Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 28, 1903, Image 7

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    North Bend Growing
i X I
Larfjo Exrondlluroo on Stroot Im
provement and Cloarlnir
Anoint 27, l02, wnn tlio lny when
the Ural inovo nab tnmlo with n vlow to
lilulUtiK tliu town of Norlli Howl. And
wliuti Mr. Hlmmoii undertook Ihio work
tlioro wm not n UioukIiI ql cJovclop
Ini4 It Into it town ol tlio pronont propor
(lunu. An tlio work protested every
lliliiK itotnotl to poln( to immi'iito op
portunltlra ntnl each turn developed
KOinolliliiK bollor nml now, In ft period
of 7 monlliB ko li'nvo n tlirllty Krowlnj:
vllllaxo. Tlio jiroKrciii nindo haa otit
otrlppcd tlio v.iKctuttiuipt nt lnm
InltiK w lint It inluht ho In ro ahort n time.
Mr. Blnipjon hna proven hlmaolf n innn
of ricllon, not nn Idlodrenmorlof towns
nnd tovntltM. Ho knows liu Ima n
innrvelof niltc, and Hint tlicro nre but
lew euch on llilu coant, ond tlo nuccora
in ttio protont venture in uucccedltiK fine.
After tliu plnttlnK wos mado nnd tlio
land alaked, Direct work ln-jcmi nnclip
to now nbotil 12,000 Imvo been expend
ed in cluarliiK atroeta nud llieio Ian
pny roll of (3.CC0 n month for tbla !
provement kmik ' n0 n, '-'lInbly In
formed tlmt over 8,000 Iibvo already
been expended on grading work, nnd tlio
linincneo undortnklriK baa but Juel
I.nLorora nro paldt2.25 n dny nnd more
are wanted. J .J. Hum", who Is nn ex
pert In hla line enya Hint tlio engineer
ing work on tbla lowr.tlto ia perfect nnd
in no Inatoncu hai It been neccwurj to
devlnto from the original plan. The
dralnngo ay.tcnt ia perfect nnd with
plenty ol electric lluld and Iota oPpuro
water, which will loon bo ntnllablo the
prospect never waa finer for nny now
The saying by tho knockers that North
Hend i) ft"ono man town," is knocked
Into n coeked hat in the instance of the
tho largo departinotit atoro. This Mr.
HlmpBon la erecting, it will be KXteLOO,
three etarlcn high with elovntor r.nd n
baeement. The different dopnrlmentB
nro for rcut nnd not to bo occupied by
Bimpton'a ktoro. Each department
will bo ludlvldunl nnd roparnto, but in
tho building can bo hud nuything to
supply a family. Tlioro nro no restrlct
tlonb put on nny businesses nnd orory
body la trcntcd llbernlly nnd mndo to
fuel tlmt ho haa nn intercut in tho town.
Another largo factory la now being
negotiated for nnd If prosont projecto
mntcrinlixo tlioro la no knowing whore
North Hend will grow to In 6 years.
Tho dredgo work which ia to bo nn
tlorlnken tho coming Hummor la ex
tensive nnd must ol necessity
b), slow but whon onco comploted will
bu of Incalculable value. Tho largo re-
lief scow which la almost oomplote will
bo used to tow tho dobria into tho -various
places designated by tbo government
for dumping grounds, pormlta for which
have nlready been grunted, Tula now
dump will carry jno tojio nnd enn be
unloaded liutantly,
Jn tho laying out of tU, P town tho loyo
for nthlotlca, by tho proprietor waa not
neglected. A block of Innd hna boon
rosorvod for that purposp which will bo
enclosed by an B foot fenco nnd a pall
Hon nud grnnd etnud plticod thoroiu
A bUc fo: n hoopltnl haa boon roiorved
nnd It la oxpected somo day to material
s', Tho eito Ja ou Bhprwm Avonuo
and Montannttroot.
0. II. Johnson Ins IiIh two atory lodjf
lug house under way ori'Vlrglnln street,
n thing much noodod nt tho now town,
Tiio two limited schooner liopoat is
loading nt Porlor mill.
T, T. Bvoldo In oxcnvatln his lot on
Sherman Avonuo preparatory for a largo
new atoro building.
Tlio excavation for tho new bank
building ia completed and awaiting tho
brick for tho strticturo,
Tho nmnt market building is complet
ed and will soon bo occupied.
The workmen nro finishing tlio now
bridge nt the North end of Sherman Av
uue, Tho utrucliiro Is 40 foot wido nnd
120 long and put (hero to ntny,
Twenty nro Unhid will bo put on
Bhonnau Avenue.
Tho Jramo for tho now Woolen mill
will bo raised this week, work beginning
today nnd will 'bo hurried along na fast
available ho'.p can do It.
IlMioit Martden'a new double store,
GO X CO la prcgreislng rapidly nnd will
soon bo under cover.
C. ret'jraon, who ia remodeling a
building (or n roalnujant expects it
to ready for bttatnois soon.
II eclrlc lights for tho town arrived on
tho Signal yesterday nnd will bo put in
for r0 cents n lljht per month.
J, J. Hums tlio grader and excavator
has 10 teams nnd 2.", men on tho street
work and Is Increasing tho forco as fast
as ho can got men.
Carpenters are cenrco and laborers a o
In demand.
Tho now long bridge to Tortcr mill has
been completed and ia now doing duty.
.Tho structuro iu over 2,000 fcot long
nnd ia planked with heavy plunk, laid
diagonally and has a strong railing on
both sides nnd l's subitintlally built an!
is a great convenlouco.
Tho fixtures for tho chip yard weio
brought down Monday and work of put
ting tho yard in condition for work on
n vesicl is now boing dono.
Andy Neat's pilo driver is out of com
mission owing tocxtrlmr low tides, bav'
ng boon left high nnd dry, nnd cannot
bo gotten off until tides nro right.
Tho band mw plant for Porter iniU
Ib on the North Hend dock. T.io plant
Ian Inrgo ono. The band wheels mo z
feet in tcrcumftrnnco, nnd when instal
led, Portor mill will bo ono of tho best
cqulppod mils on tho bay.
J. J. Hums tho contractor, who is
tearing tho earth nt North Bend hna his
now reeidenco comploted, alio a bunk
house for hla men aud barnroom enough
far his stock.
Rov. F. (l.Btrango Informs us tlmt tho
I'resbytorlnn tocloty expects to erect a
church upon their lot nt North Hend
in tlio near future.
Georgo K, "Walhor haa rented tho
John EckhofI houwnnil transformed it
into a commodoouB hotol and it is now
known aa theKekhoff IIoueo. Tho houso
can accomodate about 25.
0. W. Farrls, foreman on tho woolen I
mllll, expects hla family this week.
T. V. Clark Ib oxpeotod thle wool; to
help forward tho work.
Tho foundation for tho big ongiuo Ib
being driven and Bawod to n level, It
la na near a aolld block of piling aa tan
be driven,
Tho loolc of that decision awarding
Spain dumniscH for tho nondelivery of
four torpedo boflt dcatroyern Just bo
foro tho war In not very clour. Honlly
Spnln uhould Imvo boon willing to lmvp
paid a bonus to tho Bhln.b,u.lldoni for
having thorn savea from ty? P
j:.rin hi "
i i r . . i
Am. rlc'. upplr, TJiomrh Mrgr, I Pwn enn do m ; much for hi own lo
Wot Ki to th comtrr' .J . wl " "o cot nnd nt tlio
' I Kelt mid IiIh fnmlly, m by jjlvlrtg n
Wo nro horao poor-not, ns nomc -'early wipport to Ills local paper. A
people are land poor, becauno thoy iiowwnpcrjvilli ovlilwico or uubstaii
Have too much-but h. poor be JZSt
cnu, o yo linveii t ciioukIi lore. im(jQ KCf)I(er ,, n(lvcrlgWiiwil In
Atlhc tho civil war wo found our- ltH coi,mins provcfl tlmt tho people nro
aclvea aliort of liornca of tliu blffKcr tij, with tlio Union nnd favontbly 1m
typeH nnd began iniportlnf them for yvcnnoH tlio Htnuiger Into .whoso bands
l. II .... llf.. I. ...... -I ...l ..I A. .
iirrriiui jiuriwnrH. o jiiijiui iuu
them to (food purpose nnd in very
Inrgo iniuiberfl nnd greatly Improved
tliu mm tr of our ntock. Jiun cift
nn; ijuiiiivjr in iiur nvuuu. ttiiuu um
trlelty beran to lintil atroot enra tho
market for tho commoner klndx of
horaeH fell oir and farmer didn't HlrectH nui bo kept free from weK
breed ao maiiy. When tho nutomo-J the wnlhn mended, tho mudholM filled
bllea began to appear nnd wcro her- up. Kven tlio dairy flupply can bo ovor
allied n mnchlueH that inuat ftiipcr-' kccii, iih Ih Hhown by ono town where n
dn tho nao pf carrlngo horaeH tho body of liidlgnniit women mndo n pro
breedcrM of tho Scoter clnas of horacu tat nwilimt tho dairy Inapector be
took fright. dingo of u shocking mortality among
Tor yearn nflcr 1893, loo, Ihouanndn Infanta,
of people who wanted horweK could Glonmr 'ntil XCruircr.
not airuril them. Hut with tho return j.aU Kniger, ougu tho "Lion of South
of prosperity the demand for good Africa." I now living a life of Beclu-
horned begun to grow again and
inMinii iichuu ii k k'" ""
breederH bred more of them, rcporlH
Harpnr'H Weekly. Hut It take about
flvo yearn to rnlac a home that Im
fit for Urn mnrket and tlio oreeiieni
got behind. The demand ban outrtir
the aupply. Tho price of good lioraim
lniH InerenKed very greatly ami Iri
ported HtfilllortH are nnld to bo worth
nearly ten tlmei what they were 'ten
years ngo. The Bouth Afrlcnti var
took a great number of horncn out
of tho country, Including many'
wirthlcHH one, but tho bualncKa of
liorae-brecdlng linn' revived ao much '
that we nball anon have ognln a reft-J
Mounbly full nupjily. I
nuterprlNing fnrmor nowadays
breed good hornen. It jmyn, and
breeding poor horaen doenn't pay.
Wo import horscii from Kuropo for
breeding purfoacH nnd from Canada
for line, but of late we have exported
fnr more thnn wc hnve Imported and
nre llkelv to keen on dolnir ao. Tho
Tlio i
annual horse nhow In :cw
York, I
Mlilch ncems on Its surface to he a.
frivolous (ipectnclc, rcnlly holds a
highly lmportnnt relation to one o,t
the great Induntrlrn of the conntr'.
It Jh the parent of all the American
horae .shown nnd, with them, con
ntnntly mennurcs, ntimulntcH and di
reci the country's progress la tho
breed'iie; of fine horses. Thero nre
nbout 13,300,000 horses In our land, i
of nn estimated value of $004,000,000.
The Improvement of that much ntock
In a pretty important mnttcr, espe
cially In these days, when Kurope In
horse poor, too, and ready to ta"ke
from us any surpluH of good horses
that we may come to have. ...-j
Thrre Ar Still Seven Ierson DruT
insr Sloucy from llu- Govern
ment on Old 'Account. -M.
Kcarly 120 yenrn havo clnpscd since
tliu rcrolutlonnry wnr enme to an
end. The Inst survivor of tho thou
nandn of men who took part in that I
great struggle for liberty died more
than 30 yearn ngo. Yet, there arc on
Uncle Sam's pension rolls the nameu
nf l'vimi nursons each of whom hna
been granted a small sum of money
monthly on account of it, BnyH a
Washington report.
Three of the seven are. the only sur
vhlnjr widows of revolutionary sol
diers. The other four are daughters
aud are pensioned by a special act
of congre.n. The widows are: Ito
beeca Mayo, aged 80 years, of New
burn, Vn.; Nancy Jones, agod 83
years, of Jonoaboro, Tcnn., and
Ksther S. Damon, aged 88 years, of
Plymouth Union, Vt.
Hehecen Mayo, whoso maiden nnmo
Avns ltebecca Dawson, is the' widow of
Stephen Mayo, whom she married In
Virginia, on November 2-1, 1S3I, when
she wns 20 nnd and ho 77 years of
age. Her hubbnnd enlisted aH a pri
vate In a Virginia regiment in 1770,
and served three or four months. Ho
enlisted again in February, 1777, and
Ho participated
I '
served for ono yenr
in l... lmttlcs of Hrnndywlne nnd tier
innntown. In 1832, at the ngo of 75
years, ho made application for a pen
sion, which wos allowed. Ho died in
1847, and the same year application
was made by his widow nnd her claim
was allowed.
Nancy Jones is tho widow of Dar
it.nr .Imoil, who served for nlno
months as a private in a North Caro
lina regiment and was in tho battle,
of Monk's Corner nnd also in some
skirmishes with the Cherokee Indi
ans. Her maiden namo wnn Nailtfy
Huff. Rho married in Carter County,
Tenn., at the ngo of 25 yoars, hor
husband being CD yearn of age. Mr.
Jones wnn drawing a pension at tlio
time of his denth in 1848. Her claim
was allowed in 1853.
Ksther S. Damon, who was former
ly Ksther Sumner, married Noah Da
mon at Hrldgowner, Vt., In 1835,
when she was 23 yenrn of ago and ho
75, Mr. Damon enlisted at Milton,
Mass., in 1755, as a prlvato, and Bcrved
nearly two years, lib was wounded
at the battle of Long Island, and waa
granted a pension In 1848. Ho died
in 1853. nnd alio was pensioned as his
I widow. -v
' Tim f.opnl JfeivADfiner.
Thoro 1 linrdly nny way In which n
Jt C'llllllCOK 10 iail.
Itp'litriiln AfiiMt IVorlc Totr(licr.
riM. ...... ... .... a k ..... n ..
jiiuiu in iiu iuivii, iiuwuvur niiiiiii ur
r.oor, btitmny bo bohefltod by the hbko-
dated efforlrt of ltn rt'HlilfiitH. Tlio I
R,0M Ilt aienloii, I'ranee. IIo IooUh old,
K'on at aienion, rranco. no ioouh oiu, ,.
C.C nn,i (iBiit.liri'ried, nnd ho Uvea bo
qMUy that he might bo nt Utrecht for : :
n jrt.ntoI1 (,,0,VH about him. Tlio
nil Menton known about him. Tlio
Iloor ox-prenldcnt ban taken two nmnll
vIIIum, almost menu In npnearnuce
overlooking tlio sea. lie hiia been out-
Hjd0 til0 KnnieM 0uly onco bIhco lie nr
riml AtI0Hcll 10 cvcr ,.ot.s to any
Iiliico of public worship dovotlounl es
oreluen aud Hlblc residing tnko up Uio
UXcalcr part of each Huuday.
llnril on (lie I.nillm.
Very few remember tlm cxlBtcuco of
n certain rcjnnrknble ntatuto which
iwin plinsed In tho early dayn of George
HI. If Indeed they ever heard of It. It
nniH to the cfTcct that- If any woman
"entices any of his innJcnty'B male nub
jectn Into marriage by tho use of nny
powders or palntH or false hnlr or wool
on the cheeks nhc Khali be proHocuteO
r u.. . tti.. .. I..1. .... Ii
or MJriit. inn a caunv (.'uiuuru ii
would bo If any of bin present mnj-
.nty'n malo etibjectn were to endeavor
to put tho law into action. What n
riinli there would be of faHhlonable tri
llion to pecuru front neatn in court for
tho hearing. London Tntler.
I-'rnm tlir Pntlicr'n tilde.
Senntor Cmphtvr Well, did Sterling
Kay he'd vote for our bill?
Senator Malnehnntz No; he snld he
couldn't Imagine a bill of n more crook
ml nud odious character.
Senator (Jrapliter Did you tell him 1
wnn fathering the measure?
Senator Mntuchiintz Yen, nnd he
wild he fancied the bill's elinracterls
tics had been inherited. Philadelphia
Press. ,
A IJnltlmore burglar who put on
f.l;lrtn an a disguise found them a de
cided handicap vhen ho tried to es
.tape, which proves that tliQ malo gar
ments arc much better adapted to tho
commission of crime than those of tho
gentler tex.
It Is asserted that tho street rallrond
authorities iu New York havo no right
to extort fares from passengers for
whom Hunts cannot be supplied. This
cecum to bo a tstuudlug joke for nil con
ceriiou. .
Tho strlkojlienrlng having been
brought to n clos'o, the season for pub
lic listening for tho verdict is open.
Tho Onllnnt I.eonlilaa.
'llenrlettn." said Mr. MeeUton, "did
you hear that lecture In which It was
stated that the fact that Adam nrrlvetl
on earth before Kvo Indicated that men
should assume u certain precedence
over women V"
"I did," wan tho somewhat icy reply.
"Isn't It absurd? It simply shows
thnt Adam was expected to get tho
Kimlen In shapo for Kvo'n comfort, Just
.1... ......I.vi... .. k oniit lilt li tlin
as tlio modern man gets m in nic
morning and lights tho lire." Wash
ington tiiiw.
Hyp nc necced Hymen.
Tho rroK'ssor They lmvu traveled
safely along tho happy Journey until
now their hopes aro about to bo re
nllzed. .fr
Mrs. MnhuropyCpId, tho god
of lovo. must iiowpb1yVM& to Hyphen.
the uod. of tuMr.-Kaiisaa City
Journal. k
Golnbsablo Pocket
Tho amalloBt Sterooacflpo with the
ntronccst optical effect. Il'uhly Huished
in different colors with ilch gold nnd
allvor .lnniM-ntlnnn f mnnntillL'H Includ
ing 20 V. F. Photogrnnhe, Views of nrt
(Renro). 1UU0K ONLY $100. 5:ot
overv where prepaid in letter foi v.
FORREST BUILDINu, rhlladolphin
ul v U X.
f ' V-! ' JPHC5?J)V
f l
t m i ci nl 1 1 n iiHWii iHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii t-y-H-f
That is what we have
fill all orders for any
The quality is guarauted aud the price
is Right.
Our Stock includes anything required in
Fir, Spruce, Red aud White Cedar.
nm main i5i NORTH BEND, OR
You want well we are agents for the dailies
of San Francisco and Portland: also for the
leading papers and Periodicals everywhere.
IN ADDITION we carry a nice line of Fine
Cigars, Tobacco,
Stationery, rerrumery, imuu auu vuuuy.
E. P.
Vvwv vAAAvvvvAW
Nasal Catarrh quickly ylcldo lo treat
ment by Ely's Croam Halm, which ia agree
ably arojwtic. It is received through tho
jjobtrils, cleanses and heals tho wholo sur
face ovor which it diffuses itsolf. Druggists
...it M,n r,cn sirA- Trial size bv mail. 10
conts. Test it and you nro suro tocontinuo
tho treatment. .
'To nccomiuodato those who aro partial
to tho uso of atomizers iu applying liquids
into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou.
Hit, tha proprietors propars Cream Holm ia
liquid form, which wilLbo known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Prijo including tho
spraying tubo is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies tlio med
icinal properties of tho solid preparation
JjjA Street, Marshfield, Ore
Fla&airan & Bennett
Bank N
dnii.J. W. Ilomiott; LMM5S.;
nml . II. Flnnncrtln. VICE
1MIES.: R. F. Williama,
Capital, $50,000.
lo jell ami we. can
aud all kiuds.
Notions, Jewelry, cutlery,
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Free to the
f anv responsible house.
Bitlk iV m SB f Jh M 6 1 R I In I wCn
'visit DR. JORDAN'S antr('
:moseum of anatomy
miBiusTBT.,iiinciscouu I
Tfc Lartt AMiomlcml Muititi U tht ,
W.li WAka.Aaaa .m aH rvalllfll.l '
dbc4 aUIlrrwSliy thtl4tt A
. ivraiLia ih.ubir r.jiil A
fiwiyiiuiHiruutUiu.IMrr7. T
, TrMilllkluiil Klil' A
-- i.ii. RHir A. a.lk ..d V
'..dial cult fw ")!. fUw t.'t
Vlataiw. D, IM. jmw iptuu ,tw
CoiululkJiidttH''rP'- TiMIulpr
...11 .. LalfiMM A IHl ifllB. fj. lit .til. ...
i uoj.itVi. Veil ( Book. puaanovHy !
y .- "i-.-Ti- -. rr. r:.v.::i.. z.
h.'Min. A JtMMM nn la ...tr u
. tomra.) ItaJ) or m f
ML JORDAN I. CO 0Bt t(aifftt,. I.
Ro 'yeAns'
' Trade Marku
rtnnvniGHTS &C.
Anronn or.llnir n fVatf Ii ond dcacrlPtlon rnnt
mllcu'lr AKortMii our ppimou reo wi,cw r -
liivoiulon U probBWr Plijwoifc vi..-....s
It meotliuii or uiih.. ."-"-, --
lloui strict
itrictiycouiiaoiiuai. .uuu: --
jul (ree. uuicn i
'firouib Mumi Co. meet
twtit oiiBvnn in (tin
$pttUtl notlct, without
la .tntiU tsWnti
Scientific flnwrican.
A Itnnfltomolr lllnptrttlod ?
"'uwll Fakir & TiuhiM. p. e.