a j Ti' " Mrf'"1 "l. - ,f - ii inr-v. l I. fV)r w i-if -.( VM K y t 'Mr v f ' Kr-" ' w W ,m Nf"Yi .W ,. "Mkfl&TW 4SWJHrrwVV'W I" kWMMMMBW ' "If JS HOW PROSPERITY 15 CAUSING THE DOWNFALL OF THE YANKEE RACE l)y President 0. STANLEY. MALL Of Clnrk University II! 111 UR DEVELOPMENT A9 A NATION IN MANY INDUO TniEO HAS NEVER DEEN PARALLELED IN THE HI8 TORY OF THE WORLD, OUT HAO NOT OUR RACE, A8 BHOWN DY THE FIQURE8, DEEN PUTTINQ INTO LIFE MORE THAN IT CAN AFFORD? "Wo must consider, with tho figures of proupor- l.. - -I ill .1 .. 1. a .1 . ny, wnnc una ooon uio coiiuonmuni rettit ot uio production of thnt highest of all products of earth, human off ?priK. AS A MIOLOOIST, I KNOW THAT TILE BEST TEST OF NATIONS Oil ANIMALS IS TJIEIK IMiODUC- TiviTsr. now many oitspjuno do they; tjioduoe? So it i quite- timo to inqiitro if our Puritrm ancestors did not overdraw on tho stock of strongth thoy should havo transmitted to others. Tho inhospitable ami difllcult soil, tho scanty diet, tho ex cessive work don't thoso explain tho dying out of tho Yankeo voce? Now England in tho region of tho abandoned farm, wlioro families that three generations ago had eight, ten, twolvo children, aro now totally extinct,. What overdraws human cnorgy? Ovorwork, for ono thing. Thero is a strango rapport botwuen tho procrcativo powers and tho brain. Every biologist knows that tho wholo human organism eeoms to bo constructed with refercuco especially, to this function of passing on tho sacred torch of lifo. : i K H H 'And tho now morality teaches that tho best test of any hu man institution, whether church, school or nation, is whether or not it educates tho poruon up to tho point wlioro ho can best per forin tho duties of parenthood in tho highest senso of tho term. THE PAPEHS HAVE MADE MUCK LATELY OF THE SPEECH OF PRESIDENT ELIOT, IN WHICH HE DE CLAIMED THAT rOUJl CLASSICS OF HARVARD HAD NOT REPRODUCED THEMSELVES. BUT THIS IS NOT PECULIAR TO HARVARD. I havo mado n study of thia same question and havo collected utatistica for two years. It is jiiet as truo in other institutions in differing degrees. , It xb far truer of girls' colleges. ONLY ONE-HALF OF THE GIRLS WHO GRADUATE FROM, COLLEGE MARRY. THOSE THAT DO PRODUCE ONLY 1 CHILDREN 'APIECE, and thero is a great deal too much mortality among thoso thoy do produce. It seems as though womon havo peculiar temptations to ovordraw on tho resources of their systems, and too ofton wo find storility among them. Sterility is duo eight limes as often to tho woman as to tho man, and then comes in tho only child systom. Wo find that tho "only child" is in gravo 'danger of being spoiled from too much care. t WHERE WOULD HAVE DEEN ALL THIS PROSPERITY WE BOAST BUT FOR THE IMMIQRANT8? HOW LONG WOULD THE NATIVE POPULATION HAVE MAINTAINED IT8DLF7 IT 13 ON A OTEADY DECLINE. Thero is something in 'Amoricnn lifo or food or'soil or air tluit puta us "on our nerves," and when wo "livo qn vour nerves" ,wo havo a probaWo causo for our decline. THE MARRIED WOMAN AS A WAGE EARNER By Dr. RHODA PIKE OARSTOW of New Vork CONSIDER THE WAGE EARNING WOMAN OF TODAY, EVEN THOUGH ;SI1E BE MAR RIED, A FAR HAPPIER INDIVIDUAL THAN THE AVERAGE HOMEMA1CER; WHOSE DU TIES ARE LIMITED TO THE iOARE OF, HER HOUSE AND CHILDREN. Thero aro many womon in tho world today who aro forcing themselves to follow tho vocation of housokecpin g when thoy havo no Uilont for it. Thoso Women aro making tli omsolves wretched and their husbands and 6hHdron misorablo by t hoir enforced pur suit of a profession that is utterly distostoful t o them. Whon a woman has u bent for somo profession that 11 takes housekeeping impossible, sho should follow; that bout and lot some ono olso caro for tho homo. IT 18 NO MORE JllfaT FOR A WOMAN TO I IE COMPELLED TO DO HOU8EW6RK WH'N HER DRAIN CH008E8 ANOTHER CALLING THAN IT 18 FOR A rjfAN JO DE MADE TO FO! ULOW A VOCATION THAT DOES NOT MtAL JO HIM. Ilovr Timber SlirlnUx. Pitch plno lionniH will Hhrlnlc In thick ncHS from 18 Indies to 1 spruce from 8',i Inehi'H to &, wlilto pint from 12 inclu'H to lli nllit yellow plno n trlflo lean. CVdnr lxinms will Hhrlitk from a width of-14 Inches to 1U4. elm from H to lOft'iniM ouU frotn 12 to '.- i -, t ! Tito CnmijJfcfK Tree. Tho camphor trttj tourtohea In tho lotfltitulu aM Well afy.tjritljo mountains of Jnpun nmt often attains a kIkUc kIzo, tho trunks hcliiR nomotltncs na much ha twenty fcqt, la dlnuioter. , 1 1 It Is Hnl'l thnt tlcru is u wnnuut In MnieliCHter, Kui;huiui who Iiiih oyes which nniKiiIfy objects llfly times Ihdr imturnl site. FOR A BASEBALL TEAM Mar8hfcld to Take her Place on tho i Diamond 1 ho Marthflulil basehall otitlnialanlo oro becoming waked up on having a tonm to reprcnont this town In this Hummer's games. A few of tho hoys havo tnl:on tho matter in hand ntd irlll c,itiT.ntLo town to raisa n ptirso, to I.olp dofruy the espouses of n ood team for UlO tCABOII. In thin connection IV may bo Raid that Nandon nnd Myrtlo Point hnro each raited over r-00 and Corjullle City ban railed ovor 700. Moribfield has far hotter homo talent than any ohor town in the county, (tad can havo a team capable of waxing any thing that in likoly to ahow up on a Gooa county diamond) and thero if no good reason why tho town abonjd take a back eoat, Whllo tho baseball business has not bocn entirely Isalisfactory to all con cerned for the past two seasons, the Kunoral opinion is that it was from the lack of good business management, Jand it is proposed to do things somewhat difforontly this year. W. H. Short is clrcalating a sub scription paper, which Is headed by 0. A. Moore with f 50, and thoro should be no difficulty in raising tho sum required, uttitnitcd at (700 or moro. A THRILLING EXPERIENCE . T.vo Myrtle Pointers Come In Con tact With a -Wild Man. Kerr? ho Tooth Clean. t C'lPiuiHO tl ivt teeth thoroughly nt lenfit iwlco n ilny-i mco on avlshiK nnd nBaln bofoio ntlr In K-or, bettor, uftor each monl If It 'i w bo so nrnuwd. Ah n hilo employ i simply water from which tho chill, Iwi heen taken, but two or thrco tlm.-s a WQi'k tho nsslstanco of Homo reewn; siondca tooth powdor Is dcalrnblu:. Tho Hnvnf t f nsnunuiua is duo to ns. purllo nakf ni that of tho cucumber' from, ii-preul lar poisonous InKrcUlent cnllwi; tixVlu, which la fouud la many epct'les of tbai ;' (Coquillo Dullotin) Wm. Tjko and Kd Huesey, of Myrtlo Point, returned lant wcik from a pros pecting trip in tho Johucpn Creek neigh borhood, and report an cxperienco that would sound strango even in Action. In an interview with Mr. Huteoy, that gentleman informed a Dullotin man that it was a expoilenco never to he forgotten and was thrilling in tho ex treme. Mr. lluseoy spoko as follows; "Page end I wore roturniug to our camp when our ntteution was attracted by a rustlo in tho bushes nccompanlod by fearful yells. Wo at first thought that tho Eound came from a panther. Quicker than it takes to tell It the hushes watf pushed apart and a being stood in front of ub that would strlko horror to tho average man. After gsz ingatui intontedcly for a fow seconds it began to advance with, steadilhy.'stcps, bentlng hie breast and gnashing hi? teeth. I Immediately brought my rifle to bear, intending to sell my lifo as dearl? as possible Mr. Pago in the meantime had disea poorod and I was alone with tuo mon utor. In my excitement I misted my aim and tho bullet ilew wild of tho mark. Tho hairy being immodlatoly turned and tUd bofore I could ge another shot. It was exceedingly tloet on loot and toon disappeared in the thicket." Mr. Tngo when questioned, told sub stantially tho'same slory with but few changoa. Howoyor l9 says that Mre Hussey was ovorcomo at tho eight ol tu wild man and laid eomotlmo in nn un- couecious condition. Mr. Pngo fhot at tho advancing monster until hie liflu was empty aod.lheu began a hand to hand combat. Ho at last drove tho in truder uway and succeeded in restoring Mr. Hussey to his normal condition. In tho Htatcd Clerk, Ho v. W. B. Smith, liaving resigned At Oakland; Key. M. iM. Marshall succeeded him, and Mr. Hmltli has cntoroJ the Sabbath Hchool work and will soon be in Coos county, ltov. I'hilo F. Phelps, tho popular pas tor of tiio Ashland Church, gavo a strong address on Kvangellsm on Wed nesday evening, Tho Iloseburg Church of which Kcv. J. A, Townsond, P. L. D. t tho nblo pastor, Is preparing to ariso and bqild a larger and more commodi ous houso of worship The Oakland people aro toking steps toward securing the erection of a manco. A committco was appointed to organ izoa Church at North Hond tho second Sunday in May or na soon thereafter as possible and fir, W. B. Holt of Portland-, is on tho committee. Key. F. 0, Strange of Marthfield and Elder M, A. Strain, of Oakland, are the delegates to the General Assembly, which la to convene n Los Angeles May 21st, 1003, and which will be a notable gathering of some 600 members from all ovor tho United States andJLht world. The next meeting of tb,e Presbytery is to bo held in Marshflold August 17th at 8 p. m. This will be a yety iatertst ipg event to tho Marehfleld people. A Big Thing Grants Pais is now in poseision of a big manufacturing plant, a now sash and door factory. It requires all the lumber output of threo saw mills. Wil liams Bros & Kendall aro tbo proprie tors. Tho new mill has 30 machines. The new mill, at North Bend will have ,o 'mnchincsaad it can readily bo seen what benout such a plnnt can be to a town. Tho new plant ttt North Bend will bo as largo a mill as thare is on the coast and it will require a large forco of working men to carry on tho business. Tho business ol such n plant can be en larged upon to an enormous extont. Excoltior machinery can be put in. A box plant. Making raw mato-Ial for furniture and an ondless number cf things. When people of North Bend begin to realize what the establishment of the largest sash and door factory on the Pacific coast really means they will be gin to think they aro somebody of a town in the way of manufactury. I 1 II 1 1 M I M 1 1 1 I II llll t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III H I ! I I H-H-Kt4-Hlv r LUMBE Ml JLL? " That Is what we haye.lo .sell and. we can Gil all orders for any and all kinds. The quality is guaraated and' the price is Right. Our Stock includes anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red aiid White Cedar. ir I SIMPSON LUMBER CO., NORTH BEND, PHONE MAIN 151 OR f I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 1 I H HM'I H i I II HW-MWW4 tlMBER LAND ACT JUNE 3.1878, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office Rosoburg Oregon. April 10, 1003 Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tho provisions of tho act of CoDitrcsftof June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sain of timhor lands in the HtatCH of California, Oregon; Nevada, and Washington Torritory," aa extended to oil the Public Land States by act of ifflgust-J. 1802 CAL W. WRIGHT, of MarshQold, county of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day filed in thin ofllco his sworn statement No. 4950. for the purchase of the NWM Sec.ton No. 22 In Township No. 27 South, Range No. 12 West, and will offer proof to show thnt tho land -sought is more valuahlo for its timber or stono than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hiB claim to said land before W U. Douglas. U. S. Commissioner for Oregon atMarshfleld Orogon, on Friday, the 3d day of July, HK)3. He nnmes as witnrsios : Jomo Smith, Al Smith, Lestor Smith, F B Taylor, of MarshfieM, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverse ly tho abova-dofcribed lands aro re quested to tilo their claims in this office on or Iwforo said 3d day of Jnlv, 1003. 4-!!S- J. T. )uaE3. Reclster. tliu . i SOUTHERN OREGON PRCSBYTEQY Tho Piotbylory of Southern Oregon mot in Oakland April 21at, at 7 :30 p. m. Rev. 3. W. Council, tho pastor nt GrnutH Pass, preached tho opening eoi- mon. NOTICE Notko is hereby given that my wife. Juno K. S cEtrem, has left my bed.und board without cause or provocation, and I will not bo rcupoueiblo for any debts she may contract. Not'uo is also given thnt I am willing to pay thu fnro on any steamer for any of my children who may wish to return to Cuob Buy. 0. E. A. 8iKSTUKKsi Abovo effor guaranteed bv. 11i:.nuv Sk.gst.ckk, 4-4-Ut NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION '- Drylnff prcpnratlonH simply dove op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho ocrctioni, whlcli auhero to the membrano and docom poss, causing a far moro serious trouble than, tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing Inhalants, fumes, cmok.es and snuffa and uio that whlcli cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm Is huch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial aire will be mailed for 10 cents. All dnjeaiets sell ths 60c. sizo. ElyBrothors, 60 Warren St,, N.Y. The Balm cuxca without pain, docs not Irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itsel over an irritated and angry aurfaeo, roliov. ins immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Farer. Coos Bay Wlotalo Li or- PbsTbWaJ 1 1 b saa sBnH nil riaiiWiiisj Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN f any responsible house. mm HEADQUARTERS FOR GRADE LIQUORS CHOICE WIN1W AND BRAhDIES. II I G H PURS .f We nrompllr obtain U. 8. and Fottlgn liJIIK 8ouJ model, sketch or pboto 0! Intention lor free report on paten UUllty. For Ire book. Patenuand I nAUC-HAnlVa to Isr IsssW m H VSSSTltl ISSS 1ISIIIV-1 IWilkllllfG --"- -1 BSBB1BS1I Opposite U. S. Patent Offlca WASHINGTON D. C. vV ifjetiieetn)js)Biesrj IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPbKb AWVWMBWI AT ANYTIM1 CH m w WrtU ; E.C. DUE'S ADM AGE1CY 44 A 69 MarduaU' Bxckaas UN MIANCUC. CAL. BlfS)BjSietSftj CATARRH Department of the Interior, Land OTice at Kosi'tmrB, Orison, April. 8, 1903. 1 Nojloojs licreby ylven that the following. Harnett icttii'r lias tiii-u nonce 01 ms inicnuuii u inrte final pnwf In support of his cUini, ond tli.U said proof will be nude lx;foro v U Douglas, U. S, Commissioner at Marshficld, Qron, on my 33. 1003. yls: IOHM UtiNURlCKSON. on IM. EkNo945, for the Lot a. Sec, 18, lot oi sin in. i!., k. in wai. Rev. V, F. Khiolde, who recently , t immei the follwinij wltiu-sses j;jo prow 1 lit. imit(mirii vr..siriHnriv iinciii nnd iiiiiviiMuii u 1114 vwimmtvw w. j t ".. JL-W' -" 6 ... I.I l.intl vi! Vietur Cut ban. UAH MAltkOn. I.I bocomoriW8tor at Medlord, was tho Mo3ora'tor.V,.J)r. J. W, Stranfco waB Temporary Clork'and'fioyF.'O. Btranjo LEADING BRANDS QF BOTTLED BEER SOLE AGENT FOR THE CET.K BRATED RUWI BEER Family orders for Pops,. pihl. nnV qunrts.dflivfervil y thy disc, Robert Marsden. The Old Reliable . Firm, . . RB.Dekn&Go. C.;It. MERCHANT fegmzii Is constantly adding to its. jt. ' "r 8tocK ol Goncritl Menihnn- V. diae,' already the litrgciit in- .' ' -. I Morshfiold. When you huy at the Mill Storo you know the goods arc first clr.ss nnd . .' ' tnopnoe is mi riRMt . X; Kr All kinds of lumber and building material feed and sup- plies at wholesale and retail." Urson, Joseph Sclmppers, ofAlkgany, Ofvjron. ". ,T,'QKiucrt:s;-Kvgiiter. Vj.iO. . r CI.KANSIN4? AND UKAUSQ CURB FOR CATARRH EIsCrHnBa'lk Ky and pUauat to tue, ConUlDS BO w jattoui drue. It Is onlcklir absotbsdv OlVlt0llftODCO. ivpiis uauMUHiiijT,, u r a n BoDui ot Tt and Smll. Lurg Sim. so ctnti 1 at UrneeUuoMjr raut WM Slto, 10 cents by msll. HV BROT11XK3. M Wwa Stmt, How Tcrk, BSSSSSI BSlSSSSlT Ssm V ilB B SK tSsl ISA- Mi Tradc Maw;a DraiaNS' CopvntaHTS.lLC. AnTmiaMdlHu ktoh and dMertptlon mar msBaaaBBsm Sckittiirc nmtm. ; A hshtoomtlr lUstWUM wair. l?'.'j'r1 sWtrtWw:2i-ivj. Wm.mim ssranvl oaUvi MUMfV frUwrniviHtf! ,. Mt .'-'U2. -" . MS.. uB- W.i ASRdtr f,