i-tnm. anJ-imJ-..r., an. -ij -tig Ulr il llttlll In I1 lif il it 1 1 i Jt. . ... KIUH(J.i "W"'Wlii.i.JiMWM -&!V WH i )n 'Ji ' iktim i itM i iU1i fi - THE OLD REUABLX I0Y4I WrTOI POWDER r AbtoIuttMy'Pur MMT S MCI SUBSTITUTE I .a-hstid local From Thursday'! Dally. . Tlio Alllnnco la advortlaod to sail from Baa Franclaco Friday nt 2 p. in. ii Tho A. N. V, society moots at Iho homo of Mrs. W. It. Smiths today. L, D. Bcott Is having now liouia bullt.on his property at South Marsh Hold,' Mrs. F. A. Bacchl wont to Oardluor Monday with a stock of mllltiury good, lo reuinlu about a week. The Bcngafnckcji family nrc moving their household effects. Into tliu no residence. , Miss Maud Reed went to Bamlon yes terday for a vlatt wiht hur .later, Mrs J, M, Upton. .The members of tbo Coos Hay camp M. W. A. ato making preparations Tor a social entertainment on May )2tl I'K Hideout is putting np a fence for II. KenKStackou around tho big marsh lately purchased from F. Tlmmormann. Whon you want'a pleasant physio try Chambnrlaln.sHtomuch nml Uvor Tab. lets. Thoy aro easy to taku and pleaa ant In effect. For solo by J no, l'rouss. Tho tug Hunter camo down from tho Umpqua yesterday and will return to day. J. O.Capron, nlghtwatchman for the 8, 0. Co., was In town yoatorday on his return from attendance at tho circuit court. Mr. Holtonbcok. who has hocn run d'ng tho Cook place on Big creek, ha .moved his family and household effocts to Mnrshflold.'whero hn will rosldo, J. Drlckroan arrived yoslordhy over tho Drain routo. Mr. Brlckmnn Is n partner of Fred Abol In tho MarshQeld cigar factory, which will coon liovo its product on the market. . Goorgo and Hermann S an ford havo . bought, the Milkmaid of Capt. W. 0. Harris, nnd will run her from the Geo. "Rmlth landing on Haynou (lough, to town carrying milk to tho Ice it Cold 6torago creamery. TWO KNEES SUFFER "iv k Mr. and, Mrs. John L, Bounds DIs- Mgdjy Pistol i"n During some sort ol domestic difficul ty in tho Rounds family yostorday, John ,( L, Bounds received a shot in tho knee , from aptstol in his wlfo'u hands and the 'lady also receive 'a flesh wound In tho knee, neither wound bolng serious, l1"" It'll understood that tho two were 'straggling for possession of tho guu StkeH theshotnyere flrod. V ', The matter ti not likely to get into T...l coarii .... Mr.Joteph Pomlnvllle,of Hllllwaler, Minn., after having spent $2,000 with tho beet doctors for stomach trouble, without rnllnf, wan ndvlicd by tho drug glut, Mr. Alex Richard to try n box of Ohamburlnln's Hlomnuh and I.lvcr Tablets, Ho did o and is a well man toda'y. II troubled with indlcstlon, had taotn In tho mouth, lack of appotllo conotlpatlon, glvo llieao Tabids a trial, mid you aro curtain to bo tnoro thnn pluAtfed with Iho result. For sulo fit 25 ceuta por box by Jno. I'rcuis. From Friday's DalV Porslilent tforl makes sno oucccts In ndvorUslpg, I), F. Rom, of IIobr slough was doing business In town yesterday. Capt, IJurnH expected to sail with the Copper Qucou for Roguo rlyor Init ovon It'K. J. C. Hayncs of Myrllo Point ono of tho old colliers of Coos Liny, Is spending ii few days in town. CIibb. Blauff returned yestoiday from Palem, whither ho nccompaincd his unfortunato brother, Ernorfc- - - - Leo Brown has returned from Bali Franclitfo, and will rcsumo his old placo as proicrlption clerk in Bengstacken'o pharmacy. Moro cruelty; "I mako it a rale," he said "to learn something every day." "My I'' sho replied, ''how fast you mutt forgot." Chicago Record. Newspaper space costs a great deal, and It is necesiary to get real vnluo into tho advertisement In order lo get all tho worth out of tho space. Appreciation: He "Have you bought my new book yet?" Sho "Yes ; and it'n tho prettiest thing on my cintor-tablc." Atlantic Constitution. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Robertson, who havo had rooms in tiiu llonnott-Walter building, moved yesterday to their new houio at North Bond. Goo. Nuy now ' has chnrgo of Song stackens Pony elough camp, su'cccceding V. II. Thomas, who has gone1 in wfth W. W. Gogo at ConleJo. Mr. and Mrs. John Noshing moved up from Empiro City yesterday and will rotldo In their homo near tho bridge, leading toward Empire. . Bomo men use printer's ink lavishly and fall, becauso of their unwiso avoid anco of truth. Keep tho advertising honest li you would koop it effective, Noblo Bros, drove in from tho C6 qulllo yottorday, 0 head of tho finest beef cattlo that havo boon soon horo for somo time. Thoy woro from Wra. Hull. To-morrow thoro may be no business at all. It Is a duty tho bubiness man owes to htmaelf to kcop looking uhoad (or a way to attract.busluces tomorrow, Rev. B. F, Ronatsan, of tho Luthoran KvangoticAl church will go north on tho Allianco on a buMnois trip to tho East as far as Illinois, expecting to bo gone about two months. John Grant, of South Marehflold, who was daugcr-oueVy Injured lost week by a falling plank, is, now out of dangor an,d rapidly Improving under the caro of Dr. 0, W, Towor. Fred Wilton camo down from Bumnor yeatordny to inform tho Mail that Sum nor peoplo aro -dead etuck on tho toUr phono, and think nothing boats it ox cept tho Broilor. Tho Endeavor Young peoplo of t0 Presbyterian Church lmvo decided o poBtpoue tho basket social which thQy woro p)avnlng to give in tho Luthoran Hall tonight. En Altonundeerh'ollhns for kyrkllht andaajpl anordnad nf den Luthqreka foriauijlngcns unga syforening "Busy Bre";tt hallas I don Luthorska firs Hall lordagon don s'Ma, m, Y., 8e. jil, iTUUilAetV'SAjkommen." SoWe days there will be a chance to make butlueis by going after it through nowspaper notlcos. Other days it will bo Jicccsenry to mako a broadsido ap )Mai to tho Jpdgtnont of ynluos on th0 part of peoplo in gonornl, Do not forg6t tlio Basket Picnic to tho lowor bay, lo bo given Sunday noxt by Hio North Bend band. It will bo a rare chanco to hnvo n glorious good.tTmo nt ft (tnnl! cxponeo. Free clam bake, freo coffee, and frco sand to roll in. , For ovory dollar invested in morchan dlso tho morchunt ought lo spend some thing to push tho goods ho has bought. Jf tho goods oro right nt,d Ids way of pushing thorn right thoro will be cyory ronton lo expect talcs to follow. It is easy enough to be plcatant, Wlion 1 1 fi flown on Ilka a sonor. Hut tho men worth whilo Is tbo man Hint will smllo, U'linn fivurvllilncr uoiill ilffld Wronff. tnrlliA (mint tim limrt in troubled. And it always comes with tho years, Anu mo smuo mat is warm Tho praUosof earth " ' lo tbo smllo that is soon through tears, Ella Wheeler Wilcox. j Birthday Party A very dollghtful birthday party was had yesterday afternoon at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Curtis , In honor of their daughtor Altco, it being hor 11 tb birthday. Aftor games and othor amusements, a dainty luncheon was served out on tho lawn. Those! present were: Mcsdaaes Curtis, Dow, Lcvar, White, Fcriy. Kar dell, Mitacs Hattio Ferry. Bosslo Ayre, Ruby Campbell, Freda Holm. Helen Dow, Mary Luvar, Mabol Lang, Alico Curtis, Jannetto Eeott; Bay Camp brll, Fay White, Teddy Dow, S illio Curtis, Frauk Curtis. New Boat for Sumner Route Ctpt W 0. Htrrisbos contracted with John Blomrjulet, tho boat builder, jfor a new garolino launch for tho Bumner routo. He hoc found the launch ho is using now, and which wis only recently built, too be to smalt for the growing traffic on the eJongh. Tho now boat will i . . . . . . ,-. i i.t. DO SIX icoi longer, or i- iwgv m u-ugui,. . . . 7 foot beam, will bo euipped:with an 8 ' Suaiay school at 10 o'clock, preach horsepowor engine, nnd 1. expected to Instil. Bpworlh Leapup , p. ., , ,. mninln Poaching at S. All Invited. Hairis propou-a to keep up with tho times nnd furnish improved facilities as fast as thoy are noodod. SAME SEED MITCiJEL'L IS SENDING OUT ' A atoiy la going tho rounds to the effect thai. Mark Hanpa once gave a banquet to CO Ohio farmers. Tho deaettj was to be 25 watermelons. So tho day beforo thodinnor Mr. Hanna had them pluugged and poured a pint of wine into each melon, and then placed them on ico. Attor tho dinner onch farmer was given half a melon each. They U began tasting them, winked nt each other, looked wlso, nnd 'ooforo tho affair wna over every farmer wna clipping tho socda in his vest pocket. GREATLY ALARMED ByaPorslatontCough.butl'armnnen iy JUICU UJ VJIIUUIUOHBIU B Cough Remedy. Mr TT. P. ItnrhaDua student ntllaw in Greoiivlllo, S. 0,;had been troubled for four or fivo ycarft.wlth n contluuoud cough which ho eayo, "gently alarmed mo, caualnu mo to fcarithat I waa In the flrat atngo of consumption.", Mr. Bur bago, having eeen Ohamborlain'a Couch Romedy ndvortised concluded to try it. Now road what ho eaya of it: "I eoon folt n remarknblo change nud after using two bortlea of tho twenty-live centH eiro, was permanently cured." Sold by Johu Prouas. t From Saturday's Dally. Tlio;Emp!ro will sail from San Fian cIbco Tuesday nnd tho AicatA Weduec day, " v n ' ' Mr. and Mra, Godv 8ohroedor cams, ovor from tho creamory last evening to attend lodgo. B,'H, Crouch, one of tho old residents of Halnea slough, wad in town ycitor day on business! . 1 v .' i i The Harrlmon Immigration Bureau Js calling tax more litoraturo about Oregdn to dfstrlbu'.e. l Dr. A. G. (iro8 expects to Ic&vo soon for Eastern Washington whore iio will remain for several months', J. W. Kriuo.wos sofford from heinor- rhago ycfltorday and was in a voty critical condition last evening. It Is bnly tho telling of values that glvotr'thnmorcliant tvehancu to roalito tho extent 6f tho circulation of an culver tUeincnt. Capt, and Mrs. Norman Nelson, of the Capo Arago LIfo Baving station, drove up from Krapiro last evening to attend tho Itoboksh lodgo. Frank Farrin took a trip to Styrtlo Point Wednesday for tho Broiler and made a round-up of poultry. There will bo no rcarclty of poultry from now on at this rceort. I i .GAV. Ake, representing tho Interna tional Correspondence Schools, of Bcran toatI'enn., who has been in town about 10 days and baa had a window display in Goldcn'a drug store, will go north on the Allianco, expecting to return about the laat of this month. He reports good success in his lino here. Lee Brown who has just returned from California, after baving completed a courso in tho Department of Pharmacy in tho University of California Is again at his old post, with U. Bengstacken. Mr. Brown baa stadled hard and at tained that for which ho sought and wb'ich, added to a practical knowledge of tho drug business flta him to fill competently tho beat position in the land. Another Ship Filefr.aro being driven at Porter for A foundctlon on which to build another vostel. and It is said that a third willaEO be provided for. Methodist Church - one Presbyterian Church Sabbath school at 10 a. m. C B meet ing at7 p. m. Subjects: "Golns Fish ing" and "The Strenuous Life." F. G. Strango. Pastor, B. Y. P. U- JIfeetlnjr "thfi Yonng Peopls's Society of the Biptiit church meet tomorrow oyenlng nf0:30. Mrs. Jackeon will lead. Spec ial music nnd singing bns been engaged for this occasion. Corao out nnd help tho young peopls along, all are welcome. Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a. m preaching sorvico at 11 n. m.. Topic, Home Missions, Text, 2 Kiugs 7 :9. This is a dnv of cood tidlnus. B Y P U at 7 p. m. Evenintr sorvlce ot 8 p. m. Captain uM tho cvenlnK JThuredpya nrayer mtellng nt 8 p m, t(U aro cordially tnvitau. Accident in Logging Camp Jns, Forty was qultp painfully injur ed about tho hoad in II. SsngBtackcn's Pony elough camp yeBlerday,'by a stoel dog which was dwwn by the donkey pulling on a log. (Mr. Forty's loft pheek aud oar were badly bruised and two gaihea woro cut lu the acalp. Ho Was down town last evening with his head 'tied up, congratulating himself that he had any head loft to tie up. ' As- It Should Be 1 1 (Salem Journal) ThV' 'hlghbst Vice ever' pVld for VtlVWt ihuu ,U NMVliUU fl MD fati MKPVf . At.rAl Iflwt.l In tmnnn taa vak(4 IStABfla inoounnu in Urogon was paid Tuesday afternoon, -when W. J. and' Finloyl iibrrison paloViM.Si 11-32 per tcre fcr'' s-10 acres in itn,iJ5 a r 8 east, In-Linn j ..-. VU. Ltlft 1.1 '--4lTl.l-i'.1 ' v; ' .... i-v aland aeeamnAnled bv a check or one-fifth of the purchase price, The ordinary price tor school land is $1.25 por acre, but, under a now rale of the board, all newly surveyed sections ia Weatern Oregon Are sold to the highest bidder. Tho school fund profited to ovor (13 an acre by this method of making he sale. The total amount paid was (4567.50. At the usual pi ice the land would cave brought about J 800 so the gain was $3707.50. The cost of advertising was less than $40. The next highest bid was $8.81 per acre, made by a representative of U. G. Mc Klnly. Tho Best Liniment, "I (havo derived great benefit from the uso of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago," says Mrs. Anna Hagelgans, of Tuckahoe, N. J. "My husband used it for a sprained liaxlr anil nlin nntrltlv reliflved. In lact it is the beat family liniment 1 have ever used. I would not think of being without it. I have recommended It to many and tbcilwaB speak very highly bf it and declare- its' merits' aro wonder ful.'' For sale by John Prouas. COQUILLE SALOON KEEPERS Fined $20 Each for Violating s4n: day-CIosIngjLaw By phone last evening, the Mail waa informed that'the gramTjury yesterday brought im three true bills. C. 0. Gil koy, John Nasburg Jr., and Captain M, Uleen were each indidtcd for transgreas ing the Sunday law by keeping their I saloons opon on Sunday. Thoy all went inlo court and entered ' , , . , ' . a plea of gent y and were fined $20 each) r J .....'. . by Judge Hamilton, which they paid. xms was an me inuiciineam ;uuu, up to last evening. NOTHING CAN STOP HIM Lane County Man Says Hermann Will Surely Be Elected. (Telegram) A. C. Jennlnge, of Lane County, Chief Clark of the lower House of the Legisla- ' tore, was "seeing the sights' of Port- land yesterday. For that sake pi a snort Interview he took a brie! respite from sight- seeing and drifted into politics. "Ohes," sld Mr. Jennings. "Her mans will be elected. Nothing can beat him, He'll win by about 3000 votes. It wasn't the best thing to'do to nominate him, hot he's our candidate, and we've got to elect Mm. Better send him, a Republican to WaehingtOB thaaReames, a pemocrat. "Hermann's volo will be smaller than the normal Republican teaiorlty, be- , , 9 caubo many members ol the party won't go to the polls, and because others will vote against him. 01 course, nearly aU the persons who Are Against bfm will got out And vote, both Ropablijcans and Democrats. But Hermann's nomina tion was equivalent o election," T ..-' PORIC CHAATER INITIATES The Largest Class Ever Taln t Once In Marthfleld Last evening a large number: of a class of neariy 60 Masona took 'ith'e EitaUrsv riihiiinniniimiiiminniMiiiiinw-wj. J i SPRING ,,' Few feeiell In tWAprfni; is inactive. Tho u'so. aymptoras are low ol appeuw. """. 11 in 1KB QPUUIi . Xr. lei- " -n 'ifoorinno nnattil toneuo. constitmtlon ami L."BA'S"K""!vm.V;;riiAlfik.fiatUm bo easy to KD,Kr&v J Seri'gstacken's ActiyeBlopd luHfier . . -3 akes tno oiooa iicu w r, etunuiate nigesuun SENGSTARfePSI'S )PH ARMCY .t , Marshfield, hi' 'M. iHi f. ' ' f 1 x- Btar degree. Tlilsis probably the hfrg est number cvr Initiated Into th 0. E, 8. In 'Oregon at nno time. b'oric Chapter No. GJ 0. E. S., villi thus bo augmented by the very choicest material to be bed in Marthfleld and . i t, which will not only mako this Chapter' very strong financially but will give it a strido in advance eo the Marshflokl Stars will outihlne any Chapter in sonthern Orcgoo. 1 ' Some of the Morons have had thls'iri mind for eomo time, and the Marshficld MftBdna never do things by halves as7 will bo eeen by this act. This Is a movo In tho right direction And the Masons r.ro v ho to have the full co-operation ot their wives, and alatcrrt and cousins, now that they expect to put up a Maionlo Temple.' After the initiation tho brothors and sisters went to tho store-room at tho ' rear of the Griaeen Music Co.'a storo and (partook of a sumptions banquet. Here tho stars shone at their brightest and all thoeo present mmed to bb estle- fled and glad it happened. t TO MAKE CHEAPER BRICK I Facilities bf the 'Catching Slough Yard to be Increased I Meetas Laughead a'nd Rcnfro of tho Catching slough brick yard went to Myrtle Point yesterday a(t?r a brlcU machine, which will pa added to the equipmehtot their yard. This will clvo them a capacltv of ,..,.. .... . . , 25,000 bricks a day. It Is desired to-fit ' , . Ihffl vard to make brick- In an ccomical , ; m. t ujauuui nuu vi au. w wm m it a figure which will enc6urege the'eon structlon of brick bueldings on the Bay. Brick now cost about $15 a thousand, a practically prohibitive price. It ia thought that the cost can baj brought down $7 or $3 a thousand, -ab at this price, many ot the new buildings will undoubtedly be constructed of brick. Itiseaid that L. J. Simpson is con templating using brick instead.of wood I or tr Urge stone buil4ha? which he will'censtroet fMoth Bend. 'With preseat vrorprAa It'Bcema that cheaper brick will ba a decided boon to r x the builders, and will cut quite a -figure In the coming town-boildiug. PRESIDENT' . LA :Sg'fND8A ;, BUSY DAY, .- i.1 . Talks to Veterans and School Chllfjr Kaneaa City, May 1 Tho President spoke twice today, nnd may mako an addrere in convention ball on the quali ties of goocV citizenship. Apart of hia remarks wore addiesed to tho veterans, who occupied the front row, Ho revlow- i,'i no (wri school children and drove 15 drovo miles. f lS i. the blood is out of order a;l ltvnr iuo w.u-.- -- -,-.- ,,," ml, .- ..... I...ui lia. nnltvliv ftl ..fllO m , .--;-- :ir" .Vi'n i.oo.. hubpjvuu . 7. r-... . - . .' JLV t " ',-& " , rv ".V iUWCriul1" -A'1;v l'l 'i. '. qpnl nklvll" 1 'ITT i;i1HfclfHjWt - - v vn's ' t'tS ,f ... . I W 'k H N.l-ifcA', -v-.rt-a-?- ii&zimtraSJ&mA V V M