Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 02, 1903, Image 6

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From Gunday'a Dally.
Tho fchoontr 8u Buenaventura ar-
rived yesterday.
Deputy il.ot H K. M. Gillier
to An last n';'.it
wr.s iu
. 8. R. Crawford, was down from Sum
ner ycetorday.
Major Tower, of Empiro City, was a
Maithlicld vir-itor yesterday.
Oregon & Pacific Survey,
(l)vl Norlo ltccm(i i.j .
A loam "with surveying implements
and tenia for n'corps of turvejors for
thn Oregon it Pacific railroad, arrived
Mnndnv tlio imntemrnU ntul Iimm.ibo
woro loft lCnlchl.,g hero aurvoylne IIae,',iP. s l' Wwyilck nml fo
V'rt(ht, K V Millard, M A Lnmaroaux,
Mrs Lamnteanx, Llnto-UMUiucaux, .lv
Liimcraux, H F.Smlth. U Olson, A
Pnrcyll, W II Brown, W IIIIl, r ltoiou.
A (lohrc, J Flanders, 8 Johnson, 8 8
Johnson, L I.ouU, A Mclllnch, 0 l
opnrotlons for tho lino south to Hum
boldt will bo commenced In nil probability.
Mis. Jns. Mngoo ntul danghter May,
of Empire arc visiting Mas. P. M. Nil
s The inprovom&nla which J. II. Flan
ain has been mating at his retidence
aro ncatlv completed.
Mrs, M. pro and daughter Mnu ate
apjndinp rovers! days in .Marshfleld, the
gusteof Mr. I. M Wilbur.
I m pro Yen en Is Dlscontiuucd
A iccont Wtuhiugton dispute!. says:
Qn recent recommendation of tho Chief
Kndneerp, Secretary Root has ortfered
a ditcontinunuce of tho improvement of
tho. month ot tho Siuslnw river, Orcgou
became commerce ot tho river dooa not !
justify tho largo appropriation that
would be necessary iu providing a pr
manont cl annrl of oii;lit feot depth
across tho bar and in front of KIoruTce,
aa contemplated by tho approved pro
Wlntuu Weaiyslck, Kdl Hill, I.oeter
Wearysick, Mayhollo Leap, U 1C Clark,
Hay Mills, Ida Mlllo, Hurt Mlll Mm. J
V Chapman. L Maro, II Harrett, T
Huckmnn, J A I.coke, ltichard Iori
U W 0.ninrd, W K Carter, Wnlly
Moster, A MneCcninadnlo, 1 II Uivrl)on
l' Klannery, (ieotRo Taylor, 8 Jacohrnu,
S Krmhma and party, 7.
on In ptneo ol tho atoauuir yreckoil
aomatiuiu ago, la n urunt ouceeun, and
uinkoti thoruit to tho mluuj, about )()
tullua from tho month of tho rlvor with
no trouble, Copt. DuriiH exptuta to lm
stauipiu,; iiunrta within tho nuxt DO
L. D. Scolt of South Marshfi-ld, hub
been bringing to town for tho past
xtkc' fresh grtfcn onions and radishra.
Rtv. F. G stranuo returnod lasti vn
ing from l'roalyti'ry. lie will cceupy
bis pnlpit morning and evening today.
' Willi all tho ccod to bo obtaii.ed by
pood advertisinz i: uoold seem reasona.
bio for each adverticcr to do as much of
it 86 possible.
The Alliance wilt sail at 10 at m. M )n
day, from tho Marth:i'Id dock. She
will take soma lumber from North Head,
this trip.
Pprcul iinifie has been engaccd .for
tho Yontii; People's meeting tonight at
tho Baptist church at 6:30. Don't f&il
to come und help tho young people out.
. Capt. Harris says that ho haa chanc
h'. pUuis ot building on tho lots he has
recently purchased in Sumner, and now
thinks he will putnp a brewery.
Woi. Eonebrsso has bfon getting lam.
ber at North L'end for tho construction
of a new hunio on the old Foster p'ace
on Catching slough, which be recently
tfaclielor Maids Picnic
The annual Picnic of tho. Bachelor
Maids, consisting of fcbool teachers and
stenographers, came off yesterday, whon
thoy chartered a gacolino launch ot Hol
land Dror. and went to tho lower bay to
visit'the Lifo Savirg Station, govern
ment works, Rocky point, Empire City
and any other points of interest tbut
might attract attention along the route.
Tho party included tho Missos Annie
Biesen, Kllen M. Beam Is, Mary Foshay,
Gertrude Engle, Alice McCormar. and
Mamie Mahoney. Tho party was chap
eroned by Mrs. McKnisjht.
Tho :arty was treated to a raro ex
perience by bring just in tirno to witness
the cxtricatiou of the schooner San
Buenaventura from her predicament,
described elawbere.
Will Carry Building Material and
Mechanics Supplies to
Capt. R. J. Watkina of Lake Chelan,
Wash., who haa spent tbo winter on
Coob Ray, ia going South on the Alliance
tor a short visit in San Francisco before
returning to his boat on the Lake,
Mr. C A.Jark and Wifo of Ilinton,
"West Va., crrfved on the Alliance. Mr.
Clark, who is a lawyer, was here last
fall and thinks well enough of tbo Ba'r
to return to us and bring otbere with
S. Johnson, of Oregon City, who was
here several months ago and invested
qnite heavily in North Bend property,
arrived on the Alliance. He ia much
pleased with tho developmenta here
during hia absence.
The 14-year-old ion ot Wm. Stevens
ot Kentuck slough went out gunuing
or bear Friday and was not gone from
home over an hour when bo bad killed
a very largo black bear. lie waa
obliged to shoot him tbreo times be
fore bo captured his prize. Yonng
Master Stevens feels proud of hia
achievement, for he went to thp bear'a
den all by himself. Tbtre are fow boya
tbat ago who would willingly go into
Bruin's den. This ia probably tho
youngest bear hero in Coos county. The
The animal waa a very big one and
showed considerable tenacity as he shot
him three times through the bead be
fore he would yield to tho power of
young Stevens' rifle.
Tho bt,enrn schooncnllomor, haa bcoi.
chartered by tho Government to carry
supplies for tho Government light sta
tions along the Alaska Coast. Sho will
take on her cargo at Portland.
Tho principal part of the cargo will bo
about 600 tons of building material for
the station which is to bo erected at
Cape Sariches, Unitnak Island, this
Spring, As is well known by mariners,
thoro is a light on tho southern coast of
tho island at Scotch Cap, hut tho now
station will be located on tho northwest
ern or oppotito shore.
The IJomer will also carry north about
5 mcchrnics of tho building trader! to
work on the new stations.
From "tuccdny'o Dally.
Wm. Shiirrnrtl, of Sumner, wan iu
town on business yesterday.
Kvory merchant has something worth
talking nbout, und ho ia foolish who re
frnlna from saying what Is worthy about
worthy thlngi.
T. J. l'owora and f.wully hilt Mjh .v
it.orninv by way ol Drain, en, routu to
Glondalo, Or,, whvru thoy will mako
their (uturo home,
yearn and is woil acquainted iylUi tho
wanls uf tho pH)p!o,iuid rxpcoli to tunko
North lluud his fu'luro homo,
llert Andiuson camo down from Alle
gany yesterday to act up and (mine tho
donkey engico which has arrived for
Alburt Stemmcrmanu, when it will bo
taken to his camp nbrno Allegany,
Elderly lady "Aren't you ashamed
to bu seen smoking cigarottos, little
boy?" Uttlu boy "suro I am; but
wot'd n feller to do wheu ho ain't gol
the prico ot a cigar?" Philadelphia Record,
A New Industry
Fnul Aboil, tho cigar maker who Is
ntartlng u factory In A. K. Seaman'
building on 0 street, received n ship
ment nt boxot nml other stock on tho
Alltnnro from Portland. Mr. Aboil ox
pioln to place on tho market thla woek
hia ton cent lirmid, tho Coon Ray llollc,
uf which ho hits Huvoral thousand made
up. Thoy urn lino smokers, and will
achievo Immodiato popularity, Mr.
Aboil haa hnd yearn ot oxporloncn in
tho different hranuhea ol tho clgariuak
lug buslnosp, und ho will undoubtedly
make a succoss of this now Marahflold
Thuru aro thotn wlo hnvo out tholr
llttlo hiuutnnre, hut if thoy kept a liam
inerlnij away at Ihulr businoso Instcfttl,
tho result would bo woiulorful, It
would bo building up ono buslnusa'in
sload of lotting that dwindle away wlillo
tho prnpriotor'a tlmo Is put Iu trying to
tear dowh tho olhor follow' bUNhivsa,
From Wfldnesday't Ualy.
The Csnrlna was hung up on tho mud
llat Ttuuday morning.
Gasollno schooner Copper Queen wont
down the bay last evening.
J. M. Wigton, ot Colorado is a new
comer In Marshfleld arriving Monday.
Good Price for Stumpage
A contract was mado in Astoria re
cently to log tho timber off 100O acres
ot land, tho contractor paying $1.25 per
thousand for fir and 00 cento per thous
and for homlock.
Tho Prinvlllo city physician haa small
pox. Tho doputy postmistress alio bar
tho diitate.
Schooner San Buenaventura Escapes
Unharmed From a Ticklish
By the sndden dying out of the wind,
mo schooner ran tfnenavoatura waa
left in an awkward predicamont for a
while yesterday, but fortunately sbo es
caped without serious injury.
She approached the bar.in ward bound,
at about high water, and aa tho bar waa I
smooth, the wind fair and no tog in
sight, Capt. Holmberg sailed in. Just
Travel by Sea
Departures south by Alllnnco April
-7: Jos Uichards, Guy I.nttln and wife,
A G Prouty, Frank Condron, II J Wat
kins, Robt Jones, It 8 Sutton, C La
More, Jacob Goriun and wife, K Bolder
man, 0 C Shaw, 11 Thompson, 3 iu the
Good Day's Work
At II. Songstacken'a camp on Pony
slough, nf which W. II. Thomas is
superintendent, 80 logs woro put in
Saturday- This ia a great day's work
for a einglo camp, and if any one can
beat it. Mr. Ihomai would like to hoar
from him.
J. W. Judd and 11. F. Savao ol North
ough brought In a load ol match
wood for II. SougsUckon yesterday.
It. G. Wilton of Catching slough,
received a gas angina to run his cream
eoperatorfromJ.il. Mlluer this week.
Annual May Day llatkot Plcnlo 16
Hocky Point Sunday May 3d, given by
tho North Bond Concert Baud blda fair
to outstrip anything of thu kind over
hold on tho Buy. Htvatnor Blanco will
leavo Marshltold at H.'IIO a, in, with
barges nud seating capacity for oil who
may duslro to go. Amusements Mill
bo had for nil nnd a most onjoyahlo
tlmo Is expected. Freo clam bake and
Faro f0 cents round trip,
Mtsa Maggio Miller who has been vis
iting at tho homo of Captain Kdnards
returned homo Monday trom a neck's
Tho Ingle jury had no been socuiod
at noon yesterday. Tho attorneys In
fn the cam hopo to finish tho trial on
Birthday Parly
Monday afternoon Mr. and, Mrs. F;. (.
Dowgavoa dullghtful pitrty for their
Jaughtor Helen, tho occasion being lha
lillto lady'a sovouth birthday.
Tho Juveniles onjoyml various gatnci
from thrto till fivo wbun lha happy,
hungry bandcf eighteen wvro seated at
tho long tablo and nftur repeating In
concert tho Lord's Prayor they proceed
ed to onjoy thd dainty auppor prepared
(or them, after which thoy departed
leaving n vary happy little girl who had
tdded a year to her age, I a received
many pretty presents, and tho good
wliei of her Uttlu McmU, and had
enjoyed a thoroughly happy nllernion.
The young foil; i present ware : title n
Dow, Maude Cvke, Martha Koltes, Myr
tie Spencer, Connlo German, Zoo Dotan,
Mary Loar, Fay Whlto, Frrddlo Dow,
k'dlth Sttauge, Gertrude Koltrs. Bciilo
Ayro, Allco Curtis, Freda Holmes.
Either Asplund, Kalph Coko, It vino
Gorman, Frank Curtis.
i.Mrd. Dow was assisted In onlortainlng
tho litllo folks by Mrs. T. K. Dow, Mrs,
Whlto and Mrs. P. 0. Lovar.
Property Moving
after crossing the bar and passing tho j That Marshfleld property ia far from
end of the Jetty, the wind suddenly died j dtiid ia ellQwn by tho factCt 11 Merch.
out, then came in a puff from nnothor ( ant B0d 10 iot, ln UaJlroa(, a,,jtlou to
IVonlo naturally want tlilnsi that aro
worth having and worth tho prico they I
aroexpoctud to pay. Till thorn I Toll
them I
"They lilt mo, preffynor, you have
mastered all tho modern tongues."
"Well, yes, all but my wflo's aud her
mother'a.' Ex.
quarter and throw the ichoouur toward
the jetty and against it, where sbo lay
helpless for a while.
Old Relic Found
Capt. Holmberg got out a kedge nnch-
or, and with the timely asBlstanco of
Captain Nelson and bis crew from tho
Life Saving station, who appeared
promptly on tho scene, .tho vessel was
(Port Orford Tribune)
The little 6-year-old daughter of Will
Johnson while at play near her homo on hauled away from tho rocki into tho
Llk River a few daya ago found what chnnnol where bho dropped her anchor
The Evergreen Whist Club met at
Mrs, J. U. Taylor's Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. J. T. McConnac won the high
honors and Mm. U M. Noble waa award
ed the littlo prize, t&ti Club meets next
Saturday at the homo of Mrs. C. W.
Tower. .
Geo, Witeon was up from hia place at
Kocky point yesterday. ' In spito of the
fact that he lives where he can look out
overy day over the finest harbor entrance
on tho Pacific coast north' of San Diego,
George is Inclined q think tbat the
Coast Mail is too optimistic on the
railroad question.
,, Friday Cjoorgo Beale brought over from
tEe creatueVy three of the largest at
hoge which' "have been marketed Jn
Marshfleld In 'a long timo. They wero
lor Henry Holm's market. The three
weigh 1,017' bouude, jhej largest one
Weighing 547'pounde and the smallest
dae over 600.
abe called "a funny piece of iron. "Her
grandfather inueatigated and found it to
be the barrel of an old, army muekit,
sucb as waa used by thd settlers here
during the Indian war of 'C5 '00. An
alder tree 14 inches in diameter had
grown over a portion of the barrel. A
silver Bight, aa bright as whon new, waa
on the barrel and an exploded cap on
the tube. The stock had long since
decayed, but after digging down a few
inches Mr. Johnson found tbo irons of
the stock and also a badly decayed Iron j
ramrod. Under what circumstances,
and by whom the old gun waa lelt whero
found by tho little girl, will nevor be
known, but tbcro is no doubt but the
gun did its part some 40 yeara ago in
helping to civilize and colonize the then
wild and wordy west.
and waa picked up a little later by the
tug Columbia,
She lost a small pieco off her shoe,
i which Capt, Holmberg recognized aa a
piece ho put on when sho was on tho
ways recently, but aa sho had not leaked
a drop when sho lay at Marshfleld latt
evonlng, she evidently waa not damaged,
outside parties last week, and that W.
E.I Bain's has rscontly made several
sales In (tbo aamo part of town, and
other deals aro in
procosa of nogotia-
Travel by Sea
Arrivals (ro'm'i'ortland by Alliance,
April JHSj-IfD Nelson and.wife.OA
CIarkand,'wife, Aarori Eby, Miss E Bob-
lason, Albert Erickson, Alton Erlckson,
MraErIck8onMlaa Winnio Hnll, Peter
Nolson, John Nelson, James Coloman,
Nellie Bolemae, J E Davis, Alexander
JCInyo'H WaVand' wife, 'Henry'
Owens and wife, J H Wandllng, Georgie
Brought by Gopper Queen to Coos
Bay Cold Storage Plant
Copper Queen, which arrived
evening from Itoguo river,;
New Barber Shop
Curry, tho barber, in fitting up a shop
on A street, next door to tho Central.
Ho just received by steamer n fine
double wall case, in antique oak, with
largo plato glass mirron, tho handsom
est pieco of farnituro of tho kind iu the
county; also two harbors' chnlrsof late
improved pattern and substantial ap
pearance, Tho new shop will bo ready
for business in a short tlmo,
Tho onginu which has boon In tho
ditch for so mo tlmo at Khlnglohouso
slough ia now In tho shop at the depot
wliLT'j&lio will bo repaired.
L. M. Noblo is rushing things on his
now house nt forth Bend and will soon
have things in shape for business. A
flrst-clasa meat markot will bo put in. lent,ro .
There is monoy which
Rlvermen on Both Forks of Coca
River Favor Expending the
Available Fund Now
Tbero Is now considerable need ot
some wotk on both tho North aud South
fork of Coos river in tho way of cloarlng
the channel of a larga number snagi
which have gradually drlfiod in.
Captalu Kinardsaaya that It ho bad,
the snag boat.'at his disposal his disposal
ho could rid tho stroam of about all the
dangerous snags and could make the
riyer safe for tho Alort, through tho
brought 76 fresh salmon, eomo mohair
and miscellaneous freight, and will tako
a full load back, .
, Tho salmon woro placod fn cold stor
age hero, tor shipment and Capt. Burns
reports that tbty wero in fine condition
Street Improvement
Balnea street in Railroad addition la
being improved. F. P, Norton hna been
grading in front of the lota on which ho
is about to build, and also in front of
J. M. Dolan's and somo of 0. II. Merch
ant's property. Tho grado will ho es
tablished aa far aa tho alough and tho
etrnot will probably bo nil graded to tho
Now that wo'vo drunk to sweethearts
nod wlvoi,
To love, to fleasuro and fame,
Lot us drink a to nit to "memory"
Aud thu woman wb nevor mi mo.
-Town Talk.
Tho .First National Bank at Coquillo
hna been organized and incorporated
under the statu law. Tho Incorporator
aro It. K. Shine, L. Harlockor, L. II.
Hazard, A. J, Sherwood, I. Hacker, II.
II. Mast. Tho cnpltnl I tock ia t25,O0O.
K. 8. Hobs and eon A. C, Roes of
hpokano arrived in via Myrtlo Point
Monday ovening, Tlieid gentloman
hnvo como to Coos Bay with tbo intet,
tlon of tattling hero an 1 seem pleased
with thu proHptct.
New Dry-Goods Store
A. J. Davis, formerly of Marthflold
oxnecta too Don a nico llnonf drv'trnmlH
on tho arrival here, and ho Intends to Lt North 1Jend on 6hormnn Avenuo.
follow it up by bringing the,m in larger Tho building la being finished nnd
lots, He says the rnn'of flab is unnsu- nainted nnd the coode arrived n n,n
allw rrnml Tlmva ( !. n-t. n J
-..,,., ....ipwiiuKMuaiiior oowi , Empiro and Areata. Mr. DavIb
mm ana air. iiumo , and tho Ash
ing situation is on a vory peaceable
foWng 9 ' 'V " r ,..,
The geeolln'e boat which ho haa put
F. W. Barker uxposta to leave todpy
for Sumner whero ho will upend a fow
days with Mrs. Lowborn, hia aunt.
Mr. Barker has about outiroly rccovored
from tho effects of tho oporation for
apendlcitis and ia fast regaining hit
Btrongth, t
pectetoibo ready for business about j
next Monday. Ilia goods compriso a
r . r' j s j
stock of the best standard goods. Mr.
Davis boo resided on tho Bay about 30
Tho old locomotlvo John A. Gray,
which hna dono good ncrvlco on Coos
Bay for many yeara waa taken to North
Bond this morning whero eho will be
fully repaired and thon takon to Daniels
(ireek road and rcHurae aclivo work log
ging for Simpson Lumber Co,
has been p-
proprlatod for two years for tho purpoio
and lias not been mod. Tj got lha
money, already appropriated applied to
thopurpotofor which it wpb sot asldo
will require somo notion b? tho bonul
of onglncors and it is suggested that tho
Chamber of Commorco mako a request
that tho sung bont In put In optratlon
ae 8)on nn poniblo.
May nudJuno are tho best months for
this work. Tho principle wor-c on North
Fork would bo between Tom BlolnUand
Tho chnnnol on tho South ftrk hta
hna boon receiving many rocrulta In tho
way of utinga which are a hindorance to
nnvagatlon nnd n menance to safely,
especially after dark, It U to bo hoped
that thu nvnllnblo amount of fundi, at
Io.iat vill bo used up in getting oit
toino of tho tnoro dangerous aatgs,
Major L. D. Kinney ha
boonlnvltodby the buelhese
mon of Coos Bay to address
a mass mooting to bo held at
J. O. O. F. hall on Saturday
May 2nd, at 8:00 p. m. His
subject will bo: Coos Bay.
Its Resources and Bost
Modo of Developing Samo.
All aro respectfully InVited.
to attend. ' 4294t
''.. t-,-... i
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