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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1903)
W" rrrJi?vw ya.y?yjft'Maff'i'iW''')'''iiMiLiiiiiiiiiiiwitii 'pg wuwwWffWwWWWt J V 1 1 FV A t' ' .;..,.. -, 7 ; uli it ..,. l I .. ' ' AbbbttCaise Dismissed JUDOE HYDE DECLINES , , TO BIND HIM OVER . On Charjo of Aocault With a Danfj- croiiG Weapon on Wllllarn French, Tho preliminary examination of A. Atibolt mi im'Imiko of nrnault wlili n ilnnuoroitH n unpoti nllecd to havo Ijccii commlttcn upon Win. French nt China camp brhluo an Maroh UHtli, took pinto yesterday afternoon before Justice of tlm Ptmeo W. II. H. Hyde, nml resulted In tlm illicliuritu of tliu defendant. Dnpuly rrmecutiiiK Attorney Farrln handled tint Mnto'n case, netlilcd by Attorney 0. F. MclCnllit. J. W. Hen nott nctcd for llio detente. M ri). Fiaiscl McOlottd took down tlm testimony In aliortlmnd, Wi'ii, French tho tiiiiti hurt, was prer-ont in eoutt, but watt not placed on tint stand, , Tlio witnrrfofi for tlm piorrcullcn woro A. A. Hlmmohi, rcctlon hand, Glhtf. La vino, section foromnn, and Dr. Milieus, tlio Irtttcr'fl tuntlmifriy bolus merely iib to French's Injuries, Tlm nltnt'MCfl for tho defonto woro Lester Htnlth, E. M. Katdtill, trnlnmeii, Chas. (Illlnrt, ouclncor nnd Abbott, the de fendant. I'. I1. Norton, Olirla Eaimuo rn, J. II. Flanagan and C. A. Johnion were nlto placed an tho stand to testify to tho good character borno hy the de fendant. Tho ultncascn for tho prosecution nil told tho sumo story nnd told it tory straight. Tho wltnotcesfor thoilifrnio nho told nn tctinlly straight nnd rym inntrical story, Hut tho story of lhi protccution nnd tho story of tho defunso wcro two dlffooent etorlca on vory ee eontial points. All ngre on to tho trnln leaving lUwcr Mill with tlm men aboard, run ning to China oitnp bridgo nnd dump ing tho load of reck, Alio ni to tho 'fact that tho rcctlon men 1 ml I ecu drluUlnk'nnd that tlmy had n bottlo of whlikoy nlong, nnd that French was cotiHiderHhly under tho influence. All agreed that French rnmo nlong on tho running board of tho dongola while '.bolt wna standing nt tho tide nf 'tlio car winding up tho door of tho donuoln with a wrench utcil for thnt purp:io, this wronch being about '4 foet long nnd mndooutof IJjf inch iron. Thoy agreed Hint Frutwh elepped on Abbotl'fl hand and thnt it was probably dono ncridontly. Thou tho stories dltorge. Simmons tniil ho wna on tho intldocf a car, nnd heard a dliturbnnco. Henrd Lvstor Smith sty: 'Don't lift him Abbott. Don't hit him wi'h that wrench." Then ho ennio out and raw tho two men stnndlngon tho ground about a or 4 (eat apart fuclug each oth'ir near the end of tho car, ,Tlin ground horo waa about I'd feet below tho top ol tho ties. Abbott had tho wrench in bin bands. French had nothing iu his limulH, which wna hanging at hla oUo.n Witness etorlcd along and laid to Abbott: "Don't hit him jl will takocato of him." When liu win nbout 4 feot from Fronch. romtng up behind him, Abbott swung tho wrench and rlruck, knock JiiB him over thq eldo of tin' dump, Nothing hud been raid and no demon rtratlons mado nf'cr twItttoAH cAinn In Bight. Tho ni'.'ii had not moved out ol their tracks, ljoard French aty, be forohoi50t off tho wr: "I will liueli yiu h tw to railroad T havj rallronded before I over eaw you," French wan pretty drunk. Chas. Ivvluo, Bcction forcnum wna tho next wilnc83. Thoy woro winding up tho doom of tho don;ola when Fronch'd foot nllppeil nnd ho stopped ott Abbolt'a liiuul 'Abbott told him to uct Off, and wituuoa also told French ;to et off ttud to Rot off tho car. lfrenoh tjot off at tho end o! the car and fell ni ho .got.ofj,, t.hou aWHo.d iltnHjlup ntyl stood thojo, having moved, about ,twi? stops toward Abbott In geflnQ up.. Ab bott must have gono toward him about ton feet, ltoth wore Handing on tho ground, nnd wltnoia wna standing on tho ruuniiiK board (lvo or six foot away nnd over them. Could aoo their linndn. French inn do no demonstration nnd hht handn woro at hla nldo when Abbott atruck him. Tetter Smith waa not on tho hftino ear, but wna on tho next car when tho tronblo occurred. 'Thin Mltnean waa rrcnlled Inter nnd teatllled to n conve'rHatlon with Abbott on tho following Mpndnv, when Abbott told him to rond French's tlmo into tho odl co whilo ho wna laid up and he, Ab- bott, Would fix it in tho r.fllco. Doctor Mlngns, who attended French, told of hla Irjiirlon, which coneloted of u punctured wound on tho check and a fracture of ll.o chock bono. Tho In- juried, will cauiu a permanent deformity nnd pcrhnpa impairment of tho move iniiiit of tho low or jaw. DIow in net hnyo been a hntd one, aa tho cheek bono la yeiy hard and requires n couuldurn. Iile blow to fracture. Tho patient waa In a atnto of ectnl courclonmoia when Doctor rtrched him, nnd this may have been partly duo to liquor. I.cater Hmlth wna the ilrat witness for tho dofenao. French wne ory much in tho wny; woh wild nnd running nround over tho enra, Ilocamoover tho tdfio of tho enr and (stepped on Abbolta aoro hand Abbott told blip to net off, French got o'i tho car nnd camo tip to Abbott, calling htai vile rinmca, and, kept rnnk ln; domonstrntiona. Abbott told him to krnp off or ho would hit him with the wrench. Abbott wna atandini; on tho end of tho tloa. Had been fastening tlio latch. Wilnoaa wna on tho inihto of tho car with I.nvihe and could ico both French nnd Abbott. Frncli cams up to Abbott, tunning domonatrationi m thouch ho would pull Abbott do vn, nnd Abbott etruek him with tho wrench held In both hamlr. French had culled Abbott vile unmcp, to whiih Abbott.hnd made no roply. Fronch could have cot out of the way of tho blow if ho had wanted to. French clcod on tho ground nbout thrco nnd onc-hnlf fret lower than Abbott, who stood on tho end of tho lies. WitucfB was pohllivo thnt he did not toll Abbott not to hit Vrench with tho prencb) After tho blow wns ttrttck, nnd Fronch foil, wltneiu raid to Abdolt: "You hit him too hard. Hurt." Ab bott replied: "What nui I RolniMo do; 1 told him to keep nway." H. W. ICatkcll took tho stand. He was on tho opposite side of tho dongola when tho trottblo occurred and did not ten it, but heard what was ertid. Heard Abbott tell French to cct eff Ida hand, .mid Ficnch cnll Abbott vile names, Henrd Abbott toll Fronch to keep away. Walked nround between tho cars. Fronch wna lying where ho hod fnllen over tho eldo of the dump nnd nbout opposite the middlo of the car. Ho waa nbout opposite whoro Abbott would bo standing to wind up tho door of the dongola, Chas.nin.ett: Wna running thocn gitto, Saw what occurred but could not henr whet waa cnld, Haw Fronch cct off tho car and enmo up to Abbott whoro tho latter wnn closing, tkb door of tho doiifihlrt, French had hla hands up, Abbott hit him with tho wronch. Abbott was a peaceable uinn to work with. A hbott wns placed on the stand. Ho wna ptillltiK down tho wrench, wind lug up tho door of tho dongola, when French Etepped on hla hand, Told him to not off, but French told him to got hie hand out of there. Lester Smith pulled him off. French went to end of car and got down. Canto t witness?, eaying: "I'll fix you." Witnoea struck him with tho wrench. Witness had had no hard fcolings toward Ficnch. On crosc-osaminnt'rn Mr. Abbott gavo hiu own weight at 1S5, poundc Said ho did not think that ho could hnvo hand led French, with hie eoro hand, hnd had no way of Retting nvfay from him, Tho ondaof tho tloa wero too Bhctt to walk along without holding onto tho car. Abbott wus rocnllcd, Intor, and told of hla convereatlou with Lavlno on tho y Ji fill , . I f . ( followind Mondav. corroborating Laviue. bid it to pressrvD good fooling and not) to avoid prosecution, Tho material point of diffcronco be tween tho stories pf tho prosecution and defenao wna as to whether Abbott camo to French or French camo to Abbott after tho later got off tho car j nnd na to whuthor French made any dcnionitrn- ll nn of attack, At tho conclusion of tho testimony tho nltornoya ccrnrncnced their urgu montir. An ndjornment wits tnlcori until 7 o'clock and (ho caco toramlnatcd about HifiO in tho discharge of tho de fendant. (JTA1B AN!) GENERAL NEWS. J Thomas Guinonn of Portland, was fitted t& Thtirrday for laying a without a permit. Tho funeral of tho into Win. It. Dun bar, Itcglatorof tho United States Land Ofllce at Vancouvor, Wnah., took placo Thunday at Hnlom. Hlx car loads of be of steora from Onta rio pnaecd tirouub',LaGrnnd, Or',Tburi day for tho Portland matkat. Hy tho canto of a flro at Ashland, Or., last Thursday, revoral smell department nlorns woro gutted, with tho lojo of fUO, tmnll insurance. Orders heve been rccolvod at Astoria tor tho lljihthouto tender Maneanlta to fit out for n cruito in Alaskan waters. Hho will bo roady na coon as tho repairs to her bollor aro completed, which will bo in' about two weeks. Thocaio of Stnto vs. Jntnos Aiken, who Is now for tho third time on triul for Ills life, nccniod of killing a China man at Hek-lgh on Doc. .1, 1U01, coin tntfLced Monday at Uillsboro. Tho rchooldlrcctora of Tillamook bayo nrrnpt".! tho bid of S. A. Drodhetyl, for 5,dl), fur tho construction ol a now two ttory, oipht room school buildincnk that placo. Tho bids call for tho building to completed by Sept. 1st. Fcrgcaon and Houston, of Astoria, havo received tho contract for creating n now factory for tho American Can Co., Tlinnntrnnt lirlnt la lll.w 000, nnd fiva tnnnthi Isthotltno rjqulrcd to cotnpleta tho work. Tho prospect for a hrpo yield of fruit of nil kinds wna never more fnvornblo thnti in Linn cottuty at tho yrosent time. H, K Huntington, tho railway mng- nnte, will found n model town nunr Loa Anceloe. Cal., toontor tho felt mnkiug business. Paulino Silk tho La Grnndo irl who threatened to commit suicldo It st week lecnuso hor sister punished her, is with ( riends at Island City Or. Brlgadtor.Gcneral M E. Footo brought homo from thp Phllllpplnos a loving cup of carved rilver, , presented hy hla old regiment, tho Twenty.flfth lufaut- ry. JohnMltytor, a hotel proprlolor of Vancouver, was froztn to death on the trail botween IClondido nnd Ivoyukuk, less than twb miles from enmp laat Sat urdny. A session of tho Grand Lodgo of tho Ancient "Ordoi of United Workmou will begin at Olympia Wcdueadny.' Spokano post ofilco receipto show n gain of 25 percent, over tho corrjtpond ing qunrtor last year. Tho printing of thn Oregon eeBslo luws of 10(Kt lma ben complctid, nnd tho publication is now coming ft om tho bludory. Fovewl poDplo h:.vo died ut Hakor City, in tho last fow months, of lump Jaw, which in cattEod by eMInir iho tfosb of cnttlo afltiutod with tlm disease. Thero ie no euro for tho mulnily, and tho pntont dies no in a cue of niu liguunt cancer. . l'lititlo Stilrltod CI (lion. SprliiKflohl, Mass., cclobt-atcd her Kbldon Jubljoo by pi-ovUllug fot" n pail; nlouj; hot- rtfer front, $101,201.25 beitifi raised hy popular subociiptlott to pur chiiBd ,ttK 'land. Happy Sprlujiflold, iwItMuch public spirited, fcltlzeuBljYlso Sprliigflold to invest la.-benuty. for her pc6ilol ilM-M. u '.-. . r- T- MoreRailroadBuilding SANTA FE COMING UP THE COAST Stlmulated'by Jlrri Hill's Aggressive Plans for a Coast Road ' ' The Lob Angoleo Tlmna recently pnb liahcd tho (ollovInf( press dispatch from San Frnnclcco: Capt. A. II. 1'ayson, aifliilant prcsldontof tho fianta Fo, nnd W. A. Blecoll, nsalbtant traffic manager of tho oamo lino, bayo roturned from Kurcka, whero thoy wont rovornl days ago to inaurato tho work of building a rottthern extousion of tlio Santa Fo'a recently acquired Humboldt county ruilroad properties. They havo given out tho information that tlio work of buUdlug tho projected now coaBt line, to cauncct this city with Dureka is to bo hurried along as expeditiously na possible, and that a contract for tho construction of tho first ten miles will be let immediately KOnTlinW COAbT ItUI.IIOAD ACTlViTr (Editoral in San Frnnciico Chronicle) Santa Fc Railroad ollklala make no further effort to conceal their plans in tho northern coast counties. Matters have reached a ttaco in that taction whero concealmont is no longer possible and nothing is gained by a resort to ijcnial. Thcso officials aro admitting tho Santa Fo's ownership ot tho Kurcka and Hoi Klvcr Kiilroad, nrul tho short' lumber lines leading from tho heart of tho redwood belt to tho various landings on tho coast botween San Francisco and Humboldt bay. Tho only point In tho only ?oint In tho compdny'a projected operations In tho northern coast coun ties not fully explained ia tho route to ho followed through Marin county to reach tho bay ehoro. Tho California Northwestern Is reportod to havo been acquired by tbo Southern Pacific, mid tho Santa Fo is reported to be dickering for tho North Shore Kailror.d. Tho 'attcr may, however, bo nothing more than a blind, aud tlio truo purpose of tho company may bo to rench Point j Richmond nnd tho main truuk of tbo ( Sonta Ko system by tho shortest nndJBuuolIn fciank9 for inuei oireci rouio, nninu) , ur crett:uiK tho Narrows from San Pedro point to San Pablo point on nn elevation high onottxli above tido wator to allow ehina witlitho loltic&t spars to pass under tteath without dropping their topmasts. Tho primary purpose of tho ccast line ot tho Santa Fo is to get tho lumber of the redwood bolt Into tho Eastortt market, where thero ia uullmittd domain! for 'it. It has been flgnrod that tho belt, within easy roach ol tho surveyed road, will furnish at least lo,C00 carlor.da of lum ber annually for tho nest hundred yeora . J, . . ., . ,. N which moans profitablo business from otart. A contract for .tho llrat ten-mile extension eouthwardo! tho Eureka nnd Eol River Railroad will bo let at once. Tho activity of tho Stntu Fo In tho northorn coast counttei ia doubtless stimulated, also by tho nggrcjslvo plans which J. J. Hill of tho Great .Northorn is preparing to put into effect thotc. Dospito tho denials to tho contrary, and tho nsertiona that tho surveys nindo iu Sonoma county under tita financial agency of J. M , Deck aro inton ded for nu electrio railroad to Ulovordalo, tho "Chronlclo" has good roaqona for neoert lng tijat Beck ia Hill'd roprosontativo horo. nndlliat tho Great Northorn mac nato'o plansfor tlio conatrucfion '6l au catenslonofhls a'yitsm f rpm Portland,, Or,, to tlio north shore of San Franc! 1. co bay aro all well matured. Tho lino has boon surveyed the wholo way. It will pass through Coos Hay, Crescent City and Kurcka, Humboldt county, on what is caid to bo'the coaiost grade ever adopted by a railroad, Tho ronte, falhormore'psasofl through a well settled and produotivo countr near the coast, not now tapped by any railroad, and tho rond is to be built as rapidly as men and material can l.c put on fhclino of sur vey. Hill t in a hurry to reach Sin Francisco to competo for its growing commerce, Thus, tho northern coast counties will toon bo tho eceno of great, rivalry In toad construction between two, nnd posslbjy botwosn three, of the (rreat transcontinental aycte.nj. County CcurrProccedlngs r.spensesin vacation after January, l&Oi term, Indigents f Telephone, etc. Salaries Scalps s Regular April, 1003. E Bendor drawing Jury list $ L W Trover, assistant SC2 03 '10 23 015 01 12 00 3 00 II-C0 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 0J A II Denier E G Uoldon, drawing jury list J 8 Lawrence, assisting W Rich, assisting A D Morse feos, state vs New- hall & Kelson E M Blax-kerby con;, fees and cxponsos Roy Holman, dep't con 5 70 22-00 3C0 C CO 2 lb 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 0 0 A Kelly, acting coroner Al len Urquhnrt inquest Wra RDhn constable G W L'ggctt, juror, M Hay tor, juror jj Coptgy W Kiy " J Chancy " WWillians m" Alex Urqnhart witness Frances Urqnhart witness Arcnio Stewart witness A Cavanagb, clerk of election, Sumner Juno 1C02 3 00, fg S'stlonarj'andPiinting S Gallior, stamps etc, sheriff! ofllce. L H Hazard, stamps, etc. clerks odico L Harlccker stamps etc, jndges office, J B Dulley, stamps etc, Treas urers office Coqnillo Herald, printing eupt ofilco, $11; January court, $C2 00 31 S2 21 25 10 60 '4 oO 43 110 ( (2.50; blanks for aiteecor, fG.oO; blanks and printing clerk, tO. 75; notices, 60; January court proceedings, $32.05 O O Drydon, blanks for clerk, f2; fortrcaB,t2 U A Bonnott, blanks for clerk, $5; for assessor, f 87.50 Uancroft-Whltney Co 2 vol Oregon reports O II Crocker & Co 2500 cash pol tax receipts J S Dillingcr Co blank books and recoipta Glass Prudhomo deed rcc- . ords and blanks Irwin HoJson Co tax ro colpte, 2S),10; carbon and holder nnd warrant bbak treae, $13; 5 m litho rd war rant blanks llnon, t3i). 75; 1 road warrant, record, 15,75 C2 10 4 00 02 60 to 15 00 20 00 20 00 91 00 CENTRAL Corner of Front nttd A streets, J MAKM1F1EL1), OREGON, JDNI1 SNYDER. 5 : ; : : :Proprietcr rEtlilS WBl I.-KNCVVN ANDFAVOtl IL j. HO'l KL 1m lust Ijccii entirely refitted at rt refurnished tluoui'hout nni Is aiinopen tp te piiWio for rxitronAgq. Nuwbeds aDdv$prinB mattresses huve beer nltccd in almost crery slte-nlnc room of th's liuUtcaml neillier trouble nor e.Npsns'i ha: becnii (uircd to put etcryiMiic tn first-class order. TERMS. lloarditnd dgifcg, per Wek $ boat d, p. week,.., 4.C0 wtrtc rC' ... . .,..,.. ,t . 35 Fstand Commodious Pf ' Steamship flCCIljE HARDWICKJ Maxtor;: Mnkoo regular trips between San Frnri cisconnd Portland vin Humboldt -and Coos Bay,Vallfng at ' above porta each , way. 'Hie ALLIANCE ia a firal-clasq pasaon ger boat, add has all tho mod ern conveniences, and facno of tho fnatcst a ten me ro , of her class For freight and passenger rat08 or. Hail ing dates, apply to C.H.'MERCHANT,Agt MARBIIFIELD, ::' : OREGON THE STEAMER ARCATA, Jl. O. XELbOX, Malta. Will Make IZcnlnr 'X'rlpm -BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN .YRATSCISCb -CARRYING- PASSENGERS AND FREiSKT 1 -LOWEST RATES. Oregon Coal & Navigation Co , Proprietor. F.S.DOW, Agent,'. MareHflcld, Oregon S.U. tU. Agent, Empire City, Oregon Flanagan '& 'Bennett Bank ' DIRECTORS : T. R.Shnri- dun, J. W.'Benit'eitPUEVl iiui.jri.Frtiiaguii.V'ICE- PRES.: 11. P. Wniinnts?- CASHIER. Capital, $5Q,000, MASSHTIELD, OREGON Coos Bay Wlolosalo Lliiudr HEADQUARTERS F-OR IliACU GRADE 'LIQUORS V' CHOICE WINES AND PURE BRANDIES. OiADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BCE3 pamilyGrcIo oliciiticj', SOLE AGH21T FOR THE CELE , URATE D &" AINIER BERV' Fitniily 01 tiers for Pop?, pint unf" quiirts.df'livcrcd by thocuse. Robert' Alarsdsii. ,i .jafEazjuaaiEmcararniraKiSd '1 i'GSE WEE 71 U III n c !OJa 3 0 a DEALER IN t&CERlES E RKSU Pi: JUS, VEC5E TA UL13 8 PROVISIONS, flour feed; ETC, Of THE 1JEST Q U(AL1TY. PRlOES REAfipNABLE F It 0 J5 E N ,0 Y H T E it tS u fa a a m a H m H IB m EVERY DAY. : ; M m u J V Street, Mstri'.ul,,, QjcJJ Mali 'iitt i m k ii'bi I .1, Mj 1 i Y -i J' I I'd 53 n rd i '9 .Ik.