Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 28, 1903, Image 8

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From Thursday's Dally.
Nele RasmusfWreRwmussou Bros.,
cnme orer from Ban Jon yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Collvor, o( Catch
ing slough wero in town yesterday,
.. i.ii i
Tho Schooner Cbas Falk arrived yes
terday o load lumber at tho railroad
The ccbooner Jessie Miner was towed
'iwn the bay yesterday, laden with
The ratline on the Fourth street
bridge is still in a dangerously open con
ditioa at the slough.
K. C. Dement, of Myrtle Point, came
orer yesterday, and went to Kentuck
and Willancb Sloughs to buy tattle.
The farmers in and aronnd McKinley
finished their grain-sowing during tho
recent fine weather.
The Gospel Services ire still in pro
gress at tho Presbyterian church. The
subject of the serman tonight will be:
'Jesus on Trial."
J. C. Pierce, on whom an operation
was performed last week to relieve pres
sure on the brain, is reported as making
good progress toward recovery.
The funeral of J. W. Rose, who died
Tuesday morning at his homo across
he bay, took place yesterday and was
attended by many friends of the old
landlord Young man, you should
jayai you go. Guest Very good, my
dear sir, but I shan't go for three or four
montha yet. Smart Set.
, T.iero is a prospect that the affairs o
the late Y. 31. C. A. will eventually be
fettled, and tho money received from the
t-ale of the parapiierr.alia will be used
(or the payment of the outstanding
There will bo a Bocial bop at Mrs.
Jesss Ferrin's dancing school Saturday
i.lght. There will be two prizes given
(r the Lest wnltzer and the best two
tep dancer. A cordial invitation to
parents aad those who are interested in
he art. "J
Cofju'lle Herald Hon. S. B. Herman
and family orrived at their home in
Myrtle Point last Saturday. Since the
Iijlelature cdjourned Mrs. Herman's
health has been quite poorly, hence
t it-ir loug etay in P.oseburg. Mr. Her
tnstt'e constituents nro well ploaeed
with his offic:al efforts in tho Houao of
Coquille Herald Tho hardwood taw
mill near tho mouth of Catching creek
) . bueu sawing lumber several days,
haying been put in first-class shape.
Thu hardwood enterprise has been of
grea- benefit to tho up-river people al
ready,, and it will drop many thousand
t)j 'dollars lb that vicinity this eeaEon.
EriestTfttTdf! tho landscape photo,
graphsr, secured soma flno tIqws a fow
days ago by going out on tho tug when
tho Smalo was towed to sea. IIo has
also finished up eomo reduced viows of
tho larger photographs of tho Dolsarto
drill by members of tho Ktuplro City
public scool. Mr StnufT is gottiug au
cxtenslvo collection of Coos County
view s, of both public nml private interest.
Manager I.. U. Robertson is getting
his now twitch board in tho telephone
oflico ut'arly ready to put into service.
It w ill be n great improvement over the
old one. The capacity to 1ms provided
for now it 300 wires, and this can be
douhUd by tho addition of other sec
tion;. ly the time tho new apparatus
is all in operation both the manager aud
tho oporators, who are all much pleated
with it, will probably bo loth to speak to
common folks, at all.
From Friday's Dally.
Tho Czarina arrived yesterday to load
c;al from 2eaver Hill.
J. E. Peterson,
of May, is visiting
Noble Bros, will ship liiO large beef
hides on the Areata, to YV. B. Summers,
San Francisco.
B. F. Savage of North slough was in
town yesterday, and reported J. W,
Judd very much under tho weather.
Chas. Johnson and Axel Ruth wero
in from their North slough farms yester
day with potatos for the San Francisco
L. J.Simpson is expected to roturn on
tho next steamer, when operations at the
new manufacturing city will bo renewed
with a vim.
John Mael, who has been working in
SengstackRn's camp on Pony slough, has
gono to the Coquille to drive a team in
Le Balleeter'a camp.
Advertisers: It'a tlmo to talk. Wo
want to carry your message to those
who want goods. Our medium reaches
the best people.
II. X. Black and Matt Matson, two
prosperous Catching slough farmorr,
were among tbcid doing business in
town yeiterdsy.
The first piling for tho Sash and Door
factory at North Band will be driven
within a few days. Material for the Batne
is being put on the site,
The A. N. W. club met at tho home
of Mrs. Wra. Nasburg, and a very pleas
ant and profitable time is reported. The
next meeting will be at Mrs. 1 R.
Where taste counts. A bit of good
printer's judgment will do much for
your busineee, We want to help make
business for you. Our manipulation of
printer's ink and paper will do it for
II. G. Wilson of Catching slough, wne
was in town yesterday on business. Ho
bought a eeparator and a email gasoline
engine to furnish power fjr tho same.
Mr, WilEon recently bought tho
Dunham place oi John Messerlc, and
he expresses himself as very much
pleased with hie purchnec.
"I've got a story," eaid the new ic-!
porter "about a thief who pretended to
be a loduer in a hotel and to gained ac
cess to the other gueste' roomB, where
ho gathered in all tho loose money ho
could, nnd J' "Head it 'False Roomer
Gains Currency," suggested tho enake
editor. Philadelphia Press.
Tho Maiih first attempt to patronizo
tho Coffee Club has proved a fizzle, be
cause tho management declined to toll
tho marine reporter a bucket cf coffeo
to bring to tho office. So we had to fall
back on beer.
Fred Noah and John Micholbrlnk, of
Allegany, were in town yesterday on
land business.
Humboldt Times Tlio choppers in
tho Scotia woods havo quit workbecnuso
their demand (or increased pay was not
granted by foreman, William Crowley.
Tho men received clxty-Hyu dollars n
month and board, but eoneidoicd thoy
should command a hotter figure
Geo. Witto n merchant of Portland
has decided to open n general store In
tho Kekholf house at North Bend nml
will arrive from Portland on the Alliance
with n stock of goods, if ho can pack up
his stock in time, if not on tho next
Del Norto Record Tho local butchers
report n scarcely oi cattlo for beef pur
poses, aud one firm contemplates ship
ping meat from Sau Francisco to meet
tho demands of their customers, Tho
shortsgo in beef cattlo is nttributnblo to
the largo sales during tho ras two years
of eattlo to outsido buyers,
Travel By Sea.
Departures for San Francisco by
steamer Homer March 2d: A Rich
ards, J Richards, A C Roicoe, 1 S Cole.
Mr Lane, B C'Rucker, II J Read, J F
McKeo, W Pollak, Ono in steerage.
Advertising Did II
Before chocolate was advertisod in tho
newspapers, this country consumed
1,1SI,051 pounds n year. Last year the
amount consumed was -1S,755,0SS pounds
an increaso of moro than -4,000 per
cent. Of course tho population Increas
ed, too, but only 161 per cent in the
period included in the figures given.
Advertising World.
Individual Work
Mr. J. R. Robertson, of this city is in
receipt of letters from a California gen
tleman who wishes to secure a saw .mill
somewuero on uooa Day. tie desires a
mill with a capacity of from 20 to 10
thousand feet per day and timbor land
to supply it.
Another gentleman also writes in re
gard to mills and lumber interests and
expects to bo hero in tho near futuro to
thoroughly investigate this vicinity in
regard to shipping facilities.
Mr. Robertson is receiving letter
daily as a result of legitimato advertis
ing and ia reaping rich rewards in com
ing into contact with men of means who
are looking up openings for investments,
Mr. Robertson is spending his own
money and time and Coos Bay will re
ceive the result.
Sliakespearan Club
The Shakespearean club met Wednes
day evening with Mr. and Mre. Ed.
Farrin. This being tho evening for the
election of officers, members atonco pro
ceeded to business, electing the following
ofllcora : Presidont, Misi Edvarda Erick
son; vice-president, Mr. I). Keating;
secretary, Miss Clara Johnson; treasur
er, Miss Mamio Mahoney,
After spending the evening socially,
tho guests at 10:30 repaired to tho din
Ing room which was very tastefully dec
orated and where a most bountiful nnd
refreshing feast awaited, and where tho
progresstvonesB and intelligence of the
members wore shown by the fact that
though thirteen Bat at tho table no pro
test was utterod. At a Into hour tho
gueet9 departed all voting Mr, and Mrs
Farrin most agreeable entainers.
Against the Referendum
An Albany dinpatch says: A counter
movement to that of tho Referendum
League has been started in Albany.
Thia applies only to tho Lewis nnd ( lark
Fair opposition, T. P. Ilacklemau, of
Albany, today began circulating a peti
tion protesting against invokinc tho
referendum on tho Fabr appropriation
bill, line petition ia being quite gener
ally signed. People hero think tho Fair
is a good thing, aud are registering thuir
EentimontB accordingly. Thus far no
polltlon to rsfer tho Fair appropriation
bill to tlia people has bson circulated
here, and, in view of the munaroua sig
natures to the countorpotltlon, the mat
ter may bo dropped. But petitions to
invoke tho roforoudum regarding tho
portneo railway appropriation bill and
thu Eddy corporation bill aro already in
circulation, Those, nro mooting with
bouiu favor.
From Saturday's Dally.
Tlio Areata arrived yesterday and will
sail tomorrow.
Joseph Gilbert, one of Empire- City's
leading citisons, Is vlilttug Multifield.
Frank Donning and A. J. lllnkoly will
make n business trip to tho Ccqulllo to
day or Monday.
Tho Alliance was to lenvo Portland
last night, nml should got away fiom
hero Suuday night or Monday morning.
J. McDougal is laid Up from thu effcrts
of a blow in the eye from n piece of lum
ber; received while loading lumber ou
the Homer.
Hiram King and many of tho crow ol
his Daniels creek lodging camp aro in
town, whilo work in tho woods is check
ed by tho rain.
Bandon Recorder Thoro was n party
of eight persons in town Friday night
ou their way into Curry county. They
hailed from Aberdeen, Washington, aud
wore cruising for timber claims.
Dr. Horsfall, was called to Falrulow
yosteiday to attend Mrs. Wm. Aner
nothy, of Dora, had been injurod by a
fallifrom a horso uear that place, frac
turing her arm and being considerably
bruised and shaken up.
Manager Robertson got ttio now
switchboard in tho phono oflico into
oporatlon Thursday evening. As might
have been expected in a complicated
mass of wiros. thoro wero n few mixups
but these wero all about straightened
out yesterday.
Bandon Rotorder Work has com
menced, within tho last work, on anoth
er largo sawmill, which is to bo construct
ed on tho north sldo of tho Coquillo riv
er, just above Proipor. Tho Prospor
Mill Company 1ms tho contact to fur
nish lumber for the building. Tho Pros
pects point toward lively timpj on the
It transpires that tho Indian, Tommy
Chester, who spent n night in tho Marsh
field cooler not long ago, stowed uway
on tho Alliance and got as far as Port
land. Ho was lost from n Victoria seal
ing Bchoonor with two white compan
ions SO miles off shore, and thoy landed
down the coast. Tho Indian was on his
way home, and seems to bo making good
Mrs. Jesse Farrin'a dancing school
will close the regular class this evening,
having completed tho regular series of
ftho first class. Two prlzos will bo plvnn
to tho two best wnltzors, ono for tho
best two-atep and ono for tho best
wnltzer. Tho prizes will bo awarded by
a competent committeo.
Palace Attached
An attachment was served by Marshal
Carter at a lato hour Inst evening on tho
Palaco Chop House, al tho inatanco of
J. L. Ferroy and other creditors of W.
J. Ellison, tho proprietor. A. U, Aiken
wsb placed In charge of the proporty.
Afternoon Party
Mrs. J. If. Koltes gavo a plonsant
party ton ow of hor lady friondH job
turday afternoon from 2 to 13. Thoy in
dulged In games aud fancy work and
wero treated to a very dainty luncheon.
Those present woro MeednmoB F, X.
Hofor, ("to. Campbell, V, I) Brown, It
J Coke, 1) Cornell, E B Seabrook and
D W Small
Jai'. Watson was in Marslifleld last
evening aftor supplies for tils South
slough logging camp.
New Coquille Steamers
(Handon Recorder)
River itcnmor building is beglnlng to
loom up In good flhapo. Tlio Coqulllti
Transportation Company Is building at
Randolph, nml Perkins Moomnw A Com
pany, nt Parkorsbtirg. Thu Mem nutl
ktipoj for tho vessel to ho built by tho
tatter company worn shipped from this
place Tuesday morning anil tlio kuul In
to bo laid this week, Tho Coqulllti
Transportation Company ahtppoil up
lumber during the past week, with
which to construct ribs (or tholr vessel
bunch Blown up
Hugh McCormlck, n rancher living
on Young's River, had n narrow escape
from death Tuesday afternoon, and that
ho was not seriously Injured In almost
miraculous. Ho owns n 'stiinlt gasoline
launch, nml ho went on hoard intending
to coins to Aitorln. He lit u match to
examine some portion of tho machinery
and n terrific explosion followed. The
boat was blown into plccos aud MeCor
iii xk was thrown sovoral feel by tho
concussion, hut escaped uninjured, with
tho exception that his mustache was
burned off.
Remarkable Longevity
An Ohio manufacturing firmgots nut
ovcry year n very attractive cataloguo.
Last year ono of tho oflico forco of the
firm took n copy of tho cataloguo with n
feeling oi pride in his firm and sent It to
n brother, who wns located in South
Hampton England. This brother was
looking at tho catalogue ono day on his
way to a boat about to loavo for South
Africa from that port. Having business
aboard tho boat, ho took tho cataloguo
aboard with him, nnd In leaving tho
vessel left it on tho captains table.
Within n month, a representative of a
firm in South Africa came to tho Ohio
firm, having traveled from London to
sco tho machinery described In tho cata
logue. Thu captain had given the cata
logue to n friend who wanted tt because
ho know n friend of his would bo inter
ested in thu machinery advortlssd, and
a salo rosultod. It is Impossible '.to tel
just where tho value of an advertise
ment will ceare. Advertising World,
It takes attractive advertising to sell
attractive goods, and no storo Is so well
stocked with desirable things but what
it will find It ndvlsablo to tell how nt
tractivo they nro and why people should
waut them.
A fish dealer with a horn polng along
tho street will sell moro fish than tho
ono who trundles tho cart twice as far
and says nothing, 1 hero is much food
for thought In this for tho merchant
who wants business. If you am going
to got business bettor talk loud enough
for tho peoplo on tho outshlrts to hear.
Moro business comes from activity in
pushing tho Btock than from conserva
tive mothoda in dealing with buBinesu
B.Y.P.U. Meeting
Tho Young Pooplo's Society of tho
Baptist church moot tomorrow evening
nt 0 :1!0. Corno out and hear some of thn
subjects, they nro very intorcetiux. All
uro wolcomo.
Methodist Church
Sunday euhool nt 10 o'clock, preaching
nt 11, Epworth League nt fi:30 p. m,
preaching at 7:30 p. m. All Invited to
those eervicos.
Presbyterian Church
Sabbath achool ii II a. m. tomorrow,
public worship nt II n. in. and 7:30 p.m.
Sormon Subject: "Tho Cjnstrainlng
Lovo of Christ" nnd "Knowing nnd
Following n Volco." Tho O. K. mooting I
is nt 0:30 p. in. Subject: "MibsIoiio In
Africa," icadorBcnne.,U, 8 wanton. You
are invited to nil thoeo' services.
Daptlsj Church "
Bunilay icbool at 10 a, m preaching
service nt l m, m. Topic-, "How Man
kind may ho Uplifted." Tcxt.-I.uko
I) 1 17 "And ho oauifl down with them
nml stood In th plain," B, Y. P, (). at
0 :.')() p, in,, evening service nl 7t,l0 p. m,
Toplo,-"Tho Effvotof Right Thinking,"
Text, Pa llll;6t),"l enlledjny own waya
to rumembernneti mid turned my feet In
to thy testimonies." Thursday prayer
mooting nt 7:!I0 p, in, All arc cordially
Invited to attend,
It U coimldeivd moro fithhloniiblo to
wear it blue, grooii, gray or led lint,
with n blael; gown than it blnek hut.
Itlbbon I'lichen will again be oxteu-Hlvi-ly
uied to trim dieM0H, unpen,
nlilrtH, ten gown mid nprltig millinery,
Top gnt'iiieiitii Hhuped on tho Iooho
lowing lluex of the oriental ntyloii of
thu winter will remain In favor nuM
Hlilrrlmr, ttieltliig, plait nnd hem
ntltchliig piny nit Important purl In the
milking up of gowim both for duy mid
evening wear.
The newest blotiHo nml fnney wnlHt
colliim ur tdinpod like pointed glrdlex,
both front nnd had;, or they (alio thu
bishop form, with pointed cmbioldered
tnb.1 In front.
Tho enny tltttiiK Norfolk Jacket will
remain n favorite model for Kouoral
utility tiHOH during the entire spring
wi'iuuii. The mnvuHt model are nllglil
ly Hhorter than tlio tlireu-qunrter
tdiiiiM-i of the whiter.
I'gllowliig ninny of the popular fancy
offectn of tlio winter nro nomo ittylMi
looMmr hIIIc nnd wool novelties for
tallur gowiiN, with dot or stripes ot
hIIIc of bright color nhowlug on u
Hiuooth wool surfucu. Now York Pout.
PATTERSON At Halnn, Or., March
S.I, IDO.'l. to tho wlfo ot (ieo. N. Patter
son, n l'J pound son.
. ;'..3
field, Or., March 2.1, IlKrt, Wlnflold
Lnngworthy nd Miia Myitlo Hop
pin f, Rev. R. C. Io officiating.
Tho nodding was a quiet ono nnd thu
ceroiwouy wns performed at noon In tho
presence of a few roltitlvus nt the homo
of tho groom's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
0. Lnugworthy. Tho groom has been
on tho Hay several months and is em
ployed at North Rend. Tho bride just
arrived on tho Ilomor having come from
her lato homo nt Trnvers City, M'ch,,
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Calvin Lang worthy.
Tim young couple will resldo nt North
.;. .i:i
ROSE At his homo on Coos Ray, Mar)
21, 100S, J. W. Rose, agod 05 yeara.
Mr. Roto' health had boon falling for
n number of years, his trouble being in
tho nature of bronchitis. He had been
confined to his bod about two weeks,
and was conscious to tho last, having
talked with thoso at his bedside about
half an hour boforo his d,oatb, which ocr
curred at 8:30 a m.
J. W. Roso wns born nt Loulsvillo,
Kentucky In 1R33, At tho outbreak of
tho Civil war ho onlistod in thn 17th
Kentucky Creglmont, nnd fought four
years for tho Union, serving 'under
Sherman, Thomna nnd (Irani. Ho was
seriously wounded throo times, bolng
shot thiongh tho nhotildor, through tlio
liuigH nnd 1 1 trough tho left leg. After
the wnr ho wont to Missouri, nnd In July
JRG8, ho was married in Clinton county,
of Hint stnto to AIIhs Amanda Evorott.
Ho cr.mo to Coos Bny In 187S nnd stayed
two years, whon ho returned to Mis
souri. In 1881 ho again came to thn
Bay, bringing his family with hlra. Ho
bought of David Holland tho plnco
across tho bay where ho has ovor slnco
mado his homo. BesIdoB thn bereaved
widow, throo daughters nnd ono son
turvivo: Bello, wife of .(oliu Yonknm,
L'ydln, wlfo of fino. Robertson, Loyd
Roso, all of Coos Bay, nnd Mra, Gertrude
Turmau, of San Frnncloco, Thu funeral
will take place nt 2 p in today from , tho
liaptlHt church, Key. Thus, Irvluo olllul
UtlnL', and will bo in charge of tho. old
. --WS-.
l..&t JIM