Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 25, 1903, Image 2

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Circuit Court Docket
April Tctni 1903
1421 Dftvlil Morso. Jr, to I Hacker,
Alignment, A K Seaman, att'y,
1470 W 11 B Hydo vs J P MAxton, ot
nl, evilt tor. paxUUop, D 1 Watson,
ntt'y forplYf.
1523-Knlhorlno West to A D Morse,
nraignment, J M Upton ntty for nt-
1017 K 0 Dean vs J S Cko, as adm ot
David Wilci.x, deceased, cult for dlt
eolation ot p.ulnorahip,etc. A MCraw
ford and D L Wation attya tor pl'l't,
"Bennett A Cole, attya tor defense
170S Tcubrook Broa to J T II all, as
signuicnt, J T Hall, attr.
1760 J 1? Hunt to Geo i1 Topping, as-
elgnmcnt, atty G P Topping
175S TB Stillwell to A D Mono as
algntnont, atty, J M Upton.
IS08 Virginia Krnso vb Alico Kruto ct
al. suit for partltiou. On motion to
confirm, J W Btanott, atty for pllf.
11M0-W li Ba'ncs viCBRiERRi
N Ct. action at law. J W Bennett &
A J Sherwood' attys foi pllf, J S Coke
ally for defls.
19S2 John Snydor vi Luciaa Gignac,
action at law, A E Scamsu, atty for
put. V
20)2-Margarct Cardell va SV Cardell
t al, suit tor petition. Hall & Hall
atty for pH7,
:033 F Tinmicrman vs W G Webster
et al suit to foreclose mortgage on
m' ! jn to confirm J W Bennett atty
to: r'.'f.
C0"51 John Bear va A Marklevitcb,
suit for injunction and damage? J W
Bennett att'y for rit'f Hall & Hall atty
for deft.
2)31 C Long vs AlvJn Munck ot al suit
to forcloso real estate mortgag (on
motion to confirm) U 1' Topping atty
lor pit'!.
2 !'. Julian Itingue vs Oregon Coal A
Navigation Co, action (or damages,
M'llcnrlLabbc, E B Watson & A J
Sherwool atty for plt.t J W Bennett
and J S Coke atty for deft.
201o Frank Licgren va Obas Llngren
action at Ian on motion to confirm, i
W Bennett atty for pit', '
204711 B Reed va '0 H Ackerman
action at law J S 'Coke atty for jpit'f
D L Watson atty for deft,
'?07 Florence Sheridan etal ts Empire
City a municipal corporation; auit to
(juTet title, J W Bennett and O F Mc
Knigbt otty tor pit! Hall & Hall atty
for deft.
WW -A B Daly vi Elizabeth Munro, et J
nle, suit to forcloso mortgage J F Hall
atty for plt'f.
HMO-Mary A Mehl, et al, va Frank
Tennison, action for poicetsion of rial
property, J. M. Upton, otty for plt'f;
Backed up by over a third of a century
of rcmarr able and uniform cures, a record
Mich as r a other remedy for the diseases
uud wcaknem-ss peculiar to women ever
attained, the proprietors and makers of
Dr. I'icrce'b Favorite Prescription now feel
fully warranted in offering to pay S500 in
' -l money of the United States, for any
ca$c of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness,
I'rolapsut, or Falling of Womb which they
cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and
reasonable trial of their means of cure.
They have the most remarkable record
of cure made by this world.famed remedy
ever placed to the credit of any prepara
tion especially designed for the cure of
woman' peculiar ailments.
A beautiful Georgia lady, Vlee-rrwldtnt of
ttirKatl I'.ud I'nliuttto Club, of Savannah, and
itromineiU KxrlaJly there, relates the following
cicrcrience i "You certainly have produced the
iWtt medicine for suffering women tHt la to
l: had in the country. J want to recommend
it riutciotly to mothers. I was seventeen years
q'J when my darling boy was bom. Felt very
ivliauled and weak for a long time, and (t
wrmed I couM not get mr strtngth back My
titer in-law bought me a bottle of Dr. Merceri
J'nvorite Prescription (after I had tritd several
of the other remedies which are p much ad
vertised, and found no relief). I had little faith
iu the medicine at the time and was so weak
mul sick that I felt discouraged, but within a
w:ck after I had commenced taking your ' 1're
hsriptlon ' I was like a different woman. New
life aud vitality &eemed to come with each suc
ceeding day, until. In a few weeks, I wss iu fine
health, and a hnppy, hearty woman. My boy
is now two yeark old, and, thanks to your splen
did medicine. I am culoylng perfect htslth. If
at any time' I feel tired or in need of a tonic, a
tuvr doses of your 'favorite Prescription' re
cuperates me at once. My address Is Ho. 311
Jones btrect, J'.at, Bavaunab. Oa.
Mrs, ttuaiK Williams.
To Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y."
Accent no substitute for "Golden Med-t-nl
Dwoverv." Tliere is nothing "just
m KoodTor diseases of the stomach, blood
and lungs.
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
icoS large pages iu paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to
pay expense of mailings only. Address
X)mR- v. Pierce, Buflalp, N. V,
Pr. Werw's I'leasant'J'eHets are a ladies'
laxative. No other medicine equals them
foc gentleness and tbordughnees.
- oaafw -" "n b vi
Hall Hall alty.t (or dott.
CO 1 Thos. H. Walker vs K B Murnt
nctlon at law, A E Pcamcn. atty for
plt'f, Hall xk Hall atty'a tor deft.
2052 Frank Tennison va Mary A. Mehl
ot al, cross bill in equity, Hall it Hall
atty'a tor pllf.
2053 Thos K. Kysn va Georgo Qaigloy,
action at law E B Scabrook and M L
Pipes, ntty'a tor pltf. C. F. McKnight
Ally (or dctt.
2054-Nonh A Kendall va Molltdft 11
Kendall, suit for divorce, W C Chase,
atty for pllf; A J Sherwood, atty tor
055 C C Pratt, claimant nnd respond
ent, va Fannia lloujard, oxecutrix ot
estato ot A C Hougaid, deceased ap
pelant, appeal from county ccurt, J S
Coke and KLO Farrin, atty for pltf;
W U Douglas, atty for deft.
205G Adam Pcrahbakcr vs Georpo Rosa
action at law, A J Sherwood, atty tor
-57 Gust of Xylund vb Alfred Uagland
and Helma Hagland. action at law, W
U Donglas, atty for pllf.
05S Great Coutral Railroad company
vs Carl E Polz suit for induction, J
Thornburn Ross E B Seabrook atty
for plt'f L A Roberts atty tor deft.
2050-E O Hall va Cooa Bay Mil! wt
Lumber company action for tbo re
covery of personal property Hall A
Hall atty for plt'f J W Bennett atty
for detf.
2000 Buffalo Pitts Co, rt corporation va
II Powell, Matt Nystrum and B3
Hermann action at law ; Pipes & Tifft
and E B Seabrook ntty for plt'f L A
Roberts atty for deft.
2001 Marie Miller va Honry Miller
suit for divorce, Hall & Hall atty for
2003 Henry Sengstsckon va J, T Mc-
Cormac suit for injuction, J Thorn
burn Ross and E E Seabrook atty for
plt'f Hall & Hall and A E Seaman
atty for deft.
"(VUT'onrv PoncctiiiL-on va .Tnnlllinn
K Hawkins suit to quiet title J Thorn,
burn Ross and E B Seabrook atty for
2005 Rogue Rivor Pckinc & Naviga
tion Co vs Stephen Galiier action at
law Hall & Hall atty for plt'f A E
Seabrook atty for deft.
2000 William Lacjc6trotn va schooner
Annie E Smalo action at law W U
Douglas atty for pit'.
2007 Fred Holm vh schooner Annie E
Smalo, action at law Hall & Hall
atty for plt'f.
2009 Harvey T Schwcera va Sarah A
WaUon suit for partition Sperry k
Chase, atty for plt'f, A J Sherwood,
atty for deft.
2070 C II BanningsraCG A Romnnder
and J B Dully as county treasurer, of
Coos county, suit tor injunction,
Spetry & Chase, attys for pltf. A J
Sherwood atty for def.
2071 A J Hamlon, vs W P Bovco, cnii
for specific performance, Sperry & Choso
atty for pltf.
va Marie Hcuck-i
2072-H K Root ot al
endorf et al, auit in equity to reform 1
deed, A J Sherwood atty for pltf.
2073-J Danly Budd va E N fcmith,!
Frank E Alley and Stephen fiallier
eoit in equity for injunction, John T,
Long atty for pltf.
2074 Lee Crow ve C II Crew. Buit for
divorce, J M Upton, ntty for pltf.
2075 Thoa D Holland va Coos Bny .Mill
& Lumber Co, action at Jaw, to rscoqor
moity, Hall & Hallatty foi- pltf.
. Wipiomnttc.
"Thero la'ono thins 'I )l!co about your
husband lo never liurrleu you tvhen
getting ready for n wall:."
"Very little credit Is duo to him for
that, my dear. Whenever I Beo that 1
urn not likely to bo ready In time 1 ulm
ply hide his hut or his gloves out of the
way until I have finished dressing."
,. What
V(im Drul.-en,
you break anything
when you dropped that nrmful of
playthings, Bessie?
Bessie No, mother; nothing but tho
quicr, nnu mars menueu aireauy. jjj-
trait Free Press. JCJiiiubjii ojuii 01 KODiiujui;nh.)iI po
: . pJnov- i.iajimj iu;,j iiiouion j pw.jjjj
SpcnUInc of perfect hiinplnoss, over; ' luoiii.t'o out rioja.uHini ..'HuooatiH,,
nnruin.f nL' fini'i'i'iiicr 11 riiMV .ivm.in t
u...u. ,vj ......u it .'"A" .-.'
ujoue. ,
Contracts for Grading
Terminals and Yards Arranged for
and Right of Way Being
A Giants P.18S disnatch to tho Tolo
(tram, dated April 17th soya:
Contracts lor tho RradluR of tho Ore
son .t.racjtla Railroad between Grant's
Pass and Creecent City ttavo beon lot.
Tho contracta havo beon awarded San
Francisco partlos, and thoy will arrive
hero and begin work as toon as arranto
monta havq been mado fnr accurlng ot
risht of way. Terminals and yards
havo already boon arranged tor at each
and ot tho Hue, and aro ready to turn
over to tho company aa soon as it la
ready tor them.
Mr, Wood, tmacagor 'ot tho rluht ot
way, ia hero and is at work conferring
with rauebmon and farmers ncroia whoso
properties tho lino will pass, aud secur
iue rlcht of way for tho road. Tho
company is n?king for n 100-foot richt ot
way, as anything of less width wonid bo
to narrow for tho making ot cuts, build
ing up ot Rtadee, laying sidings, etc.
I wo surveying crows are on tho line
making or completing final surveys, and
two moro will bo put on at nn early date
making tho eurvtya of tho routu along
tho coast north and south from Crescent
City. All of tho things woutd ludicatu
postively that tho Orcgamfc Pacific is as
assured fact and that its ultimate com
pletion ia but a matter ot time.
Early next week tome four or six ot
tbo leading stockholders nnd cfiicors oi
tho company will arrive in this city from
San Franciico and will bo tendered a
reception hero by tho Grauta Pass
Boaid ot trade and interested citizens,
A banquet ia being planned and ar
rangements made to show tbo distingu
ished vbi'.ors the glad hand, as it is the
desire ot the people hero to lot tho rail
roa'd men know their efforts aro appre
ciate nnd will receive tbo hearty sup
port of all Grants Pass and Josephine
county. Among those who will be pres
ent will be J. O. B. Gunn, president ot
tho Oregon & Pacific Railroad Co., and
former president ot the Union Iron
Works, San Francisco; Colonel T. Wnino
Morgan Draper, of San Francitco, man
ager and chcif engineer of tho Oregon &
Pacific; Snencee Penrose ot Colorado
Springs, secretary and treasurer ot the
company; Proffesser F. It. Ponroso, of
the University of Pennsylvania, Phila
delphia; Charles Tutt.of tho United
State: Roduction Works, Colorado
Thero are many rumors sfloat na to
the uoesibility ot tomo gteat ruilroad
povver bitInK beb,nd tho Orocon & Patl"
lie, and as has been prvlous munlloneu
in Tho Telegram, it li hinted by those
who claim to know that either Jitn Hill
or the Santa Fo in behind tho proposed
line. The etcckholdera of tho company
aro emphatic in making it known that
tho Soutborh Pacific has naught what
ever to do with it. All ot tlieto things
give weight to tho proposed roadendudd
to its futuro poesibilitic?, ,
With theoxletnion ot railroad systems
in Eastern Oregon, tho project of oxtond
inj; the line from here across tho moun
tains Is an extremely (cablblo ono. Thu
Uoguo River route offers an ideal pars
through tho Cascades, as coed, in fact,
co engineers say, ns that of tho Colum
bia UEtd by thu O. R. & N. Taking thoio
things Into consideiation thcrti is offered
hero an exrelent opportunity for a now
croio line mid through route from Oro
gon 08 well a'a from San Francisco 10
Eastern Washington, Idaho, Montana
and the Katl,
,. .,13,u .,0i 1001 v. ';auuio.t pun
fybtuiKqu ;fj) nil SujJui " Mil--
nuui oni
,,,.-,, -I1 W WSlISlSl
1 M 1 a -
UiiKOtioJhna S'JIawyora nnd Albany baa
Bakor City ts to hayo n now city hull
to cost 145,000.
Tho Salom poitollloo la now lu tho
now tedoral building.
Ashlaud'a mm postmaster, Goo, KiirIo,
has taken tho relngs.
Tho Mothodlsta at Athena, Oregon,
aro about to build a 110,000 church.
Grants Pass is advortlslnR a cold
storago ciiauiisoinoni tor rouury.
.... . - .. -.. 1
Smallpox at Shluko nnd Prluovlllo Is
qullo serious. Tho ditoaso ia spreading.
The Corvallls City Council wanta In
vestors to bid on f rauchlso for a water
system (or this city.
TheLako county District attorney
L. L. Conn, haa announced that ho will
close all saloons on Sunday.
Fifteen now saw mills will bo pat Into
operation t)ii year In Josophlno county,
doubling tho lumber output.
Tho first hotol built In'Orogon was
but nod nt Lafayette, Yamhill county
Wednesday. It was built In 1850.
e.K. Sykoa has mado application to
the City Council ot Rosoburg for a fran
chlso for struct car lines In that city
County funds aggregating $115,5:10,7.,
after all liabilities are paid remains in
tho handa of Sherman county trensuror,
Saloons mnet closo on Sunday nnd )
entirely fay tho ,
gambling must coaFO
anthoritio8 ot Lowla county Washing
ton. An attempt was undo last weok by n
flrojue to dostroy Woodburn. Oil wan
used but fortunatoly it burned out be
fore any damago wa done.
Hon. Uingcr Hurraann filed his accep
tance of tho nomination as candldato for
Congressman of tho First Congressional
District ot Oregon with tho Secretary cf
McCanta Stowart. of Portland, colored
has applied for admission to tho bar.
80 far as known, ho will bo tho only
colored lawyer admitted to tbo bar In
Joo Matlock, a 20 year old'son ot Hon.
J. D. Matlock, of EuReno, was held for
the grand jury tinder f 300 bonda, on tho
charge of attempting rapo on Rosa Bell,
a filteen year old girl,
Mary E. Duffy of Portland lirta licen
appointed guardian over hor liuabtvnd
because ho gota on npreer. I.gal guard
ians with loll authority to pound t.'ie
livor ont Jf some men, would bo a beno -
factor in many instancs.
E. Murray, spar manufacturer, of
Elmo Washi, has just shipped to Brook
lyn Now York, a largo load of apars to
bouredfor ship meets. E'ghtofthcso
were each 100 foot long and aqaarcd
20x20 inches.
M. Potter, of Shori dan, vn found
g uilty nt tho Circuit Court. Wednesday
lor malicious mirchiet in destroying a
coat by shooting nt it aa ho wan driving
thtcocli the county last Fall, was fined
150. .
Cvraa Bacon need SO yoars, ml Idf
wife, aged 70 yenrs, died f,t FoidsM
Grnv'n Tuesday night, tho latt Br dying J
a half hour alter nor nuaoann.. my
. . . mi I
camo from Illinois to Washing) on Coun
ty in 1885, w'liero they lind slnco re
sided. Kino children survivo them.
AVator BalUff, Marshall 'rot urnod- to
Astoria Wednesday and wbb glvflh 0
noarlng beforo Fish Warden V an Dusen
on tho charge of malfoaBB nco. -Ho
deniml that ho was guilty ot tl to chargo,
but tho ovidenco against hit 1 was so
conclusive that tho Heh Wf .rden de
manded and recelvod hia reai nation,lo
tako effect at onco,
Gov. Chamberlaini Imo appo' Intcd Mfan
Annlo M. Cremcn and Mra. Cleveland
Kockwoll, both of Portland, ir temborHOI
tho Hoard of Truetecs -of tht Loranco
Crittenden Homri. They buci ',eed Mrt.
0,1$. Bellinger nnd Mrs, L. V. Bitton,
'n'Mgned, Tho third rn jmbi ir o f tlo
hoard la Mro A'.'; II. Broy'ti an, of Portland.
W Dallcy, ot Portland Btalo Diary nit
Food Cutumlailonar was In Eugene
looking nltor short-weigh buttor doaloro
and ninkoro. Ho loim.l that many farm
ora brings short wolpht rolls to town and
lmh given warning which will no doubt,
result lu tlliconliuuntico ot tho practice.
Judge Clifford Wednesday livening
Rontonced George Loo to thu ponlton
tliuy for two yoara fur thu killing of
John A, Martin, ot Jordan Valley, last
Fall. Jasnor (Irllllth was also koutonccd
I to tho penitentiary for oue year lor tho
I shooting ol John Roulion, ac Nyssa,
March 1 last.
Thoro aro now four candidates In thu
Hold for tho special election ol n Con
gressman for tho First District ol Or
egon, to bo hold on Monday. Juno 1st,
as olio wn: Bluger Hermann, of Roso
bnrg, Ropubllcan; A. E, Roauios, of
Jacksonville, Democrat; J. W, Ingle, of
Corvallls, Socialist; and W. P. Elmoro,
ot Urownsvlllo, Prohibition.
Gov, Chamberlain appointed Dexter
Rico of Rotoburg, regent ot tho Central
Oregon Norintl dchool at Drain; J. A.
Black and W. W. Kent, of Drain, reg
ents of thoiamo school losucccod thorn
solvos; Mrs. W. W, Elder, ot Stayton
matron of Uiu Oregon Soldlora Hoiun at
Rosebnrg. Mra. Elder Is tho wifo of tlo
now commandaut recently appointed.
An interesting leal iiuestlon haa been
rcfered by Secretnry of State Dunbar to
Attorney-General Crawford for hl olllc
lal onlnlou. It haa been dljcovered that
tho neK road law passed by the Leglsla-
turo leaves somo doubt whethor tho
exemption from road and poll taxes
horotofoto enjoyed by militiamen and
exempt firemen.
Rudolph Larson, a fisherman tho tell
from tho sidewalk to tho beach iu Astor
ia nbout a month ago, died Thunday
from tho tffecta ol tho fall. Ho only
received lomo icalp wounda apparently
which readily healed, hut ho grew worso
gradually aud evidontlyidled from some
internal Injury. Tho man was intoxi
cated when he had the fall, so It in not
expected that his family wtll fllo n suit
(or damages against tho city.
Cured by Ono Bottlaof Chambcrlaln'o
Congh Remedy.
ullM.nn T t.a.l an ollnrU of thfl Drip
last wlntar itha second ono) I actually
cured rnysMf with one bottle of Cham
berUln'f Cough Romedy," jy" Pjank
W Perry, Kdltor 01 ma r.iiierprno.i
ShortsvillP, N. Y. "This It tho honest
truth. I at tlmos kept from coughing
myself to pieces by taking a teaspoon-
ful ot tula remeuy, ami wuen i cum -Ing
spell would comoon at night I would
tnkoHdoso nnd it teemed that In the
brlnfott interval the cough would pats
off and I would go to sleep perfectly free
1..... -A..,. I. nml lt nrrnmniniviUL' mint.
:fo say that the remedy actod at a most
fl.-reraulo surpriao it ijuiuuk v '"
mvldlv. I had no Idea that It would or
..... 1.1 Lnm't nut thu irln. siiiitilr because
I havo trh'd it for such a purpose, -ljut
It dul, and it sobiiio with tho pwond nl
...t. r fonrtlilntr tho romodr caunod it
to not only bo of less duration, but thfl
iialiiH wtiro lar lets revnro, nnu 1 nnii nut
11 ted thu contents ol ono botllo boloro
Mr. Grip had bid mo adieu." lor aolo
by Jno PreUkfl. ,
Comer f Front and A streets,
joNH SNVDER. : : : 2 : :Proprlctcr
I HiYTKL has lust been entirely rcfilkdand
rcfurnUli.d llirouj;hout and it again open to the
public for patronage. ....
Ncwhflj and iprlng mallrenei have Deer
placed In almost every sleeping room of this
house and neither trouble nor exprnvi ha: been
pared to put everything In first-claM order,
Hoard and dr.lng, per week JSo
ltnnril.lt- n'eek 4'fc0
Single ile-' ... . . ...... ....... a5
'Nasal Calarrh quickly y olds to IrcaU
mont by Ely's Cream Balm, which lo ncreo.
ably aroiiiitto. It it recoivtd throuHh tho
nostril, cleuiiRoa and honlt tho wholp our
fnco oror which it diffur.00 itsolf. Drucaltta
soil tho COo. Bizoj Trial bt.o by inn , 10
conta. Teat it and you aro euro to contlnus
A iifinintiinff.
To accoinmodato thoBo who nro V
to the ilso of utomizerfl ia applyinR Uquids
. . .1 1 nnunr.u tnr nitnrrliO.1 trOU'
lniO 11W Jiunui imb" -"- i;.i l
bin, tho proprfotora pronan Cream Balm m
Jinuld form, which will bo known Mm IJys
iquiujvi", ""w: "",..,"" ;.:..ii.. .i,
imjmim. ,.o . -h,-
prayrrrKi)oiu iuomn. '""."-;-
'11 1111.. II., ,.1,1 tnrtn ntrillAll lilll tl0 IflOU-
iclaal propUo oftho Bolid prcparr.tica.
In all Its iO( thwo
fhoulil Mi cle&iillaiit.
F.It's Cronm Dalnt
tltini,0ottn tiJ hls
tho tlliouca ttiimvrant,
II run cktirth anil llf lr4
awr a cold la tbs hud
Cram Halm ti rJucd Into the notttlli, iprtfl
OTr tits innblan and Is abiorUd. HtlUtUlm.
mdUt and a eura follow. It It uol ilrlntf-lt
not prcKlac muting. Ur g UIm, 60 cunU at Uruj.
Iit or r mtl Till lf , 10 ennli by mail.
W.r UHOTIlXltS, IS Waif a UUU Nw Ycik.
C o I a p 8 n I) I o P o 0 Ic 0 1
Tl. utatntliiat ill 11 W4rtmnfii th'tllt Iim
stroiiunsl optical ctfeot. Highly tlnlnhed
In .1 Iff .... ll ft.ln.M tL'llll lnli l.illll tlllll
nilvor decorations (mounting), Includ
ing 2(1 V. F. Photograph. Vluwa of art
(gmto,). PRICK ONLY $100. tfmtt
t'urywnoru pmnaiu in nutor 101 1.
FORREST tlUILDINu. Phlladolphla
Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Frco to tho
of any rcnnonslblo hotmc.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S oncatI
1111 aiuniT.,uiriiiUHi,cii.
Tit I J'..l Amimm! Minn Bill
WmI4. HUHt M f li Mlttl
4i.oi rinif .tr w, .iiitrt
TrMII-lllWfil 4UM4i
a M,fniiiiiMt it ,
P mU aV tWak 0tmmmm M .
m t m !. 1U Mat '
katdli aJ 1
1 tTMS hf V4. fitim9 ffJUI pt
CmuiU I.m ftkd HTiwf Nmit TittMaaM aaa t
HMt t kr laaai. 4 r-Ut 9t la nMaM
Iwtiniiin Vr, u lMa.lfHia.iaeranr ;
' Mtaainsi. Mtius nut m hwhi knt
Max! raUMiH f
(. 10ROAN A COIMI SafWHU.fl.
Drparlment of the Interior. I.tnd O'ticc at
Itoielnug. On-gon, April. B, 190J.
K-'niij-a I. lirMtiw Un lll.lt lilt- fallnlflt.-
rumcil icttlrr lm filril notice of lilt Ininillou m
nmke final proof In upxirl of hi clilm, nnd
lli.lt .mi prooi win lie inmic iicinre tv. u.
DdiikI-ii, L' H, (.'onitiiluloncr at Mnrtliflcld,
(Jrrgon, on Miv sj, ion. vii-
cm lid. K N09145. for the jo u.Si-c. 18, loti
3, i, 4, Sec iq, 'I j. 34 .S., K. 10 Wcjt.
Iltt nninci the following wllnctvrt lu pron
till cotitlnuoti irctlilencn upon unilJoulllv.Mlon ol
i4hl Unil vl t Virior Cat lion. I)4n MitUcn, L.
Uuwn, Jovrpli Scliapprrs, of Allrgany, Oirgon,
J. 1, IIHIIK.U, Krgitlcr. 4i8
Hoii'l miKlel.ikstch nr iiUnocilliiTrntlou for
lrvuruirlon ratentaMllty. for frco took,
llorU)hcuroTDAnr aaanin wiin
i'atonlianrl I AU
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)OnOslto U. 5?. Pafnnt
' Trade Mark t
Uliiuni 1
ennvmaHTM JLc.
Anront i.nlln a iteh and dMcrlptlon tnr
ntifeklr aictrlaln our opinion ft hathr ii
liiVantloo UprobablrPaUnlabla. Conimuiilra
I 011 1 itrlcl r oonadtiillal. llaudbookon t'auuta
lli tVr.i. Oldt aianor for ttcuriiiB Bulaiiu.
I'alontf ttkan tCrouah Miinn to. rtoolvt
tprclol rwfl, without cliarft, la tlia
Scientific Jfmericait.
jo in four rnontiii, L
oiri mur rooiiiui. iu auiuwf a. i." ,, ''p
BU Woahluatun, I). O. 1
wan uu or wruo , y
64 &TJ55 flfcrchafitfl' Uxthpngo'l 4
nox aid 4IX llDa'.O 'Ui
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