Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 28, 1903, Image 1

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    - ,wrvrt
NO. 14 f
ly y-W' r-
TheObject of Enormous
London, March 25 Thorn in enor
mous interest li thu propound I r lull
Inm! hill, which la tlio govornmonl'a
compromise on homo rulo. Tim House
of Commons was crowded today, some
of tho mot anxious clnhnliiK -'.i as
tarly an mlddilit.
Wyndham, I'hiof Secretory or Ire
land, said much cash would ho required
In carrying out tho provisions of thu bill,
besides thu (00,000,000 already provided
for. Hu raid it would require 83 years
to make thu payments.
A dispatch from Dublin says: "'I here
li great excitement all over Ireland over
tho land bill, which in up In thu House
of Commons. It is tho moat monvntoua
event in Ireland's history tlncu thu uu
lon. It la confidently expected that tho
bill will pas. With thu throning opun
of lino stretches of laud now held b)
non-resident owners, thousandH of fnmll
iea now deslituto will hu inado indopon
New Orleans, March 2.1 Tno river
rose ouo tenth of u fool flhicu yesterday,
but no luvi'O breaks nro ruporlitl.
Brought On Sciatic
Nervous Prostration
Dr. Miles' Norvine Gave
Back Health.
"I was laid up during tho winter of 04-95
with sciatic rheuiimtltui ami nervous prostra
tion brought on by a severe attack of La
Grippe. The rheumatic pains were so se
verc ut times that It was Impossible for me to
turn in bed, I was unable to sleep. I had
two of our best physicians in attendance,
took all the advertised remedies for troubles
o( thin kind but got no help whatever until I
took Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, blx
bottles restored me to health; I am better
than lor years; In lact am entirely relieved.
I can say with a clear conscience (hat it was
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine that restored
me to health. When the pains pf sciatica
and rheumatism were most severe I secured
almost Immediate relief by the use of Dr.
Miles' AutU'ain Tills. I have recommended
Dr. Miles' Remedies to many people." rrcd
Myers, Kcdficld, S. D.
"I was token with pain in my heart and
under the left shoulder; with such heavy op.
pressed feeling in my chest that I could
hardly breathe. 1 had palpitation so bail
mid my heart would throb so that it wouM
shake my whole bed. 1 also had a weak, all.
gone feeling In the region of my heart. My
doctor treated me lor liver and stomach
trouble but I failed to receive any benefit
until a friend recommended Dr. Milcu' Heart
Giro and Restorative Nervine. 1 used both
and. one box of the Anti-Tain Tills. I
believe I am completely and permanently
cured.." Mis. J. V. Golding, Noblcsville,
' All d'rurjglslR sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr Milcfc' Remedies. .Send for free book
on Nervous ami Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Ulklmit, Ind,
Plan to Kidnap Them
for Ransom
Winona, Minn. .March '25 John I'rec
mont, tho ned negro orator, informed
Congressman Tawnoy today of nti aliened
plot to kidnap Secretaries Shaw and
Hoot, nud Attorney (Jonoral Knox while
In Montana on tho lUnsevolt trip with
tlio objoct of obtaining n ransom. Taw
noy considered thu Information sufficient
ly reliable to aond full details to Shaw.
Coming on Areata
fan Francisco, March 25 Iho Areata
sallod for Cooa Hoy at 4 p m today with
thu following Hat: 1) Vnn Houlca and
wife, Mrs Armaud, Horulcu Armaud
C Hymen, II Samuels, J Whllo, J Woe
nur, 0 Twigg, W Morrison, H Bogy,
Clara Hrowu, Fannlo Smith, twelyo In
tho stcornuc.
Clues Which May Lead
to Solution
W. W t '
Society Women Mixed
Up in Case
r-i'rvl ' '"'!tr"
Sau Franciaco, March 25 Tho woman
who accompamod Hayes, who was found
doad near tho Cliff Houbo, ia now sup.
poaod to havo boon Mrs JnmoB O'Con
noil, daughter of Congressman Loud.
Bho nttomptod to holp him, but finding
him dead ran to tho Cliff Houbo nnd wan
(Uncovered by Ho lar tondor. It Is
known that Hoyoa callod for Mrs O'Con
null with a buggy nt 0 o'clock that ovon
ing. Hnyoa was engaged to Mrs Mossnor,
and was waiting for nor to get n divorco,
to marry hor. Mrs Mesinor, who is ex
tradordiunrly .beautiful, is completely
proatrntod. A diamond ring found on
IlayoB is sntd to bo her engagement ring,
Mrs O'Conuoll acknowledged that Bho
waB with Hayes. She vlbitcd tlio coro
nor today nnd naked to bo excused from
attending tho inquiry. Shu was accom
panied by Qraco Loud,
Irish Papers Criticise
Land' Bill -
Dublin, March 2(5 Irish papers today
nro going into dotails of the propoced
and bill and generally critlcloo eomo of
Uiem, but generally allow a grudging
admiration of tho wljplo echemo.
As a general thing acknowledgment is
given that tho Wyndharn plan ia purely
economical, not political, and It Is be
lieved that it will not arouso passion on
eitlu r side. , ?,
3 UAti Nh t-
Minister of' Finance1
Madrid, March 20 Yillavcrdo, Minis
tor of Finance, has resigned, causing a
precipitation of tho long-expected cabi
net crisis. Tho resignation is tnado on
tho grounds that ho could not ngrco to
tho largo expenditures demanded by the
other portfolios.
Demand of Railroad
Men Successful
Now York, March 25 Tho directors of
tho Now York, Now Haven and Hart
ford railroad today' nnbwored their em
ployees' demand for hihor wap.or by
announcing that a cbmmittoo would
mcot n committee from tho men, for
tho purposo of granting a new schedule
of wagos,
Tito motion to tako such action was
rondo by Plorpont Morgan and seconded
by Rockefeller.
A linont In Ciilluirulii.
Tho movement for improved ronds
Btnrtcd Boinp thrco years npo nt Holly
wood, Oil., hn8 nccompllshcil rcninrkn
bio results, eHpcehilly In tho boulovnrd
lino. It Is s.'ild to hiivo been a voiitn
bio boon to tho suburban region, ami
tlio benellcinl results realized nt Holly
wood hiivo Inspired similar movements
in numerous other loenlltlos, nnd boule
vard building bus become n yonulnr
public movement.
... w. .
Wu's SuccessorLands
" at San Francisco
San Francisco, Murch fl Sir Liang
Chens, tho now Chiucso minister, and
Minister Wu'a iuccestor arrived on the
sfcfuncr Korea this morning. He la ac
companied by Yung Kwe, secretary of
tho location, and a numerous suite.
iChcbg soya tho relations of China
iyth'tbi.Vnited Slates wore nover more
friendly than at present, principally on
account of the successful mediation of
Uncle Sam in tho Doxer trouble. Ho
tiys tho recent Boxer troubles nro not
iorious, and no moro dancer is likely.
I Ho declares that It ia not wiso for
Chinceo laborers to bo allowed to come
to this country without limit. As to his
policy, ho said: "I can follow no better
examplo than that of Minister Yu."
Dies Without Making a
' Portland, March 27 A. L. Holding
tho triplo murderer, was hanged this
morulnc. His neck web broken, and
thoro'was not a quiver of a uiutcle. His
heart beat 10 minutes. Ho made no
statement, and was on tho vergo of ut
ter collapse when tho signal was given.
Ten DrniiUnrtl.
Ten drunkards nro nearly ns numer
ous as opium Ueuds nnd social cnmblcra
among our less Kimnleil mulds and inn
trons of the Idlo nrlstoemcy of wenlth.
it Is n tonlblo (Usshmtlou. Some of
tho victims boll the ten until every bit J
or tno qucreiiiiniiie item in i'n
from tho leaves, which renders tho bov- (
eniKO bitter ami Uniigorous. 11 is so
astringent that no mucous membrane
cim reudlly overcome Its effect, wom
en who revel nud luxurlnto IlUo It be
cause It is u good "pick mo up."-New
York Tresa.
DonrUa of f milo.
A bonnl of tnulo Is n necessary nil
junct to tho welfnro of ovory commu
nity. Its objects should bo piimnrllj
to fostor present industries, develop lo
cnl ivsources, publish practical iufor
inntlou, solicit nnd encourngo lmmlgrn
tlon, Investment nnd tho establishment
of now mnnufnctorlcs nnd to secure tc
tho town and incidentally to its mem
lmra iim i,n (U itt (vt.nnorfttlon 111 the
furtherunco of legltlmnto projects. It
M-nrlr la ...rrnliul-n with tllO Dlll'tlCU
lar Interests of tho town In which It i
located. It should havo n sniutnry 01
fivt nnnn iiliitilplnnl nftllll-S if HCCllS IV
quired It nud bo nt oneo tho recognized
factor capable of building, snstnlnlmj
nnd insuring to perpetuity, tho best In
tcrcsta.bf all tho"JiC9Plo, . . ,,-w
Jackson County Backs
Albany, March 27 Tho primaries will
bo held in. Linn county precincts this af-
ternoon and tomorrow, A largo part of
tho country delegated will be for Kelly.
It seems now cortnin that Linn county
will send a strong delegation to Kn.cno
to back up Kelly.
Ashland, March 27 Tho Republican
primaries throughout Jackson county
discredit tho political stories that tho
influcnco of Senator I. Y. Carter was
to be arrayed acainat Hon. I. W. 'Vaw
ter, in the latter's napiration for the
congressional nomination. Tho reports
never were entitled to credit and did not
receive it at home, whore it was well
known that Senator Carter was 'favor
able to Mr. Yawters cundidacy, and tho
tho convention today ho throws his In
fluence enthusiastically to Mr. Yawters
support. Ho will havo the solid delega
tion of the county convention. Joseph
ine county will follow suit.
Town Improvement.
There nre .nhvnys certain citizens In
a town who bejmiilge paying out n cent
for Improvement, even -where they nre
to bo directly bononted, but lot unit u If Cuba acta favorably, Roojovolt will,
dozen ntnrt In to paint and fix up their ',,,, , , . ,.
residences nnd tho chances nre that Of- Prbau'r fi tuo eccond ?,k lu vem
ty others will follow nnd thus work a ber as the time for holding a eprdal' so
general Improvement ,
pN buying thoeB DON'T get pinched. If you buy a f 3.50 or
'- a J. . .. . wtl A'h .Q aIiaaa data'k m M am
- Mr
i,UU BUOO Ut u CVOIO WUUIO fu iu fa nuun bid buiu ,iuu uu
get plucked nearly every time. J : : ;
Satisfactory shoes for Winter Bhoos that pleaso the
people shoes In which tho shape will hold won't
"squash" out, or sag in tho Bhank. or got sbahbyplooklng
In n llulo while ::::::: : : :
Shoos that hold out bocauso they're rightly Duilt-not a skimp any
whero, ineido or out THAU'S tho Walk-Over Sho3. : ; : ,'
1 M
Must bo right or wrong no middlo ground orwe
couldn't everlastingly preach Money-Back Bhoea-r.iooil
wear or a new pair. : : : : t ci
Why pay $5 nnd (0 for let-woll-enough-alonTihoea
Tom, Dick and Harry makes that havo been foists, on ,a
long suffering public with Bcarcoly a
nor In shape for the last ton years.
Ltu i
Havana March 27 Tho voto on tho ro
ciproclty treaty is to bo taken at 4 o'clock
this afternoon. It Is almost certain that
the Senate will adopt tho amendment,
defeating all efforts of Palma and Squires
and commercial Interests ropresonting
WaBhington.Murch 27 It was officially
admitted today that Roosevelt recently,
through thn Statu Dpartmont, promised
Cuba that if tho Cuban congress should
ratify the reciprocity treaty without
amendmont, ho would call the United
States congress in extra eesjon prior to
the regular meeting, in order to make
it complete and effective by ratification.
This morning Secretary Hayes re
ceived a cablegram from Minister
Squires that ther) was a ttrong proba
bility that thu Cuban congress would
seek to make an amendment to the
treaty. Secretary Ilayos replied that if
such was done it would inralidato the
The United States believos that tfccYb
is a strong foreign influcnco at work in
Havana apilnst treaty ratification.
change In quality tyso tad $4.00 ,
never Us.
- if
a',""' 7