"!-. r ' . . J iU' '" V J(Frt- , jjjtj v vj: n , -.- r The" Bet ofk' i . Woman Hater ! OrlMlnnl, ' Doli Ilrnckntt after IcnrnltiK n groat drill In' ci)l)i;o about football Inctlcit lio wnn u wiry iunrtor Imclc-iuid 11 very llttlu of Liitin, (Iroclt, niiitliuiiiut toil ntiil iiticli iiiinoyiiiit'CM to young men rh'j k" to college for fun, wolcn up 0110 ' Juno morning Hint found LlniHolt In iohkoknIoii of a diploma. Hol determined to do noimi inoro ntildylni: iibruiid, Ho wiim a profeiwed woman huter, and before lio loft tlio i;IiIh poked fun at him ly betting lilm a box of clitum tignliml a hundred yiirdH of lirtiHHolH h.eo that ho would bring biiclc a wlfo with him, and ono llltlo in ! li X dcelnrml that Mho would ho hlaok. Hob offered to tako a hundred Mich hulH, hut IiIh teiiHoni wero ijulto coiiteul with one, , Mix moult-1 after Mm departure Itol) viit In India. Ilo wan dining ouo enmlng with a parly of Americana tt:id MiIIIkIi oIMiwh when tho mibjeet of tho Hiittfn or burning of wldowH with tho lioilleii of thulr liuiihiuidH wan Introduced. "TIhH'm Mtopped now," nnld n Uiilhth' rnplnln, "by a treaty with tho HrJthih government. Hiililb," cald mi Indian wrvnnt, "there will ho a Hiilteo tomorrow morn lug nt iiunrlHC. Tho young widow of tho prince of I'lngporo will ho burned with her liunlmiid." "Tho duileo you Kiiyl" Tho nervant IioIiik1 quontlonril wild that tho prlnco wan a very old mini, who hud married tho wlfo when nho wnn twlvu yeaiM old. Hho wax now fifteen. Tho parly beeanio much lie terented, but an Ihero wiih no English Karrlnon near It did not hcoiii that any. thing rould ho dono to prevent tlil:i outrage minima civilization. Mrnckett proponed (hat tho party coiiHtlluto thenixelvcH a pernio to do no. Tho KiikIMIiiiii'ii wore hard to move until they had had a iiumhur of tiraudy and KodiiN. Then they chimed In with iilncilty. Tl.o parly iimno from tho table and, guided by tho mrvniit, went to tho place- where the pyro bad been hot up In tho court of a ruin. On tho pyro wiih tho body of the old prince, pin tiled by heathen Hindoo. "I have a Hcheme," wild ItrackPtt "a real out and out Yankee Hcheme. WWII conceal oiiMelveK In what I left of that apartment on the other Hide of the wall from tho pyie. It Inii'I moro than thir ty feet from tho pyre to tho room. Hup poso we dig a tunnel to n point beneath tho pyro, remove the material from tin iIit where tho widow will lie and let her down and out before tho flame touch her." "(ood," Nnld every one. nud the Hin doo Nervant wiih dlxpatched for xpaden nud a whielbarrow. With a will they hot to work, all of them youm; Mrong men, and In three bourn n npuile broke through tho ground and Ntruck thu wood of the pyre. Then commenced tho more dllllctilt work of locating the re quired Npot and removing that part of tho pyro directly under tho Npot where tho , ..ow would lie. However, It wa at biHt nccomplMicd, tho wooden plat form I .lnt,' left mipporlcd to' pieces of timber that could bo removed at will. In tho morning there wiih a great din of the funeral proecrfidoii n,t2ro:tchliig.j A troop or iiraiimaii priest, ineir Nhaved head uncovered, currying torch itf, followed liy a concoumo of natlven, camo howling Into tho court. In their midst wan tho young widow. The party of Anglo-Saxons had puxhed tho mor tar from a chink In tho wall, through which they watched tho provedlnp". At tho foot of tho pyro tho widow wiih ntrlppcd of all her clothing except a tlao Nllken undergarment. To noo thu young thing Htaud there, looking about her with a bewildered Htaro, then tit tho pyre with a Nhudiler, wiih enough to movo iitoutcr betirtH than tho Hug IIhIi and AmerlcaiiH. Ilrackott took ono look tluough tho peephole, thou daHhcd Into tho tunnel and to tho bottom of tho pyre, where ho Htood ready. When thu widow nuccnded tho pyre and lay down and a cloud of ninoko concealed tho hodlcH, tho Nlgual wiih given by a Hrlthdi olllcer at tho peephole. Itemov lug tho NtipportH, Hrackett lowered tho living body, receiving it In IiIh aruiH. Tho widow, frightened nt this unex pected occurrence ih well nH tho llnmcH, mvooned and wmk eiudly carried through tho tunnel to tho ruined chamber. When hho ctiuio to, a hand wiih clapped over her mouth, and uho wnn forced to remain (pilot. It wiih not till night Hint tho party, 'drcHRlnif tho widow in tho coHtumo of their nervant, Hob Ilrackott micrlllclng IiIh beard to conceal her features, Cared to Icavo their place of conceal ment and return to their quartern. Tho widow, knowing that If found Hho 'would ho spurned by her peoplo and compelled to again go through tho dread ordeal to ltn completion, bogged liur libera torn to tako her out of tho country. Ah nono of them could go whero ho liked except, Ilrackott, ho .was tiHalgncd tho post of honor. It ,wnB on a long Journey on a P, and O. Btenmor to England, Hitting with her dally ou deck, talking of lior ptiHt llfo mid telling her of tho western world, thnt Ilrackott lost bis heart. Tho con BorrnonVo wnn 'that when thoy rpnehed England tho widow of tho Prlnco of I'lmrocro became Mrs. Mob-Uruckott. 'Off tho nrr'lvnl n'fow week Inter of tlio Ntciimer Luanda nt Now York lirnckull'n girl frlombi, who had hennl of IiIh marriage with mi Indian, wero on tho dock awaiting him, "A hundred yiirdH of lace, plcnHO." "I didn't Ioho tho bet, which wnn thai my wlfif would bo black. Hho In copper colored. Novcrthclcxti I am no happy that I ntu ready to pay," And ho drew from IiIh pocket a bundle, of tho fluent finality of lace. Then thoy nil dined together, and Hob promoted Ids bride. VA)S CAIIUOLL. Nrtvril liy ttm flololal. An old Jady who at the bent wiih cor talnly not very mimlcul nttended church ouo morning a little while ago, During tho Hcrvlco an anthem wan Ming by the choir, during which a cer tain .Mr. Wood rendered a nolo. When returning home, tho old Iildy remarked to a friend; "Dear, ilcnrl What a uichi they mado of that anthem, to ho mire, Why, If It had not been for Mr. Wood they would have broken down entirely In ono part." London Standard. Mulched, Towne Met (labblu and Perklim nt t Niuoker hiHt night and Introduced them to each other. Itrowne Oh, nay, U'h n idiamo to In troduce a hero llko (lahblo to anybody. Towne U'h evident you don't knovr' rerkliin or you'd hco the humor of It. CrllleUlnir IIU Own. "Hut, my dear hUNbnud, It really M unjimt of you to nbiiHc motllellllnw, no. There are good ouch." "Well, well; never mind. I Haven't imld anything iignliiNt yourn. U'h only mine I'm grumbling about." Hontoii Traveler. . , .... Xctr Altnnl Xccrtlnrr nt Hinif. TrnnclH II. Iiomlx, tho new flrnt nn nlHtaiit Becretary of Mate, wiih u iiowh- pnper mnn before being mndo minis ter to Voner.uola by President McKIn ley. filnce being recalled from that poHt ho ban been minister to Portugal. MAEDI GEAS"MYl5L'S NEW ORLEANS' MERRY PRE-LENTEN FESTIVAL SEASON. Uotv Hie Cnrtitvnl linn Chnnepil Dor intr tlio I'ant rlfty Vcum-Tlie Hlrerl Pnnritnlrr miU fiirRCOu .UuIIh llcnr II Im MnliUnhicfl. Thin year'H Mnnll Clrns, New Orleans' great midwinter festival, promises to eclipse all previous cnrulvnls In tho beauty and gorgeousness of its Htreet pageantH and In tlio social festivities which alwayH precedo tho Lenten Hoa hon. Within half a centurj' Mardl OniH has changed from a day of lndlscrlm. Iimto masking, when tho pooplo of tho old half French, half Bpnnlsh city In dulged In a hugo Hort of open nlr nmsquorndo ball, Into n pormnnent an nual festlvnl fixtondlng over n period of Kcvernl days nud unequalod on this continent iih a picturesque and unlquo dlHplay, Practically It Is tho snmo ns formerly, but If tho celebration of this yoar 1h compared with that of half u dozen yeara ago It will bo noticed that not only are the pageantH more numerous and inoro elaborate, but tho wholo fes tival htiH been syHtemntUed na to de tails and arrangements. While there are paradeH by sovernl organizations tho pageants of King Hex ou tho nfternoon of Shrovo Tuos day, Keb. Ill, nud thnt of tho Mystic Krowo of Comus In tho ovenlng hnvo heretoforo beon tho most elnbornto. Upward of twenty floats nro In oach of tho parades and each year represent Homo new fancy. Directly nfter tho festivities are over tho committees meet and outline tho plans for Unit of tho year to follow. And then tho Mardl Gras balls. To all tho citizens of Now Orleans nnd many of tho visitors thoao nro tho crowning glory of tho soason of morrl liiont. There will bo lUtcen this year, tho1 social season having opened on Jftn. .( with .thp grand ball ', thy Twcictn wgut uoveiere, uuo cuiouua mKMmtr mSMk t WmM-1 YHSBm I mmw4 Wmi urfk ',' M - ', 1 ' I Briv" t t ' W i. WMvk ' ' s t -i : vA'Zi'liUR' nucLIRp jitflUtA mFm of Mount Hoynl nveiiue, leading to Dmld Hill park, Hnltlmore. 'J ho grotp Ik denlgnod n nn npotheo pin of tho Confederacy, typifying valor, siirferliig and pntlenco nnd niiKgentlng tli heroic roio played by tlio Houtiieni women, Tho group reproHonbi n dying. Koldler, with n touch of undiieKH on liin1 fa"0. It'iitno Hiipporln him, holding aloft n crown idle i to wlaco unon IiIh kii. -H-M-H-W-W'K-W' CilAS. fiRISSEN MUSIC CO. ? ortz ov the rwuw. tion will Como with tho pageant of Hex, king of tlio carnival, and IiIh ball nt tho carnival palace In tho evening nnd tho ball of tho Mystic Krewo of Comus nt tlio French Opera House. Noticeable among tho visitors (o the Mardl (!rns this year will bo MfsH Alice Hooscvelt, daughter of the presi dent of the United States. Hho will bo tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. IMivard Mc; Ilhcny. Mr. Mcllheiiy served with the rough riders In Cuba nnd Is the presi dent's jM-rsonnl friend. The McIIhenyn have leased a flno resldenco for the car nival and will entertain lavishly lu Miss Hooscvclt'H honor. Miss Itoonevelt has received inven tions from nil the prominent carnival noddies mid to receptions nud parades of the various merry monarchs who will bed brief sway while she Is In tho city. 11.. 1 her father granted his per mission she wiuld doubtless hnvo been chosen queen of tho carnival, Tho Now Orleans carnival parades date hack to JSU7, but not until ten years later was tho flrnt organized Htreet parade of maskers glvcu, and not until the night of Mnnll Gran, 1857, did tho Mystic Krewo of Comus appear moving upon vans or cars and repre senting the 'demon actors In "Paradlio I)Ht." This wan tho first of tho Bovcral grand scenic displays which now oecur yearly, the parades being followed "by magnificent tableau balls. Tho enormous expense Is evident In. one display alone where several socle ties combined in ouo grand pageant there were nearly n hundred floats bear ing tableaux, with n thousand richly dressed characters and iih inauv horses. VALOR TYPIFIED IN BRONZE Sculptor IlticUnttihrx "Aiiothcuala o( tlio Confederacy." "An Apotheosis of tho Confederacy," tho bronze group ordered by the Daughters of tho Confederacy for pros- entaiioii to too city or imitimoro ami which has Just been completed by tho rasters, was designed by F. W. Hucks tuhl, tho sculptor, nnd ban ntlTnctcd much attention among sculptors nud nrtlsts. Tho group Is lilne feet high nnd welghH G.'-'OO pounds. It will bo placed , MHVl'in . . .1 , - . II SHEET A1USIC For All INSTRUiVlENTS PIANOS ORGANS FOR SALE OR REHT 1, 0. O.F. BWjff Marshfield. fr-H--H-l-M--HHH-H i'no iiumper of pnopcrH in I uirro oeeti caitcu to Uto Jjiedcn ttrwy. 140,000. Tho city helps nbout CO.000 ef Tho flt cicctrIonl flro cnglno run thCJII. ...,,,. ... nn,.n,l litr fnnnlntr street Conscrlpto to tho number of 211,031 rnlwnJ.B 0r electric light wlrca 19 lu eUCCOHHlUI HHO in jiuiih". - rwmtmm tmxmuMWMammm HARD-WORKING KIDNEYS Few renllzo how much work tho kldnoyn htiva to do. lhov((uard your health dny nnd night. Ererv drno of blood must pars through tho kldnnjsaud bn filtered over and ovor again. Worn ont tloauo is en ft into tho Mood in tho form of uric ncld nnd it l tlio duty of tho kidneys to eliminate thlc 1 they become weak nnd tired nnd nllotv Bomo of this poUon to slip by hack . ache, rheumatism, hendnchn nnd debility folio vs. COMPOUND FLUID EXTAOT OF IJUOI1U overcomes nil minor kldnpy r.nd blfldder dieordeM. Ueo it nnd yon will learn how much tho kidneys hnvo to do with keening yon well. At tho Bamo titno you will Ruaid ngnlnst cerlous kidtioy dieense. PRIOE B0 CENTS. FULLY GUAUANTEED Sengstacken's Pharmacy, Marshfield, Oregon. JUDGMENT is that attribute of mind that cither makes our m lives f happy and successful, or throws us into the opposite coudHoti. - ' Good judgment is more to be prized than riches. The Business Man of good judgement recog4 nizes the fact that a letter written on a poorly printed letter-head and enclosed. in a poor quality of enve lope, that does not bear his name, makes , an unfa vorable impression that is hard to overcome. The Business-Man of good judgment should be as particular about this as about any other de tail of his business. The logical conclusion ot this is have your job printing done at the Coast Mail office and 'show GOOD JUDGMENT 1 1 - DON'T STJBSCR IBE. - Y 4iiiiiiiimmiini:niir Fm any . omtside paper or . periodical without first s, -coiisiiMng us. We can save ybii money on nearly eyery sucli transaction , v . ",.. Most .. Liberal Offer Of The s . - Year " ?f" ' h 'l a t ' 'f 'v '- " j" ' ii 1 1 The New York Tfibiihe Ftmef la a national Illustrated nerlcnltural weokly for farmers nnd their families, and stands At tho Jiend of tho agricultural press. It is a practical paper for practical farmer, helping then to secure tho largest posslblo profit from .the 'farm, through practical mothode.( . It is entertaining, inatrnntivn and practically useful to the farmer's wlfo, eons and daujhtore, whoio-iutereata it covers in an attractvo mannor, , Tho regulor price is H.00 per year, but for n limited timo wo will receive your.veuWcriptlon for THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE FARMER ami alno for your own favor ito local nowspaper, tlie WEEKLY C0A9J? MAIL, Marsh field, Ore.', V w ROTH PAPERS ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $l.oO 'end your order aifd nl6'n;ey!to tl'i'e MAIL. ' . ' "Yo'tVr namo nnd adifresd da a postal to tho Now' York Tribuno Farmer, NW York' OUy: tfi'll" brfng you a 'free ? eamplo copy. ' .ii ' u . v A 1 '? 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