n ert.i'''- '.w-swj; -- -i- 7 ifisgzfiT ;?! , a w m ( v . w V V. I , jJV t.V. i." W.j4. , r n S VII i.tf4-JK V I V' r TWlwimT,i&W -- i JZXT) LOCAL From 3undayc Dally. r Ivy Gondron v at buying seed In town yesterday. C. E.A. Sclslrccm, of Tonmllc, wat in toVn yesterday on business. ' Z T. Thorn ar, nnd H. J. Blako, of Alloginy woro Marthflcld visitors today. The Alliance was barbound at Aalotla yesterday, but was to try to get cut thtc morning. Mr. Lewis nn experienced woikman in upholstaring-hss accepted a position with 0. A. John .oo. J. R. Uobcitton will leave ll is' even ing to meet his v:fo and brother wlo aro expected to nnivc over thu Drain rojt). i Frank Elic't waB in town Saturday nnd too': a new' separator home. 11 u will increase his herd of milkers iwon and pay strict nttention to dab-ring. Dotarlures bv Areata March in i Antonio, 1 Burni-, Mies Mocy, Alice Mary, J Cerdertn, Mrs Rirdetta, thicc Children, R Wilsuii, V G'.fford. A new (foxkoy engine received on tl.o Allisnca fur H. .SEgstcckcu'a camp on Pony sloush has been loaded upon the ecow "SklraiMttr," and will bo taken to the camp in a few days. Cl&xton k Faraday, tho Marthfield thotcgraphcrs, will oren a gallery in Myrtle Foinl.Tcfiday, April 7th. Atter the T:h their datc.1 at thnt place will bo on Taesdayg of each wet-k. (i'co. Ilughea returned Friday from n trip to the interior, advertising and in troducing his corn medicine. Ho went as far Kmune, and eays tho furiUcr he got from Cooa Biy the poorer he found the ciuutry. Kisrlnz without a cprtifl'ate of health from a physician will bn unlawful in Minnesota if a bill now beforo the State Legislature btcemes n law. Be fore a man may kiss he muit show hat he has no contagious disease. Wo ate intormed that tho ploamer Acino will commence making roznlar trips here again about April let. The intention is that tho steamer, tin addi tion to carrying lumber, will tow schoon ers between tho Sinslaw and Sen Fran cisco during the coming summer. West. Z. D, Brown, and J. If. Koltes and .family took a tiip to tho new North Rend by gasoline boat yesterday and invited Mbs licamie, Maud and Ralph Cflko to accompany them, They had a very pleasant trip and oil wcrs loud in their praise of tho new town and im provements. DANGER OF COLDS AND GRIP Tho greatest daugcr from coldBonU grip Is their resulting in pneumoniB.if reason nblc care i used, honevcr, and Cham berlain's Couch remedy taken, nil dan ger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn M atdngle case having lesufttd iu pneu monia, which shows conclusively that it 1b a certain preventive of that danger .oub dleeuto, It will cure a cold or an uttackof the grip in lets time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and Eafe to take. For sale by Jahn Freuse. DEMOCRAT COMMITTEE ELECTS DELEGATES The Democratic County Central Com mitteo met Friday at 10 a. n, in A. J Sherwood's office iu Coquillo City, those preaent being President A. J, Sherwood, Secretary J, T. Hall and Commptteemen ,0. J, Dowoand J, D, Foster. The meet ing was held in view of the coniinu special olectipn to name a successor lor the late Congressman T. II. Tongue. In flow of tho limited time beforo the Meeting of tiio state convention on April iitU, a5d id .iciordiwij iltli Uiruc- JT'-'-'VV lions from theStftto Contra) Committee, it wan decided not to I otd a county con vention. Tho committee acvordiriffly (proceeded to elect delegates to tha itato convention, naming tho folio inn: From Mnrshfiold, K. K, Straw; Empire City, C, T. MeCntlom; Bandon, Chris Hasmusseu; Coqutllo City, L. H. llm ard; Myrtlo i'oint, to bo ctcolcd. SHOOTING AFFAIR AT GOLD BEACH Result of a Combination of Poker And Bad Whiskey vTort O.-forJ Tribune) On Friday nipht March ro, n parly o flvo or eix jounc men were w Idling away the hour? in a vacant house in Gold Reach. While engaged in a game of pekor, llcderick Wilson and Atiii Foster better known a? "Jot Joe" got into n dispute over tho iinmo and a fijrht ensued in which Foster was mor mlly wounded. As near as we have been a oio to learn, tlie (acts are about as follsMS. Tho two men jumped up from the table and clinched each other. Iho others present left tho room nnd as thiy V. did so one of the men called to Foster to i .ii t- ... .Hi, -j -iooR am jor uson was nrmca. rojirrnas unnrmeu. laero was no uitneisestn what followed. Tlio tight oecured shortly after midnight, and about t7?o o'clock tho Ehoriff who. lives some distacro away, was awaken ed by Wilson who ald that ho shot "Joe Joo" and wanted to giro himself up. After taking Wilson into custody the Sheriff wnt at once to the scene of tho shooting nnd found Foster tin coniclcus. Everything possibio was done for tho wounded man nnd the doctor was telephoned for. Foster soon regained cnnciouencsi nnd was able to give an account of the affair, which statement will be published in duo time. Upon examination by tho doctor it was found thatFoiter bed teen shot twico with a as caliber revolver. Tho first fhot passed through one leg under tho knee joint and between tho bono and cordp, tho other bullet entered tho left side barely missirg tho last rib, ranjt-d downward and crime out on tho eatno sido between tho spinal column nnd tho hip joint. At last account1) the wounded man was very weak, nnd uf- fcrinj: greatly with but slight chances of recovery. At tho time of the shooting Wibon was slightly under the inflnenco of liquor. Wilson had a bearing Satur day and has bound over to appear be (ore the grand jury next Apyus). From Tuesday's Dally. The Shakespeare Club will meet with MrB. F. M. Fricdberg Wednesday night. M. D. Cutlip, the South Coos river former was in town yesterday on busi ness. J. P. Wilson, of Sumnor will leave on the Alliance for San Francisco whero ho will seek medical aid, Capt. Harris will extend the run of tho Sumner, to North Bond, daily, commencing tomorrow. T, W. Rennie who has been in Port land for several weeks returned on the Alliance. The Flyer took about 20 tonu of tackle and a donkey engine to Simpson's log ging camp on north Coos river Monday, The mill at North Bend shut down Monday owing tn jthe eovere wind which made it dangerous, owing to sparks fly ing. Mrs. Wm, Glover and children will leave on tho Alliance to join her hus band at Eureka, where they will mako their future homo AndyHockela is slowly recovering from a sprained ankle. Tho .night was dark, ana so was Audy, and the mud-pn Af- ii i u new summer pants looked bad anU pieCo of the broken cue and ihrow it at verywet. Sajd Andy.'il 1 was 'zunk I tbo other gentleman as he. shot out of not Care!J)llt I 'rnnW nhttilnn all ,1ll . . ' . !. t . . ', t. . " ""' theUoor Tho JJece (Jew JwaJM tho J JRHMEDIK IN GREAT DE- MAD When cold and grip aro provnlont tho quickest and nuroat ivmndlf s nro In tfroat ilou-nnit. Mr. Joseph D. Wiltlnma of McDuff, Vn. says tliat ho, was cured of a 'very Uooi and laming attaek uf la grlppo by ubIk Chamberlain's Cough ltenndy after trying eovoral other pre parations with uo effuct. , For salo tV .ioiiu rruusB. Mr;. 0. J. Scoley nnd her daughter, Mrs. E. Mlngus, will leavoon tho, Al linnct for a visit to frionds nnd relatives in Sau Francisco. Geo. AVitto of Portland, tho gontle matt who will put in u full stock at groceries, arrived on tho Alliaucn'und will soon luivo liia goods on tho ahclvca In tlioL'ckh'jf! store room nt North Rend. Denulv sheriff E. M. Ga.ll.ir came over on horseback on offlel.l bu.lnci, Sun lay evening nud wan storm bound here yesteidny, intending to return to tho county scat today. Tho Alliance nrrivod from Portland yesterday oyening with n full passenger list nnd n largo amount of freight. Shu experienced heavy weather oulsido. Shu sails couth nt.l p. m. today. Fred Bnrkor.of Fnirv.'cw ramo over on yesterday's train with tho intontloti of ttkln;; parage for San Francisco to bo o'porattd upon for appendicitis, but may place himself in care of a physician here, instead. The Alilanco has coma unusual pas sengers on thio trip, in tho shape of five livo elk. which 'aro en route to a park in Los Angeles. Tbcro aro in the band n bull, a cow and three calves. They aro quite tame and nro standing the trip nicely. Emmett Piercn was in town yesterday from his logging camp on the north I fork of tno Coquille, where ho is cutting timber iu preparations for tho summer work. As soon as a donkey, which he bns ordered, arrives ho will pat on a crew of about 14 men. Ernest Stauff has eomo new views 0 North Bend which gives n good showing for that place, and it really would do some of tho Coos Bay knockers good if they did no more than look at tho views. It would be good for their toro eyes don't yer know.. A letter receive 1 Sunday from C. W. Paterson, states that he is, still at tho San Francisco hospital, where he racent ly underwent an operation, and that ho expected to bo there about two weeks longor. He is gaining in strength nnd is now able to walk about his room. Mrs.;jtonebrake's funeral Tho body of Mrs. H. S Bonebrako who died in Portland whither she had gone for medical treatment, were brought homo on the Alliance. Funeral services will ba condoatod at tho Baptist church at 10 a. m. toJay, Rev. Tlios. Irvine officiating, assisted by Rev. R. 0, Leo. Burial will take place at the cemetery on South Coos river, where two child ren of (ie deceased are buried, Arrivals from Portland by Alilanco March 30; II S Boaebrake, E Kaston, W C Reeves, J, L Reeves, II R Mc Dowell, H Ransier, D Ransier, T Davis, C A Moomaw, J Carl, I Carl, D 0 Rieno, II G Ploeger, A C Culberg, E P Sheldon, F Rubin, 0 Teatz, S 0 Endicott, W II Podler, E H Tanner, II Moyer, T W Renn,C j A EndIcoU 8 ijaglev M Longstreot, I Barklow and wifo, AV D Davis and wife, G WItto and wife, Edith Taylor, Ethel Witte, Racket in a Saloon A racket In tho PK Saloon Sunday about noon caused a transient excite ment on Front street. Ono 'uontieman 'hu ...,.. , ovor .... bead ith a binrd cuo nnd thon ra. Tho Lnn.,nmfln wun .flq m -Mmhi nn grip street nnd seared u years growth nut ol an luoffiinslvo eilUou whoivna standing nt the SetigiHiiekea corner. In the meantime tho tlrst 'named gontlemiui fdded nway lit thu distance, and thu In cident wmi closed with no ureal damage to any ouu but tho billiard cue. DELEGATES ELECTED TO REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Prlmartra were, huld In Marshllotd yesterday nftornnon for tho ulectlon of delegates to tho ltupubliuaii county con vention, to bo huld ut Coquillo City next Friday. In the north prcciuot, W. J, Uutler, acted as chairman and II. Lockhart as secretary. Tho following delegates woro e,cc,cu: u" ioW, r immnlcK, Lpck,,Brt W J ,,a,,w- B IU"' llobl I f..... l.. V... M..'l...n nniauuil, inn tiuuiutut Iu the south precinct J. W. Bennett was chnlrmati and F P Norton cecrcUry. Delegates were elected an follo'ws:' l.ovl Smith, W R Curtis. E.A Anderson, J W Bcnnott, J S Coko Jr, J T McCortnac, F V Norton, Ii Mlngus, N U Douglas, Henry Holm, W T -Merchant, John Snyder. SUICIDE OF ALLEN URQUHABT End? His Life by Shooting at River ton, Sunday Word reached hero yesterday ol tho suicide of Allen Urquhart at Rlrerton Sunday. No particulars wcro received beyond tho fact that tho unfortuualo man shot himself. Mr. Utquhnrt was well nlong in yonro, Ho rcaidod at Coal cdo, but had two brothers, Alex nud Duncan, living nt Riverton. All hnvo been in Coos county for a quarter cen tury or more. from Wednesday's Dally. Justico U'm. Turpiu of Empiro was in town Tuesday. A. A. Simpson has leased tho J. .Sullivan place on Hayuos nlough. J. J. II. Thrush, who has been on tho Sullivan plnco on Ilnynes slough has moved with his family to Empiro. Fred Hanton of Willanch slough took a header from his gasoline boat Tuesday. Ho managed to got aboard again though very wet. Tho new Donkey cngino belonging to II. Songstackon for tho camp at Pony slough will no taken down thero today. II. A. Scott has taken charge of it. R, 0. Dement tho cattlo king of Myr tlo Point brought two ecow loads of cat tlo from Tonmiio and Haynes hlough Tuesday for his ranch on tho Coquille. A. II. Nicols of Corvallis arrived in town Monday and is visiting with his brother Tom Nicola and hia undo Mr. E. Marsh. Z. T, Siglin Informi tho Mail Ihft tho largo barn on tho Kruso placo at tho head of tho Isthmus elough was blown flat by th; heavy wind of Monday. The young people of Marshflold ro gret to learn that Mrs. Jeeso Farrin Lab concluded not to givo tho second course of hor dancing class. It would throw it moat too lato in tho season. ' Wo call especial attention to tho ex citing ami mystifying story which ap penrfl on the Becond pago of this Ibsuo. It was prepared especially for tho Coaht Mail nnd will appearln no other paper. II. G. Ploeger, who went to Portland rccoutly in quest of relief for his arm, which had been giving him much trouble, returned on the Alliance, His arm is much belter and his general health is much improved! "'l " l I",' I'H' m-U.m i ! m h. W, Mauaoy wan, out tiundny for tho lint tlmo slnio his attack of very torl oon llinuis. Alt will bo glad that tho old gontluniAn In making s"d progroas on tho rotul to recovery. Departures Houth by Alllaueo March .'It : Mtsa S Kick worth, MIhs Kelllo Iter nett, Mm, I)r Mlngui, Mrn 0 J Smdey August Vioron, (jeo Forty, Mrs (Jro Ferry, Mrs Ellen K Cllv Mit Alii.to.lB veil), .Miss Aiit0Kl 30, L Miner, Frank Kolly, Mrs A Morloo Works, MrsSnrnliUlover, Emily, Stulla, Elmer'iuid Jamoi Qlovcr, 0 N Wilnon, J P Wiliou, Cull IV l'nuay. six iu tliu stcorago. N0T1CB Notlco in horoby given thnt my wlfo. Jane E. Slestrein, hits loft my hcduid lionrd without raiue or provocation, nud I will not ho responslblu for any unbtH alio may contract. Notlro Is nlso given thnt I tun willing to pay tho faro on any steamer fur any of my children who may wish to return to Coos Bay. C. E A. Sikhtiikkm Abovo offer cuaranteeil bv. Hk.nkv S:.s(iHrjiCKi:N. 4-1 Ol s Hnlhr Pino Jess Thompson wan lined t dollars in Jiiatlco court Monday for dleoiderly conduct on Sunday, when ho ami Jasper Fisher had romo dlthYnlty on tho xtrrot. Both mon wuro plecod under urrust by Marshal Carter, nt the time, and put up $20 each cash hall, for their appear ance Both men showed up, nud Fish er was discharged. Improvements Tho Rrollor man is making some necessary improvtnunts, Planking th alley nud making ready for Installing n 'lino ico chert. Double doara for tho convenience ol thu waiters is another improvement. Mr Farrin says ho is enjoying the largest restaurant uurlnera now that ho has over had in Marshtield and is feeding more people than nt any tlmo since ho started. He icilizoa that his big trade is the rcHiilt ol lionet t effort and trying togivaeuch jiatron the worth of his money. Iio is ruapinc the harvostnow uf seed sown in thu ndver ing Held, haniinatlon Saturday j Tho examination of A, Abbott on a chnrgo of assault with a dangurou t weapon lias been set for 2 p, m. Satur-1 1 day. In tho mean time tho defentlnnti is undor f300 bonds to appear at that time. 1 Tho charge crows nut of a mix-up which oecured Saturday nt China camp ' bridgoontho C. Ii. It. E. It. It. when Abbott is nccuted of having hit ouu Wm, French a belt alongside thu head with n wrench, laying him out for qnitouwhile, It is expected that ho will be ablo to appear iu court by Bat day. Uiiclaiincfj Letters List of unclaimed letters remaining in tho Marshfield Oregon Post Otilco April 1st, 1003. Persons calling for tho eamo will pleaso say advertised. W E Brando!, L W Ileal ii, John Beobsl. Milton Crawford, Henry M Clay, 0 A Carlson, Dogaro Carlo, F II Doulton, ChaB. Dungan, Adolf Elspring, MrB Emmn,EllJB, Wm Eseelslinn, Ralph liroen, Drfjeh'tct Movaninl, Geo W Harris, Mrs'lirlta Hougol, (i AHaskala, Arthur Kouryorro, John Larson, R J Mnntf, Chan Mnrj, Richard Murry, A B Nowell, D Pierce, John Reilloy 2, James Richards Jr, Wm Robinson, MIhs Christine Ruth, Fred 0 Sanson, W D Simpson, Stove Suite, Ed Yandecar 2, Miss Bertha AVatere, Mra M Wright, Mies Lillio Welch, Frank Winchester. W. Ii. CtniTiH P. M. n( 'fliiiuiqiin jo iHiiu u oji iiI-i-m -.tupl jo.o0 aq) poaaMBiiu 'ua OltlUB orj) tlf AVOJ OAV 'piowof U JO WV11 P3MMUWJ '0AnIld vy 0110 onj 'HAVjB.PIOJJOf Bttl8llOCt;JO ?)ruj Olf UJ 9q jo pJn AvojtomiBijqiv uoilAi .- . :? WZCS.;iuut. ' DrylnrrPronnrtitloiin almpty doreK op dry caliirili tlioy dtyaiji tho aosretloua, which ndhcto to tho inombrnuo and deconW, iiono, enunlni! a fvr moro iiortoun t rouW o tliaa iho ordhuiry form of ontnrrh. Avoldjulldry. lug inlmlimtn, ftiinon, nnlArsort mid Mtuira nml lino (hut whloh clonunoN, noothea and heals, Kly'n Croaln Rahn ii wuch n remedy nud will euro cntnrrh or cold In (ho licfld ennlly and ldoannutly. A trial nlza will h umllud for 10 (mntn. All dniKjlHln noil lh fiOo.aUo. r.lyllrothora, CO Warren St., N.Y. MMim IIaIi.i Mimm twIlliMtifc tmtit alitAit link irrllalo or rmmo mieflrlug. lUprcndaltaeU orcr imJrritnlodiidfttifrymirfico, roliot. I JfJtf inil,0,ilti.Iy Iho imlnf ul liifliuaumtloii. J Willi J'Jy'a Crcmm Balm youarp aruiod ugumat Nal Catarrh aud Hay FeVcr, C8SfMHttffMI !IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS" ANYWIIUHU AT ANVTIMB J Call on or Wrlta IK.C.DAKK'S adyertisiho agency! 64 ft 65 Mcrchanta Exchange TIIR CMCANHJNO AMI IIIIAI.I.NO CATARRH CUJtIJ roil OATABBH Ely's Cream Balm IVuy Btnl iiltiuatit in Uiiv (.'ont<ii no In Jurknii ilt 111;. it Wiiitrkljr atnl-,t, (lltrt lUllrf at mira. Il lllin SimI f fi." AViV:,:- COLD i HEAR Hull niul I'MtuM Itin lfiiilifnn. Itrdufta tii wMf ot Tstloint Huirll, .rgt Ht. to CtliU M Urttfvkl (if li mall; TtM Kl, 10 (t-nlt liy mull. liLV IinorUKUa.w WMi.nbUttt, Nfw lurk. Am94 . CO -YCAnO' EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Mnu Oraians CopvmaHTs Ac Anrnno ,ii1ln n ittleli ami i!trtlMlon mr nil. tr Mrariaiu our ui.iiilnn fit lmlir mj 1H. k!r iurartiu iiur iilliln ft luirrmloo liirnblilr I'atrfitdilr. oiiiumiilrA- i iiixlricllro tiOUontl i Kit iricllro noilatiiui, llaiiilbook un l-ilnilt . IIMntl anefirr fur arurliitf tA i iiaiiii r tttr fr rmmila Utn llitnueli Xuiiii A -. '! 11 rR. inii nutncf tor ircurinc tiint. 1 .1 fl'tfUl not Iff, without cliarva, lu lti Scientific fliiicrican. nlf llloitmlot wok,. Irieil rlr. t nr rtaiiiltm I'lurtitl. a nn. f J a riuonttii, IL rkil.l lijr all rt-nlul,ti. &Co.30,D'" New York uroc?, ci v u w4iiiD.ti. it. c. -ir iiur tuuntbl, L Holi UrancUl Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN of any responbio-j " ' & 3- m OTflSffi m)Sm v&m,vrt SffiU lli'iaV I THU IIIOOCliT ni'VMATION UVKIIYWIIKIIR wupur C o hi p 8 I) I o Pocket -STHRI.'OSCOPK APIMRATU6- Thu Miiallest Htereoscopo with thu strongest optical effect. Highly llniHlied in different colora with rich gold nnd i-llver ilceoratioiiB mounting"), Includ ing 20 V. F. Photographs, Vinwa of nrt (genro). PRICE ONLY f I 00. S-wt every wluuo prepaid in httlor foi i. AGKCT8 WANTED. LIJ.IPUT STEIIIiOSCOPIi CO. FORItEST BUILDING, Phllaetrrfrhia THE STEAMER ARGATA. . O. XJiLt,OX, Mantel. Will MuKe Ilciilur Xrlfia -BETWEEN COOS BAY - AND SAN FRANCISCO' -OARRYING- PASSEMGEnS AND FREIGHT AT , - LOWEST RATES. ' ! Oregon Coal & Navigation Co,, Fropriotoss, F.S.DOW, Agout, Mflr8hflold,'9regdn B,0, UO, Ageat, Empire Ohy, Orojcod IJT v im rrnmfffi - -r - -.rjrlffc. i