10 A i- SALVES BRITISH PRIDE Mad Mullah Given a Hard Drubbing Many Reported Killed on Both Sides Obbln, Bomnilliuiil, April iM-Gonornl Manning commanding tliu Urltleh forcu In Knmnlllnnd, whllu on his way to ro Jluvo Colli) who was surrounded by forces of tlio L'liouiy, mat tliu Mntl Mullith nnd dufuntod Itlm. Tliu Mullah lost 2000 Killed, nnd tliu British loss wai not inuch hotter. Cobb will Buccossfutly rolcavod, The forco riofoalod by Manning le tho en mo thnt surrounded And annihilated Plunkctt'sjorcnlast wcok, It is com poiod of 12,000 mon, 3,000 boing mount (id. CHINA DEFIES RUSSIA a i Refuses Demand for Manchura i I,-1 London, April 27 Ofllclal announce tucnt was made horo tbla Afternoon that tho Ghlnciu govorntnont hna ro fined to ir.rtnt Russia's doniauda rclatlvo to Muuchurn. TURKISH REFORMS URGED Ambassadors Wasting Breath Tendon. April 27 In tho houio of cotnnions tbla afternoon Cranborno, re plying to nn interpolation regarding tho 1'alkau situation, stated that earnest rojjroeniitAtinns urging tho "promUed roformB In Macedonia had boon mado to Turkoy in flio last fow days by both Russian and Austrian ambassadors. Tho ambassadors nro aupportod by thu othot powora. They nlao urged tho appointment of Europoan officorB to ro organlso tbo gundarmurl. MORE .TURKISH OUTRAGES Borlln April 25 A Vienna dispatch eayB that Turkish troopa have plufader ed many. Macedonian Milages Wiling fc nurubor of clirietlans, ROOSEVELT'S STRENUOUS " HOLIDAY Urges Continuance of Treeplanting Praises Father of Ar bor Day Grand Inlnnd, April 27 rrcaldont Itooaovull began a itronoua day by turn In C fir lit noil for tho Cnrncjclo llbrnry.' Homado. nn address from tho front of tho high tchool building, Tho Presi dent's train left born nt 0:15. Hastings Nob. April 27-1'roildont Roosevelt In a apeccb horo today Urged All to conlluuo trecplantlng. Ho paid a high compliment to J. Sterling Mor ton, who na recrotary of Agricultural In Clovoland'a cabinet was tho fftber of llio arbor day morcment. The Prcs Idrnt raid that million! of reboot children through this woro learn ins tho ereat lesions which center about the trees and forests. REAMES CHALLENGES HERMANN To Joint Debate on the StUmp Eugene, April .17 The following chal lengo to Dinger Hormann on behalf of Hob in os was lamed today from the Democratic headquarters by chairman Bun Whlth. 'Dr. T, W. Harris, Chairman of tho Republican Congressional Commlttco of tbo First District of Oregon ; Dctr Sir For reasons that will bo ob vlotls to you, and that will appeal with cqUAl force to both Democrats and Re publicans wo havo the pleasure of ex tending, to Hon. Dinger .Hermann, on behalf of Hon. K. A. Roauihs an Invita tion for a joint debate, tbe itinerary which Is to cover so much of tho dis trict as tho remaining timo permits. Trusting that thn foregoing may meet your approval, wo remain etc," FE'AROF ITALIAN MAFIA -vf Causes Disappearance of Jurymen Now York. April 27 Foar of violonco of tho MtiQa haB cnusod a general dleap- pearonco of tho jury' which was to hold an lnquost this moruiug as to death of iMadonia whoso body was found in a barrell nnd for wjioso murder 13 Italians aro held. "When tho coronor called tho caao at 12:30 only . a fow jur ora were present. It la lonrncd that ovtr half the jurors disappeared when they learned that they were expected to smelua Matlacase. The coroner ad JoutW the ease until this afternoon AMERICAN VISITORS SLIGHTED Spanish Court Delib erately Insulting ActionStarts Tempest in a Teapot Madrid, April 25 King Alfouza nnd tlioijueen mother recoivod Inst nlht a delegation of tho international medical congress, now in sosslon hero. Tho members woro placed in various rooms, and tho Cubans and Americans were placed iu tho dining room. They considered this an intentional (light. They woro preparing to Iea'vo when tho Amorican minister arrived and per suaded them to remain. Tho Incident lo widely ;dlecurtcd to day, nnd tbo general opinion Is that tho slight was intontionnl. IMPORTANT DECISION RENDERED i". ; Militiamen May Shoot Citizens Philadelphia, April 27 In tho su premo court today Justice Mitchell ful ly exonerated and llbora'tcd Private Wadaworth for killing a miner while on duty with his regiment during stbo Jan thraclto strike. Tbo matter came ap on a writ of habeas corpus. The decision Is important to .Katlo'nal Guard mon as it deflnos their lines of duty when called out. Alferd Grelg,of Lasllno Oregon has bcon indicted by tbe Federal grand jury for sending obtceno letters through tbe mall. AT THE TOP. It It a laudable ambition to reach tbe top of the ladder of success. Out many a man who rcacne iuc topmost runs; finds his position a torment Instead of a triumph. He has sacrificed his health to success. A man can sue cccU nnd be strong flic heeds Nature's warn ings. When there is indigestion, low of appetite, ringing In the earn, dluiness, spots before tho eves or palpita tion of the heart: any or all of these symp toms point to weakness and loss of nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery is the medicine to turn to. $3,ooo FORFEIT will be paid by the World's Dis peusary Medical Asso ciation, Proprietors, Buf falo, N. Y it tlicyctmtiot snow me original signa ture of the individual volun teering the testimonial below, nnd also of the writers of every testimonial among lite tnou- aatida which they are constantly publish- iny, thus proving their genuineness. "I'or about two years I r.uflercd from a very oUtluate case of dyspepsia." writes R. 1J. SecorU, Km., of lj Uastern Ave., Toronto, Ontario. I tried a great number of remedies without suc cess. I finally lost faith In them all. I was so far (tone that I could not for a long time bear any solid food iu my stomach : felt melancholy and depressed. Could not sleep nor follow my occupation. Rome four months oko a friend recommended your 'Golden Medical Discovery.' Aftel a week's treatment I had derived so much .benefit that I coiitiuucd the medicine, I have taken three botttes and am convinced It has iu my case accomplished a pcrmaueut cure. I can conscientiously recommend It to the thou sands 01 dyspeptic throughout the laud," The "ComtuotrrScnse Medical Adviser," iocS large page In paper covers, is senl?te on receipt oral one-cent stamps to pay lex penatf of mailing; w, Address Dr, R. V. PicrW.DuffalAK.Y. A BBSsWBH BOUND"- : - .'FOR ST'' LOUIS President Will Start the Machinery Thousands Leaving to "Witness Opening Washington April 23 This was a veritable .get-Away day hero. Four special ; trains, ono immediately after another, loft for-St Louis for the dedica tion ot tho Fair. Tho first special car ried a band and the Potomac ledgo of masons, tho next was a correspondents special, consicting of eoven pulraan cars full of newspaper men. Tho next was dlsplomatists, in charge of Senator Cockrcll. Admiral Wwoy, Goners! Young and eoveral membors of the cab inet wcro also aboard, Herbert Von Sternberg and Minister Bowen wore all compelled to remain at homo on acouut of tbo Yonczuelon negotiations. Minister Cassinlo was also compelled to remain at his post on account of tbo Manchurioh- question which liablo to'nrisc. Next train carries ox- President Cleveland and -party. JTho government board of tbo exposition and many residents of tho city will Ienvo later in the day on another special train. Bt Louis, April 23 Tbo weather Is perfect. Til Utah delegation was tho first to arrive 6,000 niilitaia men aro ready in tents, on exposition ground. Tho hotels aro inAdquato to accommo- dalo tho crowds, which are constantly arriving. Buffalo April 28 A thousand guards men left hero this morning on threa special trains for IheStLools oxpodtion. 'Now Orioans, April 23 Governor Hurd and staff left for Et. Louis this morning. Clearfield, la., April 23 Secretary Shaw Joined tho President at 'Clarlnda, where ho made at short speech, Ho also made short speeches at Bbarpsburg and i. Van wort. ERNEST STAUFF DEAD Salem, April 28 Ernest Stauff died at tho hospital Monday noon, His body will bo embalmed and tbo remains will bo thipped to Marehflold on tho next Alliance. Ho arrived eaftly at tho hospital Sun day. Char. Stauff, his brother wbo had accompanied him to tho hospital hud gouo to Portland. , How a Custom "Vn .Started. When Fox tho llrst ot Quakers, xnn sitting in church nnd tho preacher Bitd"iinytlilng ho disliked, ho moved solemnly, put on hla hnt nnd kept it op until tbo dlsngroenblo venuuks wera concluded. Henco uroso tho Quaker custom of wearing lints In church. ( Stilto IlullM I Nortviiy. -" At Norwegian stuto'-lmlls tho Indies who Intend to dunco wenr whlto. Those who do.uot tiro cspected'to appear iu TRIED TO ' ' ; TAKE HIS' !".' OWN LIFE CountEscosura'inCrit ical Condition Claims Shooting Was Accidental Seville, Aprils? Count Kicosnra, tbo morganatic husband ol tho queen moth er was found in bed this morning suffer ing from a dangerous pistol wound. Ho saya tho shooting was aclcdental, al though it is generally bslievod it was an attempted BUlcide, owing, it is charged to tho dlrgraco of having been transfer ed from Madrid to Seville, by Alfonzo. The Queen mother Is disregarding her son and has ordered thatEncosara to bo brought to Madrid as soon as he is 'able to travol. TRAIN AND TRACK. On nil Bonth London street railways tho fnro In now 1 cent. Tbo number of tnlltm entering Liver pool fitrect Htntloti hi one mouth is G2,-, CCS. Of thiB numhor 03.00 per centari flvo on tluicnbs'olutcly. "m Tlio Illinois Ccntrnl railway bflS.paM J to the stntc in taxes under IU charteSj which calls for 7 per cent of grow re? eclpta. ?20.589.1C0 slnco completion 6t tbo road in 1855. Thcro were 007,000,000 passengers carried by the rnllronds of tho United States in 1002. which menns that, on nu average, every mnu, woman nnd child rode eight times during the yeah SISTERLY CITIES. "" Thcro nro no polygamlsts In Nersr York; only corespondents. Washing ton Star. Having secured tbe Olympian games, St. Louis is now trying fp flgnro ou"t whether they nro played with soil ttlcks or wlth'bluo chips. IndianapcJJs Sentinel.' Last year Philadelphia bad nn cpi dcmieof amnllpox; this year one of diphtheria. Its health authorities seem to need a thorough shaking up. Balti more American. -r-sr' POULTRY. Feed plenty of buttermilk to'th'o bans. Stalo bread soaked in milk lis good feed for young chickens. Feed young chickens often and well, and do not let them stop growing. Thopltimngo of old fowls tends 'to shnda lighter with. Increasing ytars. Fowls npprcclnto good food as well na other nulmnls, but it is unkind to limit them to ono kiud, bo It over so good. They must havo variety. Ono adrautago of (crudo petroleum over keroseno n a wash. for tho poul try botiso is that tho kcrosono evap orates very rapidly, whilo tlio petro leum strikes in nnd stuys nnd is usu ally much cheaper. zrzzzz: ri Orchard Drainage, Ono advnutago of good drainage In tho orchard is that tho 'frtilto tvIH usually come to maturity earlier than on undruincd land. CHUfrCH AND CLERGY. Hov. Georgo Hughes of Orange, N. J., ' preached a sermon on his eightieth birthday in tho Franklin Street Motho dlst church, whero ho dollvcred his first sermon sixty years ago. Hov. Henry V. Jameson, pastor of tho African Methodist Episcopal church of MndUon, Wis., is tlio first colored uilnlstor to servo as chaplain of tbo Wisconsin legislature. In tho year 1002 Itoninn, Greek, Rus-' shin, Kngllsh, Catholic nnd Trotestaut church buildings wcro nil dedicated in New York city. A great; training school for Jewish rabbis was also founded. The Mormon church now; claims 300, 00O members unit 110,000 teachers nnd pupils In its Sunday uchopls. Every Mormon boy is looked upon ns a futuro missionary, and tlio llrst object Is to mako an Xirntor of him. Auclont Taper. TIcro, nro iu existence, It is claimed, specimens of paper made from rags as early as tho fourteenth century, tho oldest extant bclug, it is 'reported, a 1 lottor from Jolnvllle to Louis X. of Frauco dated A.'D. 13lri. BOODLING LEGISLATORS EXAMINED violence Being Taker ' at St Louis LargeBill Deposited by a Member? '8f. Louis A,,;'"' " J? Siriilor Dowcll, rcprcsentaHvu Gainer, cf 8t Lonif, andLleulenrttit Goc,rtidil.eo were before tho grouil jiry tfl-hiy. Olvln? evidence in tho booJIintf c,tp In the School Bco': T,ntt in' i'io IIoufo of i - 1 1' It presenlAtivos of Jim l.tst seesionwhieh came to light in trnnpihlu. form. 1 'It if postivcly stated tlta a JH.COO bill ' was'despoaltcd by' a mtrobcr of "tho bouse at tbo timo when tbo School Book legislation was the hottest of the season. The bank cashier hai been subposnatU GETTING . READY FOR : JETT mprovementstoBegift at Astoria Astoria, April 28 About 100 men r.pw. employed by tho euglnQcrs dpArtaenf on tho itlyl thu mouth of tUt xvf aro getting ready (or tbe intensive work, will bo commences b rt'on as th contracts for matcrlHl aro awaided, - the bids foV which 'ity to ope,iifsi next 'Thursday at the (fllcc ofMrjor Lcagr fitt at Portland.; ovr Sauio I'rotitcn Count. Tho Bushmen nud Brazilian Wood Irw dlnus cannot count beyond two. Th Botoeudos of Ccntrnl Africa lwre a word for "one," but ntiythlng, beyond la "mtiny." Among the native ofElllco'sj Island the word for "ten" menus "nil" all tbo fingers. An Ancient Penny. Dated 1707 ami weighing an ouncA a copper penny lias bocn turned up, by tlio plow n Breckles, jiisrfolt Ensland. touring Attacks O H&rt FaJittire. Would Appear To Be- Dead. Dr. Miles Heart Cure. 'Relieved and" Cured. "I have no heiitntton in saying that Dr., Miles' Heart Cure is nil that one can wish it to be. I was troubled w.th heart'fiiscasc for fifteen yean. 1 1 have tried litany different remedies but until I tried Dr. Mines' Heart. Cure I could find no relief, 1 was subject to headaches and had tried your l'aln Pills and. they were so effective I thought your Heart Cure might help me. I would have attacks, at times so severe that I would be stone, blind for the time being. During these, spells I would be to all appearances dead. 1 took the medicine strictly as directed and L. can truthfully say that I am completely cured. I advise all that are troubled with heart dis ease to take Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure( at once. I write this and give my name to. my fellow sufferers." S. IS. Purdy, Atkinson,, Nebraska. "I first felt the effects of a weak heart Itv the fall of 1896. L saw an advertisement 1, the SloUx City paper in which a man Jtste'd, his symptoms which seemed to me to indicate-, a trouble similar to mine. I had a soreness, in the chest at times, and in my shoulder, an oppressive choking sensation in my throat and suffered from weak and bunary spells. I was truly frightened et my condition and procured six bottles of Dr. Miles' Htart Cure., Since taking my first bottle, I havo newt been bothered by any of the old disagree-, .able symptoms and now mwel) slid eon-, .sider my cure perraantat." Lwts AndMioa Kuhn, S. D. . . . All druggists sell ana guarantee fin bot tle Dr. Mfles' Remedies, St ad for free Wt-. onNervous.and Heart Diseases, &""m - f CTjX&s) Blind 1 ( ,i ' . .'gvi'