Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 04, 1903, Image 8

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Absolutely Pure
From Sunday's Dally.
From Thursday's .Dally.
Thos. Hisrat writes that ha will return
Lome on tbo Areata.
The Areata rill sail from San Fran
ciico Friday noon.
Tho' Shakespearian Club mot at the
homo of F. M. Freidberg last nicht.
II. G. Plocger has accepted a position
ns book keeper at tho C. B. M, fc
L. Co'e mill.
"Capt. 0. E. Edwards vraB one ol dele
thotcn to represent North Coos river
precinct at the county convention.
Ellerby & Manning Bros, received a
let of deep Be fiish Wednesday which
:cro baoujjht in by Geo. Wulff.
i t
Itobt. McDonald left yesterday for the
Loonlako country, tn visit his home
stead and make needed improvements.
Geo. Barrett has taken the Marsh-field-Gardiner
mail route, under o sub
contract for Z)i years, and took charge
Milt Epperson, of the Susarloal neigh
borhood, was fa town to attend the fun
cralol his mice, Mrs. II. S. Eonebreak,
ncdstarts home todsy.
0. Winner has bought an interest in
Tibbetts' Ico Cream Parlors, and will
take charge when Mr. Tlbbetts assumes
management of the Palace Chop House.
Oqaitle Ilsrikl Eleven echoouers
took cargo; of Isaber at our lower river
mills last wetk. The prospects are that
el the cioie of the month the output of
lumber will tir exceed any previous
xroqth recorded.
fi eo. Wasson, one of the old pioneers
o: South slough, .LaB been in town eev-i-rel
. days, making arrangements to
prove his title to a share of the money
Appropriated by the Inst legislature, for
the Jndlan war veterans.
Chas, Twig?, of San Francisco, the
draftsman who aided in the construction
of the Aurelia at Prosper last season,
arrived last week and will perforin like
cervices on the now steamer, which is to
take tbo place ol the D!patch, upon
which work has began, Hcudd.
Coquillo Herald, Tho echooner Ruby
took the largest and tooet valuable cargo
of lumber ever shipped from tho Co
(jyllla. It conskfed of nearly n half
uiilllou foot of fine cedar and dressed
fir aud Ih worth about fll.OOD.OQ.
On Saturday night April 4th there
Vf il be a grat d masquefado at Libby,'
given by tho Libby Brasi Band.- Steam-,
or; will connect with' tha train at the
'j.t Liunkere and all thoso attending are
p wnised a flno time. .Rejnber the date,
Libby dances are generally pleasant
affair's and this one will be one of their
boat efforts.
Great Feed
Ot all the people who have kindly re
membered tbo Coast1 Mail ganir on
thoso happy occasions when thoro was
something gocd to cat going around, wo
linvo mado the longest mark on tho wall
for tho Frosbyterians. Just after wo
wont to press Tuesday night Rev. F. G.
Strango, in tho kindness ot his heart,
came all tho way down to the ofllco,
loaded with good things. Thoro were
sandwiches and cako galore, and thoro
was n half gallon bucket loaded full.by
1 S. Dow" with as delicious ico cream
as a hungry printer over Hopped his lip
over. Thoro wero only three of ns leit
in tho oflkc, but we mado n noblo re
solvo not to let any thing go to waste.
Fortunately, just aa we wero in tho
thick of the battle, reinforcements ar
rived in tho shape of four members of
tho Marehficld Minstrel Co., Messrs
Stauff, Durgan, Pratt, and Schrocdor.
That rqlieved tho situation, nud the
mangled remain; disappeared as if by
' Lifeless Body Found
A telephone messago from the Stand
ard Oil dock, below town, yesterday"
morning brought tho news that n dead
man had decn discovered there. A
great deal of excitement was created and
practically all the loose population along
the Front street started down to view
the remains. Marshall Carter led the
van, accompanied by A. G. Aiken, who
he callod to his assistance.
As the procession moved down Front
street, it first grew rapidly in numbers
and then began to dwindle away, nntil
by tho timo tho long wharf had been
traversed the marshal's body guard had
nearly all deserted him.
When Carter and Aiken reached the
office they wero taken to where tho body
lay, in a largo ico box, turned on its
side and partly filled with sawdust. It
lay face downward, fully dressed and
with bright ilaxen hair pctping out
from under tho tut b.-ici.
Carter and Ail en examined the body,
folt of it, punched ft, moved the arms,
aud fin illy turned it over to see if they
conlJ recognizs the face. When a blank
expanse of white muslin met their view,
where the features ought tu be. Marshal
Carter arose and solemnly announced
that the thing was n dummy.
Probably Agent Dow may bo termed
the father of the dummy man, which
was mado of strong muslin and stuffed
with excelsior, Mr. Dow'a young lady
assistant acted as hairdresser,
' Later in the day, the dummy wao
brought up town and lay in sUto at the
Blanco. Then passers-by were given n
nervous shock by seeing tho figure of a
man faH from the balcony to tho street
Taken altogether, tho thing mado a
lot of sport.
Strikes on Her HearJ Punches a
Hole In the Earth and Is
It is quite probable that something
atartllng will be 1it.:J from over Ta-
coma-way g.-e long. .Seattle comet to
the Iront vith a little ine'dent that will
put Its rival to its best to excelnr even
equal. That tho matter is true theri
can be no dcubt, for Tacoma papcra
printed tho (statement, which li contain
cd In a dispatch from Seattle of Thurs
day, as follows:
"Mies Lou Stormo had a narrow o
cape from succeeding in her attempt at
suicide tliis morning, when she leaped
irora balcony 00 feet to the ground
below. Sho struck squarely on her
head, driving a hole in the ground,, three.
inches d:cp. She was net evert madc
unconscious by tho fall, not a bone wa
broken. .;i She endeavored to porsuad
ojljcera who picked her pp to allow bur
to walk to the hospital"
"From FrldayTTSalTyv
David Morse, ot Empire City was In
town on business yesterday. j
II. Scngstackon mado a business, trip
to Big crock ycstorMay.
F. S. Dow and family nre moving into
J. M. Dolan'a homo in South Mnrjlt-
Tho Woodmen tiro making prepara
tions to observo Decoration Day in con
junction with tho G. A. R. .
Jos. Wasson nnd J. P. Farley brought
up n largo raft from Cowan's camp oh
South slough yesterday, for tho C. B, M.
& L. Co.
Win, Bremer, was in town from Allo
gany yestorday with n badly ulcomted
tooth, which ho had nttoudad to by
Dt. Prentls.
John Eulund was in town yesterday,
buying supplies (or fho dance which
takes plnco at tho new hall on North
Slough tomorrow night.
Captain nnd Mrs! A. D. Boone, ot
bumncr, camo down yesterday to sco
their daughter, Mrs, Wm. Kardcll, who
has been hick for several days.
L. M. Noblo is building a platform at
bis property at tho end of tho Fourth
street bridge, widening the bridge1 to tho
lino ot his lot.
L. J. Simpson arrived home yoMerday
from hfa trip to Portland and outsido
points, lio returns in good health and
spirits and ready to push North Bend
development for all that's out.
Fred Barkor, of the Ccquillo, was
oporated upon yesterday for appendicitis
by Dr. Iiorefall, assisted by Drs, Straw
and Gross. The operation was entirely
successful and no troublo is anticipat
ed. r
Tho A. N. W. Club was most royally
entertained at tho home ot Mrs. L. R.
Robertson in South MarihQeld. Tun
club will meet next week at tho home
ot Mrs. C. W. Paterson.
The Coast Mail, forco acknowledges,
with many thanks, tho receipt from tho
Coffee Club last evening df a delicious
lunch of cako, doughnuts, pie and coffee.
Truly, the way to a man's heart is
through his stomach and no one around
this oflico is abovo tbo weaknesses o!
mankind. We surrender to tho Coffoo
Club. If thoy servo such lunches as
thii, it is no wonder that tho patronago
is more than meeting expectation.
Card of Thanks
II. S. Bonebrako and Mrs- Mclvina
Newland wish to publicly express their
thanks to thoso friends who displayed
so much kindness and sympathy on, tho
occasion of the, burial ot their beloved
wife and daughter Mrs, Ida Bonebrako.
W A Crane Seriously III
A telegram received by M. D, Sum.
ner Wednesday evening, dated at As
toria say that W , A. Crano tho temper
ance evangelist is seriously ill with
nervous prostration caused by over
work, tho messago is signed by Mrj.
M. E, Paterson, 'nurso,
Mr. Crane wao engaged in tho same
work at A6toria which ho carried to a'
successful vconclusiop here, and undoubt
edly worked too hn'rd. Tho Mail is in
rccolptof a letter from him dated March
30th, when ho scorns to have been feel'
ing all right.
The many friends he made hero1 till
hope for his epeody rpcovory,
The Orosoh Prisoners' Aid Socioty is
the nemo ot . an organization offectcd
Monday nt tne Portland Hotel, Its ob
ject is to aeaist ex-convicts- to secure
employment; and to render thorn what
ever other aid deemed' incexsary in
ordor to Indues tbem to lead Uwnbld
tug livos.
Tito fallowing phlccn were elected.
Dr, E. P Hllhprostdent; Dea Boll tug
vlce-preildont Mrs. B, II. Trumbull,
secretary; Rodney L. Qllsan, treasurer;
Y, M. Strong, legal' counsel. The
board ot directors la made up an fal
lows: J. 1), Shea, Salem; Dr. E. A,
Uockoy, B, S. Paguo, Dr. Btophon S.
Wire, Mrs, 0. R. Wade, Pondloton; R.
G. Hendricks, Judge Alfred F. Soars Jr.
Dr. A. 0. Smith, R, F. Mulkvy, ol
Ashland; William Wadhama.
The originator ot tho now society Is
tho Rev. E. W, St Plorro, formerly pas
tor ot St John's Presbyterian Church ot
this city. At profont ho is chaplain ot
tho penitentiary, reform school und
Ohomawn IudianUrnlning school. It lo
bolinved that similar societies will be
formed in other atatco ot the North
From Saturday's Dally.
Rev. F. G. Strango mado a lilif visit
to Empire City yosttrday.
J. II. Thrush ot Ilaynes slough was
a business visitor In town yesterday.
Mrs. L, II. Hazard, ot Coquillo City is
visiting friends in town.
P. L. Pholan left yosterdoy n. m, for
a trip to Myrtlo Point.
Tho littlo child of Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Bldillion of Bsndon is reported seriously
Marshal John W. Carter vlaitod Co
quillo on n mission of humanity yes
terday. Bandon Recorder Tho Socialists ot
Bandon met Inst Sunday afternoon and
selected M, Bromer and Dr. W. Haydon
as dolegatos to the district convention at
Salem on Friday April Hrd. Ropreiont
atioa will bo had at Salom by proxy.
Peter Mickelbrlnk, Newell Price, Col
Bridges and Geo. Noah ot Allegany
wero in town yesterday on business.
They report farming vory backward and
feed scarce. Grass is making a very
poor start.
II. N. Black of Catching dough, who
was in town yesterday, reportsthat
excellent progress is being mado in
tho construction of the farmers' tele
phone lino which will connect Sumner
and tho places along tho slough with
John Barker, of Fairviow, was In town
yesterday, to see his son, Fred Barker,
on whom an operation for appendicitis
was pcrlcrtned Thursday, Tho young
man's coudition was entirely tratistactory
at last report.
Tho County Court yesterday rccolved
tho potttton for raising tho span of tho
4th street bridgo ncrosa tho slough, and
instructed Road Supervisor Norton to
havo tho samo ri.ieed two feot higher
than Its present level.
Rov. B. F, l'eck on Thursday ovon
ing closed the sesie of meetings which
ho has beon conducting at Allegany,
Much interest was takon in thoso meet
iii'in and vonil nsnltfl nru confidently
expected. Mr. Peck epeaks in ctrong
commendation l tho excellent ordor
maintained at his meetings, and tho1
good bohnvfor -ot the Allegany young '
Tho editor ot this paper wants a littlo
pig with a dout lo ring in his tail. Wo
will bo vcry'g la d to take pork on ,'eub
Fcrlption, snd vo will bo very grateful if
eomo subscribe r who is a littlo in arrears
wiill bring us a littlo pig ana wo will
put him in a L'ittlo pon and feed him
according to hi adze wo mean tho pie,
hot thoflubficrioBr. PortOrford Tribune.'
Bandon RecordorWhilo loading rock
on ajco)f nt the qnarry ono dropped
front tho Hjg onto.S-tuo ecow5vlth a
for?o that canii id it through tho'uppcr J
dock and dnmaijod florae fdlir plf.nksou
tho bottom , Tint Ifcdwiud wjth water ,
sank nnd ctrunned, littering the rock on
deck Into tha river, then floated to tho
uirUco, ItVas towed down Monday
aud bench ihI on tho mudllat (or ropairs,
Bandnn Iloroular Andrew V, Wake
man, who has served nlmoht thruo years
In tho Iil(eSnvlng service bote, Kit lor
his homo at Eiuplro, yrsturday morn
lug hnvng rcsiguod his poviuoit in tho
service Andrew carrier, away tint timid
wishes of many friends,
Methodist Church
Sunday Bcliool at 10 o'clock, prr.vcli
lug nijll, Epworth I.onguo nt 7:!10 p .in.
preaching at 8. All cordially Invited,
Pre.ferinn Church
Sabbath school at 10 a. in,, commute
Ion scrvlcont It a, in., with short ser
mon, Tho 0. E. mooting nt 7 p. tn,
Evening worship ntS p. m. Subject of
sotuiou, ''ThoSurrcnderid Lifo."
Baptist Church
Sunday School at 10, n. m, Preaching
urvlco at 11 a, tn. Topic, "Com pulinry
Cross Bearing," Math. 27:S'J, Him thny
ompellod to bato tho cross. B. Y, P. U.
it 7 p, m. Evening service at 8. p. in.
Topic, "ChrlsUauMnnllncss" lCor.lO:i:t
Quit you liko men.
meotiug nt 8 p. tn.
Thursday' prayer
Another Big Watch Company
1 ho South Hond Watch Company of
South Bend, Iud., recently started in
motiott tho mnchluory in tho splendidly
equipped now watch factory which has
been erected at South Rend. Tho capac
ity ot the plant will permit tho employ
ing ot 100 expert watch-makers and the
manufacturing of 1200 watches por day.,.
Tho South Bend watch Co Is strongly
organized nnd well ofllcercd with Clem
ent Studebskor, Jr. (ot tho Htudebakor
Bros. Mfg Co.) ns president Hon. M. V.
Bnlgcr (President of tho Mishawaka
Woolen Mfii, Co.) as vlco proildrnt;
Irving A. Sibley as treasurer; and E. A
Bozxott, genoral manager,
Coquille Saw Mill
(Ccquillo Bulletin)
We understand that arrangemonts
havo been comrluted for the rrc-cllon of
a largo sawmill near tho old townslto of
Randolph, on tho lower rlvor. Ihe
luporintendotit arrived this wed: nnd
proceeded to the scene of opetntloiu.
It is supposed to bo eastern, or Michi
gan capital that is interested nnd that
thoy aro cut to tho Chadwick tract of
timber. If so, this will certainly be n
vory important institution. Thu Chad
wick tract ia ono of tho flneit and larg
est bodies of timber in ono buuch on
tho coast.
Another Good Man Gone Wrong
And now wo understand that City
Attorney and Deputy District Prose
cuting Attornoy !', L. C. Farrln lino
joined tho ranks ot thoso who cuss tho
Coast Mam-. Bocaueo why: ha, wont
and wroto out a groat long legtil docu
ment in tho highest style of chirography
and thou ho seized ono ot thoeo eaten
dors, printed on wlilto cover paper, uhlcli
wo sent out for our subscribe to hang
I " wnl1' d th"m ll onto
. ffiali mnniiinvliii iimln !.. I..4 I
IT . ' " '"MTurwon
that it was n blotter, with tha result
that he had to write it all over ngain.
It is said that hlo innguago was moro
copious than anything else.
Coming on Areata
San Francisco, March 1 Passong-
ors coming on steamer Areata for Marsh
flold at noon. T Hirst and wife, II Me
Pherson aud wlfo, G, Hardon, P Emmoll,
Miss Lowollon, Mm Martin, F Ilnguo, I)
Ofmerou, 0 Hoffman, E Bogy, Mru
Snoath nnd child, May .Clark, Mrs
Bright on) two chjldron, tir, ' Wlilto,
John Oohn, A Watorman, It Kelly,
twelve In ttcorago.
Bomo ppoplo'HHtreitRth U drawn from
othurrt' wcalmoHH.
Tho "croam of Hocloty" too often
chuncoH to hu mura froth.
Man hurt n ncpimttu pair of glanscH
for ovory-noquulntunco of Ida llfo.
Thoro itro two or moro uMbn to ovory
liiioNtlon, liul lotu of people only got u
cornoi' vlow.
Never roinliul u iniiti of n dobt. Ho
In pretty tuiro to rvimunbur It your
lubt, that lM.
If "fileiKlHltlp Im n ipiontton of tin
MtXM.ru," tlu'io In littlo doubt nbotit lovo
loIn umttor of "crumdngH."
I'nto ntiiit posinoHH it hroml linclc In
ilued, oi'U would iiovor bo nliUt t
ftUotildor all tho btirduua that uru thriiHt
upon liv
Do not think that bocntiNo you havo
done n kind net ortco Its your llfo tho
public owoii you mi cvorhiHtlng debt of
grntlttiilo.-NollloC.Uilliiioro In LcdgoV
Ida Ni'wlaml wits born in Rnnomnr
county Cat., Marclt 17, IR70. When n
child sho cntne to Coos county with liVr
mothor, Mrs. Molvlna Nowlnnd, lit lbfll.
They rotlled on Middle creek, a .tribu-
, titry ot tho CoinlHe, on a plnco not far
from tho Coon Bay wagon road.
Ijttor, Miss Ncwland stayed nt dlffur
ont Vlacos on the Bay, uml In D.icimbor
IS, 183t), khe was tiultud in tuairlngo
itli H. S. Ronohrnko, at thu realdauce
ot Mr. aud Mrs I). F. Ross, on Ross
Mouuh. Sliico thou Mr. and
Mrs, Ronobrako havu resided in
Mnnhllold, whero Mr,, Bono
brake has been? ia business (or
many yearn. Three children wero born
of this union, two boys and a girl, ono o
whom, a boy five yeara old, i living.
Mrs. Bonubreak's health had been (all
lug and tho had been under the doutor'n
tare for about a year nnd n half. On
Feb. 21. sho started with her hntband
,.0Jlll.nii ,v10ro eho entered a
hospital. Two operations wore por-
for mod, (torn tho effects of which ehu
was recovering nicely, nnd nt tho end of
13th day hho was feeling bettor than
lor several years Thon the first fiymp
toiiu ot pneumonia mado their appear
ance end in spite ot every iff art ot thu
physicians tho discato tun its course to
n fatal termination on March i'l. Tho
J Imreaved hujbiunl brought tho remains
homo on thoAlllairo, ntid thoy wero
laid to rest in thu Coos rlvor cimotory
by thoRu of two chlldron
who had go no boforo. Mrs.
Bouebrnko was a member of thoMuthod
1st church nnd had a largo circle nt
(rlonds to mourn her untimely doath'
and aymathUo with tho bereaved moth
er, husband and littlo boy.
SELEN-WITIOK In Marshfittld March
2H, 1003, John Juatlu Solon aud Mils
Irma Witlck, Rov. B. V. Jlongtson ol
flclaling. Tho wedding was n quiet one in tho
presence ot n tow near friends. Tho
happy pair will reside -at North Bond,
tho groom bolng engaged in tho rafting
NORDSTROM-In South Martdiflcld,
March 30, 1001, to tho wife ot Chas,
Nordstrom, a sou,
STOOPS-in South Marshfluld, March
27, IWi, to tha wife ot Oscar Stoops,
DAVIS-At North Coos Rlvor, Monday
March .'10, 1003, to tho wife of J. B.
Davis a son,
YjOAKAM On Coon rlvor Sunday
March 20, HK)3, tothowifoof Joeoph
Yoakam, a eon.
YOAKAM On Coos rlvor, Or., March
20, 1003, Henrietta Lnura, wife of
Joseph II, Yoakam, aged 38 years, 10
months and 20 Jays.
Tho funoral will tako place nt tho
Coos rlvor cemetery at 1 jv rn, todayi"
Key, J- B. Crooks ofllcioting, 'Shot
Btoamo' Cooa river lo'avoa Marahnoldnt
li n. in.