I .v'- - O-JtVr'! " I -, . rfi. v - rt v" --? sp"" ii i ' K Vfcr P !' "rjrvr ft1 "" "j 8 SULTAN - ' COMES TO SENSES GETTING . 'C trying' ..:: , TO DOWN- , THE UNIONS RUSSIA'S' ' BLACK SEA FLEET DECREE RACERS THING : ) . READY 17 $ am- i WraSSKSJ'V?.1 JJrvwW''iJM&y i ' " URE . MOD GAME - M RED DeadLetterClerks Had a Snap Latest Development in P.-O. Scandal Washington, April 18 Tho latest ir regularities reported In Iho postofflco scandals deal with llio dead lottor Auc tion salos. At n rccout salo It was do vuloped that tlicro was r conspiracy among tlto clerks by J which thoy wore tumbled to hid in luttora containing val uables or money. Kuvornl clurks worn dliiulirod, but t lie charge In now mndo that Hid net on taken nt that ttmo did not Itictudu tlio clilul offondurs. 00M PAUL WELL Paris, April :0 l'.iul Kruecr will Iravo Mcntono May IGlh for roino lutn tner rttort, but the placo has not yet been announced. Tho announcement indientos that hiahcnlth Is better. BODY GUARD INCREASED Paris, Apt II 'JO A dispatch Irom Sor vln todny rays tho bodyguard at tho ltoynl Palacu nt llolgrado has bcon strongly reinforced, na n roup do main Is (unrcd. Constipation is nothing moro i mstini igi bo tlinn n cloijfiiiff of tho bowels ' umi notnimr i ms tlmn vital stag- .i "i '.. . ni1 nation or (leu th if not relieved. If ovitv cciiNtiiutted sufTorcr could mill 1 70 that ho in allowing pouonoui filth to remain in hid system, ho would booh get relief. C'oiiHtipntion invites nil kind of contagion, fl (winches, bilious ncss, roldi nt d ninny other nil inputs! dixnppi'nr when const! pnted bowels n ro relieved. Thed ford's Illuck'l: ratight thoroughly clean i out tho bowols in nn easy nud natural m inner without tho nurgiuir of cnli )mol or other vio lent cathartics. Ilo Miro Hint , ou got tho origi nal Tliedford'H Ilmck-Drauftfit, mndo by Thu CI inttiuioogu Modi oiuoCo. Sold b y nil druggists in i!5 cent and gl,(0 pnekngos. Mown, Ai k.. Mar M, 1001. I rannut re rnmmci til TlirdrAM't lllck. IlrauiilittimlilKhlr. lhfiltliiuirhouit clltliv lltuo mitt lint uitrt It for lh liut tru ftmrrf. I hitoi ' pnvo inr rhlldren uny ullirr lrxatlto, 1 ttfluk 1 rould iictrrlm utiln lo work without It (! iirroiiui or lit-It k troiiiiLnil with . ciiintlutlun. lour mttllWuo bi i niiliutKcvpvmui ip. v, m Tries to SquareHirnself With Russia Vienna, April 18 A dltptlcli from Constantinople thin morning announces ill & t tho liultari yesterday ordered tlio oxccullon o( UioAlbalnn santryjwho (hot tlio Russian comul at Mllrovltea, Ho choio this course- which will add to tho dangor ol an Albanian outbreak, rather than Incur Russian dtsploasuro. CAN LAND . CABLES ON OUR ISLAND Washington, April 18 Aftor Ioni consideration, (ho Navy Deparlrnont has nntiflid tho Statu Department thai it linn no objection to tho land Ink' of the Dutch and Gorman cables on tho island ol 0 unm. GLASGOW CHAMBER OF . COMMERCE Gbtoow, April 20 Tho Chambor of Commcrco this morning enthusiastical ly passed a rotolutlon favoring a treaty of punco between Great Ilrltoin and Franco, Tho action is significant, allow ing the trond if public opinion regard ing France, HERMANN'S CHANCES IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY Will Get all Republican Votes and Quite a Number of tho Others Tho Grants Pan corroipondont of tbo Portland Telegram dlacuBgoa congress ional chances In that rcct'on as follows: Unless nil signs fall tbo Indomitable Il'nger llermnnn will catcall tboro Is coming from tho voters of Josophlno County at Iho Juuo Congressional elec tion. lUamcfl, being a Southern Ore gon man and n Democrat, will probably poll tho Democratic votes, but tho pnlitlcians hero predict nothing moro In him. When it coniea to "porsounl frhnds," tho great liiugor can namon lougor llrt from this neck of tho woods tlinn Reamos or any other politician. Mr. Uormaun'e friends nro not only In tho ranks of tiio Itopnbllcann, but nlso among the Democrats, and thu best of them at that, When Dinger Hermann camo down horo on his pre liminary "handshaking tour," bo wob entertained by the Democrats. Tbo Ropiibllcan loadora of tho county on whom this happy duty should hnvo fallen woro not given on opportunity, and thoy nil laughed up their sloeves that Is, tho Republican, for nobody on onrth excopt Dinger bimslof could have donu'lt. Mr. Rcamoj in n good young man, and all liko him, Republicans ami Dumo crnts tho enmo. lint ns n prominent, politlclnn horo was heard to remark voBturdny, "Kvnu thoso who liko him boafcouldn't hnvo tho heart to vote for him." Bo tho matter stands now. Tho rnmpuign will bo waxed hot by both cnmlidntea, but nevertheless Mr. Hermann bns n solid wall already built owfi here that w'll bu hard to tenr down'. Otlinra hnvo tried it and i'ailoil. Tho coming contest vs ill undoubtedly proVo no oxcoptioo. Shamrock's Hull Unin jured Bristol, April 18 Tho main boom, 110 foot long, wan slung to tho mast of tho Rellanco today. Hor builders expect tho first trial noxt week, Woymoutli, April 18 Llloyds agonl today cxnmlnol tho Shamrock III and reported tho boom dontoi and needs ro placing. Tho bull Is practically unln jured. WAS A ' FALSE ALARM Female Prisoner Evi dently Lied InHopesof Gaining Her Liberty Bnlom, April '21 Mrs. Carson, tbo feinalo prltonor in tbo penitentiary who last Winter basely tlandored bersolf to tbo dotrlmcnt of tcyeral male ofllcUls, now stands a living witnots against hor self, as having, ob it wero, obtains goods under falso pretenses. In short, hor reported condition at that time Ii now proven beyond a doubt to hnvo been a foko ruto and bold ecbemo fo; liberty. Tho physician who has chargo of the prisoners never has bicn sanguino as to the woman's real condition but ajlowod naturo.to tako itf courto, hoping sooner or later that de velopments would provo boyond a doubt hor real condition, for bolter or woreo, Ilo baB patiently waltod nearly six months rnd wbilo tbo gentleman bns had broad (xperionco and tfould hardly bo deceived in tuch delicto matters, tho doctor admits that bo may bo hyp notized, bllndod or otherwise befogged, but in his own judgment bo is not yot ready to admit that tho woman ia not n baeo protender. Sho has grown very stout, which fact Is best nttostod by tho phonomonal sizo ol her arms, but aftor aovoral cursory examinations none but normal condi tions bavo beon revealed. The prisoner is question in Borving a term for larceny, Sbo has bad no regu lar work assigned to ber slnco she was there. Tho nhvnlclan In chareo recent ly recommended that sbo be given some work ob it would bo better (or ber boalth than nlaaoat continuous idloness. " "A Woman bf Ilea. 7 Let mch tremble to win tbo band of woman unices they "ivln with It tho ut most pnuulon of ber henrt. lSlso It mny bo tbolr mlsernblo fortutlo When Borao mightier touch than their own mny hnvo awakened nil her BCilBlbllltles to bo reproached oven itor Uip cnlm con ont, tho mnrblo Iciiiro of bupplness, which thoy wll hnvo liupo$el upou her ua tbo warm renlltyA-nuw.thorne, Portland Mills Make a Move Portland, April 18 Soverol lumber rallla refused today to sell lumber to tbo contractors employing union men. Tbo result ia a tlo-up on two or more build- Ings and othora aro likely. Tbo llulld- ing Trndoa council 'will tako action to- day. REVOLU- TIONARY ' 'FIGHTERS Making Lotsdf Trouble For Turks Defeat Them in Small Battle's ' -'. London, April 21 The Evening Btar'e Sophia corrcf pendent wired today that GO members revolutionary of a band wero attacked by thu Turks April .0b. They wero betrayed be the Turkish military. Tbo reason they were not an nihilate! was that they wero reinforced by villagers. The tight lasted six hours, tbo Turks retreating after losing five killed and six wounded. A fight bas occured at Zecoi, latting six hours. Sixty Ave revoluntlonarles attacked two battalllons of Turks, but weto repulsed with a lots of 15 killed and 15 wounded, after a bitter hand-to-hand fight. Tho Turkish loss was hcav lor, ni' GREAT GERMAN STEAMER Arrives on Her Maiden Voyage Now York, April 21 Tho Kaiser Wilhelmad, tbo longest and swiftest vosboI in the world, now on her 'maiden voyago from Bremen, was sighted 'this morning 40 miles east of Nantucket light ship. Sbo should arrlvo at tbo pior at 4 o'clock. No records will be broken, with the posslblo exception of biggest day's run, The vassal sbowod a spood of nearly 24 knots on ber trial trip. Romaa Beda. Tbo (indent Romnua bad magnificent beds, with cnnonles over them to pre vent dust from railing ou tbclr faced. A Lively Ball. After forcing lt6elf into a drawing room ut Stnnley. "Durham, England, a bullock mndo llBJwn'y bnck to tbo street by.jumplug through tho window. 'oho of Hca Lite. Tho forma of, 'sea life In tho upper portion of tbo ocenn wnters mny de Bctha.to a depth of 1,200 foct or bo fropi thQTnlrfnco, but there thn sue cctnli'a barrcnpho, which' continues to Vithln ?00 to 400 feet from tbo bot tom ii'lmrn tlin otn Ron nnlmnlB bodlA W.H, ..V.-W W - 4- ..wn r W Ready for Attack on Constantinople Berlin, April 18 Frankforter Zcltung today says that Rusrla contemplates an nttack on Constantinople and the Black Sea fleet wilt be mobifizfd and made ready for action. Ships of the volunteer Ieot aro forbidden to Ipavo part, and In ' . erder lo place tbem in readiness for the government's uie, there ships, as fast as they arrivein port, aro served with r eq uations. ROCKE FELLER'S R R PLAN OilKingjnConjunction - With Gould Intends to Build to Coos Bay i5. r nfi Special dispatch to the 8. F. Examiner.) Halt Lake Utah, April 16: Railroad mon who wero consulted by John D. Rockefeller Jr. jrbifo i.o was bore this week say that tbo proJectoJ RockfcIIer Hop to tho Coast is a certainty and that combined with George Goul'i, tho oil king will build tbo road.which will com pleto the second great transcontinental lino. It is slatod today by railroad ec clneers who aro in a position to know wherrof thoy ibeak that RockfcIIer boa abandoned bis plan of buying tho Ciark road, which has a Coast torminal at San Fedro. Instead bo will build from the city straight across the great desert to Coos Bay, where ho will have the finest barbor on tbo Pacific, Part of this lino has alroady teen surveyed and it is Enid that tho work of laying out of the right of way will bo completed at once. It ickfi Her planned to build from tbo Rio Grando Greon river -to tbo Gould junction at Marysville, nud than ncros: Nevada through Bcckwitb pass, reach ing the Pacific ovor the old Donahue rillrccd at San FroncUco Bay, but this route bas been declared Impracticable and abandoned. The Coos Bay lino is tho road Rocke feller will construct and work on it will begin by fall, railroad mon say. Hard Coal. "When tbo Pennsylvania nnthrticlto fields nro oxhnustctl, tho only largo known Bupply of bnrtl coal will, bo b) China. Thnt, however, Is practically Inexhaustible, covering as It does 40, 000 Bquuro miles. Cranbcrrr Jam. A crnnborrj' Jnn that will keep n long tlmo Is mndo by cooking tbo ber rles with one-quarter their measure of water until Boft. Squeezo through n cheesecloth, leaving nothing but tbo pulp nud seeds. Add nn equal amount ' of sugar, cool: Uvo miuutes uuu seal in tumblers. . ncil i Peri Ilulr. Tho modern Persians havo n Strong nvcrsion to rod bulr. Tho Turks, on tbo contrary, uro warm ndmlrto of It. Merger May fay Div dends . -4 , Stock May be -Swap ped Back ." St. Paul, April 20-Bofore Judgo Ban born today arguments aro being made for and against modification of the de cree in tho northern securities ca;o. ' Against modification It is ngrued that it is not in tbo province of tbo court, to' allow tbo law be to disregarded land that a rfuspensen of the decrco would allow -the merger to contiuuo viol i'.in tho law.' Th a argument that the market will ,bf ,, effected is ono that will not appear tost tho court. Judge Young then began hla arga- ment for modification. ' ' ' Jodgd Sanborn, of the Unitod State! couit of appeals, after bearing the argu ments, ruled that tho Northern Securi ties Co. might pay dividends May lst,f holding that tho federal court by tbd " irjcctIon to prevent tbo meger from vjtlnr tho stock ot tbo Northern' Pacific and Great Northern, a aufficienj hoi J on the concern. He held th,at the Injunction against tho paying of ar dividend was auxiliary, and couid bo mod fled by tbo court. Tlio decree permits tho stock boldcrc cf the Northern Securities to exchange their stock for the stock of the railways, for which it was issued. ' If the suprCmo court srH;n IhU do crop, tho stock holders of the Securities Company can moke an exchango and draw dividends irom tho companies, ' If tbo supremo court reverses tho tits "fi erce, tho same parties cau draw from M the Securities Company. Tho rotcntlon railway coin of tbo dividends by tbo panies while tbo appeal is ponding would not enhance, for speed, tho en forcoment of any legal right of tho VaC ted Stntes, but wil indict unnecessary losses upon tho stock holders, who are justly entitled to receive their dividends, as soon n9 they aro earned. GOULD'S : YACHT " '; OVERDUE t Noi folk, April 18 Fears aro enter-' inlncd that Ednln Uould'd yacht, Chlc cota, has sunk in a stcrtn. Sho is two dayB over.duo nt Annapolis from here. SILVER DIS- . COVERED AT x, FROSTBUR0 Cumberlanv', Md. April 20 Consldera- plo oxcltmont exleta here ovor tho dis l covery ol ellvei nt Frobtburg. THo find was mada wbilo opouing eomo firo clay banke. C Profeseor Rutledgo, geojollat of John Hopkins University, bas visited the mine and assayed tho ore. Ho declares that silver in paying quantity exeits. The mine Is in the heart of the coal region, M t i M n 1 8' 1 V V".&jf . , ,