Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 28, 1903, Image 4

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TT LlLl&iu I vlfAu I lflrilu
, .... .,. M- --
Entered in the Tostofficc at Mnrshfleld,
as Sccerd Class fatter.
WAIL PUBLIS: IICO CO., Prortlctors.
Editors and Mnnagcrs.
G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman,
Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad
vance, 81.50 a Vcar, $t 00 Six Months.
DAILY: By mrtil, for advance payment
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months lor
Si 00. When not pari in advance the
yrica is 50 ceatv. pr month, straight.
luu:d ciery ir.oransj except Monnay.
1,-11-ijjaJ.Mii. H-ij 1U' "" mtt
It has gone t xi far to Hop tin appro
bation frr IU- l.-wt mil CM k inn.
by having 0'- ui.iier put '' tin
rtieruudi m. W- ;i ifl.u- t" put
tjJe.itatot.Oitn.'",!! i-c.u-e the gir.lt
'.?ih Uiri.st up mil; and now tii.i uv
i.tCriil V'SUIliJ lei Kit tin' pprr. "t '-
. 1 ... ......1 in 1. .1
jou wo' wvre on!ni.yi vrw!i". " " '
manner ho eiitvipriru ws iul"Mlloi ,
through the lecli.muo. g m "
JtOBU'COffl arc I'l.iv ivrsiinw-i
lhat II there is one p'ace in the world
contrdln) by tle Aiil bii.011 r..ii m.u
Tleudfl lu-w u..mI IV It VJir:vM. ! Uie
Lewijniv.t C. Uu will oriu,; it.
KoEebnrg l'.a:ndelor.
Y,hc:htr or not tlw l'l ttaiiestW' cen
dunlon i correct, that th rtii-ter.Uut
I honlU not be :t.v;ktU on the haU rail
lin rrproprii't . "' ict' os
tbousht la tlit last M.T.onet abort quct
td. "U there it cut place ooutiollwd by
iltft ianlv Swon rtce thai netl e
Wol,UU Onrpoc."
.Tile fact it that Or$OB f s-Hl.J by
n dH?m.i clatt of iopl from tlwte
who W.tlod California :.d Wafitinton.
ami tut result is Mint Kith better nitni
adrsntases than cither of the cthert,
she hae fa.l n behind is the race. L'von
now the procrettivo talk, the rueilinu !
for better tb ngs, co;n from a compar
atively emafl proportion of tho j oojlc,
and the great majority is too slojsieli to
move, or aro r-o'itiveJy .-eaclionary and
want to return to the days "btforo the
There isn't a well-settled comtnuuily
in tho ttate where tho people as a whole
are alive to what's what, and it wantr
3n influx of new people of the right kind
to snow under tho mos':ack and the
kicker. .
. Coos Hay is no worse off than the rett
of the etate, in betas cursed with" an un
due proportion of the kin J :l eople
7I10 make n life work of :ryiug to block
the whceU of progress, m
The Lewis r.nd Clark --propnation
will cost Coos county over $10,000, but
il it would "hav9 tiio effect of bringing
In and identify in,; with ue but one man
of means and of the enterprising fpirit
Tvluch distinguishes an honored few ol
our citiz.ni, it would be wortn the uo-.t.
PWJe&cc?S3t3rt5SOaaC(ICeorl0nnnU' through the provisions of the
3 r ij, . I land bid, aro limitwl o$25W In thecon-
51 LiUIlUI Jdlo H
id Donr'n 2
LflC I 60PiG S
1 &
- - 2
... ..... .... -
2 Under ihi hesd the MAIL w'l! be a
5J plea$edtQpibluh cemmurlotioix va
tnhi.rt. nt n rti.r .I.imI iiB.aim.r .. ml
tit "
' reiponnbihty for xYm otlmnii ex- (j
eMed Contribution r,c invited '
Totiik Editor,
In tho Co et Mail of March. 19 is an
article on tho Navy Lcagua of the Cniled
Sttttos. Tho nrticla date that t is
similar to holies of tho same- nature in
rtrcat Britian, Itlay,Ue!giuin and France.
And from what I can learn of it, it is a
ni,i ...i,in ff ,ir 4i,n ! oil ti,,, ,.t,.ti;vc.,i
world wide tfhir, that is all the civilized .
nations: and its object is the enme in all
of them, which is "to arouse national
'. interest in tho movement for a greater
. -1" t
Myy.'ThifyVe'ems to lA'theobjoct of
tb htgoe S3 ifcey vii, for "a qnlcken-
limof public u:ltnf which may bo
hxkrd for Hint will remit in n few years
., p., Aini'ttciu. navy that will bS able
lo ropo with nny tlmt nails tlio ea,"
What I would llko to know la where
i tfcr quitting jMihit? Suppoco won't
tin t.nv tlmt is big enough lo eopo with
au tit them, nud thin samo league is nt
work over union tho other nations, and
thoy point out that the Unlltil States
Iiavc swell i large navy that thould tho
c .include to become agrf eslve thoy could
unt copo with them ami (hoy must build
more and torpor war veitele: an.', thou
upon thoir doing so thu leaguo would
say to tho I'mtctl, ''totes sgnhi. You
eo thoco other nations sun building wni
vessel to that you cannot copo with
them, fo"you must build more, is ther
anything to stop it utiort of a nation'
reroun'es to build ships. That such ft
cjii'to is liable to uiako war any tho lees'
likrly is an argument that good rente
will net boar out. There would be just
-. . iiiii.iti ......n im !?, ilnr. ni'nrv tnlr III.
" ",ul" ""iv " """"" ""; "i-
tii pugilism to prevent Ccliting nmonc
The question ie wholhrr there isn't a
niytar stowKJ awav in the wood pile bj
owed lb lari:o tl':r.s who liaf th
ait'iioiNiSy ( inaMiifuutuririK arm r piaK
im1 by iHirtivH wbn mar anticipate
utiblu oomnnimlM tlnlutl i -? '.
ManhfieU, Ore. Mdiuh H), lViJ.
Kuituk Daily Co Air Mail.
ifarihllh'., Or.
fr Sjr.
Alkwiw myDelf lo teed to yen a few
lint;, leaving to you wbethor to mak
me of it or not.
Sum of thd tnoro iatuUer.t property
hoders in th-i neiKhbothood of Aragri
how very lit.le regards for exiftiriR
inmlawd, so as not to plead ignorant
of tuch laws, I 6bonld very much like
them to be warned, that, hunting with
does iff prohibited at all times, never
theies: there is not a day whore deer are
oot chatcd by worthless dogs.
The killing of deer at this senron U
cloted, they must not think it lionoreble
to carry thrcn deer at one time last week
end iu open daylight. The partut
claim respectability and nn grept Itohts
in the church, let them know that
whether breaking the game law or com
mitting other unlawful acts should not
bo committed by people as they claim
to be.
OsAVuo Wjshm Jcsticb Done.
Myrtle rcirt. Or.. March, 1!03.
Irisli Land Bill
The Irish land bill, which is now be
fore tho Uritieh Houee ol Commons. !
provides that tenants shall pay 3 1.4ror j
cent interest on loans from tho govern-
wont, that untonantftd farms and era.-1
ing lands will bo fold to neighbors ton-1
tuit luLU that three commissioners will
fuporviee the tales, The adyanco to the
getttnl district and tUhfi elsewhore?
IJi L111 lll "( effective November
If-t. Mr.;Wyntlham taid J76O.W0,0O'J
.. ... . .
could safely Iw advanced on Irish lands.
i..,( u n . i i ,t t . .
but he thought the iCllOWS WOUld not
ino!ve t,0,(u0,tw0. The Irish Socre
tsry txplalrod that while the maximum
clureo on the English treasury would
eretcd ? 1,073,000 iu a Einglo year, tho
reduction iu thu cost of thu udminietra-
tion of Ireland
$ 1,250,000.
would amount to
1 iiuii! Hear CIi-Im,
Tho I'ii'st When ho propoised to me,
ho noted like n rovulur Idiot.
Tho Sucojnl Well, my dour, you.
must rcijioiiiLcr Mint ho wiih dointj
8ometbIl . LUot..h Set.
KJilflliiK- the Illume.
Knox Why do you nlwnyH put "dic
tated" ut tho bottom of your letters,'
You have no stenographer.
Knlx Well) you secI'm d very poor
peUerJJojbjn ffcrnhL '.ytf ''"" h ''
Hill Will Keep Away
Wall-Street View of Various Re
ports of New Railroad on the
.Pacific Coast
Kew York, March 2:!. (Special to the
Oroonhiu.) Aiithoritativodcntalof the
rumor that tho Northern Securities will
extend its linvs routhward nloug tho
I'dcitlc Const is obtained at tho head
quarters of tho company in Now York,
It is Mated that J. J, 11:11 has no inten
tion of invading cyon Oregon, lot alone
Great interest is evinced horo in the
numerous reports from tho Pacific Coast
rclativo to survojing parties at various
points in Oregon .ml California, Thoso
reports have bcori recurrent throughout
the last year. In mod cases they have
seemed to hint at undertakings engineer
ed by the flarriman lines. In most in
stances the Ilarriman authorities have
I taken pains to deny that they have anj-
thing to do with the project as outlined
The present report Is manifestly a
combination of two prior rumors, one
that a lino was being built through from
Salt Lake City to Coos 'lay, Or., and the
other that a line was projected from
Hurrk.i, Cal., through tho mountains
into Nevada. In tho investigation of the
San Francisco nport it baa developed
that both these prr jocts are still in ex
istence and that tho latter at least has
gol pro-pecta of being ultimately car
ried through to a conclusion.
It transpires that tho projectors of the
Coos Bay line have had the project in
mind for eomo yeara. Immediately after j
the purchaeoof tho Southern Pacific tho
plan was brought to tho attention of E. 1
H. Ilarriman, and it was proposed that
he assiit the projectors to run this line
through from Salt Lako City and make
it a link in tho Ilarriman route to Port
land, as well as reaching a terminus on
ihe Pacific at Empiro City in Coos
county. The project was investigated , Benton for tho Coast Land A Livestock
and was found wanting In several !m- Company against the Orcgon-Paciilc
portaut particulars, tho chief 0bicctlonCoIoul"tIonComPnny' Tho proceeding
.......... , . was a foreclosure of mortgage, and do-
being tuat the territory ecrved was not
creo was taken by efaujt.
rich enough in local traffic to justify tho
The fishing reason opens upon the
choosing of this routo in comparison! -,,... , , in,r c .. 1
' I Columbia on April (D. Seventeen cm.
with tho route now followed by the Ore- i:erlcs ftrn preparing to can fish ard ten
gon Short line up the valley of Snake
Uiver. A good part of .the tho territory
pro,nl!od a corlaIn rcaUh !" Iumbor
traffic and possibilities in the lino of
mineral development, but In neither of
th8g0 respects was It considered to pos-
soseB any advantage orer the Oregon
Short Line route. Since tho comploticn
of tho latter routo tho project has again
been brought to tho attention 0! the
IfarrimnnMntercsts, and they have agsln
,,,, ,, ,, , ..
declined to beromo identified with tho!
v I
I L fit- 1 1 It.. I f f I
project. It is undorslo'vl in H&rrimun
. . .. . .. ,.,,,.,,.
circles that tho peoplo behind tho Coos
Hay project nt tho proiiont time aro not
., , ... , ., . .
othcrwiee well known in the railroad,
1 world, llarrimnn's peoplo disiaiso the
, theory that liock Island intere&ts have
taken up tho tatk that Mr. Ilarriman
declined. Tho Rock Island people them
selves, say thoy are going no farther
northwest than Denvor.
Eureka & Eastern will agnin come
prominently before tho public when tho
money stringency in the New ork mar
ket becomeB less marked. Tho project
is now just where it was at tho begin
ning of the tight money period last FaljV
Plane have be32 diawa for tig sntlre
route, mid thtuo Mirvovlng corps have I
been iu tho field for the pastidx mouths, '
It was tho operation ol thceu corps that
grtvariuo lo tho rumor of lllll luv.ir.lon.
It tuny be noted that tho Interests be
hind thu Kuti kn A. Kitslern also took
thoir plans to Mr. Hnrrimmi iuul nskod
his luslft.Mico In building thu road.
Thoy said that the project, If carried
through from uoino point on thu Central
Pacific In Humboldt County Nov., to
Kiuoka, In Humboldt County, Cal.,
would materially tcduco thu dlstaurii
from Salt l.nko City to tho Coast, mid
would alio afford n lower grade lino,
Mr. Harrimnu I cole tho matter undur
consideration (or peine innuthi, and sunt
his ox porta over tho proponed route, At
oiin tlmo it wits coimldored that Mr.
liarriuuui would certainly mcepl tho of
fer miido him by Priiieu Punlatowpki and
his nttoclatcs, but ho tltinlly drclded
that thu harbor fncilitlos at, Kurokiniid
the right of way through thu mountains
weru not outllcluutly promising to justify
tho construction of n new branch to
divide the u utile of thu Union Paclllc'a
tiinin lino with thu Central Pacttlc. Mr.
Harrlumn if, thorcforo, not at present
interested in Eureka & Kuktoru.
(state and general news)
ll, C. French has bcon appointed
President of Statu Normul school at
Tho hello girl in tho central ollko at
Weston committed pulcldo Monday by
sliootiuK herself through tho heart. l'n
riHjaitwl Iovu wa, lnL, cauHt.
Culumlia county was tho first ouo to
send its state tax in this year. I
Cattln suffered eevorcly this winter1
owing to hurd winter. '
Monmouth has n Hoard of Trade and
will pull for immigration. '
A naval recruiting ttatlon has been
opened At Salem and will be held all this ,
nick. j
Tho Armstrong murder case is being'
tried at linker City this week. ,
Eugcno has on a building boom.
Missouri appropriated $10,000 for tho
Lewis .'; Clark Fair.
J. D. Daily of Corva lis has reaived
tho appointment as surveyor genorul of
Oregon vire Henry Mcldrum.
Governor Chamberlain lins not yot
selected any person to succeed Julius
Meier, who doclined to servo as a mem
ber of tho Child Labor Commission.
Judgment for 1101,301 and costs has
bfton rcnJorC(l , tll0 circuit Court for
cold etorngo plants also nro making
ready to roceicvo fish.
Rudolph Larson, n fisherman of As
toria, foil Tuesday morning from the
roadway on Seventeenth street to the
rocky beach below, a distance of 13 fcot
striking on his iiead nud badly fractur
ing his ekull.
Hehool children Htudy t
Tin. i.!miiii.rinlilii nt In
. -ll"",,,"!"J' "l '"
lllilllliliK liliili
thoir lemotH
hotolK are nil
"'miiiIht men.
'J'ho host Knides of coffoo 1110 sold ut
robneeo hIoioh.
The Mo.VIen meal coiihIhIh' of moro
kiitds of uieui thiin vogotublo.
Mlu,WIIJlf Hlrwl wn ,,, ,,,,
I'ivldo llireo ehihsim of conveyance
In tho elites real cstuto Is Hold by tho
Htjuaio meter instead of tho front foot.
JVult and vegetables nro not Hold by
mousuie, but by tho dozen or by
Many tailors tuko tho clothes of thoir
customers to the patron'H homo to try
tlivin on,
Mexican men of tho-lower classes
wear tho biggest huts iu tho world, tho
woHien none nt all, ' .
Sunday Is tho grennmiisoment'tluy.
All big oiitortnlnmoiitB uro resorvefl or
this general holiday. ",
Thoutor mnnai,'or"nro' fine'tl If thoy,
do uptproducb, bo'cuRi nud rcnturcs
advertised. Modem Mexico. ,. ., '
llrod Mm cottult that oxcoods thu llii'llu of n ntinjilo cold, If lon'i
of llotdi gooiwilh It, you nuroly iioml our KiiiiiIdIiiii of Cod Mvor
Oil with HypnplioaphltoMof l.ltiio nfid Soihi, It IhiII.Im fnHlor
than dlsenno can tnar down, Mnknti IiIiiimI, glvea ntrouttlh niut
euros Htiiliburn tluoiU iiul lung truithloN,
Todo Its hi'iit tlkM'iiiitUlon bIiouIiI ho Iri'hli. You aro turn of
fronhucps w.ien you gut our omulploii, .Mado lit frequent Inter
vals that's why phyilclrt'tj prefer It. Prlcu 70 conic
Count von ()uiiill, AVIiimr Work linn
rtinmeil UiilmT WIMu-lm.
Count vou Quadt, first norri'tnry of
tho'Mermnii embassy, nt Vanlilngtoii.
who hits boon granted leave of nbwnco
nnd N now on his way to (Inrmuny,
wan chief reprrsotitntlrv of"Triininfror'1
lu this, couutry diirtug tho Intnrlm bo
twce'ti'tlie doparturo of Dr. von Hollo
ben nnd tho nrrlvnl of Mlnlstor von
Stornburg, who, It Is thought, will ho
mndo nmbniuadur. Count Quadt ttiv'll
tho arrival of Huron von Htornburg
iMiulticted tho Merman end of U10 Von
ctuolnn trouble.
Count voti (jii'i'lt linn bcon Kooliilly
prutnliiciit Iu Vn-hliigtoii. moro 10 tier-
hapt Minn might have boon tho ram
had not Amhiissador vou IIoIMhii
boon n tmcholor. ('oiintex-i vou (jiiadt
1ms acted 11s tho hostess nt all the re
cent receptions nt the (iormmi embas
sy nnd took 11 prominent pnrt lu tho
fiitcrtulumoiit of Prlnco Henry when
ho wbh horo lant winter.
It 1h expected Mint Emperor Wllllnni
In recognition of fount rou (Jimdt'H
iierrlcos In this country will promoto
him to n moro Important post on tho
expiration of his three moiitlm' leave.
M'tint I'inini-r Hill I'miMum to Un
Ullli III ll.-ril of IIU011.
I'iiIchh tho plmiri of Mnjor Cordon W
l.llllo, president of tho ArkniiMis Ynl
ley Nntloiinl bnul; ut 1'iiwueo, 01.1a.,
mul who Is known throughout tho west
ns "Pawnee Hill," go nstrny, tho peo
ple 0 thin country In tho courno of 11
year or two will bo hitppllcd with buf
fnlo beef.
"Pnwneo Hill" hns bought n tnint of
hud coutululng r00 ncnii nenr Kouo
sha, WIh., nnd In the spring Ih to put
n herd of wild hufriilo upon It. Inci
dentally Major l.llllo, through tho aid
of l.lovd P. .NIcodomtlH. has formed 11
million dollar imtrmo trust, una trio
statistics of tho government show tlmt
ho Iiiih en mill ed every wild buffalo In
tho ('lilted Hliiies mid Canada mid In
fact tho entire world.
Tor tho last ton yours Major l.llllo
nnd Mr. NIcodoniiiN have bven nt work
getting Into 11 Mingle herd nil the buf
falo In tho world, but tho tusk Js now
practically completed, mid tho mnjor
bus a Mingle herd roiiHlstlug of IHl." mil
main. All of those will bo pluccd on tho
rr ' riT, I 7
"" kaiob aonnoxV, txtiizaL
cot.sr O.V t' At'T.
ArfKlf fytf.yCMV$t -A
- u
Konoulm rniu'lt, when flioy will ho in
1'iiny toiuh with tho mnrl.i'tii of Now
York iuul Chicago. In gottlug this herd
together Mnjor 1.1111m linn lon'titly
bought tho fmiiomi "Coiul Night" hold
Iu Toxiih mid thu Alvold held III Moil
tan. 1. Thu only iiiiIuiiiIm of tho rai'o
now to bo found oiitsldo of this herd
aro In tho porks of Now York, Chicago,
Kan lYiinclsoo, Yollowrftono mid Cin
cinnati. ,
Major l.llllo d one of tho most notol
of tho men who have mado tho wtttl
finnans, and his daring Hchomo of cor
lulling nil tho liiirfiiln Iu tho world Is In
keeping with nnv.y oIImth which lin
hiii mado. Ho Is togiirdl iin oiio of tho
wealthiest moil lu tho wont. At I'nw
noo h owns bunks, railways, general
storoi mid everything tlmt timid Im
toiiMldorvd it general utility.
I lo was oiiKlually n "touderftHit." Ho
mil iHiru ut HIiMiiuliiKtoii, III . nud wns
eliuiitil nt Yale. When ho had emu-pli-tid
his 00II0KO roiirw, h- wont wost
itnl wns H4Miii tho lion of tho faniom
IIHi wlileli ItJtirktMl tile opelilliK of Mm-rii-r"UtM
strip for 'louhuillau. With
II Mlm-le ImiIIImI ho IteriWlM llio h-tullna
v. ti.i,- nmii In th lion- trrltity and Ik-i-iitne
Liio'ii mm "the IJttlt Clmit of
Hie Weit." lo Iw-fMtiie the tnill
.' 'nt of tho Boveinnwiit In Mm now
t. r Mury nml wns tit Intn'tvtcr
the Koirttiiiient In tho denting with
tho litdliuu.
A outlier Hloi-jr.
.Nt.e win .(Ail 1 eook tiwlny. iK-Ai 1
lb 1 -b r't iiiro. Hut wliet nro wo
going -atV l'llogoiMb- Hlnttor.
"i Iiicrnllt 0 1'ue llitt.li,
"' dilliuo what to 1I0 iiImiiiI Josh,"
il r.Uliier CotiitiM4l. "Ilo don't
1 in to liiivii iiiiiili enterprise."
"You're lifen ooiiiplnliilir 'bout Mitt
boy or nemo wo wont to that thony
lor," replied IiIh wlfo reprotliiKly.
"You've gone nhond an' lean-l till tho
debts olf tho place, all' of there ain't
tiny Incentive for Josh to go out In thu
wide world nu' htisllo, no's lit- can eomo
hack un' lift tho mortgage Jen' us thu
landlord Is about to forocloc, It's your
own fault."- W.-jMnjiisa iltv
Tlir Trnliiliin: u( I'ntnrr Clllirim In
Allllileliuil ( triliilllir.
"Dirt :. ' . iicrucy" are. qulto ns
truly synoiO'iiious n "clenulUii'ss nud
godlluoM," iuul streets 11s' well as
bono rolled tho character of Mielr oc
cupants, says the Pittsburg Dispatch.
In Vienna If a person throws 11 torn
envelope Into tho stnot ho Is arretted
and lined. In Paris public opinion hut
been educated to belloro (fiat a Ktruet
should ho as liiiiuneiiluto as a house.
lu 11 fl thecllli'M of Hidlnnd thesth-otfl
nro not only kept fieo fro'm litter of
any sort, but scrubbed iind'gariilshci!
as well. OrdiiimieeM for the pi oner va
tlon of iitreets and lilgliwuu nro not
tyranny. They aro for cleanliness au
Tho iiiovomonl Inaugurated hj -thoughtful
women for civic betterment
through "vitiligo liiiprou'iriont" soci
eties, "health protective" mssooIiiMoiu
mid "good govornment" leagduu Is ui
ready beating fruit, looking toward
niiiiilclpal elomilliiosri. If the chlldioi
1110 early taught that tho slreolfc, th
railway iiiih, tho Kchoolhouho'aiid blhei
public liulldlngH aro not for uno us
dust bliiH or garbago pulls any mine
than (ho house, a givut step will bat
boonmtlued. M,s
1 iiiii 111 ' 1
I)Jro erlnit u Oolit Mine.
fU'Ul w.id illseovoied In Callt'ortilu 111
' ) th m. I In Colorado In IH.-.H. Tho dis-
eoviry wiim iiecldeiilal Iu both ciisim,
lii"l tho la ft created tho Iiiiptesslon
Mint iiilnoH were "lyltiK iiiYiiud loosu."
AdvontiirerH drifted about lu hopo of '
"ni'umhlliig upon 11 mluo." Mr. Thayw
lu his ".Marvels of thu Now Weill1'
mentions several liuitmicoH of lucky
"HtumblliiK." Three men while look
lug for gold lu California dlHcoVorcil
tho dead body of 11 mini who evidently
had been prospoclllij;. "Poor iollowl"
Hlllll OIIO Of MlO tUlO. N"IlU llUH p.UPiU'll In
hlH chockM." "J.ol'ti glvo Is lut u decent
but'lul," Hiild anotlier. "Somo vjl'o or
mother will bo glut! If over she l;novt
It." Thoy began jb" dlj,' u grave, Tlireo
foot below tho Hti'rfnco thoy dlscovorcd '
signs of ohl. 'i'lli HtturlKi w'hs'htirleir ,'
lnrnrrother pluco, and whfcro tbby'lindj
located u gruvo thoy opened a gold
mine, ... ... . ..... , .... .i.
-arMiweiiria amr j.