T? i 'vf . I v ... ,-,-5$. ir-' r 'J-.Vs'Vh'if,- jn 7,, ,; . ---C y-f nVj5')'r' MWMi m.- eUJU. n7 BURDICK ..." INQUEST .': CROWDED Hot Love Letters Read jn Court, ' lluffi.lo, March 211 Tho Hurdlek in rjtiosl today wns crowded with million nblu womuii. Mm. IturUfclc n dm I tied nicullim I'urincll. Tho tllntrlct attorney rend lutloni (rum Pennell to hor. Ono paid: "You nrofo milch mlno, end 1 to inttcli yours Hint I must luke you toiuo tlmr, my darling." Tho wllnuen cower ed, nnd her replies worn nlinost inniidi bio. MRS MAYBRICK 'i TO BE RELEASED FROM ENGLISH PRISON ' Iiiidon Murih 2:1. Tio Homo oflire announces tlmt Mr. Mnybrick, tint American woiiuin who It eorvlng rt life rcnlonco (or polomlng her husband nt Liverpool In 18611 will bo ret (reoiu l'JOJ, TWENTY THOU- SAND SOCIALISTS TO RESIST LA YS Hilda I'olh, March 23-A meeting ol Hoclnllhta was holJ todaj. Twenty thou laud moii, each wearing n red carnation, worn In line, nnd aworn to rceiet tho government military bill nnd tho prog rota ol clorlcAtlim. SALVADOR'S FORMER PRESIDENT DIES IN ABJECT POYERTY Mexico Oily, Mnrch SI fSeusral Car los l'zuts, (ormer president o( Salvador, died nt MruiUlnn Sunday. l!o was ro cently leduced tonbrolutownut, nnd wah burled nt government uxponuu. Ho woo tho mobt progressiva prcM deiit tho n public over had, nnd Intro- riticotl ritllroads, telegraph nnd telephone. Ilia ago wno ll(ty. i married life im;citcrnllv iiitulu on nn emiol footlm- of llcnltll ill mini mill u-lfi lv!rt Nut how noon, in nmiiv Wop cases, tho wife Ioks the Mart anil fades in face nnd fnilH in flesh, while her husband grown even more ruuged and robust. There is one chief cause for this wifely failure nnd that in, the failure of the womanly heulth. When there Is irrcgulnt Ity or an unhealthy drain, inllaiu illation,' nice rat ion or female weakness, the gen eral heulth iu toon im paired. Dr. " Tierce's Ifavoritc Prescription cures woman, lv disent.es. It establishes rcculanty, dries unhealthy drains, heals tiillaiuuiatictr and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women otronjr nnd sick women well. " ' t little over u year ni;o I wrote to vou for nilvirvl"Niy-i.Miit, Jlllinbelli J. I'Uhcr, uf Dlnnn, W. Va. ''voh ml.ln.it iiiu io line J)r. I'lercc'n t'uvotilc I'TMcrltitum nail 'Colilcn Mi-illctil I)U. dowry,' wlilcli 1 ilul mid with the ntokt happy remit. I. wnn iKiiililul with fciniilr umknim nuil lirnriiiK-ilown imlim, Had n very had mill ncnrlvnll tVw tlmt - in my left fide, nt-nouMieitu mid firnil.ichc. W.-ih so weak I could htirdly vmlk nero-M mv room. Conlil not nil tm milv just a lltlut while nt a Hum. My hiulund ut me some of Dr. 1'lcrtc'K mctllclue uiitl I honnii tin iuc. Ilcforc I had taken two bottle 1 wan able (a help tin my work. I iim.i1 three battles in nil nnd it cured me, Kof I do nil my house v.irl:. It l the best medicine I cvt-r u-ed." The Common Senses JIedical Adviser, In )it coveni, is scut'iVf on receipt of 31 onc-ecnt stauins to nay cxtieusq of jnalliiiL only. Address Dr, K, V, lUerce. UuffoJo, N. Y. 'MmvFiE mart untsmwn in Vu - ''ttUWJ .i". -ii XAM mm m I tfftfm If Ir'w TACOMA . STRIKE ' CONTINUES Trtcomn, March 2D Tho (street enr slrlkn conlluuun. A fuw cars nro oper ated by non-union employees, Tho coin puny linn refuted lo rccognlti tlio union, or to dlrctinrito tho non-union men, nnd linn i;ivoii tlio employees until this otter noon nt o'clock to return to york. CLARK WILL GET OFFICE W.uhlnclon, March 23 It la ecmi officially nnnotiiifcd that Hoosovolt hnn under confident ion tlio nppoiument of 1. .1. Clnrl:. o( Cednr Itoplds, as nstlit nut iccrctary o( tho nepartiriunt of Com merce. Clnikn ponltiou nn hctul ol tho ltnllway Conductors nnd his notably Kood work nnn mumbor of tho Anthra cite Commliftlon mnkca" his eelcctinn id mo-', cuitain. RIVER AGAIN FALLING Mcmphie, March 21 Thu river iu bo Klnnlii to full nnd tho dancer Una In now between hero nnd Virkiburg where thu etraiu will Inst two dya loncer. DRUMMERS MEET DEATH Memphis, Mnrch 21 Four commercial traveller- and two Negro bontrncn were drownt'd this morning while tryint: to reach Mound City, Aikaner.B. The boat became entangled iu n .wiru fenco and capeixed, GEORGE ' YOUNG PARDONED Kalom, March 21 Governor Chamber lain 1ms granted n pnrdpn to (icorge Pavld YouiiCi ol Joscphlno county, serv 'A two years lot utterinu a forgod note, upon recommondatlou ot tho prison phyelclan, thu younn man being in poor m health. i. a riKiiWiiu- niniinp. "" r On ono oci'sihIoii Iltrihu) Selwyu was j;oliitf ilown tho rlvor Wnlknto with n Mnoil when tho hitter, who wnn very hizy, left oir patldlliif, tho canoe, nt the hiuiio tlmo nuittPi-lnj; tlmt If Sehvyn were not u bishop ho would well, "kc for him." In a moment tho bishop told the mini to turn tho cnuoo iiHhorc, when', HtrlpphiK hlmsolf of everything oplseopiil, ho iinld, pointing to hi robes, otc: "Tho bishop Ilea thcro; the limn Ih heiv. I nin qulto rauly; roiuo , on." Tlio Mnori did not 'Voino on," however, but ipiletly ivruuumI hla wovlf without miothei uiurnuif. London Tit Ulto. ,. . Ilio lMto TIilnitM."' "It's often tho llttlo unliPiinl ofthlngs Hint nro ninlcliiB tho Krent reductions in niiinufnetiuliiK eostH," wild u patent liiwycr recently. "Only thin luoruliifi n uiiuiufueturer, n workman unil I set tied tho mutter of two llttlo wheel; Hint tho workman had Invented for in mitoniohllo machine ho had worked over lu hlri employers shop. No oik will over hoar of It, but tliQ llttlo -con irlvnnco will hiivo tho mnnufucturol 1etwoen $ ll),000 niitl $.10,000 ii year, And tho' woi'kliiKmiin won't linvo t.c inliul tho' lauclHno olthor., WorltlV AVm-lf. .. ., w" TEN PER Awarded By Anthracite Co mmission. MORE PAY AND LESS HOURS RECOMMENDED FOR MINERS Operators Inferentially Condemned Coal Roads Presidents Displeased With Re port Mitchell Well Pleased Wnthinfclon, 3Iarch 21 Tho report of tho nthrnelto Commlasion, which wne made public this morning provides for 'i nn increase of IO per cent in tho wagca nl coulrnct minere, nnd n reduction to 8 hours for other mlno workera. HoIatiriK cni;iueerH Trill work 8 hour thUto, with 10 per cent incrcaao In wnxca. " Ollmr eneinccro nnd pumpmon will got 0 per cent Incrcnso in wogoa and H hour (drifts. ' Other miners will bo paid the eamo wagca on a 9 hour day that they have been receiving for 10 hours ccrvice. A Hoard of Conciliation ia provided to 'rettlo disputes, no Mrikrf or lockout to tnko place whito adjudication is pending. A tdiding cento ol wng.ss la provided, whereby the minora may increaio4'tholr carninRS according to'an Increaeb'id tho market prlco of coal, tho rates provided being in all caica tho minimum. Tliceo awards ehnll continuo in forco until March 31, 1000. ,.T Assaults Woman 'in Pullman Sleeper .-iv ( She Jumps Through Car Window Ecntlle, Mflich 21 Mrs. Corft Turner of Portland, wne assaulted by n colored portor in a Pullman car nt tho railroad yards this morning. She was on hor way to Bpokano from Portland. Tho NoRro cut her with a knifo to in tlmidato her. Crazed with pain and fear, tho woman leaped through a plato glaqa Yrlndow of tho enr, and hor scroame brought nseistanro from mou in tho yards. Tho portor was arrested and gavo tho nnuie of 0. W. Kobinson. Tho woman was held as a wltnees against him, t8aoe9ecDcesQ IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS" ANYWIIQRQ AT ANYTIMB J Call on or Writ g.CDAp'S AD.XERTISIHG ,AGP.CYj ; '64 &fis Merctianta tixchangd" - y . , AN.PRANCI5CO. CAL, , ,i NEGRO FIEND FAILS GENT RASE Tho report condemns tho boycot end blacklists; alto employing Deputies or Coal and Iron police. ' Tho arbitrator could not ecc way to rocommond compulsory arbitration, but belieyo tho etnto and federal gororn ment should provido machinery for compulsory Investigation of con trove r tioa. Tho roport inferentially condemns tho' operators for not agreeing to arbitra tion when they first decided that they could make no concessions. Now York, March 21 Presidents of tho coal tarrying railroads declino dis cussion of tho findings of the Anthracite Commission, but they appear displeated. Do'trolt, March 21 resident Mit chell declined to discuss tho findings of tho Anthracite Commieeion until ho has gono over them thoroughly, but his manner indicated thai ho was highly pleased. LOVED EACH OTHER Mrs Burdick's Rela tions with Pennell WomanStill onWitness J Stand Buffalo, Mnrch 21 Mrp, Burdick was on tho Btnnd all day. Hor testimony woo nil concerning hor rolntions with Penttdll Sho Bald they loved each other. Ton uoll vrroto effectionato lettors, nnd they kissed onco. Bho mot Pennell nt, Now t York, andijiagarln eeveral limes. Tholr rolations wofo piopor nnd in nocent. Thoy expected that each would got n dlvorco and then they would marry. fiho said emphatically that ehe know nothing of the murder. Sho did not know If either of tho Pounells visited tho houso tho night ol tho murder. llatl Proved It." "A great donl may bo snkl on thc-guii Ject," Bitld lio pi-ollx porsou. nl,hnt,",Biild tho woitvy, auditor, "U tho ono point on which you lmvo con vinced 'ukV-Washington Star. , . GENERAL WOOD CLEARED Washington, Mnrch 10. Secretary Hoot today dirmind tho chargcu rr.ndt by Mrjor Itathbum agalnfit fjonerxl Wood, declaring that thuy were Without foundation. Tho Secretary s'nlcs that Ooncrnl Wooi's actions rclnlIvo to ,thc post odlce cases in Cuba was taken. wild the knowledge and approval of the de partment. WORST OF FLOOD' IS OVER Momphls, March 23 Tho river ii slowly falling. The only breaks report ed today are near VJcksburg, where tev- erol thousand acres wero flooded, and nnny houses wore washed nway, Tho worst Io over, , DENIES BARTON ST0RY Meridan, Connecticut, March 21 Francis Atwator, a member of the ex ecutive committeo ol the American Red Cross Society, denied emphatically, this afternoon, tho Washington report of Clara Barton's removal. AMERICANS 1 RECAPTURE SURIAGO Manila, JIarch 21 Tho Amer.'can troops havo recaptured S.uringo, on Minanao, which was takon ly tho La dropes on Saturday. Tho outlaws did not harm the American officials or for eigners. Too Ladronoa fled without battln. i "Women In IIojV Shocn. "You would hardly believe it," said a fntJlilounblc shoo clerk yesterdny, "bul tho Kwellest ot our woyieu eustoinei-? aro now liivriablyj.nskliiR ua for boyS' phoes. The masculine styles of v.'onien's shoes no longer satisfy them. They must have a shoe made exactly liko a nittn's, nnd so -wo sell twice as innnj boys'' shoes ns formerly mid propor tionately teapot women's. What Is tin reason? Well,' really, I cannot say, ex cepting that'lt is n fad. As a matter ol fact, 1 know that tho boys' shoos arc not really us comfortable, for they can not bo got to tit as perfectly as those designed for women's feet, mid more than ono of my fair customers com plain of blisters tuid calloused feet. but ctlll they want the boys' shoes and insist upon tho strap being left on lu tho back." Philadelphia. Record. After nenrly a scoro ot bftulenta of Cornell university had died of typhoid fover It was discovered that thero wero several pigsties adjacent to tho I time:; water supply, which is regarded ns the primary causo of tho xscourge. It Is strango how frequently It takes an epi demic to point out to oven tho most lu telllgeut communities their neglect of tho simplest rules of health. And y Corncll university 1ms a department for teaching sanitary science in tho abstract. A llttlo more coucreto appli cation of professed knowledge of sani tation would undoubtedly havo saved rnnnv lives. ., , . .. It is understood that Iludyard Kip ling 1b going to South America for an other indefinite stay. This would seem to effectually set at vest tho rumor to tho 'effect that ho Intended to lecturo through Germany on tho "Goth and tho Shamoless IIuu." wf . Tf BOODLERS PLEAD GUILTY Fined Five Hundred Dollars Each Louisville, March 23. Former Reve nue Collector Sapp, Chief Daputy Par rons nnd Put O'Hegon, a heal Republi can boss, this morning plcndrd guilty in tho federal court to nssensing federal employes for political pnrporos. They wore fined five hundred dollars each. Eapp'a enforced Tctdcment vhen Roosevelt beenmo prctident created a political sensation. The gang is onid to have collected forty thousand dollars. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND'S APPOINTMENT DEPENDS ON PRESIDENT'S REQUEST Washington, March 23 A dispatch from Romo indicates that a red hat can come to Arcb-Binhop Ireland only at President Rootcvelts request and it is regarded as extremely unlikely that the President will make tho suggestion, ae he has pronounced views against inter ference in church matters. LA SOUFRiERE; YCLCANO AGAIN IN YIOLENT ERUPTION Kingston, Jamaica, March .22 La Souiriore is still in violent eruption. Heavy clouds obscure tho euu, and dark sand is falling. DYNAMITE MONEY TO PIECES. Bardwell, Ky., March 21 Rolbera dynamited the Safety Deposit bank this morning, securing fivo thousand dollars. Tho charge was so etrong that it de stroyed twenty-flvo hundred dollars in curroncy. i WORKS Injunction Isn't so Funny this -Way r Directed Against Coal Robbers. ' , , - -1- t-t , Chicago, March 21-Unlted Statea dUtrict court'this morning issued an in junction against 11 companies and 10 in dividuals composing tho alleged Chicago coal combine, forbidding them from continuing tho contracts fixing tho price of coal, on the ground that it is n viola tion cf tho Sherman anti-trust law. , Dispatches from "Washington Bay that a notably Btrnug lobby has been there endeavoring to induenco Attorney Gen oral Knox to prevent the Issuance- of the injunction but has &b'.olutely'fnlled, BOTH I .'... ,SSE8!fe3BB2BBK t