lPrHHIHMHIIHHS'i7 fsvs,rdMfl .: t -! i - fsvss? . w i w'''''WPp','i'riti"yiTi)ryrtsfwwt- i i v. -1 1 Jlfol T 1 . LAND FRAUD EXPOSE MAY BE AT HAND Throo United Statos Commlshlonors nomovod by Fcdoral Judge Dollliigor Thrco United Htntoa Commissioners In Ctook nml Klamnlh counties, liavu boon removed by oritur of Judun Bellin ger, of tbo United Btnto District Court, nml the rcslgiintlan c( Miss Mnru Waro, United Htnluo Commissioner nt Eugene, has boon received,, Tho removals nro directly luo, It Is stated by Judim IJulln. or, to Investigation Into lituil matters made bypoclsl ngunts of tlm Gunciul Land Oilicn nt Wnolitngton, but hu de clined to statu whether tlio ri'slgrmlliM of MIbh Warn In In connection ultli tlm muno f mitltor. Tlmt tboro Iiavii bton accusations inado ntiatnst them inun if known, nml tbntthtro In n possibility of boiiio of tlio cntcH being brought to tlio Grand Jury, which will assumblo this iiionlh, In nho known, but nn to tlm specific clinrca, Judge- llullingcr rufuied to otnto, no bo tttld bo was bound to tecrocy, Tbu inotl summnrlly removed nro: II. V. Huml, of llcml, Crook coun ty; J. W, Hnmnker, of Hoy, Klamath UDUtily; nod J. O, Huniakar. of Bonanza Klamath county. For u uuinbur of wooks two special agents of tbu Land Ollleo nt Wnthliiglon have been Investigating liiu charges that hnro locn couimon report In rigard to tbo loolni'im with which land matters ImVo been conducted In Oregon. In noma Instances, H In asserted, there bus been found not only proof of lootencss, but of direct violation of law, nml tbo mo of false proofn to sec urn poiiussion of Government Innd. Tlmt theto Investigations bavo result ed In tlm removal of the thrco men, whoso nnmai nro given, in ndmlttod by tbo Fedornl nttthorlllui, but nn other In vestigations nro on foot, thoio in author itydonot believe It would bo nho to (uitbor rxporothu nature of tbo charges at tbu present time. It la understood that it Is uot tbo in tontloii of tbu court to tuako nny inoro appointments In tbo localities whero llio uiun rekldo, partly becauso tbcro nro enough coiiinilstonurs in t':oto co'iutles, and also became- uf tbo lasuoiis of nntb c' tlmt nro md to exist. Vbnl tbu affair Is ono which 'will not bu ended with tbu rotnnval of tbo com inUloners, Is bintuil by thonu in nutlior ity,'wbo, ns hxs been stntod, nro unwlll Ink' to kIvo more information at tbo pros out tluio. FkssaB&SSZ THEDFOB5 TIE GREAT E. wU? W PXjP w jf,.. traiK.1 kmcKniciNE Tlicdford's Dlnck-Drauulit lma nnved doctors' bilU for moro tliiin nisty xenn. For tbo coiunion fam ily nilmonts, Hiich iiH constipnlioir, iiiiligrjUpn, liunl iol(l.i, bowol com l)htluU, cJiillu mid fovcr, biliouo nens, hemlacliea nml other Hko complnintii no othor melioino is ncccaanry. It iiivloratca niul re(j ulatca tlio liver, nuaiatH digestion, btimultitci action of tbo kidnova, purifies tbo blood, imd pureed tbo bowel of foul iiecumuliitious. It , cured liver complniut, indigestion, Hour Hiomacu, dizziness, emus, rliminmtif! duiiir. Hiili'iirlin. Imclc- neho, kidney troubics, countipntion. (liarrha'ii, billousnesis, nilea, bard colds tuul licuducho. Lvery ilruc (rist has 'HiedfonVu Dlack-iJraugut in 2'i cent pachaaea nml in mam moth also for 01.00. Nover newnt u Hiibstilutc. Imht on lmvinr tho original mntlo by tho Chnttasocrjn JIcaic!;:o Corupipiy. I believe Thcdford'j Dlack-Draucht Is the but medicine on earth, if is good for any and tvcrvllilna. I have a family of twelve children, end for i lour years I have L'cpt them on loot I arm neauny wim no aocior but tuacK. urauijnt. A. J. UKttN, lllewara, La. A Single-Tax Experiment (Portland Tulngrnm) Homo bollovorn In tbo "ilnitlo tax" theory, aro carrying It out on a email epale in Boutbeni Alabama, whero n lit. tlo colony haa buen planted on a ilto cnllud Fnlrpolio nluon 1805, It contintod orlnlnnlly of nix fntnllioi, but now num bers About 260 people, who own their own wbnrf, warehouse, bathlng-bouto, froo library of -'000 vofumos, n tolepliono ftystem, utc, No bonded debt In nllow able, etc. No bonded dobt la nllownblo, nnd tlloro In tnonoy in tbo trennury, Tho tract coikIhIn of HOOacrca froutlnu on Mobllo liny, nnd to owned by nn tu aoLlntlou of aliiKlc-tnxcra, who rent tracln uf It for niuoly-nluo yearn to Wit Hum. Tbo tenant cannot own tbu land, but ho can noli hit Icaeebold nnd Im provements. Out of tbo ronlnl tbo as aoclation payn all taxes, nnd dovolui tbo balance to local improvements. An tbo laud bocomea inoro valuable, through Itroator production, renin aru rnla'id. This year somo trnctn rented for tbrto times what they did lastjcar. Noono Isobllecd to pay tbo increased rent; h con ront nnotber tract, or lenvc. The company claltnn not to bavo started tbo colony for profit, but its land has In creared in value tenfold on tbo average. Ilcnta lant year nj;reKated only f SO0, of which t203 went for taxes nnd most of (COO to oupport the school. In coco of nny emergency, like tho bulldlnj of a wharf, tho colony issues certificates of Indebtedness, to bo rodcomed, in this rare, from tho wharf 'a Income; or In a different cata by next year's rentals. Thu whnrfltiKor cta 0 porcenlof ro colpts for his salary, and thu 00 porcent surplus nmountcd Inst yenr to .r00. Thonln, is to exnet rent enough for nil communal or public purporos, nnd the surplus of cnth recoived lor products is of courso the renter', to do with as ho pi oases. Hermann's Chances Thu lloo-up iu tho First Conurestionnl dittrict on tbu first ballot in estimated to bu about us follows: For Acalnst Her- Her tnnnn. mnun. . 7 Uonton ClacL'hmxs Coos Curry Doilne Jnckton Joicpbino Klnuinth I a ki 1,11110 1,'nroln Linn Marion Polk Tillamook WnshiiiRton Yamhill ,1 8 :i H . 4 4 MO I 0 17 12 13 DO ... - r u n Tolnls 70 01 l'robnbly not nil for Hormunr. County Court Proceedings 1NDIOU.NT AND INBANIf. 12 G l'lnnaunn, eupplics for Josh Nelaon if 8 00 Ghna Stmiff, enpplios for Josh Nolson and D Hamrford H 8 Knowlton, supplica nml drup.s for prleonora nnd euud rioa for oflicin'a Joa Ferry, tupplioa for F F "Vlntora Or Whito, cxnm Mra Uortt, inoAiio 1! llondor, J P, cxninininn Mrd Uortt John Hartoll, uunriliiiK Mra Uortt Uopor't of 0 II Fry. Bitporlntendbnt poor fr.nn, adopted nml fo(Uowhis billa Nottlo StephVatoa, foe hoge'i 8 00 32 10 20 00 14 00 n oo ,- 00 4 00 Wm Illch, grocories P K Drano, rnoatn 11 ti Knowlton, drags Z O HtrniiK, supplies N I,oronr, supplies J A Lnrnh & Co, hardware , 0 II Vty, 3 tnot' salary supt to 'March 31, 1003 Tho Htitif ptg and furniehlni; 0240 postal cards and 1000 Jot ter bead nnd 1000 envps. sheriff and Jutlco Fin Hartley, chninman, Her mann road 11 Hermann, jr chalnmnn, Hermann road II llormnnn, nxman, Herman road IT Weekly, vlowcr; Hermann road J 1) llatklow, viewer Hermann road iK F Uavonport, vlowor, Her inanii road (1 II Wilson, chalninan, Kmplro Ilandon road Maik Getty, chalnmcn, Empire-Ilandon road Geo Cook, axoman, Emplro Ilandon road J llastendorff, axeman, Em plro Ilandon road H I) Cathcart, survoying county roads C F McCollutn, repairing bridge It D 3 K U Dean & Co, lumber or Coos City ferry 00 0C0 B 70 0 CO 8 10 MQ 8 CO 8oO 8 50 32 CO 17 DO 100 42 N G Oitrom, 483 ft at I. M, ROD 520 47 W P Fox, sal as tupr It V 0 Hugh I.nwhorn, labor, R D 11 W M I-alrd, I? II Howard, Daniel Miller, John 11 Miller, L Knutz, 11 E Wilcox, Jamcj Uycrs, J Siict, I.co Mast, Chas Heller, W h LairU Ed Lnswcll, Frank Snow, K S Harry, U Museen, Emplro Dandon road 1,1) Smith, viowor, Empiro road Jan Cowan, viowor, Empire- Ilandon road S V and E E Uowo, labor, r d 12 it it rd 12 rd 12 rd 12 rd 12 r d 12 rdl2 r d 12 rd 12 rd 12 rd 12 rd 12 'rd 12 rd 12 rd 12 viewer, ii it i rd 12 rdi2 rdl2 rdlU rdIO rd 10 rd.10 r d'lO r dlO r d 10 rdlil J.l'ortor, W h Laird. J It Uonham, John Maddox, Thomas Tonnieon Mack Tcnnieon, J A Lyons ostnto, lumber r U 10 St, Diepatch towinc lumber r d 10 A IS Dean baul'nR lumber r d 10 J McAdami labor rd 10 Pt.to Petoreon " rd 16 EAQMcAdnniB " Henry Holverton ' Hay Flandera " II O Ilolvcrcon " John Maddox " O Banning maklnc All A Flnudcrs work ns euprr d 10 S McAdams blacksmilhiug r d 10 McAdama it .Simmons black tmlthiuK r d 10 J V Bullock Inborrd 10 Goo Collier G McAdnuia " " Harry Flnudcrs Hny Flnndcrs J W Mulkoy John Wnltcrmlro J I) Uonnott uxa ininin 17 Coq Mill & ;Titg Co lumber r d ttivorton lumber co lumbor r d 21 A E Mattbow l.xbor r d 21 OOtlroKory " " H O Nettloloii " " , L N Oregory ,Glon Collier Wll Willhtns .G.W NYllllnma. J w y, lllnuu (3 1C Lnbar i ii ii ii ii bndjjo ii ii I 28 60 4 00 250 1 50 2'7A) 10 00 0 00 3 50 5 00 7 00 23 00 4 00 3 75 41 40 43 00 4 50 i 11 20 10 20 8 SO U 75 0 00 3 00 200 23 00 0 tO 22 00 CO 20 10 00 10 70 0 CO 10 50 10 85 10 00 21 10 15 00 1C0 00 03 75 ,2 30 12 00 3 00 ' 10 50 20 00 5 00 11 00 12 25 20, CO 2 50 5 30 18 00 20 (X) '20 00 10 (g 22 00 10 00 3i qg 14 00 22 00 22 00 10 20 10 00 :lfl 20 '8 00 13 20 3 15 14 (JO 11 80 i 03 55 13 00 000 5 25 GOO 2 25 . 1 CO G 11) 13 25 2 00 45 00 8 00 22 00 72 00 130 00 20 00 ;co oo 0 00 22 00 17 80 17 80 17 CO 14 00 14 00 4 00 30 80 23 40 53 00 400 8 00 4 00 11 0J 34 05 Joe Collier " ' 21 07 It J Collier " 23 70 J A Itcoao " " 12 62 J y Williams " " 80 06 O O QrcKory " " 87 36 IIONettloton " LN tliegory " " H3 7G' JAKbeso . " O K Lnronr , " " . O W' Williams W I! Williams , ' 40 50 II H Krlbbs material for r d 10 and 21 2 (X) J A Lamb material for r d 11 WM Harris labor rd 22 J 8 Itoot " -' Nelton Smith " " J O Htlllwell ' " A Hmalloy " 8 H Morcy " " G W Witnor " McAdams A. Simmons black smithing r d 22 Loyd Spires labor r d 23 Geo Lainuor " " T O Norrla J C ilrown " " Goo Mullen sal as. supr rd 23 and bridge worh Finley Mast labor r d 23 W W Philips " " Frank Barklow " " J P Bright " 27 John Myers " Luto Myers " '! Eort Myers " " J W Illt ', Geo Kill " " Adam West " Chai Sleek labor r d 27 Geo Illrd " " A J Hadabaunh " R Itadabauch " " A Piorcen " J W Iianellno cedar 'ree P Wiio bUcksmithins J A Lamb & Co nails pwdr ect r d 10 20 65 Z T Thomas dep snpr r d 0 bal due 1002 18 00 C P Barnard cash paid on open-ir-K O It wagon road during snow bbekado 00 70 G A Koblnson supplies for r d 10 4 65 Hhllnn, Lundy & Sons tupplics for r d 23 13 00 Petition for a bridge across Lowellen lane, continued. Ileeicnntion of E N Harry accepted and M C Miller appointed to till vacancy as fupcrviaor of dist 12. Resignation of A I Flnndora accepted and and C H Manning appointed to fill vacancy 3B supervisor ol diet 10. J O Stemlor appointed const bio for J P diet 4. Petition for relocation of portion Bear creek road granted It W Dul lard, J A Ilomblcck and James Morrl ron, vlowcrs nnd S B Cathcart, bit seyoV; to meet April 30, nt Parkersburc C H Morchant rccolvor, lumbor for dist 5 127 20 F P Norton, cash paid for lum bor dist 5 . 07 21 Yalcanized Timber In England. (Scientific American) A considerable amount of interest has btou aroused by tbo nnnouncemont, as tbo result of n proloneod series of ex periments, of n method ol so treating timber as tu eecuro even from soft wocd a largely increased toughnef a nnd hard ness. Tio prccoss ia described as onu of yulcnnlxitij, comparable in somo re spects with Bosscmcr'a process of con verting iron into ateel, nnd is the lusfn tlon of Mr. Powoll, a Liverpool moreli nut. Tho treatment to which tlio timber ia eiibject la, roughly epeaklue, that ol 'saturation at boiling poiut with n solu tion ol sugnr, tbo water belim nftorward evaporated at u high tompornture. The result ia to loave the porea find intor 6ticea of tho wood filled in with solid mattor, nnd tlio timber vulcauizcd, pre served, mid beneoued. Tbo nntnro of inodurntcly eoft.wood, it la claimed, jjfATE AND QIJNERAL NgVS. J A Good Roads Loagno was oreanlr od at Liberty Saturday ovenlng. Tho annual oratorical contest of tho SUto Normal school was hold at Ash land, Or. Saturday. Tho Ladies of tho Salem W. O. T. U. hold formal dedicatory exorcises in their new hall Sunday afternoon. Tho estimated loss by the flro at Dunsmulr, Cal last Sunday morning is S 200,000, insurance about 36 per cent. Threo subordinate officials of the Statu Reform School, of Salem, have sent in their resignations to take em ployment elswhcno. Robert George, of Portland, atjed 21, cnglneor In the Bell logging camp, was killed Saturday while trying to board a moving logging train. Tlio annual championship athletic contest of tho Young Men's Christian Association wirTboIieTdifi the association gymnasium nt Portland next Saturday evening, From c-reful estimates by the faimers In Jackson county, tha acreage to wheat will bo but one-third of what it wan last year In the Rogno river Valley. A new bell costlne $300 and weighing 073 podnds, for thenow Congregational church to be built at Forost Groye, Or., arrived from tne East Sunday. Fred Olson a fisherman, was ran over and killed by a train of the A. & C. R. R. at 0 o'clock Saturday evening near Clifton. Ho had been drinking heavily and it was supposed that bo fell on the track while in that condition and went to sleep. E. Ogle and 8. McCaw, of Redding, Cal., fought a bloody dnel near the Dood mill Monday. McCay used an ex and cut antaganist threo times on the head and face and severed on thnmb. Ogle knocked McCaw down afterwards, when McCaw again grabbed tbo ax and chopped Ogle's bead open. A. B. Kurtz, representing the Union Light A Power Company, Is making arrangements to enter Salem with a fully equipped electric lighting plant and become an activo eotqpetilcr for business with tho Salem Light, Power and Traction Company. It is tho ex pressed intention of Mr. Kurtr. to cut pricea at once, charging CO cents a month for Incandescent lights nnd 13, a month for arc lights., 24 hour aervico. Suffering from heartache becauso on cffalr of love did not run smoothly, Miss Ollio Dunbold aged 10, committed tui- tido last Saturday by swallowing twoJ ouncca of carbolic acid, at Juliet, Idaho. : south to Eureka, or some point in Hum boldt County, giving connection'!) will) the California A Northwestern and other roads that nro already completed in part and operating in Northern Califor nia. The surveys of this now Coast line will begin at once and will be puthed with the utmost speed. t Tho manager of tht right of waybill arrive hero Thnnday and Colonel Drfl- "per, J. O, B. Ounn, Sonntor ronroto and othor prominent stopkholdors of tho company will arrive this wock for tho pnrposo of making a personal In- Bpocllon of tho proposed routo of tho road. It Is known positively that tho South ern Taciflc Company has nothing what ever to do with this now line. It U hinted by, those- who are conversant with railroad matters that cither Jim Hill or the Atchison, Topukait Santa Fo is behind the Oregon & Pacific nnd that this is brt on opening wedgo In tin gaining of a foothold for tho establltll ment of a'rJow Cost line from Portland to San Francleco. Neither has tho Oregon & Pacific anything to do wlqi the Great Central, or the company which has been at work for somo timo past in the buljdlng of a lino from Marsbfie'd to Roesburg. Professional Cards JEt. H. Walter, D. D: S. DENTAL SURGEON AND MEGHAN- ICAL DENTIST. Offico Nasburir BIdg. A. St., Phone. 20 MARSHFIELD. : : OREGON. LINE WILL SURELY BE BUILT Said to be Opening' yedge Coast Road for E. E. Straw, M. D. . 72 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON., bpecial attention xo cuseasefl oi mo r,yu Ear, Nose t.nd Throat.' Glasses fitted. Office in Seupstackcn & Smith building. . , A. G-. Gross. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND fefJRGEQN. Office, Nasbnrg Building. Phono 423 MARSHF1EL. ; t OREGON W. TJ. Douglas, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND U. P. COMMISSIONER. v Front strwt, MantiDelJ, Oregon. S.A. D. Eaton, -LAWYER "Will practice in all courtc. EMPIRE CITY OREGON J. W. Bennett, ATTORNEY AHU COUNSELOR At ORE MARSHFIELD LAW. John F. Hall, . ATTORNEY AT LAY Office in Etdorado block, tront ilrt Manhfield, Orecon. B. St., MARSHFIELD, .OR& """ C F. McKnight. ATTORNEY AT LAW k Office iu the Ijciiue &. Wallet- Buildipe. MARSHFIELD. . T OREGON Dibble & Williams COOS BAY REAL ESTATE Marshfield, 'Oregon I am here advertising buying and selling real ojtate. I will try if you Use your proporty with ' ' J R. Robertson, Room 8, Bennett & Walter Building ' t tfv !: aooo mqo 1100 A Grants PaeB special to the Orecon ian says: A corrospondont of The OrCRonlnn was today Informed by A. C. HoiiRh.cf thla city, attorney lor the Oregon & 7aciflc Railroad, that the now linft,lsjo;iIvely to bo built nnd that tho - ' nnitalrliottnn ulll lipi'in ro mnn "." ftr VVUHIII'Vllt'M ... w... - ... .v ... rangements cun bo CJmpletod for thu iccurlnRol right cfnway. It ia jiu'sed that tliis will rrrmire Eome 00 or 00 days, Mr. Hough has just roturned trom Snn JFraiiciico whore ho ttended n, meoting of the directors and leadiiiR, atockirolders of the Oregon & Pacific ( Railroad Company. Three surveying parties will bo put on tio lino in n fow days, tho first of which will nrrivo by the last of this week. The prpo3o ol those surveying Kaufman & Wegner. Dealers in ' , Real Estate Office over Golden'a Drugstore MARSHFIELD, OREGON, T. Micklewright. i Prnrtiral Watchmnker nnd Jewlnr. All kinds of watches and clocka , elenned nnd repaired on short notice. All work guaranteed 12 months. ' RED CROSS DRUGSTORE Marshfield, : : : Oregon T crows is to make surveys for an exten ts in th a way changed to n toujh nnd Ljou 0 tjl0 jjn0 oxur wimt was nt first ,lmrd aubatnnce, without nrittlone5P,nnd nho reiidoml roinniknblo impervious to iwntur. Hard wood similarly troattd do riven similar benefits. Moreover,, it Ih claimed that tho process tuny ha com pleted ami tluibor turned out ready for use In a few dnys, intended. Originally, It was decided to build tburoral only to Crescent City, Cnl., from hero, but now tho cornpiwy hnfl decided to coustruct the road not &ny to q'Bceit Cltybat alpo'(rom Crescent City north to Coos Bay, rnd . f KIMgALL P I AN o s r PRECIOUS. PERFECT, , PEERLESS, AS TO TONE, TOUCH,' DESIGN, DURABILITY AND VALUE ;; iCIIAS. ftRlSSCN MUSIC COalj ro;0:F Bid?, Marshfield.' za lw, : V -fy