Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 11, 1903, Image 6

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.rv--vi ..-.-. j,s v.v i
Eft" MBW'llMfcttilW OmmiwXiiw'.h' 0." y ,
- i
from Cunday'o Daily.
Bccklcy Bro of Drain, are In tho
Tcnmllo country buying ?p younK em
tio to drivo out
""0. D. McFarlm oj North slough, wj
In town jcstorJny for tho tirst tltno In
some weeks.
John Harding Jr, eatne In from lu.o
Crescent mice yesterday, and report
that thoy nro dicing somo eonl thare.
Oeo. Bealo came down with hie ftmi-
lylnhla gasoline launch yesterday
bound for North Slough to take la the
big danco there last nlht.
F.'Rxron, of Tomp'.eton, n In
"town, tlo reports that the repairs to the
bridge arrows Tcnmilo creek nto nearly
tompletrd, hut aro waiting nov for
tnM.fln. 1?Mtn-lnn rrnrrtd in mil in !
uuu4j. .i.' wi. . .!.' ... ,- .- --- i
acabbi nrro.'s I'thmua flauih Mer.diy
to connect ibe Cfttchiug slough farmers
'line, which will bo in operation G cry
abcrtly after tjat.
,, , ,, ,, ,, , . v " v
Don't forgot lo altendt he oung rco-
plo's meeting at tho Baptist church to-
"nf2ht at 6:30 p. rn. KreryboJy is In
"Vited to nttend ca these meetings are
very interesting.
A message from Astoria last evoninp,
to Mllo Sumner, says that W, A. Crane
is no bptter, nhd that ho Is at St. Marj's
'hospital. It is to bo hoped that c bet
ter report will bs JcceiveJ oon.
The roof of th? Episcopal Church was
damaged somewhat by the rccnt vrlud
ctorm nnd a hole nf si: feet In diameter
was torm In the ro";f, which has been
repaired by J D. Johnron.
v,The Foresters entertained themselves
and n nnniber of their friends list
night with a very pleasant rccial dance
A sumpSnon banquet aUo was provided
by tho Broiicr in tbo style for which it
ie noted.
Rev. W. Ilorefall returned from Dan-
don on Friday' train. lie will hold
services at Hr. Luke.s Church Empire
Sunday morning at tho usual hour, and
services at Emmanuel Church of this
city in the. evening commencing at 8
V Si V A VfM V Et 4
Dr. Pierce For
advice though I
thought surely
I would die."
"Aftpr jny baby unit In Tanutry, lijoo," write
Mri. Nancy Abner of bt. Paul. Arlc . "I mffered
eere!y fruri ull ortiof acht and pain, until
the following Mey when I read one of y jur
pamphlrta. trcatiqg on lenuilc deate I wrote
to lit. Ilerct for advice although J tlunijht
surely I would die, ai our thyician tclU me I
mis more liable to die tluu to get well uur
fatherly advice caused my health to be re. lured,
1 took five bottles of I)r Merce' rarori .e lre
reriptlon. three of GoHcu Medical DUcatery'
and three nU of Pellets,' together with your
other remedies, and I am now uble to do all my
Weak nnd tick women ore invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, hy letter, free, aud
fo obtain without charge or fee ths
advice of n specialist upon diseases
peculiar to women. All correspondence
is held as strictly private aud sacredly
confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
The invitation to consult Dr. Pierce,
by letter, free, is not to le confused
with offers of "free medical advice"
made by irresponsible persons who are
not physicians and are professionally
ond legally disqualified for the practice
of medicine.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a
eafe and reliable remedy for the cure of
womanly ills. It establishes regularity,
drie3jweakcuing drains, heals inflamtna
tlon.pnd ulceration and cures female
FaKif.T'lDr. Pierce's Common Sense
medical A(lyiser is sent free on receipt
p stamps to pay expense of mailing only,
.Send 21 omLcent' stamps for the book in
traper covers; or" 31 stamps for the clotlir
bound volume. Address Or, 11 V, Pierce
Buffalo,. N, y. . ' -V
While Channel Is In Good Condition
Improvements Are
Omits Ptof, Of., April 2. Tho Roguo
River Packing & NAvigatlon Company,
through Captain Burns, recently hail
roundings in nilo of tho t?nr nt tho mouth
of tho Rogue. Tho soundings wero
made from tho Copper Queen, and
woromndo ntro.'s tho entire width of
thccliatincl,au well ns from tho river to
point well out. Soundings f how a depth
of '21 feet with average tido and rmuiini
j but Httlo below thUat any pl.ee. Tho
;annl is very good condition,
though with a few thousand dollars ot
improvement could bo made nearly, if
j not quite, as good as nny river channel
ou tho Oregon coast south of tho Colum
bia, Tho Rogue River Packing A Navaga
tion Company contemplates doing con
siderable thipying, winch will ccccs)!
tate the entrance to tho (Cogue River
1.Wm. f lrtn. MBMiu f 1.
uaitui v . iivi imuiuvi ui ivrevia
than ever before. Tho Ro?ue River
i channel has not been credited with bo-
ing anything very gcod, though If tho
soundings recently cnado aro to be relied
upn U will safely, allow tho entrance of
InCO ship. As h'as been previously
mentioned in tho dispatches this com
pany is at present constructing two
irons stcrn-whetiers to ply on tbo low
er river and to take tbo place ot tho
Oregon and Rogue River, both of which
went down last year while attempting
l0 roakc tll0 fcpjjg be.iow tlie mouth cf
e ujiuolj.
CounEel for Picas Armstrong who was
sentenced to be bung May S by Judge
Eakln, at Baker City Tuesday moved
for a new trial, basing the motion on .a
number of alleged errors by the court
during the trial of the case, tho princi
ple one of which was nn alleged oral
instruction to tho jury, in the ftce of a
rcquctt by tho defendant that tbeconrt'e
Instructions should bs in writing. Jndgo
Eakin stated that the instructions civ-
en to the jury are all in writing and tho
motion was overruled.
A motion in arrset of judgment was
then medo, of the ground that the ver
dict of the jury did not state the degree
of the crime. This motion was also over
ruled. Armstrong stood up to receive
his sentence without flinching, A alight
AnniaaiitlAn M llin ntM tAlai t ill ti a n 1
and aellght quiver of the unJerlip, ss
tbo fatal words wore spoken, was all
tba could bo noted.
j Ho was immediately removed to his
I cell and the death watch was installed
i andwill be maintained from now on, Ills
' attorney gave notice of appeal to tho
Supremo Court aud was allowed SO daye
to preparo a bill of exceptions. This
makes it certain that the sentence of
death will not bo executed on May 8, at
a ctay of sentence will be granted when
the appeal Is perfected. The sentence
ot tl.e court Is that Armstrong shall bo
hung in this county, but an appeal will
result in the sentence being executed &t
No merchant should got beffuddled on
the ndvortisinL proposition. It is rea
sonable to expect that tho people will
1 respond to what tho merchant offers if
the merchant effers it in a reasonable
It is well to think of the preBtlgo an
advertisement will civqjn etoco as well
aR toonslder'tbo buBlp,esR to,b? obtaln-
"" ;u'u luuuga mo uusmeca is very
limited the prestige will holp la' aid.
Ing that for which tho imtu is stoking,'
A sign by tho nwUldo mny attract
tho attention of n man who wants tomo
special nrtlclo but who In undecided just
wttern to go to buy It. That sort of
publicity is mora or less accidental In
its results, but when it gels tho result
they aro just n valuable ns though they
conin from somes utiior moro reliable
sourco. Tho that ally counts in ad
vortisilm: ii tho not price paid for each
customer obtained by that method, It
isn't tho mtmbui ot pooplo who boo the
memge, but tho number who will bo
Influenced by tho announcement.
Somo men waste money in advertis
ing bccnusn thoy uso moro vpaco than is
necessary in announcing rt npecial lino
or a special sales day. Othor merch
ants lack the energy or buelnesn acum
en to grasp tho need of pitching nt n
given time, aud wnsto opportunity by
failing lo rush r.t tho right tltno. It it
to remember tso opportunity ns woll as
the cost in preparing for n special fea
ture and to be euro that the work to bo
done is not neglected at n critical point
when a little expenditure of throughtor
cash would do much to mako success nnd
profit cortain.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Earl Strango is driving tho delivery
team ottbo Plonrer market.
Clias. and Louis Heller, of McXinloy,
are runninc a small logging camp op
Chorry creek.
Chas. Stauff is building a nice glass
office in the corner ot bis crocry ato:o.
No woadorl
The etearcor Coos River is undergoing
somo ropairs on hnr homo ways, and the
Alma la filling horruu.
C. J. Steinnon has bought a 10 aero
farm of Cat Bridges, at tho forks of
Coos river, paying f 150 for the enmo.
Carponter J. S. Falrchilcs has made
an ice box and refrigerator (or the
Broiler, that shows him to bo a neat
Wtn. Brainard will bo eugincor on
the small donkey engibo at II. Scog
sticken'a camp, while II. A, Ecott tafcea
the new donkey.
F. R. Taylor camo oyer yesterday
from bia ranch on tho North fork of
the Coquille to shear J. B. Davis' fleck
of sheep.
A. M. Simpson arrived Saturday night
by the way of the Drain routo to spend
a few days looking over the develop
ments on tbo bay.
School Supt. Bunch is on the bay
visiting the schools. Ho went to Wil
hnch slough yesterday and will visit
Catching slough today.
Mrs. Fred Slaglo and Misa Woodford,
of Coquille City, and MIhs Crlquie, of
North Bend, aro visiting Mrs. Dr. Mc
Cormac for a few days.
Capt. Bob JoncH has hia dredger in
operation again, tho mud being token
away in a scow which has been pre
pared for that purpose,
The scboonsr ChnB. 12. Fnlk was low
id down tho bay, yesterday from tho
railroad wharf, where alio had been
taking on lumbor from tho Coquillo,
The greatest dnngcr from coldaanu grip
Is their resulting In pneumonia. if reaeon-
null UKIOinuivu, inmuim, iiu uiiiwu-
herlain'j Cotiuh remedy taken, nil dan-
cer will bo avoided. Among the teua
cf tbousnndq who have used thin remody
for these disoaEoa wo.havo yet to 1'Mrn
of a bingle case having resulttd in pneu
monia, which shown conclufivoly that it
is a certain preventive of that dangor
ous disease;, It will cure a, cold or nn
attack of the grip In loss time.ttnyn; any
other treatment. It if pleasant and safe
to take. For sale by John Prouos,
When wide nud Ktlp nio prevalent
tln nulrkixl itltd Mirt'At )tuH'illt ttrii III
great domain Mr, .Imcplt I). Wllllauin
I of Melhtff, Vn. snyH that ho was tiurtut
jii very thvii Mtd lading uttnol: of
la grlppu by tiding OIiimuVoiIuIii'h Cough
, Hruuuly utter try'ng tooral othor pre.
paruttoiiH with 110 effect. For salu by
Jobo l'lUUSS,
Ti.'e fighting editor, In company with
Front; Fimhi, ettrtcd nut Into tho
woods Sunday 1 to see what thoy could
set, expecting to bo gouu about n weuk.
W. J. RohortROn, thu architect is
draw lie plans for n now hous) which
will be erected by his brothnr.J. R. Rob.
crtson, ou bit property nt F.orth lloud.
j 8. U. Cathcnrt has beon tppolntcd on 0
I of tho sixteen delegates from Oregon to
l tbo National ticl Roads convention
which meets In St. Louis April iI7 to
May 2,
L. J. Simpson will add another to
his licet of steamboats on tho bay. ,Tho
naw boat will como from ISrny'd II nr
bcjr and will bo used' na n tendor for tho
dredger, and for other towing operations.
J. V. Quick was In yesterday Irom
Ptorco's camp on tho north fork of the
Coqnlllo. This camp is only about four
miles over tho hill from tbo Cutlip
placo on Diniel'b creek, anc n trip to
town aud roturn can bo tuado In n day
by a good long-lee'gcd walker like .Mr
Narrow Escape
Charley Dulley, who was acting as
brakeman on the train got n sovero jam
Saturday evening while coupling cars
'ou n log train, by being caught between
the cabooEO and thu end of a log. At
last account ho was getting alongniculy,
and he sent ocrhcre for hisstoroclothoj
yestorday, saying that ho wanted to go
to a dnuco.
Clungc at Coffee Club
Tho Board ot Managers of the Coffee
Club held a bualnesa mooting jejterdny
Mrs. Hansen, who has bad chargoof
tho rooms, handeJ in her resignation,
as she Is not ablo to keep up tho work.
As her placo could not be filled at
once the ladiea will tnko a turn about
attending to thu rooms until n suitable
percon can bo found to take cbnrgo,
Each lady when she takes charge, will
submit samples of her cookfng to tnin
office at lca6t that is tho way wo have
it figured out.
A Great Success
Geo. Bealoroturncd from North slough
where he attended tho opening dance
which was held Saturday night in trio
nrnv hall there, with a glowing account
of tho success of tbo affair and the
hospitality of the people of that cntor
prlBlng nelgborhood.
Tho danco wna attended by people
from all polntH of tho compass, four
gasollno launched coming from different
points on tho bay, besidos a fleet 0! umal
boats, exclusive of tho overland travel,
At supper 207 peoplo woro fed, nnd two'
meals woro served to the visitora. Tho
North Bend String Band furnfahed
music for tho occdEslon, mid thu festivi
ties woro kept up until morning. All
was without expense to the visitora.
The new hall is the finest in thu coun
ty, outsldoof the larger towns. It la
30 by GO foet In slue, and thorn Is a hitch,
on 10 by 30, fitted up with range, cook-1
ing utensils, dlshca etc, Thu construc
tion of thla hall Hpcaku highly for the
cntorprlso and public spirit of tho cot
tiers in that vicinity, nnd they will find
themselves amply repaid for the outlay,
In having such n hall, contrally locnt'jd,
for public meetings of all kinds.
Tho Coos Bay News puhlleheB.fi JIa
patch from tho San Francisco to tlio of
feet (hat tho passengers of the All.'enco
roturned to'tnatcity by rail fromCoBpar.
where tub steamor was beached, '
Struck at Point Gorda and Deacli-
ed at Casper, Fifty Mllos
Word reached hero c etordny that tho
Alllnucohnd Htruckn rouk nt Point (lorda
nnd wno nshoro nt Caspar crook. Tlilttl
information unmn In telcgrnmu from t
Geo. I). Gray Co., owners of tho lioat, I
and from U. II, .Murc'mtiit who wait it
prtpsengpr, -
Point (Jordu Is about 10 mllos below
Capo Mondocluo nnd :t() miles bolow
Humboldt bay. Tho Alliance wits evi
dently hugging tho uhoro to escape it
northerly gale which prevailed nt thu
time. After striking ho evldetilly turned
back to run fur Hnn Fruuclsco, but evi
dently found It best lo coeV thu bench at
Car per, where pnrtlen who aro acquaint
cit with tho ro'tst ear thuru Ih a
There lio rests In
piece of stuid benrh
gootl order, nnd after patching up tho
damngo she will probably proceed
San FrancIfco for pormnucnt repalru.
Tho pascvugora will undoubtedly bo
picked up nnd takon back to tho city by
tmo of the Humboldt steamers.
It Is certainly fortunate that tho out
come of the accident la no worie.
Another boat will bo sent' out In thu
placo of tho damaged steamor.
Notice Is hereby given that my wife,
Jane E. S.eslrem, has lft my bod'uml
board without cause or provocation, nnd
I will not bo responsible for any dubtH
she mny contract.
Notlfi is nlso given that lam willing
to pay the fare on nny steamer for nuy
of my children who tuny wish to return
to Coos Bay.
C. E A. Siehtukeh
Abovo offer guarnntei'd bv.
Hkm:v Skmihtacrcv.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Keep pushing to keep prospering.
Profit follows the good advertliomont.
MIb Edna Lorcnz, of Coquille, la vis.
Ring friends in town.
Wm. Howell ol the Coiulllo. was In
town Inst night.
Iolix Colin, tho commercial traveler
is Interviewing bin customers here.
Mrs. Burt Ilollenbrck, of Coquillo is
visiting friends nnd relatives in town.
R. E, Shlnoof Emplro Oily was In
town on business yesterday.
Capt. A. M. and L. fJ. Simpson wero
in town far a short fine yoitorday.
Roy Garret was in from Myrllo Point
yesterday with beof cnttlo for Henry
E. L. Btssoy wits In town y.ietorday
nnd received 120 hogs from the Coquille,'
for tho Coos Bay creamery pons.
Victor nnd Androw Wlckinnn nro f.x
frig up tho North Star building and will
open a grocery atom thtro nhorlly.
Work won commenced ycslerday oti
ono of tho now house that J. It. R'jb
erteon will build nt Noith Bend.
WANTED A poil Hon ns rook In
camp or riturho by good lady cook. In
quire nt tho Uurllelil, Murehfild,
Tho Arcnta arrived yesterduy nnd
will call from Empire tomorrow moru-
j iu;; after tho urrival of tho irIor.
12. Enosrcn, of South Coos rlvor wnH
in town yastordsy on biteinoss, Mr,
Enegron will go into tlio'chccf.o bunlnes'a,
Robert Maraden, Chita, Georgo((nn,d
Joh. Whlto wont to Empire In Mnredon'a
gneolino launch yesterday,, to moot cud
wolcomo homo their old friend Thoa,
Ilirat. Tho trip waa yary enjoyable
except for M. Giiorgo's ssaskkness.
Ut'o. U Fnrrln will niitko n trip to
Mvttlo I'otnU lodny, niter CO doreu
j t,ilit.kt.Iia vililoh Itu has purchased thuro
tfor the Ilrollor. . ,
, 1. 11
Tlicrn will bo a ball nt North Hand
H.tttirdny night for tho trtnuflt of tbo
hcIiooI. A fruo steniner will run from
hi-rii. This In n worthy cuiuennJ tho
nff.tlr shuuld bo woll pntronUud.
'lhoS.tlum Htnti'nman comos ont with
n tw'only pnge Ktntur edition which in
credit to the Snletn papers nnd also
n tu tho business mini whoso cntor
prltu Is Mioii by thulr liberal uso
of ndvertUIug cpucu. 'lliu Slatusmnti
has pained tho hnll ueutiiry mllontoni,
thu llrst number having boon ItHtiod on
March '.'Int. 1851, nnd It in on tho high
rofttl of rxpnnitoii and protpurity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thou, Hirst nro home
ngnlu niter nil exluiidol vacation trip,
Including n visit to thulr old homo In
Australia. Mr. Hirst htif recovered
' nli lim"h 8',,Cl1 M" l"un " 8ll, I,'rB'
d'C0' nml bolh ,l0 mA M"' llU ""
ll II .1 II. I. II.. , I ..- ..... ..I.. I In
"" "" '-"' " "
i Kwi noino, uwj nro Kvnuv iiun.u'i
with their trip, which has becu the plc
uluol thulr lives.
Coffee Club
Mr. Bear nnd Mrs. Colomap attended
lo tho Coffee Club yesterday. Mrs.
Mnrah nnd Mrs. McOarty will servo tbo
patrons today, nnd clam chowder Is thu
feature of tbo menu. Yesterday's man
agers hnvu the thanks of this office (or n
line lunch last evening. We don't sen
buw people have found out how well
this gang likes somutblug to oat,
They Walk
R. F. Twombly nnd F. C. Kaylor
rtnrtcd overland for Portland yesterday.
They Intended to goon tho Alliance,
but hearing nf her misfortune, they laid
'out Atutirrtu of their otrn for reaching
.their destination, where their prcarnco
wno required ns soon as possible. They
went to Allegany on the Alert, Intend
ing to hoof it over the trail from (hern
to Elklou and on out to Drain. We ato
promised tin account o( their adventurer.
Mr, Knylur hnn been In thu employ
of tho Coast Mam. for thu past f.vn
weeks. Hu Is r.u ambitious young u nil
nnd has a rood start en thu road lo I :
coming a thorough 'printer nnd nows
psptir man.
Special Meeting
All knockprs nro hereby invltod to
attend the last mooting of tho above
nitmml,nrd w ate gtiurnnteed tint no
man with common sense, tlut is alio
mid willing to wujk will coino to dis
turb UN. At thin mcotlng resolutions
will be passed calling upon each poor dis
contented creature to tell ench of tie, all
ho knows, that ho will tell whom ho
has beon, whon and where he was In tho
Asylum, before ho came bote, and if ha
pnld his board bill, or knocker liko, did
he forgot to bo honest? Iu what part of
the world and the dato that ho did his
lnnt i1h))ii work, It win n long tltno ago.
This is to bo our last mooting on earth
as Jaw Smith's Knocker 1.
Wo nro pitied and driplscd by all.
Tboro Is no room in thu now Mnchino
of Industry for the man hni furfiutcd
his inherited till J to American 11 i'.o -price.
Cured by O110 Bottloof Chaiiibcrlaln'u
Cough Remedy.
"iW'l.on I had nn attnek of the grip
hint winter (the htoiuI one) I iietually
curi'il niVM'lf with one bottle of Cham
herhdnV CoinIt Reinedy," Hays Frai.k
W Perry, Editor of tho Enterprise,
chortuville, N. V. "IhU lo the boiiff-t
truth. 1 tit times kopt from coughing
myself to pleccH by taking 11 tenupoon
fill of tula remedy, nnd when the coiigh
Iiil! fpell would coinoou nt night I .would
titkeitdofu nnd It ri'cmnd tbnt in the
brlcfedt interval thu cough would paiH
off nnd I would no to Bleep perfectly frcu
from rough nnd its accompanying paiue.
To say that thu remedy acted no n moct
ngrcoablo Htirprlro Ih putting it very
inildlv. I had no idea tbnt it would or
could knock out tho grip, simply beeaupii
I have tried it.for such n purpose, hut
it did, nt.d It (leems wth tho second nt
tnpk of coughing tho remedy cniiHod it
td not only bo of leau duration, but tho
pftjris wore far loss soVoro, nnd i 'had n6t
uebd' tha, coiitonta of one bottle 'before
Mr, Grin had bid mo adlou." For sale
by Jno'PreiMi,