a uoblo fight for tholr cllont, nhd aro to ho congratulated on thofr huccois In making as good n showing nn thuy did, tho nttorncys finished their nrgu mnnt about fi o'clock nud tho Jury rt tlrod. After about throe hours dollb ration, tho vordldt ol mnntlnughtor was, roturned, It was roportod last night from an lutldo lourcn thnt ou tho first ballot tho jury stood U for murder iu tho sec ond degree, l for innuttnughtor nnd two for' ncqulttal, and a compromfs was finally rffoctod ou tho vordlct of man slaughter. It was nnuouncrd by 0. 1.. Ingols, tho brother ol tho defendant) who in horn to help him out ol tho troublo, that tha enso would bo appealed, Professional Cards R. H. Walter, D. D. S. DENTAL rUHlQKOh AND MrXJHAN, 10.VI. DKNTIHT. Ofilco Kaetmrg lltdg. A. St., Phone. 20 MARHimKU). OREGON. E. E. Straw, M. D. PIIYHICIAN AND HUltOKON. Special attention to dlncimi ot the Kyo Kur, No unit Throat. (Humeri fitted. Office in SuugHtnckcu & Smith UuildiMi;. C. A- CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW AND PROOTO'lt IN ADMIRALTY Ofllrn in OnldiMi'n Building. Phono in utlleo. Mamhflold, Oregon. W. U. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. S, ' COMMISSIONER. ! Kiont itrccl, Miuilirtcld, Orrgon. ' S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYER-Wlll praclico in nil courts. EMPIRE CITY oiii:goi J. W. Bennett, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. MAHSIIFIICLD ORR John F. Hall, ATTORNEY AT LAJV. Office In i'Jiloradd block, Front itrccl Manlitcld, Oregon. H. St., MARSH FIELD, OKI; C. F. MoKnight. ATTORNEY AT LAW Office in the hciiuc & Walter Ihtildiufj. MARSIIFIELD. OREGON Dibble & Williams COOS BAY REAL ESTATE Marshfield, - tOregon I pin horo advertising buying nnd ft soiling roal (utatc. I will try If you list your property with J R. Robertson, Ofilco at North Bond, Oregon, Kaufman & Wegner.j Donlors In Real Estate Ofilco oyer Golrion'a Drugstore MA KS1I FIELD, OREGON T. Micklewriffht. I Practical Watchmaker nnd Jeweler, f All kinds of wntuheu unci ulocku cleaueu una rupniruu on vuurt iiuucu. i All work guaranteed 12 months, ,IIBD GROSS DRUG STORE iMarthtlold .:.:. s Oregon . t , ji.