r THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutrty Pure fltffi7S NO SUBSTITUTE l .A-IfcTD LOCAL From Thursdays Dally. Go?d beef is bcccming a rcarco article in tore. F. S. Dow went to Myrtlo Point yes terday on a butineis trip, Attorney 0. F. McKnight had bnai ces? at tho county rent yesterday. Mrs. C. H. Scott, of Empire City, v.as hopping in town yesterday. L. J. Simpscn is building An addition to his residence at North Bend. Mr. Char. Dungan and daughter went to their Coos river farm Wednes day tOFpend a week. The Czariua passed down tho bay yesterday afternoon, loaded with coal f::s Beaver IIH1. H. Songstacken received a scowload of lumber from North Bend yesterday for his new house at Ferndale. D. A, Cnrry has rented of slacken a houo on A etreot zncvein with Lia family. II. Seng and will The Ladies Aid Society of the Prcsby. terlaa church met with Mrs. J, L White, of South Marshfiold, yesterday, "Wo learn by the Coquillo Herald that Bud Du'.lcy, who was hurt while coup ling cars recently, is able to ba out on the ttreet anjn. A store with many gooJ -things to of for will have many things to say in its advertisements. But the storo with few things need not feel the less its inr lerojts In advertising, tince tho email itoms must bo presented so that large eales may be 'be result. 'Deer yoir nutber allow you to have two pieces of pio when you are at home, Willie? asked his hostess. No ma'am. "Well, do you think she would like you to lmo two ploce3 here?" "Oh she Mmiidu't caro" siid Willio confidential ly, "this ien't her pie." (Little Chronl. dr. Frank Fairiu returned Wednesday to the km is on the South Fork of Cooe river. He was accompanied by a party ol throo Eastern gentlemen who wish to faast their cyos on choice timber. Mr. rnirin knows jntt where soroo of tho iholco land is. Ho has 20'Jacrebof ae lina timber ae staudB in 'Coos county lying on both barks of Coos river and a cosy cnbbiu in a larpjo clearing, with Irult trrca in Lloom NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dpnttm:nt of the Interior, I.and OTice at fetal If KuxJiuriT. urruon, April, o, 1903, Noice Is hereby ici that die following, named fcfttlcr lias fi'e I notice of Ins intention to make final proof in s woit of his cl.im. on t lint nl'J P'oof will le mide Ixjfore W. U ijy,iyi.i, b, i, Commissioner at Marshfield, i)Aon. on My 33, 1903. viz: JOHN ItliNDKICKSON. nn h'd E. Noot-JS' for the Lot 11, Sec. 18, lota 3, 3. 4, Sec 19. 'i. 34 S 'IC 10 West. lie names the following witness to prove 1 Ut-on.tlntiou,sr-!difnce upon anrifc 'tivation o .uT)and yj:' Victor Carlson. Dan JUttson, L. .iri6nnbsph djjpie7bMllegany, Oregon. From Frlday'e Dally, A regulation Sutumorxopbor prevailed horo yesterday. Tho fitit saloon In Opened yesterday. North Bend waa The schooner Western Homo nrrtvcil yosterdoy nud docked at D?an k Co'e wl nrf. Tho Alilnnco li scheduled to leave Eurvk. nt 4 p. m today nnd to sail (or Portland Saturday evening. ' Tho Watson brothora havo lost 18 calve nud yearlings nt Coos City this Spring, by -otno nfahidy not understood, Holland Bros, has tho new launch about completed (or Stephen Rogers, and expecta to launch her eotno time next week. County Cleric L. U. Uuzard camoover from the county scat yesterday. Ho will visit L'tnpire today nnd return to Coquillo tomorrow. If you have written ono good adver tisement, try j our hand nt another. It is unwise to let even a good advertise ment run until it becomes a poof repre sentative of tho business. Frank Smith Superintendent of tho Coos River hatchery, turned looso over a million salmon fry yesterday at tho head nf Catching tlough. The y are about 2X inches long, aud this lot is tho last of the season's hatching. John D. Kane, who died at tho Salem hospital, of pneumonia, last Saturday morning was an uncle, by marrlago of W. U. Douglas ot this place, having married tho aunt with whom Mr. Doug, las made bis home in boyhood. Geo. Crow was in town today. Ho has boqn on tho retired list for a few diys, having got his leg caught under a cint on tho llvo rollers at Porter mill, which bruifed him considerably but not airiously. 'Mrs. C.'W, Paterson received a letter Lorn Mr. Paterson yesterday saying that he had concluded to wait unti! tho next trip of tho Areata before coming home. Ho is getting along all right, but wiehes to recruit a little more be fore bis return. Tho Great Central surveyors havo moved thefr camp to Rocky Point, where they havo a force of men, aud survey up South slough nnd over to tho Coqoille. They think they can find a short and easy pass by that routo. The Mail is in receipt of teveral packages of corn, lettuce, radish, leet, and tomato seeds, from the U. S. Dep artment of Agriculture. Any of our friends who want to test the new varie ties are welcome to como and get u packigo. A N W Club Tho A. N. W. Club met Thursday alterLOOn at tho home of M;. John Koltea and enjoyod a very pleasant time. If the weather is favorable the ladies will meet next with Mrs. O'Connell.they will congrcgoto at tho r;M'Uuce of Mra. J, II. Taylor' ami go from there to Kittyvilloin a body. If the weather is unfavorable the club will meet at the residence ofMraJ. A. Matron the guests of Mra. O'Connell, INCORPORATION OF NORTH BEND! Election tq be Held June 2d f leers for Ncy Toyri Of- The county court on Wednesday acted upon the petition for (ho incorporation of North Bend, under tho county act. An election is to be hold Juno 2 1, at which the residents within the propos ed corporate) limits will voto on tho question of incorporation;- At tlie name time they will vote for ofllcere of tho new town, comprising a vnayot, six councllmcn, a recorder and a marshal. If incorporation carries, which hi this c.uo it undoubtedly will, theso olllcers will hold nnlit tho regular town clee tlon In December next. The county court appointed olllcors of election, as follows: JodgeB, Peter Logglo, Chas, Eckhoft nnd J, J. Burns j Clerks, Wui, Vaughn, Wui, Lnwlor and Edmund ICeenr. School Fund Apportionment April 15, 1903. Tho following is tho apportionment of tho County School Fund of 14,403.77 tor the year 1003. I havo niniled checks to tho district clerks for such amouuta as it scorn pro bablo will tide their districts over the present rchool yoar. The balance to mnko up tho totnl in dicated here, will bo. sent out in July., , W, II. Buscit, Co. SupU,, No. Name of District $ I 11 Myrtlo Bank Uermnnu Arago Litnpey Crock Brown Empiro MeKnight Coquillo Marsh field Cunningham Paikersuurg Catching Slough North Bend Riverton Britigo AVillanch Slough Kcntuck Slough Flagstaff Strang Fishtrap Randolph Moon Leo Rnckltff Fait view liaynes Slough McKiuley Gravelford Two Mllo Sumner Ccrlina Dora Bald Hill Catching Crock D tniels Creek RoRfra Bugarloaf Tcnmilo Coos River Libby Myrtle Point Rock Creek Norway Roy Allegany New Lake Roland Prairie Suiloh Bay City Remote Fetter Bancroft North Slough Bandon Heaver Slough 140 30 138 35 238 40 lod 55 175 45 230 40 103 00 1130 50 1350 60 110 "uo 220 CO' 104 85, 170 15 3 4 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 10 ?fl 05 V$ 130 70 140 1'5 101 23. 125 10 2C9 00 20 I 191 35 80 07 178 10 148 95 151 U0 154 23 V?2 45 201 05 157 20 22 23 24 23 0 23 20 30 154 25 114 CO .05 cs 140 30 114 50 100 30 03 30 31 32 3:1 4 35 3S 37 33 33 40 41 42 43 44 45 4G t 47 43 40 60 5t 62 53 51 65 5i 67 53 130 40 143 65 170 15 392 05 .839 40 OS CO 223 15 .207 26 130,40 -100 55 109 20 217 8 93 60 101 20 .100 55 14G 30 CJ9.C5 li3 10 110 80 122 45 113 35 148 po rXV,l gB ..18 ,-0 101 00 100 55 03 30 109 20 0J 30 08 00 f4 80 1'.0 15 111 50 ViQ 40 10.) 00 191 00 ill 85 89 35 Esterheck South Slough Sunnybldo 50. Halls Creek . (X) ui 02 03 Prosper Beach View . Bear Creek Enchanted Four Mile Kltl;um Luku Excelsior ,. Lmeu Slough Beaver Hill King Creek Buell Coaled 0 Fleasajit View Pleasant Hill Joint Dist. 2 05 60 07 US 09 70 71 72 73 71 from Saturday's Dally. J. P, WilEon, of Sumner wont to Ban Francifco for the removal ol a email growth on his nose, which In)' feared wns a cancer, returned on thu Arcntn, in I nu a tho ljtto joker tint t has linon endfing lila anxiety, and much plcmed therewith. in Mrs, Mlto Sumner nud Miss Bosato Brown intuiaRod tho Coffee Club yoator day. Sovornl now houses nro bo lug con- structed at Bangor by tho Great Central pe,pplo. ' 1 ' Tho tug Hunter arrived from Gardiner vstenhy bringing soma pnasungora and their baggage (or tho Alliance. J. I). Morgan, Into d tho White House in Eureka, ha accepted n position in J Wni. Kuaburg'a store. Marshal Carter, rounded up somo hortes Thrusdny that havo boon forng Ing in South Mnishfleld, aud tho owners had to cough up u dollar and n half h nlcco, which served thorn right. We (eel sale in Baying this, 119 wo wore ono ot 'them. The Berkshire, Mass., Courlor tolls of tho chopping donn ot a trocslx and ono Llinlf toot in diamoter by Win. A. Hall a man over 80 yoars of ago. Mr. Hall Is brother oi Mra. Gwlnn.ol South Marsh field. Hole ono of a family of eight brothers, oil but onool whom aro liv ing, tho youngest being 03 years of nge. At his advanced ago, Mr. Hall reads without glasses, nnd his physicinl vigor Is indicated by his felling of this tree, n vertlablu giant in that location. Fischer Compauy Coming TIhiMjiil ia in rocelpt of a letter fjM., PIiab Piln nenni t Pylo, tho Margarita Fischer Company, snylng tnat thuy have decided to return to Marfhfliuld in Juno, nud will ulay in the opera house ono week, commencing Juno 29th, They expect to bo In Coos about four wks and aro hoping for better luck than they experienced last summer. They aro looking forward with pleni ant anticipations to their vlolito Marsh Held, nnd tho people hero who wltnnsed their excellent work on their former visit will bo glad to hear that they are coming and will give them a warm welcome. Banner pay Exercises Friday was Banner Day at tho Marsh field nubile ichool. Thu ntteudunco by Visitors was fair, and thu programs in tho various departments wire well re eclved. "The Brownlo school" by I pupils of tho second grade received gen-. erous apnlausa and wns one of the best features. While one and all did well, the club awinging by four boys of tho Fourth grado detorves especial mention. Dm banners wero awarded to thu pupils of thu Second and Filth gradex, under th instruction of Mirs Andemon nnd Miss Englo. respectively. Thoro will bo but ono more Baunar Day aa thu oxer clsea for next month will bo ommltted, owing to tho largo amount of work in connection with tho closing of tho school year. m in 1 Coffee Club On Monday and Tuesday tho Coffco Club will bo in charge of Mra. J. H. Taylor, lira. Wm. Nasbnrg, Mrs. J. A. Matson and Miss Edna O'Connell. Theso ladies aro making preparations to break the record in tho way of dishing np things that will appeal to thq, hoard) of over ono who comes within tho circlo of tholr influonce. And if they don't mako it pleasant for visitors it will be because thoy havo forgotten the charm with which thoy worked the editor for thin advanco notice. Foot Cut Off Androw Olsen, aged about 18 lost a partof liia loft toot at tho Porter mil about 4 o'clozk yesterday afternoon, by bringing it in contact with tho knives of a plauor. lie wna employed to drivoa bono, about tho place, and stopped into the mill and was standing by tho planer. Ho took hold of a pleco of lumber to pull it from thu rollera, and aa It otruck, ho raised h(a foot to hrnco himself and though tleoely reached hie leg under tho machine and placed his fool against tho lowor cylender. Tho knives ipstnutly took off hia foot back beyond tho too joint-; Ho was brought np to town on tho Flyer, which wnH just landing, and Dr. Horsfall nsslstod by Dr. Prentiss, attend ed to tho wound. It wag necessary to take off tho foot hnck into tho arch, but tho young fellow will not bo very bndly crippled, and with a spring shoe will bo able to walk ery well. Lund's Troubles Tho troubjea of tho Lund family of EaEt Marshfluld woro aired lu Justlco Hyde's court again nyc8tordtty, Ciias. Lund baying boeu arrested, chnff.ed Wm. Coleman, of Tcnmilo was town inst night ou builtioss. with annulling hts wlfo with a hoo handle. There woro no other wltnostr a to tho occurrence on which tho ohargo wan bared, oxcoptlng the two partial con corned, and as tholr testimony naturally conlllctinl on tho mnlu point, Judge Hydo dhl not fool' Jttatlflml in lmpoidng any punishment, so tho defendant was dlichnrged. Presbyterian Cliurcji '. Sabbath school nt 10 a. m,, 0. B. mooting nt 7 p, in, In tho abooncu of the pastor Itov, R. 0. Leo will preach both morning and evening. All aro in vited. Methodist Church Sunday ichool nt 10 o'clock, proach ingiittll', .Epworth Loaguo 7 p. in. preaching at 8, All Invited to each ser vice. (? STATE AND OHNERAL NEWS) Tho Rural FroeDoltvory carriers of I.ono county havo affectod an orgnniza tlon for mutual benoflt. District Attornoy Roamcs, tho Demo cratio nominee for Congress, arrived in Jacksonville Tuosdny. E. S. Mcf-aln, of Rainor, Oregon, Is in jail on chnrgo of raising a pay check from fO to 1 00. Over a ton of salmon, caught out of season nnd picked In ice, wore'tllsrovor ud lioir tho mouth of tho Clackamni river Saturday evening by wator ball ut. A heavy hall atorm did consMornblo datnngo to fruit in Cl'.cknmas county a few days ago. Employees of the Willamettn Pulp A Paper Co., at Oreg)n City are about to demand a straight ten-hour day, Who Is Secretary Hitchcock anyhou? Do wo have to pick out a representative In conorcss, to suit thu tasto ol the sec retary? County Qommletloner Young ar.d Deputy Sheriff Plukston of Oakland, Or , or both confined to their homo with . Jn l" ,J ' Cliriit Benson, tho murderer of Dopu ty Sheriff David Morroll, was placed 011 trial for his life at Olympla, Wash., Tuesday morning. W. A. Worthington, of Pendleton, was appointed Monday to succeed him self aa a member of the Board of Re gonta of tho Wcatou Normal school. Malheur county paid into tho Stato Treasnry Monday 7144 toiottlolta etnto taxes for 1903 in full. Clackamas coun ty made a partial payment, amount ing to f 7337.60. Oua Morris, a young man living near Central Point, upon a preliminary ex amination Monday for pointing n pUtol at a man, was held to nnawor beforo the circuit court in bonds of $200. U. 8. Flournoy, a well-known young roan of Poseburg, was arraigned bofore Justice Buchanan, Saturday, on a charge of arson. Ho furnished ball to appear in court to tho amount of flCOd, Fourteen hundred tons of hay are being baled of Forest Grovo, Or., lor Alters ik Company of Portland, who wero uwarded tho contract for supply. Ing tho government. 1?, G. Young A Co., of Oakland, Or., shipped two carloads of horeca to tho Portland market Tuesday. Nouo ol theso horeca weighs less than 1500 pounds ercli. The Supremo Court Motidiy denied tho petition for rehearing in tho cieo of State Vfl. Honry St. Raynor, St. Rnynor was dftbarrod from practising at au attornoy in tho courts of this alato. Deptity Flab Warden Wcbslor Bolzed about 1000 pounds of fresh ealmon Tuesday and brought it to A-itoriii nnd placed it on cold fitornge,. as lt will not b told until tho end of tho closed Beit eon, U, S, District Attornoy Hall Is at Baker City investigating tho robbory of 4 lot of Chinese miners by a gang ol toughs, some tiuio ago. for which thu Ohlnoio government has put in a claim for 1100,000 Indemnity, A party of Immigrants, numbering GO inoii, women nnd ohlldroti, arrived nt La Ornndo, Of,, Hatttrdny from Hlnton, W, Vn., and will locn'.o land In thai volnlly. Tho party citmo hi n. special cur with a travelling baggageman from Hlnton to keep truck of tholr liigoago through tlm different chnngus, They pnld nearly f'JOOO lit faros, nnd wero about Olt hours on the road, Povontcou thonsnnd llvo hundred dollars wnn thu Ktutor offortng nt tho Flrnt Cougregatioiinl church Sunday nt Portland. Tho inonoy, which'' was raised for tho purposu of applying on tho total Indebtedness of tho church, amounting to $10,600, was contributed In Just Hirer, dnya, tho plan by which It wm nilind having originated with thu pastor, J.tov. E., 1.. House, I). II, Smallpox of a malignant typo Is rag ing through Enatorn Oregon, Ono death ban been reported, and sovornl patients nro on tho point of death. Tho dlioaio lins spread from Shaulko, Hi qtartlug point, to tho aurrouiidlng country, and has now assorted Itself In tho Dalles, Prliiuvltlo and other points along tho road. Tho First Christian Sclenco church building erected In Oregon wan dedi cated in Ralem Inst Sunday. It was ended by thu tkcoud Church of Christ, Scientist, nt a cot of 500:), aud is ono of tho prettiest and best furnished churches In the city. Thu dedicatory exorclfrs woro conducted by Mri. R, S. Bean and Wyllo A. Moore, flrnt and rerond renders of thu church, As In tho care with all Christian Scloncochurchei thu property wns entirely paid for Ixi. foro it wna dedicate,!. Bandon Recorder. Carl Olin and I'etcr Hansen nho uvnt to San Francis co rorno thrro weekn ago iutcn Jiug to n to Alaka, toeugngofor tho neaiou lu Bulmou lUliing. returned to Coos on thu steamer Chico this week, ItplroifirHlmi," A Scotchman had two noun, ono of whom wnn 11 doctor nud tho otln;r a vlcrtryinnii, of whom ho wnn very proud. "If I had kent." mild he. "Hint 11110 of my roim wan to he a medical iiitin 11111'. tho other 11 meonlHtor, I would, novcr lino I1111I utild Jenny McCohIi (w their atther." MARRIED RIDEOUT.RMITH-At Wlilftler, Cnl Apr H, 100.1, Albert R. Rldcout and ft MIjs Mirtina Smith. Tho groom is a former resident of Mnrahflrld nud haa many friends on tho Bay. Thu wedding was at tho Muth odlat church and wna a society event, judging from tho write-up In tho Whit tier Register. Littlo Sara Black, dntightcr of Mr. and Mra. J. I). Black acted us ilowor girl nnd preceded tho couple tp tho altar. .Mr. and Mrs. Hideout will resldo In Whlttior, where tho groom ia engaged In horticulture ... . .J DIEQ, QUIGLEY-At PortorOr., April H, 1003, Mrs. Uco. Qulgloy, aged 5S yearn, 2 month and 10 days. XRONHOLM AtMnrshllold, Or, April t,l4, 1003, John J. Kronholm, ngod 09, yttira, 4 months and 15 daye, Deconsid wna a nativo of Swcedon, Ho had been on tho Bay for many yoitrr. Ilo came hero from Gardiner, whoroho had born in tho hotel business and hod been burned out. Ho leased thu Cen tral hotel and conducted it successfully for n number of years. ,For (ho lust (ow years Mr, Kronholm'a health haa been (ailing. Ho wns down town a few dnya ago, but waa taken alck Sunday. Ho was goltiug hotter, howovnr, nud his death, which occurred suddenly no he wiia about lo retlro for tho night waa unexpected. Ilo lenvoa five aona aud ono daughter: Charles, John, Eddlo, Willio and Ooar, all of Mnraijflold, and Julia, of Situ Francisco. Tho funeral will tnko place from thu Swedish Luth eran ohhrch nt 2 p. m. today, Rev. B, F Btmgtcou officiating. ? ' ;